package org.geogebra.web.web.gui.view.spreadsheet; import java.util.HashMap; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import org.geogebra.common.gui.SetLabels; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet.CellRange; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet.MyTableInterface; import org.geogebra.common.gui.view.spreadsheet.SpreadsheetViewInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.ModeSetter; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GProperty; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElementSpreadsheet; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.main.Feature; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.AbstractSettings; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.SettingListener; import org.geogebra.common.main.settings.SpreadsheetSettings; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; import org.geogebra.web.html5.awt.PrintableW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.AppW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.main.TimerSystemW; import org.geogebra.web.html5.util.SpreadsheetTableModelW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.layout.DockManagerW; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.AdvancedFocusPanel; import org.geogebra.web.web.gui.util.AdvancedFocusPanelI; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; //import geogebra.web.gui.inputfield.MyTextField; //import geogebra.web.gui.view.Gridable; public class SpreadsheetViewW implements SpreadsheetViewInterface, SettingListener, SetLabels, PrintableW { // ggb fields protected AppW app; private Kernel kernel; // spreadsheet table and row header MyTableW table; protected SpreadsheetTableModelW tableModel; public static final int ROW_HEADER_WIDTH = 35; // wide enough for "9999" // TODO: should traceDialog belong to the SpreadsheetTraceManager? // private TraceDialog traceDialog; protected AdvancedFocusPanelI spreadsheetWrapper; private SpreadsheetStyleBarW styleBar; // toolbar manager SpreadsheetToolbarManagerW toolbarManager; // current toolbar mode private int mode = -1; boolean repaintScheduled = false;// to repaint less often, make it // quicker // panel that contains the spreadsheet table and headers private AbsolutePanel spreadsheet; private boolean allowSettingUpdate = true; GPoint scrollPos = new GPoint(); //false, if user close keyboard with X button, in this case, keyboard won't appear if a user click in a cell later, he should open it with keyboard button private boolean keyboardEnabled = true; /****************************************************** * Construct spreadsheet view as a split panel. Left panel holds file tree * browser, right panel holds spreadsheet. */ public SpreadsheetViewW(AppW app) { super(); = app; kernel = app.getKernel(); // Initialize settings and register listener app.getSettings().getSpreadsheet().addListener(this); createGUI(); updateFonts(); attachView(); // Create tool bar manager to handle tool bar mode changes toolbarManager = new SpreadsheetToolbarManagerW(app, this); settingsChanged(settings()); this.spreadsheet.addDomHandler(new TouchStartHandler() { @Override public void onTouchStart(TouchStartEvent event) { if (event.getTouches().length() > 1) { Touch t0 = event.getTouches().get(0); Touch t1 = event.getTouches().get(1); scrollPos.setLocation( getHorizontalScrollPosition() + (t0.getScreenX() + t1.getScreenX()) / 2, getVerticalScrollPosition() + (t0.getScreenY() + t1.getScreenY()) / 2); } } }, TouchStartEvent.getType()); this.spreadsheet.addDomHandler(new TouchMoveHandler() { @Override public void onTouchMove(TouchMoveEvent event) { if (event.getTouches().length() > 1) { Touch t0 = event.getTouches().get(0); Touch t1 = event.getTouches().get(1); int x = (t0.getScreenX() + t1.getScreenX()) / 2; int y = (t0.getScreenY() + t1.getScreenY()) / 2; table.setHorizontalScrollPosition(scrollPos.x - x); table.setVerticalScrollPosition(scrollPos.y - y); } } }, TouchMoveEvent.getType()); } private void createGUI() { // Build the spreadsheet table and enclosing scrollpane