package org.geogebra.commands; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.AlgebraProcessor; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.Commands; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoImage; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; import org.geogebra.desktop.main.AppDNoGui; import org.geogebra.desktop.main.LocalizationD; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class NoExceptionsTest { static AppDNoGui app; static AlgebraProcessor ap; @BeforeClass public static void setupApp() { app = new AppDNoGui(new LocalizationD(3), true); app.setLanguage(Locale.US); ap = app.getKernel().getAlgebraProcessor(); // Setting the general timeout to 11 seconds. Feel free to change this. app.getKernel().getApplication().getSettings().getCasSettings().setTimeoutMilliseconds(11000); // make sure x=y is a line, not plane app.getGgbApi().setPerspective("1"); //try this before an object named i is created t("1+i"); t("Pt1=(1,1)"); t("Pt2=(2,1/2)"); t("Pt3=(3,1/3)"); t("Pt4=(4,1/4)"); t("Pt5=(5,1/5)"); t("v1=(1,1)"); t("v2=(2,1/2)"); t("v3=(3,1/3)"); t("v4=(4,1/4)"); t("v5=(5,1/5)"); t("c1:x^2+y^2=1"); t("c2:x^2+y^2/2=1"); t("f1(x)=sin(x)"); t("polynom1:x^2"); t("polynom2:x^4+4"); t("n1=42"); t("n2=4"); t("complex1=4+3*i"); t("n3=17"); t("n4=50"); t("n5=5"); t("n6=7"); t("prob=0.05"); t("prob2=0.5"); t("nd=n2+n3"); t("letter=\"X\""); t("txt=\"GeoGebra\""); t("obj=Polygon[Pt1,Pt2,4]"); t("obj2=Polygon[Pt1,Pt2,4]"); t("curve1=Curve[sin(t),cos(t),t,0,3]"); t("matrix1={{1,2},{3,4}}"); t("seg1=Segment[Pt1,Pt2]"); t("seg2=Segment[Pt3,Pt4]"); t("l1:x+y=17"); t("l2:x=4"); t("b1=n1==n2"); t("b2=n2==4"); t("impl1:x^4+y^4=1"); t("comp=2+3*i"); t("a1=30"+Unicode.DEGREE); t("list1 = {1,2,3,4,5}"); t("list2 = {2,3,4}"); t("list3 = list2"); t("ptlist1 = {(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),Pt4,Pt5}"); t("red=0.1"); t("green=1"); t("blue=0.2"); t("gv=1"); t("twovar(x,y)=x*y"); t("GeoGebra=(1,1)"); t("notes=\"CDEFGAHC\""); t("cellrange1=A1:A2"); t("parabola1:(x+y)^2=x-y"); t("interval1:1<x<2"); t("ptonpath1=Point[c1]"); t("poly1=Polygon[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]"); t("Depoint=ptonpath1*2"); t("loc=Locus[Depoint,ptonpath1]"); t("slid=Slider[-1,1,0.1]"); t("Depointslid=(slid,slid)"); t("bf1: x>3"); t("ptxt=\"n1+n2\""); t("turtle1=Turtle[]"); t("object=(1,1)"); t("listSpline={(2,3),(1,4),(2,5),(3,1)}"); t("degree=4"); t("P=(2,3)"); t("c3:circle[P,2]"); t("alog=1"); t("freehandFunc=Function[{1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1}]"); } public static int syntaxes; @Before public void resetSyntaxes(){ syntaxes = -1000; } @After public void checkSyntaxes(){ Assert.assertTrue("unchecked syntaxes: "+syntaxes,syntaxes<=0); } private static void t(String s){ testSyntax(s,app,ap); } public static void testSyntax(String s,App app,AlgebraProcessor ap) { if(syntaxes==-1000){ Throwable t = new Throwable(); String cmdName = t.getStackTrace()[2].getMethodName().substring(3); String syntax = app.getLocalization().getCommand(cmdName+".Syntax"); syntaxes = 0; for(int i=0;i<syntax.length();i++) { if(syntax.charAt(i)=='[') { syntaxes++; } } System.out.println(); System.out.print(cmdName+" "); /* // This code helps to force timeout for each syntax. Not used at the moment. GeoGebraCAS cas = (GeoGebraCAS) app.getKernel() .getGeoGebraCAS(); try { cas.getCurrentCAS().evaluateRaw("caseval(\"timeout 8\")"); } catch (Throwable e) { App.error("CAS error " + e); } */ } try { Assert.assertNotNull(ap.processAlgebraCommandNoExceptionHandling(s, false, TestErrorHandler.INSTANCE, false, null)); syntaxes--; System.out.print("+"); } catch (final Throwable e) { System.out.println("error occured:" + e.getClass().getName()); Throwable t = e; while(t.getCause() != null){ t = t.getCause(); } StackTraceElement ste[] = t.getStackTrace(); String out = ""; for(int i = 0;i<ste.length;i++){ out += ste[i].getClassName()+"."+ste[i].getMethodName()+":"+ste[i].getLineNumber(); } syntaxes--; System.out.print("-"); Assert.assertNull(e.getMessage()+","+t.getMessage()+out,e); } } @Test public void selfTest() { Method[] mtds = NoExceptionsTest.class.getMethods(); Set<String> methodNames = new TreeSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < mtds.length; i++) { methodNames.add(mtds[i].getName()); } mtds = CommandsTest.class.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < mtds.length; i++) { methodNames.add(mtds[i].getName()); } StringBuilder missing = new StringBuilder(); for (Commands a : Commands.values()) { if (!methodNames.contains("cmd" + Commands.englishToInternal(a).name()) && Commands.englishToInternal(a).getTable() != Commands.TABLE_ENGLISH && Commands.englishToInternal(a).getTable() != Commands.TABLE_CAS && !betaCommand(a)) { missing.append(a.getCommand()); missing.append("\n"); } } Assert.assertEquals("", missing.toString()); } private static boolean betaCommand(Commands a) { return a == Commands.MatrixPlot || a== Commands.DensityPlot || a==Commands.ContourPlot || a==Commands.Nyquist || a==Commands.Polyhedron; } @Test public void cmdAreCollinear() { t("AreCollinear[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdAreParallel() { t("AreParallel[ l1,l2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdAreConcyclic() { t("AreConcyclic[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4 ]"); } @Test public void cmdExpression() { t("(1,2)+{(2,3),(4,5)}"); } @Test public void cmdAffineRatio() { t("AffineRatio[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdAngle() { t("Angle[ l1, l2 ]"); t("Angle[ Pt1 ]"); t("Angle[ Pt1, Pt3, Pt2 ]"); t("Angle[ Pt1, Pt4, a1 ]"); t("Angle[ seg1, l1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdAngularBisector() { t("anbisA=AngleBisector[ l1, l2 ]"); t("anbisB=AngleBisector[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdANOVA() { t("ANOVA[ list1, list2]"); } @Test public void cmdAppend() { t("Append[ list1, obj ]"); t("Append[ obj, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdApplyMatrix() { t("ApplyMatrix[ matrix1, obj ]"); } @Test public void cmdArc() { t("Arc[ c1, prob, prob2 ]"); t("Arc[ c1, Pt1,Pt2 ]"); t("Arc[ c2, prob, prob2 ]"); t("Arc[ c2, Pt1,Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdArea() { t("Area[ c1 ]"); t("Area[ poly1 ]"); t("Area[ Pt1, Pt3, Pt1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdAsymptote() { t("Asymptote[ c1 ]"); t("Asymptote[ f1 ]"); t("Asymptote[ impl1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdAxes() { t("Axes[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdAxisStepX() { t("AxisStepX[]"); } @Test public void cmdAxisStepY() { t("AxisStepY[]"); } @Test public void cmdBarChart() { t("BarChart[ list2, list3 ]"); t("BarChart[ list2, list3, n2 ]"); t("BarChart[ list2, n2 ]"); t("BarChart[ n1, n4, list1 ]"); t("BarChart[ n1, n4, t^2, t, n2, n2 ]"); t("BarChart[ n1, n4, t^2, t, n2, n2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdBarycenter() { t("Barycenter[{Pt1,Pt2,Pt3},{n1,n2,n3}]"); } @Test public void cmdBernoulli() { t("Bernoulli[ prob, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdBinomialDist() { t("BinomialDist[ n1, prob2 ]"); t("BinomialDist[ n1, prob2, b1 ]"); t("BinomialDist[ n1, prob2, n1, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdBinomial() { t("BinomialCoefficient[ n1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdBoxPlot() { t("BoxPlot[ n2, n4, list2 ]"); t("BoxPlot[ n2, n4, list2, true ]"); t("BoxPlot[ n2, n4, list2, list1, false ]"); t("BoxPlot[ n4, n1, n1, n2, n1, n3, n4 ]"); } @Test public void cmdButton() { t("Button[ ]"); t("Button[ txt ]"); } @Test public void cmdCauchy() { t("Cauchy[ n1, n3, n1 ]"); t("Cauchy[ n1, n3, x ]"); t("Cauchy[ n1, n3, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCell() { t("Cell[ n1, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCellRange() { t("CellRange[ A1, A1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCenter() { t("Center[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCentroid() { t("Centroid[ poly1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCircleArc() { t("CircularArc[ Pt5, Pt1,Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCircle() { t("Circle[ Pt1, n1 ]"); t("Circle[ Pt1,Pt2 ]"); t("Circle[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3 ]"); t("Circle[ Pt1, seg1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCircleSector() { t("CircularSector[ Pt5, Pt1,Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCircumcircleArc() { t("CircumcircularArc[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCircumcircleSector() { t("CircumcircularSector[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCircumference() { t("Circumference[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdClasses() { t("Classes[ list2, n1 ]"); t("Classes[ list2, n3, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdClosestPoint() { t("ClosestPoint[ c1, Pt1 ]"); t("ClosestPoint[ poly1, Pt1 ]"); t("ClosestPoint[ xAxis, yAxis ]"); } @Test public void cmdCoefficients() { t("Coefficients[ c1 ]"); t("Coefficients[ polynom1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdColumn() { t("Column[ A1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdColumnName() { t("ColumnName[ A1 ]"); } /*@Test public void cmdCompetitionRank() { t("CompetitionRank[list1]"); }*/ @Test public void cmdCompleteSquare() { t("CompleteSquare[ polynom1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdConic() { t("Conic[ {n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6} ]"); t("Conic[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4,Pt5 ]"); } @Test public void cmdConstructionStep() { t("ConstructionStep[]"); t("ConstructionStep[ obj ]"); } @Test public void cmdConvexHull() { t("ConvexHull[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCopyFreeObject() { t("CopyFreeObject[ obj ]"); } @Test public void cmdComplexRoot() { t("ComplexRoot[ polynom1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCorner() { t("Corner[ gv, n1 ]"); t("Corner[ n1 ]"); t("Corner[ txt, n1 ]"); GeoImage ge = new GeoImage(app.getKernel().getConstruction()); ge.setLabel("img1"); t("Corner[ img1, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCountIf() { t("CountIf[ bf1(x), list1 ]"); t("CountIf[ bf1(A),A, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCovariance() { t("Covariance[ list1, list1 ]"); t("Covariance[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCrossRatio() { t("CrossRatio[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCurvature() { t("Curvature[ Pt1, curve1 ]"); t("Curvature[ Pt1, f1 ]"); t("Curvature[ Pt1, c3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCurvatureVector() { t("CurvatureVector[ Pt1, curve1 ]"); t("CurvatureVector[ Pt1, f1 ]"); t("CurvatureVector[ Pt1, c3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCurveCartesian() { t("Curve[ t^2, t^2, t, n1, n4 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDefined() { t("IsDefined[ obj ]"); } @Test public void cmdDegree() { t("Degree[f1]"); } @Test public void cmdDelauneyTriangulation() { t("DelaunayTriangulation[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDelete() { t("Delete[ obj2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDerivative() { t("Derivative[ curve1 ]"); t("Derivative[ curve1, n1 ]"); t("Derivative[ f1 ]"); t("Derivative[ f1, n1 ]"); t("Derivative[ f1, x]"); t("Derivative[ f1, x, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDeterminant() { t("Determinant[ matrix1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDiameter() { t("ConjugateDiameter[ l1, c1 ]"); t("ConjugateDiameter[v1 , c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDilate() { t("Dilate[ Pt1, n1, Pt3 ]"); t("Dilate[ Pt4, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDirection() { t("Direction[ l1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDirectrix() { t("Directrix[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDistance() { t("Distance[ Pt1, obj ]"); t("Distance[ xAxis,yAxis ]"); t("Distance[x+y+z=1, x+y+z=2]"); } @Test public void cmdDiv() { t("Div[ n2, n2 ]"); t("Div[ polynom2, polynom1 ] "); } @Test public void cmdDotPlot() { t("DotPlot[ list2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdDynamicCoordinates() { t("DynamicCoordinates[ Pt1, n1, n2 ]"); t("DynamicCoordinates[ Pt1, n1, n2, n3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdEccentricity() { t("Eccentricity[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdElement() { t("Element[ {{list1}}, n1, n2,n3]"); t("Element[ list1, n2 ]"); t("Element[ matrix1, n2, n3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdEllipse() { t("Ellipse[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3 ]"); t("Ellipse[ Pt3, Pt3, n2 ]"); t("Ellipse[ Pt3, Pt3, seg1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdErlang() { t("Erlang[ n2, n1, n1 ]"); t("Erlang[ n2, n1, x ]"); t("Erlang[ n2, n1, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdExcentricity() { t("LinearEccentricity[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdExecute() { t("Execute[ {\"Midpoint[%1,%2]\"}, Pt1, Pt2]"); t("Execute[ {\"n1=n1-1\"}]"); } @Test public void cmdExpand() { t("Expand[ x^2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdExponential() { t("Exponential[ n2, n1 ]"); t("Exponential[ n2, x ]"); t("Exponential[ n2, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdExtremum() { t("Extremum[ sin(x), 4, 17 ]"); t("Extremum[ polynom1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFactor() { t("Factor[ polynom1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFactors() { t("Factors[ n1 ]"); t("Factors[ polynom1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFDistribution() { t("FDistribution[ n3, n3, n1 ]"); t("FDistribution[ n3, n3, x ]"); t("FDistribution[ n3, n3, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFillCells() { t("FillCells[ A1, list1 ]"); t("FillCells[ A1, matrix1 ]"); t("FillCells[ A1:A10, obj ]"); } @Test public void cmdFillColumn() { t("FillColumn[ n3, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFillRow() { t("FillRow[ n2, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFirstAxis() { t("MajorAxis[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFirstAxisLength() { t("SemiMajorAxisLength[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFirst() { t("First[ list1 ]"); t("First[ list1 , n1 ]"); t("First[ loc , n1 ]"); t("First[ freehandFunc , 2 ]"); t("First[ txt ]"); t("First[ txt , n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFitExp() { t("FitExp[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFitGrowth() { t("FitGrowth[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFitLineX() { t("FitLineX[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFitLineY() { t("FitLine[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFitLog() { t("FitLog[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFitLogistic() { t("FitLogistic[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFitPoly() { t("FitPoly[ ptlist1, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFitPow() { t("FitPow[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFitSin() { t("FitSin[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFlatten() { t("Flatten[ {} ]"); t("Flatten[ {{},{{{}}}} ]"); t("Flatten[ {{Pt1},{{{n2}}}} ]"); } @Test public void cmdFocus() { t("Focus[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFractionText() { t("FractionText[ n1 ]"); t("FractionText[ Pt1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFrequency() { t("Frequency[ b1, list1, list2]"); t("Frequency[ b1, list1, list2, b2 , n2 ]"); t("Frequency[ b1, list2]"); t("Frequency[ list1, list2,b1]"); t("Frequency[ list1, list2, b2 , n2 ]"); t("Frequency[ list2 ]"); t("Frequency[ {\"GeoGebra\",\"rocks\"},{\"X\",\"Y\"} ]"); } @Test public void cmdFrequencyPolygon() { t("FrequencyPolygon[ b1, list1, list2, b1 , n2 ]"); t("FrequencyPolygon[ list1, list1 ]"); t("FrequencyPolygon[ list1, list2, b1 , n4 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFrequencyTable() { t("FrequencyTable[ b1, list1, list2]"); t("FrequencyTable[ b1, list1, list2, b2 , n2 ]"); t("FrequencyTable[ b1, list2]"); t("FrequencyTable[ list1, list2 ]"); t("FrequencyTable[ list1, list2, b2 , n2 ]"); t("FrequencyTable[ list2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdFunction() { t("Function[ f1, n2, n3 ]"); t("Function[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdGamma() { t("Gamma[ n1, n2, n1 ]"); t("Gamma[ n1, n2, x ]"); t("Gamma[ n1, n2, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdGCD() { t("GCD[ list1 ]"); t("GCD[ n1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdGeometricMean() { t("GeometricMean[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdGetTime() { t("GetTime[]"); t("GetTime[\"h:i:s\"]"); } @Test public void cmdHarmonicMean() { t("HarmonicMean[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdHideLayer() { t("HideLayer[ n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdHistogram() { t("Histogram[ b1, list1, list2, b2 , n2 ]"); t("Histogram[ list1, list1 ]"); t("Histogram[ list1, list2, b2 , n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdHistogramRight() { t("HistogramRight[ b1, list1, list2, b2 , n2 ]"); t("HistogramRight[ list1, list1 ]"); t("HistogramRight[ list1, list2, b2 , n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdHull() { t("Hull[ ptlist1 , prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdHyperbola() { t("Hyperbola[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3 ]"); t("Hyperbola[ Pt3, Pt3, n2 ]"); t("Hyperbola[ Pt3, Pt3, seg1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdHyperGeometric() { t("HyperGeometric[ n3, n1, n2 ]"); t("HyperGeometric[ n3, n1, n2, b1 ]"); t("HyperGeometric[ n3, n1, n2, n1, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCheckbox() { t("Checkbox[]"); t("Checkbox[ list1 ]"); t("Checkbox[ txt ]"); t("Checkbox[ txt, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdChiSquared() { t("ChiSquared[ n2, n1 ]"); t("ChiSquared[ n2, x ]"); t("ChiSquared[ n2, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdIdentity() { t("Identity[ n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdIf() { t("If[ b1, Pt1, Pt2 ]"); t("If[ b1,Pt3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdIFactor() { t("IFactor[ x^4-2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdImplicitCurve() { t("ImplicitCurve[ ptlist1 ]"); t("ImplicitCurve[ twovar ]"); } @Test public void cmdIncircle() { t("Incircle[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdIndexOf() { t("IndexOf[ obj, list1 ]"); t("IndexOf[ obj, list1, n2 ]"); t("IndexOf[ txt, txt]"); t("IndexOf[ txt, txt, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdInsert() { t("Insert[ list1, list1, n2 ]"); t("Insert[ obj, list1, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdIntegralBetween() { t("IntegralBetween[ f1, f1, n2, n3 ]"); t("IntegralBetween[ f1, f1, n2, n3, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdIntegral() { t("Integral[ f1 ]"); t("Integral[ f1, x ]"); t("Integral[ f1, n2, n3 ]"); t("Integral[ f1, n2, n3, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdIntersect() { // TODO -- cover more cases here } @Test public void cmdIntersection() { t("Intersection[ list1, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdIntersectRegion() { t("IntersectRegion[ poly1, poly1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseBinomial() { t("InverseBinomial[ n1, prob2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseCauchy() { t("InverseCauchy[ n1, n3, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseExponential() { t("InverseExponential[ n2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseFDistribution() { t("InverseFDistribution[ n3, n3, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseGamma() { t("InverseGamma[ n1, n2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseHyperGeometric() { t("InverseHyperGeometric[ n3, n1, n2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseChiSquared() { t("InverseChiSquared[ n2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseNormal() { t("InverseNormal[ n1, n2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInversePascal() { t("InversePascal[ n1, prob2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInversePoisson() { t("InversePoisson[ n1, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseTDistribution() { t("InverseTDistribution[ n2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseWeibull() { t("InverseWeibull[ n2, n3, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseZipf() { t("InverseZipf[ n1, n2, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdIsInRegion() { t("IsInRegion[ Pt1, c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdIsInteger() { t("IsInteger[ n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdJoin() { t("Join[ list1, list1]"); t("Join[ matrix1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdKeepIf() { t("KeepIf[ bf1(x), list1 ]"); t("KeepIf[ bf1(A),A, list1 ]"); syntaxes++; t("KeepIf[ Distance[A,(0,0)]>4,A, {(1,1)} ]"); } @Test public void cmdLast() { t("Last[ list1 ]"); t("Last[ list1 , n1 ]"); t("Last[ txt ]"); t("Last[ txt , n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLaTeX() { t("FormulaText[ obj ]"); t("FormulaText[ obj, b1 ]"); t("FormulaText[ obj, b1, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLCM() { t("LCM[ list1 ]"); t("LCM[ n1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLeftSum() { t("LeftSum[ f1, n2, n3, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLength() { t("Length[ curve1, n2, n3 ]"); t("Length[ curve1, Pt3, Pt5 ]"); t("Length[ f1, n2, n3 ]"); t("Length[ f1, Pt3, Pt5 ]"); t("Length[ seg1]"); t("Length[ list1 ]"); t("Length[ loc ]"); t("Length[ freehandFunc ]"); t("Length[ Pt1 ]"); t("Length[ txt ]"); t("Length[v1]"); } @Test public void cmdLetterToUnicode() { t("LetterToUnicode[ letter ]"); } @Test public void cmdLimitAbove() { t("LimitAbove[ f1, n3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLimitBelow() { t("LimitBelow[ f1, n3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLimit() { t("Limit[ f1, n3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLine() { t("Line[ Pt1, l1 ]"); t("Line[ Pt1,Pt2 ]"); t("Line[ Pt1, v1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLocus() { t("Locus[ Depoint, ptonpath1 ]"); t("Locus[ x+y, ptonpath1 ]"); t("Locus[ SlopeField[ x/y ], ptonpath1 ]"); t("Locus[ Depointslid, slid ]"); } @Test public void cmdLocusEquation() { t("LocusEquation[ Depoint, ptonpath1 ]"); t("LocusEquation[ loc ]"); t("LocusEquation[ seg1==seg2, Pt4 ]"); } @Test public void cmdEnvelope() { t("Envelope[ Depoint, ptonpath1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLogistic() { t("Logistic[ n1, n3, n1 ]"); t("Logistic[ n1, n3, x ]"); t("Logistic[ n1, n3, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLogNormal() { t("LogNormal[ n1, n2, n1 ]"); t("LogNormal[ n1, n2, x ]"); t("LogNormal[ n1, n2, x, b1]"); } @Test public void cmdLowerSum() { t("LowerSum[ f1, n2, n3, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMax() { t("Max[ f1, n2, n3 ]"); t("Max[ interval1 ]"); t("Max[ list1 ]"); t("Max[ list1, list1 ]"); t("Max[ n1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMean() { t("Mean[ list1 ]"); t("Mean[ list1, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMeanX() { t("MeanX[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMeanY() { t("MeanY[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMedian() { t("Median[ list1 ]"); t("Median[ list1, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMidpoint() { t("Midpoint[ c1 ]"); t("MidPoint[ interval1 ]"); t("Midpoint[ Pt1,Pt2 ]"); t("Midpoint[ seg1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMin() { t("Min[ f1, n2, n3 ]"); t("Min[ interval1 ]"); t("Min[ list1 ]"); t("Min[ list1, list1 ]"); t("Min[ n1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMinimumSpanningTree() { t("MinimumSpanningTree[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMirror() { t("Reflect[ obj, c1 ]"); t("Reflect[ obj, l1 ]"); t("Reflect[ obj, Pt1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMode() { t("Mode[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdMod() { t("Mod[ n2, n2 ]"); t("Mod[ polynom2, polynom1 ] "); } @Test public void cmdName() { t("Name[ obj ]"); } @Test public void cmdNormal() { t("Normal[ n1, n2, n1 ]"); t("Normal[ n1, n2, x ]"); t("Normal[ n1, n2, x, b1]"); } @Test public void cmdNormalQuantilePlot() { t("NormalQuantilePlot[ list2]"); } @Test public void cmdNSolveODE() { t("NSolveODE[ { twovar }, n2, { n5 }, n6 ]"); } /*@Test public void cmdNyquist() { t("Nyquist[ {1,1},{1,1,1} ]"); t("Nyquist[ {-1,3},{3,4,1},6 ]"); }*/ @Test public void cmdObject() { t("Object[ txt ]"); } @Test public void cmdOrdinal() { t("Ordinal[ n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdOrdinalRank() { t("OrdinalRank[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdOsculatingCircle() { t("OsculatingCircle[ Pt1, curve1 ]"); t("OsculatingCircle[ Pt1, f1 ]"); t("OsculatingCircle[ Pt1, c3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPan() { t("Pan[ n1, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdParabola() { t("Parabola[ Pt1, l1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdParameter() { t("Parameter[ parabola1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdParseToFunction() { //t("ParseToFunction[ f1, txt ]"); } @Test public void cmdParseToNumber() { t("ParseToNumber[ n1, ptxt ]"); // valid t("ParseToNumber[ n1, txt ]"); // invalid, but all exceptions should be // caught } @Test public void cmdPartialFractions() { t("PartialFractions[ f1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPascal() { t("Pascal[ n1, prob2 ]"); t("Pascal[ n1, prob2, b1 ]"); t("Pascal[ n1, prob2, n1, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPathParameter() { t("PathParameter[ ptonpath1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPercentile() { t("Percentile[ list1, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdPerimeter() { t("Perimeter[ c1 ]"); t("Perimeter[ loc ]"); t("Perimeter[ poly1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdLineBisector() { t("PerpendicularBisector[ Pt1,Pt2 ]"); t("PerpendicularBisector[ seg1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdOrthogonalVector() { t("PerpendicularVector[ l1 ]"); t("PerpendicularVector[ seg1 ]"); t("PerpendicularVector[v1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPlaySound() { t("PlaySound[ b1 ]"); t("PlaySound[ f1, n1, n4 ]"); t("PlaySound[ f1, n1, n4, n3, n2]"); t("PlaySound[ b1 ]"); // test this twice instead of playing file t("PlaySound[ notes, n1 ]"); t("PlaySound[ n3, n2, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPMCC() { t("CorrelationCoefficient[ list1, list1 ]"); t("CorrelationCoefficient[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPoint() { t("Point[ obj ]"); t("Point[ obj, prob]"); t("Point[ Pt1,v1]"); t("Point[ list1]"); } @Test public void cmdPointIn() { t("PointIn[ poly1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPointList() { t("PointList[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPoisson() { t("Poisson[ n1 ]"); t("Poisson[ n1, b1 ]"); t("Poisson[ n1, n1, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPolar() { t("Polar[ Pt1, c1 ]"); t("Polar[ l1, c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPolygon() { t("Polygon[ ptlist1 ]"); t("Polygon[ Pt1,Pt2, n1 ]"); t("Polygon[ Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPolyLine() { t("PolyLine[ ptlist1 ]"); t("PolyLine[ Pt1, Pt3, Pt5 ]"); } @Test public void cmdPrimeFactors() { t("PrimeFactors[ n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdProve() { t("Prove[ true ]"); t("Prove[ Pt1==Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdProveDetails() { t("ProveDetails[ true ]"); t("ProveDetails[ Pt1==Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdQ1() { t("Q1[ list1 ]"); t("Q1[ list1, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdQ3() { t("Q3[ list1 ]"); t("Q3[ list1, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRadius() { t("Radius[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRandomBinomial() { t("RandomBinomial[ n1, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdRandomElement() { t("RandomElement[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRandom() { t("RandomBetween[ n1, n4 ]"); t("RandomBetween[ n1, n4, true ]"); } @Test public void cmdRandomNormal() { t("RandomNormal[ n1, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRandomPoisson() { t("RandomPoisson[ n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRandomUniform() { t("RandomUniform[ n1, n4 ]"); t("RandomUniform[ n1, n4, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRay() { t("Ray[ Pt3, Pt1 ]"); t("Ray[ Pt3,v1]"); } @Test public void cmdRectangleSum() { t("RectangleSum[ f1, n2, n3, n1, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdReducedRowEchelonForm() { t("ReducedRowEchelonForm[matrix1]"); } /* * I have to disable this temporarily for autotest, until there is no way to * automatically push the OK button or just close the Relation Tool window. * --- Zoltan, 2012-03-09 * * @Test public void cmdRelation() { t("Relation[ l1, l2 ]"); } */ @Test public void cmdRemoveUndefined() { t("RemoveUndefined[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRename() { t("Rename[ obj, txt+letter ]"); t("Rename[ GeoGebraX, \"obj\" ]"); } @Test public void cmdResidualPlot() { t("ResidualPlot[ ptlist1, f1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdReverse() { t("Reverse[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRigidPolygon() { t("RigidPolygon[ (0,0), (1,0), (0,1) ]"); t("RigidPolygon[ poly1 ]"); t("RigidPolygon[ poly1, n1,n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRoot() { t("Root[ polynom1 ]"); t("Root[ f1, n1 ]"); t("Root[ f1, n2, n3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRootList() { t("RootList[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRootMeanSquare() { t("RootMeanSquare[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRoots() { t("Roots[ f1, n2, n3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRotate() { t("Rotate[ obj, a1 ]"); t("Rotate[ obj, a1, Pt1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRotateText() { t("RotateText[ txt, a1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRow() { t("Row[ A1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdRSquare() { t("RSquare[ ptlist1, f1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSample() { t("Sample[ list1, n2, b1 ]"); t("Sample[ list1, n4 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSampleSD() { t("SampleSD[ list1 ]"); t("SampleSD[ list1, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSampleSDX() { t("SampleSDX[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSampleSDY() { t("SampleSDY[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSampleVariance() { t("SampleVariance[ list1 ]"); t("SampleVariance[ list1, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSD() { t("SD[ list1 ]"); t("SD[ list1, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSDX() { t("SDX[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSDY() { t("SDY[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSecondAxis() { t("MinorAxis[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSecondAxisLength() { t("SemiMinorAxisLength[ c1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSector() { t("Sector[ c1, prob, prob2 ]"); t("Sector[ c1, Pt1,Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSegment() { t("Segment[ Pt1, n2 ]"); t("Segment[ Pt1,Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSelectedElement() { t("SelectedElement[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSelectedIndex() { t("SelectedIndex[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSelectObjects() { t("SelectObjects[]"); t("SelectObjects[ obj, obj, pt1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSemicircle() { t("Semicircle[ Pt1,Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetActiveView() { t("SetActiveView[ gv ]"); t("SetActiveView[ Plane[(1,0),(2,3),(0,1)] ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetAxesRatio() { t("SetAxesRatio[ n1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetBackgroundColor() { t("SetBackgroundColor[ \"red\" ]"); t("SetBackgroundColor[ red, green, blue ]"); t("SetBackgroundColor[ obj, \"lime\" ]"); t("SetBackgroundColor[ obj, red, green, blue ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetCaption() { t("SetCaption[ obj, txt ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetColor() { t("SetColor[ obj, \"lime\" ]"); t("SetColor[ obj, red, green, blue ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetConditionToShowObject() { t("SetConditionToShowObject[ obj, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetCoords() { t("SetCoords[ Pt1, n1, n2 ]"); t("SetCoords[ Pt1, n1, n2, n3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetDynamicColor() { t("SetDynamicColor[ obj, red, green, blue ]"); t("SetDynamicColor[ obj, red, green, blue, prob ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetFilling() { t("SetFilling[ obj, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetFixed() { t("SetFixed[ obj, b1 ]"); t("SetFixed[ obj, b1, b2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetLabelMode() { t("SetLabelMode[ obj, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetLayer() { t("SetLayer[ obj, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetLineStyle() { t("SetLineStyle[ l1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetLineThickness() { t("SetLineThickness[ l1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetPointSize() { t("SetPointSize[ Pt1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetPointStyle() { t("SetPointStyle[ Pt1, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetTooltipMode() { t("SetTooltipMode[ obj, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetValue() { t("SetValue[ b1, 0 ]"); t("SetValue[ list1, n2, obj ]"); t("SetValue[ obj, obj ]"); } @Test public void cmdSetVisibleInView() { t("SetVisibleInView[ obj, gv, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdShear() { t("Shear[ obj, l1, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdShortestDistance() { t("ShortestDistance[ list1, Pt3, Pt5, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdShowLabel() { t("ShowLabel[ obj, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdShowLayer() { t("ShowLayer[ n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdShuffle() { t("Shuffle[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSigmaXX() { t("SigmaXX[ list1 ]"); t("SigmaXX[ list1, list1 ]"); t("SigmaXX[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSigmaXY() { t("SigmaXY[ list1, list1 ]"); t("SigmaXY[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSigmaYY() { t("SigmaYY[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSimplify() { t("Simplify[ f1 ]"); t("Simplify[ txt ]"); } @Test public void cmdSlider() { t("Slider[ n1, n4, n3, n5, n2, b1, !b1, b2, !b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSlope() { t("Slope[ l1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSlowPlot() { t("SlowPlot[ f1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSolveODE() { t("SolveODE[ f1(x), f1(x+n1), polynom1(x),n1, n3, n4, n4, prob ]"); t("SolveODE[ f1(x), polynom1(y), n1, n2, n3, prob2 ]"); t("SolveODE[ twovar(x,y), n1, n2, n4, prob2 ]"); t("SolveODE[ -x]"); t("SolveODE[ -x,Pt1]"); } @Test public void cmdSort() { t("Sort[ list1 ]"); t("Sort[ list1, list2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSpearman() { t("Spearman[ list1, list1 ]"); t("Spearman[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdStartAnimation() { t("StartAnimation[]"); t("StartAnimation[ b1 ]"); t("StartAnimation[ ptonpath1 ]"); t("StartAnimation[ ptonpath1, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdStemPlot() { t("StemPlot[ list1 ]"); t("StemPlot[ list1, 0 ]"); } @Test public void cmdStickGraph() { t("StickGraph[list1, list2]"); t("StickGraph[ptlist1]"); t("StickGraph[list1, list2,b2]"); t("StickGraph[ptlist1,b2]"); } @Test public void cmdStepGraph() { t("StepGraph[list1, list2]"); t("StepGraph[ptlist1]"); t("StepGraph[list1, list2,b2]"); t("StepGraph[ptlist1,b2]"); t("StepGraph[list1, list2,b2,n1]"); t("StepGraph[ptlist1,b2,n2]"); } @Test public void cmdStretch() { t("Stretch[ obj, l1, n2 ]"); t("Stretch[ obj, v1]"); } @Test public void cmdSum() { t("Sum[ list1 , list1]"); t("Sum[ list1 ]"); t("Sum[ list1 , n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSumSquaredErrors() { t("SumSquaredErrors[ ptlist1, f1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSurdText() { t("SurdText[ n1 ]"); t("SurdText[ n1, list1 ]"); t("SurdText[ Pt1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSXX() { t("Sxx[ list1 ]"); t("Sxx[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSXY() { t("Sxy[ list1, list1 ]"); t("Sxy[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSYY() { t("Syy[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTableText() { t("TableText[ list1, list1]"); t("TableText[ list1, list1,\"h\" ]"); } @Test public void cmdTake() { t("Take[ list1 , n1, n4 ]"); t("Take[ list1 , n4 ]"); t("Take[ txt , n1, n4 ]"); t("Take[ txt , n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTangent() { t("Tangent[ c1, c1 ]"); t("Tangent[ l1, c1 ]"); t("Tangent[ l1, c1 ]"); t("Tangent[ n1, f1 ]"); t("Tangent[ n1, f1 ]"); t("Tangent[ Point[curve1,prob], curve1 ]"); t("Tangent[ Pt1, c1 ]"); t("Tangent[ Pt1, c1 ]"); t("Tangent[ Pt1, f1 ]"); t("Tangent[ Pt1, f1 ]"); t("Tangent[ Pt1, Spline[listSpline]]"); } @Test public void cmdTaylorSeries() { t("TaylorPolynomial[ f1, n1, n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTDistribution() { t("TDistribution[ n2, n1 ]"); t("TDistribution[ n2, x ]"); t("TDistribution[ n2, x, b1]"); } @Test public void cmdTextfield() { t("InputBox[]"); t("InputBox[ Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdText() { t("Text[ obj ]"); t("Text[ obj, b1 ]"); t("Text[ obj, Pt1 ]"); t("Text[ obj, Pt1, b1 ]"); t("Text[ obj, Pt1, b1, b1 ] "); } @Test public void cmdTextToUnicode() { t("TextToUnicode[ txt ]"); } @Test public void cmdTiedRank() { t("TiedRank[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTMeanEstimate() { t("TMeanEstimate[ list1, n2]"); t("TMeanEstimate[ n1, n3, n2, prob]"); } @Test public void cmdTMean2Estimate() { t("TMean2Estimate[ list1, list1, n3, b1 ]"); t("TMean2Estimate[ n1, n2, n3, n4, n1, n2, n3, b1]"); } @Test public void cmdToolImage() { t("ToolImage[ n1 ]"); t("ToolImage[ n1, Pt1 ]"); t("ToolImage[ n1, Pt1, Pt2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTranslate() { t("Translate[ obj,v1]"); t("Translate[v1 , Pt3 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTranspose() { t("Transpose[ matrix1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTrapezoidalSum() { t("TrapezoidalSum[ f1, n2, n3, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTravelingSalesman() { t("TravelingSalesman[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTriangleCenter() { t("TriangleCenter[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdCubic() { t("Cubic[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTriangleCurve() { t("TriangleCurve[ Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,A+B=C ]"); } @Test public void cmdTrilinear() { t("Trilinear[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,n1,n2,n3]"); } @Test public void cmdTriangular() { t("Triangular[ n1, n4, n3, n1 ]"); t("Triangular[ n1, n4, n3, x ]"); t("Triangular[ n1, n4, n3, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdTTest() { t("TTest[ list1, n1, \">\" ]"); t("TTest[ n2, n3, n2, n4, \">\"]"); } @Test public void cmdTTestPaired() { t("TTestPaired[ list1, list1, \">\"]"); } @Test public void cmdTTest2() { t("TTest2[ list1, list1, \">\", b1 ]"); t("TTest2[ n3, n2, n3, n4, n1, n2, \">\", b1]"); } @Test public void cmdTurningPoint() { t("InflectionPoint[ polynom1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdUnicodeToLetter() { t("UnicodeToLetter[ n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdUnicodeToText() { t("UnicodeToText[ list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdUniform() { t("Uniform[ n1, n4, n1 ]"); t("Uniform[ n1, n4, x ]"); t("Uniform[ n1, n4, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdUnique() { t("Unique[ list1]"); } @Test public void cmdUnitOrthogonalVector() { t("UnitPerpendicularVector[ l1 ]"); t("UnitPerpendicularVector[ seg1 ]"); t("UnitPerpendicularVector[ v1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdUnitVector() { t("UnitVector[ l1 ]"); t("UnitVector[ seg1 ]"); t("UnitVector[ v1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdUpperSum() { t("UpperSum[ f1, n2, n3, n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdVariance() { t("Variance[ list1 ]"); t("Variance[ list1, list1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdVector() { t("Vector[ Pt1 ]"); t("Vector[ Pt3, Pt5 ]"); } @Test public void cmdVertex() { t("Vertex[ c1 ]"); t("Vertex[ x>y ]"); t("Vertex[ poly1 ]"); t("Vertex[ poly1, n2]"); t("Vertex[ Segment[(1,0),(0,1)], 1]"); } @Test public void cmdVerticalText() { t("VerticalText[ txt ]"); t("VerticalText[ txt, Pt1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdVoronoi() { t("Voronoi[ ptlist1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdWeibull() { t("Weibull[ n2, n3, n1 ]"); t("Weibull[ n2, n3, x ]"); t("Weibull[ n2, n3, x, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdZipf() { t("Zipf[ n1, n2 ]"); t("Zipf[ n1, n2, b1 ]"); t("Zipf[ n1, n2, n1, b1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdZip() { t("Zip[ t^2, t, list1]"); } @Test public void cmdZoomIn() { t("ZoomIn[ n1 ]"); t("ZoomIn[ n1, Pt1 ]"); t("ZoomIn[ -1, -1, 1, 1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdZoomOut() { t("ZoomOut[ n1 ]"); t("ZoomOut[ n1, Pt1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdSlopeField() { t("SlopeField[ x/y ]"); t("SlopeField[ -y/x, 5 ]"); t("SlopeField[ -y/x, 5, 0.1 ]"); t("SlopeField[ -y/x, 5, 0.1,0,0,1,1]"); } @Test public void cmdScientificText(){ t("ScientificText[pi,10]"); t("ScientificText[pi]"); } @Test public void cmdArePerpendicular(){ t("ArePerpendicular[l1,l2]"); } @Test public void cmdAreConcurrent(){ t("AreConcurrent[l1,l2,x=0]"); } @Test public void cmdAreEqual(){ t("AreEqual[Pt1,Pt2]"); } @Test public void cmdToBase(){ t("ToBase[1000000,2]"); } @Test public void cmdFromBase(){ t("FromBase[\"FFA23\",16]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseLogistic(){ t("InverseLogistic[1,2,3]"); } @Test public void cmdInverseLogNormal(){ t("InverseLogNormal[1,2,3]"); } @Test public void cmdContinuedFraction(){ t("ContinuedFraction[(sqrt(5)-1)/2]"); t("ContinuedFraction[(sqrt(5)-1)/2,true]"); t("ContinuedFraction[(sqrt(5)-1)/2,10]"); t("ContinuedFraction[(sqrt(5)-1)/2,10,true]"); } @Test public void cmdAttachCopyToView(){ t("AttachCopyToView[Pt1,1]"); t("AttachCopyToView[Pt1,2,Pt2,Pt3,(123,0),(0,123)]"); } @Test public void cmdChiSquaredTest() { t("ChiSquaredTest[{list1}]"); t("ChiSquaredTest[list1,list1]"); t("ChiSquaredTest[{list1},{list1}]"); } @Test public void cmdParametricDerivative() { t("ParametricDerivative[Curve[t^2,sin(t),t,-7,7]]"); } @Test public void cmdDivisorsSum() { t("DivisorsSum[3.7]"); } @Test public void cmdDivisors() { t("Divisors[37]"); } @Test public void cmdDimension() { t("Dimension[(3,7)]"); } @Test public void cmdDivisorsList() { t("DivisorsList[42]"); } @Test public void cmdDivision() { t("Division[3,7]"); t("Division[x^2,x+1]"); } @Test public void cmdnPr() { t("nPr[8,7]"); } @Test