package org.geogebra.web.web.cas.view; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.geogebra.common.cas.view.CASSubDialog; import org.geogebra.common.cas.view.CASView; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoCasCell; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Dialog to substitute expressions in CAS Input. * * @author balazs.bencze * */ public class CASSubDialogW extends CASSubDialog implements ClickHandler { private Button btSub, btEval, btNumeric; private VerticalPanel optionPane; private ScrollPanel tablePane; private HorizontalPanel btPanel; private DialogBox dialog; private CellTable<SubstituteValue> table; private List<SubstituteValue> list; private AppW app; private CASViewW casView; private static final int DEFAULT_TABLE_WIDTH = 225; private static final int DEFAULT_TABLE_HEIGHT = 240; private static final int DEFAULT_BUTTON_WIDTH = 40; /** * Substitute dialog for CAS. * * @param casView * view * @param prefix * before selection, not effected by the substitution * @param evalText * the String which will be substituted * @param postfix * after selection, not effected by the substitution * @param editRow * row to edit */ public CASSubDialogW(CASViewW casView, String prefix, String evalText, String postfix, int editRow) { super(prefix, evalText, postfix, editRow); this.casView = casView; = casView.getApp(); createGUI(); } private void createGUI() { Caption caption = new CaptionImpl(); Localization loc = app.getLocalization(); caption.setText(loc.getPlain("Substitute") + " - " + loc.getCommand("Row") + " " + (editRow + 1)); dialog = new DialogBox(true, false, caption); dialog.addStyleName("CAS_subDialog"); dialog.addStyleName("GeoGebraPopup"); dialog.setWidget(optionPane = new VerticalPanel()); optionPane.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); dialog.setAutoHideEnabled(true); dialog.setGlassEnabled(true); GeoCasCell cell = casView.getConsoleTable().getGeoCasCell(editRow); initData(cell); table = new CellTable<SubstituteValue>(); // do not refresh the headers and footers every time the data is updated table.setAutoHeaderRefreshDisabled(true); table.setAutoFooterRefreshDisabled(true); initData(cell); createTableColumns(); fillTableColumns(); // buttons btEval = new Button(EVAL_SYM); btEval.setTitle(loc.getMenuTooltip("Evaluate")); btEval.addClickHandler(this); btNumeric = new Button(NUM_SYM); btNumeric.setTitle(loc.getMenuTooltip("Numeric")); btNumeric.addClickHandler(this); btSub = new Button(loc.getPlain(SUB_SYM)); btSub.setTitle(loc.getMenuTooltip("Substitute")); btSub.addClickHandler(this); btPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); tablePane = new ScrollPanel(table); tablePane.setWidth(DEFAULT_TABLE_WIDTH + "px"); tablePane.setHeight(DEFAULT_TABLE_HEIGHT + "px"); optionPane.add(tablePane); optionPane.add(btPanel); btPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); btPanel.add(btEval); btPanel.setCellWidth(btEval, DEFAULT_BUTTON_WIDTH + "px"); btPanel.add(btNumeric); btPanel.setCellWidth(btNumeric, DEFAULT_BUTTON_WIDTH + "px"); btPanel.add(btSub); btPanel.setCellWidth(btSub, DEFAULT_BUTTON_WIDTH + "px"); } private void fillTableColumns() { ListDataProvider<SubstituteValue> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<CASSubDialog.SubstituteValue>(); dataProvider.addDataDisplay(table); list = dataProvider.getList(); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { Vector<String> vec = data.get(i); list.add(new SubstituteValue(vec.get(0), vec.get(1))); } } private void createTableColumns() { // old expression column Column<SubstituteValue, String> oldVal = new Column<CASSubDialogW.SubstituteValue, String>( new EditTextCell()) { @Override public String getCellStyleNames(Context context, SubstituteValue object) { return "CAS_substitute_editTextCell"; } @Override public String getValue(SubstituteValue object) { return object.getVariable(); } }; Localization loc = app.getLocalization(); table.addColumn(oldVal, loc.getPlain("OldExpression")); table.setColumnWidth(oldVal, 40, Unit.PX); oldVal.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<CASSubDialog.SubstituteValue, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, SubstituteValue object, String value) { object.setVariable(value); if ((index == (getTable().getRowCount() - 1)) && object.getValue() != null && object.getVariable() != null && !"".equals(object.getValue()) && !"".equals(object.getVariable())) { getList().add(new SubstituteValue("", "")); } } }); Column<SubstituteValue, String> newVal = new Column<CASSubDialogW.SubstituteValue, String>( new EditTextCell()) { @Override public String getCellStyleNames(Context context, SubstituteValue object) { return "CAS_substitute_editTextCell"; } @Override public String getValue(SubstituteValue object) { return object.getValue(); } }; table.addColumn(newVal, loc.getPlain("NewExpression")); table.setColumnWidth(newVal, 40, Unit.PX); newVal.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<CASSubDialog.SubstituteValue, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, SubstituteValue object, String value) { object.setValue(value); if ((index == (getTable().getRowCount() - 1)) && object.getValue() != null && object.getVariable() != null && !"".equals(object.getValue()) && !"".equals(object.getVariable())) { getList().add(new SubstituteValue("", "")); } } }); } @Override protected CASView getCASView() { return casView; } /** * @return dialog */ public DialogBox getDialog() { return dialog; } @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object src = event.getSource(); stopEditing(); if (btEval == src) { if (apply(ACTION_EVALUATE)) { dialog.hide(false); } } else if (btNumeric == src) { if (apply(ACTION_NUMERIC)) { dialog.hide(false); } } else if (btSub == src) { if (apply(ACTION_SUBSTITUTE)) { dialog.hide(false); } } } private void stopEditing() { data.setSize(list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Vector<String> vec = data.get(i); if (vec == null) { vec = new Vector<String>(); vec.setSize(2); data.set(i, vec); } vec.set(0, list.get(i).getVariable()); vec.set(1, list.get(i).getValue()); } } /** * @return list of substitution values */ public List<SubstituteValue> getList() { return list; } /** * @return CellTable showing the list of substitution values */ public CellTable<SubstituteValue> getTable() { return table; } }