package org.geogebra.web.html5.gui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.geogebra.common.GeoGebraConstants; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.gui.laf.GLookAndFeelI; import org.geogebra.web.html5.js.ResourcesInjector; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.HasAppletProperties; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.ArticleElement; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.Dom; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.ViewW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.debug.LoggerW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The main frame containing every view / menu bar / .... This Panel (Frame is * resize able) */ public abstract class GeoGebraFrameW extends FlowPanel implements HasAppletProperties { private static ArrayList<GeoGebraFrameW> instances = new ArrayList<GeoGebraFrameW>(); /** The application */ public AppW app; /** * Splash Dialog to get it work quickly */ public SplashDialog splash; private static SpanElement firstDummy = null; private static SpanElement lastDummy = null; public static final int GRAPHICS_VIEW_TABINDEX = 10000; private static HashMap<String, AppW> articleMap = new HashMap<String, AppW>(); /** Creates new GeoGebraFrame */ public GeoGebraFrameW(GLookAndFeelI laf) { super(); this.laf = laf; instances.add(this); addStyleName("GeoGebraFrame"); DOM.sinkEvents(this.getElement(), Event.ONMOUSEDOWN | Event.ONMOUSEMOVE | Event.ONMOUSEUP | Event.ONMOUSEOVER); } /** * Add a dummy element to the parent * * @param parentElement * parent */ protected static void tackleLastDummy(Element parentElement) { lastDummy = DOM.createSpan().cast(); lastDummy.addClassName("geogebraweb-dummy-invisible"); lastDummy.setTabIndex(GeoGebraFrameW.GRAPHICS_VIEW_TABINDEX); parentElement.appendChild(lastDummy); } /** * @return map article id -> article */ public static HashMap<String, AppW> getArticleMap() { return articleMap; } public static void reCheckForDummies(Element el) { if ((firstDummy != null) && (lastDummy != null)) { return; } NodeList<Element> nodes = Dom .getElementsByClassName(GeoGebraConstants.GGM_CLASS_NAME); if (nodes.getLength() == 0) { // it would be better for the article tags to always have // GeoGebraConstants.GGM_CLASS_NAME, but in case they do not, // then they are probably child elements of class name // "applet_container" nodes = Dom.getElementsByClassName("applet_scaler"); Log.debug(nodes.getLength() + " scalers found"); // so "nodes" is meaning something else here actually if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { // no need to get the first node with articleElement checkForDummiesInScaler(nodes, el); } } } private static void checkForDummiesInScaler(NodeList<Element> nodes, Element el) { // get the last node that really contains an articleElement for (int i = nodes.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Element ell = nodes.getItem(i); for (int j = 0; j < ell.getChildCount(); j++) { Node elChild = ell.getChild(j); if (elChild != null &&"ARTICLE")) { // found!! if (elChild == el && lastDummy == null) { tackleLastDummy(el); } return; } } } } /** * The application loading continues in the splashDialog onLoad handler * * @param articleElement * ArticleElement */ public void createSplash(ArticleElement articleElement) { int splashWidth = 427; int splashHeight = 120; // to not touch the DOM twice when computing widht and height preProcessFitToSceen(); int width = computeWidth(); int height = computeHeight(); /* * if (ae.getDataParamShowMenuBar()) { // The menubar has extra height: * height += 31; } if (ae.getDataParamShowToolBar()) { // The toolbar * has extra height: height += 57; } */ boolean showLogo = ((width >= splashWidth) && (height >= splashHeight)); splash = new SplashDialog(showLogo, articleElement.getId(), this); if (splash.isPreviewExists()) { splashWidth = width; splashHeight = height; } int borderWidth = articleElement.getBorderThickness(); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { setWidth((width - borderWidth) + "px"); // 2: border setComputedWidth(width); setComputedHeight(height); setHeight((height - borderWidth) + "px"); // 2: border // Styleshet not loaded yet, add CSS directly splash.getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.RELATIVE); splash.getElement().getStyle() .setTop((height / 2) - (splashHeight / 2), Unit.PX); if (!articleElement.isRTL()) { splash.getElement().getStyle() .setLeft((width / 2) - (splashWidth / 2), Unit.PX); } else { splash.getElement().getStyle() .setRight((width / 2) - (splashWidth / 2), Unit.PX); } } addStyleName("jsloaded"); add(splash); } private void preProcessFitToSceen() { if (ae.getDataParamFitToScreen()) { Document.get().getDocumentElement().getStyle() .setHeight(100, Unit.PCT); RootPanel.getBodyElement().getStyle().setHeight(100, Unit.PCT); RootPanel.getBodyElement().getStyle().setOverflow(Overflow.HIDDEN); ae.getStyle().setHeight(100, Unit.PCT); } } private int computeHeight() { // do