package org.geogebra.web.web.gui; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.geogebra.common.gui.SetLabels; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Language; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import; import; import; import; /** * Dialog for language switching * */ public class LanguageGUI extends MyHeaderPanel implements SetLabels { /** * App */ final AppW app; private LanguageHeaderPanel header; private Label activeLanguage = new Label(); private FlowPanel fp = new FlowPanel(); private ArrayList<Label> labels; private int cols; /** * @param app * application */ public LanguageGUI(AppW app) { = app; this.setStyleName("languageGUI"); addHeader(); addContent(); } private void addContent() { fp.setStyleName("contentPanel"); labels = new ArrayList<Label>(); cols = estimateCols((int) app.getWidth()); for (Language l : Language.values()) { if (!l.fullyTranslated && app.has(Feature.ALL_LANGUAGES)) { continue; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String text =; if (text != null) { char ch = text.toUpperCase().charAt(0); if (ch == Unicode.LeftToRightMark || ch == Unicode.RightToLeftMark) { ch = text.charAt(1); } else { // make sure brackets are correct in Arabic, ie not )US) sb.setLength(0); sb.append(Unicode.LeftToRightMark); sb.append(text); sb.append(Unicode.LeftToRightMark); text = sb.toString(); } final Label label = new Label(text); final Language current = l; if (current.localeGWT.equals(app.getLocalization() .getLocaleStr())) { this.activeLanguage = label; activeLanguage.addStyleName("activeLanguage"); } label.addClickHandler(getHandler(current, label)); labels.add(label); } } placeLabels(); this.setContentWidget(fp); } private void placeLabels() { int rows = (int) Math.ceil(labels.size() / (double) cols); for (int i = 0; i < rows * cols; i++) { int col = i % cols; int row = i / cols; if (col * rows + row < labels.size()) { fp.add(labels.get(col * rows + row)); } else { // filler -- in last column we may need to skip some lines fp.add(new Label("\u00A0")); } } FlowPanel clear = new FlowPanel(); clear.setStyleName("clear"); fp.add(clear); } @Override public void onResize() { resizeCols((int) app.getWidth()); super.onResize(); } private void resizeCols(int width) { int newCols = estimateCols(width); if (newCols != cols) { cols = newCols; fp.clear(); placeLabels(); } } private int estimateCols(int appWidth) { int width = fp.getOffsetWidth(); // this one does not include scrollbar if (width == 0) { width = appWidth; // incl. scrollbar, but maybe fp not // attached yet } return Math.max(1, (width - 40) / 350); } private ClickHandler getHandler(final Language current, final Label label) { return new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { boolean newDirRTL = Localization .rightToLeftReadingOrder(current.localeGWT); app.getLAF().storeLanguage(current.localeGWT); if (app.getLoginOperation().isLoggedIn()) { app.getLoginOperation() .getGeoGebraTubeAPI() .setUserLanguage( current.localeGWT, app.getLoginOperation().getModel() .getLoginToken()); } app.setUnsaved(); // On changing language from LTR/RTL the page will // reload. // The current workspace will be saved, and load // back after page reloading. // Otherwise only the language will change, and the // setting related with language. if (newDirRTL != app.getLocalization().rightToLeftReadingOrder) { // TODO change direction } app.setLanguage(current.localeGWT); LanguageGUI.this.setActiveLabel(label); LanguageGUI.this.close(); } }; } /** * @param label * label to mark as active */ protected void setActiveLabel(Label label) { activeLanguage.removeStyleName("activeLanguage"); activeLanguage = label; activeLanguage.addStyleName("activeLanguage"); } private void addHeader() { this.header = new LanguageHeaderPanel(app.getLocalization(), this); this.setHeaderWidget(this.header); // this.addResizeListener(this.header); } @Override public void setLabels() { if (this.header != null) { this.header.setLabels(); } } @Override public AppW getApp() { return app; } @Override public void resizeTo(int width, int height) { resizeCols(width); } }