package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.menubar; import; import; import; import org.geogebra.common.move.views.BooleanRenderable; import org.geogebra.common.move.views.EventRenderable; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EventType; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.laf.MainMenuI; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.NoDragImage; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.css.GuiResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.GuiManagerW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.browser.SignInButton; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Sidebar menu for SMART * * */ public class MainMenu extends FlowPanel implements MainMenuI, EventRenderable, BooleanRenderable { /** * Appw app */ /*private MenuItem signIn; private SignedInMenuW signedIn; private MenuItem signedInMenu;*/ AppW app; /** * Panel with menus */ StackPanel menuPanel; private ViewMenuW viewMenu; private FileMenuW fileMenu; private HelpMenuW helpMenu; private OptionsMenuW optionsMenu; private ToolsMenuW toolsMenu; private EditMenuW editMenu; private PerspectivesMenuW perspectivesMenu; private boolean leftSide = false; /** * Menus */ GMenuBar[] menus; private GMenuBar userMenu; /** sign in menu */ GMenuBar signInMenu = new GMenuBar(true, "signin"); /** * Constructs the menubar * * @param app * application */ public MainMenu(AppW app) { this.addStyleName("menubarSMART"); leftSide = app.isWhiteboardActive(); if (leftSide) { addStyleName("mowMenubar"); } = app; init(); } private void init() {; final boolean exam = app.isExam(); if(app.enableFileFeatures()){ this.createFileMenu(); } boolean enableGraph = !exam || app.enableGraphing(); if (enableGraph){ this.createPerspectivesMenu(); this.createEditMenu(); this.createViewMenu(); } this.createOptionsMenu(); if (enableGraph) { this.createToolsMenu(); } if (!exam) { this.createHelpMenu(); this.createUserMenu(); if(!app.enableFileFeatures()){ this.menus = new GMenuBar[]{editMenu,perspectivesMenu,viewMenu, optionsMenu, toolsMenu, helpMenu}; }else{ this.menus = new GMenuBar[]{fileMenu,editMenu,perspectivesMenu,viewMenu, optionsMenu, toolsMenu, helpMenu}; } } else { this.menus = new GMenuBar[] { fileMenu, optionsMenu }; } for(int i=0; i<menus.length; i++){ final int next = (i+1)%menus.length; final int previous = (i-1+menus.length)%menus.length; final int index = i; this.menus[i].addDomHandler(new KeyDownHandler(){ @Override public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { int keyCode = event.getNativeKeyCode(); //First / last below are not intuitive -- note that default handler of //down skipped already from last to first if(keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN){ if(menus[index].isFirstItemSelected()){ menuPanel.showStack(next); menus[next].focus(); } } if(keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_UP){ if(menus[index].isLastItemSelected()){ menuPanel.showStack(previous); menus[previous].focus(); } } if(keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE){ app.toggleMenu(); ((GuiManagerW)app.getGuiManager()).getToolbarPanel().selectMenuButton(-1); } }}, KeyDownEvent.getType()); } this.menuPanel = new StackPanel() { @Override public void showStack(int index) { super.showStack(index); dispatchOpenEvent(); app.getGuiManager().setDraggingViews( isViewDraggingMenu(menus[index]), false); } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { if (!exam && DOM.eventGetType(event) == Event.ONCLICK) { Element target = DOM.eventGetTarget(event); int index = findDividerIndex(target); //check if SignIn was clicked //if we are offline, the last item is actually Help if (app.getNetworkOperation().isOnline() && !app.getLoginOperation().isLoggedIn() && index >= 0 && this.getWidget(index) == signInMenu) { ((SignInButton)app.getLAF().getSignInButton(app)).login(); app.toggleMenu(); return; } if (index != -1) { if (index == this.getSelectedIndex()) { closeAll(this); return; } showStack(index); } } super.onBrowserEvent(event); } // violator pattern from // private native void closeAll(StackPanel stackPanel) /*-{, false); = -1; }-*/; private int findDividerIndex(Element elemSource) { Element elem = elemSource; while (elem != null && elem != getElement()) { String expando = elem.getPropertyString("__index"); if (expando != null) { // Make sure it belongs to me! int ownerHash = elem.getPropertyInt("__owner"); if (ownerHash == hashCode()) { // Yes, it's mine. return Integer.parseInt(expando); } // It must belong to some nested StackPanel. return -1; } elem = DOM.getParent(elem); } return -1; } }; this.menuPanel.addStyleName("menuPanel"); if(app.enableFileFeatures()){ this.menuPanel.add(fileMenu, getHTML(GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_file(), "File"), true); } if (enableGraph) { this.menuPanel.add(editMenu, getHTML(GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_edit(), "Edit"), true); this.menuPanel .add(perspectivesMenu, getHTML(GuiResources.INSTANCE .menu_icon_perspectives(), "math_apps"), true); this.menuPanel.add(viewMenu, getHTML(GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_view(), "View"), true); } this.menuPanel.add(optionsMenu, getHTML(GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_options(), "Options"), true); if (!app.getLAF().isSmart() && enableGraph) { this.menuPanel.add(toolsMenu, getHTML(GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_tools(), "Tools"), true); } if (!exam) { this.menuPanel.add(helpMenu, getHTML(GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_help(), "Help"), true); if(app.getNetworkOperation().isOnline()){ render(true); } app.getNetworkOperation().getView().add(this); } this.add(menuPanel); } /** * @param menu * menu * @return whether dragging views should be enabled for this menu */ protected boolean isViewDraggingMenu(GMenuBar menu) { return menu == perspectivesMenu || menu == viewMenu; } @Override public void render(boolean online) { if(!app.enableFileFeatures()){ return; } if (online && app.getLoginOperation().isLoggedIn()) { loggedIn = true; addUserMenu(); } else if(online){ addSignInMenu(); } else { loggedIn = false; if(this.signInMenu != null){ this.menuPanel.remove(this.signInMenu); } if(this.userMenu != null){ this.menuPanel.remove(this.userMenu); } } } private void createUserMenu() { this.userMenu = new GMenuBar(true, "user"); this.userMenu.addStyleName("GeoGebraMenuBar"); this.userMenu.addItem( getMenuBarHtml( GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_sign_out().getSafeUri() .asString(), app.getLocalization().getMenu("SignOut"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { app.getLoginOperation().performLogOut(); } }); } private String getHTML(ImageResource img, String s){ //return "<img src=\""+img.getSafeUri().asString()+"\" /><span style= \"font-size:80% \" >" + s + "</span>"; return "<img src=\"" + img.getSafeUri().asString() + "\" draggable=\"false\"><span>" + app.getLocalization().getMenu(s) + "</span>"; } private void createFileMenu() { fileMenu = new FileMenuW(app); } private void createPerspectivesMenu() { perspectivesMenu = new PerspectivesMenuW(app); } private void createEditMenu() { editMenu = new EditMenuW(app); } private void createViewMenu() { viewMenu = new ViewMenuW(app); } private void createHelpMenu() { helpMenu = new HelpMenuW(app); } private void createOptionsMenu() { optionsMenu = new OptionsMenuW(app); } private void createToolsMenu() { toolsMenu = new ToolsMenuW(app); } private EditMenuW getEditMenu() { return editMenu; } /** * Update all submenus that depend on file content */ public void updateMenubar() { if(app.hasOptionsMenu()){ app.getOptionsMenu(null).update(); } if(viewMenu != null){ viewMenu.update(); } if (this.getEditMenu() != null) { getEditMenu().update(); } } /** * Update on selection change */ public void updateSelection() { if(this.getEditMenu()!=null){ getEditMenu().invalidate(); } } public void focus(){ int index= Math.max(menuPanel.getSelectedIndex(),0); if(this.menus[index]!=null){ this.menus[index].focus(); } } public static void addSubmenuArrow(MenuBar w) { addSubmenuArrow(w, false); } public static void addSubmenuArrow(MenuBar w, boolean left) { w.addStyleName(left ? "subMenuRightSide" : "subMenuLeftSide"); FlowPanel arrowSubmenu = new FlowPanel(); arrowSubmenu.addStyleName("arrowSubmenu"); NoDragImage arrow = left ? new NoDragImage(GuiResources.INSTANCE.arrow_submenu_left() .getSafeUri().asString()) : new NoDragImage(GuiResources.INSTANCE.arrow_submenu_right() .getSafeUri().asString()); arrowSubmenu.add(arrow); w.getElement().appendChild(arrowSubmenu.getElement()); } public static String getMenuBarHtml(String url, String str, boolean enabled) { String text2 = str.replace("\"", "'"); String text3 = (enabled) ? text2 : "<span style=\"color:gray;\">"+text2+"</span>"; return "<img class=\"GeoGebraMenuImage menuImg\" alt=\"" + text2 + "\" src=\"" + url + "\" draggable=\"false\">" + text3; } public static String getMenuBarHtml(String url, String str) { String text = str.replace("\"", "'"); return "<img class=\"menuImg\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"" + text + "\" src=\"" + url + "\" draggable=\"false\">" + text; } public static void setMenuSelected(MenuItem m, boolean visible) { if (visible) { m.addStyleName("checked"); } else { m.removeStyleName("checked"); } } /** * sets the height of the menu * @param height int */ public void updateHeight(int height) { this.setHeight(height + "px"); } private boolean loggedIn = false; @Override public void renderEvent(final BaseEvent event) { if(!app.enableFileFeatures()){ return; } if (event instanceof LoginEvent && ((LoginEvent) event).isSuccessful()) { if (loggedIn) { this.menuPanel.remove(this.userMenu); } loggedIn = true; this.menuPanel.remove(this.signInMenu); addUserMenu(); this.userMenu.setVisible(false); } else if (event instanceof LogOutEvent) { this.menuPanel.remove(this.userMenu); loggedIn = false; addSignInMenu(); this.signInMenu.setVisible(false); } } private void addSignInMenu() { this.menuPanel.add(this.signInMenu, getHTML(GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_sign_in(), app.getLocalization().getMenu("SignIn")), true); } private void addUserMenu() { this.menuPanel.add(this.userMenu, getHTML(GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_signed_in_f(), app.getLoginOperation().getUserName()), true); } /** * Inform client listener about opening the menu */ public void dispatchOpenEvent() { if (menuPanel != null) { int index = menuPanel.getSelectedIndex(); app.dispatchEvent(new org.geogebra.common.plugin.Event( EventType.OPEN_MENU, null, menus[index].getMenuTitle())); } } }