package org.geogebra.common.main; /** * SingularWS settings (see AppD's handleHelpVersionArgs for details) */ public class SingularWSSettings { /** * Do we want to use SingularWS for specific computations? */ private static volatile boolean useSingularWebService = false; /** * The remote machine to be used for outsourced computations. */ private static volatile String singularWebServiceRemoteURL = ""; private static Object lock = new Object(); /** * Timeout for a SingularWS session to run in seconds. */ private static volatile int singularWebServiceTimeout = 5; /** * Above this value there is no detailed logging, only the size of the * program code will be printed as a debug message. This can help avoiding * too noisy debug. */ final public static int debugMaxProgramSize = 2000; /** * Use caching on server side? It's possible to use server side default by * setting this to null, otherwise we'll override the server setting. */ private static volatile Boolean useCaching = true; /** * Reports current caching setting in human readable form. * * @return "false", "true" or "auto" */ public static String getCachingText() { if (useCaching == null) { return "auto"; } return useCaching.toString(); } public static boolean getUseCaching() { return useCaching; } /** * Sets the useCaching value to the requested setting. * * @param s * the requested value */ public static void setCachingFromText(String s) { synchronized (lock) { if ("auto".equals(s.toLowerCase())) { useCaching = null; } useCaching = Boolean.parseBoolean(s); } } public static void setSingularWebServiceRemoteURL(String url) { synchronized (lock) { singularWebServiceRemoteURL = url; } } public static void setTimeout(int t) { synchronized (lock) { singularWebServiceTimeout = t; } } public static String getSingularWebServiceRemoteURL() { return singularWebServiceRemoteURL; } public static int getTimeout() { return singularWebServiceTimeout; } public static boolean useSingularWebService() { return useSingularWebService; } public static void setUseSingularWebService(boolean b) { synchronized (lock) { useSingularWebService = b; } } }