package org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.algos; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.Geo3DVec; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoConic3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoConicPart3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoConicSection; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoCurveCartesian3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoLine3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoPlane3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoPoint3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoPolygon3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoPolyhedron; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoQuadric3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoQuadric3DLimited; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoQuadric3DPart; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoRay3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoSegment3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoSpace; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.geos.GeoVector3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.implicit3D.AlgoIntersectFunctionNVarPlane; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.implicit3D.AlgoIntersectImplicitSurfacePlane; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.implicit3D.GeoImplicitSurface; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.transform.TransformDilate3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.transform.TransformMirror3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.transform.TransformRotate3D; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.kernel3D.transform.TransformTranslate3D; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Manager3DInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Path; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Region; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Transform; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.CoordMatrix; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.CoordMatrix4x4; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoCircleThreePoints; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDependentNumber; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDependentPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDistancePoints; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoJoinPointsSegment; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoMidpoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoOrthoLinePointLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoPolygon; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.Equation; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic3D.MyVec3DNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.commands.Commands; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoAngle; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoCurveCartesian; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunctionNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoly; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolygon; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoSegment; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoSurfaceFinite; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.ParametricCurve; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.Geo3DVecInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicNDConstants; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicPartND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoCoordSys2D; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoCurveCartesianND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoDirectionND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoImplicitSurfaceND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoLineND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPlaneND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoQuadricND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoSegmentND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoVectorND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.HasHeight; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.HasVolume; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.GeoClass; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; /** * Class that for manage all 3D methods in AbstractKernel. * * @author mathieu * */ public class Manager3D implements Manager3DInterface { private Kernel kernel; private Construction cons; /** * @param kernel * parent kernel */ public Manager3D(Kernel kernel) { this.kernel = kernel; this.cons = kernel.getConstruction(); } /** Point3D label with cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D Point3D(String label, double x, double y, double z, boolean coords2D) { GeoPoint3D p = new GeoPoint3D(cons); if (coords2D) { p.setCartesian(); } else { p.setCartesian3D(); } p.setCoords(x, y, z, 1.0); p.setLabel(label); // invokes add() return p; } @Override final public GeoPoint3D Point3D(double x, double y, double z, boolean coords2D) { GeoPoint3D p = new GeoPoint3D(cons); if (coords2D) { p.setCartesian(); } else { p.setCartesian3D(); } p.setCoords(x, y, z, 1.0); return p; } /** * Point dependent on arithmetic expression with variables, represented by a * tree. e.g. P = (4t, 2s, 7) */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D DependentPoint3D(ExpressionNode root, boolean addToCons) { AlgoDependentPoint3D algo = new AlgoDependentPoint3D(cons, root, addToCons); GeoPoint3D P = algo.getPoint3D(); P.setCartesian3D(); return P; } @Override final public GeoVector3D DependentVector3D(ExpressionNode root) { AlgoDependentVector3D algo = new AlgoDependentVector3D(cons, root); GeoVector3D P = algo.getVector3D(); return P; } @Override final public GeoVector3D Vector3D(double x, double y, double z) { GeoVector3D v = new GeoVector3D(cons, x, y, z); return v; } /** * Vector named label from Point P to Q */ @Override final public GeoVector3D Vector3D(String label, GeoPointND P, GeoPointND Q) { AlgoVector3D algo = new AlgoVector3D(cons, label, P, Q); GeoVector3D v = (GeoVector3D) algo.getVector(); v.setEuclidianVisible(true); v.update(); kernel.notifyUpdate(v); return v; } /** Point in region with cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D Point3DIn(String label, Region region, Coords coords, boolean addToConstruction, boolean coords2D) { boolean oldMacroMode = false; if (!addToConstruction) { oldMacroMode = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); } // Application.debug("Point3DIn - \n x="+x+"\n y="+y+"\n z="+z); AlgoPoint3DInRegion algo = new AlgoPoint3DInRegion(cons, label, region, coords); GeoPoint3D p = algo.getP(); if (coords2D) { p.setCartesian(); } else { p.setCartesian3D(); } p.update(); if (!addToConstruction) { cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(oldMacroMode); } return p; } /** Point in region with cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D Point3DIn(Region region, Coords coords, boolean coords2D) { AlgoPoint3DInRegion algo = new AlgoPoint3DInRegion(cons, region, coords); GeoPoint3D p = algo.getP(); if (coords2D) { p.setCartesian(); } else { p.setCartesian3D(); } p.update(); return p; } /** Point in region */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D Point3DIn(String label, Region region, boolean coords2D) { return Point3DIn(label, region, null, true, coords2D); } /** Point3D on a 1D path with cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D Point3D(String label, Path path, double x, double y, double z, boolean addToConstruction, boolean coords2D) { boolean oldMacroMode = false; if (!addToConstruction) { oldMacroMode = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); } AlgoPoint3DOnPath algo = new AlgoPoint3DOnPath(cons, path, x, y, z); GeoPoint3D p = (GeoPoint3D) algo.getP(); if (coords2D) { p.setCartesian(); } else { p.setCartesian3D(); } p.setLabel(label); if (!addToConstruction) { cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(oldMacroMode); } return p; } /** Point3D on a 1D path without cartesian coordinates */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D Point3D(String label, Path path, boolean coords2D) { // try (0,0,0) // AlgoPoint3DOnPath algo = new AlgoPoint3DOnPath(cons, label, path, 0, // 0, 0); // GeoPoint3D p = algo.getP(); GeoPoint3D p = Point3D(label, path, 0, 0, 0, true, coords2D); /* * TODO below // try (1,0,0) if (!p.isDefined()) { p.setCoords(1,0,1); * algo.update(); } * * // try (random(),0) if (!p.isDefined()) { * p.setCoords(Math.random(),0,1); algo.update(); } */ return p; } @Override public GeoPointND