package org.geogebra.web.html5.util.debug; import java.util.Date; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.Browser; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.ArticleElement; import; import; /** * GeoGebraLogger implementation for the web platform * * @author Zoltan Kovacs <> */ public class LoggerW extends Log { /** * Constructor */ public LoggerW() { // needed for IE9 initConsole(); } /** * Make sure $wnd.console exists (eg for IE9) * * * and-is-it-a-real-function */ public static native void initConsole() /*-{ if (!$wnd.console) { $wnd.console = {}; } if (!$wnd.console.log) { $wnd.console.log = function() { }; } }-*/; @Override protected String getTimeInfoImpl() { Date date = new Date(); return DateTimeFormat.getFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(date); } @Override public void setLogFileImpl(String logFileName) { log(WARN, "FILE logging is not supported in web, falling back to use CONSOLES instead", 1); } @Override protected void print(String logEntry, Level level) { if (getLogDestination() == LogDestination.FILE) { setLogDestination(LogDestination.CONSOLE); log(WARN, "FILE logging is not supported in desktop, falling back to use CONSOLES instead", 1); print(logEntry, level); return; } if (getLogDestination() == LogDestination.CONSOLE) { // don't change this to Application.debug!! printWebConsole(logEntry); return; } } private native void printWebConsole(String s) /*-{ $wnd.console.log(s); }-*/; /** * Prints a log message if the logLevel is set to <= level and stores those * classes which have no implementation (simply checks if the message starts * with "implementation needed") * * @param level * logging level * @param message * the log message */ @Override public void log(Level level, String message, int depth) { if (Browser.isFirefox()) { super.log(level, "\n" + message, depth); } else { super.log(level, message, depth); } } public static void startLogger(ArticleElement article) { if (article.getDataParamShowLogging()) { Log.setLogger(new LoggerW()); Log.setLogDestination(LogDestination.CONSOLE); Log.setLogLevel(Window.Location.getParameter("logLevel")); } else { // make sure $wnd.console works in IE9 LoggerW.initConsole(); } } @Override public native void doPrintStacktrace(String message)/*-{ if ($wnd.console && $wnd.console.trace) { $wnd.console.trace(message); } }-*/; @Override protected native void doPrintStacktrace(Throwable t)/*-{ if ($wnd.console && $wnd.console.trace) { $wnd.console.trace(t); } }-*/; }