package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.algebra; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.algebra.AlgebraController; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.algebra.AlgebraView; import; import org.geogebra.common.javax.swing.SwingConstants; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.LayerView; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.ModeSetter; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoCurveCartesian; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDependentText; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GProperty; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.App.InputPosition; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.main.GeoElementSelectionListener; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.AbstractSettings; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.AlgebraSettings; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.SettingListener; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EventType; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.GeoGebraProfiler; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.PrintableW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.CancelEventTimer; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.DrawEquationW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.TimerSystemW; import org.geogebra.web.web.css.GuiResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.GuiManagerW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.DockSplitPaneW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.panels.AlgebraDockPanelW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.panels.AlgebraStyleBarW; import org.geogebra.web.web.util.ReTeXHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * HTML5 version of AV * */ public class AlgebraViewW extends Tree implements LayerView, AlgebraView, OpenHandler<TreeItem>, SettingListener, ProvidesResize, PrintableW { /** * Flag for LaTeX rendering */ /** app */ protected final AppW app; // parent appame /** Localization */ protected final Localization loc; /** Kernel */ protected final Kernel kernel; private AnimationScheduler repaintScheduler = AnimationScheduler.get(); // protected AlgebraInputW inputPanel; /** Input item */ RadioTreeItem inputPanelLatex; private AlgebraStyleBarW styleBar; private boolean editItem = false; private GeoElement draggedGeo; // to store width if original was thiner than needed. private Integer originalWidth = null; private AnimationScheduler.AnimationCallback repaintCallback = new AnimationScheduler.AnimationCallback() { @Override public void execute(double ts) { doRepaint(); } }; private AnimationScheduler.AnimationCallback repaintSlidersCallback = new AnimationScheduler.AnimationCallback() { @Override public void execute(double ts) { doRepaintSliders(); } }; /** * The mode of the tree, see MODE_DEPENDENCY, MODE_TYPE */ protected SortMode treeMode = SortMode.ORDER; private boolean showAuxiliaryObjectsSettings = false; private boolean settingsChanged = false; /** * Nodes for tree mode MODE_DEPENDENCY */ private TreeItem depNode, indNode; private TreeItem auxiliaryNode; /** * Root node for tree mode MODE_TYPE. */ private TreeItem rootType; /** * Nodes for tree mode MODE_TYPE */ private HashMap<String, TreeItem> typeNodesMap; /* for SortMode.ORDER */ private TreeItem rootOrder; /* for SortMode.LAYER */ private TreeItem rootLayer; private HashMap<Integer, TreeItem> layerNodesMap; private HashMap<GeoElement, TreeItem> nodeTable = new HashMap<GeoElement, TreeItem>( 500); private int waitForRepaint = TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG; private StringBuilder sbXML; private RadioTreeItem activeItem; // private AlgebraHelperBar helperBar; private AlgebraController algebraController; private AVSelectionController selectionCtrl; /** * @return algebra controller */ public AlgebraController getAlgebraController() { return algebraController; } /** * Creates new AV * * @param algCtrl * controller */ public AlgebraViewW(AlgebraController algCtrl) { super(new TreeImages()); Log.debug("creating Algebra View"); this.algebraController = algCtrl; = (AppW) algCtrl.getApplication(); this.loc = app.getLocalization(); this.kernel = app.getKernel(); this.addOpenHandler(this); selectionCtrl = new AVSelectionController(app); algCtrl.setView(this); if (algCtrl instanceof AlgebraControllerW) { initGUI((AlgebraControllerW) algCtrl); } app.getSelectionManager() .addSelectionListener(new GeoElementSelectionListener() { @Override public void geoElementSelected(GeoElement geo, boolean addToSelection) { updateSelection(); } }); } /** * Scroll handler */ void onAlgebraScroll() { if (activeItem != null) { activeItem.reposition(); } if (getInputTreeItem() != null) { getInputTreeItem().setItemWidth(maxItemWidth); } } private void initGUI(AlgebraControllerW algCtrl) { // add listener this.addDomHandler(algCtrl, MouseDownEvent.getType()); this.addDomHandler(algCtrl, MouseMoveEvent.getType()); this.addDomHandler(algCtrl, TouchStartEvent.getType()); this.addDomHandler(algCtrl, TouchEndEvent.getType()); this.addDomHandler(algCtrl, TouchMoveEvent.getType()); // initializes the tree model, important to set tree mode first to avoid // inf. loop #3651 treeMode = app.getSettings().getAlgebra().getTreeMode(); initModel(); setLabels(); getElement().addClassName("algebraView"); // needed to have an element with tabindex > 0 with focus to catch // keyboard events this.getElement().setAttribute("tabindex", "5000"); this.addKeyDownHandler(; this.addKeyUpHandler(; this.addKeyPressHandler(; this.setFocus(true); // Initialize settings and register listener app.getSettings().getAlgebra().addListener(this); settingsChanged(app.getSettings().getAlgebra()); } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { // as arrow keys are prevented in super.onBrowserEvent, // we need to handle arrow key events before that switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) { default: // do nothing break; case Event.ONKEYUP: switch (event.getKeyCode()) { default: // do nothing break; case KeyCodes.KEY_UP: case KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN: case KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT: case KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT: // this may be enough for Safari too, because it is not // onkeypress if (!editItem) { app.