Point3D(String label, Path path, GeoNumberValue param) { // try (0,0,0) AlgoPoint3DOnPath algo = null; if (param == null) { algo = new AlgoPoint3DOnPath(cons, path, 0, 0, 0); } else { algo = new AlgoPoint3DOnPath(cons, path, param); } GeoPointND p = algo.getP(); // try (1,0,0) if (!p.isDefined()) { p.setCoords(1, 0, 0, 1); } // try (random(),0, 0) if (!p.isDefined()) { p.setCoords(Math.random(), 0, 0, 1); } p.setLabel(label); return p; } /** * Midpoint M = (P + Q)/2 */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D Midpoint(String label, GeoPointND P, GeoPointND Q) { AlgoMidpoint3D algo = new AlgoMidpoint3D(cons, label, P, Q); GeoPoint3D M = algo.getPoint(); return M; } @Override public GeoPointND Midpoint(String label, GeoSegmentND segment) { AlgoMidpoint3D algo = new AlgoMidpointSegment3D(cons, label, segment); GeoPoint3D M = algo.getPoint(); return M; } @Override public GeoPointND Center(String label, GeoConicND conic) { AlgoCenterConic3D algo = new AlgoCenterConic3D(cons, label, conic); return algo.getPoint(); } @Override public GeoPointND CenterQuadric(String label, GeoQuadricND quadric) { AlgoCenterQuadric algo = new AlgoCenterQuadric(cons, label, (GeoQuadric3D) quadric); return algo.getPoint(); } /** Segment3D label linking points v1 and v2 */ /* * final public GeoSegment3D Segment3D(String label, Ggb3DVector v1, * Ggb3DVector v2){ GeoSegment3D s = new GeoSegment3D(cons,v1,v2); * s.setLabel(label); return s; } */ /** Segment3D label linking points P1 and P2 */ @Override final public GeoSegment3D Segment3D(String label, GeoPointND P1, GeoPointND P2) { AlgoJoinPoints3D algo = new AlgoJoinPoints3D(cons, label, P1, P2, GeoClass.SEGMENT3D); GeoSegment3D s = (GeoSegment3D) algo.getCS(); return s; } /** Line3D label linking points P1 and P2 */ @Override final public GeoLine3D Line3D(String label, GeoPointND P1, GeoPointND P2) { AlgoJoinPoints3D algo = new AlgoJoinPoints3D(cons, label, P1, P2, GeoClass.LINE3D); GeoLine3D l = (GeoLine3D) algo.getCS(); return l; } @Override final public GeoLineND Line3D(String label, GeoPointND P, GeoLineND l) { AlgoLinePointLine3D algo = new AlgoLinePointLine3D(cons, label, P, l); GeoLineND g = algo.getLine(); return g; } @Override final public GeoLineND Line3D(String label, GeoPointND P, GeoVectorND v) { AlgoLinePointVector3D algo = new AlgoLinePointVector3D(cons, label, P, v); GeoLineND g = algo.getLine(); return g; } /** Ray3D label linking points P1 and P2 */ @Override final public GeoRay3D Ray3D(String label, GeoPointND P1, GeoPointND P2) { // Application.debug("Kernel3D : Ray3D"); // AlgoJoinPointsRay3D algo = new AlgoJoinPointsRay3D(cons, label, P1, // P2); // GeoRay3D l = algo.getRay3D(); AlgoJoinPoints3D algo = new AlgoJoinPoints3D(cons, label, P1, P2, GeoClass.RAY3D); GeoRay3D l = (GeoRay3D) algo.getCS(); return l; } @Override public GeoLineND OrthogonalLine3D(String label, GeoPointND point, GeoCoordSys2D cs) { AlgoOrthoLinePointPlane algo = new AlgoOrthoLinePointPlane(cons, label, point, cs); return algo.getLine(); } @Override public GeoLineND OrthogonalLine3D(String label, GeoPointND point, GeoLineND line) { AlgoOrthoLinePointLine3D algo = new AlgoOrthoLinePointLine3D(cons, label, point, line); return algo.getLine(); } @Override public GeoLineND OrthogonalLine3D(String label, GeoPointND point, GeoDirectionND line, GeoDirectionND direction) { // when have space as direction, just to say it's not as in 2D if (line instanceof GeoLineND && direction instanceof GeoSpace) { return OrthogonalLine3D(label, point, (GeoLineND) line); } // when using Locus (via macro) or xOy plane as direction, check if it's // only 2D objects, then return 2D line if ((!(cons.is3D()) || direction == cons.getXOYPlane()) && (point instanceof GeoPoint) && (line instanceof GeoLine)) { AlgoOrthoLinePointLine algo = new AlgoOrthoLinePointLine(cons, label, (GeoPoint) point, (GeoLine) line); return algo.getLine(); } AlgoOrthoLinePointDirectionDirection algo = new AlgoOrthoLinePointDirectionDirection( cons, label, point, line, direction); return algo.getLine(); } @Override public GeoLineND OrthogonalLine3D(String label, GeoLineND line1, GeoLineND line2) { AlgoOrthoLineLineLine algo = new AlgoOrthoLineLineLine(cons, label, line1, line2); return algo.getLine(); } @Override public GeoVectorND OrthogonalVector3D(String label, GeoCoordSys2D plane) { AlgoOrthoVectorPlane algo = new AlgoOrthoVectorPlane(cons, label, plane); return algo.getVector(); } @Override public GeoVectorND OrthogonalVector3D(String label, GeoLineND line, GeoDirectionND direction) { AlgoOrthoVectorLineDirection algo = new AlgoOrthoVectorLineDirection( cons, label, line, direction); return algo.getVector(); } @Override public GeoVectorND UnitOrthogonalVector3D(String label, GeoCoordSys2D plane) { AlgoUnitOrthoVectorPlane algo = new AlgoUnitOrthoVectorPlane(cons, label, plane); return algo.getVector(); } /** * Polygon3D linking points P1, P2, ... * * @param label * name of the polygon * @param points * vertices of the polygon * @return the polygon */ @Override final public GeoElement[] Polygon3D(String[] label, GeoPointND[] points) { AlgoPolygon3D algo = new AlgoPolygon3D(cons, label, points, null); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Polygon3D(String[] label, GeoPointND[] points, GeoDirectionND direction) { AlgoPolygon algo = new AlgoPolygon3DDirection(cons, label, points, direction); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] PolyLine3D(String label, GeoPointND[] P) { AlgoPolyLine3D algo = new AlgoPolyLine3D(cons, label, P); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] PolyLine3D(String label, GeoList pointList) { AlgoPolyLine3D algo = new AlgoPolyLine3D(cons, label, pointList); return algo.getOutput(); } /** * Prism with vertices (last one is first vertex of second parallel face) * * @param labels * names * @param points * vertices * @return the polyhedron */ @Override final public GeoElement[] Prism(String[] labels, GeoPointND[] points) { AlgoPolyhedronPointsPrism algo = new AlgoPolyhedronPointsPrism(cons, labels, points); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Prism(String[] labels, GeoPolygon polygon, GeoPointND point) { AlgoPolyhedronPointsPrism algo = new AlgoPolyhedronPointsPrism(cons, labels, polygon, point); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Prism(String[] labels, GeoPolygon polygon, GeoNumberValue height) { AlgoPolyhedronPointsPrism algo = new AlgoPolyhedronPointsPrism(cons, labels, polygon, height); return algo.getOutput(); } /** * Pyramid with vertices (last one as apex) * * @param labels * names * @param points * vertices * @return the polyhedron */ @Override final public GeoElement[] Pyramid(String[] labels, GeoPointND[] points) { AlgoPolyhedronPointsPyramid algo = new AlgoPolyhedronPointsPyramid(cons, labels, points); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Pyramid(String[] labels, GeoPolygon polygon, GeoPointND point) { AlgoPolyhedronPointsPyramid algo = new AlgoPolyhedronPointsPyramid(cons, labels, polygon, point); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Pyramid(String[] labels, GeoPolygon polygon, GeoNumberValue height) { AlgoPolyhedronPointsPyramid algo = new AlgoPolyhedronPointsPyramid(cons, labels, polygon, height); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoPlane3D Plane3D(double a, double b, double c, double d) { GeoPlane3D plane = new GeoPlane3D(cons, a, b, c, d); return plane; } @Override final public GeoPlane3D DependentPlane3D(Equation equ) { AlgoDependentPlane3D algo = new AlgoDependentPlane3D(cons, equ); return algo.getPlane(); } @Override final public GeoQuadric3D DependentQuadric3D(Equation equ) { AlgoDependentQuadric3D algo = new AlgoDependentQuadric3D(cons, equ); return algo.getQuadric(); } @Override final public GeoPlane3D Plane3D(String label, GeoPointND point, GeoLineND line) { AlgoPlaneThroughPointAndLine algo = new AlgoPlaneThroughPointAndLine( cons, label, point, line); return algo.getPlane(); } @Override final public GeoPlane3D Plane3D(String label, GeoPointND point, GeoCoordSys2D cs) { AlgoPlaneThroughPointAndPlane algo = new AlgoPlaneThroughPointAndPlane( cons, label, point, cs); return algo.getPlane(); } /** * Plane named label through Point P orthogonal to line l */ @Override final public GeoPlane3D OrthogonalPlane3D(String label, GeoPointND point, GeoLineND line) { return new AlgoOrthoPlanePointLine(cons, label, point, line).getPlane(); } /** * Plane named label through Point P orthogonal to line l */ @Override final public GeoPlane3D OrthogonalPlane3D(String label, GeoPointND point, GeoVectorND vector) { return new AlgoOrthoPlanePointVector(cons, label, point, vector) .getPlane(); } @Override final public GeoPlane3D PlaneBisector(String