buildSpreadsheet(); spreadsheetWrapper = new AdvancedFocusPanel(spreadsheet); SpreadsheetKeyListenerW sskl = new SpreadsheetKeyListenerW(app, table); spreadsheetWrapper.addDomHandler(sskl, KeyDownEvent.getType()); spreadsheetWrapper.addDomHandler(sskl, KeyPressEvent.getType()); spreadsheetWrapper.addPasteHandler(sskl); } private void buildSpreadsheet() { // Create the spreadsheet table model and the table tableModel = (SpreadsheetTableModelW) app.getSpreadsheetTableModel(); table = new MyTableW(this, tableModel); spreadsheet = new AbsolutePanel(); spreadsheet.add(table.getContainer()); } // =============================================================== // Defaults // =============================================================== public void setDefaultSelection() { setSpreadsheetScrollPosition(0, 0); table.setInitialCellSelection(0, 0); } // =============================================================== // getters/setters // =============================================================== @Override public AppW getApplication() { return app; } @Override public MyTableInterface getSpreadsheetTable() { return table; } /* * public JViewport getRowHeader() { return spreadsheet.getRowHeader(); } */ @Override public void rowHeaderRevalidate() { // TODO//spreadsheet.getRowHeader().revalidate(); } @Override public void columnHeaderRevalidate() { // TODO//spreadsheet.getColumnHeader().revalidate(); } @Override public int getMode() { return mode; } /** * get spreadsheet styleBar */ public SpreadsheetStyleBarW getSpreadsheetStyleBar() { if (styleBar == null) { styleBar = new SpreadsheetStyleBarW(this); } return styleBar; } // =============================================================== // VIEW Implementation // =============================================================== public void attachView() { // clearView(); kernel.notifyAddAll(this); kernel.attach(this); } public void detachView() { kernel.detach(this); // clearView(); // kernel.notifyRemoveAll(this); } @Override public void add(GeoElement geo) { // Application.debug(new Date() + " ADD: " + geo); update(geo); scrollIfNeeded(geo, null); // scheduleRepaint(); } @Override public void scrollIfNeeded(GeoElement geo, String labelNew) { GPoint location = geo.getSpreadsheetCoords(); if (labelNew != null && location == null) { location = GeoElementSpreadsheet.spreadsheetIndices(labelNew); } if (location == null || location.x == -1 && location.y == -1) { return; } // autoscroll to new cell's location if (scrollToShow) { table.scrollRectToVisible(table.getCellRect(location.y, location.x, true)); } } @Override public void remove(GeoElement geo) { // Application.debug(new Date() + " REMOVE: " + geo); // table.setRepaintAll(); if (app.getTraceManager().isTraceGeo(geo)) { app.getTraceManager().removeSpreadsheetTraceGeo(geo); // TODO if (isTraceDialogVisible()) // TODO traceDialog.updateTraceDialog(); } GPoint location = geo.getSpreadsheetCoords(); switch (geo.getGeoClassType()) { default: // do nothing break; case BOOLEAN: case BUTTON: case LIST: table.getOneClickEditMap().remove(location); } // scheduleRepaint(); if (location != null) { table.updateCellFormat(location.y, location.x); table.syncRowHeaderHeight(location.y); } // update the rowHeader height in case an oversized element has been // removed and the table row has resized itself table.renderSelectionDeferred(); } @Override public void rename(GeoElement geo) { /* * if(app.getTraceManager().isTraceGeo(geo)) * app.getTraceManager().updateTraceSettings(geo); */ /* * TODO if (isTraceDialogVisible()) { traceDialog.updateTraceDialog(); } */ } @Override public void updateAuxiliaryObject(GeoElement geo) { // ignore } @Override public void repaintView() { if (waitForRepaint == TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG) { getApplication().ensureTimerRunning(); waitForRepaint = TimerSystemW.SPREADSHEET_LOOPS; } } @Override public void clearView() { // restore defaults; app.getSettings().restoreDefaultSpreadsheetSettings(); setDefaultSelection(); table.getOneClickEditMap().clear(); tableModel.clearView(); } /** Respond to changes in mode sent by GUI