package org.geogebra.common.gui.view.probcalculator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.gui.SetLabels; import; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.ModeSetter; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.View; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoBarChart; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDependentNumber; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDependentPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoJoinPointsSegment; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoListElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoMax; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoMin; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoPointOnPath; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoPolyLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoRayPointVector; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoSequence; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoStepGraph; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoStickGraph; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoTake; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNodeConstants.StringType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyVecNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.cas.AlgoIntegralDefinite; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GProperty; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoAxis; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoVector; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoBinomialDist; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoCauchyDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoChiSquaredDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoDistributionDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoExponentialDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFDistributionDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoGammaDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoHyperGeometric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoInversePascal; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoInversePoisson; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoLogNormalDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoLogisticDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoNormalDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoPascal; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoPoisson; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoTDistributionDF; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoWeibullDF; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.GeoGebraColorConstants; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.AbstractSettings; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.ProbabilityCalculatorSettings; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.ProbabilityCalculatorSettings.DIST; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.SettingListener; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EuclidianStyleConstants; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; /** * @author gabor * * Commmon view for ProbabilityCalculator * */ public abstract class ProbabilityCalculatorView implements View, SettingListener, SetLabels { /** * Application */ protected App app; /** * Kernel */ protected Kernel kernel; /** * Localization */ protected Localization loc; /** * Construction */ protected Construction cons; // colors private static final GColor colorPDF() { return GeoGebraColorConstants.DARKBLUE; } private static final GColor COLOR_NORMAL_OVERLAY = GColor.RED; private static final GColor COLOR_PDF_FILL = GColor.BLUE; private static final GColor COLOR_POINT = GColor.BLACK; private EuclidianView plotPanel; private ProbabilityTable table; /** enable/disable integral ---- use for testing */ protected boolean hasIntegral = true; /** selected distribution mode */ protected DIST selectedDist = DIST.NORMAL; // default: startup with normal // distribution // distribution fields private String[][] parameterLabels; /** * maximum number of parameters allowed for a distribution */ protected final static int maxParameterCount = 3; protected double[] parameters; protected boolean isCumulative = false; // maps for the distribution ComboBox private HashMap<DIST, String> distributionMap; private HashMap<String, DIST> reverseDistributionMap; // GeoElements protected ArrayList<GeoElementND> plotGeoList; protected GeoPoint lowPoint, highPoint, curvePoint; protected GeoElement densityCurve, integral, ySegment, xSegment, discreteIntervalGraph, normalOverlay; protected GeoElementND discreteGraph; protected GeoList discreteValueList, discreteProbList, intervalProbList, intervalValueList; // private GeoList parmList; protected ArrayList<GeoElement> pointList; // initing protected boolean isIniting; protected boolean isSettingAxisPoints = false; // probability calculation modes public static final int PROB_INTERVAL = 0; public static final int PROB_LEFT = 1; public static final int PROB_RIGHT = 2; protected int probMode = PROB_INTERVAL; // interval values private double low = 0; private double high = 1; // current probability result protected double probability; // rounding protected int printDecimals = 4, printFigures = -1; // flags protected boolean showProbGeos = true; protected boolean showNormalOverlay = false; private static final double opacityIntegral = 0.5f; private static final double opacityDiscrete = 0.0f; // entire bar chart private static final double opacityDiscreteInterval = 0.5f; // bar chart // interval private static final int thicknessCurve = 4; private static final int thicknessBarChart = 3; protected boolean removeFromConstruction = true; protected static final double nearlyOne = 1 - 1E-6; // discrete graph types public static final int GRAPH_BAR = 0; public static final int GRAPH_LINE = 1; public static final int GRAPH_STEP = 2; protected int graphTypePDF = GRAPH_BAR; protected int graphTypeCDF = GRAPH_STEP; protected int graphType = GRAPH_BAR; protected PlotSettings plotSettings; protected ProbabilityManager probManager; protected GeoFunction pdfCurve; public ProbabilityCalculatorView(App app) { isIniting = true; = app; this.loc = app.getLocalization(); kernel = app.getKernel(); cons = kernel.getConstruction(); // Initialize settings and register listener app.getSettings().getProbCalcSettings().addListener(this); probManager = new ProbabilityManager(app, this); plotSettings = new PlotSettings(); plotGeoList = new