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().handleSelectedGeosKeysNative( event); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); return; } //TODO: check this ---- break; case KeyCodes.KEY_TAB: if (!app.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().isFocused()) { return; } // ---- } break; case Event.ONMOUSEDOWN: case Event.ONTOUCHSTART: app.closePopups(); // see this.setFocus(true) and this.addKeyDownHandler... app.focusGained(AlgebraViewW.this, this.getElement()); } if (!editItem) { if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONCLICK) { // background click if (!CancelEventTimer.cancelKeyboardHide() && !CancelEventTimer.cancelMouseEvent()) { // maybe another focusScheduled is called, but // that should not be a problem, the problem should // collect blur events all along the way app.getGuiManager().focusScheduled(true, true, true); app.hideKeyboard(); } } super.onBrowserEvent(event); } } /** * schedule a repaint */ public void deferredRepaint() { repaintScheduler.requestAnimationFrame(repaintCallback); } /** * Repaint sliders in next animation frame */ public void deferredRepaintSliders() { repaintScheduler.requestAnimationFrame(repaintSlidersCallback); } /** * timer system suggests a repaint */ @Override public boolean suggestRepaint(){ // repaint sliders as fast as possible if (isShowing()) { deferredRepaintSliders(); } if (waitForRepaint == TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG){ return false; } if (waitForRepaint == TimerSystemW.REPAINT_FLAG){ if (isShowing()){ deferredRepaint(); waitForRepaint = TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG; } return true; } waitForRepaint--; return true; } @Override public final void repaintView() { app.ensureTimerRunning(); if (waitForRepaint == TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG){ waitForRepaint = TimerSystemW.ALGEBRA_LOOPS; } } /** * Make sure we repaint all updated objects in nodes that were collapsed before */ @Override public void onOpen(OpenEvent<TreeItem> event){ this.deferredRepaint(); } @Override public final int getViewID() { return App.VIEW_ALGEBRA; } // TODO EuclidianView#setHighlighted() doesn't exist /** * updates node of GeoElement geo (needed for highlighting) * */ @Override public void update(GeoElement geo) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); TreeItem node = nodeTable.get(geo); if (node != null) { RadioTreeItem item =; item.updateOnNextRepaint(); repaintView(); /* * Cancel editing if the updated geo element has been edited, but * not otherwise because editing geos while animation is running * won't work then (ticket #151). */ if (isEditItem()) { if (item.getController().isEditing()) { item.cancelEditing(); } } } GeoGebraProfiler.addAlgebra(System.currentTimeMillis()-start); } /** * Repaints the whole AV tree, item by item. */ public void doRepaint() { Object geo; // suppose that the add operations have been already done elsewhere for (int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++) { TreeItem ti = getItem(i); if (ti instanceof CheckboxTreeItem) {; } else { geo = getItem(i).getUserObject(); if (geo instanceof GeoElement) {; } else if (ti.getWidget() instanceof GroupHeader) { ((GroupHeader) ti.getWidget()) .setText(ti.getUserObject().toString()); if (ti.getState()) { repaintChildren(ti); } } } } if (getInputTreeItem() != null) { getInputTreeItem().setPixelRatio(app.getPixelRatio()); } } /** * updates only GeoNumerics; used for animated */ protected void doRepaintSliders() { switch (treeMode) { case ORDER: repaintSlidersOrder(); break; case VIEW: case TYPE: case LAYER: for (int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++) { repaintSlidersDependent(getItem(i)); } break; case DEPENDENCY: repaintSlidersDependent(this.indNode); break; default: break; } } private static void repaintSlidersDependent(TreeItem ti) { if (ti != null) { for (int j = 0; j < ti.getChildCount(); j++) { repaintSliderNode(ti.getChild(j)); } } } private void repaintSlidersOrder() { for (int j = 0; j < getItemCount(); j++) { repaintSliderNode(getItem(j)); } } private static void repaintSliderNode(TreeItem ti) { if (ti instanceof SliderTreeItemInterface) {; } } private static void repaintChildren(TreeItem item) { for (int j = 0; j < item.getChildCount(); j++) { if (item.getChild(j) instanceof RadioTreeItem) {; } } } private void updateCollapsedNodesIndices() { // no collapsed nodes if (getTreeMode() == SortMode.ORDER) { collapsedNodes = null; return; } if (collapsedNodes == null) { collapsedNodes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } else { collapsedNodes.clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++) { TreeItem node = getItem(i); if (!node.getState()) { collapsedNodes.add(i); } } } /** * @return The display mode of the tree, see MODE_DEPENDENCY, MODE_TYPE */ @Override public SortMode getTreeMode() { return treeMode; } /** * @param value * Either AlgebraView.MODE_DEPDENCY or AlgebraView.MODE_TYPE */ @Override public void setTreeMode(SortMode value) { if (getTreeMode().equals(value)) { return; } clearView(); this.treeMode = value; initModel(); kernel.notifyAddAll(this); setLabels(); } /** * returns settings in XML format * * @param sb * string builder */ public final void getXML(StringBuilder sb) { if (sbXML == null) { sbXML = new StringBuilder(); } else { sbXML.setLength(0); } // tree mode if (getTreeMode() != SortMode.TYPE) { sbXML.append("\t<mode "); sbXML.append("val=\""); sbXML.append(getTreeMode().toInt()); sbXML.append("\""); sbXML.append("/>\n"); } // auxiliary objects boolean flag = showAuxiliaryObjects(); if (flag) { sbXML.append("\t<auxiliary "); sbXML.append("show=\""); sbXML.append(flag); sbXML.append("\""); sbXML.append("/>\n"); } // collapsed nodes updateCollapsedNodesIndices(); if (collapsedNodes != null && collapsedNodes.size() > 0) { sbXML.append("\t<collapsed "); sbXML.append("val=\""); sbXML.append(collapsedNodes.