package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.Settings; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.geogebra.common.gui.SetLabels; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.SensorLogger.Types; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.css.GuiResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.AppResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.DataCollectionView; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.GeoListBox; import org.geogebra.web.web.main.AppWFull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Settings for a sensor group */ public abstract class SensorSetting extends FlowPanel implements SetLabels { private final static String REAL_FREQUENCY = "ActualFrequency"; /** caption */ protected String captionString; /** Panel with an image to show if sensor is on or off */ private SimplePanel sensorOnOff; /** A label with the caption */ protected Label captionLabel; /** button to collapse/expand settings for this sensor */ ToggleButton collapse; private Image sensorON; private Image sensorOFF; private boolean sensorIsOn = false; /** * panel with the name of the sensor data and the listbox with the depending * geoElement */ FlowPanel dataValues; /** the listBoxes */ private ArrayList<GeoListBox> listBoxes = new ArrayList<GeoListBox>(); /** * the label and string of the caption for translations after changing the * language */ protected HashMap<Label, String> rowCaptions = new HashMap<Label, String>(); /** application */ protected AppW app; private DataCollectionView view; private String unit; private Label realFreqLabel; private int realFreq; private FlowPanel realFreqContainer; /** localization */ protected Localization loc; /** * * @param app * {@link AppW} * @param dataView * {@link DataCollectionView} * @param captionString * the String to look up for translations * @param unit * unit of the sensor values */ public SensorSetting(AppW app, DataCollectionView dataView, String captionString, String unit) { this.captionString = captionString; = app; this.loc = app.getLocalization(); this.view = dataView; this.unit = unit; createGUI(); } private void createGUI() { this.dataValues = new FlowPanel(); this.dataValues.addStyleName("panelIndent"); addCaption(); addFrequencyPanel(); addContent(); this.add(dataValues); } /** * adds a panel to show the "real" frequency */ protected void addFrequencyPanel() { this.realFreqContainer = new FlowPanel(); this.realFreqContainer.addStyleName("rowContainer"); this.realFreqLabel = new Label(loc.getMenu(REAL_FREQUENCY) + ": " + this.realFreq); this.realFreqContainer.add(this.realFreqLabel); this.dataValues.add(this.realFreqContainer); setRealFreqVisible(false); } /** fill the panel */ protected abstract void addContent(); /** * panel with a {@link #sensorOnOff "sensor-on-off" button}, a * {@link #captionLabel label} with the name of the sensor and a * {@link #collapse button} to expand/collapse the settings for this sensor. * if sensor is turned off, it stops logging the data values of this sensor. */ private void addCaption() { FlowPanel caption = new FlowPanel(); caption.addStyleName("panelTitle"); this.captionLabel = new Label(); updateCaptionLabel(); collapse = new ToggleButton( new Image(GuiResources.INSTANCE.collapse()), new Image( GuiResources.INSTANCE.expand())); collapse.addStyleName("collapse"); collapse.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { dataValues.setVisible(!collapse.isDown()); } }); sensorOnOff = new SimplePanel(); sensorON = new Image(AppResources.INSTANCE.shown()); sensorOFF = new Image(AppResources.INSTANCE.hidden()); sensorOnOff.add(sensorOFF); sensorOnOff.addStyleName("sensorOnOffButton"); caption.add(sensorOnOff); caption.add(this.captionLabel); caption.add(collapse); this.add(caption); } /** * A row is used for one "sensor value" (e.g. Ax, Ay or Az). It contains the * name of the sensor value and a {@link GeoListBox} to choose an element to * which the received values should be logged. * * @param rowCaption * caption * @param type * {@link Types} */ protected void addRow(String rowCaption, Types type) { FlowPanel container = new FlowPanel(); container.addStyleName("rowContainer"); Label rowCaptionLabel = new Label(); container.add(rowCaptionLabel); rowCaptions.put(rowCaptionLabel, rowCaption); GeoListBox listBox = new GeoListBox(type, this, app, this.view.getDataSettings()); listBox.addChangeHandler(this.view); this.listBoxes.add(listBox); container.add(listBox); dataValues.add(container); updateContent(); } /** * updates the entries for all {@link GeoListBox listBoxes} * * @param availableObjects * {@link ArrayList} * @param usedObjects * {@link ArrayList} */ public void updateAllBoxes(ArrayList<GeoElement> availableObjects, ArrayList<GeoElement> usedObjects) { for (GeoListBox box : this.listBoxes) { updateBox(box, availableObjects, usedObjects); } } /** * updates all {@link GeoListBox listBoxes} except the given one. * * @param listBox * {@link GeoListBox} * @param availableObjects * {@link ArrayList} * @param usedObjects * {@link ArrayList} */ public void updateOtherBoxes(GeoListBox listBox, ArrayList<GeoElement> availableObjects, ArrayList<GeoElement> usedObjects) { for (GeoListBox box : this.listBoxes) { if (box != listBox) { updateBox(box, availableObjects, usedObjects); } } } /** * updates the entries of the given {@link GeoListBox} * * @param box * @param availableObjects * @param usedObjects * {@link ArrayList} */ private static void updateBox(GeoListBox box, ArrayList<GeoElement> availableObjects, ArrayList<GeoElement> usedObjects) { GeoElement selectedElem = box.getSelection(); box.clear(); if (selectedElem != null && usedObjects.contains(selectedElem)) { box.addItem(selectedElem); box.setSelection(selectedElem); box.setSelectedIndex(box.getFirstFreeGeoListBoxIndex()); } else { box.setSelection(null); } for (GeoElement elem : availableObjects) { box.addItem(elem); } } /** * * @return {@code true} if sensor is turned on */ public boolean isOn() { return this.sensorIsOn; } /** * @return list of all {@link GeoListBox geoListBoxes} of this sensor */ public ArrayList<GeoListBox> getListBoxes() { return this.listBoxes; } @Override public void setLabels() { updateCaptionLabel(); // is null for TimeSetting if (this.realFreqLabel != null) { this.realFreqLabel.setText(loc.getMenu(REAL_FREQUENCY) + ": " + this.realFreq); } updateContent(); } /** * update text of the content */ private void updateContent() { for (Entry<Label, String> entry : this.rowCaptions.entrySet()) { Label label = entry.getKey(); label.setText(loc.getMenu(entry.getValue())); } } /** * sets the text of the {@link #captionLabel} */ protected void updateCaptionLabel() { this.captionLabel.setText( loc.getMenu(captionString) + " (" + loc.getMenu(this.unit) + ")"); } /** * updates the label of the "real" frequency * * @param freq * int */ public void setRealFrequency(int freq) { this.realFreq = freq; this.realFreqLabel .setText(loc.getMenu(REAL_FREQUENCY) + ": " + this.realFreq); } /** * shows/hides the label with the "real" frequency * * @param visible */ private void setRealFreqVisible(boolean visible) { if (this.realFreqContainer != null) { this.realFreqContainer.setVisible(visible); } } /** * if sensor is set to ON the SensorLogger starts logging data for this * sensor. * * @param flag * {@code true} to turn sensor ON */ public void setOn(boolean flag) { this.sensorIsOn = flag; sensorOnOff.clear(); setRealFreqVisible(flag); if (flag) { sensorOnOff.add(sensorON); for (GeoListBox listbox : listBoxes) { if (listbox.getSelection() != null) { ((AppWFull) app).getDataCollection().registerGeo( listbox.getType().toString(), listbox.getSelection()); } } } else { sensorOnOff.add(sensorOFF); for (GeoListBox listbox : listBoxes) { ((AppWFull) app).getDataCollection() .removeRegisteredGeo(listbox.getType()); } } } }