package org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianConstants; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianController; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianControllerCompanion; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianCursor; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianViewInterfaceSlim; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.Hits; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.Previewable; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.draw.DrawDropDownList; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.AbstractEvent; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawConic3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawConicSection3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawExtrusionOrConify3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawIntersectionCurve3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawLine3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawPoint3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawPolyLine3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawPolygon3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawPolyhedron3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.DrawSegment3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.draw.Drawable3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidianFor3D.EuclidianControllerFor3DCompanion; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.ConstructionDefaults3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoDependentVector3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoDispatcher3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoIntersectCS1D2D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoIntersectCS1D2D.ConfigLinePlane; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoIntersectPlanes; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos.AlgoUnitVector3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoConic3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoConicSection; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoCoordSys1D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoPlane3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoPoint3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoPolygon3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoPolyhedron; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoQuadric3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoQuadric3DLimited; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoQuadric3DPart; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoVector3D; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.ModeSetter; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Path; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Region; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.CoordMatrix4x4; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDynamicCoordinatesInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoTranslate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoVectorPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.Commands; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.FromMeta; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoAngle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement.HitType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunctionNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolygon; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Test; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Transformable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoCoordSys; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoCoordSys2D; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoDirectionND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoImplicitSurfaceND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoLineND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPlaneND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPolyhedronInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoQuadric3DLimitedInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoQuadricND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoSegmentND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoVectorND; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.main.error.ErrorHandler; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; import org.geogebra.common.util.AsyncOperation; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.common.util.lang.Unicode; /** * Controller for the 3D view * * @author Mathieu * */ public abstract class EuclidianController3D extends EuclidianController { /** 3D point that is currently moved */ // protected GeoPoint3D movedGeoPoint3D = null; /** min/max values for moving a point */ private double[] xMinMax, yMinMax; /** min/max values for moving a point along z */ protected double[] zMinMax; /** current plane where the movedGeoPoint3D lies */ protected CoordMatrix4x4 currentPlane = null; /** 3D view controlled by this */ protected EuclidianView3D view3D; // TODO move to EuclidianViewInterface private GPoint mouseLocOld = new GPoint(); private Coords positionOld = new Coords(4); /** says that a free point has just been created (used for 3D cursor) */ private boolean freePointJustCreated = false; /** says if a rotation of the view occurred (with right-button) */ protected boolean viewRotationOccured = false; /** * scale factor for changing angle of view : 2Pi <-> 360 pixels (so 1 pixel * = 1degrees ) */ static final public double ANGLE_TO_DEGREES = 2 * Math.PI / 360; /** maximum vertical angle */ static final public int ANGLE_MAX = 90; /** for animated rotation */ protected double animatedRotSpeed; /** used when time is needed */ protected double timeOld; /** used to record x information */ private int xOld; private Hits3D goodHits; /** * Store infos for intersection curve */ public static class IntersectionCurve { protected GeoElement geo1, geo2; public Drawable3D drawable; /** * constructor * * @param geo1 * first geo for the intersection * @param geo2 * second geo for the intersection * @param result * result intersection * * @param drawable * drawable for the intersection */ public IntersectionCurve(GeoElement geo1, GeoElement geo2, Drawable3D drawable) { this.geo1 = geo1; this.geo2 = geo2; this.drawable = drawable; } } /** * array list for intersection curves */ private ArrayList<IntersectionCurve> intersectionCurveList = new ArrayList<IntersectionCurve>(); // private ArrayList<Drawable3D> intersectionCurves = new // ArrayList<Drawable3D>(); // SELECTED GEOS /** 2D coord sys (plane, polygon, ...) */ /** * common constructor * * @param app * application */ public EuclidianController3D(App app) { super(app); // inits min max xMinMax = new double[2]; yMinMax = new double[2]; zMinMax = new double[2]; } private EuclidianController3DCompanion companion3D; @Override protected EuclidianControllerCompanion newCompanion() { companion3D = new EuclidianController3DCompanion(this); return companion3D; } /** * sets the view controlled by this * * @param view * euclidian view (3D assumed, not checked) */ public void setView3D(EuclidianView view) { this.view3D = (EuclidianView3D) view; } // ////////////////////////////////////////// // setters movedGeoElement -> movedGeoPoint, ... private static double[] getMinMax(double min, double val, double max) { double min1 = min, max1 = max; if (val < min) { min1 = val; } else if (val > max) { max1 = val; } return new double[] { min1, max1 }; } @Override public void setMovedGeoPoint(GeoElementND geo) { movedGeoPoint = (GeoPointND) geo; ((EuclidianView3D) getView()).setPointDecorations(movedGeoPoint); AlgoElement algo = movedGeoPoint.getParentAlgorithm(); if (algo instanceof AlgoDynamicCoordinatesInterface) { movedGeoPoint = ((AlgoDynamicCoordinatesInterface) algo) .getParentPoint(); } Coords coords = movedGeoPoint.getInhomCoordsInD3(); // sets the min/max values double pointSize = movedGeoPoint.getPointSize() * DrawPoint3D.DRAW_POINT_FACTOR; double size; size = pointSize / view3D.getXscale(); xMinMax = getMinMax(view3D.getXmin() + size, coords.getX(), view3D.getXmax() - size); size = pointSize / view3D.getYscale(); yMinMax = getMinMax(view3D.getYmin() + size, coords.getY(), view3D.getYmax() - size); size = pointSize / view3D.getZscale(); zMinMax = getMinMax(view3D.getZmin() + size, coords.getZ(), view3D.getZmax() - size); updateMovedGeoPointStartValues(coords); view3D.setDragCursor(); } /** * update values needed to move a point * * @param coords * start point coords */ final public void updateMovedGeoPointStartValues(Coords coords) { getCompanion().updateMovedGeoPointStartValues(coords, movedGeoPoint, getCurrentPlane()); } // //////////////////////////////////////////: // moving points /** * return the current plane for moving * * @return the current plane */ protected CoordMatrix4x4 getCurrentPlane() { if (currentPlane == null) { currentPlane = CoordMatrix4x4.Identity(); } return currentPlane; } /** * set the current plane for moving * * @param plane * a plane */ protected void setCurrentPlane(CoordMatrix4x4 plane) { currentPlane = plane; } /** * set the current plane to the path's moving plane * * @param path * a path */ /* * private void setCurrentPlane(Path3D path){ Ggb3DMatrix4x4 plane = * path.getMovingMatrix(view3D.getToScreenMatrix()); * view3D.toSceneCoords3D(plane); setCurrentPlane(plane); } */ /** * moves the point according to the current moving plane and mouse location * * @param point * the point to move * @param useOldMouse * if true, shift the point according to old mouse location */ protected void movePointOnCurrentPlane(GeoPointND point, boolean useOldMouse) { // Michael Borcherds // move mouse fast, sometimes get mouseLoc = null if (mouseLoc == null) { return; } // getting current pick point and direction v Coords o; if (useOldMouse) { // if (movePointMode != MOVE_POINT_MODE_XY){ mouseLocOld.setLocation(mouseLoc.x, mouseLoc.y); positionOld = point.getCoords().copyVector(); // movePointMode = MOVE_POINT_MODE_XY; // } o = view3D.getPickFromScenePoint(positionOld, mouseLoc.x - mouseLocOld.x, mouseLoc.y - mouseLocOld.y); } else { o = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); } view3D.toSceneCoords3D(o); addOffsetForTranslation(o); // getting new position of the point if (Kernel.isEqual( view3D.getHittingDirection() .dotproduct(getCurrentPlane().getVz()), 0.0, Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION)) { // hitting direction is parallel to the plane // project on (mouse position, hitting direction) line point.getInhomCoordsInD3().projectLine(o, view3D.getHittingDirection(), tmpCoords2); // now project on plane tmpCoords2.projectPlane(getCurrentPlane(), tmpCoords); } else { o.projectPlaneThruV(getCurrentPlane(), view3D.getHittingDirection(), tmpCoords); } // min-max x and y values checkXYMinMax(tmpCoords); // capturing points ((EuclidianController3DCompanion) companion) .checkPointCapturingXY(tmpCoords); // set point coords point.setCoords(tmpCoords, true); } private Coords tmpCoords = new Coords(4); private Coords tmpCoords2 = new Coords(4); protected boolean checkXYMinMax(Coords v) { if (getMoveMode() != EuclidianController.MOVE_POINT) { return false; } boolean changed = false; // min-max x value if (v.getX() > xMinMax[1]) { v.setX(xMinMax[1]); changed = true; } else if (v.getX() < xMinMax[0]) { v.setX(xMinMax[0]); changed = true; } // min-max y value if (v.getY() > yMinMax[1]) { v.setY(yMinMax[1]); changed = true; } else if (v.getY() < yMinMax[0]) { v.setY(yMinMax[0]); changed = true; } return changed; } /** * set the mouse information (location and viewing direction in real world * coordinates) to the point * * @param point * a point */ final protected void setMouseInformation(GeoPoint3D point) { setMouseOrigin(point); point.setWillingDirection(view3D.getHittingDirection()); point.setZScale(view3D.getZscale()); } /** * set mouse origin information * * @param point * a point */ final protected void setMouseOrigin(GeoPoint3D point) { getCompanion().setMouseOrigin(point, mouseLoc); } /** * add offset when needed * * @param o * coords */ public void addOffsetForTranslation(Coords o) { if (moveMode == MOVE_POINT_WITH_OFFSET) { o.setAdd(o, translationVec3D); } } @Override protected void moveTextAbsoluteLocation() { Coords o = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); view3D.toSceneCoords3D(o); // o = // (o.sub(startPoint3D)).projectPlaneThruVIfPossible(CoordMatrix4x4.IDENTITY, // view3D.getViewDirection())[0]; o.projectPlaneThruVIfPossible(CoordMatrix4x4.IDENTITY, view3D.getHittingDirection(), tmpCoords); // Application.debug(o); // ((GeoPoint2) // movedGeoText.getStartPoint()).setCoords(o.getX(),o.getY(), 1.0); ((GeoPoint) movedGeoText.getStartPoint()).setCoords( tmpCoords.getX() - startPoint3DxOy.getX(), tmpCoords.getY() - startPoint3DxOy.getY(), 1.0); } // //////////////////////////////////////////// // creating a new point @Override protected Hits getRegionHits(Hits hits) { return hits.getHits(Test.REGION3D, tempRegionHitsArrayList); } /** * * @param point * cursor * @return free point from cursor coords */ private GeoPoint3D getNewPointFree(GeoPointND point) { GeoPoint3D point3D = (GeoPoint3D) kernel.getManager3D().Point3D(null, 0, 0, 0, false); point3D.setCoords(point); point3D.updateCoords(); view3D.setCursor3DType(EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_ALREADY); view3D.updateMatrixForCursor3D(); GeoPoint3D cursor = view3D.getCursor3D(); cursor.setRegion(null); cursor.setPath(null); cursor.setMoveMode(point3D.getMoveMode()); if (isModeForCreatingPoint(mode)) { freePointJustCreated = true; } return point3D; } private boolean lastGetNewPointWasExistingPoint = false; /** * return a copy of the preview point if one */ @Override protected GeoPointND getNewPoint(Hits hits, boolean onPathPossible, boolean inRegionPossible, boolean intersectPossible, boolean complex) { GeoPoint3D point = view3D.getCursor3D(); GeoPoint3D point3D; GeoPointND ret; lastGetNewPointWasExistingPoint = false; // Application.debug("view3D.getCursor3DType()="+view3D.getCursor3DType()); switch (view3D.getCursor3DType()) { case EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_FREE: point3D = getNewPointFree(point); ret = point3D; pointCreated = point3D; break; case EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_PATH: if (onPathPossible) { Path path = point.getPath(); if (path.toGeoElement().isGeoElement3D() || (path.toGeoElement().isGeoList() && ((GeoList) path.toGeoElement()) .containsGeoElement3D())) { point3D = (GeoPoint3D) getKernel().getManager3D() .Point3D(null, path, false); point3D.setWillingCoords(point.getCoords()); point3D.doPath(); point3D.setWillingCoordsUndefined(); point3D.setWillingDirectionUndefined(); ret = point3D; pointCreated = point3D; } else { Coords coords = point.getCoordsInD2(); pointCreated = createNewPoint2D(null, false, path, coords.getX(), coords.getY(), false, false); return pointCreated; } } else { pointCreated = null; return null; } break; case EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_REGION: case EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_REGION_AS_PATH: if (inRegionPossible) { Region region = point.getRegion(); if (region == getKernel().getXOYPlane()) { point3D = getNewPointFree(point); ret = point3D; pointCreated = point3D; } else if (region.isRegion3D()) { Coords coords = point.getCoords(); point3D = (GeoPoint3D) getKernel().getManager3D() .Point3DIn(null, region, coords, true, false); point3D.doRegion(); point3D.setWillingCoordsUndefined(); point3D.setWillingDirectionUndefined(); ret = point3D; pointCreated = point3D; } else { Coords coords = point.getCoordsInD2(); pointCreated = createNewPoint2D(null, false, region, coords.getX(), coords.getY(), false, false); return pointCreated; } } else { pointCreated = null; return null; } break; case EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_DEPENDENT: if (intersectPossible) { // get last intersection preview point GeoPointND intersectionPoint = view3D.getIntersectionPoint(); // add it to construction intersectionPoint.getParentAlgorithm().addToConstructionList(); intersectionPoint.setLabel(null); pointCreated = intersectionPoint; // check if it's a 3D point if (intersectionPoint.isGeoElement3D()) { point3D = (GeoPoint3D) intersectionPoint; } else { return intersectionPoint; } } else { point3D = null; pointCreated = null; } return point3D; case EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_ALREADY: // current mode is not MOVE // we return current moved point if first hitted GeoPointND firstPoint = (GeoPointND) hits .getFirstHit(Test.GEOPOINTND); if (firstPoint == getMovedGeoPoint()) { lastGetNewPointWasExistingPoint = true; return firstPoint; } resetMovedGeoPoint(); return null; case EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_NONE: default: pointCreated = super.getNewPoint(hits, onPathPossible, inRegionPossible, intersectPossible, false); return pointCreated; } ret.update(); setMovedGeoPoint(point3D); view3D.setCursor3DType(EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_ALREADY); view3D.updateMatrixForCursor3D(); return ret; } /** put sourcePoint coordinates in point */ @Override protected void createNewPoint(GeoPointND sourcePoint) { GeoPoint3D point3D = view3D.getCursor3D(); // set coords point3D.setCoords(sourcePoint.getCoordsInD3(), false); // set/remove path/region point3D.setPath(sourcePoint.getPath()); point3D.setRegion(sourcePoint.getRegion()); // update cursor 3D infos if (sourcePoint.isIndependent() || !sourcePoint.isGeoElement3D()) { point3D.setMoveNormalDirection(Coords.VZ); } else if (sourcePoint.hasRegion()) { point3D.setMoveNormalDirection( sourcePoint.getRegionParameters().getNormal()); } view3D.setCursor3DType(EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_ALREADY); point3D.setMoveMode(sourcePoint.getMoveMode()); point3D.setPointSize(sourcePoint.getPointSize()); // Application.debug("sourcePoint:\n"+sourcePoint.getCoordsInD3()+"\ncursor:\n"+view3D.getCursor3D().getCoordsInD3()); } /** put intersectionPoint coordinates in point */ @Override protected void createNewPointIntersection(GeoPointND intersectionPoint) { GeoPoint3D point3D = view3D.getCursor3D(); point3D.setCoords(point3D.getCoords() .setInhomCoords(intersectionPoint.getCoordsInD3()), false); view3D.setCursor3DType(EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_DEPENDENT); view3D.setIntersectionPoint(intersectionPoint); // Application.debug("\nintersectionPoint="+intersectionPoint); } @Override protected boolean createNewPointInRegionPossible(GeoConicND conic) { return conic.getLastHitType() == HitType.ON_FILLING; } /* * protected void updateMovedGeoPoint(GeoPointND point){ //movedGeoPoint3D = * (GeoPoint3D) point; setMovedGeoPoint((GeoPoint3D) point); } */ private GeoPointND singleIntersectionPoint; // tries to get a single intersection point for the given hits // i.e. hits has to include two intersectable objects. @Override protected GeoPointND getSingleIntersectionPoint(Hits hits) { // Log.debug(hits); if (hits.isEmpty() || hits.size() < 2) { return null; } if (mouseLoc == null) { return null; } GeoElement a = hits.get(0); // remove planes containing a (when a is line, conic, or polygon -- // notice that a plane containing a line is ever after in hits order) if (a.isGeoLine()) { // remove planes containing line a while (hits.size() >= 2) { if (hits.get(1).isGeoPlane() && AlgoIntersectCS1D2D .getConfigLinePlane((GeoLineND) a, ((GeoCoordSys2D) hits .get(1))) == ConfigLinePlane.CONTAINED) { hits.remove(1); } else { break; } } } else if (a.isGeoConic()) { // remove planes containing conic a while (hits.size() >= 2) { if (hits.get(1).isGeoPlane() && AlgoIntersectPlanes .getConfigPlanePlane((((GeoConicND) a).getCoordSys()), (((GeoCoordSys2D) hits.get(1)) .getCoordSys())) == AlgoIntersectPlanes.RESULTCATEGORY_CONTAINED) { hits.remove(1); } else { break; } } } else if (a.isGeoPolygon()) { // remove planes containing polygon a while (hits.size() >= 2) { if (hits.get(1) instanceof GeoCoordSys2D && AlgoIntersectPlanes .getConfigPlanePlane((((GeoPolygon) a).getCoordSys()), (((GeoCoordSys2D) hits.get(1)) .getCoordSys())) == AlgoIntersectPlanes.RESULTCATEGORY_CONTAINED) { hits.remove(1); } else { break; } } } if (hits.size() < 2) { return null; } // Application.debug(hits.toString()); GeoElement b = hits.get(1); singleIntersectionPoint = null; boolean oldSilentMode = getKernel().isSilentMode(); kernel.setSilentMode(true); // check if a and b are two 2D geos if (!a.isGeoElement3D() && !b.isGeoElement3D()) { // get pick point coords in xOy plane view3D.getToSceneMatrix().mul(view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc)) .projectPlaneThruVIfPossible(CoordMatrix4x4.IDENTITY, view3D.getViewDirection(), tmpCoords); xRW = tmpCoords.getX(); yRW = tmpCoords.getY(); // apply 2D method singleIntersectionPoint = ((EuclidianControllerFor3DCompanion) companion) .getSingleIntersectionPointFrom2D(a, b, false); // Log.debug("\npoint="+point+"\nmouse=\n"+project); } // line/line, line/plane, line/conic, line/quadric else if (a.isGeoLine()) { if (b.isGeoLine()) { singleIntersectionPoint = (GeoPoint3D) getKernel() .getManager3D() .Intersect(null, (GeoLineND) a, (GeoLineND) b); } else if (b.isGeoConic()) { Coords picked = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); singleIntersectionPoint = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectLineConicSingle(null, (GeoLineND) a, (GeoConicND) b, picked.getX(), picked.getY(), view3D.getToScreenMatrix()); } else if (b instanceof GeoCoordSys2D) { singleIntersectionPoint = (GeoPoint3D) getKernel() .getManager3D().Intersect(null, (GeoLineND) a, (GeoCoordSys2D) b, false); } else if (b instanceof GeoQuadric3D) { Coords picked = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); singleIntersectionPoint = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectLineQuadricSingle(null, (GeoLineND) a, (GeoQuadric3D) b, picked.getX(), picked.getY(), view3D.getToScreenMatrix()); } } // plane/line, conic/line, quadric/line else if (b.isGeoLine()) { if (a.isGeoConic()) { Coords picked = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); singleIntersectionPoint = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectLineConicSingle(null, (GeoLineND) b, (GeoConicND) a, picked.getX(), picked.getY(), view3D.getToScreenMatrix()); } else if (a instanceof GeoCoordSys2D) { singleIntersectionPoint = (GeoPoint3D) getKernel() .getManager3D().Intersect(null, (GeoLineND) b, (GeoCoordSys2D) a, true); } else if (a instanceof GeoQuadric3D) { Coords picked = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); singleIntersectionPoint = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectLineQuadricSingle(null, (GeoLineND) b, (GeoQuadric3D) a, picked.getX(), picked.getY(), view3D.getToScreenMatrix()); } } // conic/conic else if (a.isGeoConic() && b.isGeoConic()) { Coords picked = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); singleIntersectionPoint = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectConicsSingle(null, (GeoConicND) a, (GeoConicND) b, picked.getX(), picked.getY(), view3D.getToScreenMatrix()); } // TODO: conic/plane, conic/quadric kernel.setSilentMode(oldSilentMode); // Application.debug("point is defined : "+point.isDefined()); if (singleIntersectionPoint == null) { return null; } if (singleIntersectionPoint.isDefined()) { if (singleIntersectionPoint.isGeoElement3D()) { // if the resulting point is defined, but is not around the // mouse, discard it. (2011/8/8 Tam) Coords picked = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); Coords toScreenCoords = view3D .projectOnScreen(singleIntersectionPoint .getCoords().getCoordsLast1()); // Log.debug("\nmouse="+mouseLoc.x+","+mouseLoc.y+"\npicked=\n"+picked+"\ncoords\n"+toScreenCoords); // Log.debug("X: "+Math.abs(picked.getX() - // toScreenCoords.getX()) + "\n" + // "Y: "+Math.abs(picked.getY() - toScreenCoords.getY())); if (Math.abs(picked.getX() - toScreenCoords.getX()) > 15 || Math .abs(picked.getY() - toScreenCoords.getY()) > 15) { return null; } } view3D.setIntersectionThickness(a, b); // Application.printStacktrace("\npoint="+point); singleIntersectionPoint.setCartesian3D(); singleIntersectionPoint.update(); return singleIntersectionPoint; } return null; } // ///////////////////////////////////// // creating new objects /** * return selected points as 3D points * * @return selected points */ final protected GeoPoint3D[] getSelectedPoints3D() { GeoPoint3D[] ret = new GeoPoint3D[getSelectedPointList().size()]; getSelectedPointsND(ret); // Application.printStacktrace(""); return ret; } /** * @return selected 3D lines */ final protected GeoCoordSys1D[] getSelectedLines3D() { GeoCoordSys1D[] lines = new GeoCoordSys1D[getSelectedLineList().size()]; getSelectedLinesND(lines); return lines; } // build polygon /* * protected void polygon(){ //check if there is a 3D point GeoPointND[] * points = getSelectedPointsND(); * * boolean point3D = false; for (int i=0; i<points.length && !point3D; i++) * point3D = point3D || (points[i]).isGeoElement3D(); if (point3D) * kernel.getManager3D().Polygon3D(null, points); else kernel.Polygon(null, * getSelectedPointsND()); } */ protected void circleOrSphere(GeoNumberValue num) { GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); getKernel().getManager3D().Sphere(null, points[0], num); } /** * get center point and number * * @param hits * @return true if sphere created */ final protected boolean spherePointRadius(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return false; } addSelectedPoint(hits, 1, false, selPreview); // we got the center point if (selPoints() == 1) { getDialogManager() .showNumberInputDialogSpherePointRadius( app.getLocalization() .getMenu(EuclidianConstants .getModeText(mode)), getSelectedPointsND()[0], this); return true; } return false; } /** * get center point and number * * @param hits * @return true if cone created */ final protected boolean coneTwoPointsRadius(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return false; } addSelectedPoint(hits, 2, false, selPreview); // we got the center point if (selPoints() == 2) { GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); getDialogManager() .showNumberInputDialogConeTwoPointsRadius( app.getLocalization() .getMenu(EuclidianConstants .getModeText(mode)), points[0], points[1], this); return true; } return false; } /** * get center point and number * * @param hits * @return true if cylinder created */ final protected boolean cylinderTwoPointsRadius(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return false; } addSelectedPoint(hits, 2, false, selPreview); // we got the center point if (selPoints() == 2) { GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); getDialogManager() .showNumberInputDialogCylinderTwoPointsRadius( app.getLocalization() .getMenu(EuclidianConstants .getModeText(mode)), points[0], points[1], this); return true; } return false; } /** * get two points and eventually direction * * @param hits * hits * @param name * name of the solid * @return true if solid created */ final protected GeoElementND[] archimedeanSolid(Hits hits, Commands name, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (addSelectedPoint(hits, 2, false, selPreview) == 0 && selPoints() == 0 && selDirections() == 0) { // select a plane only if no point is selected addSelectedCS2D(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } // we got the center point if (selPoints() == 2) { GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoDirectionND direction; if (selCS2D() == 1) { direction = getSelectedCS2D()[0]; Coords v = direction.getDirectionInD3(); if (v.dotproduct(view3D.getViewDirection()) > 0) { // reverse // direction MyDouble a = new MyDouble(kernel); a.set(-1); GeoVector3D orientation = (GeoVector3D) (new AlgoUnitVector3D( kernel.getConstruction(), direction, true)) .getVector(); ExpressionNode en = new ExpressionNode(kernel, a, Operation.MULTIPLY, orientation); direction = new AlgoDependentVector3D( kernel.getConstruction(), en).getVector3D(); } return new GeoElement[] { kernel.getManager3D().ArchimedeanSolid(null, points[0], points[1], direction, name)[0] }; } return new GeoElement[] { kernel.getManager3D() .ArchimedeanSolid(null, points[0], points[1], name)[0] }; } return null; } /** * * @param hits * geos hitted * @return net of a polyhedron */ final protected GeoElement[] polyhedronNet(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } addSelectedGeo(hits.getPolyhedronsIncludingMetaHits(), 1, false, selPreview); if (selGeos() == 1) { GeoElement polyhedron = getSelectedGeos()[0]; GeoNumeric slider = GeoNumeric.setSliderFromDefault( new GeoNumeric(kernel.getConstruction()), false); slider.setIntervalMin(0); slider.setIntervalMax(1); slider.setAnimationStep(0.01); slider.setLabel(null); slider.setValue(1); // slider.setSliderLocation(x, y, true); slider.update(); return