package org.geogebra.common.main; /** * Prover settings (see AppD's handleHelpVersionArgs for details) */ public class ProverSettings { private static ProverSettings INSTANCE; /** * The used prover engine. */ public String proverEngine = "Auto"; /** * Timeout for the provers to run in seconds. */ public int proverTimeout = 5; /** * Maximal number of allowed terms. Used by OpenGeoProver at the moment. */ private int maxTerms = 10000; /** * Sub-engine in the defined engine. Used by OpenGeoProver/Recio at the * moment. */ public String proverMethod = "Wu"; /** * Assume if the free points are never collinear. Used by Botana's prover at * the moment. */ public Boolean freePointsNeverCollinear = null; /** * How many coordinates are to be fixed speed up computation for "Prove"? * Used by Botana's prover at the moment. */ public int useFixCoordinatesProve = 4; /** * How many coordinates are to be fixed speed up computation for * "ProveDetails"? Used by Botana's prover at the moment. */ public int useFixCoordinatesProveDetails = 2; /** * If possible, should the polynomial ring with coefficients from * transcendental extension used? Singular normally supports that by using a * good enough (and fast) implementation. */ public boolean transcext = true; /** * Show debug information in GeoElement captions. Useful for creating * mathematically precise documentation of the applied algorithms. Used in * Botana's method. */ public boolean captionAlgebra = false; public static ProverSettings get() { if (INSTANCE == null) { INSTANCE = new ProverSettings(); } return INSTANCE; } public void setMaxTerms(int max) { maxTerms = max; } public int getMaxTerms() { return maxTerms; } }