package org.geogebra.common.move.ggtapi.operations; import org.geogebra.common.GeoGebraConstants; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.move.operations.BaseOperation; import org.geogebra.common.move.views.BaseEventView; import org.geogebra.common.move.views.EventRenderable; /** * @author gabor * * Common things for Opening from GGT * */ public class OpenFromGGTOperation extends BaseOperation<EventRenderable> { /** * @author gabor App type concerning from where this class called */ public static final class APP_TYPE { /** * Web */ public final static String WEB = "web"; /** * Desktop */ public final static String DESKTOP = "desktop"; } /** * Application App */ protected App app; /** * @param app * Creates a new Opening From GGT operation */ public OpenFromGGTOperation(App app) { = app; setView(new BaseEventView()); } /** * @return generates url for opening from GGT */ public String generateOpenFromGGTURL(String type) { String url = GeoGebraConstants.WIDGET_URL + type; // Add the login token to the URL if a user is logged in if (app.getLoginOperation().isLoggedIn()) { String token = app.getLoginOperation().getModel().getLoggedInUser() .getLoginToken(); if (token != null) { url += "/lt/" + token; } } else { url += "/lt/nouser"; } // Add the application language parameter to the URL url += "/?lang=" + app.getLocalization().getLanguage(); return url; } }