package org.geogebra.web.html5.main; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.css.GuiResourcesSimple; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.KeyboardLocale; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.MyDictionary; import org.geogebra.web.resources.StyleInjector; import; /** * JSON based localization for Web * */ public final class LocalizationW extends Localization implements KeyboardLocale { /** * @param dimension * 3 for 3D */ public LocalizationW(int dimension) { super(dimension, 13); } /** * eg "en_GB", "es" // remains null until we're sure keys are loaded */ String localeStr = "en"; private boolean commandChanged = true; /** * Constants related to internationalization * */ public final static String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "en"; // /* * eg __GGB__keysVar.en.command.Ellipse */ /** * * @param language * language * @param key * key * @param section * properties section (menu /error/...) * @return translation or English if translation not found; fallback is * empty string */ public native String getPropertyNative(String language, String key, String section) /*-{ if (!$wnd["__GGB__keysVar"]) { return ""; } if ($wnd["__GGB__keysVar"][language]) { // translated return $wnd["__GGB__keysVar"][language][section][key]; } else if ($wnd["__GGB__keysVar"]["en"]) { // English (probably available) return $wnd["__GGB__keysVar"]["en"][section][key]; } else { return ""; } }-*/; @Override public String getCommand(String key) { if (key == null) { return ""; } if (localeStr == null) { // keys not loaded yet return key; } String ret = getPropertyNative(localeStr, key, "command"); if (ret == null || "".equals(ret)) { Log.debug("command key not found: " + key); return key; } return ret; } /** * @author Rana This method should work for both menu and menu tooltips * items */ @Override public String getMenu(String key) { if (key == null) { return ""; } if (localeStr == null) { // keys not loaded yet return key; } String ret = getPropertyNative(localeStr, key, "menu"); if (ret == null || "".equals(ret)) { // Log.debug("menu key not found: "+key); return key; } return ret; } @Override public String getError(String key) { if (key == null) { return ""; } if (localeStr == null) { // keys not loaded yet return key; } String ret = getPropertyNative(localeStr, key, "error"); if (ret == null || "".equals(ret)) { Log.debug("error key not found: " + key); return key; } return ret; } @Override final public String getSymbol(int key) { if (localeStr == null) { // keys not loaded yet return null; } String ret = getPropertyNative(localeStr, "S_" + key, "symbols"); if (ret == null || "".equals(ret)) { Log.debug("menu key not found: " + key); return null; } return ret; } @Override final public String getSymbolTooltip(int key) { if (localeStr == null) { // keys not loaded yet return null; } String ret = getPropertyNative(localeStr, "T_" + key, "symbols"); if (ret == null || "".equals(ret)) { Log.debug("menu key not found: " + key); return null; } return ret; } @Override public String reverseGetColor(String locColor) { String str = StringUtil.removeSpaces(StringUtil.toLowerCase(locColor)); try { // Dictionary colorKeysDict = // Dictionary.getDictionary("__GGB__colors_"+language); MyDictionary colorKeysDict = MyDictionary.getDictionary("colors", localeStr); Iterator<String> colorKeysIterator = colorKeysDict.keySet() .iterator(); while (colorKeysIterator != null && colorKeysIterator.hasNext()) { String key =; if (key != null && str.equals(StringUtil.removeSpaces(StringUtil .toLowerCase(this.getColor(key))))) { return key; } } return str; } catch (MissingResourceException e) { return str; } } @Override public String getColor(String key) { if (key == null) { return ""; } if ((key.length() == 5) && StringUtil.toLowerCase(key).startsWith("gray")) { return StringUtil.getGrayString(key.charAt(4), this); } String ret = getPropertyNative(localeStr, key, "colors"); if (ret == null || "".equals(ret)) { Log.debug("error key not found: " + key); return key; } return ret; } /** * Following Java's convention, the return string should only include the * language part of the locale. The assumption here that the "default" * locale is English. */ @Override public String getLanguage() { return localeStr == null ? null : localeStr.substring(0, 2); } @Override protected boolean isCommandChanged() { return commandChanged; } @Override protected void setCommandChanged(boolean b) { commandChanged = b; } @Override protected boolean isCommandNull() { return false; } @Override public void initCommand() { // } /** * @param lang * preferred language */ public void setLanguage(String lang) { if ("".equals(lang)) { localeStr = "en"; } else { localeStr = lang; } setCommandChanged(true); Log.debug("keys loaded for language: " + lang); updateLanguageFlags(lang); // For styling on Firefox. (Mainly for rtl-languages.) if (rightToLeftReadingOrder) { RootPanel.getBodyElement().setAttribute("dir", "rtl"); } else { RootPanel.getBodyElement().setAttribute("dir", "ltr"); } StyleInjector .inject(rightToLeftReadingOrder ? GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE .generalStyleRTL() : GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE .generalStyleLTR()); StyleInjector .inject(rightToLeftReadingOrder ? GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE .avStyleRTL() : GuiResourcesSimple.INSTANCE .avStyleLTR()); } @Override public String getLocaleStr() { return localeStr; } /** * @param lang * language (assuming it is supported) * @param version * app version * @return true when available */ static native boolean loadPropertiesFromStorage(String lang, String version) /*-{ var storedTranslation = {}; if ($wnd.localStorage && $wnd.localStorage.translation) { try { storedTranslation = JSON.parse(localStorage.translation); if (version.length > 0 && storedTranslation && storedTranslation["version"] != version) { storedTranslation = {}; } } catch (e) { $wnd.console && $wnd.console.log(e.message); } } if (storedTranslation && storedTranslation[lang]) { $wnd["__GGB__keysVar"] = {}; $wnd["__GGB__keysVar"][lang] = storedTranslation[lang]; return true; } return false; }-*/; /** * Saves properties loaded from external JSON to localStorage * * @param lang * language * @param version * app version */ static native void savePropertiesToStorage(String lang, String version) /*-{ var storedTranslation = {}; if ($wnd.localStorage && $wnd["__GGB__keysVar"] && $wnd["__GGB__keysVar"][lang]) { var obj = {}; obj.version = version; obj[lang] = $wnd.__GGB__keysVar[lang]; $wnd.localStorage.translation = JSON.stringify(obj); } }-*/; @Override protected ArrayList<Locale> getSupportedLocales() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override protected void updateResourceBundles() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override protected String getLanguage(Locale locale) { // TODO: implement if LocalizationW uses Locale rather than String return "en"; } @Override protected String getCountry(Locale locale) { // TODO: implement if LocalizationW uses Locale rather than String return "US"; } }