package org.geogebra.common.main.settings; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GDimension; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GFont; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianConstants; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.factories.AwtFactory; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EuclidianStyleConstants; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; /** * Settings for an euclidian view. To which view these settings are associated * is determined in {@link Settings}. */ public class EuclidianSettings extends AbstractSettings { public static final int[] DELETE_SIZES = { 20, 40, 80 }; /** * Color of the euclidian view's background. */ protected GColor backgroundColor; /** * Color of the axes. */ private GColor axesColor; /** * Color of the grid lines. */ private GColor gridColor; /** * Line style of axes. */ private int axesLineStyle = EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_ARROW; /** * Line style of grid. */ private int gridLineStyle = EuclidianStyleConstants.LINE_TYPE_FULL; /** * Various distances between lines of the grid. */ double[] gridDistances = null;// { 2, 2, Math.PI/6 }; // we need 3 values for 3D view, as it may copy values from ev1 private final double[] axisCross = { 0, 0, 0 }; private final boolean[] positiveAxes = { false, false, false }; private final boolean[] drawBorderAxes = { false, false, false }; private NumberValue xminObject, xmaxObject, yminObject, ymaxObject; private int tooltipsInThisView = EuclidianStyleConstants.TOOLTIPS_AUTOMATIC; private GDimension sizeFromFile, size; protected App app; // settings for the base EuclidianView (or null if this is the base) // private final EuclidianSettings euclidianSettings1; public EuclidianSettings(App app) { // this.euclidianSettings1 = euclidianSettings1; xZero = EuclidianView.XZERO_STANDARD; // needs to be positive yZero = EuclidianView.YZERO_STANDARD; // needs to be positive preferredSize = AwtFactory.getPrototype().newDimension(0, 0); = app; resetNoFire(); } /* * some settings are not stored in XML, eg eg automaticGridDistance so we * need to clear these parameters to make sure the others are set OK see * EuclidianView.settingsChanged() */ public void reset() { resetNoFire(); settingChanged(); } protected void resetNoFire() { sizeFromFile = AwtFactory.getPrototype().newDimension(0, 0); size = null; gridDistances = null; // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < axisNumberingDistances.length; i++) { axisNumberingDistances[i] = null; } xminObject = null; xmaxObject = null; yminObject = null; ymaxObject = null; setGridLineStyle(EuclidianStyleConstants.LINE_TYPE_FULL); setAxesLineStyle(EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_LINE_TYPE_ARROW); setAxesColor(GColor.BLACK); setGridColor(GColor.LIGHT_GRAY); setBackground(GColor.WHITE); setGridType(EuclidianView.GRID_CARTESIAN); pointCapturingMode = EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_CAPTURING_AUTOMATIC; // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < showAxesNumbers.length; i++) { showAxesNumbers[i] = true; } // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < axesLabels.length; i++) { axesLabels[i] = null; } // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < axesUnitLabels.length; i++) { axesUnitLabels[i] = null; } // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < piAxisUnit.length; i++) { piAxisUnit[i] = false; } // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < axesTickStyles.length; i++) { axesTickStyles[i] = EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_TICK_STYLE_MAJOR; } // for axes labeling with numbers // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < automaticAxesNumberingDistances.length; i++) { automaticAxesNumberingDistances[i] = true; } // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < automaticAxesNumberingDistances.length; i++) { automaticAxesNumberingDistances[i] = true; } // distances between grid lines automaticGridDistance = true; // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < axisCross.length; i++) { axisCross[i] = 0; } // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < positiveAxes.length; i++) { positiveAxes[i] = false; } // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < selectionAllowed.length; i++) { selectionAllowed[i] = true; } // length might be 2 or 3 for (int i = 0; i < showAxes.length; i++) { showAxes[i] = true; } showGrid = false; axisFontStyle = GFont.PLAIN; axesLabelsSerif = false; } /** * Change background color. * * @param col */ public void setBackground(GColor col) { if (!col.equals(backgroundColor)) { backgroundColor = col; settingChanged(); } } /** * @return background color */ public GColor getBackground() { return backgroundColor; } /** * Change axes color. * * @param col */ public void setAxesColor(GColor col) { if (!col.equals(axesColor)) { axesColor = col; settingChanged(); } } /** * @return axes color */ public GColor getAxesColor() { return axesColor; } /** * Change grid color. * * @param col */ public void setGridColor(GColor col) { if (!col.equals(gridColor)) { gridColor = col; settingChanged(); } } /** * @return color of the grid */ public GColor getGridColor() { return gridColor; } /** * Change line style of axes. * * @param style */ public void setAxesLineStyle(int style) { if (axesLineStyle != style) { axesLineStyle = style; settingChanged(); } } /** * @return line style of axes */ public int getAxesLineStyle() { return axesLineStyle; } /** * Change line style of grid. * * @param style */ public void setGridLineStyle(int style) { if (gridLineStyle != style) { gridLineStyle = style; settingChanged(); } } /** * @return line style of grid */ public int getGridLineStyle() { return gridLineStyle; } /** * Change grid distances. * * @param dists */ public void setGridDistances(double[] dists) { boolean changed = false; if (gridDistances == null) { changed = true; } else if (gridDistances.length != dists.length) { changed = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < dists.length; ++i) { if (dists[i] != gridDistances[i]) { changed = true; break; } } } if (changed) { gridDistances = dists; if (dists == null) { setAutomaticGridDistance(true, false); } else { setAutomaticGridDistance(false, false); } settingChanged(); } } /** * @return grid distances */ public double[] getGridDistances() { return gridDistances; } public void setAutomaticGridDistance(boolean agd, boolean callsc) { if (automaticGridDistance != agd) { automaticGridDistance = agd; if (agd) { gridDistances = null; if (callsc) { settingChanged(); } } else if (callsc) { settingChanged(); } } } public boolean getAutomaticGridDistance() { return automaticGridDistance; } protected boolean[] showAxes = { true, true, true }; protected boolean[] selectionAllowed = { true, true, true }; protected boolean[] showAxesNumbers = { true, true, true }; protected boolean[] logAxes = { false, false, false }; protected String[] axesLabels = { null, null, null }; protected String[] axesUnitLabels = { null, null, null }; protected boolean[] piAxisUnit = { false, false, false }; protected int[] axesTickStyles = { EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_TICK_STYLE_MAJOR, EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_TICK_STYLE_MAJOR, EuclidianStyleConstants.AXES_TICK_STYLE_MAJOR }; // for axes labeling with numbers protected boolean[] automaticAxesNumberingDistances = { true, true, true }; protected GeoNumberValue axisNumberingDistances[] = new GeoNumeric[] { null, null, null }; // distances between grid lines protected boolean automaticGridDistance = true; protected double xZero; protected double yZero; protected double xscale = EuclidianView.SCALE_STANDARD; protected double yscale = EuclidianView.SCALE_STANDARD; private GDimension preferredSize; private boolean showGrid; protected boolean gridIsBold; private int gridType = EuclidianView.GRID_CARTESIAN; private int pointCapturingMode = EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_CAPTURING_AUTOMATIC; // set to false because it was set to false in Desktop anyway // (due to a bug in MyXMLHandler?), and it does some speedup in Web private boolean allowShowMouseCoords = false; private double lockedAxesRatio = -1; private int deleteToolSize = EuclidianConstants.DEFAULT_ERASER_SIZE; private int axisFontStyle = GFont.PLAIN; private boolean axesLabelsSerif = false; private Boolean enabled = null; public boolean getAllowShowMouseCoords() { return allowShowMouseCoords; } public void setAllowShowMouseCoords(boolean neverShowMouseCoords) { if (neverShowMouseCoords == this.allowShowMouseCoords) { return; } this.allowShowMouseCoords = neverShowMouseCoords; settingChanged(); } /* * change visibility of axes */ public boolean setShowAxis(int axis, boolean flag) { boolean changed = flag != showAxes[axis]; if (changed) { showAxes[axis] = flag; settingChanged(); } return