package org.geogebra.common.main; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Path; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Region; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GProperty; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoCurveCartesian; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunctionNVar; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoInputBox; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumberValue; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolyLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolygon; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.implicit.GeoImplicit; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoCoordSys; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoDirectionND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoImplicitSurfaceND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoLineND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPlaneND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPolyhedronInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoQuadric3DLimitedInterface; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoQuadricND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoSegmentND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoVectorND; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.EventType; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.GeoClass; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * Keeps lists of selected geos (global, per type) * */ public class SelectionManager { /** list of selected geos */ protected final ArrayList<GeoElement> selectedGeos = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); private final Kernel kernel; private final UpdateSelection listener; private ArrayList<GeoElementSelectionListener> selectionListeners; private final ArrayList<GeoPointND> selectedPoints = new ArrayList<GeoPointND>(); private final ArrayList<GeoNumeric> selectedNumbers = new ArrayList<GeoNumeric>(); private final ArrayList<GeoNumberValue> selectedNumberValues = new ArrayList<GeoNumberValue>(); private final ArrayList<GeoLineND> selectedLines = new ArrayList<GeoLineND>(); private final ArrayList<GeoDirectionND> selectedDirections = new ArrayList<GeoDirectionND>(); private final ArrayList<GeoSegmentND> selectedSegments = new ArrayList<GeoSegmentND>(); private final ArrayList<Region> selectedRegions = new ArrayList<Region>(); private final ArrayList<Path> selectedPaths = new ArrayList<Path>(); private final ArrayList<GeoConicND> selectedConicsND = new ArrayList<GeoConicND>(); private final ArrayList<GeoImplicit> selectedImplicitpoly = new ArrayList<GeoImplicit>(); private final ArrayList<GeoImplicitSurfaceND> selectedImplicitSurface = new ArrayList<GeoImplicitSurfaceND>(); private final ArrayList<GeoFunction> selectedFunctions = new ArrayList<GeoFunction>(); private final ArrayList<GeoFunctionNVar> selectedFunctionsNVar = new ArrayList<GeoFunctionNVar>(); private final ArrayList<GeoCurveCartesian> selectedCurves = new ArrayList<GeoCurveCartesian>(); private final ArrayList<GeoVectorND> selectedVectors = new ArrayList<GeoVectorND>(); private final ArrayList<GeoPolygon> selectedPolygons = new ArrayList<GeoPolygon>(); private final ArrayList<GeoPolyLine> selectedPolyLines = new ArrayList<GeoPolyLine>(); private final ArrayList<GeoElement> selectedGeosEuclidian = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); private final ArrayList<GeoList> selectedLists = new ArrayList<GeoList>(); private final ArrayList<GeoCoordSys> selectedCS2D = new ArrayList<GeoCoordSys>(); private final ArrayList<GeoQuadricND> selectedQuadric = new ArrayList<GeoQuadricND>(); private final ArrayList<GeoQuadric3DLimitedInterface> selectedQuadricLimited = new ArrayList<GeoQuadric3DLimitedInterface>(); private final ArrayList<GeoPolyhedronInterface> selectedPolyhedron = new ArrayList<GeoPolyhedronInterface>(); private ArrayList<GeoPlaneND> selectedPlane = new ArrayList<GeoPlaneND>(); private boolean geoToggled = false; private ArrayList<GeoElement> tempMoveGeoList; /** * @param kernel * kernel * @param listener * listener to be notified on selection updates */ public SelectionManager(Kernel kernel, UpdateSelection listener) { this.kernel = kernel; this.listener = listener; selectionListeners = new ArrayList<GeoElementSelectionListener>(); } /** * Clears selection and selects given geos. * * @param geos * geos */ final public void