package org.geogebra.common.plugin; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.GeoGebraConstants; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GFont; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian3D.EuclidianView3DInterface; import org.geogebra.common.export.pstricks.ExportFrameMinimal; import org.geogebra.common.export.pstricks.GeoGebraToAsymptote; import org.geogebra.common.export.pstricks.GeoGebraToPgf; import org.geogebra.common.export.pstricks.GeoGebraToPstricks; import org.geogebra.common.gui.dialog.handler.RenameInputHandler; import org.geogebra.common.gui.toolbar.ToolBar; import; import; import; import; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.CircularDefinitionException; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.GeoGebraCasInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Locateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Command; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.CommandCollector; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.AlgebraProcessor; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.AbsoluteScreenLocateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoCasCell; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoConic; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoText; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.PointProperties; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.TextProperties; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Traceable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoAxisND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.scripting.CmdSetCoords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.scripting.CmdSetValue; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.error.ErrorHelper; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.EuclidianSettings; import org.geogebra.common.util.Assignment.Result; import org.geogebra.common.util.Exercise; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import com.himamis.retex.renderer.share.TeXFormula; import com.himamis.retex.renderer.share.TeXParser; /** * <h3>GgbAPI - API for PlugLets</h3> * * <pre> * The Api the plugin program can use. * </pre> * <ul> * <h4>Interface:</h4> * <li>GgbAPI(Application) //Application owns it * <li>getApplication() * <li>getKernel() * <li>getConstruction() * <li>getAlgebraProcessor() * <li>getPluginManager() * <li>evalCommand(String) * <li>and the rest of the methods from the Applet JavaScript/Java interface * <li>... * </ul> * * @author H-P Ulven * @version 31.10.08 29.05.08: Tranferred applet interface methods (the relevant * ones) from GeoGebraAppletBase */ public abstract class GgbAPI implements JavaScriptAPI { // /// ----- Properties ----- ///// /** kernel */ protected Kernel kernel = null; /** construction */ protected Construction construction = null; /** algebra processor */ protected AlgebraProcessor algebraprocessor = null; /** application */ protected App app = null; // private PluginManager pluginmanager= null; // /// ----- Interface ----- ///// /** * Returns reference to Construction * * @return construction */ public Construction getConstruction() { return; } /** * Returns reference to Kernel * * @return kernel */ public Kernel getKernel() { return this.kernel; } /** * Returns reference to AlgebraProcessor * * @return algebra processor */ public AlgebraProcessor getAlgebraProcessor() { return this.algebraprocessor; } @Override public void reset() { app.reset(); } /** * Evaluates the given XML string and changes the current construction. * Note: the construction is NOT cleared before evaluating the XML string. */ @Override public synchronized void evalXML(String xmlString) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"); sb.append("<geogebra format=\"" + GeoGebraConstants.XML_FILE_FORMAT + "\">\n"); sb.append("<construction>\n"); sb.append(xmlString); sb.append("</construction>\n"); sb.append("</geogebra>\n"); getApplication().setXML(sb.toString(), false); } /** * Evaluates the given string as if it was entered into GeoGebra's CAS View * (but it won't create any objects etc in GeoGebra) * * @param cmdString * input to CAS * @return output from CAS */ @Override public synchronized String evalCommandCAS(String cmdString) { if (!app.getSettings().getCasSettings().isEnabled()) { return "?"; } // default (undefined) String ret = "?"; try { GeoCasCell f = new GeoCasCell(kernel.getConstruction()); // kernel.getConstruction().addToConstructionList(f, false); f.setInput(cmdString); if (f.getInputVE() != null && f.getInputVE().getLabel() != null) { kernel.getAlgebraProcessor().checkCasEval( f.getInputVE().getLabel(), cmdString, null); } f.computeOutput(); boolean includesNumericCommand = false; HashSet<Command> commands = new HashSet<Command>(); f.getInputVE().traverse(CommandCollector.getCollector(commands)); if (!commands.isEmpty()) { for (Command cmd : commands) { String cmdName = cmd.getName(); // Numeric used includesNumericCommand = includesNumericCommand || ("Numeric".equals(cmdName) && cmd.getArgumentNumber() > 1); } } ret = f.getOutputValidExpression() != null ? f.getOutputValidExpression() .toString(StringTemplate.numericDefault) : f.getOutput(StringTemplate.testTemplate); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } /** * Evaluates the given string as if it was entered into GeoGebra's input * text field. */ @Override public synchronized boolean evalCommand(String cmdString) { String labels = evalCommandGetLabels(cmdString); return labels != null; } /** * Evaluates the given string as if it was entered into GeoGebra's input * text field. * * @param cmdString * command string * @return comma separated labels */ public synchronized String evalCommandGetLabels(String cmdString) { // Application.debug("evalCommand called..."