public void cmdIsPrime() { t("IsPrime[0]"); } @Test public void cmdNextPrime() { t("NextPrime[-1.7]"); } @Test public void cmdPreviousPrime() { t("PreviousPrime[2.3]"); } @Test public void cmdMatrixRank() { t("MatrixRank[{{1}}]"); } @Test public void cmdLeftSide() { t("LeftSide[x^2=y^2]"); } @Test public void cmdRightSide() { t("RightSide[x^2=y^2]"); } @Test public void cmdImplicitDerivative() { t("ImplicitDerivative[x^2+y^2]"); } @Test public void cmdToPolar() { t("ToPolar[(1,2)]"); t("ToPolar[complex1]"); } @Test public void cmdToComplex() { t("ToComplex[(1,2)]"); } @Test public void cmdTrigSimplify() { t("TrigSimplify[sin(x+y)]"); } @Test public void cmdTrigCombine() { t("TrigCombine[sin(x+y)]"); t("TrigCombine[sin(x+y),sin(x)]"); } @Test public void cmdTrigExpand() { t("TrigExpand[sin(x+y)]"); t("TrigExpand[sin(x+y),sin(x)]"); } @Test public void cmdCommonDenominator() { t("CommonDenominator[1/2,1/3]"); t("CommonDenominator[1/(x-1),1/(x^2-1)]"); } @Test public void cmdNIntegral(){ t("NIntegral[x^2,-1,1]"); t("NIntegral[x^2]"); } @Test public void cmdNDerivative() { t("NDerivative[x^2]"); } @Test public void cmdRunClickScript(){ t("RunClickScript[object]"); } @Test public void cmdRunUpdateScript(){ t("RunUpdateScript[object]"); } @Test public void cmdToPoint(){ t("ToPoint[(1,1)]"); } @Test public void cmdTurtle(){ t("Turtle[]"); } @Test public void cmdTurtleForward(){ t("TurtleForward[turtle1, 2]"); } @Test public void cmdTurtleBack(){ t("TurtleBack[turtle1, 2]"); } @Test public void cmdTurtleLeft(){ t("TurtleLeft[turtle1, 3.14]"); } @Test public void cmdTurtleRight(){ t("TurtleRight[turtle1, 3.14]"); } @Test public void cmdZProportionTest(){ t("ZProportionTest[ n1, n1, n2, \">\" ]"); } @Test public void cmdZMeanTest(){ t("ZMeanTest[ list1, n1, n2, \">\" ]"); t("ZMeanTest[ n1, n1, n2, n3, \">\" ]"); } @Test public void cmdZMean2Test(){ t("ZMean2Test[ list1, n1, list1,n3, \">\" ]"); t("ZMean2Test[ n1, n1, n2, n3,n1,n2,\">\" ]"); } @Test public void cmdZProportion2Test(){ t("ZProportion2Test[ n3,n4,n1, n1, \">\" ]"); } @Test public void cmdZProportionEstimate(){ t("ZproportionEstimate[n1,n2,n3]"); } @Test public void cmdZProportion2Estimate(){ t("Zproportion2Estimate[n1,n2,n3,n1,n2]"); } @Test public void cmdZMeanEstimate(){ t("ZMeanEstimate[ list1, n1, n1 ]"); t("ZMeanEstimate[ n1, n3,n4,n1 ]"); } @Test public void cmdZMean2Estimate(){ t("ZMean2Estimate[ list1, list1, n3,n4, n1 ]"); t("ZMean2Estimate[ n1, n1, n2, n3,n4,n1,n2 ]"); } @Test public void cmdContingencyTable(){ t("ContingencyTable[ {\"one\",\"two\"},{\"three\"} ]"); t("ContingencyTable[ {\"one\",\"two\"},{\"three\"} ,\"|\"]"); t("ContingencyTable[ {\"one\",\"two\"},{\"three\"},{{1,2}} ]"); t("ContingencyTable[ {\"one\",\"two\"},{\"three\"} ,{{1,2}},\"|\"]"); } @AfterClass public static void testSaving(){ //System.out.println(app.getXML()); XmlTest.testCurrentXML(app); app.getKernel().getConstruction().initUndoInfo(); app.getKernel().getConstruction().undo(); app.getKernel().getConstruction().redo(); } @Test public void cmdUpdateConstruction() { t("UpdateConstruction[]"); t("UpdateConstruction[n2]"); } /*@Test public void cmdDensityPlot() { t("DensityPlot[sin(x)*sin(y)]"); t("DensityPlot[sin(x)*sin(y),-1,1,-1,1]"); }*/ @Test public void cmdShowAxes(){ t("ShowAxes[]"); t("ShowAxes[false]"); t("ShowAxes[2,true]"); } @Test public void cmdShowGrid(){ t("ShowGrid[]"); t("ShowGrid[false]"); t("ShowGrid[2,true]"); } @Test public void cmdCenterView(){ t("CenterView[Pt1]"); } @Test public void cmdSetTrace(){ t("SetTrace[Pt1,true]"); t("SetTrace[Pt2,false]"); } @Test public void cmdRelation(){ //don't test; user interaction needed } /*@Test public void cmdContourPlot(){ t("ContourPlot[x^2+y^2]"); }*/ /*@Test public void cmdMatrixPlot(){ t("MatrixPlot[{{0.1,0.2,0.3},{0.5,0.6,0.1}}]"); }*/ @Test public void cmdSetSeed(){ t("SetSeed[42]"); } @Test public void cmdSetPerspective(){ t("SetPerspective[\"SAG/C\"]"); } @Test public void cmdStartLogging(){ t("StartLogging[\"Ax\",alog]"); } @Test public void cmdStopLogging(){ t("StopLogging[]"); } @Test public void cmdRemove(){ t("Remove[{1,2,2},{2}]"); } @Test public void cmdFitImplicit(){ t("FitImplicit[{Pt1,Pt2,Pt3},2]"); } @Test public void cmdClosestPointRegion(){ t("ClosestPointRegion[c1,Pt1]"); } @Test public void cmdRate(){ t("Rate[ n1, n2, n3]"); t("Rate[ n1, n2, n3,1]"); t("Rate[ n1, n2, n3,0,1]"); t("Rate[ n1, n2, n3,0,1,42]"); } @Test public void cmdPeriods(){ t("Periods[ n1, n2, n3]"); t("Periods[ n1, n2, n3,1]"); t("Periods[ n1, n2, n3,0,1]"); } @Test public void cmdPayment(){ t("Payment[ n1, n2, n3]"); t("Payment[ n1, n2, n3,1]"); t("Payment[ n1, n2, n3,0,1]"); } @Test public void cmdFutureValue(){ t("FutureValue[ n1, n2, n3]"); t("FutureValue[ n1, n2, n3,1]"); t("FutureValue[ n1, n2, n3,0,1]"); } @Test public void cmdPresentValue(){ t("PresentValue[ n1, n2, n3]"); t("PresentValue[ n1, n2, n3,1]"); t("PresentValue[ n1, n2, n3,0,1]"); } @Test public void cmdIntersectConic(){ t("IntersectConic[x+z=0,x^2+y^2+z^2=1]"); t("IntersectConic[x^2+y^2+(z-1)^2=0,x^2+y^2+z^2=0]"); } @Test public void cmdSetSpinSpeed(){ t("SetSpinSpeed[n1]"); } @Test public void cmdTurtleUp(){ t("TurtleUp[turtle1]"); } @Test public void cmdTurtleDown(){ t("TurtleDown[turtle1]"); } @Test public void cmdStartRecord(){ t("StartRecord[]"); t("StartRecord[false]"); t("StartRecord[true]"); } @Test public void cmdRepeat(){ t("Repeat[2, UpdateConstruction[]]"); } @Test public void cmdRandomPointIn() { t("RandomPointIn[x^2+y^2=1]"); t("RandomPointIn[Polygon[(0,0),(1,0),(0,1)]]"); t("RandomPointIn[0,0,1,1]"); } @Test public void cmdRandomDiscrete() { t("RandomDiscrete[{1,2,3},{4,5,6}]"); t("RandomDiscrete[{1,2,3},{}]"); t("RandomDiscrete[{1,2,3},{4,5,-9}]"); } @Test public void cmdSetViewDirection() { t("SetViewDirection[]"); t("SetViewDirection[(1,1,1)]"); t("SetViewDirection[Vector[(1,1,1)]]"); } @Test public void cmdCornerThreeD() { for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++) { t("Corner[-1," + i + "]"); } } @Test public void cmdReflect3D() { t("Reflect[sin(x)+sin(y),x+y+z=0]"); } @Test public void implicitSurface() { t("x^3+y^3+z^3=1"); } @Test public void localizationTest() { Assert.assertNull(app.getLocalization().getReverseCommand("x")); } }