ArrayList<GeoElementND>(); } protected void setLabelArrays() { distributionMap = probManager.getDistributionMap(); reverseDistributionMap = probManager.getReverseDistributionMap(); parameterLabels = ProbabilityManager .getParameterLabelArray(app.getLocalization()); } /** * Returns the maximum value in the discrete value list. * * @return maximum value in the discrete value list. */ public int getDiscreteXMax() { if (discreteValueList != null) { GeoNumeric geo = (GeoNumeric) discreteValueList .get(discreteValueList.size() - 1); return (int) geo.getDouble(); } return -1; } /** * Returns the minimum value in the discrete value list. * * @return minimum value in the discrete value list. */ public int getDiscreteXMin() { if (discreteValueList != null) { GeoNumeric geo = (GeoNumeric) discreteValueList.get(0); return (int) geo.getDouble(); } return -1; } public void setGraphType(int type) { if (graphType == type) { return; } graphType = type; if (isCumulative) { graphTypeCDF = type; } else { graphTypePDF = type; } updateAll(); } public final void setCumulative(boolean isCumulative) { if (this.isCumulative == isCumulative) { return; } this.isCumulative = isCumulative; // in cumulative mode only left-sided intervals are allowed setProbabilityComboBoxMenu(); if (!isCumulative) { // make sure left-sided is still selected when reverting to // non-cumulative mode setTypeSelectedIndex(PROB_LEFT); } if (isCumulative) { graphType = graphTypeCDF; } else { graphType = graphTypePDF; } updateAll(); } protected abstract void setProbabilityComboBoxMenu(); protected abstract void setTypeSelectedIndex(int probLeft); public int getGraphType() { return graphType; } public int getPrintDecimals() { return printDecimals; } public int getPrintFigures() { return printFigures; } public void setProbabilityCalculator(DIST distributionType, double[] parameters, boolean isCumulative) { this.selectedDist = distributionType; this.isCumulative = isCumulative; this.parameters = parameters; if (parameters == null) { this.parameters = ProbabilityManager .getDefaultParameters(selectedDist); } updateAll(); } public PlotSettings getPlotSettings() { return plotSettings; } public void setPlotSettings(PlotSettings plotSettings) { this.plotSettings = plotSettings; } public boolean isShowNormalOverlay() { return showNormalOverlay; } public void setShowNormalOverlay(boolean showNormalOverlay) { this.showNormalOverlay = showNormalOverlay; } public abstract void updateAll(); // ================================================= // Getters/Setters // ================================================= public DIST getSelectedDist() { return selectedDist; } public double getLow() { return low; } public double getHigh() { return high; } public int getProbMode() { return probMode; } public boolean isCumulative() { return isCumulative; } // ================================================= // Plotting // ================================================= /** * Creates the required GeoElements for the currently selected distribution * type and parameters. */ protected void createGeoElements() { this.removeGeos(); // create low point GeoAxis path = (GeoAxis) kernel.lookupLabel(loc.getPlain("xAxis")); AlgoPointOnPath algoLow = new AlgoPointOnPath(cons, path, 0d, 0d); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoLow); lowPoint = (GeoPoint) algoLow.getOutput(0); lowPoint.setObjColor(COLOR_POINT); lowPoint.setPointSize(4); lowPoint.setPointStyle( EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_STYLE_TRIANGLE_NORTH); lowPoint.setLayer(5); plotGeoList.add(lowPoint); // create high point AlgoPointOnPath algoHigh = new AlgoPointOnPath(cons, path, 0d, 0d); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoHigh); highPoint = (GeoPoint) algoHigh.getOutput(0); highPoint.setObjColor(COLOR_POINT); highPoint.setPointSize(4); highPoint.setPointStyle( EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_STYLE_TRIANGLE_NORTH); highPoint.setLayer(5); plotGeoList.add(highPoint); pointList = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); pointList.add(lowPoint); pointList.add(highPoint); // Set the axis points so they are not equal. This needs to be done // before the integral geo is created. setXAxisPoints(); if (probManager.isDiscrete(selectedDist)) { // discrete distribution // ==================================================== // create discrete bar graph and associated lists createDiscreteLists(); // create discrete graph // ============================ if (graphType == GRAPH_STEP) { GeoBoolean t = new GeoBoolean(cons); t.setValue(true); AlgoStepGraph algoStepGraph = new AlgoStepGraph(cons, discreteValueList, discreteProbList, t); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoStepGraph); discreteGraph = algoStepGraph.getOutput(0); } else { AlgoBarChart algoBarChart; if (graphType == GRAPH_LINE) { GeoNumberValue zeroWidth = new GeoNumeric(cons, 0); algoBarChart = new AlgoBarChart(cons, discreteValueList, discreteProbList, zeroWidth); } else { GeoNumberValue oneWidth = new GeoNumeric(cons, 1); algoBarChart = new AlgoBarChart(cons, discreteValueList, discreteProbList, oneWidth); } cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoBarChart); discreteGraph = algoBarChart.getOutput(0); } discreteGraph.setObjColor(colorPDF()); discreteGraph.setAlphaValue(opacityDiscrete); discreteGraph.setLineThickness(thicknessBarChart); discreteGraph.setLayer(1); discreteGraph.setFixed(true); discreteGraph.setSelectionAllowed(false); discreteGraph.setEuclidianVisible(true); plotGeoList.add(discreteGraph); // ============================ // create lists for the discrete interval graph // Use Take[] to create a subset of the full discrete graph: // Take[discreteList, x(lowPoint) + offset, x(highPoint) + offset] // // The offset accounts for Sequence[] starting its count at 1 and // the starting value of the discrete x list. Thus, // offset = 1 - lowest discrete x value double firstX = ((GeoNumeric) discreteValueList.get(0)).getDouble(); MyDouble offset = new MyDouble(kernel, 1d - firstX + 0.5); ExpressionNode low1 = new ExpressionNode(kernel, lowPoint, Operation.XCOORD, null); ExpressionNode high1 = new ExpressionNode(kernel, highPoint, Operation.XCOORD, null); ExpressionNode lowPlusOffset = new ExpressionNode(kernel, low1, Operation.PLUS, offset); ExpressionNode highPlusOffset = new ExpressionNode(kernel, high1, Operation.PLUS, offset); AlgoDependentNumber xLow; AlgoElement xMin; AlgoElement xMax; AlgoDependentNumber xHigh = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, highPlusOffset, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(xHigh); if (isCumulative) { // for cumulative bar graphs we only show a single bar xLow = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, highPlusOffset, false); xMin = xLow; xMax = xLow; } else { xLow = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, lowPlusOffset, false); xMin = new AlgoMin(cons, xLow.getNumber(), xHigh.getNumber()); xMax = new AlgoMax(cons, xLow.getNumber(), xHigh.getNumber()); } cons.removeFromConstructionList(xLow); AlgoTake take = new AlgoTake(cons, discreteValueList, (GeoNumeric) xMin.getOutput(0), (GeoNumeric) xMax.getOutput(0)); cons.removeFromConstructionList(take); intervalValueList = (GeoList) take.getOutput(0); AlgoTake take2 = new AlgoTake(cons, discreteProbList, (GeoNumeric) xMin.getOutput(0), (GeoNumeric) xMax.getOutput(0)); cons.removeFromConstructionList(take2); intervalProbList = (GeoList) take2.getOutput(0); // ============================ // create the interval graph if (isCumulative) { GeoBoolean t = new GeoBoolean(cons); t.setValue(true); AlgoStickGraph algoStickGraph = new AlgoStickGraph(cons, intervalValueList, intervalProbList, t); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoStickGraph); discreteIntervalGraph = algoStickGraph.getOutput(0); } else if (graphType == GRAPH_STEP) { GeoBoolean t = new GeoBoolean(cons); t.setValue(true); AlgoStepGraph algoStepGraph2 = new AlgoStepGraph(cons, intervalValueList, intervalProbList, t); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoStepGraph2); discreteIntervalGraph = algoStepGraph2.getOutput(0); } else { AlgoBarChart barChart; if (graphType == GRAPH_LINE) { GeoNumberValue zeroWidth2 = new GeoNumeric(cons, 0d); barChart = new AlgoBarChart(cons, intervalValueList, intervalProbList, zeroWidth2); } else { GeoNumberValue oneWidth2 = new GeoNumeric(cons, 1); barChart = new AlgoBarChart(cons, intervalValueList, intervalProbList, oneWidth2); } discreteIntervalGraph = barChart.getOutput(0); cons.removeFromConstructionList(barChart); } if (isCumulative) { discreteIntervalGraph.setObjColor(GColor.RED); discreteIntervalGraph.setLineThickness(3); discreteIntervalGraph .setLineType(EuclidianStyleConstants.LINE_TYPE_FULL); } else if (graphType == GRAPH_LINE || graphType == GRAPH_STEP) { discreteIntervalGraph.setObjColor(COLOR_PDF_FILL); discreteIntervalGraph.setLineThickness(thicknessBarChart + 2); } else { discreteIntervalGraph.setObjColor(COLOR_PDF_FILL); discreteIntervalGraph.setAlphaValue(opacityDiscreteInterval); discreteIntervalGraph.setLineThickness(thicknessBarChart); } discreteIntervalGraph.setEuclidianVisible(showProbGeos); discreteIntervalGraph.setLayer(discreteGraph.getLayer() + 1); discreteIntervalGraph.setFixed(true); discreteIntervalGraph.setSelectionAllowed(false); discreteIntervalGraph.updateCascade(); plotGeoList.add(discreteIntervalGraph); GeoLine axis = new GeoLine(cons); axis.setCoords(0, 1, 0); axis.setLayer(4); axis.setObjColor(app.getEuclidianView1().getAxesColor()); axis.setLineThickness(discreteIntervalGraph.getLineThickness()); axis.setFixed(true); axis.setSelectionAllowed(false); axis.updateCascade(); plotGeoList.add(axis); } else { // continuous distribution // ==================================================== // create density curve densityCurve = buildDensityCurveExpression(selectedDist, isCumulative); if (isCumulative && (selectedDist == DIST.F || selectedDist == DIST.EXPONENTIAL)) { pdfCurve = buildDensityCurveExpression(selectedDist, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(pdfCurve); } densityCurve.setObjColor(colorPDF()); densityCurve.setLineThickness(thicknessCurve); densityCurve.setFixed(true); densityCurve.setSelectionAllowed(false); densityCurve.setEuclidianVisible(true); plotGeoList.add(densityCurve); if (hasIntegral) { GeoBoolean f = new GeoBoolean(cons); f.setValue(false); ExpressionNode low1 = new ExpressionNode(kernel, lowPoint, Operation.XCOORD, null); ExpressionNode high1 = new ExpressionNode(kernel, highPoint, Operation.XCOORD, null); AlgoDependentNumber xLow = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, low1, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(xLow); AlgoDependentNumber xHigh = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, high1, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(xHigh); AlgoIntegralDefinite algoIntegral = new AlgoIntegralDefinite( cons, (GeoFunction) densityCurve, (GeoNumberValue) xLow.getOutput(0), (GeoNumberValue) xHigh.getOutput(0), f); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoIntegral); integral = algoIntegral.getOutput(0); integral.setObjColor(COLOR_PDF_FILL); integral.setAlphaValue(opacityIntegral); integral.setEuclidianVisible(showProbGeos); // make sure doesn't interfere with dragging of point integral.setSelectionAllowed(false); plotGeoList.add(integral); } if (isCumulative) { // point on curve GeoFunction f = (GeoFunction) densityCurve; ExpressionNode highPointX = new ExpressionNode(kernel, highPoint, Operation.XCOORD, null); ExpressionNode curveY = new ExpressionNode(kernel, f, Operation.FUNCTION, highPointX); MyVecNode curveVec = new MyVecNode(kernel, highPointX, curveY); ExpressionNode curvePointNode = new ExpressionNode(kernel, curveVec, Operation.NO_OPERATION, null); curvePointNode.setForcePoint(); AlgoDependentPoint pAlgo = new AlgoDependentPoint(cons, curvePointNode, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(pAlgo); curvePoint = (GeoPoint) pAlgo.getOutput(0); curvePoint.setObjColor(COLOR_POINT); curvePoint.setPointSize(4); curvePoint.setLayer(f.getLayer() + 1); curvePoint.setSelectionAllowed(false); plotGeoList.add(curvePoint); // create vertical line segment ExpressionNode xcoord = new ExpressionNode(kernel, curvePoint, Operation.XCOORD, null); MyVecNode vec = new MyVecNode(kernel, xcoord, new MyDouble(kernel, 0.0)); ExpressionNode point = new ExpressionNode(kernel, vec, Operation.NO_OPERATION, null); point.setForcePoint(); AlgoDependentPoint pointAlgo = new AlgoDependentPoint(cons, point, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(pointAlgo); AlgoJoinPointsSegment seg1 = new AlgoJoinPointsSegment(cons, curvePoint, (GeoPoint) pointAlgo.getOutput(0), null, false); // cons.removeFromConstructionList(seg1); xSegment = seg1.getOutput(0); xSegment.setObjColor(GColor.BLUE); xSegment.setLineThickness(3); xSegment.setLineType( EuclidianStyleConstants.LINE_TYPE_DASHED_SHORT); xSegment.setEuclidianVisible(showProbGeos); xSegment.setFixed(true); xSegment.setSelectionAllowed(false); plotGeoList.add(xSegment); // create horizontal ray ExpressionNode ycoord = new