package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.gui.SetLabels; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.ModeSetter; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.View; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.CmdDataFunction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GProperty; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.AbstractSettings; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.DataCollectionSettings; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.SettingListener; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.SensorLogger.Types; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.FastClickHandler; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.css.GuiResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.MyToggleButtonW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.StandardButton; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.GeoListBox.DefaultEntries; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.Settings.AccSetting; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.Settings.LightSetting; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.Settings.MagFieldSetting; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.Settings.OrientationSetting; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.Settings.ProxiSetting; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.Settings.SensorSetting; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.Settings.TimeSetting; import org.geogebra.web.web.main.AppWFull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * */ public class DataCollectionView extends FlowPanel implements View, SetLabels, ChangeHandler, SettingListener { /** caption of Tab */ private final static String SENSORS = "Sensors"; private final static String DATA_CONNECTION = "DataConnection"; private final static String DATA_SHARING_CODE = "DataSharingCode"; private final static String CONNECTION_FAILD = "DataConnectionFailed"; private final static String CONNECTING = "Connecting"; private final static String FREQUENCY = "FrequencyHz"; private AppW app; private TabLayoutPanel tabPanel; private FlowPanel dataCollectionTab; /** GeoElements that are available and not used from another sensor */ ArrayList<GeoElement> availableObjects = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); /** list of all used GeoElements */ private ArrayList<GeoElement> usedObjects = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); /** panel with the available sensors */ private FlowPanel sensorSettings; private ArrayList<SensorSetting> sensors = new ArrayList<SensorSetting>(); /** panels which are shown or hidden depending on connection-status */ private FlowPanel connectionStatusPanel; private FlowPanel freqPanel; private MyToggleButtonW connectButton; private TextBox appIDTextBox; /** different settings for the available sensors */ private AccSetting acc; private MagFieldSetting magField; private TimeSetting time; private OrientationSetting orientation; private ProxiSetting proxi; private LightSetting light; // private LoudnessSetting loudness; /** widgets which need translation */ private Label connectionLabel; private Label appID; private Label connectionFailed; private Label connecting; private Label frequency; /** holds sensor settings (e.g. Accelerometer x logs to function f) */ private DataCollectionSettings settings; /** current used frequency */ private int freqHz; private Localization loc; /** * @param app * {@link AppW} */ public DataCollectionView(AppW app) { = app; this.loc = app.getLocalization(); this.addStyleName("dataCollectionView"); this.settings = app.getSettings().getDataCollection(); this.settings.addListener(this); createGUI(); this.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { handleClick(); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); settingsChanged(this.settings); } /** * attaches this view to kernel */ public void attachView() { app.getKernel().attach(this); } /** * handles a click on this view. used to recognize if this view gains focus. */ void handleClick() {; } private void createGUI() { this.tabPanel = new TabLayoutPanel(30, Unit.PX); addTabContent(); this.add(this.tabPanel); addCloseButton(); } /** * adds a cross into the upper right corner to close this view */ private void addCloseButton() { FlowPanel closeButtonPanel = new FlowPanel(); closeButtonPanel.setStyleName("closeButtonPanel"); StandardButton closeButton = new StandardButton( GuiResources.INSTANCE.dockbar_close()); closeButton.addFastClickHandler(new FastClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(Widget source) { app.getGuiManager() .setShowView(false, App.VIEW_DATA_COLLECTION); } }); closeButtonPanel.add(closeButton); this.add(closeButtonPanel); } /** * adds