package org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoMacroInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Function; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionVariable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.GeoClass; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; /** * Boolean function of the type a(<|<=)x(<|<=)b * * @author Markus Hohenwarter * */ public class GeoInterval extends GeoFunction { /** * Creates new GeoInterval * * @param c * construction * @param f * boolean function */ public GeoInterval(Construction c, Function f) { super(c, f); } /** * Copy constructor * * @param geoInterval * interval to copy */ public GeoInterval(GeoInterval geoInterval) { super(geoInterval.cons); set(geoInterval); } /** * Creates new unlabeled interval * * @param cons * construction */ public GeoInterval(Construction cons) { super(cons); } @Override public GeoElement copy() { return new GeoInterval(this); } @Override public void set(GeoElementND geo) { GeoInterval geoFun = (GeoInterval) geo; if (geo == null || == null) { fun = null; isDefined = false; return; } isDefined = geoFun.isDefined; fun = new Function(, kernel); // macro OUTPUT if (geo.getConstruction() != cons && isAlgoMacroOutput()) { // this object is an output object of AlgoMacro // we need to check the references to all geos in its function's // expression if (!geoFun.isIndependent()) { AlgoMacroInterface algoMacro = (AlgoMacroInterface) getParentAlgorithm(); algoMacro.initFunction(; } } } @Override public GeoClass getGeoClassType() { return GeoClass.INTERVAL; } private StringBuilder sbToString2; @Override public String toString(StringTemplate tpl) { if (sbToString2 == null) { sbToString2 = new StringBuilder(); } else { sbToString2.setLength(0); } if (isLabelSet()) { sbToString2.append(label); sbToString2.append(": "); } sbToString2.append(toSymbolicString(tpl)); return sbToString2.toString(); } @Override public String toValueString(StringTemplate tpl) { return toString(false, tpl); } // private double rightBound = Double.NaN; // private double leftBound = Double.NaN; private double[] leftRightBoundsField; // private String rightStr = "", leftStr = ""; private String leftRightStrField[]; // private char rightInequality = ' '; // private char leftInequality = ' '; private char[] leftRightInequalityField; /** * Returns string description of the interval * * @param symbolic * true for symbolic, false for numeric * @return string description of the interval */ private String toString(boolean symbolic, StringTemplate tpl) { // output as nice string eg 3 < x < 5 if (!isDefined()) { return "?"; } // return "3 < x < 5";//fun.toValueString(); ExpressionNode en = fun.getExpression(); if (en.getOperation().equals(Operation.AND) || en.getOperation().equals(Operation.AND_INTERVAL)) { ExpressionValue left = en.getLeft(); ExpressionValue right = en.getRight(); if (left.isExpressionNode() && right.isExpressionNode()) { updateBoundaries(); if (!Double.isNaN(leftRightBoundsField[1]) && !Double.isNaN(leftRightBoundsField[0]) && leftRightBoundsField[0] <= leftRightBoundsField[1]) { sbToString.setLength(0); sbToString.append(symbolic ? leftRightStrField[0] : kernel.format(leftRightBoundsField[0], tpl)); sbToString.append(' '); sbToString.append(leftRightInequalityField[0]); sbToString.append(' '); sbToString.append(getVarString(tpl)); sbToString.append(' '); sbToString.append(leftRightInequalityField[1]); sbToString.append(' '); sbToString.append(symbolic ? leftRightStrField[1] : kernel.format(leftRightBoundsField[1], tpl)); return sbToString.toString(); // return kernel.format(leftBound) // +leftInequality+" x // "+rightInequality+kernel.format(rightBound); } } } // eg x<3 && x>10 // Application.debug("fall through"); return symbolic ? super.toSymbolicString(tpl) : super.toValueString(tpl); } private void updateBoundaries() { if (leftRightBoundsField == null) { leftRightBoundsField = new double[2]; leftRightBoundsField[0] = Double.NaN; leftRightBoundsField[1] = Double.NaN; } if (leftRightStrField == null) { leftRightStrField = new String[2]; } if (leftRightInequalityField == null) { leftRightInequalityField = new char[2]; } updateBoundaries(fun.getExpression(), leftRightBoundsField, leftRightStrField, leftRightInequalityField); } @Override public String toSymbolicString(StringTemplate tpl) { if (isDefined()) { return toString(true, tpl); } return "?"; } @Override public String toLaTeXString(boolean symbolic, StringTemplate tpl) { if (isDefined()) { return fun.toLaTeXString(symbolic, tpl); } return "?"; } @Override public boolean isEqual(GeoElementND geo) { return false; } /** * Checks given node and updates the arrays * * @param