new GeoElement[] { kernel.getManager3D().PolyhedronNet(null, polyhedron, slider, null, null)[0] // no bottom face, no // pivot segments }; } return null; } /** * get point and line or vector; // create plane through point orthogonal to * line or vector * * @param hits * @return orthogonal plane */ final protected GeoElement[] orthogonalPlane(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } boolean hitPoint = (addSelectedPoint(hits, 1, false, selPreview) != 0); if (!hitPoint) { if (selLines() == 0) { addSelectedVector(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } if (selVectors() == 0) { addSelectedLine(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } } if (selPoints() == 1) { if (selVectors() == 1) { // fetch selected point and vector GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoVectorND[] vectors = getSelectedVectorsND(); // create new plane GeoElement[] ret = { null }; ret[0] = (GeoPlane3D) getKernel().getManager3D() .OrthogonalPlane3D(null, points[0], vectors[0]); return ret; } else if (selLines() == 1) { // fetch selected point and line GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoLineND[] lines = getSelectedLinesND(); // create new plane GeoElement[] ret = { null }; ret[0] = (GeoPlane3D) getKernel().getManager3D() .OrthogonalPlane3D(null, points[0], lines[0]); return ret; } } return null; } /** * get axis and point create circle with axis and through the point * * @param hits * hits * @param selPreview * whether this is just for preview * @return circle created * */ final protected GeoElement[] circleAxisPoint(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (addSelectedPoint(hits, 1, false, selPreview) == 0) { // add line // only if // no // point to avoid dummy // circle addSelectedLine(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } if (selPoints() == 1 && selLines() == 1) { return new GeoElement[] { getKernel().getManager3D().Circle3D(null, getSelectedLinesND()[0], getSelectedPointsND()[0]) }; } return null; } /** * get point, direction, enter radius create circle with center, radius, * axis parallel to direction * * @param hits * @return true if circle created * */ final protected boolean circlePointRadiusDirection(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (addSelectedPoint(hits, 1, false, selPreview) == 0) { addSelectedDirection(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } if (selPoints() == 1 && selDirections() == 1) { app.getDialogManager() .showNumberInputDialogCirclePointDirectionRadius( app.getLocalization() .getMenu(EuclidianConstants .getModeText(mode)), getSelectedPointsND()[0], getSelectedDirections()[0], this); return true; } return false; } private TextDispatcher3D textDispatcher; @Override protected TextDispatcher3D getTextDispatcher() { if (textDispatcher == null) { textDispatcher = new TextDispatcher3D(kernel, view3D); } return textDispatcher; } /** * * @param hits * geos hitted * @return volume of a geo (from hits) that has a volume */ final protected boolean volume(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return false; } addSelectedGeo(hits.getFiniteVolumeIncludingMetaHits(), 1, false, selPreview); if (selGeos() == 1) { GeoElement hasVolume = getSelectedGeos()[0]; getTextDispatcher().createVolumeText(hasVolume, mouseLoc); return true; } return false; } /** * create plane containing polygon / 2 lines / line & point / 3 points * * @param hits0 * hits * @param selPreview * whether this is just preview * @return true if a plane has been created */ final protected GeoElementND[] planeContaining(Hits hits0, boolean selPreview) { // keep only one type between points/lines/2D coord sys Hits hits = hits0.keepFirsts(Test.GEOPOINTND, Test.GEOLINEND, Test.GEOCOORDSYS2DNOTPLANE); // Log.debug("\n=================\n"+hits0+"\n====\n"+hits+"\n=================\n"); if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } // first try with polygon, conic, etc. if (selPoints() == 0 && selLines() == 0) { addSelectedCS2D(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } if (selCS2D() == 1) { GeoCoordSys[] cs = getSelectedCS2D(); GeoElementND[] ret = new GeoElementND[] { getKernel() .getManager3D().Plane3D(null, (GeoCoordSys2D) cs[0]) }; return ret; } // then try with points addSelectedPoint(hits, 3, false, selPreview); if (selPoints() == 3) { // 3 points GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoElement[] ret = new GeoElement[] { getKernel().getManager3D() .Plane3D(null, points[0], points[1], points[2]) }; return ret; } else if (selPoints() == 1) { // try point & line // only one line allowed addSelectedLine(hits, 1, false, selPreview); if (selLines() == 1) { // fetch selected point and line GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoLineND[] lines = getSelectedLinesND(); // create new plane GeoElementND[] ret = new GeoElementND[] { getKernel() .getManager3D().Plane3D(null, points[0], lines[0]) }; return ret; } } else if (selPoints() == 0) { // maybe two lines addSelectedLine(hits, 2, false, selPreview); if (selLines() == 2) { // plane containing two lines GeoLineND[] lines = getSelectedLinesND(); GeoElement[] ret = new GeoElement[] { getKernel().getManager3D() .Plane3D(null, lines[0], lines[1]) }; return ret; } } return null; } /** * process view in front of mode * * @param hits * @return false (kernel won't change) */ final protected boolean viewInFrontOf(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return false; } // Application.debug(hits); addSelectedGeo(hits.getTopHits(), 1, false, selPreview);// TODO // hits.getTopHits() // ? if (selGeos() == 1) { // clear selection GeoElement geo = getSelectedGeos()[0]; Coords vn = geo.getMainDirection(); if (vn != null) { if (view3D.hasMouse()) { view3D.setRotAnimation(view3D.getCursorNormal()); } else {// doesn't come from 3D view view3D.setClosestRotAnimation(vn, true); } } } return false; } /** * get point and plane; create line through point parallel to plane * * @param hits * hits * @param selPreview * whether this is for preview * @return plane created */ final protected GeoElementND[] parallelPlane(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { // Application.debug(hits.toString()); if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } boolean hitPoint = (addSelectedPoint(hits, 1, false, selPreview) != 0); if (!hitPoint) { addSelectedCS2D(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } if (selPoints() == 1) { if (selCS2D() == 1) { // fetch selected point and vector GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoCoordSys[] cs = getSelectedCS2D();// TODO // create new plane return new GeoElementND[] { getKernel().getManager3D() .Plane3D(null, points[0], (GeoCoordSys2D) cs[0]) }; } } return null; } private boolean dialogOccurred = false; @Override public void setDialogOccurred() { dialogOccurred = true; } /** * get basis and height; create prism/cylinder * * @param hits * @return prism created */ final protected GeoElement[] extrusionOrConify(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (dialogOccurred) { dialogOccurred = false; return null; } if (!hits.isEmpty()) { // hits may be empty at the end of using the tool // we don't need to replace or de-select a polygon, since // we'll open immediately a dialog int basisAdded = selPolygons() + selConics(); if (basisAdded == 0) { // if no basis for now, try to add polygon basisAdded += addSelectedPolygon(hits, 1, false, selPreview); if (basisAdded == 0) { // try to add conic basisAdded += addSelectedConic(hits, 1, false, selPreview); if (basisAdded == 0) { // if polygon/conic has been added, // the height // will be entered through dialog manager addSelectedNumberValue(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } } } } if (selNumberValues() == 1) { if (selPolygons() == 1) { GeoPolygon[] basis = getSelectedPolygons(); GeoNumberValue[] height = getSelectedNumberValues(); if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_EXTRUSION) { return new GeoElement[] { // return only the prism getKernel().getManager3D().Prism(null, basis[0], height[0])[0] }; } return new GeoElement[] { // return only the pyramid getKernel().getManager3D().Pyramid(null, basis[0], height[0])[0] }; } else if (selConics() == 1) { GeoConicND[] basis = getSelectedConicsND(); GeoNumberValue[] height = getSelectedNumberValues(); if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_EXTRUSION) { return new GeoElement[] { // return only the cylinder getKernel().getManager3D().CylinderLimited(null, basis[0], height[0])[0] }; } return new GeoElement[] { // return only the cone getKernel().getManager3D().ConeLimited(null, basis[0], height[0])[0] }; } } return null; } @Override protected boolean draggingOccurredBeforeRelease(boolean notAlreadyStarted) { if (notAlreadyStarted && lastGetNewPointWasExistingPoint && draggingOccurredBeforeRelease) { // don't select a first point on dragging return true; } return super.draggingOccurredBeforeRelease(notAlreadyStarted); } private GeoPointND[] pyramidBasis = null; private boolean polygonForPyramidBasis = false; /** * get basis and top point; create pyramid * * @param hits * hits * @return pyramid/prism created */ final protected GeoElement[] pyramidOrPrism(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { // if (pyramidBasis!=null) Application.debug(pyramidBasis.length); polygonForPyramidBasis = false; if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (draggingOccurredBeforeRelease((pyramidBasis == null) && selPoints() == 0 && selPolygons() == 0)) { // don't select a first point on dragging return null; } if (pyramidBasis == null) { // try to find/create a polygon if (selPolygons() == 0) { // try to create a polygon // if the first point is clicked again, we create a polygon if (selPoints() > 2) { // check if first point was clicked again boolean finished = !selPreview && hits.contains(getSelectedPointList().get(0)); if (finished) { // store basis ((DrawPolyhedron3D) view3D.getPreviewDrawable()) .previewBasisIsFinished(); pyramidBasis = getSelectedPointsND(); // cancel last switch of point move mode cancelSwitchPointMoveModeIfNeeded(); return null; } } if (addSelectedPoint(hits, GeoPolygon.POLYGON_MAX_POINTS, false, selPreview) != 0 || (!selPreview && !getSelectedPointList().isEmpty() && hits.contains( getSelectedPointList().get(0)))) { return null; // add/remove point : don't check polygon } } boolean selectionOccured = false; if (selPoints() < 2) { // already two points : not a polygon for // basis if (addSelectedPolygon(hits, 1, false, selPreview) == 1) { polygonForPyramidBasis = true; selectionOccured = true; } } // there is 1 polygon, look for top point if (!selectionOccured) { addSelectedPoint(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } if (selPoints() == 1 && selPolygons() == 1) { // fetch selected point and vector GeoPolygon[] basis = getSelectedPolygons(); GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); // create new pyramid or prism view3D.disposePreview(); switch (mode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: return new GeoElement[] { getKernel().getManager3D() .Pyramid(null, basis[0], points[0])[0] }; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: return new GeoElement[] { getKernel().getManager3D() .Prism(null, basis[0], points[0])[0] }; } } } else { // there are points for basis addSelectedPoint(hits, 1, false, selPreview); if (selPoints() == 1) { // fetch selected point and vector GeoPointND[] points = new GeoPointND[pyramidBasis.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < pyramidBasis.length; i++) { points[i] = pyramidBasis[i]; } points[pyramidBasis.length] = getSelectedPointsND()[0]; // create new pyramid or prism view3D.disposePreview(); switch (mode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: pyramidBasis = null; return new GeoElement[] { getKernel().getManager3D() .Pyramid(null, points)[0] }; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: pyramidBasis = null; return new GeoElement[] { getKernel().getManager3D().Prism(null, points)[0] }; } } return null; } return null; } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // moved GeoElements @Override public GeoElement getMovedGeoPoint() { return (GeoElement) movedGeoPoint; } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // mouse released @Override public void wrapMouseReleased(AbstractEvent e) { if (!draggingOccured && !app.isControlDown(e)) { view3D.switchMoveCursor(); } super.wrapMouseReleasedND(e, true); } @Override protected void processReleaseForMovedGeoPoint(boolean rightClick) { ((EuclidianView3D) getView()).setPointDecorations(null); if (isModeForMovingPoint(mode)) { if (freePointJustCreated) { // avoid switch if the point is created by a click freePointJustCreated = false; } else { // switch the direction of move (xy or z) in case of left-click // if (!movedGeoPointDragged){ if (!draggingOccured && !rightClick && movedGeoPoint.isIndependent()) { if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE && !movedGeoPoint.isGeoElement3D()) { // 2D point will be replaced by 3D point (only for move // mode) GeoPoint replaceable = (GeoPoint) movedGeoPoint; // create new 3D point Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); GeoPoint3D newGeo = (GeoPoint3D) kernel.getManager3D() .Point3D(replaceable.getInhomX(), replaceable.getInhomY(), 0, false); try { cons.replace(replaceable, newGeo); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // update geo selected String newLabel = newGeo.isLabelSet() ? newGeo.getLabelSimple() : replaceable.getLabelSimple(); GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(newLabel); setMovedGeoPoint(geo); // update hits Hits3D hits = view3D.getHits3D(); hits.init(); hits.add(geo); // update selection app.getSelectionManager().clearSelectedGeos(false, false); app.getSelectionManager().addSelectedGeo(geo, true, true); } } if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE || mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_POINT) { switchPointMoveMode(); } else { Hits hits = view3D.getHits(); if (!hits.isEmpty() && hits.get(0) == movedGeoPoint) { switchPointMoveMode(); } } ((EuclidianView3D) getView()).getCursor3D() .setMoveMode(movedGeoPoint.getMoveMode()); ((EuclidianView3D) getView()) .setDefaultCursorWillBeHitCursor(); } } } if (movedGeoPoint instanceof GeoPoint3D) { GeoPoint3D movedGeoPoint3D = (GeoPoint3D) movedGeoPoint; movedGeoPoint3D.setWillingCoordsUndefined(); movedGeoPoint3D.setWillingDirectionUndefined(); } super.processReleaseForMovedGeoPoint(rightClick); } private int pointMoveMode = GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_XY; @Override protected void switchPointMoveMode() { if (pointMoveMode == GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_XY) { pointMoveMode = GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_Z; } else { pointMoveMode = GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_XY; } } private void cancelSwitchPointMoveModeIfNeeded() { if (!draggingOccurredBeforeRelease && movedGeoPoint != null && movedGeoPoint.isIndependent()) { switchPointMoveMode(); } } private void initPointMoveMode() { if (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE) { pointMoveMode = GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_XY; } else { pointMoveMode = GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_Z; } } /** * * @return current tool point move mode */ public int getPointMoveMode() { return pointMoveMode; } /** * update mouse moved, 3D mouse values, etc. */ public void updateInput3D() { // no input 3D } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // mouse moved protected boolean mouseMoved = false; protected AbstractEvent mouseEvent = null; @Override public void wrapMousePressed(AbstractEvent e) { mouseMoved = false; // mousePressed = true; // maybe called by twoTouchEnd() // we don't want a "screen translate and scale" // refresh after that view3D.stopScreenTranslateAndScale(); super.wrapMousePressed(e); } @Override protected void processMouseMoved(AbstractEvent e) { // for next mouse move process setMouseMovedEvent(e); mouseMoved = true; // needed for non-animated renderers view3D.repaintView(); } /** * store the mouse move event * * @param e * event */ protected void setMouseMovedEvent(AbstractEvent e) { mouseEvent = e; } /** * update mouse moved after picking */ public void update() { processMouseMoved(); } /** * tells to proceed mouseMoved() (for synchronization with 3D renderer) */ protected void processMouseMoved() { if (mouseMoved && view3D.hasMouse()) { // make sure new GeoPoint3Ds aren't counted as 3D objects for uses3D // flag in XML kernel.getConstruction().setIgnoringNewTypes(true); ((EuclidianView3D) getView()).updateCursor3D(); super.processMouseMoved(mouseEvent); kernel.getConstruction().setIgnoringNewTypes(false); mouseMoved = false; } } @Override protected void initNewMode(int newMode) { super.initNewMode(newMode); } @Override protected Previewable switchPreviewableForInitNewMode(int previewMode) { Previewable previewDrawable = null; // Log.debug(mode); switch (previewMode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_TWO_POINTS: previewDrawable = view3D .createPreviewSphere(getSelectedPointList()); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_EXTRUSION: previewDrawable = view3D.createPreviewExtrusion( getSelectedPolygonList(), getSelectedConicNDList()); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONIFY: previewDrawable = view3D.createPreviewConify( getSelectedPolygonList(), getSelectedConicNDList()); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: previewDrawable = view3D.createPreviewPyramidOrPrism( getSelectedPointList(), getSelectedPolygonList(), previewMode); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_INTERSECTION_CURVE: // line through two // points break; default: previewDrawable = super.switchPreviewableForInitNewMode( previewMode); break; } return previewDrawable; } // not only moveable hits are selected in move mode @Override protected boolean getSelectables(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { Hits top = hits.getTopHits(1); super.getSelectables(top, selPreview); // display correctly oriented 3D cursor GeoPointND point = (GeoPointND) top.getFirstHit(Test.GEOPOINTND); if (point != null) { view3D.updateCursor3D(hits); } return false; } /* * protected void mouseClickedMode(MouseEvent e, int mode){ * * * switch (mode) { case EuclidianView3D.MODE_VIEW_IN_FRONT_OF: * //Application.debug("ici"); Hits hits = view.getHits().getTopHits(); * if(!hits.isEmpty()){ GeoElementND geo = * view.getHits().getTopHits().get(0); Coords vn = geo.getMainDirection(); * if (vn!=null){ * view3D.setRotAnimation(view3D.getCursor3D().getDrawingMatrix().getVz()); * } } * * break; default: super.mouseClickedMode(e,mode); } } */ @Override public void processModeLock() { // TODO } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // EMPTY METHODS IN EuclidianController USED FOR EuclidianView3D @Override protected void processRightPressFor3D(AbstractEvent event) { if (viewHasHitsForMouseDragged()) { // maybe needed if geo hitted is not moveable processPressForRotate3D(); return; } temporaryMode = true; oldMode = mode; // remember current mode getView().setMode(EuclidianConstants.MODE_ROTATEVIEW); switchModeForMousePressed(event); } private void processPressForRotate3D() { if (view3D.isRotAnimated()) { view3D.stopAnimation(); viewRotationOccured = true; } // remembers mouse location startLoc = mouseLoc; getView().rememberOrigins(); getView().setCursor(EuclidianCursor.DEFAULT); timeOld = app.getMillisecondTime(); xOld = startLoc.x; animatedRotSpeed = 0; } /** * right-drag the mouse makes 3D rotation * * @return true */ @Override protected boolean processRotate3DView() { double time = app.getMillisecondTime(); int x = mouseLoc.x; double dx = x - xOld; animatedRotSpeed = dx / (time - timeOld); timeOld = time; // Log.debug("animatedRotSpeed=" + animatedRotSpeed + "\nxOld = " + xOld // + "\nx=" + x); xOld = x; getView().setCoordSystemFromMouseMove(mouseLoc.x - startLoc.x, mouseLoc.y - startLoc.y, MOVE_ROTATE_VIEW); viewRotationOccured = true; getView().repaintView(); return true; } @Override protected boolean allowSelectionRectangle() { return false; } /** * right-release the mouse makes stop 3D rotation * * @return true if a rotation occured */ @Override protected boolean processReleaseForRotate3D(PointerEventType type) { if (temporaryMode) { getView().setMode(oldMode, ModeSetter.EXIT_TEMPORARY_MODE); temporaryMode = false; if (!dontClearSelection) { clearSelections(); } dontClearSelection = false; } if (viewRotationOccured) { viewRotationOccured = false; setViewHits(type); // Application.debug("hits"+getView().getHits().toString()); ((EuclidianView3D) getView()).updateCursor3D(); getView().setCursor(EuclidianCursor.HIT); app.storeUndoInfo(); setRotContinueAnimation(); // Application.debug("animatedRotSpeed="+animatedRotSpeed); return true; } return false; } protected void setRotContinueAnimation() { ((EuclidianView3D) getView()).setRotContinueAnimation( app.getMillisecondTime() - timeOld, animatedRotSpeed); } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // PROCESS MODE @Override protected boolean switchModeForProcessMode(Hits hits, boolean isControlDown, AsyncOperation<Boolean> callback, boolean selectionPreview) { boolean changedKernel = false; GeoElementND[] ret = null; switch (mode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_INTERSECTION_CURVE: ret = intersectionCurve(hits, selectionPreview); if (ret != null) { // remove current intersection curve intersectionCurveList.remove(resultedIntersectionCurve); view3D.setPreview(null); } break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PLANE_THREE_POINTS: ret = threePoints(hits, mode, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PLANE: ret = planeContaining(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ORTHOGONAL_PLANE: ret = orthogonalPlane(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PARALLEL_PLANE: ret = parallelPlane(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_EXTRUSION: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONIFY: ret = extrusionOrConify(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TETRAHEDRON: ret = archimedeanSolid(hits, Commands.Tetrahedron, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CUBE: ret = archimedeanSolid(hits, Commands.Cube, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: ret = pyramidOrPrism(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_TWO_POINTS: ret = circleOrSphere2(hits, mode, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_POINT_RADIUS: changedKernel = spherePointRadius(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONE_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: changedKernel = coneTwoPointsRadius(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CYLINDER_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: changedKernel = cylinderTwoPointsRadius(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_NET: ret = polyhedronNet(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VIEW_IN_FRONT_OF: changedKernel = viewInFrontOf(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_AXIS_POINT: ret = circleAxisPoint(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_POINT_RADIUS_DIRECTION: changedKernel = circlePointRadiusDirection(hits, selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MIRROR_AT_PLANE: ret = mirrorAtPlane(hits.getTopHits(), selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ROTATE_AROUND_LINE: ret = rotateAroundLine(hits.getTopHits(), selectionPreview); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VOLUME: changedKernel = volume(hits, selectionPreview); break; default: return super.switchModeForProcessMode(hits, isControlDown, callback, selectionPreview); } return endOfSwitchModeForProcessMode(ret, changedKernel || (ret != null), callback, selectionPreview); } /** * for some modes, polygons are not to be removed * * @param hits * hits */ @Override protected void switchModeForRemovePolygons(Hits hits) { switch (mode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PARALLEL_PLANE: hits.removePolygonsIfNotOnlyCS2D(); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TETRAHEDRON: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CUBE: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_AREA: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VOLUME: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_EXTRUSION: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_NET: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONIFY: hits.removeAllPolygonsButOne(); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_INTERSECTION_CURVE: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_INTERSECT: break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PLANE: break; default: super.switchModeForRemovePolygons(hits); } } @Override protected GeoElement[] switchModeForThreePoints(int threePointsMode) { switch (threePointsMode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PLANE_THREE_POINTS: GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoPlane3D ret0 = (GeoPlane3D) getKernel().getManager3D() .Plane3D(null, points[0], points[1], points[2]); GeoElement[] ret = { ret0 }; return ret; default: return super.switchModeForThreePoints(threePointsMode); } } @Override protected GeoElement[] switchModeForCircleOrSphere2(int sphereNDMode) { switch (sphereNDMode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_TWO_POINTS: GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoElement[] ret = { null }; ret[0] = getKernel().getManager3D().Sphere(null, points[0], points[1]); return ret; default: return super.switchModeForCircleOrSphere2(sphereNDMode); } } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // MOUSE PRESSED @Override protected void createNewPointForModePoint(Hits hits, boolean complex) { // super.createNewPointForModePoint(hits, false); createNewPoint(hits, true, true, true, true, false); } @Override protected void createNewPointForModeOther(Hits hits) { createNewPoint(hits, true, true, true, true, false); } @Override protected void switchModeForMousePressed(AbstractEvent e) { // needed to stop animated rotation processPressForRotate3D(); Hits hits; PointerEventType type = e.getType(); switch (mode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PLANE_THREE_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_TWO_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_POINT_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONE_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CYLINDER_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); hits.removePolygons(); createNewPoint(hits, true, true, true, true, false); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ORTHOGONAL_PLANE: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); hits.removePolygons(); createNewPoint(hits, false, false, true); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PLANE: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PARALLEL_PLANE: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); hits.removePolygons(); createNewPoint(hits, true, false, false, true, false); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_EXTRUSION: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONIFY: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); hits.removeAllPlanes(); switchModeForRemovePolygons(hits); // Application.debug(hits.toString()); extrusionOrConify(hits, false); view3D.updatePreviewable(); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TETRAHEDRON: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CUBE: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); // hits.removePolygons(); boolean createPointAnywhere = false; if (selCS2D() == 1 || selPoints() != 0) { // create point anywhere // when direction has // been selected createPointAnywhere = true; } else { if (view3D .getCursor3DType() == EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_REGION) { if (view3D.getCursor3D().getRegion() == kernel .getXOYPlane()) { createPointAnywhere = true; } } } if (createPointAnywhere) { createNewPoint(hits, true, true, true, true, false); } else { createNewPoint(hits, true, false, true, true, false); } break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); if (selPolygons() == 1 || hits.getPolyCount() == 0) { createNewPoint(hits, true, true, true, true, false); } else { switchModeForRemovePolygons(hits); createNewPoint(hits, true, false, false, true, false); } break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ROTATEVIEW: moveMode = MOVE_ROTATE_VIEW; break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_AXIS_POINT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_POINT_RADIUS_DIRECTION: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); hits.removePolygons(); if (hits.size() == 