ExpressionNode(kernel, curvePoint, Operation.YCOORD, null); MyVecNode vecy = new MyVecNode(kernel, new MyDouble(kernel, 0.0), ycoord); ExpressionNode pointy = new ExpressionNode(kernel, vecy, Operation.NO_OPERATION, null); pointy.setForcePoint(); GeoVector v = new GeoVector(cons); v.setCoords(-1d, 0d, 1d); AlgoRayPointVector seg2 = new AlgoRayPointVector(cons, curvePoint, v); cons.removeFromConstructionList(seg2); ySegment = seg2.getOutput(0); ySegment.setObjColor(GColor.RED); ySegment.setLineThickness(3); ySegment.setLineType(EuclidianStyleConstants.LINE_TYPE_FULL); ySegment.setEuclidianVisible(showProbGeos); ySegment.setFixed(true); ySegment.setSelectionAllowed(false); plotGeoList.add(ySegment); } } if (showNormalOverlay) { Double[] m = probManager.getDistributionMeasures(selectedDist, parameters); if (m[0] != null && m[1] != null) { normalOverlay = createNormalCurveOverlay(m[0], m[1]); plotGeoList.add(normalOverlay); } } hideAllGeosFromViews(); // labelAllGeos(); hideToolTips(); } // ================================================= // Geo Handlers // ================================================= private GeoElementND createGeoFromString(String text, boolean suppressLabelCreation) { try { // create the geo // ================================ boolean oldSuppressLabelMode = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); if (suppressLabelCreation) { cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); } // workaround for eg CmdNormal -> always creates undo point boolean oldEnableUndo = cons.isUndoEnabled(); cons.setUndoEnabled(false); GeoElementND[] geos = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .processAlgebraCommandNoExceptions(text, false); cons.setUndoEnabled(oldEnableUndo); if (suppressLabelCreation) { cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(oldSuppressLabelMode); } return geos[0]; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private void hideAllGeosFromViews() { for (GeoElementND geo : plotGeoList) { hideGeoFromViews(geo.toGeoElement()); } } private void hideGeoFromViews(GeoElement geo) { // add the geo to our view and remove it from EV geo.addView(getPlotPanel().getViewID()); getPlotPanel().add(geo); geo.removeView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN); app.getEuclidianView1().remove(geo); } private void hideToolTips() { for (GeoElementND geo : plotGeoList) { geo.setTooltipMode(GeoElement.TOOLTIP_OFF); } } /** * Creates a step function for a discrete distribution. * * @param xList * list with x values * @param probList * list with y = P(x) values * @return AlgoPolyLine implementation of a step function */ public AlgoPolyLine createStepFunction(GeoList xList, GeoList probList) { // Extract x/y coordinates from the lists. double[] xCoords = new double[xList.size()]; double yCoords[] = new double[probList.size()]; int n = yCoords.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { xCoords[i] = ((GeoNumeric) xList.get(i)).getDouble(); yCoords[i] = ((GeoNumeric) probList.get(i)).getDouble(); } // Create the PolyLine as: // (x0, P(x0)), // (x1, P(x0)), (x1, P(x1)), // (x2, P(x1)), (x2, P(x2)), // ... // (xn-1, P(xn-2), (xn-1, P(xn-1)) GeoPointND[] points = new GeoPoint[2 * n - 1]; boolean suppressLabelCreation = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); // first point is special points[0] = new GeoPoint(cons, null, xCoords[0], yCoords[0], 1.0); // remaining points for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { points[2 * i - 1] = new GeoPoint(cons, null, xCoords[i], yCoords[i - 1], 1.0); points[2 * i] = new GeoPoint(cons, null, xCoords[i], yCoords[i], 1.0); } cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(suppressLabelCreation); // System.out.println("==============================================="); // System.out.println("left border: " + Arrays.toString(xCoords)); // System.out.println("yval: " + Arrays.toString(yCoords)); // System.out.println("polyline points: " + Arrays.toString(points)); AlgoPolyLine polyLine = new AlgoPolyLine(cons, points); return polyLine; } public GeoElement createNormalCurveOverlay(double mean, double sigma) { AlgoNormalDF algo = new AlgoNormalDF(cons, new GeoNumeric(cons, mean), new GeoNumeric(cons, sigma), new GeoBoolean(cons, isCumulative)); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algo); GeoElement geo = algo.getResult(); geo.setObjColor(COLOR_NORMAL_OVERLAY); geo.setLineThickness(thicknessCurve - 1); geo.setEuclidianVisible(true); geo.setFixed(true); geo.setSelectionAllowed(false); return geo; } /** * Returns the appropriate plot dimensions for a given distribution and * parameter set. Plot dimensions are returned as an array of double: {xMin, * xMax, yMin, yMax} */ protected double[] getPlotDimensions() { return probManager.getPlotDimensions(selectedDist, parameters, pdfCurve == null ? densityCurve : pdfCurve, isCumulative); } // ============================================================ // Number Format // ============================================================ /** * Formats a number string using local format settings. */ public String format(double x) { StringTemplate highPrecision; // override the default decimal place setting if (printDecimals >= 0) { int d = printDecimals < 4 ? 4 : printDecimals; highPrecision = StringTemplate.printDecimals(StringType.GEOGEBRA, d, false); } else { highPrecision = StringTemplate.printFigures(StringType.GEOGEBRA, printFigures, false); } // get the formatted string String result = kernel.format(x, highPrecision); return result; } /** * Calculates and sets the plot dimensions, the axes intervals and the point * capture style for the the currently selected distribution. */ public void updatePlotSettings() { double xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax; // get the plot window dimensions double[] d = getPlotDimensions(); xMin = d[0]; xMax = d[1]; yMin = d[2]; yMax = d[3]; // System.out.println(d[0] + "," + d[1] + "," + d[2] + "," + d[3]); if (plotSettings == null) { plotSettings = new PlotSettings(); } plotSettings.xMin = xMin; plotSettings.xMax = xMax; plotSettings.yMin = yMin; plotSettings.yMax = yMax; // axes // plotSettings.showYAxis = probManager.isDiscrete(selectedDist); plotSettings.showYAxis = isCumulative(); plotSettings.isEdgeAxis[0] = false; plotSettings.isEdgeAxis[1] = true; plotSettings.forceXAxisBuffer = true; if (probManager.isDiscrete(selectedDist)) { // discrete axis points should jump from point to point plotSettings.pointCaptureStyle = EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_CAPTURING_ON_GRID; // TODO --- need an