package org.geogebra.desktop.export.pstricks; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import org.geogebra.common.export.pstricks.ExportSettings; import org.geogebra.common.export.pstricks.GeoGebraExport; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.util.Charsets; import org.geogebra.common.util.FileExtensions; import org.geogebra.desktop.main.AppD; abstract public class ExportFrame extends JFrame implements ExportSettings { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String TEXT_XUNIT = "textxunit"; private static final String TEXT_YUNIT = "textyunit"; private static final String TEXT_WIDTH = "textwidth"; private static final String TEXT_HEIGHT = "textheight"; private static final String TEXT_XMAX = "textxmax"; private static final String TEXT_XMIN = "textxmin"; private static final String TEXT_YMAX = "textymax"; private static final String TEXT_YMIN = "textymin"; protected TextValue textXUnit, textYUnit, textwidth, textheight; protected JLabel labelwidth, labelheight, labelXUnit, labelYUnit, labelFontSize, labelFormat; protected TextValue textXmin, textXmax, textYmin, textYmax; protected JLabel labelXmin, labelXmax, labelYmin, labelYmax; final String[] msg = { "10 pt", "11 pt", "12 pt" }; protected JComboBox comboFontSize, comboFormat, comboFill, cbSliders; protected JLabel labelFill; // added by Hosszu Henrietta, for Animated PDF protected DefaultComboBoxModel comboModel; // end changes protected JPanel panel; protected JButton button, button_copy; protected JCheckBox jcbPointSymbol, jcbGrayscale, // Andy Zhu - for use in Asymptote Frame jcbShowAxes, jcbAsyCompact, jcbAsyCse5, jcbDotColors, jcbPairName; // end changes protected JScrollPane js; protected JTextArea textarea; protected AppD app; protected double width, height; protected JButton buttonSave; // private ExportFrame ef; protected File currentFile = null; private GeoGebraExport ggb; protected final Localization loc; ListenKey listenKey; protected FileExtensions fileExtension = FileExtensions.TEX; protected String fileExtensionMsg = "TeX "; // definition of the behaviour of the textValues corresponding // to xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax. // Explaination for xs: // if xmin is changed, then both xmin and xmax are changed // to be sure that everything is allright even though xmin is set // to a higher value than xmax // then the width is changed. public ExportFrame(final GeoGebraExport ggb, String action) { this.ggb = ggb; = (AppD) ggb.getApp(); loc = app.getLocalization(); ggb.setFrame(this); width = ggb.getXmax() - ggb.getXmin(); height = ggb.getYmax() - ggb.getYmin(); listenKey = new ListenKey(); textXUnit = new TextValue(this, String.valueOf(ggb.getXunit()), false, ExportFrame.TEXT_XUNIT); textYUnit = new TextValue(this, String.valueOf(ggb.getYunit()), false, ExportFrame.TEXT_YUNIT); textwidth = new TextValue(this, String.valueOf(width), false, ExportFrame.TEXT_WIDTH); textheight = new TextValue(this, String.valueOf(height), false, ExportFrame.TEXT_HEIGHT); textXmin = new TextValue(this, String.valueOf(ggb.getXmin()), true, ExportFrame.TEXT_XMIN); textXmax = new TextValue(this, String.valueOf(ggb.getxmax()), true, TEXT_XMAX); textYmin = new TextValue(this, String.valueOf(ggb.getymin()), true, TEXT_YMIN); textYmax = new TextValue(this, String.valueOf(ggb.getymax()), true, TEXT_YMAX); textXUnit.addKeyListener(listenKey); textYUnit.addKeyListener(listenKey); textXmin.addKeyListener(listenKey); textXmax.addKeyListener(listenKey); textwidth.addKeyListener(listenKey); textheight.addKeyListener(listenKey); textYmin.addKeyListener(listenKey); textYmax.addKeyListener(listenKey); panel = new JPanel(); button = new JButton(loc.getPlain(action)); button_copy = new JButton(loc.getPlain("CopyToClipboard")); labelXUnit = new JLabel(loc.getPlain("XUnits")); labelYUnit = new JLabel(loc.getPlain("YUnits")); labelwidth = new JLabel(loc.getPlain("PictureWidth")); labelheight = new JLabel(loc.getPlain("PictureHeight")); labelFontSize = new JLabel(loc.getPlain("LatexFontSize")); labelXmin = new JLabel(loc.getPlain("xmin")); labelXmax = new JLabel(loc.getPlain("xmax")); labelYmin = new JLabel(loc.getPlain("ymin")); labelYmax = new JLabel(loc.getPlain("ymax")); jcbPointSymbol = new JCheckBox(loc.getPlain("DisplayPointSymbol")); jcbGrayscale = new JCheckBox(loc.getPlain("PGFExport.Grayscale")); // Andy Zhu: for use in Asymptote frame jcbShowAxes = new JCheckBox(loc.getMenu("ShowAxesGrid")); jcbAsyCompact = new JCheckBox(loc.getMenu("ConciseCode")); jcbAsyCse5 = new JCheckBox(loc.getMenu("ConciseUsingCSE5")); jcbDotColors = new JCheckBox(loc.getMenu("KeepDotColors")); jcbPairName = new JCheckBox(loc.getMenu("UsePairNames")); jcbShowAxes.setSelected(true); jcbAsyCompact.setSelected(false); jcbAsyCse5.setSelected(false); jcbAsyCse5.setEnabled(false); jcbDotColors.setSelected(false); jcbAsyCompact.