package org.geogebra.common.export.pstricks; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GGraphics2D; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GRectangle; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.DrawableND; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.draw.DrawAngle; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.draw.DrawInequality; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.draw.DrawLine; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.draw.DrawPoint; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.plot.CurvePlotter; import org.geogebra.common.factories.AwtFactory; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoBarChart; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoBoxPlot; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoFunctionAreaSums; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoSlope; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoSumLeft; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoSumLower; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoSumRectangle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoSumTrapezoidal; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoSumUpper; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNodeConstants.StringType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Function; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionalNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.IneqTree; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Inequality; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.cas.AlgoIntegralDefinite; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.cas.AlgoIntegralFunctions; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.AlgebraProcessor; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoAngle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoConic; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoConicPart; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoCurveCartesian; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement.FillType; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunctionNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLocus; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolyLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolygon; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoRay; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoSegment; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoText; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoTransferFunction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoVector; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.implicit.GeoImplicit; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicNDConstants; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoHistogram; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.util.MyMath; import org.geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; public abstract class GeoGebraExport { protected int beamerSlideNumber = 1; protected final static double PRECISION_XRANGE_FUNCTION = 0.00001; protected StringBuilder code, codePoint, codePreamble, codeFilledObject, codeBeginDoc; private App app; protected Kernel kernel; protected Construction construction; protected EuclidianView euclidianView; protected ExportSettings frame; protected HashMap<GColor, String> customColor; protected double xunit, yunit, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; // The exported format: Latex, tex, ConTexT, Beamer protected int format = 0; protected boolean isBeamer = false; protected int barNumber; private StringTemplate tpl; public GeoGebraExport(App app) { = app; this.kernel = app.getKernel(); = kernel.getConstruction(); this.euclidianView = app.getActiveEuclidianView(); this.tpl = StringTemplate.printFigures(StringType.PSTRICKS, 12, false); initBounds(); } public App getApp() { return app; } protected String format(double d) { String ret = kernel.format(Kernel.checkDecimalFraction(d), tpl); ret = StringUtil.cannonicNumber2(ret); return ret; } // Functions added to access and modify xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax // When xmin,xmax,ymin or ymax are changed // the selected area is reported accodingly on the euclidianView. // This is not visible, on the view, but one may expect that when // the selection rectangle is changed it is displayed on the view. // This may be implemented by changing the class EuclidianView. // Furthermore the definition of a class EuclidianView listerner // which this class would implement would be desirable so that // when the selection is modified by the mouse, this is reported // to the values xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax of instances of this class. // refresh the selection rectangle when values change in TextField public void refreshSelectionRectangle() { int x1 = euclidianView.toScreenCoordX(xmin); int x2 = euclidianView.toScreenCoordX(xmax); int y1 = euclidianView.toScreenCoordY(ymin); int y2 = euclidianView.toScreenCoordY(ymax); GRectangle rec = AwtFactory.getPrototype().newRectangle(x1, y2, x2 - x1, y1 - y2); // Application.debug(x1+" "+x2+" "+y1+" "+y2); euclidianView.setSelectionRectangle(rec); euclidianView.repaint(); } public void setxmin(double xmin) { this.xmin = xmin; this.refreshSelectionRectangle(); } public void setxmax(double xmax) { this.xmax = xmax; this.refreshSelectionRectangle(); } public void setymin(double ymin) { this.ymin = ymin; this.refreshSelectionRectangle(); } public void