changed; } /* * change logarithmic of axes */ public boolean setLogAxis(int axis, boolean flag) { boolean changed = flag != logAxes[axis]; if (changed) { logAxes[axis] = flag; settingChanged(); } return changed; } /** * says if the axis is shown or not * * @param axis * id of the axis * @return if the axis is shown */ public boolean getShowAxis(int axis) { return showAxes[axis]; } public boolean getLogAxis(int axis) { return logAxes[axis]; } /** * sets the axis label to axisLabel * * @param axis * @param axisLabel */ public void setAxisLabel(int axis, String axisLabel) { boolean changed = false; if (StringUtil.empty(axisLabel)) { changed = axesLabels[axis] != null; axesLabels[axis] = null; } else { changed = !axisLabel.equals(axesLabels[axis]); axesLabels[axis] = axisLabel; } if (changed) { settingChanged(); } } public String[] getAxesLabels() { return axesLabels; } public String[] getAxesUnitLabels() { return axesUnitLabels; } public void setAxesUnitLabels(String[] axesUnitLabels) { this.axesUnitLabels = axesUnitLabels; // check if pi is an axis unit for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { piAxisUnit[i] = (axesUnitLabels[i] != null) && axesUnitLabels[i].equals(Unicode.PI_STRING); } // setAxesIntervals(xscale, 0); // setAxesIntervals(yscale, 1); settingChanged(); } public void setShowAxisNumbers(int axis, boolean showAxisNumbers) { showAxesNumbers[axis] = showAxisNumbers; settingChanged(); } public boolean[] getShowAxisNumbers() { return showAxesNumbers; } public GeoNumberValue getAxisNumberingDistance(int i) { return axisNumberingDistances[i]; } public void setAxisNumberingDistance(int i, GeoNumberValue dist) { axisNumberingDistances[i] = dist; setAutomaticAxesNumberingDistance(false, i, false); settingChanged(); } public void setAutomaticAxesNumberingDistance(boolean flag, int axis, boolean callsc) { if (automaticAxesNumberingDistances[axis] != flag) { automaticAxesNumberingDistances[axis] = flag; if (flag) { axisNumberingDistances[axis] = null; if (callsc) { settingChanged(); } } else if (callsc) { settingChanged(); } } } public boolean getAutomaticAxesNumberingDistance(int axis) { return automaticAxesNumberingDistances[axis]; } public int[] getAxesTickStyles() { return axesTickStyles; } public void setAxisTickStyle(int axis, int tickStyle) { if (axesTickStyles[axis] != tickStyle) { axesTickStyles[axis] = tickStyle; settingChanged(); } } public double[] getAxesCross() { return axisCross; } public void setAxisCross(int axis, double cross) { if (axisCross[axis] != cross) { axisCross[axis] = cross; settingChanged(); } } public boolean[] getPositiveAxes() { return positiveAxes; } // for xml handler public void setPositiveAxis(int axis, boolean isPositiveAxis) { if (positiveAxes[axis] == isPositiveAxis) { return; } positiveAxes[axis] = isPositiveAxis; settingChanged(); } /** * @return the xminObject */ public GeoNumeric getXminObject() { return (GeoNumeric) xminObject; } /** * @param xminObjectNew * the xminObject to set * @param callsc * whether settingChanged should be called */ public void setXminObject(NumberValue xminObjectNew, boolean callsc) { this.xminObject = xminObjectNew; if (callsc) { settingChanged(); } } /** * @return the xmaxObject */ public GeoNumeric getXmaxObject() { return (GeoNumeric) xmaxObject; } /** * @param xmaxObjectNew * the xmaxObject to set * @param callsc * whether settingChanged should be called */ public void setXmaxObject(NumberValue xmaxObjectNew, boolean callsc) { this.xmaxObject = xmaxObjectNew; if (callsc) { settingChanged(); } } /** * @return the yminObject */ public GeoNumeric getYminObject() { return (GeoNumeric) yminObject; } /** * @param yminObjectNew * the yminObject to set * @param callsc * whether settingChanged should be called */ public void setYminObject(NumberValue yminObjectNew, boolean callsc) { this.yminObject = yminObjectNew; if (callsc) { settingChanged(); } } /** * @return the ymaxObject */ public GeoNumeric getYmaxObject() { return (GeoNumeric) ymaxObject; } /** * @param ymaxObjectNew * the ymaxObject to set * @param callsc * whether settingChanged should be called */ public void setYmaxObject(NumberValue ymaxObjectNew, boolean callsc) { this.ymaxObject = ymaxObjectNew; if (callsc) { settingChanged(); } } /** * Returns x coordinate of axes origin. */ public double getXZero() { return xZero; } /** * Returns y coordinate of axes origin. */ public double getYZero() { return yZero; } /** * Returns xscale of this view. The scale