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (jcbAsyCompact.isSelected()) { jcbAsyCse5.setEnabled(true); jcbPairName.setSelected(true); } else { jcbAsyCse5.setSelected(false); jcbAsyCse5.setEnabled(false); } } }); final String[] comboFillText = { loc.getMenu("None"), loc.getMenu("OnlyOpaqueFills"), loc.getMenu("WithOpacityPen"), loc.getMenu("ByLayering") }; comboFill = new JComboBox(comboFillText); labelFill = new JLabel(loc.getMenu("FillType") + ":"); // end changes comboFontSize = new JComboBox(msg); jcbPointSymbol.setSelected(true); jcbGrayscale.setSelected(false); // combo box with all sliders, added by Hoszu Henrietta comboModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(); TreeSet<GeoElement> sortedSet = app.getKernel().getConstruction() .getGeoSetNameDescriptionOrder(); Iterator<GeoElement> it = sortedSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if (geo.isGeoNumeric() && ((GeoNumeric) geo).isIntervalMinActive() && ((GeoNumeric) geo).isIntervalMaxActive()) { comboModel.addElement(geo); } } cbSliders = new JComboBox(comboModel); button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ggb.setBeamer(isBeamer()); ggb.generateAllCode(); } }); button_copy.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { textarea.copy(); } }); js = new JScrollPane(); textarea = new JTextArea(); buttonSave = new JButton(loc.getMenu("SaveAs")); buttonSave.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { currentFile = app.getGuiManager().showSaveDialog(fileExtension, currentFile, fileExtensionMsg + loc.getMenu("Files"), true, false); if (currentFile == null) { return; } try { FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(currentFile); BufferedOutputStream b = new BufferedOutputStream(f); /* * java.util.Enumeration en=System.getProperties().keys(); * while(en.hasMoreElements()){ String * s=en.nextElement().toString(); System.out.println(s+" " * +System.getProperty(s)); } */ OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(b, Charsets.UTF_8); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(textarea.getText()); if (isLaTeX()) { int id = sb.indexOf("\\usepackage{"); if (id != -1) { sb.insert(id, "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n"); } } else if (isConTeXt()) { int id = sb.indexOf("\\usemodule["); if (id != -1) { sb.insert(id, "\\enableregime[utf]\n"); } } osw.write(sb.toString()); osw.close(); b.close(); f.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e2) { } catch (IOException e3) { } } }); } protected void centerOnScreen() { // center on screen pack(); setLocationRelativeTo(app.getMainComponent()); } @Override public boolean isGrayscale() { return jcbGrayscale.isSelected(); } @Override public boolean getExportPointSymbol() { return jcbPointSymbol.isSelected(); } @Override public double getXUnit() { double d; try { d = textXUnit.getValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { d = 1; } return d; } @Override public GeoNumeric getcbSlidersItem() { return (GeoNumeric) cbSliders.getSelectedItem(); } @Override public double getYUnit() throws NumberFormatException { double d; try { d = textYUnit.getValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { d = 1; } return d; } @Override public double getLatexHeight() { return textheight.getValue(); } @Override public double getLatexWidth() { return textwidth.getValue(); } @Override public void write(StringBuilder sb) { textarea.setText(new String(sb)); textarea.selectAll(); } @Override public int getFontSize() { switch (comboFontSize.getSelectedIndex()) { case 0: return 10; case 1: return 11; case 2: return 12; } return 10; } @Override public int getFormat() { return comboFormat.getSelectedIndex(); } // Andy Zhu - for use in Asymptote frame @Override public boolean getShowAxes() { return jcbShowAxes.isSelected(); } @Override public boolean getAsyCompact() { return jcbAsyCompact.isSelected(); } @Override public boolean getAsyCompactCse5() { return jcbAsyCse5.isSelected(); } @Override public boolean getKeepDotColors() { return jcbDotColors.isSelected(); } @Override public boolean getUsePairNames() { return jcbPairName.isSelected(); } @Override public int getFillType() { return comboFill.getSelectedIndex(); } // end changes @Override public int textYmaxValue() { return (int) this.textYmax.getValue(); } @Override public int textYminValue() { return (int) this.textYmin.getValue(); } protected abstract boolean isLaTeX(); protected abstract boolean isConTeXt(); protected abstract boolean isPlainTeX(); protected abstract boolean isBeamer(); /* * class EncodingDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener{ private * static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private JComboBox menu; private * HashMap encode; private JLabel labelInputenc; private JLabel labelBabel; * private JButton button; private JTextArea zone; String