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < collapsedNodes.size(); i++) { sbXML.append(","); sbXML.append(collapsedNodes.get(i)); } sbXML.append("\""); sbXML.append("/>\n"); } if (sbXML.length() > 0) { sb.append("<algebraView>\n"); sb.append(sbXML); sb.append("</algebraView>\n"); } } private ArrayList<Integer> collapsedNodes; private boolean isShowingAuxiliaryObjects; private void setCollapsedNodes(int[] collapsedNodes) { if (collapsedNodes == null) { return; } if (this.collapsedNodes == null) { this.collapsedNodes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } else { this.collapsedNodes.clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < collapsedNodes.length; i++) { this.collapsedNodes.add(collapsedNodes[i]); } } /** * @return whether auxiliary objects are showing */ private boolean showAuxiliaryObjects() { return app.showAuxiliaryObjects; } /** * @param flag * whether to show auxiliary */ public void setShowAuxiliaryObjects(boolean flag) { if (this.isShowingAuxiliaryObjects == flag) { return; } isShowingAuxiliaryObjects = flag; app.showAuxiliaryObjects = flag; cancelEditItem(); if (flag) { clearView(); switch (getTreeMode()) { default: // do nothing break; case DEPENDENCY: addItem(auxiliaryNode); break; } kernel.notifyAddAll(this); } else { // if we're listing the auxiliary objects in a single leaf we can // just remove that leaf, but for type-based categorization those // auxiliary nodes might be scattered across the whole tree, // therefore we just rebuild the tree switch (getTreeMode()) { default: clearView(); kernel.notifyAddAll(this); break; case DEPENDENCY: if (auxiliaryNode.getParentItem() != null) { removeItem(auxiliaryNode); } break; } } } /** * apply the settings */ public void applySettings() { if (!settingsChanged) { // that means that no settings were stored in the file: reset // settings to have default AlgebraSettings settings = app.getSettings().getAlgebra(); settings.reset(); settingsChanged(settings); } settingsChanged = false; // auxilliary objects setShowAuxiliaryObjects(showAuxiliaryObjectsSettings); // collapsed nodes if (collapsedNodes == null) { return; } for (int i : collapsedNodes) { TreeItem node = getItem(i); if(node != null){ node.setState(false); if (node.getWidget() instanceof GroupHeader) { ((GroupHeader) node.getWidget()).setChecked(false); } } } } @Override public void settingsChanged(AbstractSettings settings) { AlgebraSettings algebraSettings = (AlgebraSettings) settings; setTreeMode(algebraSettings.getTreeMode()); showAuxiliaryObjectsSettings = algebraSettings .getShowAuxiliaryObjects(); setCollapsedNodes(algebraSettings.getCollapsedNodes()); settingsChanged = true; } /** whether it's attached to kernel */ protected boolean attached = false; /** * Fill this view and attach it to kernel */ public void attachView() { if (attached) { return; } attached = true; clearView(); kernel.notifyAddAll(this); applySettings(); kernel.attach(this); /* * if (treeMode == SortMode.DEPENDENCY) { indNode.setState(true); * depNode.setState(true); if (auxiliaryNode.getParentItem() != null) { * auxiliaryNode.setState(true); } } */ } /** * Detach this from kernel */ public void detachView() { kernel.detach(this); clearView(); attached = false; } /** * Method to initialize the tree model of the current tree mode. This method * should be called whenever the tree mode is changed, it won't initialize * anything if not necessary. * * This method will also actually change the model of the tree. */ protected void initModel() { // build default tree structure switch (treeMode) { default: case DEPENDENCY: // don't re-init anything if (depNode == null || indNode == null || auxiliaryNode == null) { // rootDependency = new TreeItem(); depNode = new AVTreeItem(); // dependent objects indNode = new AVTreeItem(); auxiliaryNode = new AVTreeItem(); } // set the root clear(); addItem(indNode); addItem(depNode); // add auxiliary node if neccessary if (app.showAuxiliaryObjects) { if (auxiliaryNode.getTree() != this) { addItem(auxiliaryNode); } } break; case ORDER: if (rootOrder == null) { // both rootOrder and AlgebraView will have the Tree items rootOrder = new AVTreeItem(); } setUserObject(rootOrder, "", ""); // always try to remove the auxiliary node if (app.showAuxiliaryObjects && auxiliaryNode != null) { removeAuxiliaryNode(); } // set the root clear(); if (isAlgebraInputVisible()) { // why is this here and not in case of DEPENDENCY, LAYER super.addItem(inputPanelTreeItem); } break; case TYPE: // don't re-init anything if (rootType == null) { rootType = new AVTreeItem(); // setUserObject(rootType, ""); typeNodesMap = new HashMap<String, TreeItem>(5); } // always try to remove the auxiliary node if (app.showAuxiliaryObjects && auxiliaryNode != null) { removeAuxiliaryNode(); } // set the root clear(); if (isAlgebraInputVisible()) { // why is this here and not in case of DEPENDENCY, LAYER super.addItem(inputPanelTreeItem); } break; case LAYER: // don't re-init anything if (rootLayer == null) { rootLayer = new AVTreeItem(); layerNodesMap = new HashMap<Integer, TreeItem>(10); } // always try to remove the auxiliary node if (app.showAuxiliaryObjects && auxiliaryNode != null) { removeAuxiliaryNode(); } // set the root clear(); // addItem(rootLayer); break; } } /** * remove all from the tree */ protected void clearTree() { switch (getTreeMode()) { default: case DEPENDENCY: indNode.removeItems(); depNode.removeItems(); auxiliaryNode.removeItems(); break; case TYPE: removeItems(); typeNodesMap.clear(); break; case LAYER: removeItems(); layerNodesMap.clear(); break; case ORDER: rootOrder.removeItems(); removeItems(); } } /** * set labels on the tree */ protected void setTreeLabels() { TreeItem node; switch (getTreeMode()) { case DEPENDENCY: setUserObject(indNode, loc.getPlain("FreeObjects"), "1"); setUserObject(depNode, loc.getPlain("DependentObjects"), "2"); setUserObject(auxiliaryNode, loc.getPlain("AuxiliaryObjects"), "3"); break; case TYPE: for (Entry<String, TreeItem> entry : typeNodesMap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); node = entry.getValue(); setUserObject(node, loc.getMenu(key), key); } break; case LAYER: for (Entry<Integer, TreeItem> entry : layerNodesMap.entrySet()) { Integer key = entry.getKey(); node = entry.getValue(); setUserObject(node, loc.getPlain("LayerA", key.toString()), key.toString()); } break; case ORDER: break; } // if (lastLang == null || !lastLang.equals(loc.getLocaleStr())) { rebuildItems(); // } } /** * * @param geo * element * @param forceLayer * override layer stored in Geo * @return parent node of this geo */ protected TreeItem getParentNode(GeoElement geo, int forceLayer) { TreeItem parent; switch (treeMode) { case DEPENDENCY: if (geo.isAuxiliaryObject()) { parent = auxiliaryNode; } else if (geo.isIndependent()) { parent = indNode; } else { parent = depNode; } break; case TYPE: // get type node String typeString = geo.getTypeStringForAlgebraView(); parent = typeNodesMap.get(typeString); // do we have to create the parent node? if (parent == null) { String transTypeString = geo .translatedTypeStringForAlgebraView(); parent = new AVTreeItem(new InlineLabel(transTypeString)); setUserObject(parent, transTypeString, typeString); typeNodesMap.put(typeString, parent); // find insert pos int pos = getItemCount(); for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) { TreeItem child = getItem(i); String groupName = getGroupName(child); if (typeString.compareTo(groupName) < 0 || (child.getWidget() != null && this.inputPanelTreeItem != null && this.inputPanelTreeItem.getWidget() != null && child.getWidget().equals(this.inputPanelTreeItem.getWidget()))) { pos = i; break; } } insertItem(pos, parent); } break; case LAYER: // get type node int layer = forceLayer > -1 ? forceLayer : geo.getLayer(); parent = layerNodesMap.get(layer); // do we have to create the parent node? if (parent == null) { String layerStr = loc.getPlain("LayerA", layer + ""); parent = new AVTreeItem(new InlineLabel(layerStr)); setUserObject(parent, layerStr, layer + ""); layerNodesMap.put(layer, parent); // find insert pos int pos = getItemCount(); for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) { TreeItem child = getItem(i); if (layerStr.compareTo(getGroupName(child)) < 0) { pos = i; break; } } insertItem(pos, parent); } break; case ORDER: parent = rootOrder; break; default: parent = null; } return parent; } private static String getGroupName(TreeItem child) { return child.getUserObject() instanceof String ? ((String) child.getUserObject()) : "_"; } /** * Assign element or element group to a given tree node * * @param ti * tree item * @param ob * object * @param key * sorting key */ public final void setUserObject(TreeItem ti, final String ob, String key) { ti.setUserObject(ob); GroupHeader group = new GroupHeader(, ti, ob, key, GuiResources.INSTANCE.algebra_tree_open().getSafeUri(), GuiResources.INSTANCE.algebra_tree_closed().getSafeUri()); group.getElement().getStyle().setFontSize(app.getFontSizeWeb(), Unit.PX); ti.setWidget(group); } /** * @param ob * geo element * @param forceRetex * whether ReTeX editor should be used * @return AV item */ public final static RadioTreeItem createAVItem(final GeoElement ob, boolean forceRetex) { RadioTreeItem ti = null; if (SliderTreeItemRetex.match(ob)) { if (forceRetex) { ti = new SliderTreeItemRetex(ob); } else { ti = new ReTeXHelper() .getSliderItem(ob); } } else if (CheckboxTreeItem.match(ob)) { if (forceRetex) { ti = new CheckboxTreeItem(ob); } else { ti = new ReTeXHelper() .getCheckboxItem(ob); } } else if (forceRetex) { ti = new LatexTreeItem(ob); } else { ti = new ReTeXHelper().getAVItem(ob); } ti.setUserObject(ob); ti.addStyleName("avItem"); return ti; } /** * Remove this node from the model. * * @param node * @param model */ private void removeFromModel(TreeItem node) { node.remove(); nodeTable.remove(node.getUserObject()); // remove the type branch if there are no more children switch (treeMode) { case DEPENDENCY: default: // do nothing break; case TYPE: String typeString = ((GeoElement) node.getUserObject()) .getTypeStringForAlgebraView(); TreeItem parent = typeNodesMap.get(typeString); // this has been the last node if (parent != null && parent.getChildCount() == 0) { typeNodesMap.remove(typeString); parent.remove(); } break; case LAYER: removeFromLayer(((GeoElement) node.getUserObject()).getLayer()); break; case ORDER: rootOrder.removeItem(node); if (getItemCount() > 0 && getItem(0) instanceof RadioTreeItem) { ((RadioTreeItem) getItem(0)).setFirst(true); } } } private void removeFromLayer(int i) { TreeItem parent = layerNodesMap.get(i); // this has been the last node if ((parent != null) && parent.getChildCount() == 0) { layerNodesMap.remove(i); parent.remove(); } } private void addRadioTreeItem(TreeItem parent, RadioTreeItem node) { // add node to model (alphabetically ordered) int pos = getInsertPosition(parent, node.geo, treeMode); if (pos == 0 && parent == rootOrder) { node.setFirst(true); } if (pos >= parent.getChildCount()) { if (treeMode == SortMode.LAYER) { if (isAlgebraInputVisible()) { removeItem(inputPanelTreeItem); } parent.addItem(node); if (isAlgebraInputVisible()) { super.addItem(inputPanelTreeItem); } } else { parent.addItem(node); if (parent.equals(rootOrder)) { addItem(node); } } } else { try { parent.insertItem(pos, node); if (parent.equals(rootOrder)) { insertItem(pos, node); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { parent.addItem(node); if (parent.equals(rootOrder)) { addItem(node); } } } } /** * adds a new node to the tree */ @Override public void add(GeoElement geo) { add(geo, -1); } private void add(GeoElement geo, int forceLayer) { if (!this.isAttachedToKernel()) { return; } cancelEditItem(); this.isShowingAuxiliaryObjects = showAuxiliaryObjects(); if (geo.isLabelSet() && geo.showInAlgebraView() && geo.isSetAlgebraVisible()) { // don't add auxiliary objects if the tree is categorized by type if (!getTreeMode().equals(SortMode.DEPENDENCY) && !showAuxiliaryObjects() && geo.isAuxiliaryObject()) { return; } TreeItem parent = getParentNode(geo, forceLayer); RadioTreeItem node = createAVItem(geo, true); addRadioTreeItem(parent, node); // if (node != null && !node.isInputTreeItem()) { // setActiveTreeItem(node); // }; boolean wasEmpty = isNodeTableEmpty(); nodeTable.put(geo, node); if (wasEmpty) { // if adding new elements the first time, // let's show the X signs in the input bar! if (this.inputPanelLatex != null) { this.inputPanelLatex.updateGUIfocus(inputPanelLatex, false); } } // ensure that the leaf with the new object is visible parent.setState(true); } if (inputPanelLatex != null) { inputPanelLatex.styleScrollBox(); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { inputPanelLatex.updateButtonPanelPosition(); getAlgebraDockPanel().scrollToBottom(); } }); } } @Override public void changeLayer(GeoElement g, int oldLayer, int newLayer) { if (this.treeMode.equals(SortMode.LAYER)) { TreeItem node = nodeTable.get(g); if (node != null) { node.remove(); nodeTable.remove(node.getUserObject()); removeFromLayer(oldLayer); } this.add(g, newLayer); } } /** * removes a node from the tree */ @Override public void remove(GeoElement geo) { cancelEditItem(); TreeItem node = nodeTable.get(geo); if (node != null) { removeFromModel(node); } if (inputPanelLatex != null) { inputPanelLatex.updateButtonPanelPosition(); } } @Override public void clearView() { nodeTable.clear(); latexLoaded = false; clearTree(); activeItem = null; if (inputPanelLatex != null) { inputPanelLatex.setText(""); } showAlgebraInput(false); } /** * renames an element and sorts list */ @Override public void rename(GeoElement geo) { remove(geo); add(geo); } private void removeAuxiliaryNode() { removeItem(auxiliaryNode); } /** * Gets the insert position for newGeo to insert it in alphabetical order in * parent node. Note: all children of parent must have instances of * GeoElement as user objects. * * @param parent * parent node * @param newGeo * geo to be inserted * * @param mode * sort mode * @return position */ final public int getInsertPosition(TreeItem parent, GeoElement newGeo, SortMode mode) { // label of inserted geo // String newLabel = newGeo.getLabel(); // standard case: binary search int left = 0; int right = parent == rootOrder ? getItemCount() : parent .getChildCount(); if (right == 0) { return right; } // bigger then last? TreeItem node = parent == rootOrder ? getItem(right - 1) : parent .getChild(right - 1); // String nodeLabel = ((GeoElement) node.getUserObject()).getLabel(); if (node.getUserObject() == null) { if (right == 1) { return 0; } node = parent == rootOrder ? getItem(right - 2) : parent .getChild(right - 2); right--; } GeoElement geo2 = ((GeoElement) node.getUserObject()); if (compare(newGeo, geo2, mode)) { return right; } // binary search while (right > left) { int middle = (left + right) / 2; node = parent == rootOrder ? getItem(middle) : parent .getChild(middle); // nodeLabel = ((GeoElement) node.getUserObject()).getLabel(); geo2 = ((GeoElement) node.getUserObject()); if (!compare(newGeo, geo2, mode)) { right = middle; } else { left = middle + 1; } } // insert at correct position return right; } /** * Performs a binary search for geo among the children of parent. All * children of parent have to be instances of GeoElement sorted * alphabetically by their names. * * @param parent * parent node * @param geoLabel * label of geo * * @return -1 when not found */ final public static int binarySearchGeo(TreeItem parent, String geoLabel) { int left = 0; int right = parent.getChildCount() - 1; if (right == -1 || geoLabel == null) { return -1; } // binary search for geo's label while (left <= right) { int middle = (left + right) / 2; TreeItem node = parent.getChild(middle); String nodeLabel = ((GeoElement) node.getUserObject()) .getLabelSimple(); int compare = GeoElement.compareLabels(geoLabel, nodeLabel); if (compare < 0) { right = middle - 1; } else if (compare > 0) { left = middle + 1; } else { return middle; } } return -1; } /** * Performs a linear search for geo among the children of parent. * * @param parent * parent node * @param geoLabel * label of geo * @return -1 when not found */ final public static int linearSearchGeo(TreeItem parent, String geoLabel) { if (geoLabel == null) { return -1; } int childCount = parent.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { TreeItem node = parent.getChild(i); GeoElement g = (GeoElement) node.getUserObject(); if (geoLabel.equals(g.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate))) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Reset the algebra view if the mode changed. */ @Override public void setMode(int mode, ModeSetter m) { reset(); } private static boolean compare(GeoElement geo1, GeoElement geo2, SortMode mode) { switch (mode) { case ORDER: return geo1.getConstructionIndex() > geo2.getConstructionIndex(); default: // alphabetical return GeoElement.compareLabels( geo1.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), geo2.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)) > 0; } } @Override final public void updateAuxiliaryObject(GeoElement geo) { remove(geo); add(geo); } @Override public void reset() { cancelEditItem(); repaintView(); ensureSelectedItemVisible(); } /** * resets all fix labels of the View. This method is called by the * application if the language setting is changed. */ @Override public void setLabels() { /* * if (inputPanel != null) { inputPanel.setLabels(); } */ // TODO add button ? setTreeLabels(); if (this.inputPanelLatex != null) { this.inputPanelLatex.setLabels(); } if (this.styleBar != null) { this.styleBar.setLabels(); } if (inputPanelLatex != null && inputPanelLatex.hasHelpPopup()) { app.getGuiManager().getInputHelpPanel().setLabels(); } } @Override public final GeoElement getLastSelectedGeo() { return getSelectionCtrl().getLastSelectedGeo(); } @Override public final void setLastSelectedGeo(GeoElement geo) { getSelectionCtrl().setLastSelectedGeo(geo); } @Override public void startBatchUpdate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void endBatchUpdate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } private TreeItem inputPanelTreeItem; /** * @return the RadioButtonTreeItem containing the input-box */ public