package org.geogebra.common.gui; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.Drawable; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianConstants; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianStyleBarStatic; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.Hits; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.AbsoluteScreenLocateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GProperty; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoConic; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoSegment; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoText; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoVector; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Traceable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.implicit.GeoImplicit; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.CoordStyle; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.main.OptionType; import org.geogebra.common.main.SpreadsheetTraceManager; /** * @author gabor * * Superclass for ContextMenuGeoElements in Web and Desktop * */ public abstract class ContextMenuGeoElement { protected static final double[] zoomFactors = { 4.0, 2.0, 1.5, 1.25, 1.0 / 1.25, 1.0 / 1.5, 0.5, 0.25 }; protected static final double[] axesRatios = { 1.0 / 1000.0, 1.0 / 500.0, 1.0 / 200.0, 1.0 / 100.0, 1.0 / 50.0, 1.0 / 20.0, 1.0 / 10.0, 1.0 / 5.0, 1.0 / 2.0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 }; /** selected elements */ private ArrayList<GeoElement> geos; /** current element */ private String geoLabel; /** application */ public App app; protected boolean justOneGeo = false; public ContextMenuGeoElement(App app) { = app; } /** * * @param geo * geo * @return description */ protected String getDescription(GeoElement geo, boolean addHTMLtag) { String title = geo.getLongDescriptionHTML(false, addHTMLtag); if (title.length() > 80) { title = geo.getNameDescriptionHTML(false, addHTMLtag); } return title; } public void cartesianCoordsCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof CoordStyle) { CoordStyle point1 = (CoordStyle) geo1; point1.setMode(Kernel.COORD_CARTESIAN); geo1.updateRepaint(); } } app.getKernel().getConstruction().getUndoManager().storeUndoInfo(true); } public void polarCoorsCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof CoordStyle) { CoordStyle point1 = (CoordStyle) geo1; point1.setMode(Kernel.COORD_POLAR); geo1.updateRepaint(); } } app.getKernel().getConstruction().getUndoManager().storeUndoInfo(true); } public void cartesianCoords3dCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof CoordStyle) { CoordStyle point1 = (CoordStyle) geo1; point1.setMode(Kernel.COORD_CARTESIAN_3D); geo1.updateRepaint(); } } app.getKernel().getConstruction().getUndoManager().storeUndoInfo(true); } public void sphericalCoordsCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof CoordStyle) { CoordStyle point1 = (CoordStyle) geo1; point1.setMode(Kernel.COORD_SPHERICAL); geo1.updateRepaint(); } } app.getKernel().getConstruction().getUndoManager().storeUndoInfo(true); } public void equationImplicitEquationCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof GeoLine && !(geo1 instanceof GeoSegment)) { GeoLine line1 = (GeoLine) geo1; line1.setMode(GeoLine.EQUATION_IMPLICIT); line1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void equationExplicitEquationCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof GeoLine && !(geo1 instanceof GeoSegment)) { GeoLine line1 = (GeoLine) geo1; line1.setMode(GeoLine.EQUATION_EXPLICIT); line1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void equationGeneralLineEquationCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof GeoLine && !(geo1 instanceof GeoSegment)) { GeoLine line1 = (GeoLine) geo1; line1.setMode(GeoLine.EQUATION_GENERAL); line1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void parametricFormCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof GeoLine && !(geo1 instanceof GeoSegment)) { GeoLine line1 = (GeoLine) geo1; line1.setMode(GeoLine.PARAMETRIC); line1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void cartesianCoordsForVectorItemsCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof GeoVector) { GeoVector vector1 = (GeoVector) geo1; vector1.setMode(Kernel.COORD_CARTESIAN); vector1.updateRepaint(); } } app.getKernel().getConstruction().getUndoManager().storeUndoInfo(true); } public void polarCoordsForVectorItemsCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof GeoVector) { GeoVector vector1 = (GeoVector) geo1; vector1.setMode(Kernel.COORD_POLAR); vector1.updateRepaint(); } } app.getKernel().getConstruction().getUndoManager().storeUndoInfo(true); } public void implicitConicEquationCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.getClass() == GeoConic.class) { GeoConic conic1 = (GeoConic) geo1; conic1.setToImplicit(); conic1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void equationConicEqnCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.getClass() == GeoConic.class) { GeoConic conic1 = (GeoConic) geo1; conic1.setToSpecific(); conic1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void equationVertexEquationCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.getClass() == GeoConic.class) { GeoConic conic1 = (GeoConic) geo1; conic1.setToVertexform(); conic1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void equationConicformEquationCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.getClass() == GeoConic.class) { GeoConic conic1 = (GeoConic) geo1; conic1.setToConicform(); conic1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void equationExplicitConicEquationCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.getClass() == GeoConic.class) { GeoConic conic1 = (GeoConic) geo1; conic1.setToExplicit(); conic1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void extendedFormCmd(final GeoImplicit inputElement) { inputElement.setExtendedForm(); inputElement.updateRepaint(); app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void deleteCmd(boolean isCut) { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); // geo.remove(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // maybe we killed siblings -> geos2 list shrinks if (i < geos2.size()) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); // clear bounding box if geo if is there any if (geo1.isShape()) { Drawable d = (Drawable) app.getActiveEuclidianView() .getDrawableFor(geo1); if (d != null) { d.getBoundingBox().resetBoundingBox(); } } if (isCut) { if (geo1.getParentAlgorithm() != null) { for (GeoElement ge : geo1.getParentAlgorithm().input) { ge.removeOrSetUndefinedIfHasFixedDescendent(); } } } geo1.removeOrSetUndefinedIfHasFixedDescendent(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public ArrayList<GeoElement> checkOneGeo() { if (justOneGeo) { ArrayList<GeoElement> ret = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); ret.add(getGeo()); return ret; } return getGeos(); } public void editCmd() { app.getDialogManager().showTextDialog((GeoText) getGeo()); } public void renameCmd() { app.getDialogManager().showRenameDialog(getGeo(), true, getGeo().getLabelSimple(), true); } public void fixObjectNumericCmd(final GeoNumeric num) { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.isGeoNumeric()) { ((GeoNumeric) geo1).setSliderFixed(!num.isSliderFixed()); geo1.updateRepaint(); } else { geo1.setFixed(!num.isSliderFixed()); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void fixObjectCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.isGeoNumeric()) { ((GeoNumeric) geo1) .setSliderFixed(!((GeoNumeric) geo1).isSliderFixed()); geo1.updateRepaint(); } else { if (geo1.isFixable()) { geo1.setFixed(!geo1.isLocked()); geo1.updateRepaint(); } } } getGeo().updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COMBINED); app.getKernel().notifyRepaint(); app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void fixCheckboxCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoBoolean geo1 = (GeoBoolean) geos2.get(i); geo1.setCheckboxFixed(!geo1.isCheckboxFixed()); } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public boolean isLabelShown() { return isLabelShown(checkOneGeo()); } public boolean isLabelShown(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2) { boolean show = true; for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { show = show && geos2.get(i).isLabelVisible(); } return show; } public void showLabelCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); boolean show = isLabelShown(geos2); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); geo1.setLabelVisible(!show); geo1.updateRepaint(); } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void showObjectCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); boolean newVisibility = !geos2.get(0).isSetEuclidianVisible(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); geo1.setEuclidianVisible(newVisibility); // do not show bounding box if shape is not shown if (!newVisibility && geo1.isShape()) { Drawable d = (Drawable) app.getActiveEuclidianView() .getDrawableFor(geo1); if (d != null) { d.getBoundingBox().resetBoundingBox(); } } geo1.updateRepaint(); } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void showObjectAuxiliaryCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.isAlgebraShowable()) { geo1.setAuxiliaryObject(!geo1.isAuxiliaryObject()); geo1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void openPropertiesDialogCmd() { app.getDialogManager().showPropertiesDialog(OptionType.OBJECTS, checkOneGeo()); } public void inputFormCmd(final GeoImplicit inputElement) { inputElement.setInputForm(); inputElement.updateRepaint(); app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void traceCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); if (app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU)) { // if there is at least 1 // geo, which has no // trace, all geo will // have trace, // otherwise, if all geo // has trace, tracing // will be set to false boolean istracing = isTracing(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.isTraceable()) { ((Traceable) geo1).setTrace(!istracing); geo1.updateRepaint(); } } } else { // every geo's behaviour will be changed for the inverse for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.isTraceable()) { ((Traceable) geo1).setTrace(!((Traceable) geo1).getTrace()); geo1.updateRepaint(); } } } app.storeUndoInfo(); } public boolean isTracing() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.isTraceable()) { if(!((Traceable) geo1).getTrace()){ return false; } } } return true; } public void animationCmd() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1.isAnimatable()) { geo1.setAnimating(!(geo1.isAnimating() && app.getKernel().getAnimatonManager().isRunning())); geo1.updateRepaint(); } } app.storeUndoInfo(); app.getActiveEuclidianView().repaint(); // automatically start animation when animating was turned on if (getGeo().isAnimating()) { getGeo().getKernel().getAnimatonManager().startAnimation(); } } public void pinCmd(boolean isSelected) { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos2 = checkOneGeo(); for (int i = geos2.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GeoElement geo1 = geos2.get(i); if (geo1 instanceof AbsoluteScreenLocateable && !geo1.isGeoList()) { AbsoluteScreenLocateable geoText = (AbsoluteScreenLocateable) geo1; boolean flag = !geoText.isAbsoluteScreenLocActive(); if (flag) { // convert real world to screen coords int x = app.getActiveEuclidianView() .toScreenCoordX(geoText.getRealWorldLocX()); int y = app.getActiveEuclidianView() .toScreenCoordY(geoText.getRealWorldLocY()); geoText.setAbsoluteScreenLoc(x, y); } else { // convert screen coords to real world double x = app.getActiveEuclidianView() .toRealWorldCoordX(geoText.getAbsoluteScreenLocX()); double y = app.getActiveEuclidianView() .toRealWorldCoordY(geoText.getAbsoluteScreenLocY()); geoText.setRealWorldLoc(x, y); } geoText.setAbsoluteScreenLocActive(flag); geoText.updateRepaint(); } else if (getGeo().isPinnable()) { EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyFixPosition(geos2, isSelected, app.getActiveEuclidianView()); } } getGeo().updateVisualStyle(GProperty.COMBINED); app.getKernel().notifyRepaint(); app.storeUndoInfo(); } public void geoActionCmd(GeoElement cmdGeo, ArrayList<GeoElement> sGeos, ArrayList<GeoElement> gs, EuclidianView v, GPoint l) { if (v.getMode() == EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE) { // change selection // to geo clicked // AbstractApplication.debug(geo.getLabelSimple()); app.getSelectionManager().clearSelectedGeos(false); // repaint done // next step app.getSelectionManager().addSelectedGeo(cmdGeo); // update the geo lists and show the popup again with the new // selection sGeos.clear(); sGeos.add(cmdGeo); if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().showPopupChooseGeo(sGeos, gs, v, l); } } else { // use geo clicked to process mode Hits hits = new Hits(); hits.add(cmdGeo); v.getEuclidianController().processMode(hits, false); } } public void recordToSpreadSheetCmd() { SpreadsheetTraceManager traceManager = app.getTraceManager(); if (!traceManager.isTraceGeo(getGeo())) { traceManager.addSpreadsheetTraceGeo(getGeo()); } else if (app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU)) { traceManager.removeSpreadsheetTraceGeo(getGeo()); } } protected GeoElement getGeo() { return app.getKernel().lookupLabel(geoLabel); } protected void setGeo(GeoElement geo) { this.geoLabel = geo.getLabelSimple(); } protected ArrayList<GeoElement> getGeos() { return geos; } protected void setGeos(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos) { this.geos = geos; } protected void cutCmd() { app.getCopyPaste().copyToXML(app, app.getSelectionManager().getSelectedGeos(), false); deleteCmd(true); } protected void duplicateCmd() { app.getCopyPaste().copyToXML(app, app.getSelectionManager().getSelectedGeos(), false); app.getCopyPaste().pasteFromXML(app, false); } }