we have data-param-height? int height = ae.getDataParamHeight(); if (height > 0) { return height; } // do we have fit to screen? if (ae.getDataParamFitToScreen()) { height = ae.getOffsetHeight(); } return height; } private int computeWidth() { // do we have data-param-width? int width = ae.getDataParamWidth(); if (width > 0) { return width; } // do we have fit to screen? if (ae.getDataParamFitToScreen()) { width = RootPanel.getBodyElement().getOffsetWidth(); } return width; } /** Article element */ public ArticleElement ae; private int computedWidth = 0; private int computedHeight = 0; private final GLookAndFeelI laf; /** * Callback from renderGGBElement to run, if everything is done */ private JavaScriptObject onLoadCallback = null; @Override public JavaScriptObject getOnLoadCallback() { return onLoadCallback; } /** * @param width * width computed from article parameters */ public void setComputedWidth(int width) { this.computedWidth = width; if ( != null) {; } } /** * @param height * height computed from article parameters */ public void setComputedHeight(int height) { this.computedHeight = height; if ( != null) {; } } /** * Needs running {@link #setComputedWidth(int)} first * * @return width computed from applet parameters */ public int getComputedWidth() { return computedWidth; } /** * Needs running {@link #setComputedHeight(int)} first * * @return height computed from applet parameters */ public int getComputedHeight() { return computedHeight; } private static void setBorder(ArticleElement ae, GeoGebraFrameW gf, String dpBorder, int px) { setBorder(ae, gf.getStyleElement(), dpBorder, px); } private static void setBorder(ArticleElement ae, Element gfE, String dpBorder, int px) { ae.getStyle().setBorderWidth(0, Style.Unit.PX); ae.getStyle().setBorderStyle(Style.BorderStyle.SOLID); ae.getStyle().setBorderColor(dpBorder); gfE.getStyle().setBorderWidth(px, Style.Unit.PX); gfE.getStyle().setBorderStyle(Style.BorderStyle.SOLID); gfE.getStyle().setBorderColor(dpBorder); ae.getStyle().setOutlineStyle(OutlineStyle.NONE); } /** * Sets the border around the canvas to the data-param-bordercolor property * or leaves it invisible if "none" was set. * * @param ae * article element * @param gf * frame */ public static void useDataParamBorder(ArticleElement ae, GeoGebraFrameW gf) { // Log.debug("useDataParamBorder - " + ae.getClassName()); String dpBorder = ae.getDataParamBorder(); int thickness = ae.getBorderThickness() / 2; if (dpBorder != null) { if ("none".equals(dpBorder)) { setBorder(ae, gf, "transparent", thickness); } else { setBorder(ae, gf, dpBorder, thickness); } } gf.getElement().removeClassName( GeoGebraConstants.APPLET_FOCUSED_CLASSNAME); gf.getElement().addClassName( GeoGebraConstants.APPLET_UNFOCUSED_CLASSNAME); ae.getStyle().setOutlineStyle(OutlineStyle.NONE); } /** * @param ae * article element * @param gfE * app frame element */ public static void useDataParamBorder(ArticleElement ae, Element gfE) { // Log.debug("useDataParamBorder - " + ae.getClassName()); String dpBorder = ae.getDataParamBorder(); int thickness = ae.getBorderThickness() / 2; if (dpBorder != null) { if ("none".equals(dpBorder)) { setBorder(ae, gfE, "transparent", thickness); } else { setBorder(ae, gfE, dpBorder, thickness); } } gfE.removeClassName(GeoGebraConstants.APPLET_FOCUSED_CLASSNAME); gfE.addClassName(GeoGebraConstants.APPLET_UNFOCUSED_CLASSNAME); } /** * Sets the border around the canvas to be highlighted. At the moment we use * "#9999ff" for this purpose. * * @param ae * article element * @param gf * frame */ public static void useFocusedBorder(ArticleElement ae, GeoGebraFrameW gf) { // Log.debug("useFocusedBorder - " + ae.getClassName()); String dpBorder = ae.getDataParamBorder(); gf.getElement().removeClassName( GeoGebraConstants.APPLET_UNFOCUSED_CLASSNAME); gf.getElement() .addClassName(GeoGebraConstants.APPLET_FOCUSED_CLASSNAME); int thickness = ae.getBorderThickness() / 2; if (dpBorder != null && "none".equals(dpBorder)) { setBorder(ae, gf, "transparent", thickness); return; } } /** * @param ae * article element * @param gfE * app frame element */ public static void useFocusedBorder(ArticleElement ae, Element gfE) { // Log.debug("useFocusedBorder - " + ae.getClassName()); String dpBorder = ae.getDataParamBorder(); gfE.removeClassName(GeoGebraConstants.APPLET_UNFOCUSED_CLASSNAME); gfE.addClassName(GeoGebraConstants.APPLET_FOCUSED_CLASSNAME); int thickness = ae.getBorderThickness() / 2; if (dpBorder != null && "none".equals(dpBorder)) { setBorder(ae, gfE, "transparent", thickness); return; } } public void runAsyncAfterSplash() { final GeoGebraFrameW inst = this; final ArticleElement articleElement =; // GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { // public void onSuccess() { ResourcesInjector .injectResources(); // More testing is needed how can we use // createApplicationSimple effectively // if (ae.getDataParamGuiOff()) // = inst.createApplicationSimple(articleElement, inst); // else = inst.createApplication(articleElement, this.laf);; // useDataParamBorder(articleElement, inst); // inst.add(; boolean showAppPicker = app.isPerspectivesPopupVisible();; if (showAppPicker) { app.showPerspectivesPopup(); } // need to call setLabels here // to print DockPanels' titles; // } // public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { // App.debug("Async load failed"); // } // }); } public static void handleLoadFile(ArticleElement articleElement, AppW app) { ViewW view = new ViewW(articleElement, app); ViewW.fileLoader.setView(view); ViewW.fileLoader.onPageLoad(); } /** * @return the application */ public App getApplication() { return app; } /** * Sets the Application of the GeoGebraFrame * * @param app * the application */ public void setApplication(AppW app) { = app; } /** * @param article * article element * @param lookAndFeel * look and feel * @return the newly created instance of Application */ protected abstract AppW createApplication(ArticleElement article, GLookAndFeelI lookAndFeel); /** * @return list of instances of GeogebraFrame */ public static ArrayList<GeoGebraFrameW> getInstances() { return instances; } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { // do nothing } public static int getInstanceCount() { return instances.size(); } /** * @param width * * sets the geogebra-web applet widht */ @Override public void setWidth(int width) { if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().resize(width, getOffsetHeight()); setWidth(width - app.getArticleElement().getBorderThickness() + "px"); app.persistWidthAndHeight(); } else { setWidth(width - app.getArticleElement().getBorderThickness() + "px"); app.getEuclidianViewpanel().setPixelSize(width, getOffsetHeight()); // maybe onResize is OK too app.getEuclidianViewpanel().deferredOnResize(); } } /** * @param height * * sets the geogebra-web applet height */ @Override public void setHeight(int height) { if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().resize(getOffsetWidth(), height); setHeight(height - app.getArticleElement().getBorderThickness() + "px"); app.persistWidthAndHeight(); } else { setHeight(height - app.getArticleElement().getBorderThickness() + "px"); app.getEuclidianViewpanel().setPixelSize(getOffsetWidth(), height); // maybe onResize is OK too app.getEuclidianViewpanel().deferredOnResize(); } } /** * sets the geogebra-web applet size (width, height) * * @param width * width in pixels * @param height * height in pixels * * */ @Override public void setSize(int width, int height) { // setPixelSize(width, height); if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().resize(width, height); setWidth(width - app.getArticleElement().getBorderThickness() + "px"); setHeight(height - app.getArticleElement().getBorderThickness() + "px"); app.persistWidthAndHeight(); } } /** * After loading a new GGB file, the size should be set to "auto" */ @Override public void resetAutoSize() { setWidth("auto"); setHeight("auto"); } /** * @param show * * wheter show the toolbar in geogebra-web applets or not */ @Override public void showToolBar(boolean show) { if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().showToolBar(show); } } /** * @param show * * wheter show the menubar in geogebra-web applets or not */ @Override public void showMenuBar(boolean show) { if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().showMenuBar(show); } } /** * @param show * * wheter show the algebrainput in geogebra-web applets or not */ @Override public void showAlgebraInput(boolean show) { if (app.getGuiManager() != null) { app.getGuiManager().showAlgebraInput(show); } } /** * @param show * * wheter show the reseticon in geogebra-web applets or not */ @Override public void showResetIcon(boolean show) { app.setShowResetIcon(show); app.refreshViews(); } /** * @param element * Html Element * @param frame * GeoGebraFrame subclasses * @param onLoadCallback * load callback * */ public static void renderArticleElementWithFrame(final Element element, GeoGebraFrameW frame, JavaScriptObject onLoadCallback) { final ArticleElement article =; if (Log.getLogger() == null) { LoggerW.startLogger(article); } article.clear(); article.initID(0); final GeoGebraFrameW inst = frame; = article; inst.onLoadCallback = onLoadCallback; inst.createSplash(article); RootPanel root = RootPanel.get(article.getId()); if (root != null) { RootPanel.get(article.getId()).add(inst); } else { Log.error("Cannot find article with ID " + article.getId()); } } /** * callback when renderGGBElement is ready */ public static native void renderGGBElementReady() /*-{ if (typeof $wnd.renderGGBElementReady === "function") { $wnd.renderGGBElementReady(); } }-*/; /** * removes applet from the page */ @Override public void remove() { this.removeFromParent(); // this does not do anything! GeoGebraFrameW.getInstances() .remove( GeoGebraFrameW.getInstances().indexOf(this));; = null; = null; ViewW.fileLoader.setView(null); if (GeoGebraFrameW.getInstanceCount() == 0) { ResourcesInjector.removeResources(); } } }