package org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.CircularDefinitionException; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Locateable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Traversing.SpreadsheetVariableRenamer; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ValidExpression; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.EvalInfo; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElementSpreadsheet; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoImage; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoText; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.SpreadsheetTableModel; import org.geogebra.common.main.error.ErrorHandler; import org.geogebra.common.main.error.ErrorHelper; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EventType; import org.geogebra.common.util.AsyncOperation; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; import; import; public class RelativeCopy { protected Kernel kernel; App app; // protected MyTable table; public RelativeCopy(Kernel kernel0) { kernel = kernel0; app = kernel.getApplication(); } /** * Performs spreadsheet drag-copy operation. * * @param sx1 * source minimum column * @param sy1 * source minimum row * @param sx2 * source maximum column * @param sy2 * source maximum row * @param dx1 * destination minimum column * @param dy1 * destination minimum row * @param dx2 * destination maximum column * @param dy2 * destination maximum row * @return */ public boolean doDragCopy(int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2) { // -|1|- // 2|-|3 // -|4|- app.setWaitCursor(); Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); try { boolean success = false; // collect all redefine operations cons.startCollectingRedefineCalls(); boolean patternOK = isPatternSource( new CellRange(app, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2)); // ============================================== // vertical drag // ============================================== if ((sx1 == dx1) && (sx2 == dx2)) { if (dy2 < sy1) { // 1 ----- drag up if (((sy1 + 1) == sy2) && patternOK) { // two row source, so drag copy a linear pattern for (int x = sx1; x <= sx2; ++x) { GeoElement v1 = getValue(app, x, sy1); GeoElement v2 = getValue(app, x, sy2); if ((v1 == null) || (v2 == null)) { continue; } for (int y = dy2; y >= dy1; --y) { // quick solution: stop on fixed cell // this may be improved later GeoElement vOld = getValue(app, x, y); if (vOld != null && vOld.isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { break; } GeoElement v3 = getValue(app, x, y + 2); GeoElement v4 = getValue(app, x, y + 1); String vs1 = v3.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String vs2 = v4.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String d0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetCellName(x, y + 2) + vs1; String d1 = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetCellName(x, y + 1) + vs2; String text = "=CopyFreeObject[2*" + d1 + "-" + d0 + "]"; doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo1(kernel, app, text, v4, x, y); } } } else { // not two row source, so drag-copy the first row // of the source doCopyVerticalNoStoringUndoInfo1(sx1, sx2, sy1, dy1, dy2); } success = true; } else if (dy1 > sy2) { // 4 ---- drag down if (((sy1 + 1) == sy2) && patternOK) { // two row source, so drag copy a linear pattern for (int x = sx1; x <= sx2; ++x) { GeoElement v1 = getValue(app, x, sy1); GeoElement v2 = getValue(app, x, sy2); if ((v1 == null) || (v2 == null)) { continue; } for (int y = dy1; y <= dy2; ++y) { // quick solution: stop on fixed cell // this may be improved later GeoElement vOld = getValue(app, x, y); if (vOld != null && vOld.isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { break; } GeoElement v3 = getValue(app, x, y - 2); GeoElement v4 = getValue(app, x, y - 1); String vs1 = v3.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String vs2 = v4.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String d0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetCellName(x, y - 2) + vs1; String d1 = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetCellName(x, y - 1) + vs2; String text = "=CopyFreeObject[2*" + d1 + "-" + d0 + "]"; doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo1(kernel, app, text, v4, x, y); } } } else { // not two row source, so drag-copy the last row of the // source doCopyVerticalNoStoringUndoInfo1(sx1, sx2, sy2, dy1, dy2); } success = true; } } // ============================================== // horizontal drag // ============================================== else if ((sy1 == dy1) && (sy2 == dy2)) { if (dx2 < sx1) { // 2 ---- drag left if (((sx1 + 1) == sx2) && patternOK) { // two column source, so drag copy a linear pattern for (int y = sy1; y <= sy2; ++y) { GeoElement v1 = getValue(app, sx1, y); GeoElement v2 = getValue(app, sx2, y); if ((v1 == null) || (v2 == null)) { continue; } for (int x = dx2; x >= dx1; --x) { // quick solution: stop on fixed cell // this may be improved later GeoElement vOld = getValue(app, x, y); if (vOld != null && vOld.isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { break; } GeoElement v3 = getValue(app, x + 2, y); GeoElement v4 = getValue(app, x + 1, y); String vs1 = v3.