RadioTreeItem getInputTreeItem() { return inputPanelLatex; } /** * @return currently edited tree item */ public RadioTreeItem getActiveTreeItem() { if (activeItem == null) { return this.inputPanelLatex; } return this.activeItem; } /** * Create new input panel and add it */ public void setInputPanel() { // usually, inputPanel is here, but not in use (not attached) boolean forceKeyboard = false; boolean inputJustCreated = false; if (inputPanelLatex == null) { inputPanelLatex = createInputPanel(); forceKeyboard = GuiManagerW.mayForceKeyboard(app); inputJustCreated = true; } else { inputPanelLatex.removeFromParent(); } hideAlgebraInput(); this.inputPanelTreeItem = new TreeItem(inputPanelLatex.getWidget()); inputPanelTreeItem.addStyleName("avInputItem"); inputPanelLatex.getWidget().getElement().getParentElement() .addClassName("NewRadioButtonTreeItemParent"); inputPanelLatex.replaceXButtonDOM(); unselect(getSelectionCtrl().getSelectedGeo()); unselect(getSelectionCtrl().getLastSelectedGeo()); if (inputJustCreated) { if (isNodeTableEmpty()) { inputPanelLatex.updateGUIfocus(inputPanelLatex, false); } } showAlgebraInput(forceKeyboard); } private RadioTreeItem createInputPanel() { return new LatexTreeItem(kernel); } @Override public void setShowAlgebraInput(boolean show) { if (show) { showAlgebraInput(false); } else { hideAlgebraInput(); } } private void hideAlgebraInput() { if (!isAlgebraInputVisible()) { return; } super.removeItem(inputPanelTreeItem); inputPanelTreeItem = null; } private void showAlgebraInput(boolean forceKeyboard0) { if (!app.showAlgebraInput() || app.getInputPosition() != InputPosition.algebraView) { hideAlgebraInput(); return; } Integer inputWidth = null; if (isAlgebraInputVisible()) { // note that hideAlgebraInput just does this // hideAlgebraInput(); // except it also makes this null, no problem // ... or? still preferring to be safe inputWidth = inputPanelLatex.getWidget().getElement() .getParentElement().getClientWidth(); super.removeItem(inputPanelTreeItem); // inputPanel.removeFromParent();//? } boolean inputJustCreated = false; boolean forceKeyboard = false; boolean suggestKeyboard = false; if (inputPanelLatex == null) { suggestKeyboard = true; forceKeyboard = forceKeyboard0 || GuiManagerW.mayForceKeyboard(app); inputPanelLatex = createInputPanel(); // open the keyboard (or show the keyboard-open-button) at // when the application is started inputJustCreated = true; } else { inputPanelLatex.removeFromParent(); } inputPanelTreeItem = super.addItem(inputPanelLatex.getWidget()); inputPanelTreeItem.addStyleName("avInputItem"); // inputPanelTreeItem.addStyleName("NewRadioButtonTreeItemParent"); inputPanelLatex.getWidget().getElement().getParentElement() .addClassName("NewRadioButtonTreeItemParent"); inputPanelLatex.replaceXButtonDOM(); if (inputJustCreated) { if (isNodeTableEmpty()) { inputPanelLatex.updateGUIfocus(inputPanelLatex, false); } } if ((!app.getLocalization().getLanguage().equals("ko") || app .has(Feature.KOREAN_KEYBOARD)) && app.showView(App.VIEW_ALGEBRA)) { if (forceKeyboard) { doShowKeyboard(); }else if(suggestKeyboard){ app.getAppletFrame().showKeyboardOnFocus(); } } if (inputWidth != null) { inputPanelLatex.setItemWidth(inputWidth); } updateFonts(); } private void doShowKeyboard() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { setActiveTreeItem(null); app.showKeyboard(inputPanelLatex, true); } }); } private boolean isAlgebraInputVisible() { return inputPanelTreeItem != null; } @Override public void addItem(TreeItem item) { // make sure the item is inserted before the inputPanel if(isAlgebraInputVisible()){ removeItem(inputPanelTreeItem); } super.addItem(item); if (isAlgebraInputVisible()) { super.addItem(inputPanelTreeItem); } } @Override protected boolean isKeyboardNavigationEnabled(TreeItem ti) { // keys should move the geos in the EV // if (isEditing()) return false; // return super.isKeyboardNavigationEnabled(ti); } /** * @return true if nodeTable is empty */ public boolean isNodeTableEmpty() { return this.nodeTable.isEmpty(); } /** * @return number of elements in the view */ public int getNodeTableSize() { return this.nodeTable.size(); } /** * @param item * new active item */ public void setActiveTreeItem(RadioTreeItem item) { if (item == null) { getSelectionCtrl().clear(); } boolean sameItem = activeItem == item; if (sameItem) { return; } stopCurrentEditor(); if ((this.activeItem != null) && (!this.activeItem.commonEditingCheck()) && !app.has(Feature.AV_SINGLE_TAP_EDIT)) { // removeCloseButton() on this would cause infinite recursion activeItem.removeCloseButton(); } if (activeItem != null && !selectionCtrl.isMultiSelect()) { selectRow(activeItem.getGeo(), false); } this.activeItem = item; // if (activeItem != null) { selectRow(activeItem.getGeo(), true); } } private void stopCurrentEditor() { if (getActiveTreeItem() != null) { if (app.has(Feature.AV_SINGLE_TAP_EDIT)) { getActiveTreeItem().onEnter(false); } else if (app.has(Feature.AV_INPUT_BUTTON_COVER)) { getActiveTreeItem().stopEditing(null, null); } else { getActiveTreeItem().onEnter(false); } } } /** * Remove close button from active item */ public void removeCloseButton() { if (activeItem != null) { activeItem.removeCloseButton(); stopCurrentEditor(); // use setter to make sure current item is reset correctly activeItem = null; } } /** * @param geo * geo to be (un)selected * @param select * whether to select or unselect */ public void selectRow(GeoElement geo, boolean select) { TreeItem node = nodeTable.get(geo); if (node == null) { return; }; } /** * @param mayCreate * true if this may call constructor (otherwise it may return * null) * @return {@link AlgebraStyleBarW} */ public AlgebraStyleBarW getStyleBar(boolean mayCreate) { if (mayCreate && this.styleBar == null) { this.styleBar = new AlgebraStyleBarW(app); } return this.styleBar; } @Override public void updateVisualStyle(GeoElement geo, GProperty prop) { update(geo); if (styleBar != null && geo.isLabelSet()) { styleBar.update(geo); } } @Override public void updatePreviewFromInputBar(GeoElement[] geos) { if (geos != null) { for (GeoElement geo : geos) { inputPanelLatex.previewValue(geo); } } else { inputPanelLatex.clearPreview(); } } @Override public boolean isShowing() { return isVisible() && isAttached(); } @Override public void cancelEditItem() { editItem = false; setAnimationEnabled(true); } @Override public boolean isEditItem() { return editItem; } /** * Starts the corresponding editor for geo. */ @Override public void startEditItem(GeoElement geo) { if (geo == null) { editItem = true; return; } // open Object Properties for eg GeoImages // also for GeoPenStroke if (!geo.isAlgebraViewEditable()) { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); geos.add(geo); app.getDialogManager().showPropertiesDialog(geos); return; } getAlgebraDockPanel().saveScrollPosition(); if (!geo.isPointOnPath() && !geo.isPointInRegion()) { if ((!geo.isIndependent() && !