/* Fmin.java copyright claim: This software is based on the public domain fmin routine. The FORTRAN version can be found at www.netlib.org This software was translated from the FORTRAN version to Java by a US government employee on official time. Thus this software is also in the public domain. The translator's mail address is: Steve Verrill USDA Forest Products Laboratory 1 Gifford Pinchot Drive Madison, Wisconsin 53705 The translator's e-mail address is: steve@www1.fpl.fs.fed.us *********************************************************************** DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE TRANSLATOR DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION IN TERMS OF THEIR CORRECTNESS, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. IN NO CASE WILL ANY PARTY INVOLVED WITH THE CREATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Sorry about that. *********************************************************************** History: Date Translator Changes 3/24/98 Steve Verrill Translated 8/04/04 Markus Hohenwarter added NaN and Max iteration tests */ package org.geogebra.common.kernel.optimization; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; /** * * <p> * This class was translated by a statistician from the FORTRAN version of fmin. * It is NOT an official translation. When public domain Java optimization * routines become available from professional numerical analysts, then <b>THE * CODE PRODUCED BY THE NUMERICAL ANALYSTS SHOULD BE USED</b>. * * <p> * Meanwhile, if you have suggestions for improving this code, please contact * Steve Verrill at steve@www1.fpl.fs.fed.us. * * @author Steve Verrill * @version .5 --- March 24, 1998 * */ public class ExtremumFinder implements ExtremumFinderI { private int MAX_ITERATIONS = 100; public void setMaxIterations(int iterations) { MAX_ITERATIONS = iterations; } /** * * <p> * This method performs a 1-dimensional maximization. It implements Brent's * method which combines a golden-section search and parabolic * interpolation. * * @param a * Left endpoint of initial interval * @param b * Right endpoint of initial interval * @param maxfunction * an object that defines a method, evaluate, to maximize. * @param tol * Desired length of the interval in which the minimum will be * determined to lie (This should be greater than, roughly, * 3.0e-8.) * */ final public double findMaximum(double a, double b, UnivariateFunction maxfunction, double tol) { NegativeRealRootFunction minfunc = new NegativeRealRootFunction( maxfunction); return findMinimum(a, b, minfunc, tol); } /** * * <p> * This method performs a 1-dimensional minimization. It implements Brent's * method which combines a golden-section search and parabolic * interpolation. The introductory comments from the FORTRAN version are * provided below. * * This method is a translation from FORTRAN to Java of the Netlib function * fmin. In the Netlib listing no author is given. * * Translated by Steve Verrill, March 24, 1998. * * @param a0 * Left endpoint of initial interval * @param b0 * Right endpoint of initial interval * @param minclass * A class that defines a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize. The * class must implement the Fmin_methods interface (see the * definition in Fmin_methods.java). See FminTest.java for an * example of such a class. f_to_minimize must have one double * valued argument. * @param tol * Desired length of the interval in which the minimum will be * determined to lie (This should be greater than, roughly, * 3.0e-8.) * @return minimum position * */ final public double findMinimum(double a0, double b0, UnivariateFunction minclass, double tol) { double a = a0; double b = b0; /* * * Here is a copy of the Netlib documentation: * * c c An approximation x to the point where f attains a minimum on c * the interval (ax,bx) is determined. c c input.. c c ax left