setSelectedGeos(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos) { setSelectedGeos(geos, true); } /** * Clears selection and selects given geos. * * @param geos * geos * @param updateSelection * says if selection has to be updated */ final public void setSelectedGeos(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos, boolean updateSelection) { // special case -- happens when we set the same selection on mouse down // and mouse up; we don't want too many events if (geos != null && geos.size() == 1 && selectedGeos.size() == 1 && geos.get(0) == selectedGeos.get(0)) { return; } clearSelectedGeos(false); if (geos != null) { for (int i = 0; i < geos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = geos.get(i); addSelectedGeo(geo, false, false); } } kernel.notifyRepaint(); if (updateSelection) { updateSelection(); } } /** * Clears selection and repaints all views */ final public void clearSelectedGeos() { clearSelectedGeos(true); } /** * Clear selection * * @param repaint * whether all views need repainting afterwards */ public void clearSelectedGeos(boolean repaint) { clearSelectedGeos(repaint, repaint); } /** * Clear selection * * @param repaint * whether all views need repainting afterwards * @param updateSelection * call (or not) updateSelection() */ public void clearSelectedGeos(boolean repaint, boolean updateSelection) { int size = selectedGeos.size(); if (size > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { GeoElement geo = selectedGeos.get(i); boolean oldSelected = geo.isSelected(); geo.setSelected(false); if (geo.getKernel().getApplication() .has(Feature.DYNAMIC_STYLEBAR) && oldSelected) { notifyListeners(geo); } } selectedGeos.clear(); if (repaint) { kernel.notifyRepaint(); } if (updateSelection) { updateSelection(); } kernel.getApplication().getEventDispatcher() .dispatchEvent(EventType.DESELECT, null); } } private void notifyListeners(GeoElement geo) { for (GeoElementSelectionListener sl : getSelectionListeners()) { if (sl != null) { sl.geoElementSelected(geo, false); } } } /** * Removes geo from selection * * @param geo * geo to be removed * @param repaint * whether views must be repainted after * @param updateSelection * whether update selection needs to be done after */ final public void removeSelectedGeo(GeoElement geo, boolean repaint, boolean updateSelection) { if (geo == null) { return; } kernel.getApplication().getEventDispatcher() .dispatchEvent(EventType.DESELECT, geo); if (selectedGeos.remove(geo)) { // update only if selectedGeos contained geo geo.setSelected(false); if (updateSelection) { updateSelection(); } if (repaint) { kernel.notifyRepaint(); } } } /** * @return list of selected geos */ public final ArrayList<GeoElement> getSelectedGeos() { return selectedGeos; } /** * Adds geo to selection * * @param geoND * geo to be added to selection * @param repaint * whether repaint is needed * @param updateSelection * whether selection update is needed */ public final void addSelectedGeo(GeoElementND geoND, boolean repaint, boolean updateSelection) { if ((geoND == null) || selectedGeos.contains(geoND)) { return; } GeoElement geo = geoND.toGeoElement(); dispatchSelected(geo); selectedGeos.add(geo); geo.setSelected(true); if (repaint) { kernel.notifyRepaint(); } if (updateSelection) { updateSelection(); } // notify all registered selection listeners for (GeoElementSelectionListener sl : getSelectionListeners()) { if (sl != null) { sl.geoElementSelected(geo, true); } } } private void dispatchSelected(GeoElement geo) { kernel.getApplication().getEventDispatcher() .dispatchEvent(EventType.SELECT, geo); } private void setGeoToggled(boolean flag) { geoToggled = flag; } /** * Resets the flag for selection change, see {@link #isGeoToggled()} */ public void resetGeoToggled() { setGeoToggled(false); } /** * @return the flag for selection change since last object creation (using * tool) */ public boolean isGeoToggled() { return geoToggled; } /** * Michael Borcherds 2008-03-03 * * @return -1 if nothing selected return -2 if objects from more than one * layer selected return layer number if objects from exactly one * layer are selected */ public int getSelectedLayer() { if (getSelectedGeos().size() == 0) { return -1; // return -1 if nothing selected } int layer = getSelectedGeos().get(0).getLayer(); for (int i = 1; i < getSelectedGeos().size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = getSelectedGeos().get(i); if (geo.getLayer() != layer) { return -2; // return -2 if more than one layer selected } } return layer; } /** * Selects all geos