package org.geogebra.web.html5.euclidian; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GBasicStroke; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GDimension; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GFont; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GGraphics2D; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianController; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianCursor; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianStyleBar; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.MyZoomer; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import; import org.geogebra.common.javax.swing.GBox; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoText; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.App.ExportType; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.EuclidianSettings; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EuclidianStyleConstants; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.GeoGebraProfiler; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.Browser; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.GBasicStrokeW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.GDimensionW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.GFontW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.GGraphics2DW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.PrintableW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gawt.GBufferedImageW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.GeoGebraFrameW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.tooltip.ToolTipManagerW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.CancelEventTimer; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.ClickStartHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.javax.swing.GBoxW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.TimerSystemW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.Dom; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.ImageLoadCallback; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.ImageWrapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class EuclidianViewW extends EuclidianView implements EuclidianViewWInterface, PrintableW { final public static int DELAY_BETWEEN_MOVE_EVENTS = 30; public GGraphics2DW g2p = null; private GGraphics2D g2dtemp; public GGraphics2DW g4copy = null; private GColor backgroundColor = GColor.WHITE; private AnimationScheduler.AnimationCallback repaintCallback = new AnimationScheduler.AnimationCallback() { @Override public void execute(double ts) { doRepaint2(); } }; private AnimationScheduler repaintScheduler = AnimationScheduler.get(); private long lastRepaint; public boolean isInFocus = false; AppW app = (AppW); protected ImageElement resetImage, playImage, pauseImage, upArrowImage, downArrowImage, playImageHL, pauseImageHL; protected EuclidianPanelWAbstract EVPanel; private PointerEventHandler pointerHandler; // firstInstance is necessary for proper cycling private static EuclidianViewWInterface firstInstance = null; // lastInstance is necessary for knowing when to cycle private static EuclidianViewWInterface lastInstance = null; // tells whether recently TAB is pressed in some Graphics View // in some applet, which SHOULD move focus to another Graphics View // of another (or the same) applet... when this happens, the // focus handler of the target applet runs, and sets this static // variable false again, so this is just a technical solution // for deciding, whether to select the first GeoElement in that // applet or not (because we shall not change selection in case // e.g. the spreadsheet view gives focus to Graphics view). private static boolean tabPressed = false; /** * @param euclidianViewPanel * @param euclidiancontroller * @param evNo * @param settings */ public EuclidianViewW(EuclidianPanelWAbstract euclidianViewPanel, EuclidianController euclidiancontroller, int evNo, EuclidianSettings settings) { super(euclidiancontroller, evNo, settings); viewTextField = new ViewTextFieldW(this); EVPanel = euclidianViewPanel; initBaseComponents(euclidianViewPanel, euclidiancontroller, evNo, settings); initClickStartHandler(); } private void