label, GeoPointND point1, GeoPointND point2) { return new AlgoOrthoPlaneBisectorPointPoint(cons, label, point1, point2) .getPlane(); } @Override final public GeoPlane3D PlaneBisector(String label, GeoSegmentND segment) { return new AlgoOrthoPlaneBisectorSegment(cons, label, segment) .getPlane(); } /** Sphere label linking with center o and radius r */ @Override final public GeoQuadric3D Sphere(String label, GeoPointND M, GeoNumberValue r) { AlgoSpherePointRadius algo = new AlgoSpherePointRadius(cons, M, r); algo.getSphere().setLabel(label); return algo.getSphere(); } /** * Sphere with midpoint M through point P */ @Override final public GeoQuadric3D Sphere(String label, GeoPointND M, GeoPointND P) { AlgoSphereTwoPoints algo = new AlgoSphereTwoPoints(cons, label, M, P); return algo.getSphere(); } /** * Cone */ @Override final public GeoQuadric3D Cone(String label, GeoPointND origin, GeoVectorND direction, NumberValue angle) { AlgoQuadric algo = new AlgoConeInfinitePointVectorNumber(cons, label, origin, direction, angle); return algo.getQuadric(); } @Override final public GeoQuadric3D Cone(String label, GeoPointND origin, GeoPointND secondPoint, NumberValue angle) { AlgoQuadric algo = new AlgoConeInfinitePointPointNumber(cons, label, origin, secondPoint, angle); return algo.getQuadric(); } @Override final public GeoQuadric3D Cone(String label, GeoPointND origin, GeoLineND axis, NumberValue angle) { AlgoConePointLineAngle algo = new AlgoConePointLineAngle(cons, label, origin, axis, angle); return algo.getQuadric(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] ConeLimited(String[] labels, GeoPointND origin, GeoPointND secondPoint, NumberValue r) { AlgoQuadricLimitedPointPointRadius algo = new AlgoQuadricLimitedPointPointRadiusCone( cons, labels, origin, secondPoint, r); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] ConeLimited(String[] labels, GeoConicND bottom, NumberValue height) { AlgoQuadricLimitedConicHeightCone algo = new AlgoQuadricLimitedConicHeightCone( cons, labels, bottom, height); algo.update();// ensure volume is correctly computed return algo.getOutput(); } /** * Cylinder */ @Override final public GeoQuadric3D Cylinder(String label, GeoPointND origin, GeoVectorND direction, NumberValue r) { AlgoQuadric algo = new AlgoCylinderInfinitePointVectorNumber(cons, label, origin, direction, r); return algo.getQuadric(); } @Override final public GeoQuadric3D Cylinder(String label, GeoPointND origin, GeoPointND secondPoint, NumberValue r) { AlgoQuadric algo = new AlgoCylinderInfinitePointPointNumber(cons, label, origin, secondPoint, r); return algo.getQuadric(); } @Override final public GeoQuadric3D Cylinder(String label, GeoLineND axis, NumberValue r) { AlgoQuadric algo = new AlgoCylinderAxisRadius(cons, label, axis, r); return algo.getQuadric(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] CylinderLimited(String[] labels, GeoPointND origin, GeoPointND secondPoint, NumberValue r) { AlgoQuadricLimitedPointPointRadius algo = new AlgoQuadricLimitedPointPointRadiusCylinder( cons, labels, origin, secondPoint, r); algo.update();// ensure volume is correctly computed return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] CylinderLimited(String[] labels, GeoConicND bottom, NumberValue height) { AlgoQuadricLimitedConicHeightCylinder algo = new AlgoQuadricLimitedConicHeightCylinder( cons, labels, bottom, height); algo.update();// ensure volume is correctly computed return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoQuadric3DPart QuadricSide(String label, GeoQuadricND quadric) { AlgoQuadric algo = new AlgoQuadricSide(cons, label, (GeoQuadric3DLimited) quadric); return (GeoQuadric3DPart) algo.getQuadric(); } @Override final public GeoConic3D QuadricBottom(String label, GeoQuadricND quadric) { AlgoQuadricEnd algo = new AlgoQuadricEndBottom(cons, label, (GeoQuadric3DLimited) quadric); return algo.getSection(); } @Override final public GeoConic3D QuadricTop(String label, GeoQuadricND quadric) { AlgoQuadricEnd algo = new AlgoQuadricEndTop(cons, label, (GeoQuadric3DLimited) quadric); return algo.getSection(); } /** * circle through points A, B, C */ @Override final public GeoConic3D Circle3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C) { AlgoCircleThreePoints algo = new AlgoCircle3DThreePoints(cons, label, A, B, C); GeoConic3D circle = (GeoConic3D) algo.getCircle(); // circle.setToSpecific(); circle.update(); kernel.notifyUpdate(circle); return circle; } @Override public GeoConic3D Circle3D(String label, GeoLineND axis, GeoPointND A) { AlgoCircle3DAxisPoint algo = new AlgoCircle3DAxisPoint(cons, label, axis, A); GeoConic3D circle = algo.getCircle(); // circle.setToSpecific(); circle.update(); kernel.notifyUpdate(circle); return circle; } @Override public GeoConicND Circle3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoNumberValue radius, GeoDirectionND axis) { if (!A.isGeoElement3D() && axis == kernel.getXOYPlane()) { return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().Circle(label, A, radius); } AlgoCircle3DPointDirection algo = new AlgoCircle3DPointRadiusDirection( cons, label, A, radius, axis); GeoConic3D circle = algo.getCircle(); // circle.setToSpecific(); circle.update(); kernel.notifyUpdate(circle); return circle; } @Override public GeoConicND Circle3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoNumberValue radius) { return Circle3D(label, A, radius, kernel.getXOYPlane()); } @Override public GeoConicND Circle3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoDirectionND orientation) { if (!((GeoElement) A).isGeoElement3D() && !((GeoElement) B).isGeoElement3D() // 2D geos && orientation == kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is // default // orientation for // 2D objects return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().Circle(label, (GeoPoint) A, (GeoPoint) B); } // at least one 3D geo or specific orientation AlgoCircle3DPointDirection algo = new AlgoCircle3DPointPointDirection( cons, label, A, B, orientation); GeoConic3D circle = algo.getCircle(); // circle.setToSpecific(); circle.update(); kernel.notifyUpdate(circle); return circle; } /** * plane through points A, B, C */ @Override final public GeoPlane3D Plane3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C) { AlgoPlaneThreePoints algo = new AlgoPlaneThreePoints(cons, label, A, B, C); GeoPlane3D plane = (GeoPlane3D) algo.getCoordSys(); return plane; } @Override public GeoElement Plane3D(String label, GeoLineND a, GeoLineND b) { AlgoPlaneTwoLines algo = new AlgoPlaneTwoLines(cons, label, a, b); return (GeoPlane3D) algo.getCoordSys(); } @Override final public GeoPlane3D Plane3D(String label, GeoCoordSys2D cs2D) { AlgoPlaneCS2D algo = new AlgoPlaneCS2D(cons, cs2D); GeoPlane3D plane = (GeoPlane3D) algo.getCoordSys(); plane.setLabel(label); return plane; } @Override final public GeoPlane3D Plane3D(GeoCoordSys2D cs2D) { AlgoPlaneCS2D algo = new AlgoPlaneCS2D(cons, cs2D); GeoPlane3D plane = (GeoPlane3D) algo.getCoordSys(); return plane; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTERSECTION (POINTS) @Override final public GeoElement Intersect(String label, GeoLineND cs1, GeoCoordSys2D cs2, boolean swapInputs) { AlgoIntersectCoordSys algo = new AlgoIntersectCS1D2D(cons, label, cs1, cs2, swapInputs); return algo.getIntersection(); } @Override final public GeoElement Intersect(String label, GeoLineND cs1, GeoLineND cs2) { AlgoIntersectCoordSys algo = new AlgoIntersectCS1D1D(cons, label, cs1, cs2); return algo.getIntersection(); } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectionPoint(String[] labels, GeoLineND g, GeoSurfaceFinite p) { if (p instanceof GeoPolygon) { AlgoElement algo = new AlgoIntersectLinePolygon3D(cons, labels, g, (GeoPolygon) p); return algo.getOutput(); } return null; } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectionPoint(String[] labels, GeoPlaneND plane, GeoElement s) { if (s instanceof GeoPolygon) { AlgoIntersectPlanePolygon algo = new AlgoIntersectPlanePolygon(cons, labels, (GeoPlane3D) plane, (GeoPolygon) s); return algo.getOutput(); } if (s.isGeoPolyhedron()) { AlgoIntersectPlanePolyhedron algo = new AlgoIntersectPlanePolyhedron( cons, labels, (GeoPlane3D) plane, (GeoPolyhedron) s); return algo.getOutput(); } return null; } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectPath(String[] labels, GeoLineND g, GeoSurfaceFinite p) { AlgoIntersectPathLinePolygon3D algo; if (p instanceof GeoPolygon) { algo = new AlgoIntersectPathLinePolygon3D(cons, labels, (GeoElement) g, (GeoPolygon) p); // Application.debug(algo); return algo.getOutput(); } return null; } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectPath(String[] labels, GeoPlaneND