package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoText; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.SensorLogger.Types; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.plugin.WebSocketListener; import org.geogebra.web.plugin.WebsocketLogger; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.GuiManagerW; /** * */ public class DataCollection implements WebSocketListener { private WebsocketLogger sensorLogger; private DataCollectionView dataView; private AppW app; private ArrayList<Frequency> frequencies = new ArrayList<Frequency>(); /** * * @param app * {@link AppW} */ public DataCollection(AppW app) { = app; this.sensorLogger = (WebsocketLogger) app.getSensorLogger(); this.sensorLogger.addListener(this); this.dataView = ((GuiManagerW) app.getGuiManager()) .getDataCollectionView(); initFreq(); } private void initFreq() { this.frequencies.add(new Frequency(Types.ACCELEROMETER_X, this)); this.frequencies.add(new Frequency(Types.MAGNETIC_FIELD_X, this)); this.frequencies.add(new Frequency(Types.ORIENTATION_X, this)); this.frequencies.add(new Frequency(Types.PROXIMITY, this)); this.frequencies.add(new Frequency(Types.LIGHT, this)); this.frequencies.add(new Frequency(Types.LOUDNESS, this)); } /** * connects the application with the mobile data app * * @param id * to connect with */ public void onConnect(String id) { // set app id sensorLogger.registerGeo(Types.APP_ID.toString(), new GeoText(app .getKernel().getConstruction(), id)); sensorLogger.startLogging(); start(); } /** * disconnects the application from the websocket */ public void onDisconnect() { sensorLogger.stopLogging(); } /** * starts the data collection */ private void start() { HashMap<Types, GeoElement> activeSensors = this.dataView .getActivedSensors(); for (Entry<Types, GeoElement> entry : activeSensors.entrySet()) { Types type = entry.getKey(); GeoElement argument = entry.getValue(); if (argument instanceof GeoNumeric || argument instanceof GeoText) { sensorLogger.registerGeo(type.toString(), argument); } else if (argument instanceof GeoList) { sensorLogger.registerGeoList(type.toString(), (GeoList) argument); } else if (argument instanceof GeoFunction) { sensorLogger.registerGeoFunction(type.toString(), (GeoFunction) argument); } if (!argument.isLabelSet()) { argument.setLabel(type.toString()); } } } /** * stops the data collection */ public void stop() { sensorLogger.stopLogging(); } /** * called to update the UI for the given sensor * * @param sensor * {@link Types} * @param flag * {@code true} to show the settings for the sensor in the data * view */ @Override public void onSensorActive(Types sensor, boolean flag) { this.dataView.setSensorOn(sensor, flag); } /** * called if no mobile-data app found with the entered appID */ @Override public void onIDchecked(boolean isCorrect) { if (isCorrect) { this.dataView.onCorrectID(); } else { this.dataView.onWrongID(); } } /** * connect a {@link GeoElement} with a specific sensor data * * @param sensor * name of the sensor * @param geo * {@link GeoElement} * @see Types */ public void registerGeo(String sensor, GeoElement geo) { if (geo instanceof GeoNumeric || geo instanceof GeoText) { sensorLogger.registerGeo(sensor, geo); } else if (geo instanceof GeoList) { sensorLogger.registerGeoList(sensor, (GeoList) geo); } else if (geo instanceof GeoFunction) { sensorLogger.registerGeoFunction(sensor, (GeoFunction) geo); } if (!geo.isLabelSet()) { geo.setLabel(sensor); } } public void removeRegisteredGeo(Types sensor) { this.sensorLogger.removeRegisteredGeo(sensor); } public void removeRegisteredGeo(GeoElement geo) { this.sensorLogger.removeRegisteredGeo(geo); } public void triggerAvailableSensors() { sensorLogger.triggerAvailableSensors(); } public void triggerFrequency() { this.sensorLogger.triggerFrequency(); } @Override public void onFrequency(int freq) { this.dataView.setFrequency(freq); } @Override public void onDataReceived(Types sensor, double timestamp, int dataCount) { for (Frequency freq : this.frequencies) { if (freq.getType().equals(sensor)) { freq.addTimestamp(timestamp, dataCount); } } } public void updateRealFrequency(Types sensor, int freq) { this.dataView.setRealFrequency(sensor, freq); } }