initClickStartHandler() { ClickStartHandler.init(g2p.getCanvas(), new ClickStartHandler() { @Override public void onClickStart(final int x, final int y, PointerEventType type) { getEuclidianController().closePopups(x, y, type); } }); } /** * @param euclidiancontroller * controller * @param viewNo * view number * @param settings * settings */ public EuclidianViewW(EuclidianController euclidiancontroller, int viewNo, EuclidianSettings settings) { super(euclidiancontroller, viewNo, settings); viewTextField = new ViewTextFieldW(this); EVPanel = newMyEuclidianViewPanel(); // It seems this constructor is only called from PlotPanelEuclidianViewW // currently, // so this -1 is changed to viewNo because EVNO_GENERAL is needed for // making sure that this view does not change the toolbar, code in // EuclidianControllerW // if you think it is not Okay, then use (-1) in EuclidianControllerW // instead of EVNO_GENERAL // at mouse events which call setActiveToolbarId #plotpanelevno // initBaseComponents(EVPanel, euclidiancontroller, -1); initBaseComponents(EVPanel, euclidiancontroller, viewNo, settings); initClickStartHandler(); } @Override public final GFont getFont() { return new GFontW(g2p.getFont()); } @Override public final GColor getBackgroundCommon() { return backgroundColor; } @Override public final void setBackground(GColor bgColor) { if (bgColor != null) { backgroundColor = GColor.newColor(bgColor.getRed(), bgColor.getGreen(), bgColor.getBlue(), bgColor.getAlpha()); } } @Override public final GGraphics2D getTempGraphics2D(GFont fontForGraphics) { if (this.g2dtemp == null) { this.g2dtemp = new GGraphics2DW(Canvas.createIfSupported()); } this.g2dtemp.setFont(fontForGraphics); return this.g2dtemp; } @Override protected final MyZoomer newZoomer() { return new MyZoomerW(this); } @Override public final void paintBackground(GGraphics2D g2) { if (isGridOrAxesShown() || hasBackgroundImages() || isTraceDrawn() || app.showResetIcon() || kernel.needToShowAnimationButton()) { ((GGraphics2DW) g2).drawImage(bgImage, 0, 0); } else { ((GGraphics2DW) g2).fillWith(getBackgroundCommon()); } } /** * This doRepaint method should be used instead of repaintView in cases when * the repaint should be done immediately */ public final void doRepaint2() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.updateBackgroundIfNecessary(); paint(this.g2p); // if we have pen tool in action // repaint the preview line getEuclidianController().setCollectedRepaints(false); lastRepaint = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; GeoGebraProfiler.addRepaint(lastRepaint); } /** * Gets the coordinate space width of the <canvas>. * * @return the logical width */ @Override public int getWidth() { return (int) (this.g2p.getCoordinateSpaceWidth() / this.g2p.devicePixelRatio); } /** * Gets the coordinate space height of the <canvas>. * * @return the logical height */ @Override public int getHeight() { return (int) (this.g2p.getCoordinateSpaceHeight() / this.g2p.devicePixelRatio); } @Override public void clearView() { resetLists(); updateBackgroundImage(); // clear traces and images // resetMode(); if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().clearAbsolutePanels(); } removeTextField(); } @Override protected final void setHeight(int h) { // TODO: not clear what should we do } @Override protected final void setWidth(int h) { // TODO: not clear what should we do } @Override public final GGraphics2DW getGraphicsForPen() { return g2p; } @Override public final boolean isShowing() { return g2p != null && g2p.getCanvas() != null && g2p.getCanvas().isAttached() && g2p.getCanvas().isVisible(); } @Override public String getExportImageDataUrl(double scale, boolean transparency) { int width = (int) Math.floor(getExportWidth() * scale); int height = (int) Math.floor(getExportHeight() * scale); Canvas c4 = Canvas.createIfSupported(); c4.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(width); c4.