package org.geogebra.web.web.gui; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianStyleBarStatic; import org.geogebra.common.gui.ContextMenuGeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.gui.dialog.options.model.AngleArcSizeModel; import org.geogebra.common.gui.dialog.options.model.ReflexAngleModel; import org.geogebra.common.gui.dialog.options.model.ShowLabelModel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.TextValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Animatable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoAngle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoConic; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoSegment; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Traceable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.implicit.GeoImplicit; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.CoordStyle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.ViewCreator; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.main.Localization; import org.geogebra.common.main.SelectionManager; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EventType; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.css.GuiResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.images.AppResources; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.menubar.MainMenu; import org.geogebra.web.web.html5.AttachedToDOM; import org.geogebra.web.web.javax.swing.GCheckBoxMenuItem; import org.geogebra.web.web.javax.swing.GPopupMenuW; import; import; import; import; /** * @author gabor * * ContextMenuGeoElement for Web * */ public class ContextMenuGeoElementW extends ContextMenuGeoElement implements AttachedToDOM { protected GPopupMenuW wrappedPopup; protected Localization loc; // private MenuItem mnuCopy; private MenuItem mnuCut; // private MenuItem mnuDuplicate; private MenuItem mnuPaste; private MenuItem mnuDelete; /** * Creates new context menu * * @param app * application */ ContextMenuGeoElementW(AppW app) { super(app); this.loc = app.getLocalization(); wrappedPopup = new GPopupMenuW(app); } /** * Creates new MyPopupMenu for GeoElement * * @param app * application * @param geos * selected elements */ public ContextMenuGeoElementW(AppW app, ArrayList<GeoElement> geos) { this(app); initPopup(app, geos); } public void initPopup(AppW app, ArrayList<GeoElement> geos) { wrappedPopup.clearItems(); if (geos == null || geos.size() == 0) { return; } this.setGeos(geos); setGeo(geos.get(0)); String title; if (geos.size() == 1) { title = getDescription(getGeo(), false); } else { title = loc.getMenu("Selection"); } setTitle(title); if (isWhiteboard()) { wrappedPopup.getPopupPanel().addStyleName("contextMenu"); } } public void addOtherItems() { if (app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_ALGEBRA)) { addCoordsModeItems(); if (app.getSettings().getCasSettings().isEnabled()) { addLineItems(); addConicItems(); addNumberItems(); addUserInputItem(); } } // TODO remove the condition when ggb version >= 5 if (app.getKernel().getManager3D() != null) { addPlaneItems(); } if (wrappedPopup.getComponentCount() > 2) { wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); } addForAllItems(); } protected boolean isWhiteboard() { return app.has(Feature.CONTEXT_MENU); } private void addForAllItems() { if (isWhiteboard()) { addRename(); addEditItems(); addObjectPropertiesMenu(); addPinAndFixObject(); } // SHOW, HIDE // G.Sturr 2010-5-14: allow menu to show spreadsheet trace for // non-drawables if (getGeo().isDrawable() || (getGeo().isSpreadsheetTraceable() && app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_SPREADSHEET))) { GCheckBoxMenuItem cbItem; if (!(app.has(Feature.WHITEBOARD_APP) && app.has(Feature.CONTEXT_MENU)) && getGeo().isEuclidianShowable() && getGeo().getShowObjectCondition() == null && (!getGeo().isGeoBoolean() || getGeo().isIndependent())) { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( AppResources.INSTANCE.mode_showhideobject_16() .getSafeUri().asString(), loc.getMenu("ShowObject")), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { showObjectCmd(); } }, true, app); cbItem.setSelected(getGeo().isSetEuclidianVisible()); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } if (!isWhiteboard() && getGeo().isLabelShowable()) { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( AppResources.INSTANCE.mode_showhidelabel_16() .getSafeUri().asString(), loc.getMenu("ShowLabel")), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { showLabelCmd(); } }, true, app); cbItem.setSelected(isLabelShown()); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } // trace if (getGeo().isTraceable()) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { if (!isTracing() || !app.has(Feature.CLEAR_VIEW_STYLEBAR)) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.trace20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.trace_off20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.trace_on().getSafeUri() .asString(); } if (app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU)) { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, "", true), loc.getMenu("HideTrace"), loc.getMenu("ShowTrace"), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { traceCmd(); } }, true, app); cbItem.setSelected(isTracing()); } else { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("ShowTrace"), true), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { traceCmd(); } }, true, app); cbItem.setSelected(((Traceable) getGeo()).getTrace()); } wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } if (getGeo().isSpreadsheetTraceable() && app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_SPREADSHEET)) { boolean showRecordToSpreadsheet = true; // check if other geos are recordable for (int i = 1; i < getGeos().size() && showRecordToSpreadsheet; i++) { showRecordToSpreadsheet &= getGeos().get(i) .isSpreadsheetTraceable(); } if (showRecordToSpreadsheet) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.record_to_spreadsheet20() .getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.spreadsheettrace() .getSafeUri().asString(); } if (app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU)) { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, ""), loc.getMenu("DontRecordToSpreadsheet"), loc.getMenu("RecordToSpreadsheet"), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { recordToSpreadSheetCmd(); } }, true, app); } else { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("RecordToSpreadsheet")), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { recordToSpreadSheetCmd(); } }, true, app); } cbItem.setSelected(getGeo().getSpreadsheetTrace()); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } } if (getGeo().isAnimatable()) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.animation20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.empty().getSafeUri().asString(); } cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("Animation")), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { animationCmd(); } }, true, app); cbItem.setSelected(((Animatable) getGeo()).isAnimating() && app.getKernel().getAnimatonManager().isRunning()); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } if (app.getGuiManager() != null && app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_ALGEBRA) && app.showAuxiliaryObjects() && getGeo().isAlgebraShowable()) { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( AppResources.INSTANCE.aux_folder().getSafeUri() .asString(), loc.getMenu("AuxiliaryObject")), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { showObjectAuxiliaryCmd(); } }, true, app); cbItem.setSelected(getGeo().isAuxiliaryObject()); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } if (!isWhiteboard()) { // fix object if (getGeo().isFixable() && (getGeo().isGeoText() || getGeo().isGeoImage() || getGeo().isGeoButton())) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { if (getGeo().isLocked()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.unlock20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.lock20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.objectFixed().getSafeUri() .asString(); } if (app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU)) { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, ""), loc.getMenu("UnlockObject"), loc.getMenu("LockObject"), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { fixObjectCmd(); } }, true, app); } else { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("LockObject")), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { fixObjectCmd(); } }, true, app); } cbItem.setSelected(getGeo().isLocked()); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } else if (getGeo().isGeoNumeric()) { final GeoNumeric num = (GeoNumeric) getGeo(); if (num.isSlider()) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { if (getGeo().isLocked()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.unlock20() .getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.lock20() .getSafeUri().asString(); } } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.objectFixed() .getSafeUri().asString(); } if (app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU)) { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, ""), loc.getMenu("UnlockObject"), loc.getMenu("LockObject"), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { fixObjectNumericCmd(num); } }, true, app); } else { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("LockObject")), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { fixObjectNumericCmd(num); } }, true, app); } cbItem.setSelected(num.isSliderFixed()); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } } else if (getGeo().isGeoBoolean()) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { if (getGeo().isLocked()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.unlock20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.lock20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.objectFixed().getSafeUri() .asString(); } cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("FixCheckbox")), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { fixCheckboxCmd(); } }, true, app); cbItem.setSelected( ((GeoBoolean) getGeo()).isCheckboxFixed()); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } // Pinnable addPin(); } wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); } if (!isWhiteboard()) { addRename(); } // DELETE if (app.letDelete() && !getGeo().isProtected(EventType.REMOVE) && !isWhiteboard()) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.delete20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.delete_small().getSafeUri() .asString(); } addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { deleteCmd(false); } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("Delete")), loc.getMenu("Delete")); } // if (isWhiteboard()) { // wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); // addSelect(); // addOrder(); // } // Object properties menuitem if (app.showMenuBar() && app.letShowPropertiesDialog() && getGeo().hasProperties()) { if (!isWhiteboard()) { wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); } String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.properties20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.view_properties16().getSafeUri() .asString(); } // open properties dialog addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { openPropertiesDialogCmd(); } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("Properties")), loc.getMenu("Properties")); } } private void addRename() { if (!(getGeos().size() == 1 && app.letRename() && getGeo().isRenameable())) { return; } String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.rename20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.rename().getSafeUri().asString(); } addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { renameCmd(); } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("Rename")), loc.getMenu("Rename")); if (getGeos().size() == 1 && getGeo() instanceof TextValue && !getGeo().isTextCommand() && !getGeo().isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { String img2; if (isWhiteboard()) { img2 = AppResources.INSTANCE.edit20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img2 = AppResources.INSTANCE.edit().getSafeUri().asString(); } addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { editCmd(); } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img2, loc.getMenu("Edit")), loc.getMenu("Edit")); } } private void addObjectPropertiesMenu() { if (!isWhiteboard()) { return; } GeoElement geo = getGeo(); boolean showLabel = ShowLabelModel.match(geo); boolean angle = AngleArcSizeModel.match(geo); if (!(showLabel || angle)) { return; } wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); // Label if (showLabel) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.label20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.mode_showhidelabel_16().getSafeUri() .asString(); } addSubmenuAction(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("Label")), loc.getMenu("Label"), getLabelSubMenu()); } // Angle if (angle) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.angle20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.stylingbar_angle_interval() .getSafeUri().asString(); } addSubmenuAction(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("Angle")), loc.getMenu("Angle"), getAngleSubMenu()); } // wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); } private void addPinAndFixObject() { if (!isWhiteboard()) { return; } final GeoElement geo = getGeo(); boolean pinnable = geo.isPinnable(); boolean fixable = geo.isFixable(); if (!(pinnable || fixable)) { Log.debug("NEMFIXABLE!"); return; } wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); if (pinnable) { String img; final boolean pinned = geo.isPinned(); if (isWhiteboard()) { if (!app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU) || !pinned) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.pin20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.unpin20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } } else { img =; } if (app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU)) { GCheckBoxMenuItem cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, ""), loc.getMenu("UnpinFromScreen"), loc.getMenu("PinToScreen"), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { pinCmd(pinned); } }, true, app); cbItem.setSelected(pinned); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); } else { addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { pinCmd(pinned); } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("PinToScreen")), loc.getMenu("PinToScreen")); } } Command cmd = null; String label = loc.getMenu("LockObject"); if (fixable) { cmd = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { ArrayList<GeoElement> geoArray = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); geoArray.add(geo); EuclidianStyleBarStatic.applyFixObject(geoArray, !geo.isLocked(), app.getActiveEuclidianView()); } }; } if (cmd != null) { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { if (geo.isLocked()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.unlock20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.lock20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.objectFixed().getSafeUri() .asString(); } if (app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU)) { GCheckBoxMenuItem mi = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, ""), loc.getMenu("UnlockObject"), loc.getMenu("LockObject"), cmd, true, app); mi.setSelected(getGeo().isLocked()); wrappedPopup.addItem(mi); } else { addAction(cmd, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, label), label); } } // wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); } private void addEditItems() { if (!isWhiteboard()) { return; } wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); final SelectionManager selection = app.getSelectionManager(); String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.cut20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.empty().getSafeUri().asString(); } mnuCut = addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { app.setWaitCursor(); cutCmd(); app.setDefaultCursor(); } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("Cut"), true), loc.getMenu("Cut")); String img2; if (isWhiteboard()) { img2 = AppResources.INSTANCE.copy20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img2 = GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_edit_copy().getSafeUri() .asString(); } addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (!selection.getSelectedGeos().isEmpty()) { app.setWaitCursor(); app.getCopyPaste().copyToXML(app, selection.getSelectedGeos(), false); // initActions(); // app.updateMenubar(); - it's needn't to // // update the all menubar here app.setDefaultCursor(); } } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img2, loc.getMenu("Copy"), true), loc.getMenu("Copy")); String img3; if (isWhiteboard()) { img3 = AppResources.INSTANCE.duplicate20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img3 = AppResources.INSTANCE.empty().getSafeUri().asString(); } addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { app.setWaitCursor(); duplicateCmd(); app.setDefaultCursor(); } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img3, loc.getMenu("Duplicate"), true), loc.getMenu("Duplicate")); addPasteItem(); String img4; if (isWhiteboard()) { img4 = AppResources.INSTANCE.delete20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img4 = AppResources.INSTANCE.delete_small().getSafeUri().asString(); } mnuDelete = addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { deleteCmd(false); } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img4, loc.getMenu("Delete"), true), loc.getMenu("Delete")); updateEditItems(); } protected void addPasteItem() { String img; if (isWhiteboard()) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.paste20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_edit_paste().getSafeUri() .asString(); } mnuPaste = addAction(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (!app.getCopyPaste().isEmpty()) { app.setWaitCursor(); app.getCopyPaste().pasteFromXML(app, false); app.setDefaultCursor(); } } }, MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("Paste"), true), loc.getMenu("Paste")); } protected void updatePasteItem() { mnuPaste.setEnabled(!app.getCopyPaste().isEmpty()); } protected void updateEditItems() { if (!isWhiteboard()) { return; } boolean canDelete = app.letDelete() && !getGeo().isProtected(EventType.REMOVE); mnuCut.setEnabled(canDelete); updatePasteItem(); mnuDelete.setEnabled(canDelete); } private void addPin() { if (getGeo().isPinnable()) { String img; final boolean pinned = getGeo().isPinned(); if (isWhiteboard()) { if (!app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU) || !pinned) { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.pin20().getSafeUri().asString(); } else { img = AppResources.INSTANCE.unpin20().getSafeUri() .asString(); } } else { img =; } GCheckBoxMenuItem cbItem; if(app.has(Feature.IMPROVE_CONTEXT_MENU)){ cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, ""), loc.getMenu("UnpinFromScreen"), loc.getMenu("PinToScreen"), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { pinCmd(pinned); } }, true, app); } else { cbItem = new GCheckBoxMenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(img, loc.getMenu("PinToScreen")), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { pinCmd(pinned); } }, true, app); } cbItem.setSelected(pinned); // // final MenuItem cbItem = new MenuItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( //, // loc.getMenu("AbsoluteScreenLocation")), true, // new Command() { // // public void execute() { // // must set emtpy because "not initialized..." error // } // }); // cbItem.setScheduledCommand(new Command() { // // public void execute() { // boolean isSelected = (cbItem.getStyleName().indexOf( // "checked") > -1); // pinCmd(isSelected); // } // }); // MainMenu.setMenuSelected(cbItem, getGeo().isPinned()); wrappedPopup.addItem(cbItem); // cbItem.addStyleName("mi_with_image"); } } private void addPlaneItems() { if (!