/** * Copyright (c) 2008, the JUNG Project and the Regents of the University * of California * All rights reserved. * * This software is open-source under the BSD license; see either * "license.txt" or * http://jung.sourceforge.net/license.txt for a description. * Created on Sep 16, 2008 * */ package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Stack; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.collections15.functors.ConstantTransformer; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util.MapBinaryHeap; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.UndirectedGraph; /** * Computes betweenness centrality for each vertex and edge in the graph. * * @see "Ulrik Brandes: A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25(2):163-177, 2001." */ public class BetweennessCentrality<V, E> implements VertexScorer<V, Double>, EdgeScorer<E, Double> { protected Graph<V, E> graph; protected Map<V, Double> vertex_scores; protected Map<E, Double> edge_scores; protected Map<V, BetweennessData> vertex_data; /** * Calculates betweenness scores based on the all-pairs unweighted shortest * paths in the graph. * * @param graph * the graph for which the scores are to be calculated */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public BetweennessCentrality(Graph<V, E> graph) { initialize(graph); computeBetweenness(new LinkedList<V>(), new ConstantTransformer(1)); } /** * Calculates betweenness scores based on the all-pairs weighted shortest * paths in the graph. * * <p> * NOTE: This version of the algorithm may not work correctly on all graphs; * we're still working out the bugs. Use at your own risk. * * @param graph * the graph for which the scores are to be calculated * @param edge_weights * the edge weights to be used in the path length calculations */ public BetweennessCentrality(Graph<V, E> graph, Transformer<E, ? extends Number> edge_weights) { // reject negative-weight edges up front for (E e : graph.getEdges()) { double e_weight = edge_weights.transform(e).doubleValue(); if (e_weight < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Weight for edge '" + e + "' is < 0: " + e_weight); } } initialize(graph); computeBetweenness(new MapBinaryHeap<V>(new BetweennessComparator()), edge_weights); } protected void initialize(Graph<V, E> graph) { this.graph = graph; this.vertex_scores = new HashMap<V, Double>(); this.edge_scores = new HashMap<E, Double>(); this.vertex_data = new HashMap<V, BetweennessData>(); for (V v : graph.getVertices()) { this.vertex_scores.put(v, 0.0); } for (E e : graph.getEdges()) { this.edge_scores.put(e, 0.0); } } protected void computeBetweenness(Queue<V> queue, Transformer<E, ? extends Number> edge_weights) { for (V v : graph.getVertices()) { // initialize the betweenness data for this new vertex for (V s : graph.getVertices()) { this.vertex_data.put(s, new BetweennessData()); } // if (v.equals(new Integer(0))) // System.out.println("pause"); vertex_data.get(v).numSPs = 1; vertex_data.get(v).distance = 0; Stack<V> stack = new Stack<V>(); // Buffer<V> queue = new UnboundedFifoBuffer<V>(); // queue.add(v); queue.offer(v); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { // V w = queue.remove(); V w = queue.poll(); stack.push(w); BetweennessData w_data = vertex_data.get(w); for (E e : graph.getOutEdges(w)) { // TODO (jrtom): change this to getOtherVertices(w, e) V x = graph.getOpposite(w, e); if (x.equals(w)) { continue; } double wx_weight = edge_weights.transform(e).doubleValue(); // for(V x : graph.getSuccessors(w)) // { // if (x.equals(w)) // continue; // FIXME: the other problem is that I need to // keep putting the neighbors of things we've just // discovered in the queue, if they're undiscovered or // at greater distance. // FIXME: this is the problem, right here, I think: // need to update position in queue if distance changes // (which can only happen with weighted edges). // for each outgoing edge e from w, get other end x // if x not already visited (dist x < 0) // set x's distance to w's dist + edge weight // add x to queue; pri in queue is x's dist // if w's dist + edge weight < x's dist // update x's dist // update x in queue (MapBinaryHeap) // clear x's incoming edge list // if w's dist + edge weight = x's dist // add e to x's incoming edge list BetweennessData x_data = vertex_data.get(x); double x_potential_dist = w_data.distance + wx_weight; if (x_data.distance < 0) { // queue.add(x); // vertex_data.get(x).distance = // vertex_data.get(w).distance + 1; x_data.distance = x_potential_dist; queue.offer(x); } // note: // (1) this can only happen with weighted edges // (2) x's SP count and incoming edges are updated below if (x_data.distance > x_potential_dist) { x_data.distance = x_potential_dist; // invalidate previously identified incoming edges // (we have a new shortest path distance to x) x_data.incomingEdges.clear(); // update x's position in queue ((MapBinaryHeap<V>) queue).update(x); } // if (vertex_data.get(x).distance == // vertex_data.get(w).distance + 1) // // if (x_data.distance == x_potential_dist) // { // x_data.numSPs += w_data.numSPs; //// vertex_data.get(x).predecessors.add(w); // x_data.incomingEdges.add(e); // } } for (E e : graph.getOutEdges(w)) { V x = graph.getOpposite(w, e); if (x.equals(w)) { continue; } double e_weight = edge_weights.transform(e).doubleValue(); BetweennessData x_data = vertex_data.get(x); double x_potential_dist = w_data.distance + e_weight; if (x_data.distance == x_potential_dist) { x_data.numSPs += w_data.numSPs; // vertex_data.get(x).predecessors.add(w); x_data.incomingEdges.add(e); } } } while (!stack.isEmpty()) { V x = stack.pop(); // for (V w : vertex_data.get(x).predecessors) for (E e : vertex_data.get(x).incomingEdges) { V w = graph.getOpposite(x, e); double partialDependency = vertex_data.get(w).numSPs / vertex_data.get(x).numSPs * (1.0 + vertex_data.get(x).dependency); vertex_data.get(w).dependency += partialDependency; // E w_x = graph.findEdge(w, x); // double w_x_score = edge_scores.get(w_x).doubleValue(); // w_x_score += partialDependency; // edge_scores.put(w_x, w_x_score); double e_score = edge_scores.get(e).doubleValue(); edge_scores.put(e, e_score + partialDependency); } if (!x.equals(v)) { double x_score = vertex_scores.get(x).doubleValue(); x_score += vertex_data.get(x).dependency; vertex_scores.put(x, x_score); } } } if (graph instanceof UndirectedGraph) { for (V v : graph.getVertices()) { double v_score = vertex_scores.get(v).doubleValue(); v_score /= 2.0; vertex_scores.put(v, v_score); } for (E e : graph.getEdges()) { double e_score = edge_scores.get(e).doubleValue(); e_score /= 2.0; edge_scores.put(e, e_score); } } vertex_data.clear(); } // protected void computeWeightedBetweenness(Transformer<E, ? extends // Number> edge_weights) // { // for (V v : graph.getVertices()) // { // // initialize the betweenness data for this new vertex // for (V s : graph.getVertices()) // this.vertex_data.put(s, new BetweennessData()); // vertex_data.get(v).numSPs = 1; // vertex_data.get(v).distance = 0; // // Stack<V> stack = new Stack<V>(); //// Buffer<V> queue = new UnboundedFifoBuffer<V>(); // SortedSet<V> pqueue = new TreeSet<V>(new BetweennessComparator()); //// queue.add(v); // pqueue.add(v); // //// while (!queue.isEmpty()) // while (!pqueue.isEmpty()) // { //// V w = queue.remove(); // V w = pqueue.first(); // pqueue.remove(w); // stack.push(w); // //// for(V x : graph.getSuccessors(w)) // for (E e : graph.getOutEdges(w)) // { // // TODO (jrtom): change this to getOtherVertices(w, e) // V x = graph.getOpposite(w, e); // if (x.equals(w)) // continue; // double e_weight = edge_weights.transform(e).doubleValue(); // // if (vertex_data.get(x).distance < 0) // { //// queue.add(x); // pqueue.add(v); //// vertex_data.get(x).distance = vertex_data.get(w).distance + 1; // vertex_data.get(x).distance = // vertex_data.get(w).distance + e_weight; // } // //// if (vertex_data.get(x).distance == vertex_data.get(w).distance + 1) // if (vertex_data.get(x).distance == // vertex_data.get(w).distance + e_weight) // { // vertex_data.get(x).numSPs += vertex_data.get(w).numSPs; // vertex_data.get(x).predecessors.add(w); // } // } // } // updateScores(v, stack); // } // // if(graph instanceof UndirectedGraph) // adjustUndirectedScores(); // // vertex_data.clear(); // } @Override public Double getVertexScore(V v) { return vertex_scores.get(v); } @Override public Double getEdgeScore(E e) { return edge_scores.get(e); } private class BetweennessData { double distance; double numSPs; // List<V> predecessors; List<E> incomingEdges; double dependency; BetweennessData() { distance = -1; numSPs = 0; // predecessors = new ArrayList<V>(); incomingEdges = new ArrayList<E>(); dependency = 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "[d:" + distance + ", sp:" + numSPs + ", p:" + incomingEdges + ", d:" + dependency + "]\n"; // ", p:" + predecessors + ", d:" + dependency + "]\n"; } } private class BetweennessComparator implements Comparator<V> { @Override public int compare(V v1, V v2) { return vertex_data.get(v1).distance > vertex_data.get(v2).distance ? 1 : -1; } } }