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(height); c4.setWidth(width + "px"); c4.setHeight(height + "px"); g4copy = new GGraphics2DW(c4);, scale); exportPaintPre(g4copy, scale, transparency); drawObjects(g4copy);, 1); return g4copy.getCanvas().toDataUrl(); } public String getExportSVG(double scale, boolean transparency) { int width = (int) Math.floor(getExportWidth() * scale); int height = (int) Math.floor(getExportHeight() * scale); JavaScriptObject ctx = getCanvas2SVG(width, height); if (ctx == null) { Log.debug("canvas2SVG not found"); return null; } g4copy = new GGraphics2DW((Context2d) ctx.cast());, scale); exportPaintPre(g4copy, scale, transparency); drawObjects(g4copy);, 1); return getSerializedSvg(ctx); } private native JavaScriptObject getCanvas2SVG(double width, double height) /*-{ if ($wnd.C2S) { return new $wnd.C2S(width, height); } return null; }-*/; private native String getSerializedSvg(JavaScriptObject ctx) /*-{ return ctx.getSerializedSvg(true); }-*/; @Override public GBufferedImageW getExportImage(double scale) { return getExportImage(scale, false); } public GBufferedImageW getExportImage(double scale, boolean transparency) { int width = (int) Math.floor(getExportWidth() * scale); int height = (int) Math.floor(getExportHeight() * scale); GBufferedImageW img = new GBufferedImageW(width, height, 1, true); exportPaint(new GGraphics2DW(img.getCanvas()), scale, transparency, ExportType.PNG); return img; } /** * @param canvas * canvas * @param scale * ratio of desired size and current size of the graphics */ public void exportPaint(Canvas canvas, double scale) { exportPaint(new GGraphics2DW(canvas), scale, false, ExportType.PNG); } /** * repaintView just calls this method */ @Override public void repaint() { // TODO: this is a temporary hack until the timer system can handle // TextPreview view // (or ignore timer system because text preview only draws one geo) if (getViewID() == App.VIEW_TEXT_PREVIEW || getViewID() < 0) { doRepaint(); return; } if (getEuclidianController().isCollectingRepaints()) { getEuclidianController().setCollectedRepaints(true); return; } getApplication().ensureTimerRunning(); if (waitForRepaint == TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG) { waitForRepaint = TimerSystemW.EUCLIDIAN_LOOPS; } } private int waitForRepaint = TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG; /** * schedule a repaint */ public void doRepaint() { repaintScheduler.requestAnimationFrame(repaintCallback); } /** * timer system suggests a repaint */ @Override public boolean suggestRepaint() { if (waitForRepaint == TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG) { return false; } if (waitForRepaint == TimerSystemW.REPAINT_FLAG) { if (isShowing()) { doRepaint(); waitForRepaint = TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG; } return true; } waitForRepaint--; return true; } public void setCoordinateSpaceSize(int width, int height) { g2p.setCoordinateSpaceSize(width, height); try { // just resizing the AbsolutePanelSmart, not the whole of DockPanel g2p.getCanvas().getElement().getParentElement().getStyle() .setWidth(width, Style.Unit.PX); g2p.getCanvas().getElement().getParentElement().getStyle() .setHeight(height, Style.Unit.PX); getEuclidianController().calculateEnvironment(); } catch (Exception exc) { Log.debug("Problem with the parent element of the canvas"); } } public void synCanvasSize() { setCoordinateSpaceSize(g2p.getOffsetWidth(), g2p.getOffsetHeight()); } @Override public String getCanvasBase64WithTypeString() { return getCanvasBase64WithTypeString(g2p.getCoordinateSpaceWidth(), g2p.getCoordinateSpaceHeight(), bgGraphics == null ? null : ((GGraphics2DW) bgGraphics).getCanvas(), g2p.getCanvas()); } public static String getCanvasBase64WithTypeString(double width, double height, Canvas background, Canvas foreground) { // TODO: make this more perfect, like in Desktop double ratio = width / height; double thx = MyXMLio.THUMBNAIL_PIXELS_X; double thy = MyXMLio.THUMBNAIL_PIXELS_Y; if (ratio < 1) { thx *= ratio; } else if (ratio > 1) { thy /= ratio; } Canvas canv = Canvas.createIfSupported(); canv.setCoordinateSpaceHeight((int) thy); canv.setCoordinateSpaceWidth((int) thx); canv.setWidth((int) thx + "px"); canv.setHeight((int) thy + "px"); Context2d c2 = canv.getContext2d(); // g2p.getCanvas().getContext2d().drawImage(((GGraphics2DW)bgGraphics).getCanvas().getCanvasElement(), // 0, 0, (int)thx, (int)thy); if (background != null) { c2.drawImage(background.getCanvasElement(), 0, 0, (int) thx, (int) thy); } c2.drawImage(foreground.getCanvasElement(), 0, 0, (int) thx, (int) thy); return canv.toDataUrl(); } @Override protected void updateSizeKeepDrawables() { if ((getWidth() <= 0) || (getHeight() <= 0)) { return; } // real world values companion.setXYMinMaxForUpdateSize(); setRealWorldBounds(); try { createImage(); } catch (Exception e) { bgImage = null; bgGraphics = null; } updateBackgroundImage(); } public void createImage() { bgImage = new GBufferedImageW(g2p.getOffsetWidth(), g2p.getOffsetHeight(), app == null ? 