in given layer * * @param layer * 0 - 9 for particular layer, -1 for all layers (Michael * Borcherds, 2008-03-03) */ final public void selectAll(int layer) { clearSelectedGeos(false); Iterator<GeoElement> it = kernel.getConstruction().getGeoSetLabelOrder() .iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if ((layer == -1) || (geo.getLayer() == layer)) { addSelectedGeo(geo, false, false); } } kernel.notifyRepaint(); updateSelection(); } /** * Select objects that were not selected so far and vice versa. */ final public void invertSelection() { Iterator<GeoElement> it = kernel.getConstruction().getGeoSetLabelOrder() .iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if (selectedGeos.contains(geo)) { removeSelectedGeo(geo, false, false); } else { addSelectedGeo(geo, false, false); } } kernel.notifyRepaint(); updateSelection(); } /** * Select all predecessors of all selected geos */ final public void selectAllPredecessors() { for (int i = 0; i < selectedGeos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = selectedGeos.get(i); TreeSet<GeoElement> tree = geo.getAllPredecessors(); Iterator<GeoElement> it2 = tree.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { geo =; if (geo.isLabelSet()) { addSelectedGeo(geo, false, false); } } } kernel.notifyRepaint(); updateSelection(); } /** * @return whether one or more of selected geos have predecessors */ final public boolean hasPredecessors() { for (int i = 0; i < selectedGeos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = selectedGeos.get(i); TreeSet<GeoElement> tree = geo.getAllPredecessors(); Iterator<GeoElement> it2 = tree.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { geo =; if (geo.isLabelSet()) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Selects descendants of all visible objects */ final public void selectAllDescendants() { for (int i = 0; i < selectedGeos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = selectedGeos.get(i); TreeSet<GeoElement> tree = geo.getAllChildren(); Iterator<GeoElement> it2 = tree.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { geo =; if (geo.isLabelSet()) { addSelectedGeo(geo, false, false); } } } kernel.notifyRepaint(); updateSelection(); } /** * @return whether one or more of selected geos have descendants */ final public boolean hasDescendants() { for (int i = 0; i < selectedGeos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = selectedGeos.get(i); TreeSet<GeoElement> tree = geo.getAllChildren(); Iterator<GeoElement> it2 = tree.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { geo =; if (geo.isLabelSet()) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Invert visibility of all selected objects */ final public void showHideSelection() { // GeoElements may have other GeoElements as subelements, // and this means that the subelements should be tackled first, // in order to prevent them being tackled twice, and this way // negating the negative, doing nothing and other complications for (int i = 0; i < selectedGeos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = selectedGeos.get(i); if (!geo.isGeoPolygon() && !geo.isGeoPolyhedron() && !geo.isGeoPolyLine() && geo.getGeoClassType() != GeoClass.QUADRIC_LIMITED && geo.getGeoClassType() != GeoClass.NET) { geo.setEuclidianVisible(!geo.isEuclidianVisible()); geo.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.VISIBLE); } } for (int i = 0; i < selectedGeos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = selectedGeos.get(i); if (geo.isGeoPolygon() || geo.isGeoPolyLine() || geo.getGeoClassType() == GeoClass.QUADRIC_LIMITED) { geo.setEuclidianVisible(!geo.isEuclidianVisible()); geo.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.VISIBLE); } } for (int i = 0; i < selectedGeos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = selectedGeos.get(i); if (geo.isGeoPolyhedron() || geo.getGeoClassType() == GeoClass.NET) { geo.setEuclidianVisible(!geo.isEuclidianVisible()); geo.