plane, GeoElement p) { if (p instanceof GeoPolygon) { AlgoIntersectPathPlanePolygon3D algo = new AlgoIntersectPathPlanePolygon3D( cons, labels, (GeoPlane3D) plane, (GeoPolygon) p); return algo.getOutput(); } return null; } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectPlaneFunctionNVar(String label, GeoPlaneND plane, GeoFunctionNVar fun) { GeoElement[] ret = IntersectPlaneFunctionNVar(plane, fun); ret[0].setLabel(label); return ret; } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectPlaneFunctionNVar(GeoPlaneND plane, GeoFunctionNVar fun) { AlgoIntersectFunctionNVarPlane algo = new AlgoIntersectFunctionNVarPlane( cons, fun, plane); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectPath(GeoPlaneND plane, GeoPolygon p) { AlgoIntersectPathPlanePolygon3D algo = new AlgoIntersectPathPlanePolygon3D( cons, (GeoPlane3D) plane, p); algo.update(); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectRegion(String[] labels, GeoPlaneND plane, GeoElement p, int[] outputSizes) { if (p.isGeoPolyhedron()) { AlgoIntersectRegionPlanePolyhedron algo = new AlgoIntersectRegionPlanePolyhedron( cons, labels, (GeoPlane3D) plane, (GeoPolyhedron) p, outputSizes); return algo.getOutput(); } return null; } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectRegion(GeoPlaneND plane, GeoElement p) { if (p.isGeoPolyhedron()) { AlgoIntersectRegionPlanePolyhedron algo = new AlgoIntersectRegionPlanePolyhedron( cons, (GeoPlane3D) plane, (GeoPolyhedron) p); algo.update(); return algo.getOutput(); } return null; } @Override public GeoConic3D Intersect(String label, GeoPlaneND plane, GeoQuadricND quadric) { GeoConic3D ret; if (quadric instanceof GeoQuadric3DPart) { AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadricPart algo = new AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadricPart( cons, (GeoPlane3D) plane, quadric); ret = algo.getConic(); } else { AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadric algo = new AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadric(cons, plane, quadric); ret = algo.getConic(); } ret.setLabel(label); return ret; } @Override public GeoConicND IntersectQuadricLimited(String label, GeoPlaneND plane, GeoQuadricND quadric) { AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadric algo = new AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadricLimited( cons, label, (GeoPlane3D) plane, quadric); return algo.getConic(); } @Override public GeoConicND IntersectQuadricLimited(GeoPlaneND plane, GeoQuadricND quadric) { AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadric algo = new AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadricLimited( cons, (GeoPlane3D) plane, quadric); return algo.getConic(); } @Override public GeoConic3D Intersect(GeoPlaneND plane, GeoQuadricND quadric) { AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadric algo = new AlgoIntersectPlaneQuadric(cons, plane, quadric); return algo.getConic(); } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectAsCircle(String[] labels, GeoQuadricND quadric1, GeoQuadricND quadric2) { AlgoIntersectQuadricsAsCircle algo = new AlgoIntersectQuadricsAsCircle( cons, labels, quadric1, quadric2); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectAsCircle(GeoQuadricND quadric1, GeoQuadricND quadric2) { AlgoIntersectQuadricsAsCircle algo = new AlgoIntersectQuadricsAsCircle( cons, quadric1, quadric2); return algo.getOutput(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS (2 VARS) @Override final public GeoFunctionNVar Function2Var(String label, GeoNumberValue zcoord, GeoNumeric localVarU, GeoNumberValue Ufrom, GeoNumberValue Uto, GeoNumeric localVarV, GeoNumberValue Vfrom, GeoNumberValue Vto) { AlgoFunctionNVarND algo = new AlgoFunctionNVarND(cons, label, new GeoNumberValue[] { zcoord }, new GeoNumeric[] { localVarU, localVarV }, new GeoNumberValue[] { Ufrom, Vfrom }, new GeoNumberValue[] { Uto, Vto }); return algo.getFunction(); } @Override final public GeoFunctionNVar Function2Var(String label, GeoFunctionNVar f, GeoNumberValue xFrom, GeoNumberValue xTo, GeoNumberValue yFrom, GeoNumberValue yTo) { AlgoFunctionNVarND algo = new AlgoFunctionNVarND(cons, label, f, new GeoNumberValue[] { xFrom, yFrom }, new GeoNumberValue[] { xTo, yTo }); return algo.getFunction(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3D CURVE (1 VAR) /** * 3D Cartesian curve command: Curve[ <expression x-coord>, <expression * y-coord>, <expression z-coord>, <number-var>, <from>, <to> ] */ @Override final public GeoCurveCartesian3D CurveCartesian3D(GeoNumberValue xcoord, GeoNumberValue ycoord, GeoNumberValue zcoord, GeoNumeric localVar, GeoNumberValue from, GeoNumberValue to) { AlgoCurveCartesian3D algo = new AlgoCurveCartesian3D(cons, null, new GeoNumberValue[] { xcoord, ycoord, zcoord }, localVar, from, to); return (GeoCurveCartesian3D) algo.getCurve(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3D SURFACE (2 VARS) @Override public GeoElement SurfaceCartesian3D(String label, ExpressionNode point, GeoNumberValue xcoord, GeoNumberValue ycoord, GeoNumberValue zcoord, GeoNumeric uVar, GeoNumberValue uFrom, GeoNumberValue uTo, GeoNumeric vVar, GeoNumberValue vFrom, GeoNumberValue vTo) { AlgoSurfaceCartesian3D algo = new AlgoSurfaceCartesian3D(cons, label, point, new GeoNumberValue[] { xcoord, ycoord, zcoord }, new GeoNumeric[] { uVar, vVar }, new GeoNumberValue[] { uFrom, vFrom }, new GeoNumberValue[] { uTo, vTo }); return algo.getSurface(); } @Override public GeoElement SurfaceOfRevolution(String label, ParametricCurve function, GeoNumberValue angle) { AlgoSurfaceOfRevolution algo = new AlgoSurfaceOfRevolution(cons, label, function, angle); return algo.getSurface(); } @Override public GeoElement SurfaceOfRevolution(String label, Path function, GeoNumberValue angle, GeoLineND line) { AlgoSurfaceOfRevolution algo = new AlgoSurfaceOfRevolution(cons, label, function, angle, line); return algo.getSurface(); } /******************************************************************** * POINT ALGOS (Intersection, ClosestPoint) ********************************************************************/ /** * intersect line and conic */ private AlgoIntersectLineConic3D getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoLineND g, GeoConicND c) { AlgoElement existingAlgo = kernel.getAlgoDispatcher() .findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(g, c); if (existingAlgo != null) { return (AlgoIntersectLineConic3D) existingAlgo; } // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one AlgoIntersectLineConic3D algo = new AlgoIntersectLineConic3D(cons, g, c); algo.setPrintedInXML(false); kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().addIntersectionAlgorithm(algo); // remember // this // algorithm return algo; } /** * IntersectLineConic yields intersection points named label1, label2 of * line g and conic c */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D[] IntersectLineConic(String[] labels, GeoLineND g, GeoConicND c) { AlgoIntersectLineConic3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, c); algo.setPrintedInXML(true); GeoPoint3D[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints(); GeoElement.setLabels(labels, points); return points; } /** * get only one intersection point of two conics that is near to the given * location (xRW, yRW) */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectLineConicSingle(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoConicND c, double xRW, double yRW, CoordMatrix mat) { AlgoIntersectLineConic3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, c); int index = algo.getClosestPointIndex(xRW, yRW, mat); AlgoIntersectSingle3D salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle3D(label, algo, index); GeoPoint3D point = salgo.getPoint(); return point; } /** * get only one intersection point of two conics choice depends on command * input */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectLineConicSingle(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoConicND c, NumberValue index) { return IntersectLineConicSingle(label, g, c, (int) index.getDouble() - 1); } /** * get only one intersection point of two conics choice depends on command * input */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectLineConicSingle(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoConicND c, int index) { AlgoIntersectLineConic3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, c); // index // - 1 // to // start // at 0 AlgoIntersectSingle3D salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle3D(label, algo, index); GeoPoint3D point = salgo.getPoint(); return point; } /** * get only one intersection point of two conics, near to refPoint */ @Override public