package org.geogebra.keyboard.web; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.ClickEndHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.ClickStartHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A button of the {@link TabbedKeyboard}. */ public class KeyBoardButtonBase extends SimplePanel { private String caption; /** * the feedback that is returned when the button is clicked */ protected String feedback; /** * the label that is displayed on the button */ protected Label label; /** * @param caption * text of the button * @param feedback * String to send if click occurs * @param handler * {@link ClickHandler} */ public KeyBoardButtonBase(String caption, String feedback, ButtonHandler handler) { this(handler); this.label = new Label(); this.setWidget(label); setCaption(caption); = feedback; } private native void addWave(Element element) /*-{ $wnd.Waves.initialized || $wnd.Waves.displayEffect({ "duration" : 100 }); $wnd.Waves.initialized = true; $wnd.Waves.attach(element); }-*/; /** * Constructor for subclass {@link KeyBoardButtonFunctionalBase} * * @param handler * {@link ClickHandler} */ protected KeyBoardButtonBase(final ButtonHandler handler) { ClickStartHandler.init(this, new ClickStartHandler(true, true) { @Override public void onClickStart(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { // do nothing } }); // only used for preventDefault and stopPropagation ClickEndHandler.init(this, new ClickEndHandler(true, true) { @Override public void onClickEnd(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { handler.onClick(KeyBoardButtonBase.this, type); } }); addStyleName("KeyBoardButton"); if (handler.hasTouchFeedback()) { this.addStyleName("waves-effect"); this.addStyleName("waves-keyboard"); this.addStyleName("btn"); addWave(this.getElement()); } } /** * @return text of the button */ public String getCaption() { return this.caption; } /** * @param caption * text of the button * @param feedback1 * feedback of the button (to be inserted in textfield) */ public void setCaption(String caption, String feedback1) { this.caption = caption; if (feedback1 != null) { = feedback1; } if (caption.length() > 1 && caption.indexOf('^') > -1) { int index = caption.indexOf('^'); this.label.setText(caption.substring(0, index)); Element sup = Document.get().createElement("sup"); sup.appendChild(Document.get().createTextNode( caption.substring(index + 1))); sup.getStyle().setFontSize(14, Unit.PX); sup.getStyle().setFontStyle(FontStyle.NORMAL); this.label.getElement().appendChild(sup); this.addStyleName("sup"); } else if (caption.length() > 1 && caption.indexOf('_') > -1) { int index = caption.indexOf('_'); this.label.setText(caption.substring(0, index)); Element sub = Document.get().createElement("sub"); sub.appendChild(Document.get().createTextNode( caption.substring(index + 1))); sub.getStyle().setFontSize(14, Unit.PX); sub.getStyle().setFontStyle(FontStyle.NORMAL); this.label.getElement().appendChild(sub); this.addStyleName("sub"); } else { this.label.setText(caption); } } /** * @param caption * text of the button (also used as new feedback) */ public final void setCaption(String caption) { setCaption(caption, caption); } /** * @return the String to be sent if a click occurs */ public String getFeedback() { return; } }