1 : app .getPixelRatio(), false); bgGraphics = bgImage.createGraphics(); } @Override public double getMinSamplePoints() { return 40; } /* * public double getMaxBendOfScreen() { return MAX_BEND_OFF_SCREEN; }* * * public double getMaxBend() { return MAX_BEND; } * * public int getMaxDefinedBisections() { return MAX_DEFINED_BISECTIONS; } */ @Override public double getMinPixelDistance() { return this.g2p == null || g2p.getScale() <= 1 ? 0.5 : 1; } /* * public int getMaxZeroCount() { return MAX_ZERO_COUNT; } */ @Override public double getMaxPixelDistance() { return this.g2p == null || g2p.getScale() <= 1 ? 15 : 30; } /* * public int getMaxProblemBisections() { return MAX_PROBLEM_BISECTIONS; } */ @Override public long getLastRepaintTime() { return lastRepaint; } /** * @return new panel */ protected MyEuclidianViewPanel newMyEuclidianViewPanel() { return new MyEuclidianViewPanel(this); } private void initBaseComponents(EuclidianPanelWAbstract euclidianViewPanel, EuclidianController euclidiancontroller, int newEvNo, EuclidianSettings settings) { final Canvas canvas = euclidianViewPanel.getCanvas(); this.evNo = newEvNo; this.g2p = new GGraphics2DW(canvas); g2p.devicePixelRatio = app.getPixelRatio(); g2p.setView(this); updateFonts(); initView(true); attachView(); ((EuclidianControllerW) euclidiancontroller).setView(this); if (this.getViewID() != App.VIEW_TEXT_PREVIEW) { registerKeyHandlers(canvas); registerMouseTouchGestureHandlers(euclidianViewPanel, (EuclidianControllerW) euclidiancontroller); } registerDragDropHandlers(euclidianViewPanel,(EuclidianControllerW) euclidiancontroller); updateFirstAndLast(true, true); canvas.addAttachHandler(new AttachEvent.Handler() { @Override public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent ae) { if (ae.isAttached()) { // canvas just attached // if (canvas.isVisible()) { // if the canvas is set to visible, // we're also going to call this // but it seems the canvas is never // made invisible now (otherwise // we would need to override it maybe) // ... it is a good question whether the // respective methods of DockManagerW, i.e. // show, hide, maximize and drop call this? updateFirstAndLast(true, false); // } } else { // canvas just detached // here lazy update shall happen! // i.e. focus handler shall update // firstInstance and lastInstance // BUT also we shall make them null now updateFirstAndLast(false, false); } } }); canvas.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { @Override public void onBlur(BlurEvent be) { focusLost(); cycle(EuclidianViewW.this); } }); canvas.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { @Override public void onFocus(FocusEvent fe) { focusGained(); EuclidianViewW.selectNextGeoOnTab(EuclidianViewW.this); } }); // euclidianViewPanel.addDomHandler((EuclidianController)euclidiancontroller, // KeyPressEvent.getType()); // euclidianViewPanel.addKeyDownHandler(; // euclidianViewPanel.addKeyUpHandler(; // euclidianViewPanel.addKeyPressHandler(; EuclidianSettings es = null; if (settings != null) { es = settings; // settings from XML for EV1, EV2 // not for eg probability calculator } else if ((newEvNo == 1) || (newEvNo == 2)) { es = getApplication().getSettings().getEuclidian(newEvNo); } if (es != null) { settingsChanged(es); es.addListener(this); } addDummyDiv(); } /** * @param ev * @param anyway */ static final public void updateFirstAndLast(EuclidianViewWInterface ev, boolean anyway) { ev.getCanvas().setTabIndex(GeoGebraFrameW.GRAPHICS_VIEW_TABINDEX); if (firstInstance == null) { firstInstance = ev; } else if (ev.getCanvas().isAttached()) { if (compareDocumentPosition(ev.getCanvas().getCanvasElement(), firstInstance.getCanvas().getCanvasElement())) { firstInstance = ev; } } else if (anyway) { // then compare to something equivalent! // if we are in different applet; // ... anything from this applet is right // if we are in the same applet; // ... does it matter? (yes, but just a little bit) // TODO: to be fixed in a better way later, // after it is seen whether this is really a little fix... if (compareDocumentPosition( ((AppW) ev.getApplication()).getFrameElement(), firstInstance .getCanvas().getCanvasElement())) { firstInstance = ev; } } if (lastInstance == null) { lastInstance = ev; } else if (ev.getCanvas().isAttached()) { if (compareDocumentPosition(lastInstance.getCanvas() .getCanvasElement(), ev.getCanvas().getCanvasElement())) { lastInstance = ev; } } else if (anyway) { if (compareDocumentPosition(lastInstance.getCanvas() .getCanvasElement(), ((AppW) ev.getApplication()).getFrameElement())) { lastInstance = ev; } } } @Override public void updateFirstAndLast(boolean attach, boolean anyway) { if (attach) { if ((evNo == 1) || (evNo == 2) || isViewForPlane()) { updateFirstAndLast(this, anyway); } else { // is this the best? getCanvas().setTabIndex( GeoGebraFrameW.GRAPHICS_VIEW_TABINDEX - 1); } } else { // ? } } /** * Used for comparing position in DOM (Document Object Model) * * @param firstElement * it is right if this comes first * @param secondElement * it is right if this comes second * @return whether firstElement is really before secondElement */ public static native boolean compareDocumentPosition( Element firstElement, Element secondElement) /*-{ if (firstElement) { if (secondElement) { if (firstElement === secondElement) { // let's interpret it as false result return false; } if (firstElement.compareDocumentPosition(secondElement) & $wnd.Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) { return true; } // if any of them contain the other, let us interpret // as false result, and anyway, this shall not happen! // but probably this is DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING: return false; } } return false; }-*/; private void registerKeyHandlers(Canvas canvas) { canvas.addKeyDownHandler(; canvas.addKeyUpHandler(; canvas.addKeyPressHandler(; } private void registerMouseTouchGestureHandlers( EuclidianPanelWAbstract euclidianViewPanel, EuclidianControllerW euclidiancontroller) { Widget evPanel = euclidianViewPanel.getAbsolutePanel(); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, MouseWheelEvent.getType()); if (!app.has(Feature.PEN_EVENTS) || !Browser.supportsPointerEvents(true)) { evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, MouseMoveEvent.getType()); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, MouseOverEvent.getType()); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, MouseOutEvent.getType()); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, MouseUpEvent.getType()); if (app.getLAF() == null || !app.getLAF().isSmart()) { evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, MouseDownEvent.getType()); } } if (Browser.supportsPointerEvents(app.has(Feature.PEN_EVENTS))) { pointerHandler = new PointerEventHandler((IsEuclidianController) euclidianController, euclidiancontroller.getOffsets()); PointerEventHandler.attachTo(evPanel.getElement(), pointerHandler, app.has(Feature.PEN_EVENTS)); if (app.has(Feature.PEN_EVENTS)) { CancelEventTimer.killTouch(evPanel); } return; } if (app.getLAF() != null) { if (app.getLAF().registerHandlers(evPanel, euclidiancontroller)) { return; } } evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, TouchStartEvent.getType()); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, TouchEndEvent.getType()); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, TouchMoveEvent.getType()); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, TouchCancelEvent.getType()); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, GestureStartEvent.getType()); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, GestureChangeEvent.getType()); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, GestureEndEvent.getType()); } private static void registerDragDropHandlers( EuclidianPanelWAbstract euclidianViewPanel, EuclidianControllerW euclidiancontroller) { Widget evPanel = euclidianViewPanel.getAbsolutePanel(); evPanel.addDomHandler(euclidiancontroller, DropEvent.getType()); } // STROKES final protected static GBasicStrokeW standardStroke = new GBasicStrokeW( 1.0, GBasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, GBasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); final protected static GBasicStrokeW selStroke = new GBasicStrokeW( 1.0 + EuclidianStyleConstants.SELECTION_ADD, GBasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, GBasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); protected boolean unitAxesRatio; private Object preferredSize; private SimplePanel dummyDiv; static public GBasicStrokeW getDefaultStroke() { return standardStroke; } static public GBasicStrokeW getDefaultSelectionStroke() { return selStroke; } /* Code for dashed lines removed in r23713 */ /** * Gets pixel width of the <canvas>. * * @return the physical width in pixels */ public int getPhysicalWidth() { return g2p.getOffsetWidth(); } /** * Gets pixel height of the <canvas>. * * @return the physical height in pixels */ public int getPhysicalHeight() { return g2p.getOffsetHeight(); } @Override public int getAbsoluteTop() { return g2p.getAbsoluteTop(); } @Override public int getAbsoluteLeft() { return g2p.getAbsoluteLeft(); } @Override public EuclidianControllerW getEuclidianController() { return (EuclidianControllerW) euclidianController; } @Override protected void initCursor() { setDefaultCursor(); } @Override protected void setStyleBarMode(int mode) { if (hasStyleBar()) { getStyleBar().setMode(mode); } } private ImageElement getResetImage() { if (resetImage == null) { resetImage =; } return resetImage; } private ImageElement getPlayImage(boolean highlight) { if (playImage == null) { playImage =; playImageHL =; } return highlight ? playImageHL : playImage; } private ImageElement getPauseImage(boolean highlight) { if (pauseImage == null) { pauseImage =; pauseImageHL =; } return highlight ? pauseImageHL : pauseImage; } @Override public boolean hitAnimationButton(int x, int y) { // draw button in focused EV only if (!drawPlayButtonInThisView()) { return false; } return kernel.needToShowAnimationButton() && (x <= 27) && (y >= (getHeight() - 27)); } @Override public boolean requestFocusInWindow() { g2p.getCanvas().getCanvasElement().focus(); focusGained(); return true; } public void focusLost() { if (isInFocus) { this.isInFocus = false; if (getCanvas() != null) { //, getCanvas().getElement()); } } } public void focusGained() { if (!isInFocus) { this.isInFocus = true; if (getCanvas() != null) {, getCanvas().getElement()); } } } @Override public boolean isInFocus() { return isInFocus; } public void setDefaultCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_default"); } private void setCursorClass(String className) { // IMPORTANT: do nothing if we already have the classname, // app.resetCursor is VERY expensive in IE if (!g2p.getCanvas().getElement().hasClassName(className)) {; g2p.getCanvas().setStyleName(""); g2p.getCanvas().addStyleName(className); } } public void setHitCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_hit"); } @Override protected EuclidianStyleBar newEuclidianStyleBar() { if (app.getGuiManager() == null) { return null; } return app.getGuiManager().newEuclidianStylebar(this, this.getViewID()); } @Override protected void addDynamicStylebarToEV(EuclidianStyleBar dynamicStylebar) { if (((Widget) dynamicStylebar).getParent() == null) { app.getGuiManager().addStylebar(this, dynamicStylebar); } } @Override protected EuclidianStyleBar newDynamicStyleBar() { return app.getGuiManager().newDynamicStylebar(this); } @Override final protected void drawAnimationButtons(final GGraphics2D g2) { // draw button in focused EV only if (!drawPlayButtonInThisView() || app.isScreenshotGenerator()) { return; } final int x = 3; final int y = getHeight() - 27; // draw pause or play button final ImageElement img = kernel.isAnimationRunning() ? getPauseImage(highlightAnimationButtons) : getPlayImage(highlightAnimationButtons); if (img.getPropertyBoolean("complete")) { ((GGraphics2DW) g2).drawImage(img, x, y); } else { ImageWrapper.nativeon(img, "load", new ImageLoadCallback() { @Override public void onLoad() { ((GGraphics2DW) g2).drawImage(img, x, y); } }); } } @Override