package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet.MyTable; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetContextMenu; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.AppResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.menubar.MainMenu; import org.geogebra.web.web.javax.swing.GCheckBoxMenuItem; import org.geogebra.web.web.javax.swing.GPopupMenuW; import; import; import; import; /** * Subclass of SpreadsheetContextMenu, implements the spreadsheet context menu * for web. * * @author G. Sturr * */ public class SpreadsheetContextMenuW extends SpreadsheetContextMenu { private GPopupMenuW popup; /** * Constructor * * @param table */ public SpreadsheetContextMenuW(MyTable table) { super(table); } @Override public Object getMenuContainer() { return popup; } @Override public void createGUI() { popup = new GPopupMenuW((AppW) app); popup.getPopupPanel().addStyleName("geogebraweb-popup-spreadsheet"); initMenu(); if (isWhiteboard()) { popup.getPopupPanel().addStyleName("contextMenu"); } } @Override public void setTitle(String str) { MenuItem title = new MenuItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( AppResources.INSTANCE.empty().getSafeUri().asString(), str), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { popup.setVisible(false); } }); title.addStyleName("menuTitle"); popup.addItem(title); } protected boolean isWhiteboard() { return app.has(Feature.WHITEBOARD_APP) && app.has(Feature.CONTEXT_MENU); } @Override protected void addEditItems() { if (isWhiteboard()) { addSeparator(); addCut(); addCopy(); addDuplicate(); addPaste(); addDelete(); } else { super.addEditItems(); } } @Override protected void addShowObject(GeoElement geo) { // Show object item is skipped in spreadsheet } private void addDuplicate() { String cmdString = MenuCommand.Duplicate.toString(); addMenuItem(cmdString, app.getLocalization().getMenu(cmdString), !isEmptySelection()); } @Override public void addMenuItem(final String cmdString, String text, boolean enabled) { String html; if (isWhiteboard()) { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrlNew(cmdString), text); } else { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrl(cmdString), text); } MenuItem mi; mi = new MenuItem(html, true, getCommand(cmdString)); if (!isWhiteboard()) { mi.addStyleName("mi_with_image"); } mi.setEnabled(enabled); popup.addItem(mi); } @Override public void addCheckBoxMenuItem(final String cmdString, String nonSelected, String selected, boolean isSelected) { String html; if (isWhiteboard()) { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrlNew(cmdString, isSelected), ""); } else { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrl(cmdString), ""); } GCheckBoxMenuItem cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem(html, selected, nonSelected, getCommand(cmdString), true, app); cbItem.setSelected(isSelected); popup.addItem(cbItem); } @Override public void addCheckBoxMenuItem(final String cmdString, String text, boolean isSelected) { String html; if (isWhiteboard()) { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrlNew(cmdString), text); } else { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrl(cmdString), text); } GCheckBoxMenuItem cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem(html, getCommand(cmdString), true, app); cbItem.setSelected(isSelected); popup.addItem(cbItem); } @Override public Object addSubMenu(String text, String cmdString) { String html; if (isWhiteboard()) { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrlNew(cmdString), text); } else { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrl(cmdString), text); } MenuBar subMenu = new MenuBar(true); MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(html, true, subMenu); popup.addItem(menuItem); return menuItem; } @Override public void addSubMenuItem(Object menu, final String cmdString, String text, boolean enabled) { String html; if (isWhiteboard()) { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrlNew(cmdString), text); } else { html = MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(getIconUrl(cmdString), text); } MenuItem mi = new MenuItem(html, true, getCommand(cmdString)); mi.addStyleName("mi_with_image"); mi.setEnabled(enabled); ((MenuItem) menu).getSubMenu().addItem(mi); } @Override public void addSeparator() { popup.addSeparator(); } private Command getCommand(final String cmdString) { Command cmd = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { doCommand(cmdString); } }; return cmd; } private static String getIconUrl(String cmdString) { if (cmdString == null) { return AppResources.INSTANCE.empty().getSafeUri().asString(); } ImageResource im = null; switch (MenuCommand.valueOf(cmdString)) { case ShowObject: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.mode_showhideobject_16(); break; case ShowLabel: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.mode_showhidelabel_16(); break; case Copy: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.edit_copy(); break; case Cut: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.edit_cut(); break; case Paste: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.edit_paste(); break; case Delete: case DeleteObjects: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.delete_small(); break; case RecordToSpreadsheet: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.spreadsheettrace(); break; case Properties: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.view_properties16(); break; case SpreadsheetOptions: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.view_properties16(); break; default: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.empty(); } return im.getSafeUri().asString(); } private static String getIconUrlNew(String cmdString, boolean isSelected) { if (cmdString == null) { return AppResources.INSTANCE.empty().getSafeUri().asString(); } ImageResource im = null; if (MenuCommand.valueOf(cmdString) == MenuCommand.ShowLabel) { if (isSelected) { im = AppResources.INSTANCE.label_off20(); } else { im = AppResources.INSTANCE.label20(); } return im.getSafeUri().asString(); } return getIconUrlNew(cmdString); } private static String getIconUrlNew(String cmdString) { if (cmdString == null) { return AppResources.INSTANCE.empty().getSafeUri().asString(); } ImageResource im = null; switch (MenuCommand.valueOf(cmdString)) { case ShowObject: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.mode_showhideobject_16(); break; case ShowLabel: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.label20(); break; case Copy: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.copy20(); break; case Cut: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.cut20(); break; case Paste: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.paste20(); break; case Duplicate: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.duplicate20(); break; case Delete: case DeleteObjects: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.delete20(); break; case RecordToSpreadsheet: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.record_to_spreadsheet20(); break; case Properties: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.properties20(); break; case SpreadsheetOptions: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.properties20(); break; default: im = AppResources.INSTANCE.empty(); } return im.getSafeUri().asString(); } }