+cmdString); GeoElementND[] result; // this is new in GeoGebra 4.2 and it will stop some files working // but causes problems if the files are opened and edited // and in the web project boolean oldVal = kernel.isUsingInternalCommandNames(); kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(true); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); if (cmdString.indexOf('\n') == -1) { result = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .processAlgebraCommand(cmdString, false); // return success if (result == null) { kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(oldVal); return null; } for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { ret.append(result[i].getLabelSimple()); ret.append(","); } if (ret.length() > 0) { // remove last comma ret.setLength(ret.length() - 1); } kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(oldVal); return ret.toString(); } String[] cmdStrings = cmdString.split("[\\n]+"); for (int i = 0; i < cmdStrings.length; i++) { result = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .processAlgebraCommand(cmdStrings[i], false); if (result != null) { for (int j = 0; j < result.length; j++) { ret.append(result[j].getLabelSimple()); ret.append(","); } } } kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(oldVal); if (ret.length() == 0) { return null; } // remove last comma ret.setLength(ret.length() - 1); return ret.toString(); } /** * prints a string to the Java Console */ @Override public synchronized void debug(String string) { Log.debug(string); } /** * Returns the GeoGebra XML string for the given GeoElement object, i.e. * only the <element> tag is returned. */ @Override public synchronized String getXML(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return ""; } // if (geo.isIndependent()) removed as we want a way to get the // <element> tag for all objects return geo.getXML(); // else // return ""; } /** * For a dependent GeoElement objName the XML string of the parent algorithm * and all its output objects is returned. For a free GeoElement objName "" * is returned. */ @Override public synchronized String getAlgorithmXML(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return ""; } if (geo.isIndependent()) { return ""; } return geo.getParentAlgorithm().getXML(); } /** * Shows or hides the object with the given name in the geometry window. */ @Override public synchronized void setVisible(String objName, boolean visible) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.setEuclidianVisible(visible); geo.updateRepaint(); } /** * Shows or hides the object with the given name in the geometry window. */ @Override public synchronized boolean getVisible(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return false; } if (geo.isGeoCasCell()) { return ((GeoCasCell) geo).getTwinGeo() != null && ((GeoCasCell) geo).getTwinGeo().isEuclidianVisible(); } return (geo.isEuclidianVisible()); } /** * Sets the layer of the object with the given name in the geometry window. * Michael Borcherds 2008-02-27 */ @Override public synchronized void setLayer(String objName, int layer) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.setLayer(layer); geo.updateRepaint(); } /** * Returns the layer of the object with the given name in the geometry * window. returns layer, or -1 if object doesn't exist Michael Borcherds * 2008-02-27 */ @Override public synchronized int getLayer(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return -1; } return geo.getLayer(); } /** * Shows or hides a complete layer Michael Borcherds 2008-02-27 */ @Override public synchronized void setLayerVisible(int layer, boolean visible) { if (layer < 0 || layer > EuclidianStyleConstants.MAX_LAYERS) { return; } String[] names = getAllObjectNames(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(names[i]); if (geo != null) { if (geo.getLayer() == layer) { geo.setEuclidianVisible(visible); geo.updateRepaint(); } } } } @Override public synchronized String[] getAllObjectNames() { Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); TreeSet<GeoElement> geoSet = cons.getGeoSetConstructionOrder(); int size = geoSet.size(); // build objNames array String[] objNames = new String[size]; int i = 0; Iterator<GeoElement> it = geoSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; objNames[i] = geo.getLabelSimple(); i++; } return objNames; } @Override public synchronized String[] getAllObjectNames(String type) { Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); TreeSet<GeoElement> geoSet = cons.getGeoSetConstructionOrder(); int size = geoSet.size(); // build objNames array ArrayList<String> objList = new ArrayList<String>(size / 2); Iterator<GeoElement> it = geoSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if (StringUtil.empty(type) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(geo.getTypeString())) { objList.add(geo.getLabelSimple()); } } return objList.toArray(new String[objList.size()]); } /** * Sets the fixed state of the object with the given name. */ @Override public synchronized void setFixed(String objName, boolean flag) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo != null && geo.isFixable()) { geo.setFixed(flag); geo.updateRepaint(); } } /** * Sets the fixed state of the object with the given name. * * @param objName * object name * @param fixed * whether it should be fixed * @param selectionAllowed * whether selection should be allowed */ public synchronized void setFixed(String objName, boolean fixed, boolean selectionAllowed) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo != null) { geo.setSelectionAllowed(selectionAllowed); if (geo.isFixable()) { geo.setFixed(fixed); geo.updateRepaint(); } } } /** * Turns the trace of the object with the given name on or off. */ @Override public synchronized void setTrace(String objName, boolean flag) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo != null && geo.isTraceable()) { ((Traceable) geo).setTrace(flag); geo.updateRepaint(); } } /** * Shows or hides the label of the object with the given name in the * geometry window. */ @Override public synchronized void setLabelVisible(String objName, boolean visible) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.setLabelVisible(visible); geo.updateRepaint(); } @Override public synchronized boolean getLabelVisible(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return false; } return geo.isLabelVisible(); } /** * Sets the label style of the object with the given name in the geometry * window. Possible label styles are NAME = 0, NAME_VALUE = 1 and VALUE = 2. */ @Override public synchronized void setLabelStyle(String objName, int style) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.setLabelMode(style); geo.updateRepaint(); } @Override public synchronized int getLabelStyle(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return 0; } return geo.getLabelMode(); } /** * Sets the color of the object with the given name. */ @Override public synchronized void setColor(String objName, int red, int green, int blue) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.setObjColor(GColor.newColor(red, green, blue)); geo.updateRepaint(); } @Override public synchronized void setCorner(String objName, double x, double y) { setCorner(objName, x, y, 1); } @Override public synchronized void setCorner(String objName, double x, double y, int index) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (!(geo instanceof AbsoluteScreenLocateable)) { return; } AbsoluteScreenLocateable loc = ((AbsoluteScreenLocateable) geo); if (loc.isAbsoluteScreenLocActive()) { loc.setAbsoluteScreenLoc((int) Math.round(x), (int) Math.round(y)); } else if (geo instanceof Locateable) { GeoPoint corner = new GeoPoint(kernel.getConstruction()); EuclidianView ev = app.getEuclidianView1(); if (geo.isVisibleInView(ev.getViewID()) && app.hasEuclidianView2EitherShowingOrNot(1) && geo.isVisibleInView( app.getEuclidianView2(1).getViewID())) { Log.debug("EV2"); // ev = app.getEuclidianView2(); } corner.setCoords(ev.toRealWorldCoordX(x), ev.toRealWorldCoordY(y), 1); try { ((Locateable) loc).setStartPoint(corner, index); } catch (CircularDefinitionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } geo.updateRepaint(); } /** * Starts/stops an object animating */ @Override public void setAnimating(String objName, boolean animate) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo != null) { geo.setAnimating(animate); } } /** * Sets the animation speed of an object */ @Override public void setAnimationSpeed(String objName, double speed) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo != null) { geo.setAnimationSpeed(speed); } } /** * Returns the color of the object as an hex string. Note that the * hex-string starts with # and uses upper case letters, e.g. "#FF0000" for * red. */ @Override public synchronized String getColor(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return ""; } return "#" + StringUtil.toHexString(geo.getObjectColor()); } @Override public synchronized int getLineThickness(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return -1; } return geo.getLineThickness(); } @Override public synchronized void setLineThickness(String objName, int lineThickness) { int thickness = lineThickness; if (thickness == -1) { thickness = EuclidianStyleConstants.DEFAULT_LINE_THICKNESS; } if (thickness < 1 || thickness > 13) { return; } GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.setLineThickness(thickness); geo.updateRepaint(); } @Override public synchronized int getPointStyle(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return -1; } if (geo instanceof PointProperties) { return ((PointProperties) geo).getPointStyle(); } return -1; } @Override public synchronized void setPointStyle(String objName, int style) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } if (geo instanceof PointProperties) { ((PointProperties) geo).setPointStyle(style); geo.updateRepaint(); } } @Override public synchronized int getPointSize(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return -1; } if (geo instanceof PointProperties) { return ((PointProperties) geo).getPointSize(); } return -1; } @Override public synchronized void setPointSize(String objName, int style) { if (style < 1 || style > 9) { return; } GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } if (geo instanceof PointProperties) { ((PointProperties) geo).setPointSize(style); geo.updateRepaint(); } } @Override public synchronized double getFilling(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return -1; } return geo.getAlphaValue(); } @Override public synchronized void setFilling(String objName, double filling) { if (filling < 0.0 || filling > 1.0) { return; } GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.setAlphaValue(filling); geo.updateRepaint(); } @Override public void setOnTheFlyPointCreationActive(boolean flag) { app.setOnTheFlyPointCreationActive(flag); } @Override public void setUndoPoint() { kernel.getConstruction().storeUndoInfo(); } /** * should only be used by web */ public void initCAS() { if (app.isHTML5Applet()) { // kernel.getGeoGebraCAS().getCurrentCAS().initCAS(); kernel.refreshCASCommands(); // Don't remove this. It is needed for testing the web platform. // (String match is assumed.) Log.debug("all CAS up"); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } } @Override public void uploadToGeoGebraTube() { app.uploadToGeoGebraTube(); } @Override public void startAnimation() { kernel.getAnimatonManager().startAnimation(); } @Override public void stopAnimation() { kernel.getAnimatonManager().stopAnimation(); } @Override public void hideCursorWhenDragging(boolean hideCursorWhenDragging) { kernel.getApplication() .setUseTransparentCursorWhenDragging(hideCursorWhenDragging); } @Override public boolean isAnimationRunning() { return kernel.getAnimatonManager().isRunning(); } @Override public double getFrameRate() { return kernel.getFrameRate(); } @Override public synchronized void registerAddListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerAddListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void unregisterAddListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().unregisterAddListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void registerRemoveListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerRemoveListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void unregisterRemoveListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().unregisterRemoveListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void registerClearListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerClearListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void unregisterClearListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().unregisterClearListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void registerRenameListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerRenameListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void unregisterRenameListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().unregisterRenameListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void registerUpdateListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerUpdateListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void unregisterUpdateListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().unregisterUpdateListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void registerObjectUpdateListener(String objName, String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerObjectUpdateListener(objName, JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void unregisterObjectUpdateListener(String objName) { app.getScriptManager().unregisterObjectUpdateListener(objName); } @Override public synchronized void registerClickListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerClickListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void unregisterClickListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().unregisterClickListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public void registerClientListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerClientListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public void unregisterClientListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().unregisterClientListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void registerObjectClickListener(String objName, String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerObjectClickListener(objName, JSFunctionName); } @Override public synchronized void unregisterObjectClickListener(String objName) { app.getScriptManager().unregisterObjectClickListener(objName); } @Override public synchronized void registerStoreUndoListener(String JSFunctionName) { app.getScriptManager().registerStoreUndoListener(JSFunctionName); } @Override public boolean isMoveable(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return false; } return geo.isMoveable(); } /** * Returns the type of the object with the given name as a string (e.g. * point, line, circle, ...) */ @Override public synchronized String getObjectType(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); return (geo == null) ? "" : StringUtil.toLowerCase(geo.getTypeString()); } /** * Sets the mode of the geometry window (EuclidianView). */ @Override public synchronized void setMode(int mode) { app.setMode(mode); } @Override public synchronized int getMode() { return app.getMode(); } @Override public synchronized int getLineStyle(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return -1; } int type = geo.getLineType(); // convert from 0,10,15,20,30 // to 0,1,2,3,4 for (int i = 0; i < EuclidianView.getLineTypeLength(); i++) { if (type == EuclidianView.getLineType(i)) { return i; } } return -1; // unknown type } @Override public synchronized void setLineStyle(String objName, int style) { if (style < 0 || style >= EuclidianView.getLineTypeLength()) { return; } GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.setLineType(EuclidianView.getLineType(style)); geo.updateRepaint(); } /** * Deletes the object with the given name. */ @Override public synchronized void deleteObject(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.remove(); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } @Override public synchronized boolean renameObject(String oldName, String suggestedName, boolean forceRename) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(oldName); if (geo == null) { return false; } String newName = forceRename ? RenameInputHandler.checkFreeLabel(kernel, suggestedName) : suggestedName; // try to rename boolean success = geo.rename(newName); kernel.notifyRepaint(); return success; } /** * Renames an object from oldName to newName. * * @return whether renaming worked */ @Override public synchronized boolean renameObject(String oldName, String newName) { return renameObject(oldName, newName, false); } /** * Returns true if the object with the given name exists. */ @Override public synchronized boolean exists(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); return (geo != null); } /** * Returns true if the object with the given name has a vaild value at the * moment. */ @Override public synchronized boolean isDefined(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return false; } return geo.isDefined(); } /** * Returns true if the object with the given name is independent. */ @Override public synchronized boolean isIndependent(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return false; } return geo.isIndependent(); } /** * Returns the value of the object with the given name as a string. */ @Override public synchronized String getValueString(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return ""; } if (geo.isGeoText()) { return ((GeoText) geo).getTextString(); } if (geo.isGeoCasCell()) { return ((GeoCasCell) geo).getOutput(StringTemplate.numericDefault); } return geo.getAlgebraDescriptionDefault(); } /** * Returns the definition of the object with the given name as a string. */ @Override public synchronized String getDefinitionString(String objName) { return getDefinitionString(objName, true); } @Override public synchronized String getDefinitionString(String objName, boolean localize) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return ""; } return geo.getDefinitionDescription( localize ? StringTemplate.defaultTemplate : StringTemplate.noLocalDefault); } /** * Returns the object with the given name as a LaTeX string. */ @Override public synchronized String getLaTeXString(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return ""; } return geo.toValueString(StringTemplate.latexTemplate); } public void evalLaTeX(String input, int mode) { app.getDrawEquation().checkFirstCall(app); TeXFormula tf = new TeXFormula(); TeXParser tp = new TeXParser(input, tf); tp.parse(); BracketsAdapter ad = mode == 1 ? new BracketsAdapter() : null; evalCommand(new TeXAtomSerializer(ad).serialize(tf.root)); } /** * Returns the command of the object with the given name as a string. */ @Override public synchronized String getCommandString(String objName) { return getCommandString(objName, true); } @Override public synchronized String getCommandString(String objName, boolean localize) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return ""; } if (geo instanceof GeoCasCell) { return geo.getDefinitionDescription( localize ? StringTemplate.defaultTemplate : StringTemplate.noLocalDefault); } return geo.getDefinition(localize ? StringTemplate.defaultTemplate : StringTemplate.noLocalDefault); } @Override public synchronized String getCaption(String objName, boolean substituteVars) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return ""; } return substituteVars ? geo.getCaption(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate) : geo.getRawCaption(); } @Override public synchronized void setCaption(String objName, String caption) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } geo.setCaption(caption); geo.updateRepaint(); } @Override public synchronized String getPerspectiveXML() { if (app.getGuiManager() == null || app.getGuiManager().getLayout() == null) { return ""; } StringBuilder layoutSB = new StringBuilder(); app.getGuiManager().getLayout().getCurrentPerspectiveXML(layoutSB); return layoutSB.toString(); } /** * Returns the x-coord of the object with the given name. Note: returns 0 if * the object is not a point or a vector. */ @Override public synchronized double getXcoord(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return 0; } if (geo.isAbsoluteScreenLocateable()) { if (((AbsoluteScreenLocateable) geo).isAbsoluteScreenLocActive()) { return ((AbsoluteScreenLocateable) geo).getAbsoluteScreenLocX(); } } return kernel.getExpressionNodeEvaluator().handleXcoord(geo, Operation.XCOORD); } /** * Returns the y-coord of the object with the given name. Note: returns 0 if * the object is not a point or a vector. */ @Override public synchronized double getYcoord(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return 0; } if (geo.isAbsoluteScreenLocateable()) { if (((AbsoluteScreenLocateable) geo).isAbsoluteScreenLocActive()) { return ((AbsoluteScreenLocateable) geo).getAbsoluteScreenLocY(); } } return kernel.getExpressionNodeEvaluator().handleYcoord(geo, Operation.YCOORD); } @Override public synchronized double getZcoord(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return 0; } return kernel.getExpressionNodeEvaluator().handleZcoord(geo); } /** * Sets the coordinates of the object with the given name. Note: if the * specified object is not a point or a vector, nothing happens. */ @Override public synchronized void setCoords(String objName, double x, double y) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } CmdSetCoords.setCoords(geo, x, y); } @Override public synchronized void setCoords(String objName, double x, double y, double z) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null) { return; } CmdSetCoords.setCoords(geo, x, y, z); } /** * Returns the double value of the object with the given name. For a * boolean, returns 0 for false, 1 for true Note: returns 0 if the object * does not have a value. */ @Override public synchronized double getValue(String objName) { GeoNumberValue geo = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .evaluateToNumeric(objName, ErrorHelper.silent()); if (geo == null) { return 0; } return geo.getDouble(); } /** * Sets the double value of the object with the given name. For a boolean 0 * -> false, any other value -> true Note: if the specified object is not a * number, nothing happens. */ @Override public synchronized void setValue(String objName, double x) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null || !geo.isIndependent()) { return; } CmdSetValue.setValue2(geo, new GeoNumeric(kernel.getConstruction(), x)); /* * if (geo.isGeoNumeric()) { ((GeoNumeric) geo).setValue(x); * geo.updateRepaint(); } else if (geo.isGeoBoolean()) { ((GeoBoolean) * geo).setValue(Kernel.isZero(x) ? false : true); geo.updateRepaint(); * } */ } @Override public synchronized void setTextValue(String objName, String x) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null || !geo.isGeoText() || !geo.isIndependent()) { return; } ((GeoText) geo).setTextString(x); geo.updateRepaint(); } @Override public synchronized void setListValue(String objName, double x, double y) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null || !geo.isGeoList() || !geo.isIndependent()) { return; } Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); CmdSetValue.setValue3(kernel, (GeoList) geo, (int) x, new GeoNumeric(cons, y)); } /** * Turns the repainting of all views on or off. */ @Override public synchronized void setRepaintingActive(boolean flag) { // Application.debug("set repainting: " + flag); kernel.setNotifyRepaintActive(flag); } /* * Methods to change the geometry window's properties */ /** * Sets the Cartesian coordinate system in the graphics window. */ @Override public synchronized void setCoordSystem(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) { app.getEuclidianView1().setRealWorldCoordSystem(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); } /** * @param xmin * min of x axis range * @param xmax * max of x axis range * @param ymin * min of y axis range * @param ymax * max of y axis range * @param zmin * min of z axis range * @param zmax * max of z axis range * @param verticalY * true to set yAxis in vertical direction */ public synchronized void setCoordSystem(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax, boolean verticalY) { EuclidianView3DInterface e3d = app.getEuclidianView3D(); e3d.setYAxisVertical(verticalY); Coords boundsMin = new Coords(xmin, ymin, zmin); Coords boundsMax = new Coords(xmax, ymax, zmax); e3d.zoomRW(boundsMin, boundsMax); } /** * Shows or hides the x- and y-axis of the coordinate system in the graphics * window. */ @Override public synchronized void setAxesVisible(boolean xVisible, boolean yVisible) { app.getEuclidianView1().setShowAxis(EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon.AXIS_X, xVisible, false); app.getEuclidianView1().setShowAxis(EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon.AXIS_Y, yVisible, false); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } @Override public synchronized void setAxesVisible(int view, boolean xVisible, boolean yVisible, boolean zVisible) { int index = view < 0 ? 