a new tab to the {@link #tabPanel} */ private void addTabContent() { this.dataCollectionTab = new FlowPanel(); this.dataCollectionTab.addStyleName("dataCollectionTab"); addConnection(); addSettingsPanel(); this.tabPanel.add(this.dataCollectionTab, loc.getMenu(SENSORS)); } private void addSettingsPanel() { this.sensorSettings = new FlowPanel(); this.sensorSettings.addStyleName("sensorSettings"); updateGeoList(); addAccelerometer(); addOrientation(); addMagneticField(); addProximity(); addLight(); addTime(); // addLoudness(); not in use now this.dataCollectionTab.add(this.sensorSettings); } private void addConnection() { FlowPanel connection = new FlowPanel(); connection.addStyleName("connection"); // Caption FlowPanel connectionCaption = new FlowPanel(); connectionCaption.addStyleName("panelTitle"); this.connectionLabel = new Label( loc.getMenu(DATA_CONNECTION)); connectionCaption.add(this.connectionLabel); connection.add(connectionCaption); // Content FlowPanel setting = new FlowPanel(); setting.addStyleName("panelIndent"); addSharingCode(setting); addConnectionStatus(setting); addFrequency(setting); connection.add(setting); this.dataCollectionTab.add(connection); } private void addConnectionStatus(FlowPanel setting) { this.connectionStatusPanel = new FlowPanel(); this.connectionStatusPanel.setVisible(false); this.connectionStatusPanel.addStyleName("rowContainer"); this.connectionFailed = new Label(this.loc.getMenu(CONNECTION_FAILD)); this.connectionFailed.setVisible(false); this.connecting = new Label(this.loc.getMenu(CONNECTING)); this.connecting.setVisible(false); this.connectionStatusPanel.add(this.connectionFailed); this.connectionStatusPanel.add(this.connecting); setting.add(this.connectionStatusPanel); } /** * adds SharingCode to the given panel * * @param setting */ private void addSharingCode(FlowPanel setting) { FlowPanel appIDpanel = new FlowPanel(); appIDpanel.addStyleName("rowContainer"); appIDpanel.addStyleName("sharingCodePanel"); this.appID = new Label( loc.getMenu(DataCollectionView.DATA_SHARING_CODE)); this.appIDTextBox = new TextBox(); this.appIDTextBox.addStyleName("appIdTextBox"); this.appIDTextBox.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() { @Override public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { onAppIdChange(); } } }); Image imgON = new Image(GuiResources.INSTANCE.datacollection_on()); Image imgOFF = new Image(GuiResources.INSTANCE.datacollection_off()); this.connectButton = new MyToggleButtonW(imgOFF, imgON); this.connectButton.addStyleName("connectButton"); this.connectButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (appIDTextBox.getText().length() > 0) { handleConnectionClicked(); } else { connectButton.setDown(false); } } }); appIDpanel.add(this.appID); appIDpanel.add(this.appIDTextBox); appIDpanel.add(this.connectButton); setting.add(appIDpanel); } /** * Triggered by changed app ID */ protected void onAppIdChange() { if (appIDTextBox.getText().length() > 0) { connectButton.setDown(true); appIDTextBox.setFocus(false); handleConnectionClicked(); } } /** * adds frequency to the given panel * * @param setting */ private void addFrequency(FlowPanel setting) { this.freqPanel = new FlowPanel(); this.freqPanel.setVisible(false); this.freqPanel.addStyleName("rowContainer"); this.frequency = new Label(); this.freqPanel.add(this.frequency); setting.add(this.freqPanel); } /** * */ void handleConnectionClicked() { if (this.connectButton.isDown()) { this.connectionStatusPanel.setVisible(true); this.connecting.setVisible(true); this.connectionFailed.setVisible(false); ((AppWFull) this.appIDTextBox.getText().toUpperCase()); } else { this.appIDTextBox.removeStyleName("disabled"); this.connectionStatusPanel.setVisible(false); this.freqPanel.setVisible(false); ((AppWFull); for (SensorSetting setting : this.sensors) { setting.setOn(false); } } } private void addAccelerometer() { this.acc = new AccSetting(, this, "Accelerometer", "m/s\u00B2"); this.sensors.add(this.acc); this.sensorSettings.add(this.acc); } private void addMagneticField() { this.magField = new MagFieldSetting(, this, "MagneticField", Unicode.micro + "T"); this.sensors.add(this.magField); this.sensorSettings.add(this.magField); } private void addTime() { this.time = new TimeSetting(, this, "ReceivedData", ""); this.sensors.add(this.time); this.sensorSettings.add(this.time); } private void addOrientation() { this.orientation = new OrientationSetting(, this, "Orientation", "DegreeUnit"); this.sensors.add(this.orientation); this.sensorSettings.add(this.orientation); } private void addProximity() { this.proxi = new ProxiSetting(, this, "Proximity", "cm"); this.sensors.add(this.proxi); this.sensorSettings.add(this.proxi); } private void addLight() { this.light = new