is the number of pixels in screen * space that represent one unit in user space. */ public double getXscale() { return xscale; } /** * Returns the yscale of this view. The scale is the number of pixels in * screen space that represent one unit in user space. */ public double getYscale() { return yscale; } public boolean hasDynamicBounds() { return xminObject != null && yminObject != null && xmaxObject != null && ymaxObject != null; } public void setCoordSystem(double xZero, double yZero, double xscale, double yscale, boolean fire) { if (Double.isNaN(xscale) || (xscale < Kernel.MAX_DOUBLE_PRECISION) || (xscale > Kernel.INV_MAX_DOUBLE_PRECISION)) { return; } if (Double.isNaN(yscale) || (yscale < Kernel.MAX_DOUBLE_PRECISION) || (yscale > Kernel.INV_MAX_DOUBLE_PRECISION)) { return; } this.xZero = xZero; this.yZero = yZero; this.xscale = xscale; this.yscale = yscale; if (fire) { settingChanged(); } } public void setAxesNumberingDistance(GeoNumberValue tickDist, int axis) { setAxisNumberingDistance(axis, tickDist); settingChanged(); } public void setPreferredSize(GDimension dimension) { preferredSize = dimension; settingChanged(); } public GDimension getPreferredSize() { return preferredSize; } public boolean setShowAxes(boolean x, boolean y) { boolean changedX = this.setShowAxis(0, x); return this.setShowAxis(1, y) || changedX; // settingChanged() is called from those above } public boolean setShowAxes(boolean flag) { boolean changed = this.setShowAxis(0, flag); changed = this.setShowAxis(1, flag) || changed; return this.setShowAxis(2, flag) || changed; // settingChanged() is called from those above } public boolean setLogAxes(boolean x, boolean y) { boolean changedX = this.setLogAxis(0, x); return this.setLogAxis(1, y) || changedX; // settingChanged() is called from those above } public boolean setLogAxes(boolean flag) { boolean changed = this.setLogAxis(0, flag); changed = this.setLogAxis(1, flag) || changed; return this.setLogAxis(2, flag) || changed; // settingChanged() is called from those above } public boolean showGrid(boolean show) { if (show == showGrid) { return false; } setShowGridSetting(show); settingChanged(); return true; } public void setShowGridSetting(boolean show) { showGrid = show; } public boolean getShowGrid() { return showGrid; } public boolean getGridIsBold() { return gridIsBold; } public void setGridIsBold(boolean gridIsBold) { if (this.gridIsBold == gridIsBold) { return; } this.gridIsBold = gridIsBold; settingChanged(); } final public int getGridType() { return gridType; } /** * Set grid type. */ public void setGridType(int type) { if (gridType == type) { return; } gridType = type; settingChanged(); } /** * Returns point capturing mode. */ final public int getPointCapturingMode() { return pointCapturingMode; } /** * Set capturing of points to the grid. * * @return true if setting changed */ public boolean setPointCapturing(int mode) { if (pointCapturingMode == mode) { return false; } pointCapturingMode = mode; settingChanged(); return false; } public void setAllowToolTips(int setto) { if (setto == tooltipsInThisView) { return; } tooltipsInThisView = setto; settingChanged(); } final public int getAllowToolTips() { return tooltipsInThisView; } public void setDrawBorderAxes(int axis, boolean value) { if ((axis == 0) || (axis == 1)) { if (drawBorderAxes[axis] == value) { return; } drawBorderAxes[axis] = value; settingChanged(); } } final public boolean[] getDrawBorderAxes() { return drawBorderAxes; } public void setLockedAxesRatio(double ratio) { if (Kernel.isEqual(lockedAxesRatio, ratio)) { return; } lockedAxesRatio = ratio; settingChanged(); } public double getLockedAxesRatio() { return lockedAxesRatio; } public void setBoldAxes(boolean bold) { int oldAxesLineStyle = axesLineStyle; axesLineStyle = EuclidianView.getBoldAxes(bold, axesLineStyle); if (oldAxesLineStyle != axesLineStyle) { settingChanged(); } } public int getDeleteToolSize() { return this.deleteToolSize; } public void setDeleteToolSize(int size) { this.deleteToolSize = size; } public void addAxisXML(int i, StringBuilder sbxml) { sbxml.append("\t<axis id=\""); sbxml.append(i); sbxml.append("\" show=\""); sbxml.append(getShowAxis(i)); sbxml.append("\" label=\""); if (axesLabels[i] != null) { StringUtil.encodeXML(sbxml, axisLabelForXML(i)); } sbxml.append("\" unitLabel=\""); if (axesUnitLabels[i] != null) { StringUtil.encodeXML(sbxml, axesUnitLabels[i]); } sbxml.append("\" tickStyle=\""); sbxml.append(axesTickStyles[i]); sbxml.append("\" showNumbers=\""); sbxml.append(showAxesNumbers[i]); // the