package org.geogebra.common.util.clipper; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * A pure convenience class to avoid writing List<Path> everywhere. * * @author Tobias Mahlmann * */ public class Paths extends ArrayList<Path> { public static Paths closedPathsFromPolyTree(PolyTree polytree) { final Paths result = new Paths(); // result.Capacity = polytree.Total; result.addPolyNode(polytree, PolyNode.NodeType.CLOSED); return result; } public static Paths makePolyTreeToPaths(PolyTree polytree) { final Paths result = new Paths(); // result.Capacity = polytree.Total; result.addPolyNode(polytree, PolyNode.NodeType.ANY); return result; } public static Paths openPathsFromPolyTree(PolyTree polytree) { final Paths result = new Paths(); // result.Capacity = polytree.ChildCount; for (final PolyNode c : polytree.getChilds()) { if (c.isOpen()) { result.add(c.getPolygon()); } } return result; } /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1910552127810480852L; public Paths() { super(); } public Paths(int initialCapacity) { super(initialCapacity); } public void addPolyNode(PolyNode polynode, PolyNode.NodeType nt) { boolean match = true; switch (nt) { case OPEN: return; case CLOSED: match = !polynode.isOpen(); break; default: break; } if (polynode.getPolygon().size() > 0 && match) { add(polynode.getPolygon()); } for (final PolyNode pn : polynode.getChilds()) { addPolyNode(pn, nt); } } public Paths cleanPolygons() { return cleanPolygons(1.415); } public Paths cleanPolygons(double distance) { final Paths result = new Paths(size()); for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { result.add(get(i).cleanPolygon(distance)); } return result; } /** * modified to be compatible with double */ public DoubleRect getBounds() { int i = 0; final int cnt = size(); final DoubleRect result = new DoubleRect(); while (i < cnt && get(i).isEmpty()) { i++; } if (i == cnt) { return result; } result.left = get(i).get(0).getX(); result.right = result.left; = get(i).get(0).getY(); result.bottom =; for (; i < cnt; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < get(i).size(); j++) { if (get(i).get(j).getX() < result.left) { result.left = get(i).get(j).getX(); } else if (get(i).get(j).getX() > result.right) { result.right = get(i).get(j).getX(); } if (get(i).get(j).getY() < { = get(i).get(j).getY(); } else if (get(i).get(j).getY() > result.bottom) { result.bottom = get(i).get(j).getY(); } } } return result; } public void reversePaths() { for (final Path poly : this) { poly.reverse(); } } }