GeoPoint3D IntersectLineConicSingle(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoConicND c, GeoPointND refPoint) { AlgoIntersectLineConic3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, c); // index // - 1 // to // start // at 0 AlgoIntersectSingle3D salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle3D(label, algo, refPoint); GeoPoint3D point = salgo.getPoint(); return point; } /** * intersect conics * * @param A * conic * @param B * conic * @return intersect algo */ private AlgoIntersectConics3D getIntersectionAlgorithmConics(GeoConicND A, GeoQuadricND B) { AlgoElement existingAlgo = kernel.getAlgoDispatcher() .findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(A, B); if (existingAlgo != null) { return (AlgoIntersectConics3D) existingAlgo; } // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one AlgoIntersectConics3D algo = new AlgoIntersectConics3D(cons, A, B); algo.setPrintedInXML(false); kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().addIntersectionAlgorithm(algo); // remember // this // algorithm return algo; } /** * IntersectConics3D yields intersection points named label1, label2 of * conics A and B */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D[] IntersectConics(String[] labels, GeoConicND A, GeoQuadricND B) { AlgoIntersectConics3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithmConics(A, B); algo.setPrintedInXML(true); GeoPoint3D[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints(); GeoElement.setLabels(labels, points); return points; } @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectConicsSingle(String label, GeoConicND A, GeoQuadricND B, double xRW, double yRW, CoordMatrix mat) { AlgoIntersectConics3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithmConics(A, B); int index = algo.getClosestPointIndex(xRW, yRW, mat); AlgoIntersectSingle3D salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle3D(label, algo, index); GeoPoint3D point = salgo.getPoint(); return point; } @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectConicsSingle(String label, GeoConicND A, GeoQuadricND B, NumberValue index) { return IntersectConicsSingle(label, A, B, (int) index.getDouble() - 1); } @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectConicsSingle(String label, GeoConicND A, GeoQuadricND B, int index) { AlgoIntersectConics3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithmConics(A, B); // index // - // 1 // to // start // at // 0 AlgoIntersectSingle3D salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle3D(label, algo, index); GeoPoint3D point = salgo.getPoint(); return point; } @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectConicsSingle(String label, GeoConicND A, GeoQuadricND B, GeoPointND refPoint) { AlgoIntersectConics3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithmConics(A, B); // index // - // 1 // to // start // at // 0 AlgoIntersectSingle3D salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle3D(label, algo, refPoint); GeoPoint3D point = salgo.getPoint(); return point; } /** * intersect line/quadric */ private AlgoIntersectLineQuadric3D getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoLineND A, GeoQuadricND B) { AlgoElement existingAlgo = kernel.getAlgoDispatcher() .findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(A, B); if (existingAlgo != null) { return (AlgoIntersectLineQuadric3D) existingAlgo; } // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one AlgoIntersectLineQuadric3D algo = new AlgoIntersectLineQuadric3D(cons, A, B); algo.setPrintedInXML(false); kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().addIntersectionAlgorithm(algo); // remember // this // algorithm return algo; } @Override public GeoPointND[] IntersectLineQuadric(String[] labels, GeoLineND A, GeoQuadricND B) { AlgoIntersectLineQuadric3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(A, B); algo.setPrintedInXML(true); GeoPoint3D[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints(); GeoElement.setLabels(labels, points); return points; } /** * get only one intersection point of line and quadric choice depends on * command input */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectLineQuadricSingle(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoQuadricND q, NumberValue index) { return IntersectLineQuadricSingle(label, g, q, (int) index.getDouble() - 1); } /** * get only one intersection point of line and quadric choice depends on * command input */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectLineQuadricSingle(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoQuadricND q, int index) { AlgoIntersectLineQuadric3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, q); // index // - // 1 // to // start // at // 0 AlgoIntersectSingle3D salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle3D(label, algo, index); GeoPoint3D point = salgo.getPoint(); return point; } /** * get only one intersection point of two conics that is near to the given * location (xRW, yRW) */ @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectLineQuadricSingle(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoQuadricND q, double xRW, double yRW, CoordMatrix4x4 mat) { AlgoIntersectLineQuadric3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, q); int index = algo.getClosestPointIndex(xRW, yRW, mat); AlgoIntersectSingle3D salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle3D(label, algo, index); GeoPoint3D point = salgo.getPoint(); return point; } @Override final public GeoPoint3D IntersectLineQuadricSingle(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoQuadricND q, GeoPointND refPoint) { AlgoIntersectLineQuadric3D algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(g, q); // index // - // 1 // to // start // at // 0 AlgoIntersectSingle3D salgo = new AlgoIntersectSingle3D(label, algo, refPoint); GeoPoint3D point = salgo.getPoint(); return point; } /** * intersect plane/conic */ private AlgoIntersectPlaneConic getIntersectionAlgorithm(GeoCoordSys2D A, GeoConicND B) { AlgoElement existingAlgo = kernel.getAlgoDispatcher() .findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(A, B); if (existingAlgo != null) { return (AlgoIntersectPlaneConic) existingAlgo; } // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one AlgoIntersectPlaneConic algo = new AlgoIntersectPlaneConic(cons, A, B); algo.setPrintedInXML(false); kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().addIntersectionAlgorithm(algo); // remember // this // algorithm return algo; } private AlgoIntersectPlaneCurve getIntersectionAlgorithmCurve( GeoCoordSys2D A, GeoCurveCartesianND B, String[] labels) { AlgoElement existingAlgo = kernel.getAlgoDispatcher() .findExistingIntersectionAlgorithm(A, B); if (existingAlgo != null) { return (AlgoIntersectPlaneCurve) existingAlgo; } // we didn't find a matching algorithm, so create a new one AlgoIntersectPlaneCurve algo = new AlgoIntersectPlaneCurve(cons, A, B, labels); algo.setPrintedInXML(false); kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().addIntersectionAlgorithm(algo); // remember // this // algorithm return algo; } @Override public GeoPointND[] IntersectPlaneConic(String[] labels, GeoCoordSys2D A, GeoConicND B) { AlgoIntersectPlaneConic algo = getIntersectionAlgorithm(A, B); algo.setPrintedInXML(true); GeoPoint3D[] points = algo.getIntersectionPoints(); GeoElement.setLabels(labels, points); return points; } @Override public GeoElementND[] IntersectPlaneCurve(String[] labels, GeoCoordSys2D A, GeoCurveCartesianND B) { AlgoIntersectPlaneCurve algo = getIntersectionAlgorithmCurve(A, B, labels); algo.setPrintedInXML(true); GeoElementND[] points = algo.getOutput(); return points; } @Override final public GeoElement IntersectPlanes(String label, GeoPlaneND cs1, GeoPlaneND cs2) { AlgoIntersectPlanes algo = new AlgoIntersectPlanes(cons, label, cs1, cs2); return algo.getIntersection(); } @Override final public GeoElement IntersectPlanes(GeoPlaneND cs1, GeoPlaneND cs2) { AlgoIntersectPlanes algo = new AlgoIntersectPlanes(cons, cs1, cs2); return algo.getIntersection(); } @Override public GeoElement ClosestPoint(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoLineND h) { AlgoClosestPointLines3D algo = new AlgoClosestPointLines3D(cons, label, g, h); return algo.getPoint(); } @Override public GeoPoint3D ClosestPoint(String label, Path p, GeoPointND P) { AlgoClosestPoint3D algo = new AlgoClosestPoint3D(cons, label, p, P); return (GeoPoint3D) algo.getP(); } @Override public GeoPointND ClosestPoint(String label, Region r, GeoPointND P) { AlgoClosestPointToRegion3D algo = new AlgoClosestPointToRegion3D(cons, label, r, P); return