package org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianView; import org.geogebra.common.geogebra3D.euclidian3D.EuclidianView3D; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Matrix.Coords; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPolyhedronInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoSegmentND; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EuclidianStyleConstants; /** * Parent (number+direction) for changing coords of prism, cylinder, etc. * * @author Mathieu * */ public class ChangeableCoordParent { private GeoNumeric changeableCoordNumber = null; private GeoElement changeableCoordDirector = null; private double startValue; private Coords direction, direction2, centroid; private boolean forPolyhedronNet = false; private GeoPolyhedronInterface parent; /** * * @param v * value * @return v as GeoNumeric if instance of and independent (return null * otherwise) */ static public GeoNumeric getGeoNumeric(NumberValue v) { if (v instanceof GeoNumeric) { GeoNumeric geo = (GeoNumeric) v; if (geo.isIndependent()) { return geo; } } return null; } /** * set changeable coord parent to the polygon as part of polyhedron net * (check first if num is not null) * * @param polygon * polyhedron net face * @param num * value that fold/unfold the net * @param polyhedron * polyhedron parent */ static public void setPolyhedronNet(GeoPolygon polygon, GeoNumeric num, GeoPolyhedronInterface polyhedron) { if (num != null) { ChangeableCoordParent ccp = new ChangeableCoordParent(polygon, num, polyhedron); polygon.setChangeableCoordParent(ccp); // set segments (if not already done) for (GeoSegmentND segment : polygon.getSegments()) { segment.setChangeableCoordParentIfNull(ccp); } // set points (if not already done) for (GeoPointND point : polygon.getPointsND()) { point.setChangeableCoordParentIfNull(ccp); } } } /** * constructor * * @param number * number * @param director * director */ public ChangeableCoordParent(GeoNumeric number, GeoElement director) { changeableCoordNumber = number; changeableCoordDirector = director; forPolyhedronNet = false; } /** * constructor * * @param child * child * @param number * number * @param parent * parent polyhedron */ public ChangeableCoordParent(GeoElement child, GeoNumeric number, GeoPolyhedronInterface parent) { changeableCoordNumber = number; changeableCoordDirector = child; forPolyhedronNet = true; this.parent = parent; } /** * * @return number */ final public GeoNumeric getNumber() { return changeableCoordNumber; } /** * * @return value of the number */ final public double getValue() { return changeableCoordNumber.getValue(); } /** * * @return director */ final public GeoElement getDirector() { return changeableCoordDirector; } /** * record number value * * @param view * view calling */ final public void record(EuclidianView view) { startValue = getValue(); if (direction == null) { direction = new Coords(3); } if (forPolyhedronNet) { if (view instanceof EuclidianView3D) { if (centroid == null) { centroid = new Coords(3); } parent.pseudoCentroid(centroid); direction.setSub3(((EuclidianView3D) view).getCursor3D() .getInhomCoordsInD3(), centroid); } else { direction.set(0, 0, 0); } } else { direction.set3(changeableCoordDirector.getMainDirection()); } } /** * * @return start value */ final public double getStartValue() { return startValue; } /** * @param rwTransVec * real world translation vector * @param endPosition * end position * @param viewDirection * view direction * @param updateGeos * list of geos * @param tempMoveObjectList * temporary list * @param view * view where the move occurs (if not keyboard) * @return true on success */ final public boolean move(Coords rwTransVec, Coords endPosition, Coords viewDirection, ArrayList<GeoElement> updateGeos, ArrayList<GeoElement> tempMoveObjectList, EuclidianView view) { GeoNumeric var = getNumber(); if (var == null) { return false; } if (endPosition == null) { // comes from arrows keys -- all is added var.setValue(var.getValue() + rwTransVec.getX() + rwTransVec.getY() + rwTransVec.getZ()); GeoElement.addChangeableCoordParentNumberToUpdateList(var, updateGeos, tempMoveObjectList); return true; } if (viewDirection == null) { // may come from 2D view, e.g. // EuclidianController.moveDependent() // see //'double+org.geogebra.a.m.a.j.e(org.geogebra.a.m.a.j)'+on+a+null+object+reference&tf=SourceFile&tc=%2509at+org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.ChangeableCoordParent.move( return false; } // else: comes from mouse if (direction2 == null) { direction2 = new Coords(3); } direction2.setAdd3(direction, direction2.setMul(viewDirection, -viewDirection.dotproduct3(direction))); double ld = direction2.dotproduct3(direction2); if (Kernel.isZero(ld)) { return false; } double shift = direction2.dotproduct3(rwTransVec) / ld; if (!MyDouble.isFinite(shift)) { return false; } double val = getStartValue() + shift; if (!forPolyhedronNet) { switch (view.getPointCapturingMode()) { case EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_CAPTURING_STICKY_POINTS: // TODO break; default: case EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_CAPTURING_AUTOMATIC: if (!view.isGridOrAxesShown()) { break; } case EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_CAPTURING_ON: case EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_CAPTURING_ON_GRID: double g = view.getGridDistances(0); double valRound = Kernel.roundToScale(val, g); if (view.getPointCapturingMode() == EuclidianStyleConstants.POINT_CAPTURING_ON_GRID || (Math.abs(valRound - val) < g * view.getEuclidianController() .getPointCapturingPercentage())) { val = valRound; } break; } } var.setValue(val); GeoElement.addChangeableCoordParentNumberToUpdateList(var, updateGeos, tempMoveObjectList); return true; } }