tick distance should only be saved if // it isn't calculated automatically if (!automaticAxesNumberingDistances[i] && axisNumberingDistances[i] != null) { sbxml.append("\" tickDistance=\""); sbxml.append(axisNumberingDistances[i].getDouble()); sbxml.append("\" tickExpression=\""); sbxml.append(axisNumberingDistances[i] .getDefinition(StringTemplate.xmlTemplate)); } // axis crossing values if (drawBorderAxes[i]) { sbxml.append("\" axisCrossEdge=\""); sbxml.append(true); } else if (!Kernel.isZero(axisCross[i]) && !drawBorderAxes[i]) { sbxml.append("\" axisCross=\""); sbxml.append(axisCross[i]); } // positive direction only flags if (positiveAxes[i]) { sbxml.append("\" positiveAxis=\""); sbxml.append(positiveAxes[i]); } // selection allowed flags if (!selectionAllowed[i]) { sbxml.append("\" selectionAllowed=\""); sbxml.append(selectionAllowed[i]); } sbxml.append("\"/>\n"); } /** * Returns axis label including <b> and <i> * * @param i * index of axis (0 for x, 1 for y) * @return axis label including formating tags */ public String axisLabelForXML(int i) { return axesLabels[i]; } final public void setXscale(double scale) { if (this.xscale != scale) { setXscaleValue(scale); settingChanged(); } } protected void setXscaleValue(double scale) { this.xscale = scale; } final public void setYscale(double scale) { if (this.yscale != scale) { setYscaleValue(scale); settingChanged(); } } protected void setYscaleValue(double scale) { this.yscale = scale; } /** * @return if it's about 3D */ public boolean is3D() { return false; } /** * * @return if it's a view for plane */ public boolean isViewForPlane() { return false; } /** * convert screen coordinate x to real world coordinate x * * @param x * screen coord * @return real world equivalent of screen x-coord */ final public double toRealWorldCoordX(double x) { return (x - xZero) / xscale; } /** * convert screen coordinate y to real world coordinate y * * @param y * screen coord * @return real world equivalent of screen y-coord */ final public double toRealWorldCoordY(double y) { return (yZero - y) / yscale; } /** * Axis font style * * @return eg GFont.PLAIN + GFont.BOLD */ public int getAxisFontStyle() { // #5320 return axisFontStyle; } /** * @return whether axes labels are in serif font */ public boolean getAxesLabelsSerif() { return axesLabelsSerif; } public void setAxesLabelsSerif(boolean b) { if (axesLabelsSerif != b) { axesLabelsSerif = b; settingChanged(); } } public void setAxisFontStyle(int style) { if (axisFontStyle != style) { axisFontStyle = style; settingChanged(); } } /** * set size from XML file. Reset size value * * @param newDimension */ public void setSizeFromFile(GDimension newDimension) { this.sizeFromFile = newDimension; this.size = null; } public void setSize(int w, int h) { size = AwtFactory.getPrototype().newDimension(w, h); } public void setOriginNoUpdate(double xZero, double yZero) { this.xZero = xZero; this.yZero = yZero; } /** * @return width from XML */ public int getFileWidth() { return sizeFromFile.getWidth(); } /** * @return height from XML */ public int getFileHeight() { return sizeFromFile.getHeight(); } /** * @return width */ public int getWidth() { if (size == null) { return getFileWidth(); } return size.getWidth(); } /** * @return height */ public int getHeight() { if (size == null) { return getFileHeight(); } return size.getHeight(); } /** * @param axis * axis index * @param flag * whether to allow selection * @return whether setting was changed */ public boolean setSelectionAllowed(int axis, boolean flag) { boolean changed = flag != selectionAllowed[axis]; if (changed) { selectionAllowed[axis] = flag; settingChanged(); } return changed; } /** * @param axisNo * axis index * @return whether axis selection is allowed */ public boolean isSelectionAllowed(int axisNo) { return selectionAllowed[axisNo]; } /** * @param enable * whether this view is enabled (for 3D only) */ public void setEnabled(boolean enable) { if (enabled == null || enabled != enable) { this.enabled = enable; settingChanged(); } } /** * reset 3d enable (needed for exam mode) */ public void resetEnabled() { enabled = null; } /** * @return whether this view is enabled */ public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled == null || enabled; } /** * @return whether this view was explicitly disabled */ public boolean isEnabledSet() { return enabled != null; } }