algo.getOutputPoint(); } /******************************************************************** * MEASURES (lengths, angles) ********************************************************************/ @Override final public GeoAngle Angle3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C) { AlgoAnglePoints3D algo = new AlgoAnglePoints3D(cons, label, A, B, C); GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle(); return angle; } @Override final public GeoAngle Angle3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C, GeoDirectionND orientation) { AlgoAnglePoints3DOrientation algo = new AlgoAnglePoints3DOrientation( cons, label, A, B, C, orientation); GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle(); return angle; } @Override final public GeoElement[] Angle(String[] labels, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND A, GeoNumberValue alpha, GeoDirectionND orientation, boolean posOrientation) { // this is actually a macro String pointLabel = null, angleLabel = null; if (labels != null) { switch (labels.length) { case 2: angleLabel = labels[0]; pointLabel = labels[1]; break; case 1: angleLabel = labels[0]; break; default: } } // rotate B around A using angle alpha GeoPointND C = (GeoPointND) Rotate3D(pointLabel, (GeoElement) B, alpha, A, orientation)[0]; // create angle according to orientation GeoAngle angle; if (posOrientation) { angle = Angle3D(angleLabel, B, A, C, orientation); } else { angle = Angle3D(angleLabel, C, A, B, orientation); } // return angle and new point GeoElement[] ret = { angle, (GeoElement) C }; return ret; } @Override final public GeoAngle Angle3D(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoLineND h) { AlgoAngleLines3D algo = new AlgoAngleLines3D(cons, label, g, h); GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle(); return angle; } @Override final public GeoAngle Angle3D(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoLineND h, GeoDirectionND orientation) { AlgoAngleLines3D algo = new AlgoAngleLines3DOrientation(cons, label, g, h, orientation); GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle(); return angle; } @Override final public GeoAngle Angle3D(String label, GeoPlaneND p1, GeoPlaneND p2) { AlgoAnglePlanes algo = new AlgoAnglePlanes(cons, label, (GeoPlane3D) p1, (GeoPlane3D) p2); GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle(); return angle; } @Override final public GeoAngle Angle3D(String label, GeoLineND l, GeoPlaneND p) { AlgoAngleLinePlane algo = new AlgoAngleLinePlane(cons, label, l, (GeoPlane3D) p); GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle(); return angle; } @Override public GeoAngle createLineAngle(GeoLineND line1, GeoLineND line2) { GeoAngle angle = null; // did we get two segments? if ((line1 instanceof GeoSegmentND) && (line2 instanceof GeoSegmentND)) { // check if the segments have one point in common GeoSegmentND a = (GeoSegmentND) line1; GeoSegmentND b = (GeoSegmentND) line2; // get endpoints GeoPointND a1 = a.getStartPoint(); GeoPointND a2 = a.getEndPoint(); GeoPointND b1 = b.getStartPoint(); GeoPointND b2 = b.getEndPoint(); if (a1 == b1) { angle = Angle3D(null, a2, a1, b2); } else if (a1 == b2) { angle = Angle3D(null, a2, a1, b1); } else if (a2 == b1) { angle = Angle3D(null, a1, a2, b2); } else if (a2 == b2) { angle = Angle3D(null, a1, a2, b1); } } if (angle == null) { angle = Angle3D(null, line1, line2); } return angle; } @Override public GeoAngle createLineAngle(GeoLineND line1, GeoLineND line2, GeoDirectionND orientation) { GeoAngle angle = null; // did we get two segments? if ((line1 instanceof GeoSegmentND) && (line2 instanceof GeoSegmentND)) { // check if the segments have one point in common GeoSegmentND a = (GeoSegmentND) line1; GeoSegmentND b = (GeoSegmentND) line2; // get endpoints GeoPointND a1 = a.getStartPoint(); GeoPointND a2 = a.getEndPoint(); GeoPointND b1 = b.getStartPoint(); GeoPointND b2 = b.getEndPoint(); if (a1 == b1) { angle = Angle3D(null, a2, a1, b2, orientation); } else if (a1 == b2) { angle = Angle3D(null, a2, a1, b1, orientation); } else if (a2 == b1) { angle = Angle3D(null, a1, a2, b2, orientation); } else if (a2 == b2) { angle = Angle3D(null, a1, a2, b1, orientation); } } if (angle == null) { angle = Angle3D(null, line1, line2, orientation); } return angle; } @Override final public GeoAngle Angle3D(String label, GeoVectorND v, GeoVectorND w) { AlgoAngleVectors3D algo = new AlgoAngleVectors3D(cons, label, v, w); GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle(); return angle; } @Override final public GeoAngle Angle3D(String label, GeoVectorND v, GeoVectorND w, GeoDirectionND orientation) { AlgoAngleVectors3D algo = new AlgoAngleVectors3DOrientation(cons, label, v, w, orientation); GeoAngle angle = algo.getAngle(); return angle; } @Override final public GeoElement[] Angles3D(String[] labels, GeoPolygon poly) { AlgoAnglePolygon3D algo = new AlgoAnglePolygon3D(cons, labels, poly); GeoElement[] angles = algo.getAngles(); return angles; } @Override final public GeoElement[] Angles3D(String[] labels, GeoPolygon poly, GeoDirectionND orientation) { AlgoAnglePolygon3D algo = new AlgoAnglePolygon3DOrientation(cons, labels, poly, orientation); GeoElement[] angles = algo.getAngles(); return angles; } /** * Length named label of vector v * * @param label * label * @param v * vector * @return length of the vector */ @Override final public GeoNumeric Length(String label, GeoVectorND v) { AlgoLengthVector3D algo = new AlgoLengthVector3D(cons, label, v); GeoNumeric num = algo.getLength(); return num; } @Override final public GeoElement[] ArchimedeanSolid(String[] labels, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoDirectionND v, Commands name) { AlgoArchimedeanSolid algo = new AlgoArchimedeanSolid(cons, labels, A, B, v, name); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] ArchimedeanSolid(String[] labels, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C, Commands name) { AlgoArchimedeanSolidThreePoints algo = new AlgoArchimedeanSolidThreePoints( cons, labels, A, B, C, name); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] ArchimedeanSolid(String[] labels, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, Commands name) { // create segment A, B GeoSegmentND segAB; if (A.isGeoElement3D() || B.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoJoinPoints3D algoSegment = new AlgoJoinPoints3D(cons, A, B, null, GeoClass.SEGMENT3D); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoSegment); segAB = (GeoSegmentND) algoSegment.getCS(); } else { AlgoJoinPointsSegment algoSegment = new AlgoJoinPointsSegment(cons, (GeoPoint) A, (GeoPoint) B, null, false); // cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoSegment); segAB = algoSegment.getSegment(); } // create distance AB AlgoDistancePoints algoDistance = new AlgoDistancePoints(cons, A, B); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoDistance); GeoNumeric distance = algoDistance.getDistance(); // create center and radius GeoPointND center; GeoNumberValue radius; switch (name) { case Tetrahedron: case Octahedron: case Icosahedron: // center = (A+B)/2 if (A.isGeoElement3D() || B.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoMidpoint3D algoMidpoint = new AlgoMidpoint3D(cons, A, B); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoMidpoint); center = algoMidpoint.getPoint(); } else { AlgoMidpoint algoMidpoint = new AlgoMidpoint(cons, (GeoPoint) A, (GeoPoint) B); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoMidpoint); center = algoMidpoint.getPoint(); } // radius = distance * sqrt(3)/2 ExpressionNode expr = new ExpressionNode(kernel, new MyDouble(kernel, 3), Operation.SQRT, null); expr = expr.divide(2).multiply(distance); AlgoDependentNumber exprAlgo = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, expr, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(exprAlgo); radius = exprAlgo.getNumber(); break; case Cube: default: center = B; radius = distance; break; case Dodecahedron: // center = ((1-Math.sqrt(5)) * A + (3+Math.sqrt(5)) * B)/4 ExpressionNode exprSqrt5 = new ExpressionNode(kernel, new MyDouble(kernel, 5), Operation.SQRT, null); expr = new ExpressionNode(kernel, new MyDouble(kernel, 1), Operation.NO_OPERATION, null); ExpressionNode exprPoint = new ExpressionNode(kernel, A, Operation.NO_OPERATION, null); // order important // 2(3,4,5) is a Vector (when re-loaded from XML) // (3,4,5)2 is a Point expr = (expr.subtract(exprSqrt5)).multiply(exprPoint); ExpressionNode expr2 = new ExpressionNode(kernel, new MyDouble(kernel, 3), Operation.NO_OPERATION, null); exprPoint = new ExpressionNode(kernel, B, Operation.NO_OPERATION, null); // order important // 2(3,4,5) is a Vector (when re-loaded from XML) // (3,4,5)2 is a Point expr2 = (; expr =; if (A.isGeoElement3D() || B.