setymax(double ymax) { this.ymax = ymax; this.refreshSelectionRectangle(); } public double getxmin() { return this.xmin; } public double getxmax() { return this.xmax; } public double getymin() { return this.ymin; } public double getymax() { return this.ymax; } /** * Initialize Gui JFrame */ private void initBounds() { xunit = 1; yunit = 1; // Changes to make xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax be defined by the selection // rectangle // when this one is defined. GRectangle rect = this.euclidianView.getSelectionRectangle(); if (rect != null) { xmin = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(rect.getMinX()); xmax = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(rect.getMaxX()); ymin = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(rect.getMaxY()); ymax = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(rect.getMinY()); } else { xmin = euclidianView.getXmin(); xmax = euclidianView.getXmax(); ymin = euclidianView.getYmin(); ymax = euclidianView.getYmax(); } } /** * When The Button "generate Code" has been clicked */ public void setBeamer(boolean beamer) { isBeamer = beamer; } /** * This method converts a double with engineering notation to decimal<br> * Example: 3E-4 becomes 0.0003 * * @param d * The double to translate * @return The resulting String */ protected String sci2dec(double d) { String s = StringUtil.toLowerCase(String.valueOf(d)); // StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "e"); StringBuilder number; int posE = s.indexOf("e"); if (posE == -1) { return s; } String token1 = s.substring(0, posE); String token2 = s.substring(posE + 1); number = new StringBuilder(token1); int exp = Integer.parseInt(token2); if (exp > 0) { int id_point = number.indexOf("."); if (id_point == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < exp; i++) { number.append("0"); } } else { number.deleteCharAt(id_point); int zeros = exp - (number.length() - id_point); for (int i = 0; i < zeros; i++) { number.append("0"); } } } else { exp = -exp; int id_point = number.indexOf("."); number.deleteCharAt(id_point); for (int i = 0; i < exp - 1; i++) { number.insert(0, "0"); } number.insert(0, "0."); } return number.toString(); } /** * This method creates the name for all custom colors * * @param red * The red color part * @param green * The green color part * @param blue * The blue color part * @return The name for the color uses hexadecimal decomposition */ protected String createCustomColor(int red, int green, int blue) { final String suff = "qrstuvwxyzabcdef"; int[] nb = { red, green, blue }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < nb.length; i++) { int quot = nb[i] / 16; int reste = nb[i] % 16; sb.append(suff.charAt(quot)); sb.append(suff.charAt(reste)); } return new String(sb); } /** * This method is generic method to generate code according to GeoElement * nature * * @param g * GeoElement g * @param fromGeoList * if GeoElement comes from a GeoList object * @param trimmedInter */ protected void drawGeoElement(GeoElement g, boolean fromGeoList, boolean trimmedInter) { if (g.isGeoList()) { GeoList geo = ((GeoList) g); for (int i = 0; i < geo.size(); i++) { drawGeoElement(geo.get(i), true, false); } } else if (g.isEuclidianVisible() || trimmedInter) { if (g instanceof GeoPoint) { drawGeoPoint((GeoPoint) g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (g instanceof GeoSegment) { drawGeoSegment((GeoSegment) g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (g instanceof GeoRay) { drawGeoRay((GeoRay) g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (g instanceof GeoPolyLine) { drawPolyLine((GeoPolyLine) g); } else if (g instanceof GeoLine) { drawGeoLine((GeoLine) g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (g instanceof GeoPolygon) { drawPolygon((GeoPolygon) g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (g instanceof GeoAngle) { if (g.isIndependent()) { // independent number may be shown as slider drawSlider((GeoNumeric) g); } else { drawAngle((GeoAngle) g); // String // label="$"+Util.toLaTeXString(g.getLabelDescription(),true)+"$"; drawLabel(g, euclidianView.getDrawableFor(g)); } } else if (g instanceof GeoImplicit) { drawImplicitPoly((GeoImplicit) g); } // To draw Inequalities else if (g.getTypeString().equals("Inequality")) { if (g.isGeoFunctionBoolean()) { drawGeoInequalities(null, g); } else { drawGeoInequalities((GeoFunctionNVar) g, null); } } else if (g.isGeoNumeric()) { AlgoElement algo = g.getParentAlgorithm(); if (algo == null) { // indpendent number may be shown as slider drawSlider((GeoNumeric) g); } else if (algo instanceof AlgoSlope) { drawSlope((GeoNumeric) g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (algo instanceof AlgoIntegralDefinite) { drawIntegral((GeoNumeric) g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (algo instanceof AlgoIntegralFunctions) { drawIntegralFunctions((GeoNumeric) g); drawLabel(g, null); } // BoxPlot else if (algo instanceof AlgoBoxPlot) { drawBoxPlot((GeoNumeric) g); } else if (algo instanceof AlgoFunctionAreaSums) { // Trapezoidal Sum if (algo instanceof AlgoSumTrapezoidal) { drawSumTrapezoidal((GeoNumeric) g); } else if (algo instanceof AlgoHistogram) { drawBarChartOrHistogram((GeoNumeric) g); } else if (algo instanceof AlgoSumUpper || algo instanceof AlgoSumLower || algo instanceof AlgoSumLeft || algo instanceof AlgoSumRectangle) { drawSumUpperLower((GeoNumeric) g); } drawLabel(g, null); } // Bar Chart else if (algo instanceof AlgoBarChart) { drawBarChartOrHistogram((GeoNumeric) g); drawLabel(g, null); } } else if (g