0) { createNewPoint(hits, false, true, true); } break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_INTERSECTION_CURVE: // no need to do anything for preview when mouse is pressed break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VOLUME: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); break; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_NET: setViewHits(type); hits = getView().getHits(); break; default: super.switchModeForMousePressedND(e); } } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // MOUSE RELEASED @Override protected boolean switchModeForMouseReleased(int releaseMode, Hits hits, boolean changedKernel, boolean control, PointerEventType type, boolean runScripts) { switch (releaseMode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PARALLEL_PLANE: return true; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_EXTRUSION: ((DrawExtrusionOrConify3D) view3D.getPreviewDrawable()) .createPolyhedron(); return true; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONIFY: ((DrawExtrusionOrConify3D) view3D.getPreviewDrawable()) .createPolyhedron(); return true; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: return changedKernel; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MIRROR_AT_PLANE: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ROTATE_AROUND_LINE: return true; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VIEW_IN_FRONT_OF: // Application.debug("hop"); // TODO implement choose geo return true; default: return super.switchModeForMouseReleased(releaseMode, hits, changedKernel, control, type, runScripts); } } @Override protected Hits addPointCreatedForMouseReleased(Hits hits) { hits.add((GeoElement) pointCreated); return hits; } @Override public void showDrawingPadPopup(GPoint mouseLoc1) { app.getGuiManager().showDrawingPadPopup3D(getView(), mouseLoc1); } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // INTERSECTIONS // ///////////////////////////////////////// // INTERSECTIONS /** * get two objects (lines or conics) and create intersection point */ @Override protected GeoElementND[] intersect(Hits hits0, boolean selPreview) { Hits hits = hits0; // AppD.debug(hits); if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (hits.containsGeoPoint()) { hits.clear(); return null; } hits.removePolygonsIfSidePresent(); if (goodHits == null) { goodHits = new Hits3D(); } else { goodHits.clear(); } GeoPointND singlePoint = null; if (selGeos() == 0) { // either single intersection point or single // highlighting // we may have a dependent point found by 3D cursor if (view3D .getCursor3DType() == EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_DEPENDENT) { singlePoint = singleIntersectionPoint; } else { singlePoint = getSingleIntersectionPoint(hits); } // single intersection succeeds, select one geo from hits if (singlePoint != null) { hits.clear(); hits.add(singlePoint.getParentAlgorithm() .getInput()[0]); hits.add(singlePoint.getParentAlgorithm() .getInput()[1]); } else { hits.getHits(new Test[] { Test.GEOLINEND, Test.GEOCOORDSYS2D, Test.GEOQUADRICND }, false, goodHits); hits = hits.getHits(1); } } else if (selGeos() == 1) { // Should have selGeos() == 1. Need to optimize the hits // see what we had selected if (selCS2D() == 1 || selQuadric() == 1) {// 2d geo: can only // intersect with 1d // ones. hits.getHits( new Test[] { Test.GEOCOORDSYS2D, Test.GEOQUADRIC3D }, true, goodHits); } else { // 1d geo: can intersect with 1d or 2d geo hits.getHits( new Test[] { Test.GEOLINEND, Test.GEOCOORDSYS2D, Test.GEOQUADRICND, Test.GEOIMPLICITSURFACE }, false, goodHits); // does not have to test this. we will select only the top // element! // we can only have at most one polygon /* * ((Hits3D)goodHits).removeAllPolygonsButOne(); if * (!(goodHits.size()>=2) || !(goodHits.get(0)).isGeoConic() || * !(goodHits.get(1)).isGeoConic()) * ((Hits3D)goodHits).removeAllPolygonsAndQuadricsButOne(); */ } // remove incidence. TODO: test incidence by construction, instead // of numerically. GeoElement selected = getSelectedGeoList().get(0); if (selected.isGeoLine()) { while (goodHits.size() >= 1) { if (goodHits.get(0).isGeoPlane() && AlgoIntersectCS1D2D .getConfigLinePlane((GeoLineND) selected, ((GeoCoordSys2D) goodHits.get( 0))) == ConfigLinePlane.CONTAINED) { goodHits.remove(0); } else { break; } } } else if (selected.isGeoConic()) { while (goodHits.size() >= 1) { if (goodHits.get(0).isGeoPlane() && AlgoIntersectPlanes.getConfigPlanePlane( (((GeoConicND) selected).getCoordSys()), (((GeoCoordSys2D) goodHits.get(0)) .getCoordSys())) == AlgoIntersectPlanes.RESULTCATEGORY_CONTAINED) { goodHits.remove(0); } else { break; } } } else if (selected.isGeoPolygon()) { while (goodHits.size() >= 1) { if (goodHits.get(0) instanceof GeoCoordSys2D && AlgoIntersectPlanes.getConfigPlanePlane( (((GeoPolygon) selected).getCoordSys()), (((GeoCoordSys2D) goodHits.get(0)) .getCoordSys())) == AlgoIntersectPlanes.RESULTCATEGORY_CONTAINED) { goodHits.remove(0); } else { break; } } } if (goodHits.size() == 0) { // return immediately, so that the selected geo is not fetched return null; } // we focus on the selected geo and a new one from goodHits hits.clear(); hits.add(selected); hits.add(goodHits.get(0)); } addSelectedLine(hits, 10, true, selPreview); addSelectedConic(hits, 10, true, selPreview); addSelectedPlane(hits, 1, true, selPreview); addSelectedPolygon(hits, 1, true, selPreview); addSelectedQuadric(hits, 1, true, selPreview); addSelectedImplicitSurface(hits, 1, true, selPreview); if (selLines() >= 2) {// two lines GeoLineND[] lines = getSelectedLinesND(); GeoPointND point = getAlgoDispatcher().IntersectLines(null, lines[0], lines[1]); checkCoordCartesian3D(point); return new GeoElementND[] { point }; } else if (selLines() == 1) { if (selConics() >= 1) {// line-conic GeoLineND line = getSelectedLinesND()[0]; GeoConicND conic = getSelectedConicsND()[0]; GeoElementND[] ret = new GeoElementND[2]; GeoPointND[] points = getAlgoDispatcher() .IntersectLineConic(null, line, conic); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ret[i] = points[i]; } return ret; } else if (selQuadric() == 1) { // line-quadric3D GeoLineND line = getSelectedLinesND()[0]; GeoQuadricND quadric = getSelectedQuadric()[0]; GeoElementND[] ret = new GeoElementND[2]; GeoPointND[] points = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectLineQuadric(null, line, quadric); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ret[i] = points[i]; } return ret; } else if (selPolygons() == 1) {// line-polygon return getKernel().getManager3D().IntersectionPoint( new String[] { null }, getSelectedLinesND()[0], getSelectedPolygons()[0]); } else if (selPlanes() == 1) {// line-plane GeoElement[] ret = new GeoElement[1]; ret[0] = getKernel().getManager3D().Intersect(null, getSelectedLinesND()[0], getSelectedPlanes()[0], false); return ret; } else if (selImplicitSurfaces() == 1) {// line-plane return getKernel().getAlgoDispatcher() .IntersectImplicitSurfaceLine(null, getSelectedImplicitSurface()[0], getSelectedLinesND()[0]); } } else if (selConics() >= 2) {// conic-conic GeoConicND[] conics = getSelectedConicsND(); GeoElementND[] ret = new GeoElement[4]; GeoPointND[] points = getKernel().getAlgoDispatcher() .IntersectConics(null, conics[0], conics[1]); for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { checkCoordCartesian3D(points[i]); ret[i] = points[i]; } return ret; } else if (selConics() >= 1 && selPlanes() == 1) { GeoPlaneND plane = getSelectedPlanes()[0]; GeoConicND conic = getSelectedConicsND()[0]; GeoElementND[] ret = new GeoElementND[2]; GeoPointND[] points = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectPlaneConic(null, plane, conic); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ret[i] = points[i]; } return ret; } else if (selConics() >= 1 && selQuadric() == 1) { GeoQuadricND quadric = getSelectedQuadric()[0]; GeoConicND conic = getSelectedConicsND()[0]; GeoElementND[] ret = new GeoElementND[2]; GeoPointND[] points = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectConics(null, conic, quadric); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ret[i] = points[i]; } return ret; } else if (selPolygons() == 1 && selPlanes() == 1) { // plane-polygon return getKernel().getManager3D().IntersectionPoint(null, getSelectedPlanes()[0], getSelectedPolygons()[0]); } return null; } /** * ensure that the point will show 3D cartesion coords * * @param point * point */ private static void checkCoordCartesian3D(GeoPointND point) { if (point.getMode() != Kernel.COORD_CARTESIAN_3D) { point.setCartesian3D(); point.updateRepaint(); } } public ArrayList<IntersectionCurve> getIntersectionCurves() { return intersectionCurveList; } protected boolean mouseMovedForIntersectionCurve() { return mouseMoved; } /** * * @param hits * @return true if a curve is created */ protected GeoElement[] intersectionCurve(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits == null) { resultedGeo = null; return null; } if (hits.isEmpty()) { resultedGeo = null; return null; } // add selected geo into consideration // if (selectedGeos.size()==1 && !hits.contains(selectedGeos.get(0))) // hits.addAll(0, selectedGeos); if (mouseMovedForIntersectionCurve() && view3D.hasMouse2D()) { // process // new // intersection // only if mouse has moved // for (int i = 0; i < intersectionCurveList.size(); ++i) { // intersectionCurveList.get(i).hitted = false; // } // Log.debug(hits); for (int i = 0; i < hits.size(); ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < hits.size(); ++j) { this.createIntersectionCurve(hits.get(i), hits.get(j)); } } /* * debug String s = ">>>> BEFORE PICKING"; for (Drawable3D * d:intersectionCurves){ s+="\n=== geo=" * +d.getGeoElement()+"\nzPickMin=" * +d.zPickMin+"\nzPickMax="+d.zPickMax; } Application.debug(s); * //end debug */ // calls the renderer to pick the curves view3D.getRenderer().pickIntersectionCurves(); /* * debug s = "AFTER PICKING <<<<"; for (Drawable3D * d:intersectionCurves){ s+="\n=== geo=" * +d.getGeoElement()+"\nzPickMin=" * +d.zPickMin+"\nzPickMax="+d.zPickMax; } Application.debug(s); * //end debug */ decideIntersection(hits); } if (goodHits != null) { addSelectedPolygon(goodHits, 1, false, selPreview); addSelectedPlane(goodHits, 2, true, selPreview); addSelectedQuadric(goodHits, 2, true, selPreview); addSelectedPolyhedron(goodHits, 1, false, selPreview); addSelectedQuadricLimited(goodHits, 1, false, selPreview); } else { Hits firstSurface = hits .getFirstSurfaceBefore(getSelectedGeoList()); addSelectedPolygon(firstSurface, 1, false, selPreview); addSelectedPlane(firstSurface, 2, false, selPreview); addSelectedQuadric(firstSurface, 2, false, selPreview); addSelectedPolyhedron(firstSurface, 1, false, selPreview); addSelectedQuadricLimited(firstSurface, 1, false, selPreview); addSelectedFunction2Var(firstSurface, 1, false, selPreview); addSelectedImplicitSurface(firstSurface, 1, false, selPreview); } if (selPlanes() == 1) { if (selQuadric() >= 1) { // plane-quadric GeoPlaneND plane = getSelectedPlanes()[0]; GeoQuadricND quad = getSelectedQuadric()[0]; GeoElement[] ret = { kernel.getManager3D().Intersect(null, plane, quad) }; if (ret[0].isDefined()) { return ret; } return null; } else if (selPolyhedron() == 1) { // plane-polyhedron GeoElement[] ret = getKernel().getManager3D().IntersectRegion( new String[] { null }, getSelectedPlanes()[0], getSelectedPolyhedron()[0].toGeoElement(), null); if (ret[0].isDefined()) { return ret; } return null; } else if (selQuadricLimited() == 1) { // plane-limited quadric GeoElement[] ret = new GeoElement[1]; ret[0] = kernel.getManager3D().IntersectQuadricLimited(null, getSelectedPlanes()[0], (GeoQuadricND) getSelectedQuadricLimited()[0]); if (!ret[0].isDefined()) { return null; } // also compute corner points kernel.getManager3D().Corner(null, (GeoConicSection) ret[0]); return ret; } else if (selPolygons() == 1) { // plane-polygon GeoPlaneND plane = getSelectedPlanes()[0]; GeoPolygon poly = getSelectedPolygons()[0]; GeoElement[] ret = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectPath(new String[] { null }, plane, poly); if (ret[0].isDefined()) { // create also intersect points getKernel().getManager3D().IntersectionPoint( new String[] { null }, plane, poly); return ret; } return null; } else if (selFunctionsNVar() == 1) { // plane-function NVar GeoPlaneND plane = getSelectedPlanes()[0]; GeoFunctionNVar funNVar = getSelectedFunctionsNVar()[0]; return getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectPlaneFunctionNVar(null, plane, funNVar); } else if (selImplicitSurfaces() == 1) { // plane-function NVar Log.debug(selImplicitSurfaces() + "," + selPlanes()); GeoPlaneND plane = getSelectedPlanes()[0]; GeoImplicitSurfaceND surface = getSelectedImplicitSurface()[0]; GeoElement[] ret = getKernel().getManager3D() .IntersectPlaneImplicitSurface(plane, surface); ret[0].setLabel(null); return ret; } } else if (selQuadric() >= 2) { // quadric-quadric : intersection // circles GeoQuadricND[] quads = getSelectedQuadric(); GeoElement[] ret = kernel.getManager3D().IntersectAsCircle(null, quads[0], quads[1]); if (ret[0].isDefined()) { return ret; } return null; } else if (selPlanes() >= 2) { // plane-plane GeoPlaneND[] planes = getSelectedPlanes(); return new GeoElement[] { kernel.getManager3D() .IntersectPlanes(null, planes[0], planes[1]) }; } // ////////////////////////////////////// return null; } public boolean createIntersectionCurve(GeoElement A, GeoElement B) { boolean intersectable = false; for (int i = 0; i < intersectionCurveList.size(); ++i) { IntersectionCurve intersection = intersectionCurveList.get(i); if (intersection.geo1 == getMetaIfJustOne(A) && intersection.geo2 == getMetaIfJustOne(B) || intersection.geo1 == getMetaIfJustOne(B) && intersection.geo2 == getMetaIfJustOne(A)) { intersection.drawable.setWaitForUpdate(); return true; } } /* * TODO line/polygon preview if (A.isGeoLine() && B.isGeoPolygon()) { * //add intersection to tempArrayList} else */ if (A.isGeoPlane() && B.isGeoPlane()) { // add intersection to tempArrayList // if intersection of A,B does not exist, create it GeoElement[] ret = new GeoElement[1]; // tells the kernel not to record the algo boolean oldSilentMode = getKernel().isSilentMode(); getKernel().setSilentMode(true); ret[0] = getKernel().getManager3D().IntersectPlanes((GeoPlaneND) A, (GeoPlaneND) B); getKernel().setSilentMode(oldSilentMode); Drawable3D d = new DrawLine3D(view3D, (GeoLineND) ret[0]); processIntersectionCurve(A, B, ret[0], d); intersectable = true; // plane - polyhedron } else if (A.isGeoPlane() && B.isGeoPolygon()) { createIntersectionCurvePlanePolygon(A, (GeoPolygon) B); } else if (B.isGeoPlane() && A.isGeoPolygon()) { createIntersectionCurvePlanePolygon(B, (GeoPolygon) A); } else if (A.isGeoPlane() && B.isGeoPolyhedron()) { createIntersectionCurvePlanePolyhedron(A, (GeoPolyhedron) B); } else if (B.isGeoPlane() && A.isGeoPolyhedron()) { createIntersectionCurvePlanePolyhedron(B, (GeoPolyhedron) A); // plane-quadric } else if (A.isGeoPlane() && B instanceof GeoQuadric3D) { intersectable = createIntersectionCurvePlaneQuadric(A, B); } else if (B.isGeoPlane() && A instanceof GeoQuadric3D) { intersectable = createIntersectionCurvePlaneQuadric(B, A); // plane-quadric limited } else if (A.isGeoPlane() && B instanceof GeoQuadric3DLimited) { intersectable = createIntersectionCurvePlaneQuadricLimited(A, B); } else if (B.isGeoPlane() && A instanceof GeoQuadric3DLimited) { intersectable = createIntersectionCurvePlaneQuadricLimited(B, A); // quadric-quadric : intersection circles } else if (A instanceof GeoQuadricND && B instanceof GeoQuadricND) { // add intersection to tempArrayList boolean oldSilentMode = getKernel().isSilentMode(); getKernel().setSilentMode(true);// tells the kernel not to record // the algo GeoElement ret = kernel.getManager3D() .IntersectAsCircle((GeoQuadricND) A, (GeoQuadricND) B)[0]; Drawable3D d = new DrawConic3D(view3D, (GeoConic3D) ret); getKernel().setSilentMode(oldSilentMode); processIntersectionCurve(A, B, ret, d); intersectable = true; // // plane-quadric // } else if (A.isGeoPlane() && B instanceof GeoFunctionNVar) { // intersectable = createIntersectionCurvePlaneFunctionNVar( // (GeoPlane3D) A, (GeoFunctionNVar) B); // } else if (B.isGeoPlane() && A instanceof GeoFunctionNVar) { // intersectable = createIntersectionCurvePlaneFunctionNVar( // (GeoPlane3D) B, (GeoFunctionNVar) A); } return intersectable; } private boolean createIntersectionCurvePlanePolygon(GeoElement A, GeoPolygon B) { // check first if B is linked to polyhedron if (B.getMetasLength() == 1) { GeoElement polyhedron = B.getMetas()[0]; if (!polyhedron.isGeoPolyhedron()) { // e.g. for a net return false; } createIntersectionCurvePlanePolyhedron(A, (GeoPolyhedron) polyhedron); return true; } // if B is linked to no (or more than one) polyhedron, create // intersection segment(s) boolean oldSilentMode = getKernel().isSilentMode(); getKernel().setSilentMode(true);// tells the kernel not to record the // algo GeoElement[] ret = kernel.getManager3D().IntersectPath((GeoPlaneND) A, B); DrawIntersectionCurve3D drawSegments = new DrawIntersectionCurve3D( view3D, ret[0]); for (GeoElement geo : ret) { DrawSegment3D d = new DrawSegment3D(view3D, (GeoSegmentND) geo); drawSegments.add(d); processIntersectionCurve(A, B, geo, drawSegments); } getKernel().setSilentMode(oldSilentMode); return true; } private void createIntersectionCurvePlanePolyhedron(GeoElement A, GeoPolyhedron polyhedron) { boolean oldSilentMode = getKernel().isSilentMode(); getKernel().setSilentMode(true);// tells the kernel not to record // the algo GeoElement[] ret = kernel.getManager3D().IntersectRegion((GeoPlaneND) A, polyhedron); boolean goAhead = true; DrawIntersectionCurve3D drawPolygons = new DrawIntersectionCurve3D( view3D, ret[0]); for (int i = 0; i < ret.length && goAhead; i++) { GeoElement geo = ret[i]; if (geo instanceof GeoPolygon3D) { DrawPolygon3D d = new DrawPolygon3D(view3D, (GeoPolygon3D) geo); drawPolygons.add(d); processIntersectionCurve(A, polyhedron, geo, drawPolygons); } else { goAhead = false; } } getKernel().setSilentMode(oldSilentMode); } private boolean createIntersectionCurvePlaneQuadric(GeoElement A, GeoElement B) { // add intersection to tempArrayList boolean oldSilentMode = getKernel().isSilentMode(); getKernel().setSilentMode(true);// tells the kernel not to record the // algo GeoElement ret; Drawable3D d; GeoQuadricND quad; if (B instanceof GeoQuadric3DPart) { quad = (GeoQuadric3DLimited) ((GeoQuadric3DPart) B).getMetas()[0]; if (quad != null) { ret = kernel.getManager3D() .IntersectQuadricLimited((GeoPlaneND) A, quad); d = new DrawConicSection3D(view3D, (GeoConicSection) ret); } else { quad = (GeoQuadricND) B; ret = kernel.getManager3D().Intersect((GeoPlaneND) A, quad); d = new DrawConic3D(view3D, (GeoConicND) ret); } } else { quad = (GeoQuadric3D) B; ret = kernel.getManager3D().Intersect((GeoPlaneND) A, quad); d = new DrawConic3D(view3D, (GeoConicND) ret); } getKernel().setSilentMode(oldSilentMode); processIntersectionCurve(A, quad, ret, d); return true; } private boolean createIntersectionCurvePlaneQuadricLimited(GeoElement A, GeoElement B) { // add intersection to tempArrayList boolean oldSilentMode = getKernel().isSilentMode(); getKernel().setSilentMode(true);// tells the kernel not to record the // algo GeoElement ret = kernel.getManager3D().IntersectQuadricLimited( (GeoPlaneND) A, (GeoQuadric3DLimited) B); Drawable3D d = new DrawConicSection3D(view3D, (GeoConicSection) ret); getKernel().setSilentMode(oldSilentMode); processIntersectionCurve(A, B, ret, d); return true; } private void processIntersectionCurve(GeoElement A, GeoElement B, GeoElement intersection, Drawable3D d) { intersection.setLineThickness(3); intersection.setIsPickable(false); intersection.setObjColor(ConstructionDefaults3D.colIntersectionCurve); intersectionCurveList.add(new IntersectionCurve(A, B, d)); } private IntersectionCurve resultedIntersectionCurve; private static GeoElement getMetaIfJustOne(GeoElement geo) { if (geo instanceof FromMeta) { if (geo.getMetasLength() == 1) { return ((FromMeta) geo).getMetas()[0]; } } return geo; } private void decideIntersection(Hits hits) { resultedGeo = null; // find the nearest intersection curve (if exists) double zNear = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // App.error(""+intersectionCurveList.size()); for (IntersectionCurve intersectionCurve : intersectionCurveList) { Drawable3D d = intersectionCurve.drawable; // Log.debug("\n"+d+"\ntype: // "+d.getPickingType()+"\nz="+d.getZPickNear()+"\ngeo1:"+intersectionCurve.geo1+"\ngeo2:"+intersectionCurve.geo2); if (d.getZPickNear() > zNear) { resultedGeo = d.getGeoElement(); resultedIntersectionCurve = intersectionCurve; zNear = d.getZPickNear(); } } // Log.debug("\n\n==== INTER: "+resultedGeo+"\nz="+zNear+"\n\n"); /* * if (resultedIntersectionCurve != null) * Log.debug("\ngeo1:"+resultedIntersectionCurve * .geo1+"\ngeo2:"+resultedIntersectionCurve.geo2); */ if (resultedGeo == null) { view3D.setPreview(null); goodHits = null; return; } // check if the intersection curve is visible int i = 0; boolean checking = true; while (checking && i < hits.size()) { // while(checking && i<existingDrawables.size()){ /* * Drawable3D d = existingDrawables.get(i); GeoElement geo = * d.getGeoElement(); */ GeoElement geo = hits.get(i); Drawable3D d = (Drawable3D) view3D.getDrawableND(geo); // Log.debug("\nhits("+i+"): "+geo+"\nd="+d); if (d != null) { // Log.debug("\nd.getZPickNear()="+d.getZPickNear()+"\nzNear="+zNear); if (d.getZPickNear() < zNear) { // all next drawables are behind the intersection curve checking = false; } else if (d.getZPickNear() > zNear + 1 // check if existing geo // is really over the // curve, with 1 pixel // tolerance && (!geo.isRegion() || geo .getAlphaValue() > MAX_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_VALUE)) { // only non-region or non-transparent surfaces can hide the // curve checking = false; resultedGeo = null; // Application.debug("=== d.zPickMin<z: // "+geo+"\nz-d.zPickMin="+(z-d.zPickMin)); } } i++; } if (resultedGeo == null) { view3D.setPreview(null); return; } // Log.debug("resultedGeo:"+resultedGeo); // Log.debug(hits+"\nA="+A+"\nB="+B); // Application.debug(hits); // for (int j=0; j<hits.size(); ++j) { // System.out.print((hits.get(j)).isPickable()? "pickable " // : "non-pickable"); // System.out.println((hits.get(j)).getObjectColor()); // } if (hits.size() == 0) { return; } if (goodHits == null) { goodHits = new Hits3D(); } else { goodHits.clear(); } // since resultedGeo!=null, hits contains at least two element. // if one of the two is not one of A or B, we say that // resultedGeo is blocked by unrelated geo, // and then we just keep the first hit as goodHit and hide the // intersection if (hits.size() < 2 // check first if there are at least 2 geos || (!(getMetaIfJustOne( hits.get(0)) == resultedIntersectionCurve.geo1 && getMetaIfJustOne( hits.get(1)) == resultedIntersectionCurve.geo2) && !(getMetaIfJustOne( hits.get(0)) == resultedIntersectionCurve.geo2 && getMetaIfJustOne(hits.get( 1)) == resultedIntersectionCurve.geo1))) { addToGoodHits(hits.get(0)); return; } // else, we show the intersection, and add A,B to highligtedgeos addToGoodHits(hits.get(0)); addToGoodHits(hits.get(1)); view3D.setPreview((Previewable) resultedIntersectionCurve.drawable); // resultedGeo.setIsPickable(false); } final private void addToGoodHits(GeoElement geo) { goodHits.add(getMetaIfJustOne(geo)); } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // POINT CAPTURING @Override public void transformCoords() { // TODO point capturing } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // PASTE PREVIEW @Override protected void updatePastePreviewPosition() { GeoPoint3D p = view3D.getCursor3D(); if (translationVec3D == null) { translationVec3D = new Coords(3); } translationVec3D.setX(p.getInhomX() - getStartPointX()); translationVec3D.setY(p.getInhomY() - getStartPointY()); translationVec3D.setZ(p.getInhomZ() - getStartPointZ()); setStartPointLocation(p.getInhomX(), p.getInhomY(), p.getInhomZ()); if (tmpCoordsL3 == null) { tmpCoordsL3 = new Coords(3); } tmpCoordsL3.setX(p.getInhomX()); tmpCoordsL3.setY(p.getInhomY()); tmpCoordsL3.setZ(p.getInhomZ()); GeoElement.moveObjects(pastePreviewSelected, translationVec3D, tmpCoordsL3, view3D.getViewDirection(), view3D); } protected double startPointZ; protected double getStartPointZ() { return startPointZ; } protected void setStartPointLocation(double x, double y, double z) { setStartPointLocation(x, y); startPointZ = z; } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // SELECTIONS // ///////////////////////////////////////// // selectedCS2D list, similar to selectedCS1D /** selected 2D coord sys */ /** * add hits to selectedCS2D * * @param hits * hits * @param max * max number of hits to add * @param addMoreThanOneAllowed * if adding more than one is allowed * @return TODO */ final protected int addSelectedCS2D(Hits hits, int max, boolean addMoreThanOneAllowed, boolean selPreview) { return handleAddSelected(hits, max, addMoreThanOneAllowed, selection.getSelectedCS2DList(), Test.GEOCOORDSYS2D, selPreview); } /** * return number of selected 2D coord sys * * @return number of selected 2D coord sys */ final int selCS2D() { return selection.getSelectedCS2DList().size(); } /** * return selected 2D coord sys also clear all selected 2D coord sys. * * @return selected 2D coord sys */ final protected GeoCoordSys[] getSelectedCS2D() { GeoCoordSys[] planes = new GeoCoordSys[selection.getSelectedCS2DList() .size()]; int i = 0; Iterator<GeoCoordSys> it = selection.getSelectedCS2DList().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { planes[i] =; i++; } clearSelection(selection.getSelectedCS2DList()); return planes; } /** * add hits to selectedPlane * * @param hits * hits * @param max * max number of hits to add * @param addMoreThanOneAllowed * if adding more than one is allowed * @return TODO */ final protected int addSelectedPlane(Hits hits, int max, boolean addMoreThanOneAllowed, boolean selPreview) { return handleAddSelected(hits, max, addMoreThanOneAllowed, selection.getSelectedPlaneList(), Test.GEOPLANEND, selPreview); } /** * return number of selected planes * * @return number of selected planes */ final int selPlanes() { return selection.getSelectedPlaneList().size(); } /** * @return selected implicit surfaces */ final int selImplicitSurfaces() { return getSelectedImplicitSurfaceList().size(); } /** * return selected planes also clear all selected planes. * * @return selected planes */ final protected GeoPlaneND[] getSelectedPlanes() { GeoPlaneND[] planes = new GeoPlane3D[selection.getSelectedPlaneList() .size()]; int i = 0; Iterator<GeoPlaneND> it = selection.getSelectedPlaneList().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { planes[i] =; i++; } clearSelection(selection.getSelectedPlaneList()); return planes; } // /for quadric /** * @return number of selected quadrics */ final int selQuadric() { return selection.getSelectedQuadricList().size(); } final protected int addSelectedQuadric(Hits hits, int max, boolean addMoreThanOneAllowed, boolean selPreview) { return handleAddSelected(hits, max, addMoreThanOneAllowed, selection.getSelectedQuadricList(), Test.GEOQUADRIC3D, selPreview); } final protected GeoQuadricND[] getSelectedQuadric() { GeoQuadricND[] quads = new GeoQuadricND[selection .getSelectedQuadricList().size()]; int i = 0; Iterator<GeoQuadricND> it = selection.getSelectedQuadricList() .iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { quads[i] =; i++; } clearSelection(selection.getSelectedQuadricList()); return quads; } // /for quadric final int selQuadricLimited() { return selection.getSelectedQuadricLimitedList().size(); } final protected int addSelectedQuadricLimited(Hits hits, int max, boolean addMoreThanOneAllowed, boolean selPreview) { return handleAddSelected(hits, max, addMoreThanOneAllowed, selection.getSelectedQuadricLimitedList(), Test.GEOQUADRIC3DLIMITED, selPreview); } final protected GeoQuadric3DLimitedInterface[] getSelectedQuadricLimited() { GeoQuadric3DLimitedInterface[] quads = new GeoQuadric3DLimitedInterface[selection .getSelectedQuadricLimitedList().size()]; int i = 0; Iterator<GeoQuadric3DLimitedInterface> it = selection .getSelectedQuadricLimitedList().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { quads[i] =; i++; } clearSelection(selection.getSelectedQuadricLimitedList()); return quads; } // /for polyhedrons final int selPolyhedron() { return selection.getSelectedPolyhedronList().size(); } final protected int addSelectedPolyhedron(Hits hits, int max, boolean addMoreThanOneAllowed, boolean selPreview) { return handleAddSelected(hits, max, addMoreThanOneAllowed, selection.getSelectedPolyhedronList(), Test.GEOPOLYHEDRON, selPreview); } final protected GeoPolyhedronInterface[] getSelectedPolyhedron() { GeoPolyhedronInterface[] polyh = new GeoPolyhedron[selection .getSelectedPolyhedronList().size()]; int i = 0; Iterator<GeoPolyhedronInterface> it = selection .getSelectedPolyhedronList().