package org.geogebra.common.gui.dialog.options.model; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GFont; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.EuclidianSettings; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EuclidianStyleConstants; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; public class EuclidianOptionsModel { public static final int MAX_AXES_STYLE_COUNT = 5; public static final int X_AXIS = 0; public static final int Y_AXIS = 1; public static final int Z_AXIS = 2; private App app; private EuclidianView view; private IEuclidianOptionsListener listener; public EuclidianOptionsModel(App app, EuclidianView view, IEuclidianOptionsListener listener) { = app; this.view = view; this.listener = listener; } public static int getAxesStyleLength() { return MAX_AXES_STYLE_COUNT; } public void setView(EuclidianView view) { this.view = view; } public void applyBackgroundColor() { if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1) .setBackground(listener.getEuclidianBackground(1)); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2) .setBackground(listener.getEuclidianBackground(2)); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3) .setBackground(listener.getEuclidianBackground(3)); } else { view.setBackground(view.getBackgroundCommon()); } } public void applyBackgroundColor(int viewIdx, GColor color) { if (viewIdx == 1 || viewIdx == 2 || viewIdx == 3) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(viewIdx).setBackground(color); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setBackground(color); return; } view.setBackground(view.getBackgroundCommon()); } public void applyAxesColor(GColor col) { if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setAxesColor(col); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setAxesColor(col); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setAxesColor(col); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setAxesColor(col); return; } view.setAxesColor(col); } public void applyGridColor(GColor col) { if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setGridColor(col); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setGridColor(col); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setGridColor(col); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setGridColor(col); return; } view.setGridColor(col); } public void applyTooltipMode(int mode0) { int mode = mode0; if (mode == 0) { mode = EuclidianStyleConstants.TOOLTIPS_ON; } else if (mode == 1) { mode = EuclidianStyleConstants.TOOLTIPS_AUTOMATIC; } else if (mode == 2) { mode = EuclidianStyleConstants.TOOLTIPS_OFF; } if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setAllowToolTips(mode); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setAllowToolTips(mode); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setAllowToolTips(mode); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setAllowToolTips(mode); return; } view.setAllowToolTips(mode); } /** * Apply chosen right angle style * * @param mode0 * - right angle style */ public void applyRightAngleStyle(int mode0) { int mode = mode0; if (mode == 0) { mode = EuclidianStyleConstants.RIGHT_ANGLE_STYLE_NONE; } else if (mode == 1) { mode = EuclidianStyleConstants.RIGHT_ANGLE_STYLE_SQUARE; } else if (mode == 2) { mode = EuclidianStyleConstants.RIGHT_ANGLE_STYLE_DOT; } else if (mode == 3) { mode = EuclidianStyleConstants.RIGHT_ANGLE_STYLE_L; } app.setRightAngleStyle(mode); app.getEuclidianView1().updateAllDrawables(true); } public void showAxes(boolean value) { if (app.getEuclidianView1() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setShowAxes(value, value); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setShowAxes(value, value); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setShowAxes(value); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setShowAxes(value); return; } view.setShowAxes(value, true); } public void applyBoldAxes(boolean isBold, boolean isVisible) { if (app.getEuclidianView1() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setBoldAxes(isBold); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setBoldAxes(isBold); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setBoldAxes(isBold); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setBoldAxes(isBold); return; } view.setBoldAxes(isBold); } public void showGrid(boolean value) { if (app.getEuclidianView1() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).showGrid(value); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).showGrid(value); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).showGrid(value); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.showGrid(value); return; } view.showGrid(value); } public void applyBoldGrid(boolean value) { if (app.getEuclidianView1() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setGridIsBold(value); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setGridIsBold(value); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setGridIsBold(value); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setGridIsBold(value); return; } view.setGridIsBold(value); } public void applyMouseCoords(boolean