adaptive setting here for when we have too many // intervals plotSettings.gridInterval[0] = 1; plotSettings.gridIntervalAuto = false; plotSettings.xAxesIntervalAuto = true; } else { plotSettings.pointCaptureStyle = EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_CAPTURING_OFF; plotSettings.xAxesIntervalAuto = true; plotPanelUpdateSettings(plotSettings); } plotPanelUpdateSettings(plotSettings); } /** * updates plot panel in subclasses */ protected abstract void plotPanelUpdateSettings(PlotSettings settings); /** * Adjusts the interval control points to match the current low and high * values. The low and high values are changeable from the input fields, so * this method is called after a field change. */ public void setXAxisPoints() { isSettingAxisPoints = true; lowPoint.setCoords(getLow(), 0.0, 1.0); highPoint.setCoords(getHigh(), 0.0, 1.0); getPlotPanel().repaint(); GeoElement.updateCascade(pointList, getTempSet(), false); tempSet.clear(); if (probManager.isDiscrete(selectedDist)) { getTable().setSelectionByRowValue((int) getLow(), (int) getHigh()); } isSettingAxisPoints = false; } public void removeGeos() { if (pointList != null) { pointList.clear(); } clearPlotGeoList(); getPlotPanel().clearView(); } /** * Creates two GeoLists: discreteProbList and discreteValueList. These store * the probabilities and values of the currently selected discrete * distribution. */ private void createDiscreteLists() { ExpressionNode nPlusOne; AlgoDependentNumber plusOneAlgo; switch (selectedDist) { default: case BINOMIAL: /* * n = "Element[" + parmList.getLabel() + ",1]"; p = "Element[" + * parmList.getLabel() + ",2]"; * * expr = "Sequence[k,k,0," + n + "]"; discreteValueList = (GeoList) * createGeoFromString(expr); * * expr = "Sequence[BinomialDist[" + n + "," + p + ","; expr += * "Element[" + discreteValueList.getLabel() + ",k]," + * isCumulative; expr += "],k,1," + n + "+ 1 ]"; * * //System.out.println(expr); discreteProbList = (GeoList) * createGeoFromString(expr); */ GeoNumeric k = new GeoNumeric(cons); GeoNumeric k2 = new GeoNumeric(cons); GeoNumeric nGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, parameters[0]); GeoNumeric nPlusOneGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, parameters[0] + 1); GeoNumeric pGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, parameters[1]); AlgoSequence algoSeq = new AlgoSequence(cons, k2, k2, new GeoNumeric(cons, 0.0), nGeo, null); discreteValueList = (GeoList) algoSeq.getOutput(0); AlgoListElement algo = new AlgoListElement(cons, discreteValueList, k); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algo); AlgoBinomialDist algo2 = new AlgoBinomialDist(cons, nGeo, pGeo, (GeoNumberValue) algo.getOutput(0), new GeoBoolean(cons, isCumulative)); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algo2); AlgoSequence algoSeq2 = new AlgoSequence(cons, algo2.getOutput(0), k, new GeoNumeric(cons, 1.0), nPlusOneGeo, null); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoSeq2); discreteProbList = (GeoList) algoSeq2.getOutput(0); break; case PASCAL: nGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, parameters[0]); pGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, parameters[1]); k = new GeoNumeric(cons); k2 = new GeoNumeric(cons); AlgoInversePascal n2 = new AlgoInversePascal(cons, nGeo, pGeo, new GeoNumeric(cons, nearlyOne)); cons.removeFromConstructionList(n2); GeoElementND n2Geo = n2.getOutput(0); algoSeq = new AlgoSequence(cons, k, k, new GeoNumeric(cons, 0.0), (GeoNumberValue) n2Geo, null); removeFromAlgorithmList(algoSeq); discreteValueList = (GeoList) algoSeq.getOutput(0); algo = new AlgoListElement(cons, discreteValueList, k2); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algo); AlgoPascal algoPascal = new AlgoPascal(cons, nGeo, pGeo, (GeoNumberValue) algo.getOutput(0), new GeoBoolean(cons, isCumulative)); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoPascal); nPlusOne = new ExpressionNode(kernel, n2Geo, Operation.PLUS, new MyDouble(kernel, 1.0)); plusOneAlgo = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, nPlusOne, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(plusOneAlgo); algoSeq2 = new AlgoSequence(cons, algoPascal.getOutput(0), k2, new GeoNumeric(cons, 1.0), (GeoNumberValue) plusOneAlgo.getOutput(0), null); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoSeq2); discreteProbList = (GeoList) algoSeq2.getOutput(0); break; case POISSON: GeoNumeric meanGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, parameters[0]); k = new GeoNumeric(cons); k2 = new GeoNumeric(cons); AlgoInversePoisson maxSequenceValue = new AlgoInversePoisson(cons, meanGeo, new GeoNumeric(cons, nearlyOne)); cons.removeFromConstructionList(maxSequenceValue); GeoElement maxDiscreteGeo = maxSequenceValue.getOutput(0); algoSeq = new AlgoSequence(cons, k, k, new GeoNumeric(cons, 0.0), (GeoNumberValue) maxDiscreteGeo, null); removeFromAlgorithmList(algoSeq); discreteValueList = (GeoList) algoSeq.getOutput(0); algo = new AlgoListElement(cons, discreteValueList, k2); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algo); AlgoPoisson poisson = new AlgoPoisson(cons, meanGeo, (GeoNumberValue) algo.getOutput(0), new GeoBoolean(cons, isCumulative)); cons.removeFromConstructionList(poisson); nPlusOne = new ExpressionNode(kernel, maxDiscreteGeo, Operation.PLUS, new MyDouble(kernel, 1.0)); plusOneAlgo = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, nPlusOne, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(plusOneAlgo); algoSeq2 = new AlgoSequence(cons, poisson.getOutput(0), k2, new GeoNumeric(cons, 1.0), (GeoNumberValue) plusOneAlgo.getOutput(0), null); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoSeq2); discreteProbList = (GeoList) algoSeq2.getOutput(0); break; case HYPERGEOMETRIC: /* * p = "" + parameters[0]; // population size n = "" + * parameters[1]; // n s = "" + parameters[2]; // sample size * * expr = "Sequence[k,k,0," + n + "]"; discreteValueList = (GeoList) * createGeoFromString(expr); * * expr = "Sequence[HyperGeometric[" + p + "," + n + "," + s + ","; * expr += "Element[" + discreteValueList.getLabel() + ",k]," + * isCumulative; expr += "],k,1," + n + "+ 1 ]"; * * //System.out.println(expr); discreteProbList = (GeoList) * createGeoFromString(expr); */ double p = parameters[0]; // population size double n = parameters[1]; // n double s = parameters[2]; // sample size // ================================================ // interval bounds: // [ max(0, n + s - p) , min(n, s) ] // ================================================= double lowBound = Math.max(0, n + s - p); double highBound = Math.min(n, s); double length = highBound - lowBound + 1; GeoNumeric lowGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, lowBound); GeoNumeric highGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, highBound); GeoNumeric lengthGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, length); pGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, p); nGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, n); GeoNumeric sGeo = new GeoNumeric(cons, s); k = new GeoNumeric(cons); k2 = new GeoNumeric(cons); algoSeq = new AlgoSequence(cons, k, k, lowGeo, highGeo, null); removeFromAlgorithmList(algoSeq); discreteValueList = (GeoList) algoSeq.getOutput(0); algo = new AlgoListElement(cons, discreteValueList, k2); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algo); AlgoHyperGeometric hyperGeometric = new AlgoHyperGeometric(cons, pGeo, nGeo, sGeo, (GeoNumberValue) algo.getOutput(0), new GeoBoolean(cons, isCumulative)); cons.removeFromConstructionList(hyperGeometric); algoSeq2 = new AlgoSequence(cons, hyperGeometric.getOutput(0), k2, new GeoNumeric(cons, 1.0), lengthGeo, null); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoSeq2); discreteProbList = (GeoList) algoSeq2.getOutput(0); break; } plotGeoList.add(discreteProbList); discreteProbList.setEuclidianVisible(true); discreteProbList.setAuxiliaryObject(true); discreteProbList.setLabelVisible(false); discreteProbList.setFixed(true); discreteProbList.setSelectionAllowed(false); } private void clearPlotGeoList() { for (GeoElementND geo : plotGeoList) { if (geo != null) { geo.setFixed(false); geo.remove(); } } plotGeoList.clear(); } private TreeSet<AlgoElement> tempSet; private TreeSet<AlgoElement> getTempSet() { if (tempSet == null) { tempSet = new TreeSet<AlgoElement>(); } return tempSet; } /** * Exports all GeoElements that are currently displayed in this panel to a * target EuclidianView. * * @param euclidianViewID * viewID of the target EuclidianView */ public void exportGeosToEV(int euclidianViewID) { app.setWaitCursor(); ArrayList<GeoElementND> newGeoList = new ArrayList<GeoElementND>(); String expr; try { app.storeUndoInfo(); // some commented out code removed 2012-3-1 // create low point expr = "Point[" + loc.getPlain("xAxis") + "]"; GeoPoint lowPointCopy = (GeoPoint) createGeoFromString(expr, false); lowPointCopy.setVisualStyle(lowPoint); lowPointCopy.setLabelVisible(false); lowPointCopy.setCoords(getLow(), 0, 1); lowPointCopy.setLabel(null); newGeoList.add(lowPointCopy); // create high point GeoPoint highPointCopy = (GeoPoint) createGeoFromString(expr, false); highPointCopy.setVisualStyle(lowPoint); highPointCopy.setLabelVisible(false); highPointCopy.setCoords(getHigh(), 0, 1); highPointCopy.setLabel(null); newGeoList.add(highPointCopy); StringTemplate tpl = StringTemplate.maxPrecision; // create discrete bar charts and associated lists if (probManager.isDiscrete(selectedDist)) { // create full bar chart // ============================ GeoElement discreteProbListCopy = discreteProbList.copy(); newGeoList.add(discreteProbListCopy); GeoElement discreteValueListCopy = discreteValueList.copy(); newGeoList.add(discreteValueList); if (graphType == GRAPH_LINE) { expr = "BarChart[" + discreteValueListCopy .getLabel(StringTemplate.maxPrecision) + "," + discreteProbListCopy.getLabel( StringTemplate.maxPrecision) + ",0]"; } else if (graphType == GRAPH_BAR) { expr = "BarChart[" + discreteValueListCopy .getLabel(StringTemplate.maxPrecision) + "," + discreteProbListCopy.getLabel( StringTemplate.maxPrecision) + ",1]"; } else if (graphType == GRAPH_STEP) { expr = "StepGraph[" + discreteValueListCopy .getLabel(StringTemplate.maxPrecision) + "," + discreteProbListCopy.getLabel( StringTemplate.maxPrecision) + ",true]"; } GeoElementND discreteGraphCopy = createGeoFromString(expr, false); discreteGraphCopy.setLabel(null); discreteGraphCopy.setVisualStyle(discreteGraph.toGeoElement()); newGeoList.add(discreteGraphCopy); // create interval bar chart // ============================ double offset = 1 - ((GeoNumeric) discreteValueList.get(0)).getDouble() + 0.5; expr = "Take[" + discreteProbListCopy.getLabel(tpl) + ", x(" + lowPointCopy.getLabel(tpl) + ")+" + offset + ", x(" + highPointCopy.getLabel(tpl) + ")+" + offset + "]"; GeoElementND intervalProbList1 = createGeoFromString(expr, false); newGeoList.add(intervalProbList1); expr = "Take[" + discreteValueListCopy.getLabel(tpl) + ", x(" + lowPointCopy.getLabel(tpl) + ")+" + offset + ", x(" + highPointCopy.getLabel(tpl) + ")+" + offset + "]"; GeoElementND intervalValueList1 = createGeoFromString(expr, false); newGeoList.add(intervalValueList1); if (graphType == GRAPH_LINE) { expr = "BarChart[" + intervalValueList1.getLabel(tpl) + "," + intervalProbList1.getLabel(tpl) + ",0]"; } else if (graphType == GRAPH_STEP) { expr = "StepGraph[" + intervalValueList1.getLabel(tpl) + "," + intervalProbList1.getLabel(tpl) + ",true]"; } else { expr = "BarChart[" + intervalValueList1.getLabel(tpl) + "," + intervalProbList1.getLabel(tpl) + ",1]"; } GeoElementND discreteIntervalGraphCopy = createGeoFromString( expr, false); discreteIntervalGraphCopy.setLabel(null); discreteIntervalGraphCopy.setVisualStyle(discreteIntervalGraph); newGeoList.add(discreteIntervalGraphCopy); } // create density curve and integral else { // density curve GeoElement densityCurveCopy = densityCurve.copyInternal(cons); densityCurveCopy.setLabel(null); densityCurveCopy.setVisualStyle(densityCurve); newGeoList.add(densityCurveCopy); // integral if (!isCumulative) { expr = "Integral[" + densityCurveCopy.getLabel(tpl) + ", x(" + lowPointCopy.getLabel(tpl) + "), x(" + highPointCopy.getLabel(tpl) + ") , true ]"; GeoElementND integralCopy = createGeoFromString(expr, false); integralCopy.setVisualStyle(integral); integralCopy.setLabel(null); newGeoList.add(integralCopy); } } // normal overlay if (showNormalOverlay) { GeoElement normalOverlayCopy = normalOverlay.copyInternal(cons); normalOverlayCopy.setLabel(null); normalOverlayCopy.setVisualStyle(normalOverlay); newGeoList.add(normalOverlayCopy); } // set the EV location and auxiliary = false for all of the new geos for (GeoElementND geo : newGeoList) { geo.setAuxiliaryObject(false); if (euclidianViewID == App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN) { geo.addView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN); geo.removeView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2); geo.update(); } else if (euclidianViewID == App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2) { geo.addView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2); geo.removeView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN); geo.update(); } } // set the window dimensions of the target EV to match the prob calc // dimensions EuclidianView ev = (EuclidianView) app.getView(euclidianViewID); ev.setRealWorldCoordSystem(plotSettings.xMin, plotSettings.xMax, plotSettings.yMin, plotSettings.yMax); ev.setAutomaticAxesNumberingDistance(plotSettings.xAxesIntervalAuto, 0); ev.setAutomaticAxesNumberingDistance(plotSettings.yAxesIntervalAuto, 1); if (!plotSettings.xAxesIntervalAuto) { ev.setAxesNumberingDistance( new GeoNumeric(cons, plotSettings.xAxesInterval), 0); } if (!plotSettings.yAxesIntervalAuto) { ev.setAxesNumberingDistance( new GeoNumeric(cons, plotSettings.yAxesInterval), 1); } ev.updateBackground(); // remove the new geos from our temporary list newGeoList.clear(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); app.setDefaultCursor(); } app.setDefaultCursor(); } @Override public int getViewID() { return App.VIEW_PROBABILITY_CALCULATOR; } @Override public void settingsChanged(AbstractSettings settings) { ProbabilityCalculatorSettings pcSettings = (ProbabilityCalculatorSettings) settings; setProbabilityCalculator(pcSettings.getDistributionType(), pcSettings.getParameters(), pcSettings.isCumulative()); if (pcSettings.isIntervalSet()) { this.probMode = pcSettings.getProbMode(); this.setInterval(pcSettings.getLow(), pcSettings.getHigh()); } } protected abstract void setInterval(double low2, double high2); @Override public void add(GeoElement geo) { // view dows not handle external geos } @Override public void updatePreviewFromInputBar(GeoElement[] geos) { // view dows not handle external geos } @Override public void remove(GeoElement geo) { // view dows not handle external geos } @Override public void rename(GeoElement geo) { // view dows not handle external geos } // Handles user point changes in the EV plot panel @Override public void update(GeoElement geo) { if (!isSettingAxisPoints && !isIniting) { if (lowPoint != null && highPoint != null && lowPoint.getInhomX() > highPoint.getInhomX()) { GeoPoint swap = lowPoint; lowPoint = highPoint; highPoint = swap; } if (geo.equals(lowPoint)) { if (isValidInterval(probMode, lowPoint.getInhomX(), getHigh())) { setLow(lowPoint.getInhomX()); updateIntervalProbability(); updateGUI(); if (probManager.isDiscrete(selectedDist)) { getTable().setSelectionByRowValue((int) getLow(), (int) getHigh()); } } else { setXAxisPoints(); } } if (geo.equals(highPoint)) { if (isValidInterval(probMode, getLow(), highPoint.getInhomX())) { setHigh(highPoint.getInhomX()); updateIntervalProbability(); updateGUI(); if (probManager.isDiscrete(selectedDist)) { getTable().setSelectionByRowValue((int) getLow(), (int) getHigh()); } } else { setXAxisPoints(); } } updateRounding(); } // statCalculator.updateResult(); } /** * Returns an interval probability for the currently selected distribution * and probability mode. If mode == PROB_INTERVAL then P(low <= X <= high) * is returned. If mode == PROB_LEFT then P(low <= X) is returned. If mode * == PROB_RIGHT then P(X <= high) is returned. */ protected double intervalProbability() { return probManager.intervalProbability(getLow(), getHigh(), selectedDist, parameters, probMode); } /** * Returns an inverse probability for a selected distribution. * * @param prob */ protected double inverseProbability(double prob) { return probManager.inverseProbability(selectedDist, prob, parameters); } /** * @return probability formatted as String */ protected String getProbabilityText() { return probability >= 0 ? format(probability) : "?"; } protected void updateIntervalProbability() { probability = intervalProbability(); if (probmanagerIsDiscrete()) { this.discreteIntervalGraph.updateCascade(); } else if (hasIntegral) { this.integral.updateCascade(); } } protected boolean isValidInterval(int probMode, double xLow, double xHigh) { if (probMode == PROB_INTERVAL && xHigh < xLow) { return false; } // don't allow non-integer bounds for discrete dist. if (probManager.isDiscrete(selectedDist) && (Math.floor(xLow) != xLow || Math.floor(xHigh) != xHigh)) { return false; } boolean isValid = true; switch (selectedDist) { default: Log.debug("Unknown distribution."); return true; case NORMAL: return true; case BINOMIAL: case HYPERGEOMETRIC: isValid = xLow >= getDiscreteXMin() && xHigh <= getDiscreteXMax(); break; case POISSON: case PASCAL: isValid = xLow >= getDiscreteXMin(); break; case CHISQUARE: case EXPONENTIAL: if (probMode != PROB_LEFT) { isValid = xLow >= 0; } break; case F: if (probMode != PROB_LEFT) { isValid = xLow > 0; } break; } return isValid; } protected boolean isValidParameter(double parameter, int index) { boolean[] isValid = { true, true, true }; switch (selectedDist) { default: Log.debug("Unknown distribution"); return true; case NORMAL: return true; case F: case STUDENT: case EXPONENTIAL: case WEIBULL: case POISSON: if (index == 0) { // all parameters must be positive isValid[0] = parameter > 0; } break; case CAUCHY: case LOGISTIC: if (index == 1) { // scale must be positive isValid[1] = index == 1 && parameter > 0; } break; case CHISQUARE: if (index == 0) { // df >= 1, integer isValid[0] = Math.floor(parameter) == parameter && parameter >= 1; } break; case BINOMIAL: if (index == 0) { // n >= 0, integer isValid[0] = Math.floor(parameter) == parameter && parameter >= 0; } else if (index == 1) { // p is probability value isValid[1] = parameter >= 0 && parameter <= 1; } break; case PASCAL: if (index == 0) { // n >= 1, integer isValid[0] = Math.floor(parameter) == parameter && parameter >= 1; } else if (index == 1) { // p is probability value isValid[1] = index == 1 && parameter >= 0 && parameter <= 1; } break; case HYPERGEOMETRIC: if (index == 0) { // population size: N >= 1, integer isValid[0] = index == 0 && Math.floor(parameter) == parameter && parameter >= 1; } else if (index == 1) { // successes in the population: n >= 0 and <= N, integer isValid[1] = index == 1 && Math.floor(parameter) == parameter && parameter >= 0 && parameter <= parameters[0]; } else if (index == 2) { // sample size: s>= 1 and s<= N, integer isValid[2] = index == 2 && Math.floor(parameter) == parameter && parameter >= 1 && parameter <= parameters[0]; } break; // these distributions have no parameter restrictions // case DIST.NORMAL: // case DIST.LOGNORMAL: } return isValid[0] && isValid[1] && isValid[2]; } /** * Adjust local rounding constants to match global rounding constants and * update GUI when needed */ private