en * expression * @param leftRightDouble * bounds as doubles * @param leftRightStr * bounds as string * @param leftRightInequalityChar * inequality characters */ public static void updateBoundaries(ExpressionNode en, double[] leftRightDouble, String[] leftRightStr, char[] leftRightInequalityChar) { char leftInequality, rightInequality; double leftBound, rightBound; leftBound = leftRightDouble[0]; rightBound = leftRightDouble[1]; leftInequality = leftRightInequalityChar[0]; rightInequality = leftRightInequalityChar[1]; if (en.getOperation().equals(Operation.AND) || en.getOperation().equals(Operation.AND_INTERVAL)) { ExpressionValue left = en.getLeft(); ExpressionValue right = en.getRight(); ExpressionNode enLeft = (ExpressionNode) left; ExpressionNode enRight = (ExpressionNode) right; Operation opLeft = enLeft.getOperation(); Operation opRight = enRight.getOperation(); ExpressionValue leftLeft = enLeft.getLeft(); ExpressionValue leftRight = enLeft.getRight(); ExpressionValue rightLeft = enRight.getLeft(); ExpressionValue rightRight = enRight.getRight(); if ((opLeft.equals(Operation.LESS) || opLeft.equals(Operation.LESS_EQUAL))) { if (leftLeft instanceof FunctionVariable && leftRight.isNumberValue()) { rightInequality = opLeft.equals(Operation.LESS) ? '<' : Unicode.LESS_EQUAL; rightBound = setRightBound(leftRight, leftRightStr); } else if (leftRight instanceof FunctionVariable && leftLeft.isNumberValue()) { leftInequality = opLeft.equals(Operation.LESS) ? '<' : Unicode.LESS_EQUAL; leftBound = setLeftBound(leftLeft, leftRightStr); } } else if ((opLeft.equals(Operation.GREATER) || opLeft.equals(Operation.GREATER_EQUAL))) { if (leftLeft instanceof FunctionVariable && leftRight.isNumberValue()) { leftInequality = opLeft.equals(Operation.GREATER) ? '<' : Unicode.LESS_EQUAL; leftBound = setLeftBound(leftRight, leftRightStr); } else if (leftRight instanceof FunctionVariable && leftLeft.isNumberValue()) { rightInequality = opLeft.equals(Operation.GREATER) ? '<' : Unicode.LESS_EQUAL; rightBound = setRightBound(leftLeft, leftRightStr); } } if ((opRight.equals(Operation.LESS) || opRight.equals(Operation.LESS_EQUAL))) { if (rightLeft instanceof FunctionVariable && rightRight.isNumberValue()) { rightInequality = opRight.equals(Operation.LESS) ? '<' : Unicode.LESS_EQUAL; rightBound = setRightBound(rightRight, leftRightStr); } else if (rightRight instanceof FunctionVariable && rightLeft.isNumberValue()) { leftInequality = opRight.equals(Operation.LESS) ? '<' : Unicode.LESS_EQUAL; leftBound = setLeftBound(rightLeft, leftRightStr); } } else if ((opRight.equals(Operation.GREATER) || opRight.equals(Operation.GREATER_EQUAL))) { if (rightLeft instanceof FunctionVariable && rightRight.isNumberValue()) { leftInequality = opRight.equals(Operation.GREATER) ? '<' : Unicode.LESS_EQUAL; leftBound = setLeftBound(rightRight, leftRightStr); } else if (rightRight instanceof FunctionVariable && rightLeft.isNumberValue()) { rightInequality = opRight.equals(Operation.GREATER) ? '<' : Unicode.LESS_EQUAL; rightBound = setRightBound(rightLeft, leftRightStr); } } } else { rightBound = Double.NaN; leftBound = Double.NaN; } if (rightBound < leftBound) { rightBound = Double.NaN; leftBound = Double.NaN; } // values to return leftRightDouble[0] = leftBound; leftRightDouble[1] = rightBound; leftRightInequalityChar[0] = leftInequality; leftRightInequalityChar[1] = rightInequality; } private static double setLeftBound(ExpressionValue nv, String[] leftRightStr) { if (nv.isGeoElement()) { leftRightStr[0] = ((GeoElement) nv) .getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate); } else { leftRightStr[0] = nv.toString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate); } return nv.evaluateDouble(); } private static double setRightBound(ExpressionValue nv, String[] leftRightStr) { if (nv.isGeoElement()) { leftRightStr[1] = ((GeoElement) nv) .getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate); } else { leftRightStr[1] = nv.toString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate); } return nv.evaluateDouble(); } /** * @return left bound of the interval */ public double getMin() { updateBoundaries(); return leftRightBoundsField[0]; } /** * @return right bound of the interval */ public double getMax() { updateBoundaries(); return leftRightBoundsField[1]; } /** * @return center of the interval (number) */ public double getMidPoint() { updateBoundaries(); return (leftRightBoundsField[1] + leftRightBoundsField[0]) / 2; } @Override public boolean isGeoInterval() { return true; } @Override public String toOutputValueString(StringTemplate tpl) { return toValueString(tpl); } @Override public int getMinimumLineThickness() { return 0; } }