value) { if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setAllowShowMouseCoords(value); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setAllowShowMouseCoords(value); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setAllowShowMouseCoords(value); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setAllowShowMouseCoords(value); return; } view.setAllowShowMouseCoords(value); } public void appyGridType(int type) { if (app.getEuclidianView1() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setGridType(type); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setGridType(type); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setGridType(type); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setGridType(type); return; } view.setGridType(type); if (type == EuclidianView.GRID_POLAR) { view.updateBounds(true, true); } } public void appyAxesStyle(int style) { if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setAxesLineStyle(style); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setAxesLineStyle(style); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setAxesLineStyle(style); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setAxesLineStyle(style); return; } view.setAxesLineStyle(style); } public void appyGridStyle(int style) { if (app.getEuclidianView1() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setGridLineStyle(style); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setGridLineStyle(style); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setGridLineStyle(style); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setGridLineStyle(style); return; } view.setGridLineStyle(style); } public void appyGridManualTick(boolean value) { if (app.getEuclidianView1() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setAutomaticGridDistance(!value, true); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setAutomaticGridDistance(!value, true); return; } if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setAutomaticGridDistance(!value, true); return; } EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setAutomaticGridDistance(!value, true); return; } view.setAutomaticGridDistance(!value); } public void applyAxesRatio(double xval, double yval) { if (!(Double.isInfinite(xval) || Double.isNaN(xval) || Double.isInfinite(yval) || Double.isNaN(yval))) { // ratio = xval / yval // xscale / yscale = ratio // => yscale = xscale * xval/yval view.setCoordSystem(view.getXZero(), view.getYZero(), view.getXscale(), view.getXscale() * xval / yval); } } public void applyLockRatio(double value) { view.getSettings().setLockedAxesRatio(value); listener.enableAxesRatio( view.isZoomable() && !view.isLockedAxesRatio()); } public void applyMinMax(String text, MinMaxType type) { NumberValue minMax = app.getKernel().getAlgebraProcessor() .evaluateToNumeric(text, false); // not parsed to number => return all if (minMax == null) { listener.setMinMaxText( view.getXminObject().getLabel(StringTemplate.editTemplate), view.getXmaxObject().getLabel(StringTemplate.editTemplate), view.getYminObject().getLabel(StringTemplate.editTemplate), view.getYmaxObject().getLabel(StringTemplate.editTemplate)); } else { switch (type) { case maxX: if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setXmaxObject(minMax, true); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setXmaxObject(minMax, true); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setXmaxObject(minMax, true); } else { EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setXmaxObject(minMax, true); } else { view.setXmaxObject(minMax); } } break; case maxY: if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setYmaxObject(minMax, true); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setYmaxObject(minMax, true); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setYmaxObject(minMax, true); } else { EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setYmaxObject(minMax, true); } else { view.setYmaxObject(minMax); } } break; case minX: if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setXminObject(minMax, true); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setXminObject(minMax, true); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setXminObject(minMax, true); } else { EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setXminObject(minMax, true); } else { view.setXminObject(minMax); } } break; case minY: if (view == app.getEuclidianView1()) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).setYminObject(minMax, true); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && app.getEuclidianView2(1) == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).setYminObject(minMax, true); } else if (app.hasEuclidianView3D() && app.getEuclidianView3D() == view) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(3).setYminObject(minMax, true); } else { EuclidianSettings settings = view.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { settings.setYminObject(minMax, true); } else { view.setYminObject(minMax); } } break; default: break; } view.setXminObject(view.getXminObject()); listener.enableAxesRatio( (view.isZoomable() && !view.isLockedAxesRatio())); view.updateBounds(true, true); } } public void fillTooltipCombo() { Localization loc = app.getLocalization(); String[] tooltipItems = new String[] { loc.getMenu("On"), loc.getMenu("Automatic"), loc.getMenu("Off") }; for (String item : tooltipItems) { listener.addTooltipItem(item); } } /** * fill list with right angle styles */ public void fillRightAngleCombo() { listener.addRightAngleStyleItem(app.getLocalization().getMenu("off")); listener.addRightAngleStyleItem("\u25a1"); listener.addRightAngleStyleItem("\u2219"); listener.addRightAngleStyleItem("\u2335"); } public void updateProperties() { listener.updateAxes(view.getAxesColor(), view.getShowXaxis() && view.getShowYaxis(), view.areAxesBold()); listener.updateGrid(view.getGridColor(), view.getShowGrid(), view.getGridIsBold(), view.getGridType()); listener.updateBackgroundColor(getBackgroundColor()); int ind = view.getAllowToolTips(); int idx = -1; if (ind == EuclidianStyleConstants.TOOLTIPS_ON) { idx = 0; } else if (ind == EuclidianStyleConstants.TOOLTIPS_AUTOMATIC) { idx = 1; } else if (ind == EuclidianStyleConstants.TOOLTIPS_OFF) { idx = 2; } listener.selectTooltipType(idx); listener.showMouseCoords(view.getAllowShowMouseCoords()); listener.enableAxesRatio( view.isZoomable() && !view.isLockedAxesRatio()); listener.enableLock(view.isZoomable()); listener.updateBounds(); // need style with bold removed for menu for (int i = 0; i < EuclidianStyleConstants .getLineStyleOptionsLength(); i++) { if (EuclidianView.getBoldAxes(false, view.getAxesLineStyle()) == EuclidianStyleConstants .getLineStyleOptions(i)) { listener.selectAxesStyle(i); break; } } listener.selectGridStyle(view.getGridLineStyle()); listener.updateGridTicks(view.isAutomaticGridDistance(), view.getGridDistances(), view.getGridType()); // cons protocol panel listener.updateConsProtocolPanel( app.showConsProtNavigation(view.getViewID())); int fontStyle = view.getSettings().getAxisFontStyle(); boolean serif = view.getSettings().getAxesLabelsSerif(); listener.updateAxisFontStyle(serif, (fontStyle & GFont.BOLD) == GFont.BOLD, (fontStyle & GFont.ITALIC) == GFont.ITALIC); } public void fillGridTypeCombo() { String[] gridTypes = new String[3]; Localization loc = app.getLocalization(); gridTypes[EuclidianView.GRID_CARTESIAN] = loc.getMenu("Cartesian"); gridTypes[EuclidianView.GRID_ISOMETRIC] = loc.getMenu("Isometric"); gridTypes[EuclidianView.GRID_POLAR] = loc.getMenu("Polar"); for (String item : gridTypes) { listener.addGridTypeItem(item); } } public void fillAngleOptions() { String[] angleOptions = { Unicode.PI_STRING + "/12", Unicode.PI_STRING + "/6", Unicode.PI_STRING + "/4", Unicode.PI_STRING + "/3", Unicode.PI_STRING + "/2", }; for (String item : angleOptions) { listener.addAngleOptionItem(item); } } public void applyGridTicks(String str, int idx) { double value = Double.NaN; final String text = str.trim(); if (!"".equals(text)) { value = app.getKernel().getAlgebraProcessor() .evaluateToDouble(text); } if (value > 0) { double[] ticks = view.getGridDistances(); ticks[idx] = value; view.setGridDistances(ticks); } } public void applyGridTickAngle(int value0) { if (value0 >= 0) { int value = value0; double[] ticks = view.getGridDistances(); // val = 4 gives 5*PI/12, skip this and go to 6*Pi/2 = Pi/2 if (value == 4) { value = 5; } ticks[2] = (value + 1) * Math.PI / 12; view.setGridDistances(ticks); } } public GColor getAxesColor() { return view.getAxesColor(); } public GColor getGridColor() { return view.getGridColor(); } public GColor getBackgroundColor() { return view.getBackgroundCommon(); } public int getAxisFontStyle() { return view.getSettings().getAxisFontStyle(); } public void setAxisFontStyle(int fontStyle) { view.getSettings().setAxisFontStyle(fontStyle); view.updateFonts(); } public void setAxesLabelsSerif(boolean serif) { view.getSettings().setAxesLabelsSerif(serif); view.updateFonts(); } public void setAxisFontBold(boolean value) { int style = getAxisFontStyle(); if (value) { if (style == GFont.PLAIN || style == GFont.ITALIC) { style += GFont.BOLD; setAxisFontStyle(style); } } else { if (style == GFont.BOLD || style == GFont.ITALIC + GFont.BOLD) { style -= GFont.BOLD; setAxisFontStyle(style); } } } public void setAxisFontItalic(boolean value) { int style = getAxisFontStyle(); if (value) { if (style == GFont.PLAIN || style == GFont.BOLD) { style += GFont.ITALIC; setAxisFontStyle(style); } } else { if (style == GFont.ITALIC || style == GFont.ITALIC + GFont.BOLD) { style -= GFont.ITALIC; setAxisFontStyle(style); } } } public enum MinMaxType { minX, maxX, minY, maxY } public interface IEuclidianOptionsListener { GColor getEuclidianBackground(int viewNumber); void enableAxesRatio(boolean value); void setMinMaxText(String minX, String maxX, String minY, String maxY); void addTooltipItem(String item); void addRightAngleStyleItem(String item); void addGridTypeItem(String item); void updateAxes(GColor color, boolean isShown, boolean isBold); void updateAxisFontStyle(boolean isSerif, boolean isBold, boolean isItalic); void updateBackgroundColor(GColor color); void updateGrid(GColor color, boolean isShown, boolean isBold, int gridType); void selectTooltipType(int index); void updateConsProtocolPanel(boolean isVisible); void updateBounds(); void showMouseCoords(boolean value); void selectAxesStyle(int index); void updateGridTicks(boolean isAutoGrid, double[] gridTicks, int gridType); void enableLock(boolean zoomable); void selectGridStyle(int style); void addAngleOptionItem(String item); } }