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.VISIBLE); } } kernel.notifyRepaint(); updateSelection(); } /** * Invert visibility of labels of all selected objects */ final public void showHideSelectionLabels() { for (int i = 0; i < selectedGeos.size(); i++) { GeoElement geo = selectedGeos.get(i); geo.setLabelVisible(!geo.isLabelVisible()); geo.updateVisualStyle(GProperty.LABEL_STYLE); } kernel.notifyRepaint(); updateSelection(); } /** * @param geo * geo * @return whether given geo belongs to selection */ final public boolean containsSelectedGeo(GeoElement geo) { return selectedGeos.contains(geo); } /** * @param geos * geos * @return whether given geos belongs to selection */ final public boolean containsSelectedGeos(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos) { return selectedGeos.containsAll(geos); } /** * Removes geo from selection * * @param geo * geo to be removed */ final public void removeSelectedGeo(GeoElement geo) { removeSelectedGeo(geo, true, true); } /** * @return number of selected geos */ public final int selectedGeosSize() { return selectedGeos.size(); } /** * Selects the first geo in the construction. Previous selected geos are * unselected (used e.g. for xAxis). * * @return first geo or null */ final public GeoElement setFirstGeoSelectedForPropertiesView() { GeoElement geo = kernel.getFirstGeo(); if (geo == null) { return null; } clearSelectedGeos(false); selectedGeos.add(geo); geo.setSelected(true); kernel.notifyRepaint(); listener.updateSelection(false); return geo; } /** * Adds given geo to selection * * @param geo * geo */ public final void addSelectedGeo(GeoElementND geo) { addSelectedGeo(geo, true, true); } /** * Adds geos to selection * * @param geos * geos to be added to selection * @param repaint * whether repaint is needed */ public final void addSelectedGeos(ArrayList<GeoElement> geos, boolean repaint) { selectedGeos.addAll(geos); for (int i = 0; i < geos.size(); i++) { geos.get(i).setSelected(true); dispatchSelected(geos.get(i)); } if (repaint) { kernel.notifyRepaint(); } updateSelection(); } /** * Removes or adds given geo to selection * * @param geo * geo to be added / removed * @param repaint * whether we want to repaint afterwards */ final public void toggleSelectedGeo(GeoElement geo, boolean repaint) { if (geo == null) { return; } setGeoToggled(true); boolean contains = selectedGeos.contains(geo); if (contains) { selectedGeos.remove(geo); kernel.getApplication().getEventDispatcher() .dispatchEvent(EventType.DESELECT, geo); geo.setSelected(false); } else { selectedGeos.add(geo); dispatchSelected(geo); geo.setSelected(true); } if (repaint) { kernel.notifyRepaint(); } updateSelection(); } /** * Removes or adds given geo to selection and repaints views * * @param geo * geo to be added / removed */ final public void toggleSelectedGeo(GeoElement geo) { toggleSelectedGeo(geo, true); } /** * Select geo next to the selected one in construction order. If none is * selected before, first geo is selected. * * @param ev * view that should get focus after (if we did not selct * textfield) * @param cycle * whether to jump back to 0 from the last one * * @return whether the operation is successful (e.g. in case of no cycle) */ final public boolean selectNextGeo(EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon ev, boolean cycle) { TreeSet<GeoElement> tree = kernel.getConstruction() .getGeoSetLabelOrder(); tree = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(tree); TreeSet<GeoElement> copy = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(tree); Iterator<GeoElement> it = copy.iterator(); // remove geos that don't have isSelectionAllowed()==true // or are not visible in the view while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if (!geo.isSelectionAllowed(ev) || !geo.isEuclidianVisible() || !geo.isVisibleInView(ev.getViewID())) { tree.remove(geo); } } it = tree.iterator(); // none selected, select first geo if (selectedGeos.size() == 0) { if (it.hasNext()) { addSelectedGeo(; } return false; } GeoElement selGeo = null; if (selectedGeos.size() != 1) { if (cycle) { return false; } GeoElement actual = null; // in case of no cycle, it also means that this // was called from Web, in Graphics views, so // in this case, it's better to change selection // to remove all geos except the first one that // is also part of this view, and continue // as if it were always the case... Iterator<GeoElement> itt = tree.iterator(); while (itt.hasNext()) { actual =; if (selectedGeos.contains(actual)) {// && (selGeo == null) // // redundant selGeo = actual; break; } } if (selGeo == null) { // no selected geo in this view, // maybe better to handle this as if // there were no geo selected! // but also clear selected geos! itt = selectedGeos.iterator(); while (itt.hasNext()) { // does something more than simple clear removeSelectedGeo(, false, true); } if (it.hasNext()) { addSelectedGeo(; } return false; // old behaviour // selGeo = selectedGeos.get(0); } // remove every GeoElement from the selection // that is not "selGeo" itt = selectedGeos.iterator(); while (itt.hasNext()) { // does something more than simple clear removeSelectedGeo(, false, true); } // and put selGeo back addSelectedGeo(selGeo); // make sure it is fresh, for a bug when points // A and C are selected, it gone to B and C it = tree.iterator(); } if (selGeo == null) { // at least one selected, select next one selGeo = selectedGeos.get(0); } // maybe selGeo is there in Graphics View 2, // but it is not there in "tree", since we're // in Graphics View 1! Then we probably want // the same thing as when nothing is selected here! if (!tree.contains(selGeo)) { // but only after clearing the selection properly! Iterator<GeoElement> itt = selectedGeos.iterator(); while (itt.hasNext()) { // does something more than simple clear removeSelectedGeo(, false, true); } if (it.hasNext()) { addSelectedGeo(; } return false; } while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if (selGeo == geo) { removeSelectedGeo(selGeo); if (!it.hasNext()) { if (cycle) { it = tree.iterator(); } else { return false; } } GeoElement next =; addSelectedGeo(next); // make sure Input Boxes lose focus on <TAB> if (!(next instanceof GeoInputBox)) { ev.requestFocus(); } else { Log.debug("[TF][TAB] next: " + next); kernel.getApplication().getActiveEuclidianView() .focusAndShowTextField((GeoInputBox) next); } break; } } return true; } /** * Select last created geo * * @param ev * view that should get focus after (if we did not selct * textfield) */ final public void selectLastGeo(EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon ev) { if (selectedGeos.size() != 1) { return; } GeoElement selGeo = selectedGeos.get(0); GeoElement lastGeo = null; TreeSet<GeoElement> tree = kernel.getConstruction() .getGeoSetLabelOrder(); tree = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(tree); TreeSet<GeoElement> copy = new TreeSet<GeoElement>(tree); Iterator<GeoElement> it = copy.iterator(); // remove geos that don't have isSelectionAllowed()==true while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if (!geo.isSelectionAllowed(ev) || !geo.isEuclidianVisible() || !geo.isVisibleInView(ev.getViewID())) { tree.remove(geo); } } it = tree.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { lastGeo =; } it = tree.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo =; if (selGeo == geo) { removeSelectedGeo(selGeo); addSelectedGeo(lastGeo); // make sure Input Boxes lose focus on <SHIFT><TAB> if (!(lastGeo instanceof GeoInputBox)) { ev.requestFocus(); } else { kernel.getApplication().getActiveEuclidianView() .focusAndShowTextField((GeoInputBox) lastGeo); } break; } lastGeo = geo; } } /** * Update stylebars, menubar and properties view to match selection */ public void updateSelection() { updateSelection(true); } /** * Update stylebars, menubar and properties view to match selection * * @param updatePropertiesView * whether to update properties view */ public void updateSelection(boolean updatePropertiesView) { listener.updateSelection(updatePropertiesView); } /** * Add a selection listener * * @param sl * GeoElementSelectionListener to be added */ public void addSelectionListener(GeoElementSelectionListener sl) { selectionListeners.add(sl); } /** * Remove a selection listener * * @param sl * GeoElementSelectionListener to be removed */ public void removeSelectionListener(GeoElementSelectionListener sl) { selectionListeners.remove(sl); } /** * @return Set of all registered SelectionListeners */ public ArrayList<GeoElementSelectionListener> getSelectionListeners() { return selectionListeners; } /** * @return selected points */ public ArrayList<GeoPointND> getSelectedPointList() { return selectedPoints; } /** * @return selected numerics */ public ArrayList<GeoNumeric> getSelectedNumberList() { return selectedNumbers; } /** * @return selected numbers */ public ArrayList<GeoNumberValue> getSelectedNumberValueList() { return selectedNumberValues; } /** * @return selected lines */ public ArrayList<GeoLineND> getSelectedLineList() { return selectedLines; } /** * @return selected paths */ public ArrayList<Path> getSelectedPathList() { return selectedPaths; } /** * @return selected conics */ public ArrayList<GeoConicND> getSelectedConicNDList() { return selectedConicsND; } /** * @return selected direction geos */ public ArrayList<GeoDirectionND> getSelectedDirectionList() { return selectedDirections; } /** * @return selected segments */ public ArrayList<GeoSegmentND> getSelectedSegmentList() { return selectedSegments; } /** * @return selected regions */ public