LightSetting(, this, "Light", "lx"); this.sensors.add(this.light); this.sensorSettings.add(this.light); } /** * @param sensor * which sensor * @param flag * {@code true} if sensor is turned on */ public void setSensorOn(Types sensor, boolean flag) { switch (sensor) { case ACCELEROMETER_X: this.acc.setOn(flag); break; case MAGNETIC_FIELD_X: this.magField.setOn(flag); break; case ORIENTATION_X: this.orientation.setOn(flag); break; case PROXIMITY: this.proxi.setOn(flag); break; case LIGHT: this.light.setOn(flag); break; case TIMESTAMP: this.time.setOn(flag); break; // case LOUDNESS: // this.loudness.setOn(flag); // break; default: break; } } @Override public void setLabels() { // we only have one tab this.tabPanel.setTabText(0, loc.getMenu(SENSORS)); this.appID.setText(this.loc.getMenu(DATA_SHARING_CODE)); this.connectionLabel.setText(this.loc.getMenu(DATA_CONNECTION)); this.connecting.setText(this.loc.getMenu(CONNECTING)); this.connectionFailed.setText(this.loc.getMenu(CONNECTION_FAILD)); this.frequency.setText(loc.getMenu(FREQUENCY) + ": " + this.freqHz); for (SensorSetting setting : this.sensors) { setting.setLabels(); } updateListBoxes(); } /** * if this view gets focus back, the list of GeoElements has to be updated * because it's possible, that some new GeoElements were created or some * were deleted */ public void updateGeoList() { TreeSet<GeoElement> newTreeSet = .getGeoSetNameDescriptionOrder(); this.availableObjects.clear(); // fill list of available objects for (GeoElement element : newTreeSet) { if ((element instanceof GeoNumeric || (element instanceof GeoFunction && ((GeoFunction) element).getFunctionExpression() .getOperation() == Operation.DATA || element instanceof GeoList)) && !this.usedObjects.contains(element)) { this.availableObjects.add(element); } } this.usedObjects.clear(); for (SensorSetting setting : this.sensors) { for (GeoListBox listBox : setting.getListBoxes()) { GeoElement selection = this.settings.getGeoMappedToSensor( listBox.getType(), .getConstruction()); if (selection != null && newTreeSet.contains(selection)) { this.usedObjects.add(selection); this.availableObjects.remove(selection); } else { // this.settings.removeMappedGeo(listBox.getType()); ((AppWFull) .removeRegisteredGeo(listBox.getType()); } } } updateListBoxes(); } /** * the old selected geo is moved to {@link #availableObjects} and the new * selected geo is moved to {@link #usedObjects}. the chosen geo is removed * from the selectionList of the other listBoxes */ @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { GeoListBox listBox = (GeoListBox) event.getSource(); // if a geo was selected give it free GeoElement oldSelection = listBox.getSelection(); int selectedIndex = listBox.getSelectedIndex(); if (oldSelection != null) { setGeoUnused(oldSelection, listBox); } // get new selection GeoElement newSelection = listBox.getGeoElement(listBox .getSelectedItemText()); if (newSelection == null) { if (DefaultEntries.EMPTY_SELECTION.getText() .equals(listBox.getValue(selectedIndex))) { listBox.setSelection(null); // set null, handled in // GeoListBox } else if (DefaultEntries.CREATE_NUMBER.getText() .equals(listBox.getValue(selectedIndex))) { GeoNumeric num = new GeoNumeric(, 0); num.setShowExtendedAV(false); num.setDrawable(false); num.setLabel(null); listBox.addItem(num); setGeoUsed(num, listBox); } else if (DefaultEntries.CREATE_DATA_FUNCTION.getText() .equals(listBox.getValue(selectedIndex))) { // create new data function newSelection = CmdDataFunction.emptyFunction(app.getKernel(), null)[0]; listBox.addItem(newSelection); setGeoUsed(newSelection, listBox); } else if (DefaultEntries.CREATE_LIST.getText() .equals(listBox.getValue(selectedIndex))) { newSelection = new GeoList( .getConstruction()); newSelection.setLabel(null); listBox.addItem(newSelection); setGeoUsed(newSelection, listBox); } } else { setGeoUsed(newSelection, listBox); } // updateOtherListBoxes(listBox);somehow this sown {} list instead of // "time list" in the listbox it was created updateListBoxes(); } /** * removes the given {@link GeoElement} from the list of * {@link #availableObjects} and adds it to the list of {@link #usedObjects} * . It sets the correct selection of the given {@link GeoListBox} and * starts logging data if the depending sensor is set to ON. * * @param geo * {@link GeoElement} * @param listBox * {@link GeoListBox} */ private void setGeoUsed(GeoElement geo, GeoListBox listBox) { listBox.setSelection(geo); this.availableObjects.remove(geo); this.usedObjects.add(geo); if (listBox.getSensorSetting().isOn()) { ((AppWFull) listBox.getType().toString(), geo); } } /** * removes the given {@link GeoElement} from the list of * {@link #usedObjects}, adds it to the list of {@link #availableObjects} * and stops logging data. * * @param geo * @param listBox */ private void setGeoUnused(GeoElement geo, GeoListBox listBox) { this.availableObjects.add(geo); this.usedObjects.remove(geo); ((AppWFull) listBox.getType()); } /** * updates the entries of every box in the list of {@link #listBoxes boxes} */ private void updateListBoxes() { for (SensorSetting setting : this.sensors) { setting.updateAllBoxes(this.availableObjects, this.usedObjects); } } /** * @return a hashMap with the specific sensor-string and the depending * GeoElement */ public HashMap<Types, GeoElement> getActivedSensors() { HashMap<Types, GeoElement> activeSensors = new HashMap<Types, GeoElement>(); for (SensorSetting setting : this.sensors) { if (setting.isOn()) { for (GeoListBox listBox : setting.getListBoxes()) { if (listBox.getSelectedIndex() != 0) { activeSensors.put(listBox.getType(), listBox.getSelection()); } } } } return activeSensors; } /** * update GUI if entered ID was wrong */ public void onWrongID() { this.connectionFailed.setVisible(true); this.connecting.setVisible(false); ((AppWFull); this.connectButton.setDown(false); this.appIDTextBox.setEnabled(true); this.appIDTextBox.removeStyleName("disabled"); this.appIDTextBox.setSelectionRange(0, this.appIDTextBox.getText() .length()); this.appIDTextBox.setFocus(true); this.freqPanel.setVisible(false); } /** * update GUI if entered ID was correct */ public void onCorrectID() { this.connectionStatusPanel.setVisible(false); this.appIDTextBox.addStyleName("disabled"); this.freqPanel.setVisible(true); ((AppWFull) .triggerAvailableSensors(); ((AppWFull); } /** * updates the label for the used frequency from GeoGebra Data App * * @param freq * frequency in Hz */ public void setFrequency(int freq) { this.freqHz = freq; this.frequency.setText(loc.getMenu(FREQUENCY) + ": " + this.freqHz); } @Override public void add(GeoElement geo) { this.updateGeoList(); } @Override public void remove(GeoElement geo) { this.updateGeoList(); } @Override public void rename(GeoElement geo) { this.updateGeoList(); } @Override public void update(GeoElement geo) { this.updateGeoList(); } @Override public void updateVisualStyle(GeoElement geo, GProperty prop) { // not used } @Override public void updatePreviewFromInputBar(GeoElement[] geos) { // not used } @Override public void updateAuxiliaryObject(GeoElement geo) { // not used } @Override public void repaintView() { // not used } @Override public boolean suggestRepaint() { // not used return false; } @Override public void reset() { // not used } @Override public void clearView() { // not used } @Override public void setMode(int mode, ModeSetter m) { // not used } @Override public int getViewID() { return App.VIEW_DATA_COLLECTION; } @Override public boolean hasFocus() { // not used return false; } @Override public boolean isShowing() { // not used return false; } @Override public void startBatchUpdate() { // not used } @Override public void endBatchUpdate() { // not used } /** * returns settings in XML format * * @param sb * to store XML * @param asPreference * asPreference */ public void getXML(StringBuilder sb, boolean asPreference) { settings.getXML(sb, asPreference, app.getKernel().getConstruction()); } public DataCollectionSettings getDataSettings() { return this.settings; } /** * only after opening a file */ @Override public void settingsChanged(AbstractSettings settings) { TreeSet<GeoElement> newTreeSet = app.getKernel().getConstruction() .getGeoSetNameDescriptionOrder(); this.availableObjects.clear(); // fill list of available objects for (GeoElement element : newTreeSet) { if ((element instanceof GeoNumeric || (element instanceof GeoFunction && ((GeoFunction) element).getFunctionExpression() .getOperation() == Operation.DATA || element instanceof GeoList))) { this.availableObjects.add(element); } } this.usedObjects.clear(); for (SensorSetting setting : this.sensors) { for (GeoListBox listBox : setting.getListBoxes()) { GeoElement selection = ((DataCollectionSettings) settings) .getGeoMappedToSensor(listBox.getType(), app .getKernel().getConstruction()); if (selection != null) { this.usedObjects.add(selection); this.availableObjects.remove(selection); } } } updateListBoxes(); } /** * update the label for the real frequency for the given type of sensor * * @param sensor * {@link Types} * @param freq * int */ public void setRealFrequency(Types sensor, int freq) { switch (sensor) { default: // do nothing break; case ACCELEROMETER_X: this.acc.setRealFrequency(freq); break; case MAGNETIC_FIELD_X: this.magField.setRealFrequency(freq); break; case ORIENTATION_X: this.orientation.setRealFrequency(freq); break; case LIGHT: this.light.setRealFrequency(freq); break; case PROXIMITY: this.proxi.setRealFrequency(freq); break; // case LOUDNESS: // this.loudness.setRealFrequency(freq); // break; } } }