package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet.CopyPasteCut; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet.DataImport; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet.RelativeCopy; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.web.html5.Browser; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; public class CopyPasteCutW extends CopyPasteCut { private static String staticClipboardString = ""; public CopyPasteCutW(App app) { super(app); } /** * Just copying the selection as string text format, independently! */ public String copyString(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2) { StringBuilder cellBufferStrLoc = new StringBuilder(); for (int row = row1; row <= row2; ++row) { for (int column = column1; column <= column2; ++column) { GeoElement value = RelativeCopy.getValue(app, column, row); if (value != null) { String valueString = value .toValueString(StringTemplate.maxPrecision); // for aesthetical copying, it is also good to remove // trailing zeroes (zero is nothing anyway): int indx = valueString.indexOf(app.getKernel().getLocalization().unicodeDecimalPoint); if (indx > -1) { int end = valueString.length() - 1; // only in this case, we should remove trailing zeroes! while (valueString.charAt(end) == '0') { end--; } if (end == indx) { end--; } valueString = valueString.substring(0, end + 1); } cellBufferStrLoc.append(valueString); } if (column != column2) { cellBufferStrLoc.append('\t'); } } if (row != row2) { cellBufferStrLoc.append('\n'); } } return new String(cellBufferStrLoc); } @Override public void copy(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2, boolean skipGeoCopy) { copy(column1, row1, column2, row2, skipGeoCopy, false); } public static native boolean checkClipboardSupported() /*-{ if ($doc.queryCommandSupported("copy")) { return true; } return false; }-*/; public void copy(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2, boolean skipGeoCopy, boolean nat) { sourceColumn1 = column1; sourceRow1 = row1; // copy tab-delimited geo values into the external buffer if (getCellBufferStr() == null) { setCellBufferStr(new StringBuilder()); } else { getCellBufferStr().setLength(0); } for (int row = row1; row <= row2; ++row) { for (int column = column1; column <= column2; ++column) { GeoElement geo = RelativeCopy.getValue(app, column, row); if (geo != null) { getCellBufferStr().append(geo.toValueString(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); } if (column != column2) { getCellBufferStr().append('\t'); } } if (row != row2) { getCellBufferStr().append('\n'); } } // store the tab-delimited values in the clipboard /*Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Clipboard clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard(); StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection(cellBufferStr); clipboard.setContents(stringSelection, null);*/ // a clipboard inside this application is better than nothing //staticClipboardString = new String(cellBufferStr); if (nat) { // if called from native event, setting clipboard contents // is not crucial, and redundant/harmful in IE... setInternalClipboardContents(new String(getCellBufferStr())); } else { ((AppW) app).copyTextToSystemClipboard( new String(getCellBufferStr()), getFocusCallback()); } // store copies of the actual geos in the internal buffer if (skipGeoCopy) { setCellBufferGeo(null); } else { setCellBufferGeo(RelativeCopy.getValues(app, column1, row1, column2, row2)); } } private Runnable getFocusCallback() { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getTable().editCellAt(sourceColumn1, sourceRow1); } }; } @Override /** Paste data from the clipboard */ public boolean paste(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2) { /*Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); Transferable contents = clipboard.getContents(null);*/ String contents = getClipboardContents(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getTable().editCellAt(sourceColumn1, sourceRow1); // reset focus } }); return paste( column1, row1, column2, row2, contents); } /** * Pastes data from given Transferable into the given spreadsheet cells. * * @param column1 * first column of the target cell range * @param row1 * first row of the target cell range * @param column2 * last column of the target cell range * @param row2 * last row of the target cell range * @param contents * string to paste into cells * @return * true if pasting was successful */ public boolean paste(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2, String contents) { boolean succ = false; //boolean isCSV = false; String transferString = null; // extract a String from the Transferable contents transferString = contents; if (transferString == null) { return false; } // isCSV = DataImport.hasHTMLFlavor(contents); // App.debug("transfer string: " + transferString); // test if the transfer string is the same as the internal cell copy // string. If true, then we have a tab-delimited list of cell geos and // can paste them with relative cell references boolean doInternalPaste = getCellBufferStr() != null && transferString.equals(getCellBufferStr().toString()); if (doInternalPaste && getCellBufferGeo() != null) { // use the internal field cellBufferGeo to paste geo copies // with relative cell references succ = pasteInternalMultiple(column1, row1, column2, row2); } else { // use the transferString data to create and paste new geos // into the target cells without relative cell references boolean isCSV = false; String[][] data = DataImport.parseExternalData(app, transferString, isCSV); succ = pasteExternalMultiple(data, column1, row1, column2, row2); /* old hack // in theory // special case: hacking in Web, input is coming from us String[] data0 = transferString.split("\n"); String[] data00 = data0[0].split("\t"); String[][] data = new String[data0.length][data00.length]; for (int i = 0; i < data0.length; i++) data[i] = data0[i].split("\t"); // String[][] data = DataImportW.parseExternalData(app, // transferString, null, // isCSV); succ = pasteExternalMultiple(data, column1, row1, column2, row2);*/ // Application.debug("newline index "+buf.indexOf("\n")); // Application.debug("length "+buf.length()); } return succ; } /** * Just for the copy, removing redundancy runtime */ public boolean cut(int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2, boolean nat) { copy(column1, row1, column2, row2, false, nat); // null out the external buffer so that paste will not do a relative // copy setCellBufferStr(null); return delete(column1, row1, column2, row2); } /** * When using the default functionality of the browser, * getting/setting clipboard contents is solved quite well, * and it uses the external clipboard. Thus this method is * redundant in case it's called from paste event! For the * same reason, it is not called from there. * * However, we may call the same thing from GeoGebraWeb * context menu, and in that case the form of this method * is just Okay. * * @return String */ public static String getClipboardContents(Runnable onFocusChange) { String clipboard = null; if (isChromeWebapp()) { // use chrome web app paste API clipboard = getSystemClipboardChromeWebapp(); if (onFocusChange != null) {; } } else if (Browser.isInternetExplorer()) { clipboard = getSystemClipboardIE(); } else { // use internal clipboard clipboard = staticClipboardString; } return clipboard; } /** * As copying to system clipboard is supposed to have done * @param value String */ private static void setInternalClipboardContents(String value) { staticClipboardString = value; } private static native boolean isChromeWebapp() /*-{ // check if the app is running in chrome and is installed (has an id) // the function is defined in app.html return $doc.isChromeWebapp(); }-*/; private static native String getSystemClipboardChromeWebapp() /*-{ var copyFrom = @org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW::getHiddenTextArea()();; $doc.execCommand('paste'); var contents = copyFrom.value; return contents; }-*/; private static native String getSystemClipboardIE() /*-{ return $wnd.clipboardData.getData('Text'); }-*/; public static native void copyToSystemClipboardIE(String value) /*-{ return $wnd.clipboardData.setData('Text', value); }-*/; }