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoDependentPoint3D exprAlgoPoint = new AlgoDependentPoint3D( cons, expr, false); center = exprAlgoPoint.getPoint3D(); } else { AlgoDependentPoint exprAlgoPoint = new AlgoDependentPoint(cons, expr, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(exprAlgoPoint); center = exprAlgoPoint.getPoint(); } // radius = distance * sqrt(10 + 2 * sqrt(5))/4) expr = new ExpressionNode(kernel, new MyDouble(kernel, 10), Operation.NO_OPERATION, null); expr2 = new ExpressionNode(kernel, new MyDouble(kernel, 2), Operation.NO_OPERATION, null); expr = .multiply(distance); exprAlgo = new AlgoDependentNumber(cons, expr, false); cons.removeFromConstructionList(exprAlgo); radius = exprAlgo.getNumber(); break; } // create a circle around center with radius AlgoCircle3DPointRadiusDirection algoCircle = new AlgoCircle3DPointRadiusDirection( cons, center, radius, segAB); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algoCircle); // place the new point on the circle Coords cA = A.getInhomCoordsInD3(); Coords cB = B.getInhomCoordsInD(3); createTmpCoords(); tmpCoords2.setSub3(cB, cA); tmpCoords2.completeOrthonormalKeepInXOYPlaneIfPossible3(tmpCoords3); tmpCoords3.mulInside(radius.getDouble()); tmpCoords.setAdd3(center.getInhomCoordsInD(3), tmpCoords3); AlgoPoint3DOnPath algoPoint = new AlgoPoint3DOnPath(cons, algoCircle.getCircle(), tmpCoords.getX(), tmpCoords.getY(), tmpCoords.getZ()); algoPoint.getP().setLabel(null); // create solid AlgoArchimedeanSolidThreePoints algo = new AlgoArchimedeanSolidThreePoints( cons, labels, A, B, algoPoint.getP(), name); return algo.getOutput(); } private Coords tmpCoords, tmpCoords2, tmpCoords3; final private void createTmpCoords() { if (tmpCoords == null) { tmpCoords = new Coords(3); tmpCoords2 = new Coords(3); tmpCoords3 = new Coords(3); } } @Override public GeoNumeric Distance(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoLineND h) { AlgoDistanceLines3D algo = new AlgoDistanceLines3D(cons, label, g, h); return algo.getDistance(); } @Override public GeoNumeric Distance(String label, GeoPointND point, GeoPlaneND plane) { AlgoDistancePointPlane3D algo = new AlgoDistancePointPlane3D(cons, label, point, plane); return algo.getDistance(); } /******************************************************************** * TRANSFORMATIONS ********************************************************************/ @Override final public GeoElement[] Translate3D(String label, GeoElementND geoTrans, GeoVectorND v) { Transform t = new TransformTranslate3D(cons, v); return t.transform(geoTrans, label); } @Override public Geo3DVecInterface newGeo3DVec(double x, double y, double z) { return new Geo3DVec(kernel, x, y, z); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Rotate3D(String label, GeoElement geoRot, GeoNumberValue phi, GeoPointND center, GeoDirectionND orientation) { Transform t = new TransformRotate3D(cons, phi, center, orientation); return t.transform(geoRot, label); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Rotate3D(String label, GeoElement geoRot, GeoNumberValue phi, GeoLineND line) { Transform t = new TransformRotate3D(cons, phi, line); return t.transform(geoRot, label); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Mirror3D(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoPointND p) { Transform t = new TransformMirror3D(cons, p); return t.transform(geo, label); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Mirror3D(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoLineND line) { Transform t = new TransformMirror3D(cons, line); return t.transform(geo, label); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Mirror3D(String label, GeoElement geo, GeoCoordSys2D plane) { Transform t = new TransformMirror3D(cons, plane); return t.transform(geo, label); } @Override final public GeoElement[] Dilate3D(String label, GeoElement geoDil, GeoNumberValue r, GeoPointND S) { Transform t = new TransformDilate3D(cons, r, S); return t.transform(geoDil, label); } @Override final public GeoNumeric Volume(String label, HasVolume hasVolume) { AlgoVolume algo = new AlgoVolume(cons, label, hasVolume); return algo.getVolume(); } @Override final public GeoNumeric OrientedHeight(String label, HasHeight hasHeight) { AlgoOrientedHeight algo = new AlgoOrientedHeight(cons, label, hasHeight); return algo.getOrientedHeight(); } @Override final public GeoPoint3D[] Corner(String[] labels, GeoConicND conic) { AlgoCornerConicSection algo = new AlgoCornerConicSection(cons, labels, (GeoConicSection) conic); return algo.getCorners(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] RegularPolygon(String[] labels, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoNumberValue n, GeoDirectionND direction) { AlgoPolygonRegular3D algo = new AlgoPolygonRegular3D(cons, labels, A, B, n, direction); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override public GeoElement[] PolyhedronNet(String[] labels, GeoElement p, NumberValue v, GeoPolygon bottomFace, GeoSegmentND[] pivotSegments) { AlgoElement algo; /* * TODO comment this, uncomment below (when cutting edges work for * pyramid and prism */ switch (((GeoPolyhedron) p).getType()) { case GeoPolyhedron.TYPE_PYRAMID: algo = new AlgoPolyhedronNetPyramid(cons, labels, (GeoPolyhedron) p, v); return algo.getOutput(); case GeoPolyhedron.TYPE_PRISM: algo = new AlgoPolyhedronNetPrism(cons, labels, (GeoPolyhedron) p, v); return algo.getOutput(); default: algo = new AlgoPolyhedronNetConvex(cons, labels, (GeoPolyhedron) p, v, bottomFace, pivotSegments); return algo.getOutput(); } /**/ /* * if (bottomFace == null && pivotSegments == null){ * switch(((GeoPolyhedron) p).getType()) { * * case GeoPolyhedron.TYPE_PYRAMID: algo = new * AlgoPolyhedronNetPyramid(cons, labels, (GeoPolyhedron) p, v); return * algo.getOutput(); * * case GeoPolyhedron.TYPE_PRISM: algo = new * AlgoPolyhedronNetPrism(cons, labels, (GeoPolyhedron) p, v); return * algo.getOutput(); } } * * algo = new AlgoPolyhedronNetConvex(cons, labels, (GeoPolyhedron) p, * v, bottomFace, pivotSegments); return algo.getOutput(); */ } @Override public GeoElement[] PolyhedronConvex(String[] labels, GeoElement[] pointList) { AlgoElement algo = new AlgoPolyhedronConvex(cons, labels, pointList); return algo.getOutput(); } /** * circle arc from three points */ @Override final public GeoConicPart3D CircumcircleArc3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C) { AlgoConicPartCircumcircle3D algo = new AlgoConicPartCircumcircle3D(cons, label, A, B, C, GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_PART_ARC); return algo.getConicPart(); } /** * circle sector from three points */ @Override final public GeoConicPart3D CircumcircleSector3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C) { AlgoConicPartCircumcircle3D algo = new AlgoConicPartCircumcircle3D(cons, label, A, B, C, GeoConicNDConstants.CONIC_PART_SECTOR); return algo.getConicPart(); } @Override final public GeoElement[] AngularBisector3D(String[] labels, GeoLineND g, GeoLineND h) { AlgoAngularBisectorLines3D algo = new AlgoAngularBisectorLines3D(cons, labels, g, h); GeoLine3D[] lines = algo.getLines(); return lines; } @Override final public GeoLine3D AngularBisector3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C) { AlgoAngularBisectorPoints3D algo = new AlgoAngularBisectorPoints3D(cons, label, A, B, C); return algo.getLine(); } @Override final public GeoLine3D AngularBisector3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C, GeoDirectionND orientation) { AlgoAngularBisectorPoints3DOrientation algo = new AlgoAngularBisectorPoints3DOrientation( cons, label, A, B, C, orientation); return algo.getLine(); } @Override final public GeoConicPart3D CircleArcSector3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C, int type) { AlgoConicPartCircle3D algo = new AlgoConicPartCircle3D(cons, label, A, B, C, type); return algo.getConicPart(); } @Override final public GeoConicPartND CircleArcSector3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C, GeoDirectionND orientation, int type) { if (((GeoElement) A).isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) B).isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) C).isGeoElement3D()) { // at least one 3D geo if (orientation == kernel.getSpace()) { // space is default // orientation for 3D // objects return CircleArcSector3D(null, A, B, C, type); } // use view orientation AlgoConicPartCircle3D algo = new AlgoConicPartCircle3DOrientation( cons, label, A, B, C, orientation, type); return algo.getConicPart(); } // 2D geos if (orientation == kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is default // orientation for 2D // objects