package org.geogebra.common.jre.main; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; /** * common jre localization */ public abstract class LocalizationJre extends Localization { private ResourceBundle rbmenu, rbmenuTT, rbcommand, rbcommandOld, rberror, rbcolors, rbsymbol; private Locale tooltipLocale = null; /** application */ protected App app; private boolean tooltipFlag = false; /** * @param dimension * 3 for 3D */ public LocalizationJre(int dimension) { this(dimension, 15); } /** * @param dimension * 3 for 3D, 2 otherwise * @param maxFigures * maximum digits */ public LocalizationJre(int dimension, int maxFigures) { super(dimension, maxFigures); } /** * @param app * application */ final public void setApp(App app) { = app; } @Override final public void setTooltipFlag() { if (tooltipLocale != null) { tooltipFlag = true; } } /** * Stop forcing usage of tooltip locale for translations */ @Override final public void clearTooltipFlag() { tooltipFlag = false; } @Override final public String getCommand(String key) { app.initTranslatedCommands(); try { return rbcommand.getString(key); } catch (Exception e) { return key; } } @Override final public String getMenu(String key) { if (tooltipFlag) { return getMenuTooltip(key); } if (rbmenu == null) { rbmenu = createBundle(getMenuRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } try { return rbmenu.getString(key); } catch (Exception e) { return key; } } /** * * @param key * key name * @param locale * locale * @return bundle for key & locale */ abstract protected ResourceBundle createBundle(String key, Locale locale); /** @return path of Menu bundle */ abstract protected String getMenuRessourcePath(); /** @return path of Command bundle */ abstract protected String getCommandRessourcePath(); /** @return path of Color bundle */ abstract protected String getColorRessourcePath(); /** @return path of Error bundle */ abstract protected String getErrorRessourcePath(); /** @return path of Symbol bundle */ abstract protected String getSymbolRessourcePath(); @Override final public String getMenuTooltip(String key) { if (tooltipLocale == null) { return getMenu(key); } if (rbmenuTT == null) { rbmenuTT = createBundle(getMenuRessourcePath(), tooltipLocale); } try { return rbmenuTT.getString(key); } catch (Exception e) { return key; } } @Override final public String getError(String key) { if (rberror == null) { rberror = createBundle(getErrorRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } try { return rberror.getString(key); } catch (Exception e) { return key; } } @Override final public String getSymbol(int key) { if (rbsymbol == null) { initSymbolResourceBundle(); } String ret = null; try { ret = rbsymbol.getString("S." + key); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } if ("".equals(ret)) { return null; } return ret; } @Override final public String getLanguage() { return getLocale().getLanguage(); } @Override final public String getLocaleStr() { return getLocale().toString(); } @Override final public String getSymbolTooltip(int key) { if (rbsymbol == null) { initSymbolResourceBundle(); } String ret = null; try { ret = rbsymbol.getString("T." + key); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } if ("".equals(ret)) { return null; } return ret; } private void initSymbolResourceBundle() { rbsymbol = createBundle(getSymbolRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } @Override final public void initCommand() { if (rbcommand == null) { rbcommand = createBundle(getCommandRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } } private void initColorsResourceBundle() { rbcolors = createBundle(getColorRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } @Override final protected void updateResourceBundles() { if (rbmenu != null) { rbmenu = createBundle(getMenuRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } if (rberror != null) { rberror = createBundle(getErrorRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } if (rbcommand != null) { rbcommand = createBundle(getCommandRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } if (rbcolors != null) { rbcolors = createBundle(getColorRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } if (rbsymbol != null) { rbsymbol = createBundle(getSymbolRessourcePath(), currentLocale); } } /** * @return whether properties bundles were initiated (at least plain) */ final public boolean propertiesFilesPresent() { return rbmenu != null; } /** * @param s * language for tooltips * @return success */ final public boolean setTooltipLanguage(String s) { Locale locale = null; for (int i = 0; i < getSupportedLocales().size(); i++) { if (getSupportedLocales().get(i).toString().equals(s)) { locale = getSupportedLocales().get(i); break; } } boolean updateNeeded = (rbmenuTT != null); rbmenuTT = null; if (locale == null) { tooltipLocale = null; } else if (currentLocale.toString().equals(locale.toString())) { tooltipLocale = null; } else { tooltipLocale = locale; } return updateNeeded; } /** * @return tootlip loacle */ final public Locale getTooltipLocale() { return tooltipLocale; } @Override final public String getTooltipLanguageString() { if (tooltipLocale == null) { return null; } return tooltipLocale.toString(); } @Override final public String getColor(String key) { if (key == null) { return ""; } if ((key.length() == 5) && StringUtil.toLowerCase(key).startsWith("gray")) { return StringUtil.getGrayString(key.charAt(4), this); } if (rbcolors == null) { initColorsResourceBundle(); } try { return rbcolors.getString(StringUtil.toLowerCase(key)); } catch (Exception e) { return key; } } @Override final public String reverseGetColor(String locColor) { String str = StringUtil.removeSpaces(StringUtil.toLowerCase(locColor)); if (rbcolors == null) { initColorsResourceBundle(); } try { Enumeration<String> enumer = rbcolors.getKeys(); while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { String key = enumer.nextElement(); if (str.equals(StringUtil.removeSpaces( StringUtil.toLowerCase(rbcolors.getString(key))))) { return key; } } return str; } catch (Exception e) { return str; } } @Override final protected boolean isCommandChanged() { return rbcommandOld != rbcommand; } @Override final protected void setCommandChanged(boolean b) { rbcommandOld = rbcommand; } @Override final protected boolean isCommandNull() { return rbcommand == null; } @Override final protected String getLanguage(Locale locale) { return locale.getLanguage(); } @Override final protected String getCountry(Locale locale) { return locale.getCountry(); } @Override protected String getVariant(Locale locale) { return locale.getVariant(); } }