manager */ @Override public void setMode(int mode, ModeSetter m) { if (m != ModeSetter.TOOLBAR) { return; } this.mode = mode; /* * TODO if (isTraceDialogVisible()) { * traceDialog.toolbarModeChanged(mode); } * * // String command = kernel.getModeText(mode); // e.g. "Derivative" * * toolbarManager.handleModeChange(mode); */ toolbarManager.handleModeChange(mode); // switch(mode){ // case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_SUM: // case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_AVERAGE: // case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_COUNT: // case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_MIN: // case EuclidianConstants.MODE_SPREADSHEET_MAX: // // // Handle autofunction modes // // table.setTableMode(MyTable.TABLE_MODE_AUTOFUNCTION); // // break; // default: // } } /** * Clear table and set to default layout. This method is called on startup * or when new window is called */ public void restart() { clearView(); tableModel.clearView(); // TODO//updateColumnWidths(); updateFonts(); app.getTraceManager().loadTraceGeoCollection(); table.getOneClickEditMap().clear(); // clear the formats and call settingsChanged settings().setCellFormat(null); } /** Resets spreadsheet after undo/redo call. */ @Override public void reset() { if (app.getTraceManager() != null) { app.getTraceManager().loadTraceGeoCollection(); } } @Override public void update(GeoElement geo) { // table.setRepaintAll(); GPoint location = geo.getSpreadsheetCoords(); if (location != null && location.x < app.getMaxSpreadsheetColumnsVisible() && location.y < app.getMaxSpreadsheetRowsVisible()) { // TODO: rowHeader and column // changes should be handled by a table model listener if (location.y >= tableModel.getRowCount()) { tableModel.setRowCount(location.y + 1); // TODO//spreadsheet.getRowHeader().revalidate(); } if (location.x >= tableModel.getColumnCount()) { tableModel.setColumnCount(location.x + 1); // TODO//JViewport cH = spreadsheet.getColumnHeader(); // bugfix: double-click to load ggb file gives cH = null // TODO//if (cH != null) // TODO cH.revalidate(); } // Mark this cell to be resized by height table.cellResizeHeightSet.add(new GPoint(location.x, location.y)); // put geos with special editors in the oneClickEditMap if (geo.isGeoBoolean() || geo.isGeoButton() || geo.isGeoList()) { table.getOneClickEditMap().put(location, geo); } // Update the cell format, it may change with this geo's properties table.updateCellFormat(location.y, location.x); } } @Override final public void updateVisualStyle(GeoElement geo, GProperty prop) { update(geo); } @Override public void updatePreviewFromInputBar(GeoElement[] geos) { // TODO } private boolean scrollToShow = false; public void setScrollToShow(boolean scrollToShow) { this.scrollToShow = scrollToShow; } // ===================================================== // Formula Bar // ===================================================== /* * public void updateFormulaBar() { if (formulaBar != null && * settings().showFormulaBar()) formulaBar.update(); } */ // ===================================================== // Tracing // ===================================================== @Override public void showTraceDialog(GeoElement geo, CellRange traceCell) { // not implemented yet // if (traceDialog == null) { // traceDialog = new TraceDialog(app, geo, traceCell); // } else { // traceDialog.setTraceDialogSelection(geo, traceCell); // } // traceDialog.setVisible(true); } /* * public boolean isTraceDialogVisible() { return (traceDialog != null && * traceDialog.isVisible()); } */ /* * public CellRange getTraceSelectionRange(int anchorColumn, int anchorRow) * { if (traceDialog == null) { return null; } return * traceDialog.getTraceSelectionRange(anchorColumn, anchorRow); } */ public void setTraceDialogMode(boolean enableMode) { if (enableMode) { table.setSelectionRectangleColor(GColor.GRAY); // table.setFocusable(false); } else { table.setSelectionRectangleColor(MyTableW.SELECTED_RECTANGLE_COLOR); // table.setFocusable(true); } } // =============================================================== // XML // =============================================================== /** * returns settings in XML format */ public void getXML(StringBuilder sb, boolean asPreference) { sb.append("<spreadsheetView>\n"); int width = spreadsheetWrapper.getOffsetWidth();// getPreferredSize().width; int height = spreadsheetWrapper.getOffsetHeight();// getPreferredSize().height; sb.append("\t<size "); sb.append(" width=\""); sb.append(width); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" height=\""); sb.append(height); sb.append("\""); sb.append("/>\n"); sb.append("\t<prefCellSize "); sb.append(" width=\""); sb.append(table.preferredColumnWidth); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" height=\""); sb.append(table.minimumRowHeight // FIXME: temporarily, otherwise: // table.getRowHeight() ); sb.append("\""); sb.append("/>\n"); if (!asPreference) { // column widths for (int col = 1; col < table.getColumnCount(); col++) { int colWidth = table.getColumnWidth(col - 1); // if (colWidth != DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH) if (colWidth != table.preferredColumnWidth) { sb.append("\t<spreadsheetColumn id=\"" + (col - 1) + "\" width=\"" + colWidth + "\"/>\n"); } } // row heights for (int row = 1; row < table.getRowCount(); row++) { int rowHeight = table.getGrid().getRowFormatter() .getElement(row).getOffsetHeight(); if (rowHeight != table.minimumRowHeight // FIXME: temporarily, otherwise // table.getRowHeight() ) { sb.append("\t<spreadsheetRow id=\"" + row + "\" height=\"" + rowHeight + "\"/>\n"); } } // initial selection sb.append("\t<selection "); sb.append(" hScroll=\""); sb.append(0 // FIXME: might not be the same for Desktop and Web // getHorizontalScrollPosition() // spreadsheet.getHorizontalScrollBar().getValue() ); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" vScroll=\""); sb.append(0 // FIXME: might not be the same for Desktop and Web // getVerticalScrollPosition() // spreadsheet.getVerticalScrollBar().getValue() ); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" column=\""); sb.append(table.anchorSelectionColumn // getColumnModel().getSelectionModel().getAnchorSelectionIndex() ); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" row=\""); sb.append(table.anchorSelectionRow // table.getSelectionModel().getAnchorSelectionIndex() ); sb.append("\""); sb.append("/>\n"); } // layout sb.append("\t<layout "); sb.append(" showFormulaBar=\""); sb.append(settings().showFormulaBar() ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" showGrid=\""); sb.append(settings().showGrid() ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" showHScrollBar=\""); sb.append(settings().showHScrollBar() ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" showVScrollBar=\""); sb.append(settings().showVScrollBar() ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" showColumnHeader=\""); sb.append(settings().showColumnHeader() ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" showRowHeader =\""); sb.append(settings().showRowHeader() ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" allowSpecialEditor=\""); sb.append(settings().allowSpecialEditor() ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" allowToolTips=\""); sb.append(settings().allowToolTips() ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" equalsRequired=\""); sb.append(settings().equalsRequired() ? "true" : "false"); sb.append("\""); sb.append("/>\n"); // ---- end layout // file browser /* * TODO if (fileBrowser != null) { sb.append("\t<spreadsheetBrowser "); * * if (!settings().initialFilePath().equals(settings().defaultFile()) || * settings().initialURL() != DEFAULT_URL || * settings().initialBrowserMode() != DEFAULT_MODE) { * sb.append(" default=\""); sb.append("false"); sb.append("\""); * * sb.append(" dir=\""); sb.append(settings().initialFilePath()); * sb.append("\""); * * sb.append(" URL=\""); sb.append(settings().initialURL()); * sb.append("\""); * * sb.append(" mode=\""); sb.append(settings().initialBrowserMode()); * sb.append("\""); * * } else { * * sb.append(" default=\""); sb.append("true"); sb.append("\""); } * * sb.append("/>\n"); } */ // cell formats if (!asPreference) { table.getCellFormatHandler().getXML(sb); } sb.append("</spreadsheetView>\n"); // Application.debug(sb); } // =============================================================== // Update // =============================================================== public void updateFonts() { table.updateFonts(); } public void setRowHeight(int row, int height) { table.setRowHeight(row, height); } /* * TODO public void updateColumnWidths() { Font font = app.getPlainFont(); * * int size = font.getSize(); if (size < 12) { size = 12; // minimum size } * double multiplier = (size) / 12.0; table.setPreferredColumnWidth((int) * (SpreadsheetSettings.TABLE_CELL_WIDTH * multiplier)); for (int i = 0; i < * table.getColumnCount(); ++i) { table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i) * .setPreferredWidth(table.preferredColumnWidth()); } * * } */ public void setColumnWidthsFromSettings() { int prefWidth = table.preferredColumnWidth(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> widthMap = settings().getWidthMap(); for (int col = 0; col < table.getColumnCount(); ++col) { if (widthMap.containsKey(col)) { table.setColumnWidth(col, widthMap.get(col)); } else { table.setColumnWidth(col, prefWidth); } } } public void setRowHeightsFromSettings() { // first set all row heights the same int prefHeight = Math.max(settings().preferredRowHeight(), (int) (app.getFontSizeWeb() * 1.5)); table.setRowHeight(prefHeight); // now set custom row heights HashMap<Integer, Integer> heightMap = settings().getHeightMap(); Log.debug("height map size: " + heightMap.size()); for (int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount(); ++row) { if (heightMap.containsKey(row)) { table.setRowHeight(row, heightMap.get(row)); } } } /* * public void updateRowHeader() { if (rowHeader != null) { * rowHeader.updateRowHeader(); } } */ public void setSpreadsheetScrollPosition(int hScroll, int vScroll) { table.setHorizontalScrollPosition(hScroll); table.setVerticalScrollPosition(vScroll); settings().setHScrollBalValue(hScroll); settings().setVScrollBalValue(vScroll); } // =============================================================== // Data Import & File Browser // =============================================================== /* * public boolean loadSpreadsheetFromURL(File f) { * * boolean succ = false; * * URL url = null; try { url = f.toURI().toURL(); succ = * loadSpreadsheetFromURL(url); } * * catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } * * return succ; } * * public boolean loadSpreadsheetFromURL(URL url) { * * boolean succ = table.copyPasteCut.pasteFromURL(url); if (succ) { * app.storeUndoInfo(); } return succ; } */ /* * public FileBrowserPanel getFileBrowser() { if (fileBrowser == null && * AppD.hasFullPermissions()) { fileBrowser = new FileBrowserPanel(this); * fileBrowser.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(50, 0)); // initFileBrowser(); * // fileBrowser.setRoot(settings.initialPath(), // * settings.initialBrowserMode()); } return fileBrowser; } */ /* * public void setShowFileBrowser(boolean showFileBrowser) { * * if (showFileBrowser) { splitPane.setLeftComponent(getFileBrowser()); * splitPane.setDividerLocation(defaultDividerLocation); * splitPane.setDividerSize(4); initFileBrowser(); * * } else { splitPane.setLeftComponent(null); * splitPane.setLastDividerLocation(splitPane.getDividerLocation()); * splitPane.setDividerLocation(0); splitPane.setDividerSize(0); } * * } */ /* * public void minimizeBrowserPanel() { splitPane.setDividerLocation(10); * splitPane.setDividerSize(0); * splitPane.setLeftComponent(getRestorePanel()); } */ /* * public void restoreBrowserPanel() { * splitPane.setDividerLocation(splitPane.getLastDividerLocation()); * splitPane.setDividerSize(4); * splitPane.setLeftComponent(getFileBrowser()); * * } */ /* * public void setBrowserDefaults(boolean doRestore) { * * if (doRestore) { settings().setInitialFilePath(settings().defaultFile()); * settings().setInitialURL(DEFAULT_URL); * settings().setInitialBrowserMode(FileBrowserPanel.MODE_FILE); // * initFileBrowser(); * * } else { settings().setInitialFilePath(fileBrowser.getRootString()); * settings().setInitialBrowserMode(fileBrowser.getMode()); } } */ /* * public void initFileBrowser() { // don't init file browser without full * permissions (e.g. unsigned // applets) if (!AppD.hasFullPermissions() || * !settings().showBrowserPanel()) return; * * if (settings().initialBrowserMode() == FileBrowserPanel.MODE_FILE) * setFileBrowserDirectory(settings().initialFilePath(), settings() * .initialBrowserMode()); else * setFileBrowserDirectory(settings().initialURL(), settings() * .initialBrowserMode()); } */ /* * public boolean setFileBrowserDirectory(String rootString, int mode) { * settings().setInitialBrowserMode(mode); return * getFileBrowser().setRoot(rootString, mode); } */ /* * public void setDefaultFileBrowserDirectory() { if(this.DEFAULT_MODE == * FileBrowserPanel.MODE_FILE) setFileBrowserDirectory(String rootString, * int mode) else setFileBrowserDirectory(DEFAULT_URL, * FileBrowserPanel.MODE_URL); } */ // ================================================ // Spreadsheet Settings // ================================================ public void setEnableAutoComplete(boolean enableAutoComplete) { table.setEnableAutoComplete(enableAutoComplete); } public void setShowRowHeader(boolean showRowHeader) { table.setShowRowHeader(showRowHeader); } public void setShowColumnHeader(boolean showColumnHeader) { table.setShowColumnHeader(showColumnHeader); } public void setShowVScrollBar(boolean showVScrollBar) { table.setShowVScrollBar(showVScrollBar); } public void setShowHScrollBar(boolean showHScrollBar) { table.setShowHScrollBar(showHScrollBar); } public void setShowGrid(boolean showGrid) { // table.setShowGrid(showGrid); if (showGrid) { table.getGrid().getElement().removeClassName("off"); } else { table.getGrid().getElement().addClassName("off"); } if (this.isVisibleStyleBar()) { getSpreadsheetStyleBar().updateStyleBar(); } } public boolean getAllowToolTips() { return settings().allowToolTips(); } public void setAllowToolTips(boolean allowToolTips) { // do nothing yet } public boolean getShowFormulaBar() { return settings().showFormulaBar(); } /** * @return whether stylebar is visible */ public boolean isVisibleStyleBar() { return styleBar == null || styleBar.isVisible(); } public void setColumnSelect(boolean isColumnSelect) { // do nothing yet } public boolean isColumnSelect() { return settings().isColumnSelect(); } public void setAllowSpecialEditor(boolean allowSpecialEditor) { repaintView(); } public boolean allowSpecialEditor() { return settings().allowSpecialEditor(); } /** * sets requirement that commands entered into cells must start with "=" */ public void setEqualsRequired(boolean isEqualsRequired) { table.setEqualsRequired(isEqualsRequired); } /** * @return requirement that commands entered into cells must start with "=" */ public boolean isEqualsRequired() { return settings().equalsRequired(); } @Override public void updateCellFormat(String cellFormat) { if (!allowSettingUpdate) { return; } settings().removeListener(this); settings().setCellFormat(cellFormat); settings().addListener(this); } /* * protected void updateAllRowSettings() { if (!allowSettingUpate) return; * * settings().removeListener(this); * settings().setPreferredRowHeight(table.getRowHeight()); * settings().getHeightMap().clear(); for (int row = 0; row < * table.getRowCount(); row++) { int rowHeight = table.getRowHeight(row); if * (rowHeight != table.getRowHeight()) settings().getHeightMap().put(row, * rowHeight); } settings().addListener(this); } */ protected void updateRowHeightSetting(int row, int height) { if (!allowSettingUpdate) { return; } settings().removeListener(this); settings().getHeightMap().put(row, height); settings().addListener(this); } protected void updatePreferredRowHeight(int preferredRowHeight) { if (!allowSettingUpdate) { return; } settings().removeListener(this); settings().getHeightMap().clear(); settings().setPreferredRowHeight(preferredRowHeight); settings().addListener(this); } protected void updateColumnWidth(int