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String vs2 = v4.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String d0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetCellName(x + 2, y) + vs1; String d1 = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetCellName(x + 1, y) + vs2; String text = "=CopyFreeObject[2*" + d1 + "-" + d0 + "]"; doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo1(kernel, app, text, v4, x, y); } } } else { // not two column source, so drag-copy the first column // of the source doCopyHorizontalNoStoringUndoInfo1(sy1, sy2, sx1, dx1, dx2); } success = true; } else if (dx1 > sx2) { // 4 --- drag right if (((sx1 + 1) == sx2) && patternOK) { // two column source, so drag copy a linear pattern for (int y = sy1; y <= sy2; ++y) { GeoElement v1 = getValue(app, sx1, y); GeoElement v2 = getValue(app, sx2, y); if ((v1 == null) || (v2 == null)) { continue; } for (int x = dx1; x <= dx2; ++x) { // quick solution: stop on fixed cell // this may be improved later GeoElement vOld = getValue(app, x, y); if (vOld != null && vOld.isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { break; } GeoElement v3 = getValue(app, x - 2, y); GeoElement v4 = getValue(app, x - 1, y); String vs1 = v3.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String vs2 = v4.isGeoFunction() ? "(x)" : ""; String d0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetCellName(x - 2, y) + vs1; String d1 = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetCellName(x - 1, y) + vs2; String text = "=CopyFreeObject[2*" + d1 + "-" + d0 + "]"; doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo1(kernel, app, text, v4, x, y); } } } else { // not two column source, so drag-copy the last column // of the source doCopyHorizontalNoStoringUndoInfo1(sy1, sy2, sx2, dx1, dx2); } success = true; } } // now do all redefining and build new construction cons.processCollectedRedefineCalls(); if (success) { return true; } String msg = "sx1 = " + sx1 + "\r\n" + "sy1 = " + sy1 + "\r\n" + "sx2 = " + sx2 + "\r\n" + "sy2 = " + sy2 + "\r\n" + "dx1 = " + dx1 + "\r\n" + "dy1 = " + dy1 + "\r\n" + "dx2 = " + dx2 + "\r\n" + "dy2 = " + dy2 + "\r\n"; throw new RuntimeException( "Error from RelativeCopy.doCopy:\r\n" + msg); } catch (Exception ex) { // kernel.getApplication().showError(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } finally { cons.stopCollectingRedefineCalls(); app.setDefaultCursor(); } } /** * Tests if a cell range can be used as the source for a pattern drag-copy. * * @param cellRange * @return */ private static boolean isPatternSource(CellRange cellRange) { // don't allow empty cells if (cellRange.hasEmptyCells()) { return false; } // test for any unacceptable geos in the range ArrayList<GeoElement> list = cellRange.toGeoList(); for (GeoElement geo : list) { if (!(geo.isGeoNumeric() || geo.isGeoFunction() || geo.isGeoPoint())) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Performs a vertical spreadsheet drag-copy. Cells are copied vertically * row by row using a single given row as the copy source. * * @param x1 * minimum column of the drag-copy region * @param x2 * maximum column of the drag-copy region * @param sy * source row * @param dy1 * destination minimum row * @param dy2 * destination maximum row * @throws Exception */ public void doCopyVerticalNoStoringUndoInfo1(int x1, int x2, int sy, int dy1, int dy2) throws Exception { // create a treeset, ordered by construction index // so that when we relative copy A1=1 B1=(A1+C1)/2 C1=3 // B2 is done last TreeSet<GeoElement> tree = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(); for (int x = x1; x <= x2; ++x) { int ix = x - x1; GeoElement cell = getValue(app, x1 + ix, sy); if (cell != null) { tree.add(cell); } } for (int y = dy1; y <= dy2; ++y) { int iy = y - dy1; Iterator<GeoElement> iterator = tree.