package; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.KeyboardResources; import org.geogebra.keyboard.web.UpdateKeyBoardListener; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.ClickStartHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.MathKeyboardListener; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.util.NoDragImage; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.keyboard.OnScreenKeyBoard; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.DockManagerW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.DockPanelW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.panels.AlgebraDockPanelW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetViewW; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A PopupPanel in the bottom left corner of the application which represents a * button to open the {@link OnScreenKeyBoard} */ public class ShowKeyboardButton extends SimplePanel { private Widget parent; // MathKeyboardListener mathKeyboardListener; /** * @param listener * {@link UpdateKeyBoardListener} * @param dm * {@link DockManagerW} * @param parent * {@link Element} * @param app * app */ public ShowKeyboardButton(final UpdateKeyBoardListener listener, final DockManagerW dm, Widget parent, final AppW app) { this.parent = parent; this.addStyleName("openKeyboardButton"); NoDragImage showKeyboard = new NoDragImage(KeyboardResources.INSTANCE .keyboard_show().getSafeUri().asString()); this.add(showKeyboard); //TODO: app paramater used only for feature checking so this can be removed later if (app!= null && app.has(Feature.SHOW_ONE_KEYBOARD_BUTTON_IN_FRAME)){ if (listener instanceof ComplexPanel){ ((ComplexPanel)listener).add(this); } } else { if (parent instanceof DockPanelW) { ((DockPanelW) parent).addSouth(this); } } ClickStartHandler.init(ShowKeyboardButton.this, new ClickStartHandler( true, true) { @Override public void onClickStart(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { DockPanelW panel = dm.getPanelForKeyboard(); final MathKeyboardListener mathKeyboardListener = panel .getKeyboardListener(); if (app.has(Feature.KEYBOARD_BEHAVIOUR) && panel instanceof AlgebraDockPanelW) { listener.doShowKeyBoard(true, ((AlgebraDockPanelW) panel).updateKeyboardListener(mathKeyboardListener)); } else { listener.doShowKeyBoard(true, mathKeyboardListener); } if ((dm.getApp() == null) || (dm.getApp().getGuiManager() == null)) { // e.g. AppStub, Android device, do the old way Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { if (mathKeyboardListener != null) { mathKeyboardListener.ensureEditing(); mathKeyboardListener.setFocus(true, false); } return false; } }, 0); } else { if (dm.getApp().getGuiManager().hasSpreadsheetView()) { ((SpreadsheetViewW) dm.getApp().getGuiManager() .getSpreadsheetView()) .setKeyboardEnabled(true); } // TODO: check why scheduleFixedDelay is needed, // would not scheduleDeferred or something like that better? // but it's probably Okay, as the method returns false dm.getApp().getGuiManager() .focusScheduled(false, false, false); Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { if (mathKeyboardListener != null) { mathKeyboardListener.ensureEditing(); mathKeyboardListener.setFocus(true, true); } return false; } }, 0); } } }); } /** * * @param show * {@code true} to show the button to open the OnScreenKeyboard * @param textField * {@link Widget} to receive the text input */ public void show(boolean show, MathKeyboardListener textField, boolean hasOneKeyboardButtonFeature) { if (show && (parent.isVisible() || hasOneKeyboardButtonFeature)) { setVisible(true); } else { setVisible(false); } } public void show(boolean show, MathKeyboardListener textField) { show(show, textField, false); } /** * Hide the button */ public void hide() { setVisible(false); } }