(geo.getParentAlgorithm() instanceof AlgoCurveCartesian)) || !attached) // needed for F2 when Algebra // View closed { if (geo.isRedefineable()) { redefine(geo); } return; } if (!geo.isChangeable()) { if (geo.isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { app.showMessage(loc.getError("AssignmentToFixed")); return; } else if (geo.isRedefineable() && !(geo.getParentAlgorithm() instanceof AlgoCurveCartesian)) { redefine(geo); return; } else if (!(geo.getParentAlgorithm() instanceof AlgoCurveCartesian)) { return; } } } TreeItem node = nodeTable.get(geo); if (node != null) { cancelEditItem(); editItem = true; setAnimationEnabled(false); if (node instanceof RadioTreeItem) { RadioTreeItem ri =; expandAVToItem(ri); ri.enterEditMode(geo.isPointOnPath() || geo.isPointInRegion()); } } } /** * Expand AV to make space for editing a specific item * * @param ri * edited item */ void expandAVToItem(RadioTreeItem ri) { int editedWidth = ri.getWidthForEdit(); int expanded = editedWidth; if (editedWidth < userWidth) { expanded = userWidth; } else { expanded = editedWidth; } expandWidth(expanded); setWidths(expanded); } private void redefine(GeoElement geo) { if (geo.getParentAlgorithm() instanceof AlgoDependentText) { app.getDialogManager().showRedefineDialog(geo, true); return; } TreeItem node = nodeTable.get(geo); if (node != null) { cancelEditItem(); // FIXMEWEB select and show node editItem = true; setAnimationEnabled(false); if (node instanceof RadioTreeItem) { RadioTreeItem ri =; expandAVToItem(ri); if (!ri.enterEditMode(false)) { cancelEditItem(); app.getDialogManager().showRedefineDialog(geo, true); } } } } /** * Clear selection */ public void clearSelection() { // deselecting this causes a bug; it maybe fixed // by changing the repaintView method too, // adding setSelectedItem( some TreeItem ), // but which TreeItem should be that if more are selected? // that's why Arpad choosed to comment this out instead // super.setSelectedItem(null); for (int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++) { if (!(getItem(i).getUserObject() instanceof GeoElement)) { for (int j = 0; j < getItem(i).getChildCount(); j++) { TreeItem item = getItem(i).getChild(j); item.setSelected(false); if (item instanceof RadioTreeItem) { unselect(; } } } } getSelectionCtrl().setSelectedGeo(null); } /** * @return selected geo */ public GeoElement getSelectedGeoElement() { return getSelectionCtrl().getSelectedGeo(); } /** * * @param event * drag event * @param geo * element */ public void dragStart(DragStartEvent event, GeoElement geo) { setDraggedGeo(geo); } @Override public GeoElement getDraggedGeo() { return draggedGeo; } private void setDraggedGeo(GeoElement draggedGeo) { this.draggedGeo = draggedGeo; } @Override public boolean hasFocus() { Log.debug("unimplemented"); return false; } @Override protected void onLoad() { // this may be important if the view is added/removed from the DOM super.onLoad(); repaintView(); } private int mqFontSize = -1; private int maxItemWidth = 0; private boolean latexLoaded; private int userWidth; /* * private int resizedWidth;* Not used in Web so far. Will not work with * JLM. */ private void updateFonts() { if (mqFontSize != app.getFontSizeWeb()) { mqFontSize = app.getFontSizeWeb(); new ReTeXHelper() .setFontSize(mqFontSize); if (getInputTreeItem() != null) { getInputTreeItem().updateFonts(); } } } /** * @param ratio * pixel ratio */ public void setPixelRatio(double ratio) { updateFonts(); rebuildItems(); } private void rebuildItems() { for (int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++) { TreeItem ti = getItem(i); if (ti instanceof RadioTreeItem) {; } else if (ti.getWidget() instanceof GroupHeader) { ti.getWidget().getElement().getStyle() .setFontSize(app.getFontSizeWeb(), Unit.PX); for (int j = 0; j < ti.getChildCount(); j++) { if (ti.getChild(j) instanceof RadioTreeItem) { .updateOnNextRepaint(); } } } } this.repaintView(); } /** * Update items for new window size / pixel ratio */ public void resize() { if (app.has(Feature.AV_SINGLE_TAP_EDIT)) { // setOriginalWidth(null); } int resizedWidth = getOffsetWidth(); if (maxItemWidth == 0) { maxItemWidth = resizedWidth; } if (resizedWidth > maxItemWidth) { maxItemWidth = resizedWidth; } setWidths(resizedWidth); if (activeItem != null) { activeItem.updateButtonPanelPosition(); } } /** * AV DockPanel resizing rules: * * maxItemWith: the longest item width. * * avWidth: the current width of AV dock panel. * * userWidth: the width that user sets using the splitter. * * editedWidth: width of the current edited item. * * * width of InputTreeItem must be maxItemWidth when it is not on focus, to * preserve its 'blue line' border. On focus its width must be avWidth * userWidth should change only if user changes it. * * Expanding AV dock panel * * When user starts to edit an item, AV dock panel should be resized to: * * - avWidth: if the avWidth is less than the edited item's width * * - userWidth: if userWidth is greater than both editedWidth and avWidth * */ /** * Sets each tree item to a specific width * * @param width * to set. */ public void setItemWidth(int width) { if (width > maxItemWidth) { maxItemWidth = width; } setWidths(maxItemWidth); } private void setWidths(int width) { if (this.getInputTreeItem() != null) { getInputTreeItem().setItemWidth(width); getInputTreeItem().reposition(); } for (int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++) { TreeItem ti = getItem(i); if (ti instanceof RadioTreeItem) { RadioTreeItem ri =; ri.setItemWidth(width); } else if (ti.getWidget() instanceof GroupHeader) { for (int j = 0; j < ti.getChildCount(); j++) { if (ti.getChild(j) instanceof RadioTreeItem) { .setItemWidth(width); } } } } } /** * Update highlighting of rows */ public void updateSelection() { // if (selectionCtrl.isMultiSelect()) { // return; // } if (selectionCtrl.isEmpty()) { removeCloseButton(); } for (int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++) { TreeItem ti = getItem(i); if (ti instanceof RadioTreeItem) { GeoElement geo =; if (geo != null) { selectRow(geo, geo.doHighlighting()); } } else if (ti.getWidget() instanceof GroupHeader) { for (int j = 0; j < ti.getChildCount(); j++) { if (ti.getChild(j) instanceof RadioTreeItem) { GeoElement geo = .getGeo(); if (geo != null) { selectRow(geo, geo.doHighlighting()); } } } } } } /** * Clears the selection of the last selected item, it also stops editing if * it is currently edited. */ public void unselectActiveItem() { if (activeItem != null) { activeItem.getController().stopEdit(); unselect(activeItem.getGeo()); } // repaintView(); } /** * Reset active item to null */ public void clearActiveItem() { activeItem = null; // repaintView(); } private void unselect(GeoElement geo) { if (geo == null) { return; } TreeItem node = nodeTable.get(geo);; selectRow(geo, false); } @Override public void resetItems(boolean unselectAll) { MinMaxPanel.closeMinMaxPanel(); if (app.has(Feature.AV_SINGLE_TAP_EDIT)) { cancelEditItem(); stopCurrentEditor(); restoreWidth(false); return; } updateSelection(); } /** * @return selection controller */ public AVSelectionController getSelectionCtrl() { return selectionCtrl; } /** * Gets the original width before AV expansion to restore original width * after. * * @return original width in pixels */ public Integer getOriginalWidth() { return originalWidth; } /** * @param oldWidth * original width in pixels */ public void setOriginalWidth(Integer oldWidth) { this.originalWidth = oldWidth; } @Override public boolean isAttachedToKernel() { return attached; } private static void addLeaf(HasTreeItems printItem, RadioTreeItem leaf) { RadioTreeItem printLeaf = leaf.copy(); printItem.addItem(printLeaf); printLeaf.repaint(); } @Override public void getPrintable(FlowPanel pPanel, final Button btPrint) { Tree printTree = new Tree(); pPanel.clear(); DrawEquationW.setPrintScale(10); for (int i = 0; i < this.getItemCount(); i++) { TreeItem item = this.getItem(i); if (item instanceof RadioTreeItem) { addLeaf(printTree, (RadioTreeItem) item); } else if (item != inputPanelTreeItem) { TreeItem printItem = new TreeItem(); printItem.setText(item.getText()); for (int j = 0; j < item.getChildCount(); j++) { TreeItem leaf = item.getChild(j); if (leaf instanceof RadioTreeItem) { addLeaf(printItem, (RadioTreeItem) leaf); } } printItem.setState(true); printTree.addItem(printItem); } } DrawEquationW.setPrintScale(1); pPanel.add(printTree); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { btPrint.setEnabled(true); } }); } /** * The maximum width of the items. Relevant for scrolling horizontally. * * @return the max item width. */ public int getMaxItemWidth() { int avWidth = getAlgebraDockPanel().getOffsetWidth(); return maxItemWidth < avWidth ? avWidth : maxItemWidth; } /** * Algebra View is expanded to the item's width when editing. * * @param width * The width to expand. */ public void expandWidth(int width) { if (!app.has(Feature.AV_SINGLE_TAP_EDIT)) { return; } AlgebraDockPanelW avDockPanel = getAlgebraDockPanel(); DockSplitPaneW splitPane = avDockPanel.getParentSplitPane(); if (splitPane == null || splitPane .getOrientation() == SwingConstants.VERTICAL_SPLIT || splitPane.isCenter(avDockPanel)) { return; } final int w = width; splitPane.setWidgetSize(avDockPanel, w); avDockPanel.deferredOnResize(); } /** * Restores AV original size before editing, if it has been expanded. * * @param force * whether to force this over the canceling timer */ public void restoreWidth(boolean force) { if (!force && CancelEventTimer.cancelAVRestoreWidth()) { return; } int w = userWidth; AlgebraDockPanelW avDockPanel = getAlgebraDockPanel(); DockSplitPaneW avParent = getAlgebraDockPanel().getParentSplitPane(); if (avParent == null || userWidth == 0 || avParent .getOrientation() == SwingConstants.VERTICAL_SPLIT) { return; } // normally the "center" orientation should be handled by the // VERTICAL_SPLIT check above if (!avParent.isCenter(avDockPanel)) { avParent.setWidgetSize(avDockPanel, w); avDockPanel.deferredOnResize(); } } /** * @return algebra dock panel */ AlgebraDockPanelW getAlgebraDockPanel() { return (AlgebraDockPanelW) app.getGuiManager().getLayout() .getDockManager().getPanel(App.VIEW_ALGEBRA); } /** * @return whether active element is the input row */ public boolean isInputActive() { return activeItem == inputPanelLatex; } /** * Flag to determine whether we can render elements as LaTeX synchronously. * When false, render as text temporarily. * * @return whether LaTeX is already loaded */ public boolean isLaTeXLoaded() { return latexLoaded; } /** * Notify that LaTeX was loaded */ public void setLaTeXLoaded() { latexLoaded = true; } /** * Gets the TreeItem associated with the geo. * * @param geo * the element to look for. * @return the TreeItem with the geo. */ public TreeItem getNode(GeoElement geo) { return nodeTable.get(geo); } /** * @return width determined by user resizing */ public int getUserWidth() { return userWidth; } /** * @param userWidth * width determined by user resizing */ public void setUserWidth(int userWidth) { MinMaxPanel.closeMinMaxPanel(); this.userWidth = userWidth; } /** * Set AV width to current offset width or default if not attached */ public void setDefaultUserWidth() { int w = getOffsetWidth(); setUserWidth(w > 0 ? w : getDefaultAVWidth()); } private int getDefaultAVWidth() { return (int) (app.getWidth() * PerspectiveDecoder.landscapeRatio(app.getWidth())); } }