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo = (; if (geo != null) { GPoint p = geo.getSpreadsheetCoords(); GeoElement vOld = getValue(app, p.x, dy1 + iy); if (vOld != null && vOld.isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { continue; } doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo0(kernel, app, geo, getValue(app, p.x, dy1 + iy), 0, y - sy); // Application.debug(p.x+""); } } } } /** * Performs a horizontal spreadsheet drag-copy. Cells are copied * horizontally column by column using a single given column as the copy * source. * * @param y1 * minimum row of the drag-copy region * @param y2 * maximum row of the drag-copy region * @param sx * source column * @param dx1 * destination minimum column * @param dx2 * destination maximum column * @throws Exception */ public void doCopyHorizontalNoStoringUndoInfo1(int y1, int y2, int sx, int dx1, int dx2) throws Exception { // create a treeset, ordered by construction index // so that when we relative copy A1=1 A2=(A1+A3)/2 A3=3 // B2 is done last TreeSet<GeoElement> tree = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(); for (int y = y1; y <= y2; ++y) { int iy = y - y1; GeoElement cell = getValue(app, sx, y1 + iy); if (cell != null) { tree.add(cell); } } for (int x = dx1; x <= dx2; ++x) { int ix = x - dx1; Iterator<GeoElement> iterator = tree.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo = (; if (geo != null) { GPoint p = geo.getSpreadsheetCoords(); GeoElement vOld = getValue(app, dx1 + ix, p.y); if (vOld != null && vOld.isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { continue; } doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo0(kernel, app, geo, getValue(app, dx1 + ix, p.y), x - sx, 0); // Application.debug(p.y+""); } } } } protected static final RegExp pattern2 = RegExp .compile("(::|\\$)([A-Z]+)(::|\\$)([0-9]+)"); public static GeoElementND doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo0(Kernel kernel, App app, GeoElement value, GeoElementND oldValue, int dx, int dy) throws Exception { return doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo0(kernel, app, value, oldValue, dx, dy, -1, -1); } public static GeoElementND doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo0(Kernel kernel, App app, GeoElement value, GeoElementND oldValue, int dx, int dy, int rowStart, int columnStart) throws Exception { if (value == null) { if (oldValue != null) { MatchResult matcher = GeoElementSpreadsheet.spreadsheetPattern .exec(oldValue .getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); int column = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetColumn(matcher); int row = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetRow(matcher); prepareAddingValueToTableNoStoringUndoInfo(kernel, app, null, oldValue, column, row, true); } return null; } String text = null; // make sure a/0.001 doesn't become a/0 StringTemplate highPrecision = StringTemplate.maxPrecision; if (value.isPointOnPath() || value.isPointInRegion()) { text = value.getDefinition(highPrecision); } else if (value.isChangeable()) { text = value.toValueString(highPrecision); } else { text = value.getDefinition(highPrecision); } // handle GeoText source value if (value.isGeoText() && !((GeoText) value).isTextCommand()) { // enclose text in quotes if we are copying an independent GeoText, // e.g. "2+3" if (value.isIndependent()) { text = "\"" + text + "\""; } else { // check if 'text' parses to a GeoText GeoText testGeoText = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .evaluateToText(text, false, false); // if it doesn't then force it to by adding +"" on the end if (testGeoText == null) { text = text + "+\"\""; } } } // for E1 = Polynomial[D1] we need value.getCommandDescription(); // even though it's a GeoFunction if (value.isGeoFunction() && "".equals(text)) { // we need the definition without A1(x)= on the front text = ((GeoFunction) value).toSymbolicString(highPrecision); } boolean freeImage = false; if (value.isGeoImage()) { GeoImage image = (GeoImage) value; if (image.getParentAlgorithm() == null) { freeImage = true; } } boolean oldFlag = kernel.isUsingInternalCommandNames(); kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(true); // FIXME maybe try-catch this? ValidExpression exp = kernel.getParser().parseGeoGebraExpression(text); kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(oldFlag); updateCellReferences(exp, dx, dy); text = exp.toString(highPrecision); // condition to show object GeoBoolean bool = value.getShowObjectCondition(); String boolText = null, oldBoolText = null; if (bool != null) { if (bool.isChangeable()) { oldBoolText = bool.toValueString(highPrecision); } else { oldBoolText = bool.getDefinition(highPrecision); } } // dynamic color function GeoList dynamicColorList = value.getColorFunction(); String colorText = null, oldColorText = null; if (dynamicColorList != null) { if (dynamicColorList.isChangeable()) { oldColorText = dynamicColorList.toValueString(highPrecision); } else { oldColorText = dynamicColorList.getDefinition(highPrecision); } } // allow pasting blank strings if ("".equals(text)) { text = "\"\""; } // make sure that non-GeoText elements are copied when the // equalsRequired option is set if (!value.isGeoText() && app.getSettings().getSpreadsheet().equalsRequired()) { text = "=" + text; } // Application.debug("add text = " + text + ", name = " + (char)('A' + // column + dx) + (row + dy + 1)); // get location of source cell // TODO: Why not always use getSpreadsheetCoords()? int row0 = rowStart; int column0 = columnStart; if (row0 > -1 && column0 > -1) { // nothing to do, already set } else if (value.isLabelSet()) { MatchResult matcher = GeoElementSpreadsheet.spreadsheetPattern .exec(value.