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { polyh[i] =; i++; } clearSelection(selection.getSelectedPolyhedronList()); return polyh; } @Override protected GeoElement chooseGeo(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos, boolean includeFixed) { return chooseGeo(geos, includeFixed, false); } @Override protected GeoElement chooseGeo(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos, boolean includeFixed, boolean includeConstants) { // Application.printStacktrace(((Hits) geos).toString()); if (!geos.isEmpty()) { // if the geo hitted is one of view3D's geos, then chooseGeo return // null if (!includeConstants && view3D.owns(geos.get(0))) { return null; } // doesn't use choosing dialog TODO use choosing dialog ? // return super.chooseGeo(geos, includeFixed); // return first element : ordering done in hits GeoElement geo = geos.get(0); if (!includeFixed && geo.isLocked()) { return null; } return geo; } return null; } // ///////////////////////////////////////// // /* * public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { * * double r = e.getWheelRotation(); * * switch (moveMode) { case MOVE_VIEW: default: * view3D.setMoveCursor();//setZoomCursor * view3D.setScale(view3D.getXscale()+r*10); view3D.updateMatrix(); * view.setHits(mouseLoc); ((EuclidianView getView().ew).updateCursor3D(); * view3D.setHitCursor(); //((Kernel3D) getKernel()).notifyRepaint(); * * break; * * case MOVE_POINT: case MOVE_POINT_WHEEL: /* TODO //p = p + r*vn * Ggb3DVector p1 = (Ggb3DVector) * movedGeoPoint3D.getCoords().add(EuclidianView3D.vz.mul(-r*0.1)); * movedGeoPoint3D.setCoords(p1); * * * * * * objSelected.updateCascade(); * * * movedGeoPoint3D.updateRepaint();//for highlighting in algebraView * //kernel3D.notifyRepaint(); * * * break; * * * } * * * * * } */ // //////////////////////////////////// // SELECTED GEOS // //////////////////////////////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CURSOR // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static boolean isModeForMovingPoint(int mode) { switch (mode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ATTACH_DETACH: return true; default: return isModeForCreatingPoint(mode); } } private static boolean isModeForCreatingPoint(int mode) { switch (mode) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POINT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POINT_ON_OBJECT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_JOIN: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SEGMENT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_RAY: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VECTOR: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POLYGON: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POLYLINE: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_THREE_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_ARC_THREE_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PLANE_THREE_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_TWO_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_POINT_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONE_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CYLINDER_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: return true; default: return false; } } /** * @param cursorType * type of the cursor * @return if the 3D cursor is visible for current mode */ public boolean cursor3DVisibleForCurrentMode(int cursorType) { if (cursorType == EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_ALREADY) { // cross arrows for moving point switch (mode) { // modes in which the result could be a dependent point case EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POINT: return true; default: if (isModeForMovingPoint(mode)) { // can only move the last created point GeoElement movedPoint = getMovedGeoPoint(); if (movedPoint == null) { return false; } Hits hits = view3D.getHits(); if (!hits.isEmpty() && hits.get(0) == movedPoint) { return true; } return false; } return false; } } else if (cursorType == EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_DEPENDENT) { switch (mode) { // modes in which the result could be a dependent point case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POINT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_INTERSECT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_JOIN: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SEGMENT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_RAY: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_THREE_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_POINT_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_TWO_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONE_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CYLINDER_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TETRAHEDRON: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CUBE: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: return true; default: return false; } } else { switch (mode) { // modes where point can be created on path/region case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POINT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POINT_ON_OBJECT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_JOIN: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SEGMENT: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_RAY: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VECTOR: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POLYGON: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_POLYLINE: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_THREE_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CIRCLE_ARC_THREE_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PLANE_THREE_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_TWO_POINTS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPHERE_POINT_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CONE_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CYLINDER_TWO_POINTS_RADIUS: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VIEW_IN_FRONT_OF: return true; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_VECTOR_FROM_POINT: Hits hits = view3D.getHits(); if (!hits.isEmpty() && hits.get(0).isGeoVector()) { return false; // no cursor if on a vector } return true; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: return (selPolygons() == 1) || (!polygonForPyramidBasis); case EuclidianConstants.MODE_TETRAHEDRON: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_CUBE: // show cursor when direction has been selected if (selCS2D() == 1 || selPoints() != 0) { return true; } hits = view3D.getHits(); if (hits.isEmpty()) { return true; } GeoPoint3D point = view3D.getCursor3D(); if (point.isPointOnPath()) { return true; } if (point.hasRegion()) { if (point.getRegion() == kernel.getXOYPlane()) { return true; } } return false; case EuclidianConstants.MODE_ANGLE: point = view3D.getCursor3D(); if (point.isPointOnPath()) { return false; } if (point.hasRegion()) { return false; } return true; default: return false; } } } // ////////////////////////////////////// // HANDLING PARTS OF PREVIEWABLES // ////////////////////////////////////// private GeoElement handledGeo; /** * sets the geo as an handled geo (for previewables) * * @param geo */ public void setHandledGeo(GeoElement geo) { handledGeo = geo; if (handledGeo == null) { return; } setStartPointLocation(); handledGeo.recordChangeableCoordParentNumbers(view3D); } @Override protected boolean viewHasHitsForMouseDragged() { // Application.debug(moveMode); if (moveMode == MOVE_POINT && view3D .getCursor3DType() == EuclidianView3D.PREVIEW_POINT_ALREADY) { return getView().getHits().containsGeoPoint(); // if a point is // under the // mouse, don't try to // find another hit } Hits hits = getView().getHits(); if (hits.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (hits.get(0) == kernel.getXOYPlane()) { return false; } return true; } @Override public void wrapMouseDragged(AbstractEvent event, boolean startCapture) { if (handledGeo != null) { setMouseLocation(event); event.release(); updateTranslationVector(); handledGeo.moveFromChangeableCoordParentNumbers(translationVec3D, startPoint3D, view3D.getViewDirection(), null, null, view3D); // view3D.updatePreviewable(); kernel.notifyRepaint(); return; } setMouseMovedEvent(event); wrapMouseDraggedND(event, startCapture); } // ////////////////////////////////////// // MOVE OBJECTS // ////////////////////////////////////// private Coords startPoint3D = new Coords(0, 0, 0, 1); private Coords startPoint3DxOy = new Coords(0, 0, 0, 1); protected Coords translationVec3D = new Coords(4); /** * update translation vector */ protected void updateTranslationVector() { Coords point = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); view3D.toSceneCoords3D(point); updateTranslationVector(point); } /** * update translation vector from start point to current mouse pos * * @param point * current mouse pos */ protected void updateTranslationVector(Coords point) { point.sub(startPoint3D, translationVec3D); } @Override public void setStartPointLocation() { udpateStartPoint(); super.setStartPointLocation(); } /** * update start point to current mouse coords */ protected void udpateStartPoint() { if (mouseLoc == null) { return; } updateStartPoint(view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc)); } /** * update start point to p coords * * @param p * coords */ final protected void updateStartPoint(Coords p) { startPoint3D.set(p); view3D.toSceneCoords3D(startPoint3D); // Log.debug("\n"+startPoint3D); // project on xOy startPoint3D.projectPlaneThruVIfPossible(CoordMatrix4x4.IDENTITY, view3D.getHittingDirection(), startPoint3DxOy); } @Override protected void setTranslateStart(GeoElement geo, GeoVectorND vec) { super.setTranslateStart(geo, vec); startPoint3D.set(view3D.getCursor3D().getInhomCoordsInD3()); translationVec3D.set(vec.getCoordsInD3()); if (geo.isGeoPlane()) { translateDirection = geo.getMainDirection(); } else { translateDirection = null; } } private void setTranslateFromPointStart(GeoElement geo, GeoPointND point) { startPoint3D.set(view3D.getCursor3D().getInhomCoordsInD3()); translationVec3D.setSub(point.getInhomCoordsInD3(), startPoint3D); if (geo.isGeoPlane()) { translateDirection = geo.getMainDirection(); if (point.isGeoElement3D()) { ((GeoPoint3D) point).setMoveMode(GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_Z); } } else { translateDirection = null; if (point.isGeoElement3D()) { ((GeoPoint3D) point) .setMoveMode(GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_TOOL_DEFAULT); } } } /** * * @return current normal translation direction */ public Coords getNormalTranslateDirection() { if (translateDirection == null) { return Coords.VZ; } return translateDirection; } @Override protected void moveVector() { Coords o = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); view3D.toSceneCoords3D(o); if (translateDirection == null) { o.projectPlaneThruVIfPossible(Coords.VX, Coords.VY, Coords.VZ, startPoint3D, view3D.getHittingDirection(), tmpCoords); } else { startPoint3D.projectNearLine(o, view3D.getHittingDirection(), translateDirection, tmpCoords); } GeoPointND P = movedGeoVector.getStartPoint(); if (P == null) { tmpCoords.setSub(tmpCoords, startPoint3D); } else { tmpCoords.setSub(tmpCoords, P.getInhomCoordsInD3()); } tmpCoords.setAdd(tmpCoords, translationVec3D); // snap to grid ((EuclidianController3DCompanion) companion) .checkPointCapturingXYThenZ(tmpCoords); if (movedGeoVector.isGeoElement3D()) { ((GeoVector3D) movedGeoVector).setCoords(tmpCoords); } else { moveVector(tmpCoords.getX(), tmpCoords.getY()); } } private Coords translateDirection; @Override public void setStartPointLocationWithOrigin(double x, double y) { udpateStartPoint(); // sub origin startPoint3DxOy.setX(startPoint3DxOy.getX() - x); startPoint3DxOy.setY(startPoint3DxOy.getY() - y); super.setStartPointLocationWithOrigin(x, y); } @Override protected void calcRWcoords() { Coords point = view3D.getPickPoint(mouseLoc); view3D.toSceneCoords3D(point); xRW = point.getX(); yRW = point.getY(); } @Override protected void moveDependent(boolean repaint) { updateTranslationVector(); Coords end = startPoint3D; if (translateableGeos.size() > 0 && translateableGeos.get(0) instanceof GeoPointND) { GeoPointND g3d = (GeoPointND) translateableGeos.get(0).copy(); if (g3d.getMoveMode() == GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_Z || (g3d .getMoveMode() == GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_TOOL_DEFAULT && this.getPointMoveMode() == GeoPointND.MOVE_MODE_Z)) { // moves ((EuclidianController3DCompanion) companion) .moveAlongZAxis(g3d); } else { getCurrentPlane().set(g3d.getCoordsInD3(), 4); movePointOnCurrentPlane(g3d, false); } end = g3d.getInhomCoordsInD3(); } GeoElement.moveObjects(translateableGeos, translationVec3D, end, view3D.getHittingDirection(), view3D); kernel.notifyRepaint(); } @Override protected void handleMovedElementMultiple() { // TODO } @Override final protected void handleMovedElementFree(PointerEventType type) { if (handleMovedElementFreePoint()) { translateDirection = null; return; } if (handleMovedElementFreePlane()) { return; } handleMovedElementFreeText(); } /** * * @return true if there is a free plane to move */ final private boolean handleMovedElementFreePlane() { boolean ret = getCompanion() .handleMovedElementFreePlane(movedGeoElement); if (ret) { moveMode = MOVE_PLANE; } return ret; } @Override final protected void handleMovedElementDependent() { if (movedGeoElement.isTranslateable()) { AlgoElement algo = movedGeoElement.getParentAlgorithm(); if (algo instanceof AlgoTranslate) { GeoElement[] input = algo.getInput(); GeoElement in = input[1]; if (in instanceof GeoVectorND) { if (in.isIndependent()) { movedGeoVector = (GeoVectorND) input[1]; moveMode = MOVE_VECTOR_NO_GRID; setTranslateStart(movedGeoElement, movedGeoVector); } else if (in .getParentAlgorithm() instanceof AlgoVectorPoint) { AlgoVectorPoint algoVector = (AlgoVectorPoint) in .getParentAlgorithm(); moveMode = MOVE_POINT_WITH_OFFSET; setMovedGeoPoint(algoVector.getP()); setTranslateFromPointStart(movedGeoElement, movedGeoPoint); } } return; } } translateableGeos = null; handleMovedElementDependentWithChangeableCoordParentNumbers(); handleMovedElementDependentInitMode(); } @Override protected