instanceof GeoVector) { drawGeoVector((GeoVector) g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (g instanceof GeoConicPart) { GeoConicPart geo = (GeoConicPart) g; drawGeoConicPart(geo); if (geo.getConicPartType() == GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_PART_ARC || geo.getConicPartType() == GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_PART_SECTOR) { drawLabel(g, null); } } else if (g instanceof GeoConic) { if (isSinglePointConic(g)) { GeoConic geo = (GeoConic) g; GeoPoint point = geo.getSinglePoint(); point.copyLabel(geo); point.setObjColor(geo.getObjectColor()); point.setPointSize(geo.getLineThickness()); point.setLabelOffset(geo.labelOffsetX, geo.labelOffsetY); DrawPoint drawPoint = new DrawPoint(euclidianView, point); drawPoint.setGeoElement(geo); drawGeoPoint(point); drawLabel(point, drawPoint); } else if (isDoubleLineConic(g)) { GeoConic geo = (GeoConic) g; GeoLine[] lines = geo.getLines(); DrawLine[] drawLines = new DrawLine[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { lines[i].copyLabel(geo); lines[i].setObjColor(geo.getObjectColor()); lines[i].setLineThickness(geo.getLineThickness()); lines[i].lineType = geo.lineType; } drawLines[0] = new DrawLine(euclidianView, lines[0]); drawLines[1] = new DrawLine(euclidianView, lines[1]); drawLines[0].setGeoElement(geo); drawLines[1].setGeoElement(geo); drawGeoLine(lines[0]); drawGeoLine(lines[1]); drawLabel(lines[0], drawLines[0]); drawLabel(lines[1], drawLines[1]); } else if (isEmpty(g)) { // } else { drawGeoConic((GeoConic) g); drawLabel(g, null); } } else if (g instanceof GeoFunction) { drawFunction((GeoFunction) g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (g instanceof GeoCurveCartesian) { drawCurveCartesian(g); drawLabel(g, null); } else if (g.isGeoText()) { drawText((GeoText) g); } else if (g.isGeoImage()) { // Image --> export to eps is better and easier! } else if (g instanceof GeoLocus) { drawLocus((GeoLocus) g); } else if (g instanceof GeoTransferFunction) { drawNyquist((GeoTransferFunction) g); } else { Log.debug("Export: unsupported GeoElement " + g.getGeoClassType()); } } } protected void drawBarChartOrHistogram(GeoNumeric g) { if (g.getParentAlgorithm() instanceof AlgoFunctionAreaSums) { AlgoFunctionAreaSums algo = (AlgoFunctionAreaSums) g .getParentAlgorithm(); drawHistogramOrBarChartBox(algo.getValues(), algo.getLeftBorder(), algo.getValues().length - 1, 0, g); } else if (g.getParentAlgorithm() instanceof AlgoBarChart) { AlgoBarChart algo = (AlgoBarChart) g.getParentAlgorithm(); drawHistogramOrBarChartBox(algo.getValues(), algo.getLeftBorder(), algo.getValues().length, algo.getWidth(), g); } } protected boolean isSinglePointConic(GeoElement geo) { if (geo.isGeoConic()) { if (((GeoConic) geo) .getType() == GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_SINGLE_POINT) { return true; } } return false; } protected boolean isDoubleLineConic(GeoElement geo) { if (geo.isGeoConic()) { if (((GeoConic) geo) .getType() == GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_DOUBLE_LINE || ((GeoConic) geo) .getType() == GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_INTERSECTING_LINES || ((GeoConic) geo) .getType() == GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_PARALLEL_LINES) { return true; } } return false; } protected boolean isEmpty(GeoElement geo) { if (geo.isGeoConic()) { if (((GeoConic) geo).getType() == GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_EMPTY) { return true; } } return false; } protected int resizePt(int size) { double height_geogebra = euclidianView.getHeight() / 30.0; double height_latex = frame.getLatexHeight(); double ratio = height_latex / height_geogebra; int tmp = (int) Math.round(ratio * size); if (tmp != 0) { return tmp; } return 1; } /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ GeoPoint * * @param geo * The point to export */ abstract protected void drawGeoPoint(GeoPoint geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ GeoLine line[A,B] * * @param geo * The line to export */ abstract protected void drawGeoLine(GeoLine geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ GeoRay ray[A,B] * * @param geo * The ray to export */ abstract protected void drawGeoRay(GeoRay geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ GeoSegment segment[A,B] * * @param geo * The segment to export */ abstract protected void drawGeoSegment(GeoSegment geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ Objects created by command: polygon[A,B,C] * * @param geo * The polygon to export */ abstract protected void drawPolygon(GeoPolygon geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ Objects created by command: * slider[1,2,0.1] * * @param geo * The slider to export */ abstract protected void drawSlider(GeoNumeric geo); abstract protected void drawSlope(GeoNumeric geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ Objects created by command: * integral(f(x),a,b) * * @param geo * The object to export */ abstract protected void drawIntegral(GeoNumeric geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ Objects created by command: * integral(f(x),g(x),a,b) * * @param geo * The object to export */ abstract protected void drawIntegralFunctions(GeoNumeric geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ Objects created by following commands * leftSum, rectangleSum, lowerSum upperSum * * @param geo * The object to export */ abstract protected void drawSumUpperLower(GeoNumeric geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ Objects created by command trapezoidalsum * * @param geo * The object to export */ abstract protected void drawSumTrapezoidal(GeoNumeric geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ Objects created by command: BoxPlot[0, 1, * {2,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,7,8,8,8,9}] * * @param geo * The boxplot to export */ abstract protected void drawBoxPlot(GeoNumeric geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ GeoAngle objects angle[A,B,C] * * @param geo * The angle to export */ abstract protected void drawAngle(GeoAngle geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ GeoVector objects vector[A,B] * * @param geo * The vector to export */ abstract protected void drawGeoVector(GeoVector geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ GeoConic objects conic[A,B,C,D,E] * * @param geo * The conic to export */ abstract protected void drawGeoConic(GeoConic geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ GeoConicPart objects (sectors...) * * @param geo * The conic part to export */ abstract protected void drawGeoConicPart(GeoConicPart geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ the object's label * * @param geo * The label to export * @param drawGeo * Drawable object attached to geo */ abstract protected void drawLabel(GeoElement geo, DrawableND drawGeo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ the GeoFunction object * * @param geo * The function to export */ abstract protected void drawFunction(GeoFunction geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ implicit functions * * @param geo * The function to export */ abstract protected void drawImplicitPoly(GeoImplicit geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ parametric functions * * @param geo * The function to export */ abstract protected void drawSingleCurveCartesian(GeoCurveCartesian geo, boolean trasparency); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ Text on euclidian view * * @param geo * The text to export */ abstract protected void drawText(GeoText geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ locus * * @param geo * The locus to export */ abstract protected void drawLocus(GeoLocus geo); /** * Exports as PStricks or PGF a line defined by all its parameter * * @param x1 * x start * @param y1 * y start * @param x2 * x end * @param y2 * y end * @param geo * geo Object */ abstract protected void drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, GeoElement geo); /** * Export as PStricks or PGF arc mark for angle * * @param geo * geo Object * @param vertex * center * @param angSt * angle start * @param angEnd * angle end * @param r * radius */ abstract protected void drawArc(GeoAngle geo, double[] vertex, double angSt, double angEnd, double r); /** * Export as PStricks or PGF segment mark * * @param geo * geo Object * @param vertex * @param angleTick * angle */ abstract protected void drawTick(GeoAngle geo, double[] vertex, double angleTick); abstract protected void drawArrowArc(GeoAngle geo, double[] vertex, double angSt, double angEnd, double r, boolean clockwise); /** * @param settingsFrame * frame where user may edit the settings and where he becomes * the output */ public final void setFrame(ExportSettings settingsFrame) { frame = settingsFrame; } public abstract void generateAllCode(); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ color's code * * @param color * The color * @param sb * The StringBuilder to complete */ abstract protected void colorCode(GColor color, StringBuilder sb); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ PolyLine objects polyline[A,B,C,D,E] * * @param geo * The Polyline objects */ abstract protected void drawPolyLine(GeoPolyLine geo); /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ BarChart or Histogram * * @param values * Values of Histogram or BarChart * @param leftBorder * @param length * Length of data. Along with leftBorder length allows you to * choose between Histogram or BarChart * @param width * Used if is a BarChart * @param g * For visual style */ protected abstract void drawHistogramOrBarChartBox(double[] values, double[] leftBorder, int length, double width, GeoNumeric g); /** * Export inequalities as PSTricks or PGF or Asymptote * * @param geo * The inequality function * @param e * If is inequality with one variable eg. x>3 */ protected void drawGeoInequalities(GeoFunctionNVar geo, GeoElement e) { FunctionalNVar ef = null; if (geo == null) { ef = (FunctionalNVar) e; } else { ef = geo; } DrawInequality drawable = new DrawInequality(euclidianView, ef); GGraphics2D g = null; IneqTree tree = ef.getFunction().getIneqs(); if (tree.getLeft() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tree.getLeft().getSize(); i++) { g = createGraphics(ef, tree.getLeft().get(i)); drawable.draw(g); } } if (tree.getRight() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tree.getLeft().getSize(); i++) { g = createGraphics(ef, tree.getRight().get(i)); drawable.draw(g); } } if (tree.getIneq() != null) { g = createGraphics(ef, tree.getIneq()); drawable.draw(g); } // Only for syntax. Never throws } /** * Export as PSTricks or PGF/TikZ or Asympote, Nyquist diagram * * @param g * Transfer function * * */ protected abstract void drawNyquist(GeoTransferFunction g); // Create the appropriate instance of MyGraphics of various implementations // (pstricks,pgf,asymptote) abstract protected GGraphics2D createGraphics(FunctionalNVar ef, Inequality inequality); abstract protected boolean fillSpline(GeoCurveCartesian[] curves); /** * @return the xmin */ public double getXmin() { return