public void setPreferredSize(GDimension preferredSize) { if (this.preferredSize != null && this.preferredSize.equals(preferredSize)) { return; } this.preferredSize = preferredSize; g2p.setPreferredSize(preferredSize); updateSize(); setReIniting(false); } /** * Updates the size of the canvas and coordinate system * * @param width * the new width (in pixel) * @param height * the new height (in pixel) */ public void setPreferredSize(int width, int height) { setPreferredSize(new GDimensionW(width, height)); } private void setDragCursor() { if ( { setCursorClass("cursor_transparent"); } else { setCursorClass("cursor_drag"); } } @Override public void setToolTipText(String plainTooltip) { ToolTipManagerW.sharedInstance().showToolTip(plainTooltip); } private void setResizeXAxisCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_resizeXAxis"); } private void setResizeYAxisCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_resizeYAxis"); } private void setResizeNESWCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_resizeNESW"); } private void setResizeNWSECursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_resizeNWSE"); } private void setResizeEWCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_resizeEW"); } private void setResizeNSCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_resizeNS"); } private void setMoveCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_move"); } private void setTransparentCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_transparent"); } private void setEraserCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_eraser"); } private void setPenCursor() { setCursorClass("cursor_pen"); } @Override public boolean hasFocus() { // changed to return true, otherwise Arrow keys don't work to pan the // view, see GlobalKeyDispatcher // return isInFocus; return true; } @Override public void add(GBox box) { if (EVPanel != null) { EVPanel.getAbsolutePanel().add(GBoxW.getImpl(box), (int) box.getBounds().getX(), (int) box.getBounds().getY()); } } @Override public void remove(GBox box) { if (EVPanel != null) { EVPanel.getAbsolutePanel().remove(GBoxW.getImpl(box)); } } @Override protected void drawResetIcon(GGraphics2D g) { int w = getWidth(); ((GGraphics2DW) g).getCanvas().getContext2d() .drawImage(getResetImage(), w - 24, 2); } /* needed because set the id of canvas */ @Override public void setEuclidianViewNo(int evNo) { if (evNo >= 2) { this.evNo = evNo; } } @Override public void requestFocus() { // this may be really necessary preventing a tabbing away issue // but the reasons of it are not well understood #5158 // after better understanding, this can probably be merged // with the following method (requestFocusInWindow()): // TODO: or, one method shall do this for sure, the other one // should do this only when isInFocus is false requestFocusInWindow(); } @Override public void resetPointerEventHandler() { if (pointerHandler != null) { pointerHandler.reset(); } } @Override public Canvas getCanvas() { return g2p.getCanvas(); } @Override public GGraphics2DW getG2P() { return g2p; } @Override public void setPixelRatio(double pixelRatio) { if (Kernel.isEqual(g2p.devicePixelRatio, pixelRatio)) { return; } int realWidth = g2p.getOffsetWidth(); int realHeight = g2p.getOffsetHeight(); g2p.devicePixelRatio = pixelRatio; if (realHeight > 0 && realWidth > 0) { g2p.setCoordinateSpaceSize(realWidth, realHeight); this.createImage(); this.updateBackground(); repaint(); } } @Override public void setAltText() { GeoElement alt = app.getKernel().lookupLabel("altText" + evNo); if (alt == null) { alt = app.getKernel().lookupLabel("altText"); } if (alt instanceof GeoText) { String altStr = ((GeoText) alt).getTextString(); if (g2p.setAltText(altStr)) { this.readText(altStr); } } } @Override public void closeDropdowns() { closeAllDropDowns(); } @Override public void cancelBlur() { CancelEventTimer.disableBlurEvent(); } @Override public void getPrintable(final FlowPanel pPanel, Button btPrint) { Log.debug(getPrintingScale()); final Image prevImg = new Image(); String urlText = getExportImageDataUrl(getPrintingScale(), false); prevImg.getElement().setAttribute("src", urlText); prevImg.addStyleName("prevImg"); pPanel.clear(); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { pPanel.add(prevImg); Window.print(); // PrintPreviewW.removePrintPanelFromDOM(); NodeList<> pp = Dom .getElementsByClassName("printPanel"); if (pp.getLength() != 0) { pp.getItem(0).removeFromParent(); } } }); } @Override public double getPixelRatio() { return app.getPixelRatio(); } @Override public void setCursor(EuclidianCursor cursor) { switch (cursor) { case HIT: setHitCursor(); return; case DRAG: setDragCursor(); return; case MOVE: setMoveCursor(); return; case DEFAULT: setDefaultCursor(); return; case RESIZE_X: setResizeXAxisCursor(); return; case RESIZE_Y: setResizeYAxisCursor(); return; case RESIZE_NESW: setResizeNESWCursor(); return; case RESIZE_NWSE: setResizeNWSECursor(); return; case RESIZE_EW: setResizeEWCursor(); return; case RESIZE_NS: setResizeNSCursor(); return; case TRANSPARENT: setTransparentCursor(); return; case ERASER: if (app.isWhiteboardActive() && getEuclidianController() .getDefaultEventType() != PointerEventType.MOUSE) { setTransparentCursor(); } else { setEraserCursor(); } return; case PEN: // Log.debug("event type: " + // getEuclidianController().getDefaultEventType()); if (app.isWhiteboardActive() && getEuclidianController() .getDefaultEventType() != PointerEventType.MOUSE) { setTransparentCursor(); } else { setPenCursor(); } return; } } private void addDummyDiv() { dummyDiv = new SimplePanel(); // can't be tabbed, but can get the focus programmatically dummyDiv.getElement().setTabIndex(-1); RootPanel.get().add(dummyDiv); dummyDiv.getElement().setAttribute("role", "status"); dummyDiv.getElement().setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"); dummyDiv.getElement().setAttribute("aria-atomic", "true"); dummyDiv.getElement().setAttribute("aria-relevant", "text"); dummyDiv.getElement().getStyle().setTop(-1000.0, Unit.PX); dummyDiv.getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); } boolean temp = true; @Override public void readText(final String text) { Log.debug("read text: " + text); dummyDiv.getElement().setInnerText(text); dummyDiv.getElement().focus(); g2p.getCanvas().getCanvasElement().focus(); } public static native void printFocusedElement()/*-{ $wnd.console.log($doc.activeElement); }-*/; public static void cycle(EuclidianView from) { if ((from == EuclidianViewW.lastInstance) && EuclidianViewW.tabPressed) { // if this is the last to blur, and tabPressed // is true, i.e. want to select another applet, // let's go back to the first one! Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { // in theory, the tabPressed will not be set // to false // before this, because the element that // naturally // receives focus will not be an // EuclidianView, // for this is the last one, but why not // make sure? EuclidianViewW.tabPressed = true; // probably we have to wait for the // focus event that accompanies this // blur first, and only request for // new focus afterwards... EuclidianViewW.firstInstance.requestFocus(); } }); } } public static boolean checkTabPress(boolean success) { if (!success) { // should select first GeoElement in next applet // this should work well except from last to first // so there will be a blur handler there // it would be too hard to select the first GeoElement // from here, so this will be done in the focus handler // of the other applet, depending on whether really // this code called it, and it can be done by a static // variable for the short term EuclidianViewW.tabPressed = true; // except EuclidianViewW.lastInstance, do not prevent: if (EuclidianViewW.lastInstance.isInFocus()) { EuclidianViewW.lastInstance.getCanvas().getElement().blur(); return true; } return false; } EuclidianViewW.tabPressed = false; return true; } public static void selectNextGeoOnTab(EuclidianView view) { if (EuclidianViewW.tabPressed) { // if focus is moved here from another applet, // select the first GeoElement of this Graphics view EuclidianViewW.tabPressed = false; view.getApplication().getSelectionManager().selectNextGeo(view, true); // .setFirstGeoSelectedForPropertiesView(); might not be // perfect, // for that GeoElement might not be visible in all Graphics // views } } public static void resetTab() { tabPressed = false; } }