endpoint * of initial interval c bx right endpoint of initial interval c f * function subprogram which evaluates f(x) for any x c in the interval * (ax,bx) c tol desired length of the interval of uncertainty of the * final c result (.ge.0.) c c output.. c c fmin abcissa approximating * the point where f attains a c minimum c c The method used is a * combination of golden section search and c successive parabolic * interpolation. Convergence is never much slower c than that for a * Fibonacci search. If f has a continuous second c derivative which is * positive at the minimum (which is not at ax or c bx), then * convergence is superlinear, and usually of the order of c about * 1.324. c The function f is never evaluated at two points closer * together c than eps*abs(fmin)+(tol/3), where eps is approximately the * square c root of the relative machine precision. If f is a unimodal c * function and the computed values of f are always unimodal when c * separated by at least eps*abs(x)+(tol/3), then fmin approximates c * the abcissa of the global minimum of f on the interval (ax,bx) with c * an error less than 3*eps*abs(fmin)+tol. If f is not unimodal, c then * fmin may approximate a local, but perhaps non-global, minimum to c * the same accuracy. c This function subprogram is a slightly modified * version of the c Algol 60 procedure localmin given in Richard Brent, * Algorithms For c Minimization Without Derivatives, Prentice-Hall, * Inc. (1973). c * */ double c, d, e, eps, xm, p, q, r, tol1, t2, u, v, w, fu, fv, fw, fx, x, tol3; // start value c = .5 * (3.0 - Math.sqrt(5.0)); d = 0.0; // 1.1102e-16 is machine precision eps = 1.2e-16; tol1 = eps + 1.0; eps = Math.sqrt(eps); v = a + c * (b - a); w = v; x = v; e = 0.0; fx = minclass.value(x); /* added by Markus Hohenwarter */ if (Double.isNaN(fx)) { return Double.NaN; /* *********** */ } fv = fx; fw = fx; tol3 = tol / 3.0; xm = .5 * (a + b); tol1 = eps * Math.abs(x) + tol3; t2 = 2.0 * tol1; // main loop double iterations = 0; while (Math.abs(x - xm) > (t2 - .5 * (b - a))) { if (iterations > MAX_ITERATIONS) { return Double.NaN; } iterations++; p = q = r = 0.0; if (Math.abs(e) > tol1) { // fit the parabola r = (x - w) * (fx - fv); q = (x - v) * (fx - fw); p = (x - v) * q - (x - w) * r; q = 2.0 * (q - r); if (q > 0.0) { p = -p; } else { q = -q; } r = e; e = d; // brace below corresponds to statement 50 } if ((Math.abs(p) < Math.abs(.5 * q * r)) && (p > q * (a - x)) && (p < q * (b - x))) { // a parabolic interpolation step d = p / q; u = x + d; // f must not be evaluated too close to a or b if (((u - a) < t2) || ((b - u) < t2)) { d = tol1; if (x >= xm) { d = -d; } } // brace below corresponds to statement 60 } else { // a golden-section step if (x < xm) { e = b - x; } else { e = a - x; } d = c * e; } // f must not be evaluated too close to x if (Math.abs(d) >= tol1) { u = x + d; } else { if (d > 0.0) { u = x + tol1; } else { u = x - tol1; } } fu = minclass.value(u); /* added by Markus Hohenwarter */ if (Double.isNaN(fu)) { return Double.NaN; /* *********** */ } // Update a, b, v, w, and x if (fx <= fu) { if (u < x) { a = u; } else { b = u; } // brace below corresponds to statement 140 } if (fu <= fx) { if (u < x) { b = x; } else { a = x; } v = w; fv = fw; w = x; fw = fx; x = u; fx = fu; xm = .5 * (a + b); tol1 = eps * Math.abs(x) + tol3; t2 = 2.0 * tol1; // brace below corresponds to statement 170 } else { if ((fu <= fw) || (MyDouble.exactEqual(w, x))) { v = w; fv = fw; w = u; fw = fu; xm = .5 * (a + b); tol1 = eps * Math.abs(x) + tol3; t2 = 2.0 * tol1; } else if ((fu > fv) && !MyDouble.exactEqual(v, x) && !MyDouble.exactEqual(v, w)) { xm = .5 * (a + b); tol1 = eps * Math.abs(x) + tol3; t2 = 2.0 * tol1; } else { v = u; fv = fu; xm = .5 * (a + b); tol1 = eps * Math.abs(x) + tol3; t2 = 2.0 * tol1; } } // brace below corresponds to statement 190 } return x; } } // use -f for maximum