3 : view; if (index < 1 || index > 3) { return; } EuclidianSettings evs = app.getSettings().getEuclidian(index); evs.beginBatch(); evs.setShowAxis(EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon.AXIS_X, xVisible); evs.setShowAxis(EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon.AXIS_Y, yVisible); evs.setShowAxis(EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon.AXIS_Z, zVisible); evs.endBatch(); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } /** * If the origin is off screen and the axes are visible, GeoGebra shows * coordinates of the upper-left and bottom-right screen corner. This method * lets you hide these corner coordinates. * * @param showAxesCornerCoords * true to show corner coordinates */ public synchronized void setAxesCornerCoordsVisible( boolean showAxesCornerCoords) { app.getEuclidianView1() .setAxesCornerCoordsVisible(showAxesCornerCoords); if (app.hasEuclidianView2(1)) { app.getEuclidianView2(1) .setAxesCornerCoordsVisible(showAxesCornerCoords); } } /** * Shows or hides the coordinate grid in the graphics window. */ @Override public synchronized void setGridVisible(boolean flag) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(1).showGrid(flag); app.getSettings().getEuclidian(2).showGrid(flag); } @Override public synchronized void setGridVisible(int view, boolean flag) { int index = view < 0 ? 3 : view; if (index < 1 || index > 3) { return; } app.getSettings().getEuclidian(index).showGrid(flag); } /* * Methods to get all object names of the construction */ /** * Returns an array with the names of all selected objects. * * @return an array with the names of all selected objects. */ public synchronized String[] getSelectedObjectNames() { ArrayList<GeoElement> selGeos = app.getSelectionManager() .getSelectedGeos(); String[] selObjNames = new String[selGeos.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < selGeos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = selGeos.get(i); selObjNames[i] = geo.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate); } return selObjNames; } /** * Returns the number of objects in the construction. */ @Override public synchronized int getObjectNumber() { return getAllObjectNames().length; } /** * Returns the name of the n-th object of this construction. */ @Override public synchronized String getObjectName(int i) { String[] names = getAllObjectNames(); try { return names[i]; } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } /** * Opens construction given in XML format. May be used for loading * constructions. */ @Override public synchronized void setXML(String xml) { app.setXML(xml, true); } /** * Returns current construction in XML format. May be used for saving. */ @Override public synchronized String getXML() { return app.getXML(); } /** * @return application */ final public App getApplication() { return app; } /** * For web it needed a callback. Don't forget that. */ @Override public abstract String getBase64(boolean includeThumbnail); @Override final public String getBase64() { return getBase64(false); } @Override final public void setPenColor(int red, int green, int blue) { app.getActiveEuclidianView().getEuclidianController().getPen() .setPenColor(GColor.newColor(red, green, blue)); } @Override final public void setPenSize(int size) { app.getActiveEuclidianView().getEuclidianController().getPen() .setPenSize(size); } @Override public int getPenSize() { return app.getActiveEuclidianView().getEuclidianController().getPen() .getPenSize(); } @Override public String getPenColor() { return "#" + StringUtil.toHexString(app.getActiveEuclidianView() .getEuclidianController().getPen().getPenColor()); } @Override public synchronized double getListValue(String objName, int index) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo == null || !geo.isGeoList()) { return Double.NaN; } GeoList list = (GeoList) geo; if (index < 1 || index >= list.size() + 1) { return Double.NaN; } GeoElement ret = list.get(index - 1); // GeoBoolean implements NumberValue, so no need to check for that return ret.evaluateDouble(); } /** * Cast undo * * @param repaint * true to repaint the views afterwards */ @Override public void undo(boolean repaint) { app.getKernel().undo(); if (repaint) { app.doRepaintViews(); } } /** * Cast redo * * @param repaint * true to repaint the views afterwards */ @Override public void redo(boolean repaint) { app.getKernel().redo(); if (repaint) { app.doRepaintViews(); } } /** * Cast redo */ public void setSaved() { app.setSaved(); } /** * Deletes all construction elements */ @Override public void newConstruction() { app.fileNew(); } /** * @param view * view number * @return JSON string describing the view */ @Override public String getViewProperties(int view) { EuclidianView ev = view == 2 ? app.getEuclidianView2(1) : app.getEuclidianView1(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("{\"invXscale\":"); sb.append(ev.getInvXscale()); sb.append(",\"invYscale\":"); sb.append(ev.getInvYscale()); sb.append(",\"xMin\":"); sb.append(ev.getXmin()); sb.append(",\"yMin\":"); sb.append(ev.getYmin()); sb.append(",\"width\":"); sb.append(ev.getWidth()); sb.append(",\"height\":"); sb.append(ev.getHeight()); sb.append(",\"left\":"); sb.append(ev.getAbsoluteLeft()); sb.append(",\"top\":"); sb.append(ev.getAbsoluteTop()); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param label * object * @param size * font size * @param bold * true for bold * @param italic * true for italic * @param serif * true for serif */ @Override public void setFont(String label, int size, boolean bold, boolean italic, boolean serif) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(label); if (geo instanceof TextProperties) { TextProperties text = (TextProperties) geo; text.setFontSizeMultiplier(size / (0.0 + app.getFontSize())); text.setFontStyle((bold ? GFont.BOLD : GFont.PLAIN) | (italic ? GFont.ITALIC : GFont.PLAIN)); text.setSerifFont(serif); geo.updateRepaint(); } } /** * Evaluates the given string as if it was entered into GeoGebra CAS's input * text