void updateRounding() { if (kernel.useSignificantFigures) { if (printFigures != kernel.getPrintFigures()) { printFigures = kernel.getPrintFigures(); printDecimals = -1; updateDiscreteTable(); updateGUI(); } } else if (printDecimals != kernel.getPrintDecimals()) { printDecimals = kernel.getPrintDecimals(); updateDiscreteTable(); updateGUI(); } } protected abstract void updateDiscreteTable(); protected abstract void updateGUI(); protected boolean probmanagerIsDiscrete() { return probManager.isDiscrete(selectedDist); } protected int[] generateFirstXLastXCommon() { int firstXLastX[] = new int[2]; if (discreteValueList == null) { this.createDiscreteLists(); } firstXLastX[0] = (int) ((GeoNumeric) discreteValueList.get(0)) .getDouble(); firstXLastX[1] = (int) ((GeoNumeric) discreteValueList .get(discreteValueList.size() - 1)).getDouble(); return firstXLastX; } @Override final public void updateVisualStyle(GeoElement geo, GProperty prop) { update(geo); } public void attachView() { // clearView(); // kernel.notifyAddAll(this); kernel.attach(this); } public void detachView() { removeGeos(); kernel.detach(this); // plotPanel.detachView(); // clearView(); // kernel.notifyRemoveAll(this); } @Override public void updateAuxiliaryObject(GeoElement geo) { // not needed for prob. calc } @Override public void repaintView() { // not needed for prob. calc } @Override public void reset() { // not needed for prob. calc } @Override public void clearView() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setMode(int mode, ModeSetter m) { // not needed for prob. calc } @Override public boolean hasFocus() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean isShowing() { return app.showView(App.VIEW_PROBABILITY_CALCULATOR); } public boolean doRemoveFromConstruction() { return removeFromConstruction; } public void setRemoveFromConstruction(boolean removeFromConstruction) { this.removeFromConstruction = removeFromConstruction; } private void removeFromAlgorithmList(AlgoElement algo) { if (removeFromConstruction) { cons.removeFromAlgorithmList(algo); } } /** * Builds a string that can be used by the algebra processor to create a * GeoFunction representation of a given density curve. * * @param distType * @param parms * @return */ private GeoFunction buildDensityCurveExpression(DIST type, boolean cumulative) { GeoNumeric param1 = null, param2 = null; if (parameters.length > 0) { param1 = new GeoNumeric(cons, parameters[0]); } if (parameters.length > 1) { param2 = new GeoNumeric(cons, parameters[1]); } AlgoDistributionDF ret = null; GeoBoolean cumulativeGeo = new GeoBoolean(cons, cumulative); switch (type) { case NORMAL: ret = new AlgoNormalDF(cons, param1, param2, cumulativeGeo); break; case STUDENT: ret = new AlgoTDistributionDF(cons, param1, cumulativeGeo); break; case CHISQUARE: ret = new AlgoChiSquaredDF(cons, param1, cumulativeGeo); break; case F: ret = new AlgoFDistributionDF(cons, param1, param2, cumulativeGeo); break; case CAUCHY: ret = new AlgoCauchyDF(cons, param1, param2, cumulativeGeo); break; case EXPONENTIAL: ret = new AlgoExponentialDF(cons, param1, cumulativeGeo); break; case GAMMA: ret = new AlgoGammaDF(cons, param1, param2, cumulativeGeo); break; case WEIBULL: ret = new AlgoWeibullDF(cons, param1, param2, cumulativeGeo); break; case LOGNORMAL: ret = new AlgoLogNormalDF(cons, param1, param2, cumulativeGeo); break; case LOGISTIC: ret = new AlgoLogisticDF(cons, param1, param2, cumulativeGeo); break; case BINOMIAL: case PASCAL: case POISSON: case HYPERGEOMETRIC: Log.error("Not continuous distribution"); break; default: Log.error("Missing case for density curve"); } if (ret != null) { cons.removeFromConstructionList((AlgoElement) ret); return ret.getResult(); } return null; } // ============================================================ // XML // ============================================================ /** * returns settings in XML format */ public void getXML(StringBuilder sb) { if (selectedDist == null) { return; } sb.append("<probabilityCalculator>\n"); sb.append("\t<distribution"); sb.append(" type=\""); sb.append(selectedDist.ordinal()); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" isCumulative=\""); sb.append(isCumulative ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" parameters" + "=\""); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { sb.append(parameters[i]); sb.append(","); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.lastIndexOf(",")); sb.append("\""); sb.append("/>\n"); sb.append("\t<interval"); sb.append(" mode=\""); sb.append(this.probMode); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" low=\""); sb.append(getLow()); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" high=\""); sb.append(getHigh()); sb.append("\""); sb.append("/>\n"); sb.append("</probabilityCalculator>\n"); } @Override public void startBatchUpdate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void endBatchUpdate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public String getMeanSigma() { Double[] val = probManager.getDistributionMeasures(selectedDist, parameters); // mean/sigma are undefined for the Cauchy distribution // and F-distribution with certain parameters String mean = val[0] == null ? "?" : format(val[0]); String sigma = val[1] == null ? "?" : format(val[1]); String meanSigmaStr = + " = " + mean + " " + Unicode.sigma + " = " + sigma; return meanSigmaStr; } protected void setHigh(double high) { this.high = high; } protected void setLow(double low) { this.low = low; } public boolean isOverlayDefined() { return !((selectedDist == DIST.CAUCHY) || (selectedDist == DIST.F && parameters[1] < 4)); } protected HashMap<DIST, String> getDistributionMap() { return distributionMap; } protected void setDistributionMap(HashMap<DIST, String> distributionMap) { this.distributionMap = distributionMap; } protected HashMap<String, DIST> getReverseDistributionMap() { return reverseDistributionMap; } protected void setReverseDistributionMap( HashMap<String, DIST> reverseDistributionMap) { this.reverseDistributionMap = reverseDistributionMap; } protected String[][] getParameterLabels() { return parameterLabels; } protected void setParameterLabels(String[][] parameterLabels) { this.parameterLabels = parameterLabels; } public abstract ProbabilityManager getProbManager(); public EuclidianView getPlotPanel() { return plotPanel; } public void setPlotPanel(EuclidianView plotPanel) { this.plotPanel = plotPanel; } protected ProbabilityTable getTable() { return table; } protected void setTable(ProbabilityTable table) { this.table = table; } }