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); column0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetColumn(matcher); row0 = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetRow(matcher); } else if (value.getSpreadsheetCoords() != null) { // the cell has been deleted but still exists in clipboard memory column0 = value.getSpreadsheetCoords().x; row0 = value.getSpreadsheetCoords().y; } // create the new cell geo GeoElementND value2; if (freeImage || value.isGeoButton()) { value2 = value.copy(); if (oldValue != null) { oldValue.remove(); } // value2.setLabel(table.getModel().getColumnName(column0 + dx) // + (row0 + dy + 1)); value2.setLabel(GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetCellName(column0 + dx, row0 + dy)); value2.updateRepaint(); } else { value2 = prepareAddingValueToTableNoStoringUndoInfo(kernel, app, text, oldValue, column0 + dx, row0 + dy, true); } if (value2 == null) { return null; } value2.setAllVisualProperties(value, false); value2.setAuxiliaryObject(true); String startPoints[] = null; if (value instanceof Locateable) { Locateable loc = (Locateable) value; GeoPointND[] pts = loc.getStartPoints(); if (pts != null) { startPoints = new String[pts.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) { startPoints[i] = ((GeoElement) pts[i]) .getLabel(highPrecision); if (GeoElementSpreadsheet.spreadsheetPattern .test(startPoints[i])) { startPoints[i] = updateCellNameWithOffset( startPoints[i], dx, dy); } } } } if (oldBoolText != null) { exp = kernel.getParser().parseGeoGebraExpression(oldBoolText); updateCellReferences(exp, dx, dy); boolText = exp.toString(StringTemplate.maxPrecision); } // attempt to set updated condition to show object (if it's changed) if ((boolText != null)) { // removed as doesn't work for eg "random()<0.5" #388 // && !boolText.equals(oldBoolText)) { GeoBoolean newConditionToShowObject = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .evaluateToBoolean(boolText, ErrorHelper.silent()); if (newConditionToShowObject != null) { value2.setShowObjectCondition(newConditionToShowObject); value2.update(); // needed to hide/show object as // appropriate } else { return null; } } if (oldColorText != null) { exp = kernel.getParser().parseGeoGebraExpression(oldColorText); updateCellReferences(exp, dx, dy); colorText = exp.toString(StringTemplate.maxPrecision); } // copy the scripts from the old GeoElement value2.setScripting(value); // attempt to set updated dynamic color function (if it's changed) if ((colorText != null)) { // removed as doesn't work for eg "random()" #388 // && !colorText.equals(oldColorText)) { try { // Application.debug("new color function: "+colorText); GeoList newColorFunction = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .evaluateToList(colorText); value2.setColorFunction(newColorFunction); // value2.update(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } if (startPoints != null) { for (int i = 0; i < startPoints.length; i++) { ((Locateable) value2).setStartPoint(kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .evaluateToPoint(startPoints[i], app.getDefaultErrorHandler(), true), i); } value2.update(); } // Application.debug((row + dy) + "," + column); // Application.debug("isGeoFunction()=" + value2.isGeoFunction()); // Application.debug("row0 ="+row0+" dy="+dy+" column0= "+column0+" // dx="+dx); return value2; } /** * Updates the cell references in text according to a relative copy in the * spreadsheet of offset (dx,dy) (changes only dependents of value) eg * change A1 < 3 to A2 < 3 for a vertical copy */ private static void updateCellReferences(ValidExpression exp, int dx, int dy) { SpreadsheetVariableRenamer replacer = new Traversing.SpreadsheetVariableRenamer( dx, dy); exp.traverse(replacer); } public static String updateCellNameWithOffset(String name, int dx, int dy) { MatchResult m = GeoElementSpreadsheet.spreadsheetPattern.exec(name); // $ or "" String m1 = m.getGroup(GeoElementSpreadsheet.MATCH_COLUMN_$); // column eg A String m2 = m.getGroup(GeoElementSpreadsheet.MATCH_COLUMN); // $ or "" String m3 = m.getGroup(GeoElementSpreadsheet.MATCH_ROW_$); // row eg 23 String m4 = m.getGroup(GeoElementSpreadsheet.MATCH_ROW); if ("".equals(m1)) { int column = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetColumn(m); if (column > -1 && dx + column > 0) { m2 = GeoElementSpreadsheet .getSpreadsheetColumnName(dx + column); } } if ("".equals(m3)) { int row = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetRow(m); if (row > -1 && dy + row + 1 >= 1) { m4 = "" + (dy + row + 1); } } // preserve $ eg A$3 -> A$4 StringBuilder newName = new StringBuilder(); newName.append(m1); newName.append(m2); newName.append(m3); newName.append(m4); return newName.toString(); } /** * @param kernel * kernel * @param app * application * @param text * definition text * @param geoForStyle * geo to be used for style of output * @param column * column * @param row * row * @throws Exception * if definition of new geo fails */ public static void doCopyNoStoringUndoInfo1(Kernel kernel, App app, String text, GeoElement geoForStyle, int column, int row) throws Exception { GeoElement oldValue = getValue(app, column, row); if (text == null) { if (oldValue != null) { prepareAddingValueToTableNoStoringUndoInfo(kernel, app, null, oldValue, column, row, true); } return; } GeoElementND value2 = prepareAddingValueToTableNoStoringUndoInfo(kernel, app, text, oldValue, column, row, true); if (geoForStyle != null) { value2.setVisualStyle(geoForStyle); } } public static String replaceAll(RegExp spreadsheetpattern, String text, String before, String after) { StringBuilder pre = new StringBuilder(); String post = text; int end = 0; // Application.debug(text + " " + before + " " + after + " "); MatchResult matcher; do { matcher = spreadsheetpattern.exec(post); if (matcher != null) { String s = matcher.getGroup(0); // Application.debug("match: " + s); if (s.equals(before)) { int start = post.indexOf(s); pre.append(post.substring(0, start)); pre.append(after); // replace 's' with 'after' end = start + s.length(); post = post.substring(end); } else { int start = post.indexOf(s); pre.append(post.substring(0, start)); pre.append(s); // leave 's' alone end = start + s.length(); post = post.substring(end); } } } while (matcher != null); pre.append(post); // Application.debug("returning: " + pre.toString()); return pre.toString(); } /** * Returns array of GeoElements that depend on given GeoElement geo * * @param geo * @return */ public static GeoElement[] getDependentObjects(GeoElement geo) { if (geo.isIndependent()) { return new GeoElement[0]; } TreeSet<GeoElement> geoTree = geo.getAllPredecessors(); return geoTree.toArray(new GeoElement[0]); } /** * Returns 2D array, GeoElement[columns][rows], containing GeoElements found * in the cell range with upper left corner (column1, row1) and lower right * corner (column2, row2). * * @param app * application * @param column1 * start column * @param row1 * start row * @param column2 * end column * @param row2 * end row * @return array of geos in given range */ public static GeoElement[][] getValues(App app, int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2) { GeoElement[][] values = new GeoElement[(column2 - column1) + 1][(row2 - row1) + 1]; for (int r = row1; r <= row2; ++r) { for (int c = column1; c <= column2; ++c) { values[c - column1][r - row1] = getValue(app, c, r); } } return values; } /** * Returns the GeoElement for the cell with the given column and row values. */ /* * public static GeoElement getValue(AbstractApplication app, int column, * int row) { * * String cellName = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(column, * row); * * return app.getKernel().getConstruction().lookupLabel(cellName); * * } */ public static GeoElement getValue(App app, GPoint point) { return getValue(app, point.getX(), point.getY()); } /** * Returns the GeoElement for the cell with the given column and row values. */ public static GeoElement getValue(App app, int column, int row) { SpreadsheetTableModel tableModel = app.getSpreadsheetTableModel(); if ((row < 0) || (row >= tableModel.getRowCount())) { return null; } if ((column < 0) || (column >= tableModel.getColumnCount())) { return null; } return (GeoElement) tableModel.getValueAt(row, column); } // ========================================================================= // Cell Editing Methods // ========================================================================= private static GeoElementND prepareNewValue(Kernel kernel, String name, String inputText) throws Exception { String text = inputText; if (text == null) { return null; } // remove leading equal sign, e.g. "= A1 + A2" if (text.length() > 0 && text.charAt(0) == '=') { text = text.substring(1); } text = text.trim(); // no