void movePointWithOffset(boolean repaint) { companion.movePoint(repaint, null); } @Override final protected GeoElementND[] orthogonal(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } boolean hitPoint = (addSelectedPoint(hits, 1, false, selPreview) != 0); if (!hitPoint) { if (selCS2D() == 0) { addSelectedLine(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } if (selLines() == 0) { addSelectedCS2D(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } } if (selPoints() == 1) { if (selCS2D() == 1) { // fetch selected point and plane GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoCoordSys[] cs = getSelectedCS2D(); // create new line return new GeoElementND[] { getKernel() .getManager3D().OrthogonalLine3D(null, points[0], (GeoCoordSys2D) cs[0]) }; } else if (selLines() == 1) { // fetch selected point and line GeoPointND[] points = getSelectedPointsND(); GeoLineND[] lines = getSelectedLinesND(); // create new line return new GeoElementND[] { getKernel() .getManager3D().OrthogonalLine3D(null, points[0], lines[0], kernel.getSpace()) }; } } return null; } private final GeoElement[] rotateAroundLine(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } // Transformable int count = 0; if (selGeos() == 0) { Hits rotAbles = hits.getHits(Test.TRANSFORMABLE, tempArrayList); count = addSelectedGeo(rotAbles, 1, false, selPreview); } // polygon if (count == 0) { count = addSelectedPolygon(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } // rotation axis if (count == 0) { addSelectedLine(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } // we got the rotation center point if ((selLines() == 1) && (selGeos() > 0)) { GeoElement[] selGeos = getSelectedGeos(); getDialogManager().showNumberInputDialogRotate( l10n.getMenu(EuclidianConstants.getModeText(mode)), getSelectedPolygons(), getSelectedLinesND(), selGeos, this); return null; } return null; } /** * @param geoRot * rotated object * @param phi * angle * @param line * line * @return rotated object */ public GeoElement[] rotateAroundLine(GeoElement geoRot, GeoNumberValue phi, GeoLineND line) { return kernel.getManager3D().Rotate3D(null, geoRot, phi, line); } /** * * @param clockwise * user's choice * @param line * rotation axis * @return correct clockwise orientation resp. view/line */ public boolean viewOrientationForClockwise(boolean clockwise, GeoLineND line) { if (line.getDirectionInD3().dotproduct(view3D.getViewDirection()) > 0) { return !clockwise; } return clockwise; } private final GeoElement[] mirrorAtPlane(Hits hits, boolean selPreview) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return null; } // Transformable int count = 0; if (selGeos() == 0) { Hits mirAbles = hits.getHits(Test.TRANSFORMABLE, tempArrayList); count = addSelectedGeo(mirAbles, 1, false, selPreview); } // plane = mirror if (count == 0) { addSelectedCS2D(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } // we got the mirror plane if (selCS2D() == 1) { if (selGeos() > 0) { // mirror all selected geos GeoElement[] geos = getSelectedGeos(); GeoCoordSys2D plane = (GeoCoordSys2D) getSelectedCS2D()[0]; GeoCoordSys2D mirror = plane; if (plane.isGeoConic()) { // no override for // mirror at circle plane = kernel.getManager3D().Plane3D(mirror); } ArrayList<GeoElement> ret = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); checkZooming(); for (int i = 0; i < geos.length; i++) { if (geos[i] != mirror) { if (geos[i] instanceof Transformable) { ret.addAll(Arrays.asList(kernel.getManager3D() .Mirror3D(null, geos[i], plane))); } else if (geos[i].isGeoPolygon()) { ret.addAll(Arrays.asList(kernel.getManager3D() .Mirror3D(null, geos[i], plane))); } } } GeoElement[] retex = {}; return ret.toArray(retex); } } return null; } /** * show popup menu when no geo is selected * * @param hits * hits on the mouse */ @Override protected void showPopupMenuChooseGeo(ArrayList<GeoElement> selectedGeos1, Hits hits) { if (app.isUsingFullGui() && app.getGuiManager() != null) { // if (geo != null) { app.getGuiManager().showPopupChooseGeo(selectedGeos1, hits, view3D, mouseLoc); /* * Now overriden } else { // for 3D : if the geo hitted is xOyPlane, * then // chooseGeo return null // * app.getGuiManager().showDrawingPadPopup((EuclidianView) // view, * mouseLoc); showDrawingPadPopup(mouseLoc); } */ } } /** * update all drawables now */ public void updateOwnDrawablesNow() { for (IntersectionCurve intersectionCurve : intersectionCurveList) { intersectionCurve.drawable.update(); } } @Override public void setMode(int newMode, ModeSetter ms) { // clear specific modes fields // clear intersections if (newMode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_INTERSECTION_CURVE) { intersectionCurveList.clear(); } // clear pyramid/prism basis pyramidBasis = null; super.setMode(newMode, ms); if (!temporaryMode) { initPointMoveMode(); } } @Override protected void setDragCursorIfMoveView() { // nothing to do, keep same cursor } @Override protected final void processSelectionRectangle(boolean alt, boolean isControlDown, boolean shift) { // TODO implement this } @Override protected int addSelectedPlanesForAngle(Hits hits, int count, boolean selPreview) { if (selVectors() == 0) { if (selLines() == 0) { // angle between two planes return addSelectedPlane(hits, 2, false, selPreview); } else if (selLines() == 1) { // angle between line and plane return addSelectedPlane(hits, 1, false, selPreview); } } return count; } @Override protected GeoAngle createAngle3D() { if (selPlanes() == 2) { GeoPlaneND[] planes = getSelectedPlanes(); return kernel.getManager3D().Angle3D(null, planes[0], planes[1]); } if (selPlanes() == 1 && selLines() == 1) { GeoLineND[] lines = getSelectedLinesND(); GeoPlaneND[] planes = getSelectedPlanes(); return kernel.getManager3D().Angle3D(null, lines[0], planes[0]); } return null; } /** * * @return true if there is a 3D input */ public boolean hasInput3D() { return false; } @Override protected Coords getMouseLocRW() { return view3D.getCursor3D().getInhomCoordsInD3(); } public static void rotateObject(final App app, final String rawInput, final boolean clockwise, final GeoPolygon[] polys, final GeoLineND[] lines, final GeoElement[] selGeos, final EuclidianController3D ec, final ErrorHandler eh, final AsyncOperation<String> callback) { final String angleText = rawInput; Kernel kernel = app.getKernel(); // avoid labeling of num final Construction cons = kernel.getConstruction(); final boolean oldVal = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); String inputText = rawInput; // negative orientation ? if (ec.viewOrientationForClockwise(clockwise, lines[0])) { inputText = "-(" + inputText + ")"; } kernel.getAlgebraProcessor().processAlgebraCommandNoExceptionHandling( inputText, false, eh, true, new AsyncOperation<GeoElementND[]>() { @Override public void callback(GeoElementND[] result) { String defaultRotateAngle = Unicode.FORTY_FIVE_DEGREES; cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(oldVal); boolean success = result != null && result.length > 0 && result[0] instanceof GeoNumberValue; if (success) { // GeoElement circle = kernel.Circle(null, // geoPoint1, // ((NumberInputHandler)inputHandler).getNum()); GeoNumberValue num = (GeoNumberValue) result[0]; // geogebra.gui.AngleInputDialog dialog = // (geogebra.gui.AngleInputDialog) ob[1]; // keep angle entered if it ends with 'degrees' if (angleText.endsWith(Unicode.DEGREE)) { defaultRotateAngle = angleText; } if (polys.length == 1) { GeoElement[] geos = ec.rotateAroundLine( polys[0], num, lines[0]); if (geos != null) { app.storeUndoInfoAndStateForModeStarting(); ec.memorizeJustCreatedGeos(geos); } if (callback != null) { callback.callback(defaultRotateAngle); } return; } ArrayList<GeoElement> ret = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); for (int i = 0; i < selGeos.length; i++) { if (selGeos[i] != lines[0]) { if (selGeos[i] instanceof Transformable) { ret.addAll(Arrays.asList( ec.rotateAroundLine(selGeos[i], num, lines[0]))); } else if (selGeos[i].isGeoPolygon()) { ret.addAll(Arrays.asList( ec.rotateAroundLine(selGeos[i], num, lines[0]))); } } } if (!ret.isEmpty()) { app.storeUndoInfoAndStateForModeStarting(); ec.memorizeJustCreatedGeos(ret); } } else { if (result != null && result.length > 0) { eh.showError(app.getLocalization() .getError("NumberExpected")); } } if (callback != null) { callback.callback( success ? defaultRotateAngle : null); } } }); } @Override protected GeoElement[] polygon() { if (polygonMode == POLYGON_NORMAL) { // cancel last switch cancelSwitchPointMoveModeIfNeeded(); view3D.disposePreview(); } return super.polygon(); } @Override protected GeoVectorND createVectorForTranslation() { return ((AlgoDispatcher3D) getAlgoDispatcher()).Vector3D(); } @Override protected GeoVectorND createVectorForTranslation(String label) { return ((AlgoDispatcher3D) getAlgoDispatcher()).Vector3D(label); } @Override protected int getModeForShallMoveView(AbstractEvent event) { if (event.isShiftDown() || app.isMiddleClick(event)) { return EuclidianConstants.MODE_TRANSLATEVIEW; } return EuclidianConstants.MODE_ROTATEVIEW; } @Override protected boolean hasNoHitsDisablingModeForShallMoveView(Hits hits, AbstractEvent event) { if (hits.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (app.has(Feature.DRAGGING_NON_MOVEABLE_OBJECT_SPIN_THE_VIEW)) { GeoElement geoLabel = getView().getLabelHitCheckRefresh(mouseLoc, event.getType()); if (geoLabel != null) { return false; } for (GeoElement geo : hits) { if (isDraggable(geo, view3D)) { return false; } } // ok, let's spin the view return true; } return hits.get(0) == kernel.getXOYPlane(); } /** * * @param geo * geo * @param view * view * @return true if drag on this geo does something */ public static boolean isDraggable(GeoElement geo, EuclidianViewInterfaceSlim view) { // if geo is moveable if (geo.isMoveable(view)) { return true; } // if geo has translate parent algo if (geo.isTranslateable()) { AlgoElement algo = geo.getParentAlgorithm(); if (algo instanceof AlgoTranslate) { return true; } } // e.g. for extruded pyramid or polyhedron net if (geo.hasChangeableCoordParentNumbers()) { return true; } return false; } @Override protected DrawDropDownList getComboBoxHit() { return null; } @Override protected boolean overComboBox(AbstractEvent event, GeoElement hit) { return false; } @Override public boolean textfieldJustFocused(int x, int y, PointerEventType type) { return false; } /** * exit use of 3D input */ public void exitInput3D() { // use for 3D input } /** * * @return true if uses zSpace */ public boolean isZSpace() { return false; } @Override public void onPinchPhone(int x, int y, double scaleFactor) { view3D.screenTranslateAndScale(x - twoTouchStartX, y - twoTouchStartY, scaleFactor); } @Override protected void hidePreviewForPhone() { if (!(getView().getPreviewDrawable() instanceof DrawPolyLine3D) && !(getView().getPreviewDrawable() instanceof DrawPolygon3D) && !(getView().getPreviewDrawable() instanceof DrawPolyhedron3D)) { getView().setPreview(null); } } private Coords scaleAxisVector = new Coords(2), scaleOrigin = new Coords(2); private double scaleOld, scaleDistanceInPixelsStart; @Override protected void setMoveModeIfAxis(Object hit) { if (app.has(Feature.DIFFERENT_AXIS_RATIO_3D)) { int newMode = -1; if (hit == kernel.getXAxis()) { newMode = MOVE_X_AXIS; scaleAxisVector.set2(view3D.getToScreenMatrix().getVx()); scaleOld = view3D.getXscale(); } else if (hit == kernel.getYAxis()) { newMode = MOVE_Y_AXIS; scaleAxisVector.set2(view3D.getToScreenMatrix().getVy()); scaleOld = view3D.getYscale(); } else if (hit == kernel.getZAxis3D()) { newMode = MOVE_Z_AXIS; scaleAxisVector.set2(view3D.getToScreenMatrix().getVz()); scaleOld = view3D.getZscale(); } if (newMode != -1) { // an axis was hit // check if axis is not quite orthogonal to screen scaleAxisVector.calcNorm(); double norm = scaleAxisVector.getNorm(); // Log.debug(norm / scaleOld); if (norm / scaleOld > 0.1) { scaleAxisVector.mulInside(1 / norm); scaleOrigin.set2(view3D.getToScreenMatrix().getOrigin()); tmpCoords.setMul(view3D.getToScreenMatrix(), view3D.getCursor3D().getInhomCoordsInD3()); scaleDistanceInPixelsStart = getDistanceForScale( tmpCoords.getX(), tmpCoords.getY()); if (Math.abs( scaleDistanceInPixelsStart) > MIN_MOUSE_MOVE_FOR_AXIS_SCALE) { moveMode = newMode; } } } } } private double getDistanceForScale(double x, double y) { return (x - scaleOrigin.getX()) * scaleAxisVector.getX() + (y - scaleOrigin.getY()) * scaleAxisVector.getY(); } @Override protected void scaleXAxis(boolean repaint) { scaleAxis(repaint); } @Override protected void scaleYAxis(boolean repaint) { scaleAxis(repaint); } @Override protected void scaleZAxis(boolean repaint) { scaleAxis(repaint); } final private void scaleAxis(boolean repaint) { if (app.has(Feature.DIFFERENT_AXIS_RATIO_3D)) { if (repaint) { GPoint centeredMouse = new GPoint(); view3D.setCenteredPosition(mouseLoc, centeredMouse); double distance = getDistanceForScale(centeredMouse.x, centeredMouse.y); // when mouse is close to origin if (scaleDistanceInPixelsStart > 0) { if (distance < MIN_MOUSE_MOVE_FOR_AXIS_SCALE) { distance = MIN_MOUSE_MOVE_FOR_AXIS_SCALE; } } else { if (distance > -MIN_MOUSE_MOVE_FOR_AXIS_SCALE) { distance = -MIN_MOUSE_MOVE_FOR_AXIS_SCALE; } } view3D.setCoordSystemFromAxisScale( distance / scaleDistanceInPixelsStart, scaleOld, moveMode); } } } @Override public boolean penMode(int mode2) { // no pen mode in 3D for now return false; } @Override protected void setCursorForTranslateView(Hits hits) { view3D.setCursorForTranslateView(hits); } @Override protected void setCursorForTranslateViewNoHit() { view3D.setCursorForTranslateViewNoHit(); } public void setViewRotationOccured(boolean flag) { viewRotationOccured = flag; } public void setTimeOld(double time) { timeOld = time; } public double getTimeOld() { return timeOld; } public void setAnimatedRotSpeed(double speed) { animatedRotSpeed = speed; } @Override public EuclidianController3DCompanion getCompanion() { createCompanionsIfNeeded(); return companion3D; } @Override protected void createCompanionsIfNeeded() { super.createCompanionsIfNeeded(); if (companion3D == null) { companion3D = (EuclidianController3DCompanion) companion; } } @Override protected boolean modeTriggersUndoOnDragGeo(int mode2) { switch (mode2) { case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PYRAMID: case EuclidianConstants.MODE_PRISM: return pyramidBasis == null && selPolygons() == 0; } return super.modeTriggersUndoOnDragGeo(mode2); } }