encoding=""; * EncodingDialog(ExportFrame ef){ super(ef,true); * setTitle(loc.getPlain("PGFExport.Encoding")); encode=new HashMap(); * encode.put("ansinew","windows-1252"); encode.put("ascii","US-ASCII"); * encode.put("cp1250","windows-1250"); encode.put("cp1252","windows-1252"); * encode.put("cp1257","windows-1257"); encode.put("cp437","Cp437"); * encode.put("cp850","Cp850"); encode.put("cp852","Cp852"); * encode.put("cp858","Cp858"); encode.put("cp865","Cp865"); * encode.put("latin1","ISO-8859-1"); encode.put("latin2","ISO-8859-2"); * encode.put("latin3","ISO-8859-3"); encode.put("latin4","ISO-8859-4"); * encode.put("latin5","ISO-8859-9"); encode.put("latin9","ISO-8859-15"); * encode.put("latin10","ISO-8859-10"); encode.put("utf8","UTF-8" ); * encode.put("macce","MacCentralEurope"); encode.put("applemac",""); * encode.put("koi8-r","KOI8-R"); menu=new JComboBox(); * * button=new JButton("\u21B5"); button.addActionListener(this); * button.setActionCommand("button"); zone=new JTextArea(); * * java.util.Iterator it=encode.keySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ * String; menu.addItem(key); } * menu.addActionListener(this); menu.setActionCommand("combo"); * setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(menu,BorderLayout.NORTH); * add(button,app.borderEast()); add(zone,BorderLayout.CENTER); * setSize(200,300); setVisible(true); } public void * actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ String cmd=e.getActionCommand(); if * ("button".equals(cmd)){ * encoding=encode.get(menu.getSelectedItem().toString()).toString(); * dispose(); } else if ("combo".equals(cmd)){ if (isLaTeX()){ StringBuilder * sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\\usepackage["); * sb.append(encode.get(menu.getSelectedItem().toString())); * sb.append("]{inputenc}\n"); zone.setText(sb.toString()); } else if * (isConTeXt()){ * * } } } String getEncoding(){ return encoding; } } */ class ListenKey extends KeyAdapter { @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { String cmd = e.getSource().toString(); if (cmd.equals(TEXT_XUNIT)) { try { double value = textXUnit.getValue(); ggb.setXunit(value); textwidth.setValue(value * width); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { } } else if (cmd.equals(TEXT_YUNIT)) { try { double value = textYUnit.getValue(); ggb.setYunit(value); textheight.setValue(value * height); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { } } else if (cmd.equals(TEXT_WIDTH)) { try { double value = textwidth.getValue() / width; ggb.setXunit(value); textXUnit.setValue(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { } } else if (cmd.equals(TEXT_HEIGHT)) { try { double value = textheight.getValue() / height; ggb.setYunit(value); textYUnit.setValue(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { } } else if (cmd.equals(TEXT_XMIN)) { try { double xmax = ggb.getXmax(); double m = textXmin.getValue(); if (m > xmax) { ggb.setXmax(m); ggb.setXmin(xmax); width = m - xmax; int pos = textXmin.getCaretPosition(); textXmin.setValue(xmax); textXmax.setValue(m); textXmax.setCaretPosition(pos); textXmax.requestFocus(); } else { ggb.setXmin(m); width = xmax - m; } textwidth.setValue(width * ggb.getXunit()); ggb.refreshSelectionRectangle(); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { } } else if (cmd.equals(TEXT_XMAX)) { try { double xmin = ggb.getxmin(); double m = textXmax.getValue(); if (m < xmin) { ggb.setxmin(m); ggb.setxmax(xmin); width = xmin - m; int pos = textXmax.getCaretPosition(); textXmin.setValue(m); textXmax.setValue(xmin); textXmin.setCaretPosition(pos); textXmin.requestFocus(); } else { ggb.setxmax(m); width = m - xmin; } textwidth.setValue(width * ggb.getXunit()); ggb.refreshSelectionRectangle(); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { } } else if (cmd.equals(TEXT_YMIN)) { try { double ymax = ggb.getymax(); double m = textYmin.getValue(); if (m > ymax) { ggb.setymax(m); ggb.setymin(ymax); height = m - ymax; int pos = textYmin.getCaretPosition(); textYmin.setValue(ymax); textYmax.setValue(m); textYmax.setCaretPosition(pos); textYmax.requestFocus(); } else { ggb.setymin(m); height = ymax - m; } textheight.setValue(height * ggb.getYunit()); ggb.refreshSelectionRectangle(); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { } } else if (cmd.equals(TEXT_YMAX)) { try { double ymin = ggb.getymin(); double m = textYmax.getValue(); if (m < ymin) { ggb.setymin(m); ggb.setymax(ymin); height = ymin - m; int pos = textYmax.getCaretPosition(); textYmin.setValue(m); textYmax.setValue(ymin); textYmin.setCaretPosition(pos); textYmin.requestFocus(); } else { ggb.setymax(m); height = m - ymin; } textheight.setValue(height * ggb.getYunit()); ggb.refreshSelectionRectangle(); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { } } } } @Override public boolean getGnuplot() { return false; } }