(getGeo() instanceof ViewCreator)) { return; } Log.debug("==================== addPlaneItems"); final ViewCreator plane = (ViewCreator) getGeo(); Command action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { plane.setView2DVisible(true); Log.debug("set plane visible : " + plane); } }; addAction(action, null, app.getLocalization().getPlain("ShowAas2DView", getGeo().getLabelSimple())); } private void addUserInputItem() { if (getGeo() instanceof GeoImplicit) { final GeoImplicit inputElement = (GeoImplicit) getGeo(); if (inputElement.isValidInputForm()) { Command action; if (inputElement.isInputForm()) { action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { extendedFormCmd(inputElement); } }; addAction(action, null, loc.getMenu("ExtendedForm")); } else { action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { inputFormCmd(inputElement); } }; addAction(action, null, loc.getMenu("InputForm")); } } } } private void addNumberItems() { // no items } private void addConicItems() { if (getGeo().getClass() != GeoConic.class) { return; } GeoConic conic = (GeoConic) getGeo(); // there's no need to show implicit equation // if you can't select the specific equation boolean specificPossible = conic.isSpecificPossible(); boolean explicitPossible = conic.isExplicitPossible(); boolean vertexformPossible = conic.isVertexformPossible(); boolean conicformPossible = conic.isConicformPossible(); if (!(specificPossible || explicitPossible)) { return; } int mode = conic.getToStringMode(); Command action; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (mode != GeoConicND.EQUATION_IMPLICIT) { sb.append(loc.getMenu("Equation")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(loc.getMenu("ImplicitConicEquation")); action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { implicitConicEquationCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, sb.toString()); } if (specificPossible && mode != GeoConicND.EQUATION_SPECIFIC) { // specific conic string String conicEqn = conic.getSpecificEquation(); if (conicEqn != null) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(loc.getMenu("Equation")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(conicEqn); action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { equationConicEqnCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, sb.toString()); } } if (explicitPossible && mode != GeoConicND.EQUATION_EXPLICIT) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(loc.getMenu("Equation")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(loc.getMenu("ExplicitConicEquation")); action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { equationExplicitConicEquationCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, sb.toString()); } if (vertexformPossible && mode != GeoConicND.EQUATION_VERTEX) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(loc.getMenu("Equation")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(loc.getMenu("ParabolaVertexForm")); action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { equationVertexEquationCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, sb.toString()); } if (conicformPossible && mode != GeoConicND.EQUATION_CONICFORM) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(loc.getMenu("Equation")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(loc.getMenu("ParabolaConicForm")); action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { equationConicformEquationCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, sb.toString()); } } private void addLineItems() { if (!(getGeo() instanceof GeoLine)) { return; } if (getGeo() instanceof GeoSegment) { return; } GeoLine line = (GeoLine) getGeo(); int mode = line.getMode(); Command action; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (mode != GeoLine.EQUATION_IMPLICIT) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(loc.getMenu("Equation")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(loc.getMenu("ImplicitLineEquation")); action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { equationImplicitEquationCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, sb.toString()); } if (mode != GeoLine.EQUATION_EXPLICIT) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(loc.getMenu("Equation")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(loc.getMenu("ExplicitLineEquation")); action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { equationExplicitEquationCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, sb.toString()); } if (mode != GeoLine.PARAMETRIC) { action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { parametricFormCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, loc.getMenu("ParametricForm")); } if (mode != GeoLine.EQUATION_GENERAL) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(loc.getMenu("Equation")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(loc.getMenu("GeneralLineEquation")); action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { equationGeneralLineEquationCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, sb.toString()); } } private void addCoordsModeItems() { if (!