return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().CircleArcSector(label, (GeoPoint) A, (GeoPoint) B, (GeoPoint) C, type); } // use view orientation AlgoConicPartCircle3D algo = new AlgoConicPartCircle3DOrientation(cons, label, A, B, C, orientation, type); return algo.getConicPart(); } @Override public GeoLine3D Line3D(String label, ExpressionValue[] coefX, ExpressionValue[] coefY, ExpressionValue[] coefZ) { MyVec3DNode start = new MyVec3DNode(kernel, coefX[0], coefY[0], coefZ[0]); MyVec3DNode v = new MyVec3DNode(kernel, coefX[1], coefY[1], coefZ[1]); AlgoDependentPoint3D pt = new AlgoDependentPoint3D(cons, start.wrap(), false); AlgoDependentVector3D vec = new AlgoDependentVector3D(cons, v.wrap()); cons.removeFromConstructionList(vec); AlgoLinePointVector3D algo = new AlgoLinePointVector3D(cons, label, pt.getPoint3D(), vec.getVector3D()); GeoLine3D g = algo.getLine(); return g; } @Override final public GeoConicPartND Semicircle3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoDirectionND orientation) { if (((GeoElement) A).isGeoElement3D() || ((GeoElement) B).isGeoElement3D()) { // at least one 3D geo // use view orientation AlgoSemicircle3D algo = new AlgoSemicircle3D(cons, label, A, B, orientation); return algo.getSemicircle(); } // 2D geos if (orientation == kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is default // orientation for 2D // objects return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().Semicircle(label, (GeoPoint) A, (GeoPoint) B); } // use view orientation AlgoSemicircle3D algo = new AlgoSemicircle3D(cons, label, A, B, orientation); return algo.getSemicircle(); } /** * tangents to c through P */ @Override final public GeoElement[] Tangent3D(String[] labels, GeoPointND P, GeoConicND c) { if (P.isGeoElement3D() || c.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoTangentPoint3D algo = new AlgoTangentPoint3D(cons, labels, P, c); return algo.getOutput(); } return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().Tangent(labels, P, c); } @Override public GeoElement[] Tangent3D(String[] labels, GeoLineND l, GeoConicND c) { if (l.isGeoElement3D() || c.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoTangentLine3D algo = new AlgoTangentLine3D(cons, labels, l, c); return algo.getOutput(); } return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().Tangent(labels, l, c); } /** * common tangents to c1 and c2 dsun48 [6/26/2011] */ @Override final public GeoElement[] CommonTangents3D(String[] labels, GeoConicND c1, GeoConicND c2) { if (c1.isGeoElement3D() || c2.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoCommonTangents3D algo = new AlgoCommonTangents3D(cons, labels, c1, c2); return algo.getOutput(); } return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().CommonTangents(labels, c1, c2); } /** * diameter line conjugate to direction of g relative to c */ @Override final public GeoElement DiameterLine3D(String label, GeoLineND g, GeoConicND c) { if (g.isGeoElement3D() || c.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoDiameterLine3D algo = new AlgoDiameterLine3D(cons, label, c, g); return (GeoElement) algo.getDiameter(); } return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().DiameterLine(label, g, c); } /** * diameter line conjugate to v relative to c */ @Override final public GeoElement DiameterLine3D(String label, GeoVectorND v, GeoConicND c) { if (v.isGeoElement3D() || c.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoDiameterVector3D algo = new AlgoDiameterVector3D(cons, label, c, v); return (GeoElement) algo.getDiameter(); } return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().DiameterLine(label, v, c); } @Override final public GeoElement LineBisector3D(String label, GeoSegmentND segment, GeoDirectionND orientation) { if (!segment.isGeoElement3D() // 2D geo && orientation == kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is // default // orientation for // 2D objects return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().LineBisector(null, (GeoSegment) segment); } AlgoLineBisectorSegmentDirection3D algo = new AlgoLineBisectorSegmentDirection3D( cons, label, segment, orientation); return algo.getLine(); } @Override final public GeoElement LineBisector3D(String label, GeoPointND a, GeoPointND b, GeoDirectionND orientation) { if (!a.isGeoElement3D() && !b.isGeoElement3D() // 2D geo && orientation == kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is // default // orientation for // 2D objects return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().LineBisector(label, (GeoPoint) a, (GeoPoint) b); } AlgoLineBisectorTwoPointsDirection3D algo = new AlgoLineBisectorTwoPointsDirection3D( cons, label, a, b, orientation); return algo.getLine(); } @Override final public GeoConicND Conic3D(String label, GeoPointND[] points) { AlgoConicFivePoints3D algo = new AlgoConicFivePoints3D(cons, label, points); return algo.getConic(); } @Override final public GeoConicND EllipseHyperbola3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C, final int type) { AlgoEllipseHyperbolaFociPoint3D algo = new AlgoEllipseHyperbolaFociPoint3D( cons, label, A, B, C, type); return algo.getConic(); } @Override final public GeoConicND EllipseHyperbola3D(String label, GeoPointND A, GeoPointND B, GeoPointND C, GeoDirectionND orientation, final int type) { if (!A.isGeoElement3D() && !B.isGeoElement3D() && !C.isGeoElement3D() // 2D // geo && orientation == kernel.getXOYPlane()) { // xOy plane is // default // orientation for // 2D objects return kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().EllipseHyperbola(null, A, B, C, type); } if (orientation == kernel.getSpace()) { // space is default orientation // for 2D objects return EllipseHyperbola3D(null, A, B, C, type); } AlgoEllipseHyperbolaFociPoint3DOriented algo = new AlgoEllipseHyperbolaFociPoint3DOriented( cons, label, A, B, C, orientation, type); return algo.getConic(); } @Override final public GeoConicND Parabola3D(String label, GeoPointND F, GeoLineND l) { AlgoParabolaPointLine3D algo = new AlgoParabolaPointLine3D(cons, label, F, l); return algo.getParabola(); } @Override final public GeoElement Locus3D(String label, GeoPointND Q, GeoPointND P) { if (!kernel.getAlgoDispatcher().LocusCheck(P, Q)) { return null; } return (new AlgoLocus3D(cons, label, Q, P)).getLocus(); } @Override public GeoElement Tangent3D(String label, GeoPointND point, GeoCurveCartesianND curve) { if (curve.isGeoElement3D()) { AlgoTangentCurve3D algo = new AlgoTangentCurve3D(cons, label, point, (GeoCurveCartesian3D) curve); algo.update(); return algo.getOutput()[0]; } return kernel.tangent(label, point, (GeoCurveCartesian) curve); } @Override public GeoElement Locus3D(String label, GeoPointND Q, GeoNumeric slider) { return new AlgoLocusSlider3D(cons, label, Q, slider).getLocus(); } /** * intersection of polygons 3D * * @author thilina */ @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectPolygons(String[] labels, GeoPoly inPoly0, GeoPoly inPoly1) { AlgoIntersectPathPolygons3D algo = new AlgoIntersectPathPolygons3D(cons, labels, inPoly0, inPoly1); return algo.getOutput(); } /** * difference of polygons 3D * * @author thilina */ @Override public GeoElement[] DifferencePolygons(String[] labels, GeoPolygon3D inPoly0, GeoPolygon3D inPoly1) { AlgoDifferencePolygons3D algo = new AlgoDifferencePolygons3D(cons, labels, inPoly0, inPoly1); return algo.getOutput(); } /** * exclusive or normal difference of polygons 3D, * * @author thilina */ @Override public GeoElement[] DifferencePolygons(String[] labels, GeoPolygon3D inPoly0, GeoPolygon3D inPoly1, GeoBoolean exclusive) { AlgoDifferencePolygons3D algo = new AlgoDifferencePolygons3D(cons, labels, inPoly0, inPoly1, exclusive); return algo.getOutput(); } /** * Union of polygons 3D * * @author thilina */ @Override public GeoElement[] UnionPolygons(String[] labels, GeoPoly inPoly0, GeoPoly inPoly1) { AlgoUnionPolygons3D algo = new AlgoUnionPolygons3D(cons, labels, inPoly0, inPoly1); return algo.getOutput(); } /** * Intersect points of polygons 3D * * @author thilina */ @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectionPoint(String[] labels, GeoPolygon poly0, GeoPolygon poly1) { AlgoIntersectPolygons3D algo = new AlgoIntersectPolygons3D(cons, labels, poly0, poly1); return algo.getOutput(); } @Override public GeoNumeric Distance(String label, GeoPlaneND a, GeoPlaneND b) { AlgoDistancePlanes algo = new AlgoDistancePlanes(cons, label, a, b); return algo.getDistance(); } @Override public GeoElement[] IntersectPlaneImplicitSurface(GeoPlaneND plane, GeoImplicitSurfaceND surface) { return new AlgoIntersectImplicitSurfacePlane(cons, (GeoImplicitSurface) surface, plane).getOutput(); } }