col, int colWidth) { if (!allowSettingUpdate) { return; } settings().removeListener(this); settings().getWidthMap().put(col, colWidth); settings().addListener(this); } protected void updatePreferredColumnWidth(int colWidth) { if (!allowSettingUpdate) { return; } settings().removeListener(this); settings().getWidthMap().clear(); settings().setPreferredColumnWidth(table.preferredColumnWidth); settings().addListener(this); } /* * protected void updateAllColumnWidthSettings() { if (!allowSettingUpate) * return; * * settings().removeListener(this); * settings().setPreferredColumnWidth(table.preferredColumnWidth); * settings().getWidthMap().clear(); for (int col = 0; col < * table.getColumnCount(); col++) { TableColumn column = * table.getColumnModel().getColumn(col); int colWidth = column.getWidth(); * if (colWidth != table.preferredColumnWidth) * settings().getWidthMap().put(col, colWidth); } * settings().addListener(this); } */ protected SpreadsheetSettings settings() { return app.getSettings().getSpreadsheet(); } @Override public void settingsChanged(AbstractSettings settings0) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(deferredSettingsChanged); } Scheduler.ScheduledCommand deferredSettingsChanged = new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { settingsChangedCommand(); } }; public void settingsChangedCommand() { allowSettingUpdate = true; // layout setShowColumnHeader(settings().showColumnHeader()); setShowRowHeader(settings().showRowHeader()); setShowVScrollBar(settings().showVScrollBar()); setShowHScrollBar(settings().showHScrollBar()); setShowGrid(settings().showGrid()); setAllowToolTips(settings().allowToolTips()); // ?//setShowFormulaBar(settings().showFormulaBar()); setColumnSelect(settings().isColumnSelect()); setAllowSpecialEditor(settings().allowSpecialEditor()); setEqualsRequired(settings().equalsRequired()); setEnableAutoComplete(settings().isEnableAutoComplete()); // browser panel /* * ? if (AppD.hasFullPermissions()) { settings().removeListener(this); * if (settings().initialBrowserMode() < 0) * settings().setInitialBrowserMode(FileBrowserPanel.MODE_FILE); if * (settings().defaultFile() == null) * settings().setDefaultFile(System.getProperty("user.dir")); if * (settings().initialFilePath() == null) * settings().setInitialFilePath(System.getProperty("user.dir")); if * (settings().initialURL() == null) * settings().setInitialURL(DEFAULT_URL); settings().addListener(this); * } */ // ?//setShowFileBrowser(settings().showBrowserPanel()); // row height and column widths setRowHeightsFromSettings(); setColumnWidthsFromSettings(); // cell format getSpreadsheetTable().getCellFormatHandler().processXMLString( settings().cellFormat()); // preferredSize setPreferredSize(settings().preferredSize().getWidth(), settings() .preferredSize().getHeight()); // initial position // TODO not working yet ... // setSpreadsheetScrollPosition(settings.scrollPosition().x, // settings.scrollPosition().y); // getTable().setInitialCellSelection(settings.selectedCell().x, // settings.selectedCell().y); allowSettingUpdate = true; if (getFocusPanel().getParent() == null) { return; } int width = getFocusPanel().getParent().getOffsetWidth(); int height = getFocusPanel().getParent().getOffsetHeight(); onResize(width, height); } public void setPreferredSize(int width, int height) { // getScrollPanel().setWidth(width + "px"); // getScrollPanel().setHeight(height + "px"); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { spreadsheetWrapper.setWidth(width + "px"); spreadsheetWrapper.setHeight(height + "px"); } } // ================================================ // Focus // ================================================ /* * protected boolean hasViewFocus() { boolean hasFocus = false; try { if * (((LayoutW) app.getGuiManager().getLayout()).getDockManager() * .getFocusedPanel() != null) co hasFocus = ((LayoutW) * app.getGuiManager().getLayout()).getDockManager() * .getFocusedPanel().isAncestorOf(this); } catch (Exception e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } * * return hasFocus; } */ // transfer focus to the table // @Override public void requestFocus() { // if (table != null) // table.requestFocus(); Log.debug("Spreadsheet requested focus"); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(requestFocusCommand); } Scheduler.ScheduledCommand requestFocusCommand = new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { spreadsheetWrapper.setFocus(true); table.updateCopiableSelection(); } }; // test all components of SpreadsheetView for hasFocus // @Override @Override public boolean hasFocus() { return ((DockManagerW) app.getGuiManager().getLayout().getDockManager()) .getFocusedViewId() == App.VIEW_SPREADSHEET; /* * TODO if (table == null) return false; return table.hasFocus() || * rowHeader.hasFocus () || (table.getTableHeader () != null && table * .getTableHeader() .hasFocus()) || spreadsheet .getCorner * (ScrollPaneConstants . UPPER_LEFT_CORNER ) .hasFocus() || (formulaBar * != null && formulaBar .hasFocus()); */ } /* * public void focusGained(FocusEvent arg0) { * * } * * public void focusLost(FocusEvent arg0) { getTable().repaint(); * * } */ @Override public int getViewID() { return App.VIEW_SPREADSHEET; } @Override public boolean isShowing() { // if this is attached, we shall make sure its parents are visible too return spreadsheetWrapper.isVisible() && spreadsheetWrapper.isAttached() && table != null && table.getGrid().isVisible() && table.getGrid().isAttached(); } protected void onLoad() { // this may be important if the view is added/removed from the DOM // TODO: is this needed with stand alone spreadsheetView? // super.onLoad(); repaintView(); } /** * This method is called from timers. Only call this method if you really * know what you're doing. Otherwise just call repaint(). */ public void doRepaint() { table.repaint(); } private int waitForRepaint = TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG; /** * timer system suggests a repaint */ @Override public boolean suggestRepaint() { if (waitForRepaint == TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG) { return false; } if (waitForRepaint == TimerSystemW.REPAINT_FLAG) { if (isShowing()) { doRepaint(); waitForRepaint = TimerSystemW.SLEEPING_FLAG; } return true; } waitForRepaint--; return true; } /** * This method is used from add and remove, to ensure it is executed after * the loop is executed - so in theory, if there is a loop with add methods, * all the add methods come first, and repaint is called only afterwards */ public void scheduleRepaint() { if (!repaintScheduled) { repaintScheduled = true; Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(scheduleRepaintCommand); } } Scheduler.ScheduledCommand scheduleRepaintCommand = new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { repaintScheduled = false; repaintView(); } }; public Widget getFocusPanel() { return spreadsheetWrapper.asWidget(); } // public ScrollPanel getScrollPanel() { // return this; // } @Override public void startBatchUpdate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void endBatchUpdate() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void onResize(int width, int height) { // Log.debug("spreadsheet wrapper size: " + width + " , " + height); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return; } getFocusPanel().setWidth(width + "px"); getFocusPanel().setHeight(height + "px"); if (table != null) { table.setSize(width, height); table.repaintAll(); if(app.has(Feature.ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD_AT_EDIT_SV_CELLS)){ table.syncTableTop(); } } } public int getHorizontalScrollPosition() { return table.getHorizontalScrollPosition(); } public int getVerticalScrollPosition() { return table.getVerticalScrollPosition(); } @Override public final void setLabels() { if (this.styleBar != null) { styleBar.setLabels(); } } public void setPixelRatio(double ratio) { if (this.table != null) { table.setPixelRatio(ratio); } } @Override public void getPrintable(FlowPanel pPanel, Button btPrint) { // pPanel.add(table.); } public boolean isKeyboardEnabled() { return keyboardEnabled; } @Override public void setKeyboardEnabled(boolean b) { keyboardEnabled = b; } }