equal sign in input GeoElementND[] newValues = null; try { // check if input is same as name: circular definition if (text.equals(name)) { // circular definition throw new CircularDefinitionException(); } // evaluate input text without an error dialog in case of unquoted // text newValues = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .processAlgebraCommandNoExceptionsOrErrors(text, false); // check if text was the label of an existing geo // toUpperCase() added to fix bug A1=1, enter just 'a1' or 'A1' into // cell B1 -> A1 disappears if (StringUtil.toLowerCase(text) .equals(newValues[0] .getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)) // also need eg =a to work || text.equals(newValues[0] .getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate))) { // make sure we create a copy of this existing or auto-created // geo // by providing the new cell name in the beginning text = name + " = " + text; newValues = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .processAlgebraCommandNoExceptions(text, false); } // check if name was auto-created: if yes we could have a circular // definition GeoElement autoCreateGeo = kernel.lookupLabel(name); if (autoCreateGeo != null) { // check for circular definition: if newValue depends on // autoCreateGeo boolean circularDefinition = false; for (int i = 0; i < newValues.length; i++) { if (newValues[i].isChildOf(autoCreateGeo)) { circularDefinition = true; break; } } if (circularDefinition) { // remove the auto-created object and the result autoCreateGeo.remove(); newValues[0].remove(); // circular definition throw new CircularDefinitionException(); } } for (int i = 0; i < newValues.length; i++) { newValues[i].setAuxiliaryObject(true); if (newValues[i].isGeoText()) { newValues[i].setEuclidianVisible(false); } } GeoElement.setLabels(name, newValues); // set names to be D1, // E1, // F1, etc for multiple // objects } catch (CircularDefinitionException ce) { // circular definition kernel.getApplication().showError("CircularDefinition"); return null; } catch (Exception e) { // create text if something went wrong if (text.startsWith("\"")) { text = text.substring(1, text.length() - 2); } text = "\"" + (text.replace("\"", "\"+UnicodeToLetter[34]+\"")) + "\""; newValues = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor() .processAlgebraCommandNoExceptions(text, false); newValues[0].setLabel(name); newValues[0].setEuclidianVisible(false); newValues[0].update(); } return newValues[0]; } private static void updateOldValue(final Kernel kernel, final GeoElementND oldValue, String name, String text0, final AsyncOperation<GeoElementND> callback) throws Exception { String text = text0; if (text.charAt(0) == '=') { text = text.substring(1); } // always redefine objects in spreadsheet, don't store undo info // here EvalInfo info = new EvalInfo( !kernel.getConstruction().isSuppressLabelsActive(), true); kernel.getAlgebraProcessor().changeGeoElementNoExceptionHandling( oldValue, text, info, false, new AsyncOperation<GeoElementND>() { @Override public void callback(GeoElementND newValue) { Log.debug("REDEFINED" + newValue); // newValue.setConstructionDefaults(); newValue.setAllVisualProperties(oldValue.toGeoElement(), true); if (oldValue.isAuxiliaryObject()) { newValue.setAuxiliaryObject(true); } // Application.debug("GeoClassType = " + // newValue.getGeoClassType()+" " + // newValue.getGeoClassType()); if (newValue.getGeoClassType() == oldValue .getGeoClassType()) { // newValue.setVisualStyle(oldValue); } else { kernel.getApplication().refreshViews(); } callback.callback(newValue); } }, getErrorHandler(kernel, oldValue, name, text0, callback)); } private static ErrorHandler getErrorHandler(final Kernel kernel, final GeoElementND oldValue, final String name, final String text0, final AsyncOperation<GeoElementND> callback) { return new ErrorHandler() { @Override public void showError(String msg) { Log.debug(msg); if (kernel.getLocalization().getError("CircularDefinition") .equals(msg)) { kernel.getApplication().getDefaultErrorHandler() .showError(msg); } else { handleThrowable(); } } @Override public void resetError() { showError(null); } public void handleThrowable() { // if exception is thrown treat the input as text and try to // update // the cell as a GeoText // reset the text string if old value is GeoText if (oldValue.isGeoText()) { ((GeoText) oldValue).setTextString(text0); oldValue.updateCascade(); } // if not currently a GeoText and no children, redefine the cell // as new GeoText else if (!oldValue.hasChildren()) { oldValue.remove(); GeoElementND newValue; // add input as text try { newValue = prepareNewValue(kernel, name, "\"" + text0 + "\""); } catch (Throwable t) { try { newValue = prepareNewValue(kernel, name, ""); } catch (Throwable tt) { newValue = new GeoNumeric(kernel.getConstruction(), Double.NaN); } } newValue.setEuclidianVisible(false); newValue.update(); callback.callback(newValue); } // otherwise throw an exception and let the cell revert to the // old value else { // throw new Exception(e); } } @Override public void showCommandError(String command, String message) { handleThrowable(); } @Override public boolean onUndefinedVariables(String string, AsyncOperation<String[]> callback1) { return false; } @Override public String getCurrentCommand() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }; } /** * Prepares a spreadsheet cell editor string for processing in the kernel * and returns either (1) a new GeoElement for the cell or (2) null. * * @param kernel * kernel * @param app * application * @param inputText * string representation of the new GeoElement * @param oldValue * current cell GeoElement * @param column * cell column * @param row * cell row * @param internal * whether to force internal command names * @return either (1) a new GeoElement for the cell or (2) null * @throws Exception */ public static GeoElementND prepareAddingValueToTableNoStoringUndoInfo( Kernel kernel, App app, String inputText, GeoElementND oldValue, int column, int row, boolean internal) throws Exception { String text = inputText; // get the cell name String name = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(column, row); // trim the text if (text != null) { text = text.trim(); if (text.length() == 0) { text = null; } } // if "=" is required before commands and text is not a number // or does not begin with "=" then surround it with quotes. // This will force the cell to become GeoText. if (app.getSettings().getSpreadsheet().equalsRequired() && text != null) { if (!((text.charAt(0) == '=') || isNumber(text))) { text = "\"" + text + "\""; } } // if the cell is currently GeoText then prepare it for changes // make sure it can be changed to something else // eg (2,3 can be overwritten as (2,3) // if (oldValue != null && oldValue.isGeoText() && // !oldValue.hasChildren()) { // oldValue.remove(); // oldValue = null; // } // if the text is null then remove the current cell geo and return null if (text == null) { if (oldValue != null) { oldValue.remove(); } return null; // else if the target cell is empty, try to create a new GeoElement // for this cell } boolean oldFlag = kernel.isUsingInternalCommandNames(); try { // this will be a new geo kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(internal); if (oldValue == null) { GeoElementND ret = prepareNewValue(kernel, name, text); kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(oldFlag); return ret; } updateOldValue(kernel, oldValue, name, text, new AsyncOperation<GeoElementND>() { @Override public void callback(GeoElementND obj) { redefinedElement = obj; } }); kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(oldFlag); return redefinedElement; } catch (Throwable t) { kernel.setUseInternalCommandNames(oldFlag); return prepareNewValue(kernel, name, ""); } } private static GeoElementND redefinedElement; /** * Tests if a string represents a number. * * @param s * @return true if the given string represents a number. */ public static boolean isNumber(String str) { String s = str; // trim and return false if empty string s = s.trim(); if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return false; } // remove degree/% char from end of string if (s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == Unicode.DEGREE_CHAR || s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == '%') { s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); } // split the string using the exponentiation char // and test for possible number strings String[] s2 = s.split("E"); if (s2.length == 1) { return isStandardNumber(s2[0]); } else if (s2.length == 2) { return isStandardNumber(s2[0]) && isStandardNumber(s2[1]); } else { return false; } } /** * Returns true if a string is a standard number, i.e not in scientific * notation * * @param s * @return */ private static boolean isStandardNumber(String s) { // return if empty string if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return false; } // test the first char for a digit, sign or decimal point. Character c = s.charAt(0); if (!(StringUtil.isDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '+' || c == '\u2212')) { return false; } // test the remaining chars for digits or decimal point int decimalCount = 0; for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) { c = s.charAt(i); if (StringUtil.isDigit(c)) { continue; } if (c == '.' && decimalCount == 0) { decimalCount++; } else { return false; } } return true; } }