package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.DataCollectionSettings; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.SensorLogger.Types; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.dataCollection.Settings.SensorSetting; import; /** * ListBox with default settings */ public class GeoListBox extends ListBox { /** * Default entries of the GeoListBox */ public enum DefaultEntries { EMPTY_SELECTION(0, "- - -"), CREATE_NUMBER(1, "CreateNumber"), CREATE_DATA_FUNCTION( 2, "CreateDataFunction"), CREATE_LIST(3, "CreateDataList"); private int index; private String text; DefaultEntries(int index, String text) { this.index = index; this.text = text; } /** * @return index of the default setting in the listbox */ public int getIndex() { return this.index; } /** * @return text to be displayed in the listbox */ public String getText() { return this.text; } } private Types type; private ArrayList<GeoElement> items = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); private SensorSetting sensor; private final int nextFreeGeoListBoxIndex; private AppW app; private DataCollectionSettings dataCollectionSettings; /** * @param type * of sensor which is associated with this listbox * @param sensor * {@link SensorSetting} to which this GeoListBox belongs * @param app * @param dataCollectionSettings */ public GeoListBox(Types type, SensorSetting sensor, AppW app, DataCollectionSettings dataCollectionSettings) { this.sensor = sensor; this.type = type; = app; this.nextFreeGeoListBoxIndex = type == Types.TIMESTAMP ? DefaultEntries .values().length - 1 : DefaultEntries.values().length; this.dataCollectionSettings = dataCollectionSettings; } /** * @return the associated {@link Types sensor-type} */ public Types getType() { return this.type; } /** * sets the {@link #selection selected GeoElement}. if {@code elem} is * {@code null}, the selected index of this listbox is set to * {@link #EMPTY_SELECTION}. * * @param elem * the selected {@link GeoElement} */ public void setSelection(GeoElement elem) { if (elem == null) { this.setSelectedIndex(DefaultEntries.EMPTY_SELECTION.getIndex()); this.dataCollectionSettings.removeMappedGeo(this.type); } else { this.setSelectedIndex(this.items.indexOf(elem) + nextFreeGeoListBoxIndex); this.dataCollectionSettings.mapSensorToGeo(this.type, elem); } } /** * @return the selected {@link GeoElement} */ public GeoElement getSelection() { return this.dataCollectionSettings.getGeoMappedToSensor(this.type, app .getKernel().getConstruction()); } /** * * @return the SensorSetting to which this GeoListBox belongs to */ public SensorSetting getSensorSetting() { return this.sensor; } /** * @param elem * {@link GeoElement} */ public void addItem(GeoElement elem) { this.items.add(elem); super.addItem(elem.getNameDescription()); } /** * looks up in the list of elements displayed for this listbox for the * geoElement with the given name * * @param name * text of the selected item * @return the {@link GeoElement} with the given name if it wasn't found. */ public GeoElement getGeoElement(String name) { for (GeoElement geo : this.items) { if (geo.getNameDescription().equals(name)) { return geo; } } return null; } /** * removes all entries and generates the default entries. */ @Override public void clear() { this.items = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); this.dataCollectionSettings.removeMappedGeo(this.type); super.clear(); addDefaultEntries(); } private void addDefaultEntries() { for (DefaultEntries entry : DefaultEntries.values()) { if (this.type != Types.TIMESTAMP || entry != DefaultEntries.CREATE_DATA_FUNCTION) { this.addItem(app.getLocalization().getMenu(entry.getText()), entry.getText()); } } } /** * * @return the first index after the default entries */ public int getFirstFreeGeoListBoxIndex() { return this.nextFreeGeoListBoxIndex; } }