package; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.TDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.TTest; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNodeConstants; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; public class TwoVarInferenceModel { public interface TwoVarInferenceListener { void setStatTable(int row, String[] rowNames, int length, String[] columnNames); void setFormattedValueAt(double value, int row, int col); GeoList getDataSelected(); int getSelectedDataIndex(int idx); double[] getValueArray(GeoList list); void addAltHypItem(String name, String tail, double value); void selectAltHyp(int idx); } public interface UpdatePanel { void updatePanel(); } private int selectedInference = StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_2MEANS; // test type (tail) private static final String tail_left = "<"; private static final String tail_right = ">"; private static final String tail_two = ExpressionNodeConstants.strNOT_EQUAL; private String tail = tail_two; // input fields private double confLevel = .95, hypMean = 0; // statistics double t, P, df, lower, upper, se, me, n1, n2, diffMeans, mean1, mean2; private TTest tTestImpl; private TDistribution tDist; private boolean pooled = false; private double meanDifference; private TwoVarInferenceListener listener; private Localization loc; /** * Construct a TwoVarInference panel */ public TwoVarInferenceModel(App app, TwoVarInferenceListener listener) { this.loc = app.getLocalization(); this.listener = listener; } public boolean isPairedData() { return (selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_PAIRED || selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_PAIRED); } public String getNullHypName() { if (selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_2MEANS) { return loc.getMenu("DifferenceOfMeans.short"); } else if (selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_PAIRED) { return loc.getMenu("MeanDifference"); } else { return ""; } } public boolean isTest() { return (selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_2MEANS || selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_PAIRED); } public void setResults() { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); switch (selectedInference) { default: // do nothing break; case StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_2MEANS: case StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_PAIRED: if (selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_PAIRED) { list.add(loc.getMenu("MeanDifference")); } else { list.add(loc.getMenu("fncInspector.Difference")); } list.add(loc.getMenu("PValue")); list.add(loc.getMenu("TStatistic")); list.add(loc.getMenu("StandardError.short")); list.add(loc.getMenu("DegreesOfFreedom.short")); break; case StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_2MEANS: case StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_PAIRED: if (selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_PAIRED) { list.add(loc.getMenu("MeanDifference")); } else { list.add(loc.getMenu("fncInspector.Difference")); } list.add(loc.getMenu("MarginOfError.short")); list.add(loc.getMenu("LowerLimit")); list.add(loc.getMenu("UpperLimit")); list.add(loc.getMenu("StandardError.short")); list.add(loc.getMenu("DegreesOfFreedom.short")); break; } String[] columnNames = new String[list.size()]; list.toArray(columnNames); listener.setStatTable(1, null, columnNames.length, columnNames); } public void updateResults() { boolean ok = evaluate(); if (!ok) { return; } switch (selectedInference) { default: // do nothing break; case StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_2MEANS: case StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_PAIRED: if (selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_PAIRED) { listener.setFormattedValueAt(meanDifference, 0, 0); } else { listener.setFormattedValueAt(diffMeans, 0, 0); } listener.setFormattedValueAt(P, 0, 1); listener.setFormattedValueAt(t, 0, 2); listener.setFormattedValueAt(se, 0, 3); listener.setFormattedValueAt(df, 0, 4); break; case StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_2MEANS: case StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_PAIRED: if (selectedInference == StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_PAIRED) { listener.setFormattedValueAt(meanDifference, 0, 0); } else { listener.setFormattedValueAt(diffMeans, 0, 0); } listener.setFormattedValueAt(me, 0, 1); listener.setFormattedValueAt(lower, 0, 2); listener.setFormattedValueAt(upper, 0, 3); listener.setFormattedValueAt(se, 0, 4); listener.setFormattedValueAt(df, 0, 5); break; } } // ============================================================ // Evaluate // ============================================================ public boolean evaluate() { // get the sample data GeoList dataCollection = listener.getDataSelected(); GeoList dataList1 = (GeoList) dataCollection .get(listener.getSelectedDataIndex(0)); double[] sample1 = listener.getValueArray(dataList1); SummaryStatistics stats1 = new SummaryStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i < sample1.length; i++) { stats1.addValue(sample1[i]); } GeoList dataList2 = (GeoList) dataCollection .get(listener.getSelectedDataIndex(1)); double[] sample2 = listener.getValueArray(dataList2); SummaryStatistics stats2 = new SummaryStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i < sample2.length; i++) { stats2.addValue(sample2[i]); } // exit if paired data is expected and sample sizes are unequal if (isPairedData() && stats1.getN() != stats2.getN()) { return false; } if (tTestImpl == null) { tTestImpl = new TTest(); } double tCritical; try { switch (selectedInference) { default: // do nothing break; case StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_2MEANS: case StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_2MEANS: // get statistics mean1 = StatUtils.mean(sample1); mean2 = StatUtils.mean(sample2); diffMeans = mean1 - mean2; n1 = stats1.getN(); n2 = stats2.getN(); double v1 = stats1.getVariance(); double v2 = stats2.getVariance(); df = getDegreeOfFreedom(v1, v2, n1, n2, isPooled()); if (isPooled()) { double pooledVariance = ((n1 - 1) * v1 + (n2 - 1) * v2) / (n1 + n2 - 2); se = Math.sqrt(pooledVariance * (1d / n1 + 1d / n2)); } else { se = Math.sqrt((v1 / n1) + (v2 / n2)); } // get confidence interval tDist = new TDistribution(df); tCritical = tDist.inverseCumulativeProbability( (getConfLevel() + 1d) / 2); me = tCritical * se; upper = diffMeans + me; lower = diffMeans - me; // get test results if (isPooled()) { t = tTestImpl.homoscedasticT(sample1, sample2); P = tTestImpl.homoscedasticTTest(sample1, sample2); } else { t = tTestImpl.t(sample1, sample2); P = tTestImpl.tTest(sample1, sample2); } P = adjustedPValue(P, t, tail); break; case StatisticsModel.INFER_TTEST_PAIRED: case StatisticsModel.INFER_TINT_PAIRED: // get statistics n1 = sample1.length; meanDifference = StatUtils.meanDifference(sample1, sample2); se = Math.sqrt(StatUtils.varianceDifference(sample1, sample2, meanDifference) / n1); df = n1 - 1; tDist = new TDistribution(df); tCritical = tDist.inverseCumulativeProbability( (getConfLevel() + 1d) / 2); me = tCritical * se; upper = meanDifference + me; lower = meanDifference - me; // get test results t = meanDifference / se; P = 2.0 * tDist.cumulativeProbability(-Math.abs(t)); P = adjustedPValue(P, t, tail); break; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // catches ArithmeticException, IllegalStateException and // ArithmeticException e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } // TODO: Validate !!!!!!!!!!! public double adjustedPValue(double p, double testStatistic, String tail) { // two sided test if (tail.equals(tail_two)) { return p; } else if ((tail.equals(tail_right) && testStatistic > 0) || (tail.equals(tail_left) && testStatistic < 0)) { return p / 2; } else { return 1 - p / 2; } } /** * Computes approximate degrees of freedom for 2-sample t-estimate. (code * from Apache commons, TTest class) * * @param v1 * first sample variance * @param v2 * second sample variance * @param n1 * first sample n * @param n2 * second sample n * @return approximate degrees of freedom */ public double getDegreeOfFreedom(double v1, double v2, double n1, double n2, boolean pooled) { if (pooled) { return n1 + n2 - 2; } return (((v1 / n1) + (v2 / n2)) * ((v1 / n1) + (v2 / n2))) / ((v1 * v1) / (n1 * n1 * (n1 - 1d)) + (v2 * v2) / (n2 * n2 * (n2 - 1d))); } /** * Computes margin of error for 2-sample t-estimate; this is the half-width * of the confidence interval * * @param v1 * first sample variance * @param v2 * second sample variance * @param n1 * first sample n * @param n2 * second sample n * @param confLevel * confidence level * @return margin of error for 2 mean interval estimate * @throws ArithmeticException */ public double getMarginOfError(double v1, double n1, double v2, double n2, double confLevel, boolean pooled) throws ArithmeticException { if (pooled) { double pooledVariance = ((n1 - 1) * v1 + (n2 - 1) * v2) / (n1 + n2 - 2); double se1 = Math.sqrt(pooledVariance * (1d / n1 + 1d / n2)); tDist = new TDistribution( getDegreeOfFreedom(v1, v2, n1, n2, pooled)); double a = tDist.inverseCumulativeProbability((confLevel + 1d) / 2); return a * se1; } double se = Math.sqrt((v1 / n1) + (v2 / n2)); tDist = new TDistribution( getDegreeOfFreedom(v1, v2, n1, n2, pooled)); double a = tDist.inverseCumulativeProbability((confLevel + 1d) / 2); return a * se; } public void setSelectedInference(int value) { selectedInference = value; } public double getHypMean() { return hypMean; } public void setHypMean(double hypMean) { this.hypMean = hypMean; } public double getConfLevel() { return confLevel; } public void setConfLevel(double confLevel) { this.confLevel = confLevel; } public boolean isPooled() { return pooled; } public void applyTail(int idx) { if (idx == 0) { tail = tail_right; } else if (idx == 1) { tail = tail_left; } else { tail = tail_two; } updateResults(); } public void setPooled(boolean pooled) { this.pooled = pooled; updateResults(); } public void fillAlternateHyp() { String nullHypName = getNullHypName(); listener.addAltHypItem(nullHypName, tail_right, hypMean); listener.addAltHypItem(nullHypName, tail_left, hypMean); listener.addAltHypItem(nullHypName, tail_two, hypMean); if (tail == tail_right) { listener.selectAltHyp(0); } else if (tail == tail_left) { listener.selectAltHyp(0); } else { listener.selectAltHyp(2); } } }