ArrayList<Region> getSelectedRegionList() { return selectedRegions; } /** * @return selected implicit curves */ public ArrayList<GeoImplicit> getSelectedImplicitpolyList() { return selectedImplicitpoly; } /** * @return selected implicit surfaces */ public ArrayList<GeoImplicitSurfaceND> getSelectedImplicitSurfaceList() { return selectedImplicitSurface; } /** * @return selected functions */ public ArrayList<GeoFunction> getSelectedFunctionList() { return selectedFunctions; } /** * @return selected nvar functions */ public ArrayList<GeoFunctionNVar> getSelectedFunctionNVarList() { return selectedFunctionsNVar; } public ArrayList<GeoCurveCartesian> getSelectedCurveList() { return selectedCurves; } public ArrayList<GeoVectorND> getSelectedVectorList() { return selectedVectors; } public ArrayList<GeoPolygon> getSelectedPolygonList() { return selectedPolygons; } public ArrayList<GeoPolyLine> getSelectedPolyLineList() { return selectedPolyLines; } public ArrayList<GeoElement> getSelectedGeoList() { return selectedGeosEuclidian; } public ArrayList<GeoList> getSelectedListList() { return selectedLists; } public ArrayList<GeoElement> getTempMoveGeoList() { if (tempMoveGeoList == null) { tempMoveGeoList = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); } return tempMoveGeoList; } public <T> int addToSelectionList(ArrayList<T> selectionList, T geo, int max) { if (geo == null) { return 0; } int ret = 0; if (selectionList.contains(geo)) { // remove from selection selectionList.remove(geo); if (!selectionList.equals(getSelectedGeoList())) { getSelectedGeoList().remove(geo); } removeSelectedGeo((GeoElement) geo, true, true); ret = -1; } else { // new element: add to selection if (selectionList.size() < max) { selectionList.add(geo); if (!selectionList.equals(getSelectedGeoList())) { getSelectedGeoList().add((GeoElement) geo); } addSelectedGeo((GeoElement) geo, true, true); ret = 1; } } if (ret != 0) { setGeoToggled(true); } return ret; } public ArrayList<GeoCoordSys> getSelectedCS2DList() { return selectedCS2D; } public ArrayList<GeoPlaneND> getSelectedPlaneList() { return selectedPlane; } public ArrayList<GeoQuadricND> getSelectedQuadricList() { return selectedQuadric; } public ArrayList<GeoQuadric3DLimitedInterface> getSelectedQuadricLimitedList() { return selectedQuadricLimited; } public ArrayList<GeoPolyhedronInterface> getSelectedPolyhedronList() { return selectedPolyhedron; } public final void clearSelection(ArrayList<?> selectionList, boolean doUpdateSelection) { // unselect selectionList.clear(); getSelectedGeoList().clear(); if (doUpdateSelection) { clearSelectedGeos(); } } public void clearLists() { clearSelection(getSelectedNumberList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedNumberValueList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedPointList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedLineList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedSegmentList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedConicNDList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedVectorList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedPolygonList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedGeoList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedFunctionList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedCurveList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedListList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedPathList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedRegionList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedCS2DList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedPlaneList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedPolyhedronList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedQuadricList(), false); clearSelection(getSelectedQuadricLimitedList(), false); } /** selected geos names just before undo/redo */ private ArrayList<String> selectedGeosNames = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * store selected geos names */ public void storeSelectedGeosNames() { selectedGeosNames.clear(); for (GeoElement geo : getSelectedGeos()) { selectedGeosNames.add(geo.getLabelSimple()); } } /** * set geos selected from their names */ public void recallSelectedGeosNames(Kernel kernel) { ArrayList<GeoElement> list = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); for (String name : selectedGeosNames) { GeoElement geo = kernel.lookupLabel(name); if (geo != null) { list.add(geo); } } setSelectedGeos(list); } }