package org.geogebra.common.gui.dialog.options.model; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoBarChart; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GProperty; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoButton; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.GeoGebraColorConstants; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; public class ColorObjectModel extends OptionsModel { public interface IColorObjectListener extends PropertyListener { void updateChooser(boolean equalObjColor, boolean equalObjColorBackground, boolean allFillable, boolean hasBackground, boolean hasAlpha); void updatePreview(GColor col, double alpha); boolean isBackgroundColorSelected(); void updateNoBackground(GeoElement geo, GColor col, double alpha, boolean updateAlphaOnly, boolean allFillable); } public static final int ALL_BARS = 0; private boolean allFillable; private boolean hasBackground; private boolean hasImageGeo; private IColorObjectListener listener; private Kernel kernel; public ColorObjectModel(App app) { super(app); kernel = app.getKernel(); } public void setListener(IColorObjectListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } @Override public void updateProperties() { GeoElement geo0 = getGeoAt(0); // check geos for similar properties boolean equalObjColor = true; boolean equalObjColorBackground = true; hasImageGeo = geo0.isGeoImage(); allFillable = geo0.isFillable(); hasBackground = geo0.hasBackgroundColor(); GeoElement temp; for (int i = 1; i < getGeosLength(); i++) { temp = getGeoAt(i); // same object color if (!geo0.getObjectColor().equals(temp.getObjectColor())) { equalObjColor = false; } // has fill color if (!temp.isFillable()) { allFillable = false; } // has background if (!temp.hasBackgroundColor()) { hasBackground = false; } // has image geo if (temp.isGeoImage()) { hasImageGeo = true; } } if (hasBackground) { equalObjColorBackground = true; if (geo0.getBackgroundColor() == null) { // test for all null background color for (int i = 1; i < getGeosLength(); i++) { temp = getGeoAt(i); if (temp.getBackgroundColor() != null) { equalObjColorBackground = false; break; } } } else { // test for all same background color for (int i = 1; i < getGeosLength(); i++) { temp = getGeoAt(i); // same background color if (!geo0.getBackgroundColor().equals(temp.getBackgroundColor())) { equalObjColorBackground = false; break; } } } } listener.updateChooser(equalObjColor, equalObjColorBackground, allFillable, hasBackground, hasOpacity(geo0)); } protected boolean hasOpacity(GeoElement geo) { boolean hasOpacity = true; if (geo instanceof GeoButton) { hasOpacity = false; } return hasOpacity; } /** * Sets color of selected GeoElements */ private void updateColor(GColor col, double alpha, boolean updateAlphaOnly) { if (col == null || getGeos() == null) { return; } listener.updatePreview(col, alpha); GeoElement geo; for (int i = 0; i < getGeosLength(); i++) { geo = getGeoAt(i); if (hasBackground && listener.isBackgroundColorSelected()) { geo.setBackgroundColor(col); } else { listener.updateNoBackground(geo, col, alpha, updateAlphaOnly, allFillable); } geo.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } kernel.notifyRepaint(); } /** * Sets the background color of selected GeoElements to null */ public void clearBackgroundColor() { GeoElement geo; for (int i = 0; i < getGeosLength(); i++) { geo = getGeoAt(i); geo.setBackgroundColor(null); geo.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR_BG); } kernel.notifyRepaint(); } @Override public boolean checkGeos() { return true; } /** * Listens for color chooser state changes */ public void applyChanges(GColor color, double alpha, boolean alphaOnly) { updateColor(color, alpha, alphaOnly); storeUndoInfo(); } public boolean hasImageGeo() { return hasImageGeo; } public boolean hasBackground() { return hasBackground; } @Override protected boolean isValidAt(int index) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public static String getColorAsString(App app, GColor color) { String result = ""; int blue = color.getBlue(); String rgbDec = color.getRed() + ", " + color.getGreen() + ", " + blue; String name = GeoGebraColorConstants.getGeogebraColorName(app, color); if (name != null) { result = name + " " + rgbDec; } else { result = rgbDec; } result += " (" + StringUtil.toHtmlColor(color) + ")"; return result; } /* * public static String getColorAsString(App app, GColor color) { * = app; return getColorAsString(color); } */ public void setSequential(boolean b) { GeoElement geo; for (int i = 0; i < getGeosLength(); i++) { geo = getGeoAt(i); geo.setAutoColor(b); geo.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COLOR); } kernel.notifyRepaint(); } public boolean isSequentialColor() { for (int i = 0; i < getGeosLength(); i++) { if (!getGeoAt(i).isAutoColor()) { return false; } } return getGeosLength() > 0; } public boolean hasDefaultGeos() { for (int i = 0; i < getGeosLength(); i++) { if (getGeoAt(i).isDefaultGeo()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public PropertyListener getListener() { return listener; } protected AlgoElement getAlgorithm() { return getGeoAt(0).getParentAlgorithm(); } public AlgoBarChart getAlgoBarChart() { AlgoElement algo = getAlgorithm(); return (algo instanceof AlgoBarChart ? (AlgoBarChart) algo : null); } public boolean isBarChart() { return (getAlgorithm() instanceof AlgoBarChart); } public int getBarChartIntervals() { return getAlgoBarChart().getIntervals(); } public void applyBar(int idx, GColor color, double alpha) { AlgoBarChart algo = getAlgoBarChart(); boolean updateAlphaOnly = color == null; if (idx == ALL_BARS) { GeoElement geo = getGeoAt(0); for (int numBar = 1; numBar < getBarChartIntervals() + 1; numBar++) { algo.setBarColor(null, numBar); algo.setBarAlpha(-1, numBar); } geo.setAlphaValue(alpha); if (!updateAlphaOnly) { geo.setObjColor(color); } algo.setBarAlpha(alpha, idx); kernel.notifyRepaint(); return; } if (!updateAlphaOnly) { algo.setBarColor(color, idx); } algo.setBarAlpha(alpha, idx); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } }