package org.geogebra.common.cas.singularws; import java.util.Date; import org.geogebra.common.cas.error.ComputationException; import org.geogebra.common.factories.UtilFactory; import org.geogebra.common.main.SingularWSSettings; import org.geogebra.common.util.HttpRequest; import org.geogebra.common.util.URLEncoder; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * Maintains a Singular WebService. For the SingularWS API please see the * documentation of SingularWS * * @see "" * * @author Zoltan Kovacs <> */ public class SingularWebService { private final static int GET_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE = 2000; private int timeout = SingularWSSettings.getTimeout(); private final static String testConnectionCommand = "t"; private final static String singularDirectCommand = "s"; private String wsHost = SingularWSSettings.getSingularWebServiceRemoteURL(); private Boolean available; private String locusLib = ""; private boolean fastConn; private final static String[] SINGULAR_LIB_GROBCOVs = { "grobcov", "grobcovG", "grobcovF2m", "grobcovC1", "grobcovC0" }; private final static int CONNECTION_SPEED_NO_TESTS = 3; private final static int CONNECTION_SPEED_THRESHOLD = 100; private String swsCommandResult(String command) throws Throwable { return swsCommandResult(command, ""); } private String swsCommandResult(String command, String parameters) throws Throwable { String url1 = wsHost + "/"; String encodedParameters = ""; String caching = cachingString(); if (parameters != null) { URLEncoder urle = UtilFactory.getPrototype().newURLEncoder(); encodedParameters = urle.encode(parameters); } HttpRequest httpr = UtilFactory.getPrototype().newHttpRequest(); httpr.setTimeout(timeout); // Varnish currently cannot do caching for POST requests, // so we prefer GET for the shorter Singular programs: if (encodedParameters.length() + url1.length() + command.length() + 6 <= GET_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE) { httpr.sendRequest(url1 + "?c=" + command + "&p=" + encodedParameters + caching); } else { httpr.sendRequestPost(url1, "c=" + command + "&p=" + encodedParameters + caching, null); } // In fact we will not use Varnish after changing SingularWS to version // >= 3 (2014-01-03). String response = httpr.getResponse(); // will not work in web, TODO: // callback! if (response == null) { return null; // avoiding NPE in web } // Trimming: if (response.endsWith("> ")) { response = response.substring(0, response.length() - 2); } if (response.endsWith("\n")) { response = response.substring(0, response.length() - 1); } if (response.contains("error")) { // Intuitive detection of error in computation. TODO: be more // strict. Log.error("Computation error in SingularWS: " + response); throw new ComputationException("Computation error in SingularWS"); } return response; } private static String cachingString() { final String prefix = "&l="; if (SingularWSSettings.getUseCaching()) { return prefix + "1"; } return prefix + "0"; } /** * Reports if SingularWS is available. (It must be initialized by enable() * first.) * * @return true if SingularWS is available */ public boolean isAvailable() { if (available == null) { return false; } if (available) { return true; } return false; } /** * Reports if SingularWS has a fast connection available. * * @return true if SingularWS connection is fast enough */ public boolean isFast() { return fastConn; } private String speed() { if (isFast()) { return "fast"; } return "slow"; } /** * Create a connection to the SingularWS server for testing. Also sets up * variables depending on the installed features of Singular. * * @return true if the connection works properly */ public boolean testConnection() { // Log.debug("TEST: " + // convertFloatsToRationals("((6.56*(x-x1))-(-0.2197*(y-x2)))")); String result = null; try { result = swsCommandResult(testConnectionCommand); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.error("Failure while testing SingularWS connection"); } if (result == null) { return false; } if ("ok".equals(result)) { // Testing connection speed. fastConn = true; // be optimistic for (int i = 0; i < CONNECTION_SPEED_NO_TESTS && fastConn; ++i) { Date date = new Date(); long startTime = date.getTime(); try { swsCommandResult(testConnectionCommand); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.error("Failure while testing SingularWS connection"); } date = new Date(); long elapsedTime = date.getTime() - startTime; Log.debug("Measuring speed to SWS #" + i + ": " + elapsedTime + " ms"); if (elapsedTime > CONNECTION_SPEED_THRESHOLD) { fastConn = false; } } // Testing extra features. for (String l : SINGULAR_LIB_GROBCOVs) { if (testLib(l)) { locusLib = l; break; } } return true; } return false; } private boolean testLib(String name) { String result; try { result = directCommand("LIB \"" + name + ".lib\";"); if (result.length() == 0) { Log.debug("SingularWS supports library " + name); return true; } Log.debug("SingularWS doesn't support library " + name + " (" + result + ")"); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.error("Failure connecting to SingularWS"); } return false; } /** * Sends a Singular program to the SingularWS server and returns the answer. * * @param singularProgram * The program code to be sent directly to Singular * @return the answer * @throws Throwable * ComputationException when problem occurs */ public String directCommand(String singularProgram) throws Throwable { return swsCommandResult(singularDirectCommand, singularProgram); } /** * Sets the remote server being used for SingularWS. * * @param site * The remote http URL for the remote server */ public void setConnectionSite(String site) { this.wsHost = site; } /** * Reports what remote server is used for SingularWS. * * @return the URL of the remote server */ public String getConnectionSite() { return this.wsHost; } /** * If the test connection is working, then set the webservice "available", * unless it is disabled by a command line option. */ public void enable() { if (!SingularWSSettings.useSingularWebService()) { Log.debug("SingularWS connection disabled by command line option"); this.available = false; return; } Log.debug("Trying to enable SingularWS connection"); boolean tc = testConnection(); if (tc) { this.available = true; } else { this.available = false; } } /** * Set the SingularWS connection handler to off */ public void disable() { this.available = false; } /** * Sets the maximal time spent in SingularWS for a program (not yet * implemented). * * @param timeout * the timeout in seconds */ public void setTimeout(int timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } /** * Gets Singular version. * * @return version number (int), e.g. 3150 */ public String getVersion() { if (isAvailable()) { try { return directCommand("system(\"version\");"); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.error("Failure while getting SingularWS version"); } } return null; } /** * Gets full Singular version string. * * @return version string */ public String getSingularVersionString() { if (this.available) { return "SingularWS " + getVersion() + " " + speed() + " at " + getConnectionSite(); } return null; } /** * If non-empty, it contains the name of the auxiliary Singular library * "grobcovCx" to compute loci in such a form which does not contain the * degenerate parts of the algebraic curve. See * for more details. Thanks to Antonio Montes * and Francisco Botana for providing this extra library. * * @return the name of the auxiliary Groebner cover library */ public String getLocusLib() { return locusLib; } /** * Decides if we are using a new or an old version of the grobcov library. * In old versions the "locusdg" command was "locus2d". In the newest * version it is "locus". * * @return locus command */ public String getLocusCommand() { if ("grobcov".equals(locusLib)) { return "locus"; } if (locusLib.endsWith("F2m") || locusLib.endsWith("G")) { return "locusdg"; } return "locus2d"; } /** * Helper computations from Singular. Note that the returned string will be * post-processed by GeoGebra and GeoGebraCAS. This is important since we * assume that the factors computed by Singular in CIFactor.1 will be * further simplified by Giac. * * @param command * the GeoGebra command pattern * @return its translation to Singular commands */ public String getTranslatedCASCommand(String command) { if ("CIFactor.1".equals(command)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("LIB \"absfact.lib\";"). // FIXME: This covers the one-letter variables only, but // does nothing for the others // (infinitely many). append("ring R=0, (x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w), ds; short=0;") .append("poly q=%0;"). // Warning: the absfact.lib package prints an unwanted line // containing "absolute_factors". // It must be filtered somehow. Currently it is done in // SingularWS (server side) // for SingularWS version < 3. TODO: Do it for version >= 3 // too, or hack the LIB. append("def S=absFactorize(q); setring(S); list af=absolute_factors;") .append("string Z=\"\";") .append("int i; int p=size(af[1]);"). // quadpolyroot returns the Ith root of poly P append("proc quadpolyroot(poly P, int I) {") .append("string PS=string(P);") .append("string RS=string(\"poly PP=\",PS[2,size(PS)-2]);"). // @c is the variable name for the rootof-like polynomial. append("def RR=basering; ring NR=0,(@c),ds; execute(RS);") .append("matrix L=coeffs(PP,@c); bigint A=bigint(L[3,1]); bigint B=bigint(L[2,1]); bigint C=bigint(L[1,1]);") .append("string SC; if (I==1) { SC=\"+\"; } if (I==2) { SC=\"-\"; }") .append("string RV=string(\"((\",(-B),SC,\"sqrt(\",(B*B)-(4*A*C),\"))/(\",(2*A),\"))\");") .append("setring(RR); return(RV); }"). // polydeg returns the degree of poly P append("proc polydeg(poly P) { string PS=string(P); string RS=string(\"poly PP=\",PS[2,size(PS)-2]);") .append("def RR=basering; ring NR=0,(@c),ds; execute(RS); int L=size(coeffs(PP,@c))-1; setring(RR); return(L); }") . // replace is a standard search-replace string function append("proc replace(string HS, string N, string TO) { int found=1; while (found>0) { found=find(HS,N);") .append("if (found>0) { string BEF=HS[1,found-1]; string AFT; if (found+size(N)<=size(HS)) {") .append("AFT=HS[found+size(N),size(HS)]; } HS=string(BEF,TO,AFT); } } return(HS); }") . // the main computation: we return the product of the // factors as a string in Z append("for (i=1; i<=p; i++) { poly s=af[3][i]; if (polydeg(s)>2) { print(\"error\"); }") .append("string f=string(\"(\",af[1][i],\")\");") .append("if (polydeg(s)==2) { string f1=replace(f,\"@c\",quadpolyroot(s,1));") .append("string f2=replace(f,\"@c\",quadpolyroot(s,2)); f=string(\"simplify(\",f1,\")*simplify(\",f2,\")\"); }") .append("if (af[2][i]!=1) { f=string(f,\"^\",af[2][i]); }") .append("Z=string(Z,f); if (i<p) { Z=string(Z,\"*\"); } } Z;"); return sb.toString(); } return null; } }