package; import; /** * @author michael * * Shared class between JLaTeXMath and GeoGebra so that the transform can be shared * * * Also originally: * Added to allow ctx.fill("evenodd") (new winding rule from ggb50) * ignored in IE9, IE10 * */ public class JLMContext2d extends Context2d { protected JLMContext2d() { // constructor extending Context2d must be empty } /** * Fills the current path. */ public final native void fill(String windingRule) /*-{ this.fill(windingRule); }-*/; public final native void initTransform() /*-{ if (!this) { // 3D View, ignore return; } if (!this.ggbDevicePixelRatio) { this.ggbDevicePixelRatio = 1; } this.m00_ = 1; this.m10_ = 0; this.m01_ = 0; this.m11_ = 1; this.m02_ = 0; this.m12_ = 0; this.ggbTransformCache = []; }-*/; public final native void setDevicePixelRatio(double devicePixelRatio) /*-{ this.ggbDevicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio; }-*/; public final native double getDevicePixelRatio() /*-{ return this.ggbDevicePixelRatio || 1; }-*/; public final native void saveTransform(double m00, double m10, double m01, double m11, double m02, double m12) /*-{ this.ggbTransformCache.push([m00, m10, m01, m11, m02, m12]); }-*/; public final native void saveTransform() /*-{ if (!this.ggbTransformCache) { this.ggbTransformCache = []; } var t = [this.m00_, this.m10_, this.m01_, this.m11_, this.m02_, this.m12_]; this.ggbTransformCache.push([t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]]);; }-*/; public final native void restoreTransform() /*-{ var dp = this.ggbDevicePixelRatio; var t = this.ggbTransformCache.pop(); if (!t) { // correct behaviour is do nothing and return this.restore(); return; } //console.log("t = ", t); this.m00_ = t[0]; this.m10_ = t[1]; this.m01_ = t[2]; this.m11_ = t[3]; this.m02_ = t[4]; this.m12_ = t[5]; this.restore(); }-*/; public final native double getScaleX() /*-{ return this.m00_; }-*/; public final native double getShearY() /*-{ return this.m10_; }-*/; public final native double getShearX() /*-{ return this.m01_; }-*/; public final native double getScaleY() /*-{ return this.m11_; }-*/; public final native double getTranslateX() /*-{ return this.m02_; }-*/; public final native double getTranslateY() /*-{ return this.m12_; }-*/; public final native void scale2(double sx, double sy) /*-{ this.m00_ *= sx; this.m10_ *= sx; this.m01_ *= sy; this.m11_ *= sy; this.scale(sx, sy); }-*/; public final native void translate2(double dx, double dy) /*-{ this.m02_ += dx * this.m00_ + dy * this.m01_; this.m12_ += dx * this.m10_ + dy * this.m11_; this.translate(dx, dy); }-*/; // adapted from public final native void rotate2(double theta) /*-{ var sin = Math.sin(theta); if (sin == 1.0) { //rotate90(); var M0 = this.m00_; this.m00_ = this.m01_; this.m01_ = -M0; M0 = this.m10_; this.m10_ = this.m11_; this.m11_ = -M0; } else if (sin == -1.0) { //rotate270(); var M0 = this.m00_; this.m00_ = -this.m01_; this.m01_ = M0; M0 = this.m10_; this.m10_ = -this.m11_; this.m11_ = M0; } else { var cos = Math.cos(theta); if (cos == -1.0) { //rotate180(); this.m00_ = -this.m00_; this.m11_ = -this.m11_; } else if (cos != 1.0) { var M0, M1; M0 = this.m00_; M1 = this.m01_; this.m00_ = cos * M0 + sin * M1; this.m01_ = -sin * M0 + cos * M1; M0 = this.m10_; M1 = this.m11_; this.m10_ = cos * M0 + sin * M1; this.m11_ = -sin * M0 + cos * M1; } } this.rotate(theta); }-*/; public final native void setTransform2(double m00, double m10, double m01, double m11, double m02, double m12) /*-{ this.m00_ = m00; this.m10_ = m10; this.m01_ = m01; this.m11_ = m11; this.m02_ = m02; this.m12_ = m12; this.setTransform(m00, m10, m01, m11, m02, m12); }-*/; public final native void resetTransform(double dp) /*-{ if (!this) { // 3D View, ignore return; } this.ggbDevicePixelRatio = dp; this.setTransform(dp * this.m00_, dp * this.m10_, dp * this.m01_, dp * this.m11_, dp * this.m02_, dp * this.m12_); }-*/; // adapted from public final native void transform2(double m00, double m10, double m01, double m11, double m02, double m12) /*-{ var m0 = this.m00_; var m1 = this.m01_; this.m00_ = m00 * m0 + m10 * m1; this.m01_ = m01 * m0 + m11 * m1; this.m02_ += m02 * m0 + m12 * m1; m0 = this.m10_; m1 = this.m11_; this.m10_ = m00 * m0 + m10 * m1; this.m11_ = m01 * m0 + m11 * m1; this.m12_ += m02 * m0 + m12 * m1; this.transform(m00, m10, m01, m11, m02, m12); }-*/; }