package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.panels; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.GetViewId; import org.geogebra.web.html5.euclidian.EuclidianViewWInterface; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.DockPanelW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.consprotocol.ConstructionProtocolNavigationW; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Abstract class for all "euclidian" panels. * * @author arpad (based on EuclidianDockPanelAbstract by Mathieu) * @remark {@link #getEuclidianView()} has to be overridden if * {@link #getComponent()} does not return the euclidian view directly */ public abstract class EuclidianDockPanelWAbstract extends DockPanelW implements GetViewId { private ConstructionProtocolNavigationW consProtNav; private boolean hasEuclidianFocus; /** * default constructor * * @param id * id * @param title * title * @param toolbar * toolbar string * @param hasStyleBar * whether to show stylebar * @param menuOrder * The location of this view in the view menu, -1 if the view * should not appear at all * @param shortcut * letter for Ctrl+Shift+letter shortcut */ public EuclidianDockPanelWAbstract(int id, String title, String toolbar, boolean hasStyleBar, int menuOrder, char shortcut) { super(id, title, toolbar, hasStyleBar, menuOrder, shortcut); } /** * sets this euclidian panel to have the "euclidian focus" * * @param hasFocus * whether to focus */ public final void setEuclidianFocus(boolean hasFocus) { hasEuclidianFocus = hasFocus; } @Override protected boolean titleIsBold(){ return super.titleIsBold() || hasEuclidianFocus; } @Override public boolean updateResizeWeight(){ return true; } /** * @return view in this dock panel */ abstract public EuclidianView getEuclidianView(); @Override public void setVisible(boolean sv) { super.setVisible(sv); // if (getEuclidianView() != null) {// also included in: if (getEuclidianView() instanceof EuclidianViewWInterface) { ((EuclidianViewWInterface) getEuclidianView()).updateFirstAndLast( sv, false); } // } } /** * Adds navigation bar */ public final void addNavigationBar() { consProtNav = (ConstructionProtocolNavigationW) (app.getGuiManager() .getConstructionProtocolNavigation(id)); consProtNav.getImpl().addStyleName("consProtNav"); if (getEuclidianPanel() == null) { loadComponent(); } getEuclidianPanel().add(consProtNav.getImpl()); // may be invisible, but // made // visible later updateNavigationBar(); } @Override public final void updateNavigationBar() { // ConstructionProtocolSettings cps = app.getSettings() // .getConstructionProtocol(); // ((ConstructionProtocolNavigationW) consProtNav).settingsChanged(cps); // cps.addListener((ConstructionProtocolNavigation)consProtNav); if (app.getShowCPNavNeedsUpdate(id)) { app.setShowConstructionProtocolNavigation( app.showConsProtNavigation(id), id); } if (app.showConsProtNavigation(id) && consProtNav == null) { this.addNavigationBar(); } if (consProtNav != null) { consProtNav.update(); consProtNav.setVisible(app.showConsProtNavigation(id)); ((RequiresResize) getEuclidianPanel()).onResize(); } } @Override public int navHeight() { if (this.consProtNav != null && this.consProtNav.getImpl().getOffsetHeight() != 0) { return this.consProtNav.getImpl().getOffsetHeight(); } return 30; } public class EuclidianPanel extends FlowPanel implements RequiresResize { /** dock panel */ EuclidianDockPanelWAbstract dockPanel; /** panel for positioning furniture */ AbsolutePanel absoluteEuclidianPanel; /** current height */ int oldHeight = 0; /** current width */ int oldWidth = 0; public EuclidianPanel(EuclidianDockPanelWAbstract dockPanel) { this(dockPanel, new AbsolutePanel()); } public EuclidianPanel(EuclidianDockPanelWAbstract dockPanel, AbsolutePanel absPanel) { super(); this.dockPanel = dockPanel; add(absoluteEuclidianPanel = absPanel); absoluteEuclidianPanel.addStyleName("EuclidianPanel"); absoluteEuclidianPanel.getElement().getStyle() .setOverflow(Overflow.VISIBLE); checkFocus(); } @Override public void onResize() { if (app != null) { int h = dockPanel.getComponentInteriorHeight() - dockPanel.navHeightIfShown(); int w = dockPanel.getComponentInteriorWidth(); // TODO handle this better? // exit if new size cannot be determined // one dimension may be intentionally 0, resize to avoid DOM // overflow if (h < 0 || w < 0 || (w == 0 && h == 0)) { return; } if (h != oldHeight || w != oldWidth) { dockPanel.resizeView(w, h); oldHeight = h; oldWidth = w; } else { // it's possible that the width/height didn't change but the // position of EV did dockPanel.calculateEnvironment(); } } } // hack to fix GGB-697 private native void checkFocus() /*-{ var that = this; var forceResize = function() { that.@org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.panels.EuclidianDockPanelWAbstract.EuclidianPanel::forceResize()() }; $wnd.visibilityEventMain(forceResize, forceResize); }-*/ ; private void forceResize() { EuclidianView view = dockPanel.getEuclidianView(); if (view instanceof EuclidianViewWInterface) { ((EuclidianViewWInterface) view).getG2P().forceResize(); view.repaintView(); view.suggestRepaint(); } } @Override public boolean remove(Widget w) { return absoluteEuclidianPanel.remove(w); } public AbsolutePanel getAbsolutePanel() { return absoluteEuclidianPanel; } } protected abstract EuclidianPanel getEuclidianPanel(); public final AbsolutePanel getAbsolutePanel() { return getEuclidianPanel() == null ? null : getEuclidianPanel() .getAbsolutePanel(); } public abstract void calculateEnvironment(); public abstract void resizeView(int width, int height); }