xmin; } /** * @param xmin * the xmin to set */ public void setXmin(double xmin) { this.xmin = xmin; } /** * @return the xmax */ public double getXmax() { return xmax; } /** * @param xmax * the xmax to set */ public void setXmax(double xmax) { this.xmax = xmax; } /** * @return the ymin */ public double getYmin() { return ymin; } /** * @param ymin * the ymin to set */ public void setYmin(double ymin) { this.ymin = ymin; } /** * @return the ymax */ public double getYmax() { return ymax; } /** * @param ymax * the ymax to set */ public void setYmax(double ymax) { this.ymax = ymax; } /** * @return the xunit */ public double getXunit() { return xunit; } /** * @param xunit * the xunit to set */ public void setXunit(double xunit) { this.xunit = xunit; } /** * @return the yunit */ public double getYunit() { return yunit; } /** * @param yunit * the yunit to set */ public void setYunit(double yunit) { this.yunit = yunit; } /** * This method draws decoration on segment using abstract method drawLine * * @param A * First Point * @param B * Second Point * @param deco * Decoration type * @param geo * GeoElement */ protected void mark(double[] A, double[] B, int deco, GeoElement geo) { // calc midpoint (midX, midY) and perpendicular vector (nx, ny) euclidianView.toScreenCoords(A); euclidianView.toScreenCoords(B); double midX = (A[0] + B[0]) / 2.0; double midY = (A[1] + B[1]) / 2.0; double nx = A[1] - B[1]; double ny = B[0] - A[0]; double nLength = MyMath.length(nx, ny); // tick spacing and length. double tickSpacing = 2.5 + geo.getLineThickness() / 2d; double tickLength = tickSpacing + 1; // Michael Borcherds 20071006 start double arrowlength = 1.5; // Michael Borcherds 20071006 end double vx, vy, factor, x1, x2, y1, y2; switch (deco) { default: // do nothing break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_SEGMENT_ONE_TICK: factor = tickLength / nLength; nx *= factor / xunit; ny *= factor / yunit; x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - nx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - ny); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX + nx); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY + ny); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_SEGMENT_TWO_TICKS: // vector (vx, vy) to get 2 points around midpoint factor = tickSpacing / (2 * nLength); vx = -ny * factor; vy = nx * factor; // use perpendicular vector to set ticks factor = tickLength / nLength; nx *= factor; ny *= factor; x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX + vx - nx); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX + vx + nx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY + vy - ny); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY + vy + ny); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - vx - nx); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - vx + nx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - vy - ny); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - vy + ny); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_SEGMENT_THREE_TICKS: // vector (vx, vy) to get 2 points around midpoint factor = tickSpacing / nLength; vx = -ny * factor; vy = nx * factor; // use perpendicular vector to set ticks factor = tickLength / nLength; nx *= factor; ny *= factor; x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX + vx - nx); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX + vx + nx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY + vy - ny); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY + vy + ny); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - nx); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX + nx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - ny); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY + ny); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - vx - nx); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - vx + nx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - vy - ny); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - vy + ny); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); break; // Michael Borcherds 20071006 start case GeoElement.DECORATION_SEGMENT_ONE_ARROW: // vector (vx, vy) to get 2 points around midpoint factor = tickSpacing / (nLength); vx = -ny * factor; vy = nx * factor; // use perpendicular vector to set ticks factor = tickLength / nLength; nx *= factor; ny *= factor; x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX - arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY - arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX - arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (-nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY - arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (-ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_SEGMENT_TWO_ARROWS: // vector (vx, vy) to get 2 points around midpoint factor = tickSpacing / (nLength); vx = -ny * factor; vy = nx * factor; // use perpendicular vector to set ticks factor = tickLength / nLength; nx *= factor; ny *= factor; x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - 2 * arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - 2 * arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX - 2 * arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY - 2 * arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - 2 * arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - 2 * arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX - 2 * arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (-nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY - 2 * arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (-ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY); x2 = euclidianView .toRealWorldCoordX(midX + arrowlength * (nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView .toRealWorldCoordY(midY + arrowlength * (ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY); x2 = euclidianView .toRealWorldCoordX(midX + arrowlength * (-nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView .toRealWorldCoordY(midY + arrowlength * (-ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_SEGMENT_THREE_ARROWS: // vector (vx, vy) to get 2 points around midpoint factor = tickSpacing / nLength; vx = -ny * factor; vy = nx * factor; // use perpendicular vector to set ticks factor = tickLength / nLength; nx *= factor; ny *= factor; x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX - arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY - arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX - arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (-nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY - arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (-ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX + arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY + arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX + arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY + arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX + arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY + arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX + arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (-nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY + arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (-ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - 3 * arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - 3 * arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX - 3 * arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY - 3 * arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); x1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX(midX - 3 * arrowlength * vx); y1 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY(midY - 3 * arrowlength * vy); x2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordX( midX - 3 * arrowlength * vx + arrowlength * (-nx + vx)); y2 = euclidianView.toRealWorldCoordY( midY - 3 * arrowlength * vy + arrowlength * (-ny + vy)); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, geo); break; // Michael Borcherds 20071006 end } } /** * This Method draws The decoration for GeoAngle geo * * @param geo * The GeoAngle * @param r0 * The radius * @param vertex * The vertex coordinates * @param angSt * Angle Start * @param angEnd * Angle End */ protected void markAngle(GeoAngle geo, double r0, double[] vertex, double angSt, double angEnd) { double rdiff; double r = r0; switch (geo.getDecorationType()) { default: // do nothing break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_ANGLE_TWO_ARCS: rdiff = 4 + geo.getLineThickness() / 2d; drawArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r); r -= rdiff / euclidianView.getXscale(); drawArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_ANGLE_THREE_ARCS: rdiff = 4 + geo.getLineThickness() / 2d; drawArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r); r -= rdiff / euclidianView.getXscale(); drawArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r); r -= rdiff / euclidianView.getXscale(); drawArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_ANGLE_ONE_TICK: drawArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r); euclidianView.toScreenCoords(vertex); drawTick(geo, vertex, (angSt + angEnd) / 2); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_ANGLE_TWO_TICKS: drawArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r); euclidianView.toScreenCoords(vertex); double angleTick[] = new double[2]; angleTick[0] = (2 * angSt + 3 * angEnd) / 5; angleTick[1] = (3 * angSt + 2 * angEnd) / 5; if (Math.abs(angleTick[1] - angleTick[0]) > DrawAngle.MAX_TICK_DISTANCE) { angleTick[0] = (angSt + angEnd) / 2 - DrawAngle.MAX_TICK_DISTANCE / 2; angleTick[1] = (angSt + angEnd) / 2 + DrawAngle.MAX_TICK_DISTANCE / 2; } drawTick(geo, vertex, angleTick[0]); drawTick(geo, vertex, angleTick[1]); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_ANGLE_THREE_TICKS: drawArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r); euclidianView.toScreenCoords(vertex); angleTick = new double[2]; angleTick[0] = (5 * angSt + 3 * angEnd) / 8; angleTick[1] = (3 * angSt + 5 * angEnd) / 8; if (Math.abs(angleTick[1] - angleTick[0]) > DrawAngle.MAX_TICK_DISTANCE) { angleTick[0] = (angSt + angEnd) / 2 - DrawAngle.MAX_TICK_DISTANCE / 2; angleTick[1] = (angSt + angEnd) / 2 + DrawAngle.MAX_TICK_DISTANCE / 2; } drawTick(geo, vertex, (angSt + angEnd) / 2); drawTick(geo, vertex, angleTick[0]); drawTick(geo, vertex, angleTick[1]); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_ANGLE_ARROW_CLOCKWISE: drawArrowArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r, false); break; case GeoElement.DECORATION_ANGLE_ARROW_ANTICLOCKWISE: drawArrowArc(geo, vertex, angSt, angEnd, r, true); break; } } protected void drawAllElements() { boolean increment = (euclidianView.getShowGrid() || euclidianView.getShowXaxis() || euclidianView.getShowYaxis()); for (int step = 0; step < construction.steps(); step++) { if (increment) { beamerSlideNumber = step + 2; } else { beamerSlideNumber = step + 1; } GeoElementND[] geos = construction.getConstructionElement(step) .getGeoElements(); for (int j = 0; j < geos.length; j++) { GeoElement g = geos[j].toGeoElement(); drawGeoElement(g, false, false); } } } // added by Hoszu Henrietta protected void drawAllInDependentElements() { boolean increment = (euclidianView.getShowGrid() || euclidianView.getShowXaxis() || euclidianView.getShowYaxis()); for (int step = 0; step < construction.steps(); step++) { if (increment) { beamerSlideNumber = step + 2; } else { beamerSlideNumber = step + 1; } GeoElementND[] geos = construction.getConstructionElement(step) .getGeoElements(); for (int j = 0; j < geos.length; j++) { GeoElement g = geos[j].toGeoElement(); if (g.isIndependent()) { drawGeoElement(g, false, false); } } } } protected void startBeamer(StringBuilder sb) { if (isBeamer) { sb.append("\\onslide<" + beamerSlideNumber + "->{\n "); } } protected void endBeamer(StringBuilder sb) { if (isBeamer) { sb.append("}\n"); } } protected void resizeFont(StringBuilder sb) { // Number of units that represents the font size: int ggbSize = app.getGUIFontSize(); double ggbYUnit = euclidianView.getYscale(); double fontUnits = ggbSize / ggbYUnit; // Now, on the output, calculate the size in centimeter double yunit1 = frame.getYUnit(); double sizeCM = fontUnits * yunit1; // 1cm=1/2.54 in // 1 in=72.27pt // new size in pt: int sizept = (int) (sizeCM / 2.54 * 72.27 + 0.5); int texSize = frame.getFontSize(); if (texSize == 10) { if (sizept <= 5) { sb.append("\\tiny{"); } else if (sizept <= 7) { sb.append("\\scriptsize{"); } else if (sizept == 8) { sb.append("\\footnotesize{"); } else if (sizept == 9) { sb.append("\\small{"); } else if (sizept == 10) { sb.append("\\normalsize{"); } else if (sizept <= 12) { sb.append("\\large{"); } else if (sizept <= 14) { sb.append("\\Large{"); } else if (sizept <= 17) { sb.append("\\LARGE{"); } else if (sizept <= 20) { sb.append("\\huge{"); } else { sb.append("\\Huge{"); } } else if (texSize == 11) { if (sizept <= 6) { sb.append("\\tiny{"); } else if (sizept <= 8) { sb.append("\\scriptsize{"); } else if (sizept == 9) { sb.append("\\footnotesize{"); } else if (sizept == 10) { sb.append("\\small{"); } else if (sizept == 11) { sb.append("\\normalsize{"); } else if (sizept == 12) { sb.append("\\large{"); } else if (sizept <= 14) { sb.append("\\Large{"); } else if (sizept <= 17) { sb.append("\\LARGE{"); } else if (sizept <= 20) { sb.append("\\huge{"); } else { sb.append("\\Huge{"); } } else if (texSize == 12) { if (sizept <= 6) { sb.append("\\tiny{"); } else if (sizept <= 8) { sb.append("\\scriptsize{"); } else if (sizept <= 10) { sb.append("\\footnotesize{"); } else if (sizept == 11) { sb.append("\\small{"); } else if (sizept == 12) { sb.append("\\normalsize{"); } else if (sizept <= 14) { sb.append("\\large{"); } else if (sizept <= 17) { sb.append("\\Large{"); } else if (sizept <= 20) { sb.append("\\LARGE{"); } else if (sizept <= 25) { sb.append("\\huge{"); } else { sb.append("\\Huge{"); } } } protected String getImplicitExpr(GeoImplicit geo) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); double[][] coeff = geo.getCoeff(); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < coeff.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < coeff[i].length; j++) { double tmp = coeff[i][j]; if (tmp != 0) { if (tmp > 0) { if (!first) { sb.append("+"); } } sb.append(tmp); if (i == 0) { if (j != 0) { sb.append("*y^"); sb.append(j); } } else { sb.append("*x^"); sb.append(i); if (j != 0) { sb.append("*y^"); sb.append(j); } } first = false; } } } return new String(sb); } protected StringTemplate getStringTemplate() { return tpl; } protected StringBuilder drawNoLatexFunction(GeoFunction geo, double xrangemax, double xrangemin, int point, String template) { GeoCurveCartesian curve = new GeoCurveCartesian( app.getKernel().getConstruction()); geo.toGeoCurveCartesian(curve); StringBuilder lineBuilder = new StringBuilder(); double y = geo.value(xrangemin); double yprec = y; if (Math.abs(y) < 0.001) { y = yprec = 0; } double step = (xrangemax - xrangemin) / point; double xprec = xrangemin; double x = xprec; for (; x <= xrangemax; x += step) { y = geo.value(x); if (Math.abs(y) < 0.001) { y = 0; } if (Math.abs(x) < 0.001) { x = 0; } if (Math.abs(yprec - y) < (ymax - ymin)) { if (CurvePlotter.isContinuous(curve, xprec, x, 8)) { lineBuilder.append( StringUtil.format(template, xprec, yprec, x, y)); } } yprec = y; xprec = x; } return lineBuilder; } protected StringBuilder drawNyquistDiagram(GeoTransferFunction geo, String template, String arrowMark, String arrowCommand, String reverseArrowCommand) { String t = template; String sub; boolean flag = true; StringBuilder lineBuilder = new StringBuilder(); List<Coords> coordsList = geo.getCoordsList(); Coords p = coordsList.get(0); double xprec = p.getX(); double yprec = p.getY(); double x; double y; for (int i = 1; i < coordsList.size() - 10; i += 10) { p = coordsList.get(i); x = p.getX(); y = p.getY(); if (flag && i > coordsList.size() / 2.3) { sub = t.replaceAll(arrowMark, arrowCommand); flag = false; } else { sub = t.replaceAll(arrowMark, ""); } lineBuilder.append(StringUtil.format(sub, xprec, yprec, x, y)); xprec = x; yprec = y; } flag = true; p = coordsList.get(0); xprec = p.getX(); yprec = -p.getY(); for (int i = 1; i < coordsList.size(); i += 4) { p = coordsList.get(i); x = p.getX(); y = -p.getY(); if (flag && i > coordsList.size() / 2.3) { sub = t.replaceAll(arrowMark, reverseArrowCommand); flag = false; } else { sub = t.replaceAll(arrowMark, ""); } lineBuilder.append(StringUtil.format(sub, xprec, yprec, x, y)); xprec = x; yprec = y; } return lineBuilder; } protected boolean isLatexFunction(String s) { // used if there are other non-latex return !s.toLowerCase().contains("erf(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("gamma(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("gammaRegularized(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("cbrt(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("csc(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("csch(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("sec(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("cot(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("coth(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("sech(") && !s.toLowerCase().contains("if"); } protected void addTextPackage() { StringBuilder packages = new StringBuilder(); if (codePreamble.indexOf("amssymb") == -1) { packages.append("amssymb,"); } if (codePreamble.indexOf("fancyhdr") == -1) { packages.append("fancyhdr,"); } if (codePreamble.indexOf("txfonts") == -1) { packages.append("txfonts,"); } if (codePreamble.indexOf("pxfonts") == -1) { packages.append("pxfonts,"); } if (packages.length() != 0) { packages.delete(packages.length() - 1, packages.length()); codePreamble.append("\\usepackage{" + packages.toString() + "}\n"); } } protected class Info { private double alpha; private int y; private double angle; private FillType fillType; private GColor linecolor; public Info(GeoElement geo) { alpha = geo.getAlphaValue(); y = geo.getHatchingDistance(); angle = geo.getHatchingAngle(); fillType = geo.getFillType(); linecolor = geo.getObjectColor(); if (geo.getParentAlgorithm() instanceof AlgoBarChart) { boolean setAlpha = false; AlgoBarChart algo = (AlgoBarChart) geo.getParentAlgorithm(); if (algo.getBarColor(barNumber) != null) { linecolor = algo.getBarColor(barNumber); setAlpha = true; } if (algo.getBarHatchDistance(barNumber) != -1) { y = algo.getBarHatchDistance(barNumber); } if (algo.getBarHatchAngle(barNumber) != -1) { angle = algo.getBarHatchAngle(barNumber); } if (algo.getBarFillType(barNumber) != null) { fillType = FillType.values()[algo.getBarFillType(barNumber) .ordinal()]; } if (algo.getBarAlpha(barNumber) != -1 && setAlpha) { alpha = algo.getBarColor(barNumber).getAlpha() / 255.0; } } } public double getAlpha() { return alpha; } public int getY() { return y; } public double getAngle() { return angle; } public FillType getFillType() { return fillType; } public GColor getLinecolor() { return linecolor; } } private void drawCurveCartesian(GeoElement geo) { if (!isLatexFunction( geo.toValueString(StringTemplate.noLocalDefault))) { GeoCurveCartesian curve = (GeoCurveCartesian) geo; Function f = curve.getFunX(); ExpressionNode exl = f.getFunctionExpression().getLeftTree(); ExpressionNode exr = f.getFunctionExpression().getRightTree(); String exls = exl.toValueString(StringTemplate.noLocalDefault); String exrs = exr.toValueString(StringTemplate.noLocalDefault); exrs = exrs.replace("{", ""); exrs = exrs.replace("}", ""); exls = exls.replace("{", ""); exls = exls.replace("}", ""); String[] exlsv = exls.split(","); String[] exrsv = exrs.split(","); String[] paramValues = new String[exlsv.length + 1]; paramValues[0] = "0"; for (int i = 0; i < exlsv.length; i++) { paramValues[i + 1] = exlsv[i].split("<")[1]; } GeoCurveCartesian[] curves = new GeoCurveCartesian[exlsv.length]; AlgebraProcessor ap = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor(); for (int i = 0; i < exlsv.length; i++) { GeoFunction fxx = ap .evaluateToFunction("xspline(t)=" + exrsv[i], true); curves[i] = new GeoCurveCartesian(; curves[i].setFunctionX(fxx.getFunction()); curves[i].setInterval(Double.parseDouble(paramValues[i]), Double.parseDouble(paramValues[i + 1])); curves[i].setAllVisualProperties(geo, false); } f = curve.getFunY(); exl = f.getFunctionExpression().getLeftTree(); exr = f.getFunctionExpression().getRightTree(); exls = exl.toValueString(StringTemplate.noLocalDefault); exrs = exr.toValueString(StringTemplate.noLocalDefault); exrs = exrs.replace("{", ""); exrs = exrs.replace("}", ""); exls = exls.replace("{", ""); exls = exls.replace("}", ""); exlsv = exls.split(","); exrsv = exrs.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < exlsv.length; i++) { GeoFunction fxx = ap .evaluateToFunction("yspline(t)=" + exrsv[i], true); curves[i].setFunctionY(fxx.getFunction()); curves[i].setInterval(Double.parseDouble(paramValues[i]), Double.parseDouble(paramValues[i + 1])); } boolean fill = fillSpline(curves); if (!fill) { for (int i = 0; i < curves.length; i++) { drawSingleCurveCartesian(curves[i], true); } } } else { drawSingleCurveCartesian((GeoCurveCartesian) geo, true); } } protected double firstDefinedValue(GeoFunction f, double a, double b) { double x = a; double step = (b - a) / 100; while (x <= b) { double y = f.value(x); if (!Double.isNaN(y)) { if (Kernel.isEqual(x, a)) { return a; } else if (step < PRECISION_XRANGE_FUNCTION) { return x; } else { return firstDefinedValue(f, x - step, x); } } x += step; } return b; } protected double maxDefinedValue(GeoFunction f, double a, double b) { double x = a; double step1 = (b - a) / 100; while (x <= b) { double y = f.value(x); if (Double.isNaN(y)) { if (step1 < PRECISION_XRANGE_FUNCTION) { return x - step1; } return maxDefinedValue(f, x - step1, x); } x += step1; } return b; } protected static void renameFunc(StringBuilder sb, String nameFunc, String nameNew) { int ind = sb.indexOf(nameFunc); while (ind > -1) { sb.replace(ind, ind + nameFunc.length(), nameNew); ind = sb.indexOf(nameFunc); } } }