field. * * @param cmdString * CAS command * * @return evaluation result in GeoGebraCAS syntax */ @Override public synchronized String evalGeoGebraCAS(String cmdString) { return evalGeoGebraCAS(cmdString, false); } /** * Evaluates the given string as if it was entered into GeoGebra CAS's input * text field. * * @param cmdString * command string * * @param debugOutput * states whether debugging information should be printed to the * console * @return evaluation result in GeoGebraCAS syntax */ public synchronized String evalGeoGebraCAS(String cmdString, boolean debugOutput) { if (!app.getSettings().getCasSettings().isEnabled()) { return "?"; } String ret = ""; GeoGebraCasInterface ggbcas = kernel.getGeoGebraCAS(); try { // TODO -- allow to parametrize this ret = ggbcas.evaluateGeoGebraCAS(cmdString, null, StringTemplate.numericDefault, kernel); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.debug(t.toString()); } // try-catch // useful for debugging JavaScript if (debugOutput) { Log.debug("evalGeoGebraCAS\n input:" + cmdString + "\n" + "output: " + ret); } return ret; } /** * Performs login * * @param token * login token */ @Override public void login(String token) { if (app.getLoginOperation() != null) { Log.debug("LTOKEN send via API"); app.getLoginOperation().performTokenLogin(token, false); } } /** * Log current user out */ @Override public void logout() { if (app.getLoginOperation() != null && app.getLoginOperation().getModel() != null) { app.getLoginOperation().getGeoGebraTubeAPI() .logout(app.getLoginOperation().getModel().getLoginToken()); } } @Override public void setPerspective(String code) { if (code.startsWith("search:")) { app.openSearch(code.substring("search:".length())); return; } if (code.startsWith("customize:")) { app.showCustomizeToolbarGUI(); return; } if ("exam".equals(code)) { app.setNewExam(); app.examWelcome(); return; } // the exam setting is certainly false if (code.startsWith("<")) { try { app.getXMLio().parsePerspectiveXML( "<geogebra format=\"5.0\"><gui><perspectives>" + code + "</perspectives></gui></geogebra>"); app.getGuiManager().updateGUIafterLoadFile(true, false); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return; } Perspective ps = PerspectiveDecoder.decode(code, kernel.getParser(), ToolBar.getAllToolsNoMacros(app.isHTML5Applet(), app.isExam(), app)); if (app.getGuiManager() == null) { return; } try { app.persistWidthAndHeight(); app.getGuiManager().getLayout().applyPerspective(ps); app.updateViewSizes(); app.getGuiManager().updateMenubar(); app.getGuiManager().updateToolbar(); app.updateKeyboard(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public synchronized boolean getVisible(String label, int view) { if (view < -1 || view > 2 || view == 0) { return false; } GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(label); if (geo instanceof GeoAxisND) { EuclidianSettings evs = app.getSettings() .getEuclidian(view < 0 ? 3 : view); int type = ((GeoAxisND) geo).getType(); if (type == 2 && view > 0) { return false; } return evs.getShowAxis(type); } if (geo == null) { return false; } if (geo.isGeoCasCell()) { return ((GeoCasCell) geo).getTwinGeo() != null && isVisibleInView(((GeoCasCell) geo).getTwinGeo(), view); } return isVisibleInView(geo, view); } private static boolean isVisibleInView(GeoElement geo, int view) { return geo.isVisibleInView(view == -1 ? App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN3D : (view == 1 ? App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN : App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2)); } @Override public synchronized boolean getGridVisible() { return getGridVisible(1); } @Override public synchronized boolean getGridVisible(int view) { if (view < -1 || view > 2 || view == 0) { return false; } EuclidianSettings evs = app.getSettings() .getEuclidian(view < 0 ? 3 : view); return evs.getShowGrid(); } @Override public int getCASObjectNumber() { return kernel.getConstruction().getCASObjectNumber(); } /** * If there are Macros or an Exercise present in the current file this can * be used to check if parts of the construction are equivalent to the * Macros in the file. <br> * It will return the overall Fraction of the Exercise.<br> * This is the sum of all the Fractions in the Assignment or 1 if one of the * Assignments has a fraction of 100 and no negative fractions are present. * Use {@link #getExerciseResult()} to get the fractions of each Assignment. * If you don't want that a standard exercise (using all the Macros in the * Construction and setting each fraction to 100) will be created, check if * this is a Exercise with {@link #isExercise()} first. <br> * * @return the overall fraction of the Exercise * */ @Override public double getExerciseFraction() { Exercise ex = kernel.getExercise(); ex.checkExercise(); return ex.getFraction(); } /** * Check whether this applet is an Exercise * * @return true if the Exercise has assignments, this will happen when * either {@link #getExerciseResult()} or * {@link #getExerciseFraction()} are called with user defined Tools * present in the applet or if the ExerciseBuilderDialog was used to * create the Exercise. */ @Override public boolean isExercise() { Exercise ex = kernel.getExercise(); return !ex.isEmpty(); } /** * @param localeStr * language or language_country */ public void setLanguage(String localeStr) { app.setLanguage(localeStr); } /** * @param rounding * eg "10" for 10dp or "10s" for 10 significant figures */ @Override public void setRounding(String rounding) { app.setRounding(rounding); kernel.updateConstruction(); app.refreshViews(); kernel.updateConstruction(); } /** * If there are Macros or an Exercise present in the current file this can * be used to check if parts of the construction are equivalent to the * Macros in the file. <br /> * If you don't want that a Standard Exercise (using all the Macros in the * Construction and setting each fraction to 100) will be created, check if * this is a Exercise with {@link #isExercise()} first. <br> * Hint will be empty unless specified otherwise with the ExerciseBuilder. * <br /> * Fraction will be 0 or 1 unless specified otherwise with the * ExerciseBuilder. <br /> * Result will be in {@link Result},i.e: <br /> * CORRECT, The assignment is CORRECT <br /> * WRONG, if the assignment is WRONG and we can't tell why <br /> * NOT_ENOUGH_INPUTS if there are not enough input geos, so we cannot check * <br /> * WRONG_INPUT_TYPES, if there are enough input geos, but one or more are of * the wrong type <br /> * WRONG_OUTPUT_TYPE, if there is no output geo matching our macro <br /> * WRONG_AFTER_RANDOMIZE, if the assignment was correct in the first place * but wrong after randomization <br /> * UNKNOWN, if the assignment could not be checked * * @return JavaScriptObject representation of the exercise result. For * Example: "{"Tool1":{ "result":"CORRECT", "hint":"", * "fraction":1}}", will be empty if now Macros or Assignments have * been found. */ public Object getExerciseResult() { return ""; } @Override public String getVersion() { return GeoGebraConstants.VERSION_STRING; } /** * Changes display style of line or conic * * @param objName * object name * @param style * one of "parametric", "explicit", "implicit", "specific" */ public void setDisplayStyle(String objName, String style) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); if (geo instanceof GeoLine) { GeoLine line = (GeoLine) geo; if ("parametric".equals(style)) { line.setMode(GeoLine.PARAMETRIC); } else if ("explicit".equals(style)) { line.setMode(GeoLine.EQUATION_EXPLICIT); } else if ("implicit".equals(style)) { line.setMode(GeoLine.EQUATION_IMPLICIT); } geo.updateRepaint(); } else if (geo instanceof GeoConic) { GeoConic conic = (GeoConic) geo; if ("parametric".equals(style)) { conic.setToStringMode(GeoConicND.EQUATION_PARAMETRIC); } else if ("explicit".equals(style)) { conic.setToStringMode(GeoConicND.EQUATION_EXPLICIT); } else if ("implicit".equals(style)) { conic.setToStringMode(GeoConicND.EQUATION_IMPLICIT); } else if ("specific".equals(style)) { conic.setToStringMode(GeoConicND.EQUATION_SPECIFIC); } geo.updateRepaint(); } } @Override public void enableCAS(boolean enable) { app.getSettings().getCasSettings().setEnabled(enable); } @Override public void enable3D(boolean enable) { app.getSettings().getEuclidian(-1).setEnabled(enable); } /** * @param enable * wheter geogebra-web applet rightclick enabled or not */ @Override public void enableRightClick(boolean enable) { app.setRightClickEnabled(enable); } /** * @param enable * * wheter labels draggable in geogebra-web applets or not */ @Override public void enableLabelDrags(boolean enable) { app.setLabelDragsEnabled(enable); } /** * @param enable * * wheter shift - drag - zoom enabled in geogebra-web applets or * not */ @Override public void enableShiftDragZoom(boolean enable) { app.setShiftDragZoomEnabled(enable); } @Override public void setAxisSteps(int view, String xStep, String yStep, String zStep) { int index = view < 0 ? 3 : view; if (index < 1 || index > 3) { return; } EuclidianSettings evs = app.getSettings().getEuclidian(index); evs.beginBatch(); evs.setAxisNumberingDistance(0, this.algebraprocessor .evaluateToNumeric(xStep, ErrorHelper.silent())); evs.setAxisNumberingDistance(1, this.algebraprocessor .evaluateToNumeric(yStep, ErrorHelper.silent())); if (evs.is3D()) { evs.setAxisNumberingDistance(2, this.algebraprocessor .evaluateToNumeric(zStep, ErrorHelper.silent())); } evs.endBatch(); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } @Override public void setAxisLabels(int view, String xLabel, String yLabel, String zLabel) { int index = view < 0 ? 3 : view; if (index < 1 || index > 3) { return; } EuclidianSettings evs = app.getSettings().getEuclidian(index); evs.beginBatch(); evs.setAxisLabel(0, xLabel); evs.setAxisLabel(1, yLabel); if (evs.is3D()) { evs.setAxisLabel(2, zLabel); } evs.endBatch(); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } @Override public void setAxisUnits(int view, String xLabel, String yLabel, String zLabel) { int index = view < 0 ? 3 : view; if (index < 1 || index > 3) { return; } EuclidianSettings evs = app.getSettings().getEuclidian(index); evs.beginBatch(); evs.setAxesUnitLabels(new String[] { xLabel, yLabel, zLabel }); evs.endBatch(); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } @Override public void setPointCapture(int view, int capture) { int index = view < 0 ? 3 : view; if (index < 1 || index > 3) { return; } EuclidianSettings evs = app.getSettings().getEuclidian(index); evs.setPointCapturing(capture); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } @Override public void setAuxiliary(String objName, boolean flag) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); geo.setAuxiliaryObject(flag); geo.updateRepaint(); } /** * Returns localized name of given tool. * * @param mode * number * @return name of given tool. */ @Override public String getToolName(int mode) { return app.getToolName(mode); } /** * * @return current construction as PGF/Tikz */ final public String exportPGF() { GeoGebraToPgf export = app.newGeoGebraToPgf(); if (export == null) { // not implemented eg Android, iOS) return ""; } ExportFrameMinimal frame = new ExportFrameMinimal(); export.setFrame(frame); export.generateAllCode(); return frame.getCode(); } /** * * @return current construction as PSTricks */ final public String exportPSTricks() { GeoGebraToPstricks export = app.newGeoGebraToPstricks(); if (export == null) { // not implemented eg Android, iOS) return ""; } ExportFrameMinimal frame = new ExportFrameMinimal(); export.setFrame(frame); export.generateAllCode(); return frame.getCode(); } /** * * @return current construction as in Asymptote format */ final public String exportAsymptote() { GeoGebraToAsymptote export = app.newGeoGebraToAsymptote(); if (export == null) { // not implemented eg Android, iOS) return ""; } ExportFrameMinimal frame = new ExportFrameMinimal(); export.setFrame(frame); export.generateAllCode(); return frame.getCode(); } /** * * @param text * text to copy to system clipboard */ final public void copyTextToClipboard(String text) { app.copyTextToSystemClipboard(text); } /** * @param text * tooltip text */ public void showTooltip(String text) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean isTracing(String objName) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(objName); return geo != null && geo.getTrace(); } }