package org.geogebra.common; /** * Application-wide constants (version strings, URLs) */ public interface GeoGebraConstants { // GeoGebra version // DO NOT CHANGE the format of VERSION_STRING (or add commented out version) // as it is read by the build system // update lines below when this is updated /** last build date */ public static final String BUILD_DATE = "11 May 2017"; /** complete version string */ public static final String VERSION_STRING = "5.0.357.0"; /** proper noun, should NOT be translated / transliterated */ public static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "GeoGebra"; public enum Versions { DESKTOP("3D"), /** GeoGebra Graphing Calculator */ ANDROID_NATIVE_GRAPHING("a"), ANDROID_NATIVE_3D("a3D"), ANDROID_GEOMETRY("ag"), ANDROID_WEBVIEW("aw"), ANDROID_WEBVIEW_EXAM("exam", true), IOS_NATIVE("i"), IOS_GEOMETRY("ig"), IOS_WEBVIEW("iw"), WEB_FOR_DESKTOP("offline"), WINDOWS_STORE("win"), WEB_FOR_BROWSER_3D("web3d"), WEB_FOR_BROWSER_2D("web"), WEB_FOR_BROWSER_SIMPLE("webSimple"), WEB_APP_FOR_BROWSER_3D("webapp"), SMART("s"), POWERPOINT("p"), NO_CAS("nc"); private String suffix; Versions(String suffix, boolean exam) { this.suffix = suffix; } Versions(String suffix) { this.suffix = suffix; } public String getVersionString(boolean prerelease, boolean canary) { String preReleaseSuffix = ""; if (canary) { preReleaseSuffix = "-canary"; } else if (prerelease) { preReleaseSuffix = "-prerelease"; } switch (this) { case WEB_FOR_DESKTOP: // change to return VERSION_STRING.replace("5.0.", "6.0.") + "-" + suffix + preReleaseSuffix; default: return VERSION_STRING + "-" + suffix + preReleaseSuffix; } } public boolean isAndroidWebview() { switch (this) { case ANDROID_WEBVIEW: case ANDROID_WEBVIEW_EXAM: return true; } return false; } } /** * used by version checker, so that sys admins can disable version checking * for *all* ggb versions with * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/JavaSoft/Prefs/geogebra/version_check_allow = * false */ public static final String PREFERENCES_ROOT_GLOBAL = "/geogebra"; /** eg HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/JavaSoft/Prefs/geogebra42/ */ /** root preferences node */ public static final String PREFERENCES_ROOT = "/geogebra50"; /** File format version */ public static final String XML_FILE_FORMAT = "5.0"; // This is used for checking if a minor update exists (on each run): // DON'T change to https (causes problems) public static final String VERSION_URL_MINOR = ""; // This is used for checking whether a major update exists (monthly): // DON'T change to https (causes problems) public static final String VERSION_URL = ""; public static final String INSTALLERS_URL = ""; /** Splash filename -- used for online */ public static final String SPLASH_STRING = "splash.png"; // archive /** short version, for online archive */ public static final String SHORT_VERSION_STRING = "5.0"; // File format versions /** XSD for ggb files */ public static final String GGB_XSD_FILENAME = "ggb.xsd"; /** XSD for ggt (macro) files */ public static final String GGT_XSD_FILENAME = "ggt.xsd"; // URLs /** URL of GeoGebraWeb main js file (offline version) */ // public static final String GEOGEBRA_HTML5_BASE_OFFLINE = // "web/web.nocache.js"; /** URL of GeoGebra jars */ public final static String GEOGEBRA_ONLINE_ARCHIVE_BASE = "" + SHORT_VERSION_STRING + "/"; /** URL of GeoGebra jars, zipped */ public static final String GEOGEBRA_ONLINE_JARS_ZIP = GEOGEBRA_ONLINE_ARCHIVE_BASE + ""; /** update directory, typically on Windows */ public static final String GEOGEBRA_JARS_UPDATE_DIR = "\\GeoGebra 5.0\\jars\\update"; /** update directory, typically on Windows */ public static final String GEOGEBRA_THIRD_PARTY_UPDATE_DIR = "\\GeoGebra 5.0\\thirdparty\\update"; /** GeoGebra URL */ public final static String GEOGEBRA_WEBSITE = ""; /** 4.2 desktop bug reports */ public final static String GEOGEBRA_REPORT_BUG_DESKTOP = ""; /** web bug reports */ public final static String GEOGEBRA_REPORT_BUG_WEB = ""; /** GeoGebraTube beta URL, used when Feature.TUBE_BETA == true */ public final static String GEOGEBRA_WEBSITE_BETA = ""; public final static String TUBE_URL_SHORT = ""; public final static String ONENOTE_SHARE_URL = ""; /** max possible heap space for applets in MB */ public final static int MAX_HEAP_SPACE = 1024; /** * minimal precision in LocusEquation: by default rounding is at least 4 * decimals (this changes dynamically when zooming in) */ public static final long PROVER_MIN_PRECISION = 10000; /** CSS class name for GeoGebraWeb &article> tag */ public static final String GGM_CLASS_NAME = "geogebraweb"; /** mimetype of GGB files */ public static final String GGW_MIME_TYPE = "application/vnd.geogebra.file"; /** Splash timeout in miliseconds */ public static final int SPLASH_DIALOG_DELAY = 1000; /** license URL */ public static final String GGW_ABOUT_LICENSE_URL = ""; /** * URL of the webpage to call if a file should be uploaded. If you want to * test GeoGebra Materials uploads on a test server, use a test IP URL * instead, e.g.: "" */ public static final String uploadURL = ""; public static final String uploadURLBeta = ""; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUTHENTICATING WITH GOOGLE // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This app's personal client ID assigned by the Google APIs Console * ( */ public static final String GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = ""; public static final String GOOGLE_TEST_CLIENT_ID = ""; // The auth scope being requested. This scope will allow the application to // identify who the authenticated user is. public static final String PLUS_ME_SCOPE = ""; public static final String DRIVE_SCOPE = ""; public static final String USERINFO_EMAIL_SCOPE = ""; public static final String USERINFO_PROFILE_SCOPE = ""; public static final String API_USERINFO = ""; public static final String FORUM_URL = ""; public static final String APPLET_FOCUSED_CLASSNAME = "applet-focused"; public static final String APPLET_UNFOCUSED_CLASSNAME = "applet-unfocused"; public static final String DATA_LOGGING_WEBSOCKET_URL = "//"; public static final String DATA_LOGGING_WEBSOCKET_PORT = "80"; public static final String DATA_LOGGING_WEBSOCKET_SECURE_PORT = "443"; public static final String QUICKSTART_URL = ""; public static final String WIDGET_URL = ""; public static final String EDIT_URL_BASE = ""; public static final String PROFILE_URL_BASE = ""; }