(getGeo() instanceof CoordStyle) || getGeo() instanceof GeoLine) { return; } if (getGeo().isProtected(EventType.UPDATE)) { return; } CoordStyle point = (CoordStyle) getGeo(); int mode = point.getMode(); Command action; switch (mode) { case Kernel.COORD_COMPLEX: default: return; // 2D coords styles case Kernel.COORD_POLAR: action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { cartesianCoordsCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, loc.getMenu("CartesianCoords")); break; case Kernel.COORD_CARTESIAN: action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { polarCoorsCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, loc.getMenu("PolarCoords")); break; // 3D coords styles case Kernel.COORD_SPHERICAL: action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { cartesianCoords3dCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, loc.getMenu("CartesianCoords")); break; case Kernel.COORD_CARTESIAN_3D: action = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { sphericalCoordsCmd(); } }; addAction(action, null, loc.getMenu("Spherical")); break; } } protected MenuItem addAction(Command action, String html, String text) { MenuItem mi; if (html != null) { mi = new MenuItem(html, true, action); if (!isWhiteboard()) { mi.addStyleName("mi_with_image"); // TEMP } } else { mi = new MenuItem(text, action); mi.addStyleName("mi_no_image"); // TEMP } wrappedPopup.addItem(mi); return mi; // TODO: need we this? // return wrappedPopup.add(action, html, text); } protected void addSubmenuAction(String html, String text, MenuBar subMenu) { MenuItem mi; if (html != null) { mi = new MenuItem(html, true, subMenu); if (!isWhiteboard()) { mi.addStyleName("mi_with_image"); // TEMP } } else { mi = new MenuItem(text, true, subMenu); mi.addStyleName("mi_no_image"); // TEMP } wrappedPopup.addItem(mi); // return mi; // TODO: need we this? // return wrappedPopup.add(action, html, text); } protected void setTitle(String str) { MenuItem title = new MenuItem(MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( AppResources.INSTANCE.empty().getSafeUri().asString(), str), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (isWhiteboard()) { wrappedPopup.setVisible(true); } else { wrappedPopup.setVisible(false); } } }); if (app.has(Feature.NEW_TOOLBAR)) { title.addStyleName("no-hover"); } else { title.addStyleName("menuTitle"); } wrappedPopup.addItem(title); // wrappedPopup.addSeparator(); } public GPopupMenuW getWrappedPopup() { return wrappedPopup; } public void show(Canvas c, int x, int y) { updateEditItems();, x, y); } public void show(GPoint p) { updateEditItems();; } // public void reInit(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos, GPoint location) { // initPopup((AppW), geos); // addOtherItems(); // } @Override public void removeFromDOM() { getWrappedPopup().removeFromDOM(); } private MenuBar getLabelSubMenu() { String[] labels = { loc.getMenu("stylebar.Hidden"), loc.getMenu("Name"), loc.getMenu("NameAndValue"), loc.getMenu("Value"), loc.getMenu("Caption") }; MenuBar mnu = new MenuBar(true); // mnu.addStyleName("gwt-PopupPanel"); // mnu.addStyleName("contextMenuSubmenu"); GeoElement geos[] = { getGeo() }; final ShowLabelModel model = new ShowLabelModel(app, null); model.setGeos(geos); for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { final int idx = i; MenuItem mi = new MenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(AppResources.INSTANCE.empty() .getSafeUri().asString(), labels[i]), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (idx == 0) { model.applyModeChanges(4, false); } else { model.applyModeChanges(idx - 1, true); } } }); mnu.addItem(mi); } return mnu; } private MenuBar getAngleSubMenu() { String[] angleIntervals = new String[GeoAngle.getIntervalMinListLength() - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < GeoAngle.getIntervalMinListLength() - 1; i++) { angleIntervals[i] = app.getLocalization().getPlain( "AngleBetweenAB.short", GeoAngle.getIntervalMinList(i), GeoAngle.getIntervalMaxList(i)); } MenuBar mnu = new MenuBar(true); // mnu.addStyleName("gwt-PopupPanel"); // mnu.addStyleName("contextMenuSubmenu"); GeoElement geos[] = { getGeo() }; final ReflexAngleModel model = new ReflexAngleModel(app, false); model.setGeos(geos); for (int i = 0; i < angleIntervals.length; i++) { final int idx = i; MenuItem mi = new MenuItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml(AppResources.INSTANCE.empty() .getSafeUri().asString(), angleIntervals[i]), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { model.applyChanges(idx); } }); mnu.addItem(mi); } return mnu; } public void update() { initPopup((AppW) app, app.getActiveEuclidianView() .getEuclidianController().getAppSelectedGeos()); addOtherItems(); } }