package org.geogebra.web.html5.euclidian; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EnvironmentStyle; public class EnvironmentStyleW extends EnvironmentStyle { private double scaleX; private double scaleY; private int xOffset; private int yOffset; private int scrollLeft; private int scrollTop; /** * @return the scaleX */ @Override public double getScaleX() { return scaleX; } /** * @param scaleX * the scaleX to set */ public void setScaleX(double scaleX) { this.scaleX = scaleX; } /** * @return the scaleY */ @Override public double getScaleY() { return scaleY; } /** * @param scaleY * the scaleY to set */ public void setScaleY(double scaleY) { this.scaleY = scaleY; } /** * @return the xOffset */ public int getxOffset() { return xOffset; } /** * @param xOffset * the xOffset to set */ public void setxOffset(int xOffset) { this.xOffset = xOffset; } /** * @return the yOffset */ public int getyOffset() { return yOffset; } /** * @param yOffset * the yOffset to set */ public void setyOffset(int yOffset) { this.yOffset = yOffset; } /** * @return the scrollLeft */ public int getScrollLeft() { return scrollLeft; } /** * @param scrollLeft * the scrollLeft to set */ public void setScrollLeft(int scrollLeft) { this.scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } /** * @return the scrollTop */ public int getScrollTop() { return scrollTop; } /** * @param scrollTop * the scrollTop to set */ public void setScrollTop(int scrollTop) { this.scrollTop = scrollTop; } @Override public String toString() { return " xo: " + this.xOffset + ", yo: " + this.yOffset + ", sx: " + this.scaleX + ", sy: " + this.scaleY + ", scrollL: " + this.scrollLeft + ", scrollt: " + this.scrollTop; } /** * @return the multiplier that must be used on native event coordinates */ public double getScaleXMultiplier() { return (1 / getScaleX()); } /** * @return the multiplier that must be used on native event coordinates */ public double getScaleYMultiplier() { return (1 / getScaleY()); } }