package org.geogebra.desktop.plugin; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.move.ggtapi.models.json.JSONArray; import org.geogebra.common.move.ggtapi.models.json.JSONObject; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.SensorLogger; import org.geogebra.common.util.Charsets; import org.geogebra.common.util.debug.Log; /** * @author michael * * class to listen to UDP packets and then eg update slider with the * values * */ public class UDPLoggerD extends SensorLogger { @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") Thread thread; @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") DatagramSocket dsocket; private long now; /** * @param kernel * kernel */ public UDPLoggerD(Kernel kernel) { super(kernel); } @Override public void closeSocket() { if (dsocket != null) { dsocket.close(); // stops thread dsocket = null; } } private static float getFloat(byte[] buffer1, int i) { byte[] bytes = { buffer1[i], buffer1[i + 1], buffer1[i + 2], buffer1[i + 3] }; return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getFloat(); } public void handleJSON(byte[] buffer, int length, String address, boolean quicker) { // TODO: convert to-from string by a specific encoding, e.g. UTF-8 try { JSONArray ja = new JSONArray( new String(buffer, 0, length, Charsets.UTF_8)); JSONObject jo; String key; if ("EDAQ".equals(ja.getString(0))) { // EDAQ 530 // "EDAQ;{sensor1},{doublebits8};{sensor},{doublebits};{sensor},{doublebits}"... // we could even spare the ; and , but still left boolean atleast = true; for (int bp = 1; bp < ja .length(); bp++, atleast = (bp + 1 < ja.length())) { jo = ja.getJSONObject(bp); key = jo.keys().next(); double timestamp = 0; switch (Integer.parseInt(key)) { case 0: log(Types.EDAQ0, timestamp, jo.getDouble(key), false, !quicker, atleast); break; case 1: log(Types.EDAQ1, timestamp, jo.getDouble(key), false, !quicker, atleast); break; case 2: log(Types.EDAQ2, timestamp, jo.getDouble(key), false, !quicker, atleast); break; default: Log.error("unknown EDAQ port!"); } } // flush repainting of logs! kernel.notifyRepaint(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("problem with EDAQ port: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void handle(byte[] buffer, int length, String address, boolean quicker) { // Log.debug("undoActive is: " + kernel.isUndoActive()); byte c0 = buffer[0]; byte c1 = buffer[1]; byte c2 = buffer[2]; byte c3 = buffer[3]; if (c0 == 'F' && c1 == 'S' && c2 == 0x01) { double timestamp = 0; // Log.debug("data is from 'Sensor Streamer' (c) 2013 FNI Co LTD"); log(Types.ACCELEROMETER_X, timestamp, getFloat(buffer, 4)); log(Types.ACCELEROMETER_Y, timestamp, getFloat(buffer, 8)); log(Types.ACCELEROMETER_Z, timestamp, getFloat(buffer, 12)); log(Types.ORIENTATION_X, timestamp, getFloat(buffer, 16)); log(Types.ORIENTATION_Y, timestamp, getFloat(buffer, 20)); log(Types.ORIENTATION_Z, timestamp, getFloat(buffer, 24)); log(Types.MAGNETIC_FIELD_X, timestamp, getFloat(buffer, 28)); log(Types.MAGNETIC_FIELD_Y, timestamp, getFloat(buffer, 36)); log(Types.MAGNETIC_FIELD_Z, timestamp, getFloat(buffer, 44)); } else if (c0 == 'E' && c1 == 'D' && c2 == 'A' && c3 == 'Q') { // EDAQ 530 // "EDAQ;{sensor1},{doublebits8};{sensor},{doublebits};{sensor},{doublebits}"... // we could even spare the ; and , but still left boolean atleast = true; for (int bp = 5; bp < length; bp += 11, atleast = (bp + 11 < length)) { // "{sensor1},{doublebits8};" // ,,23456789 if (buffer[bp - 1] != ';') { Log.error("error in UDP transmission"); } long gotit = 0; for (int place = bp + 2, shift = 56; place < bp + 10; place++, shift -= 8) { gotit |= ((buffer[place] & 0xFFL) << shift); } if (buffer[bp + 1] != ',') { Log.error("error in UDP transmission"); } double timestamp = 0; switch (buffer[bp]) { case 0: log(Types.EDAQ0, timestamp, Double.longBitsToDouble(gotit), false, !quicker, atleast); break; case 1: log(Types.EDAQ1, timestamp, Double.longBitsToDouble(gotit), false, !quicker, atleast); break; case 2: log(Types.EDAQ2, timestamp, Double.longBitsToDouble(gotit), false, !quicker, atleast); break; default: Log.error("unknown EDAQ port!"); } } // flush repainting of logs! kernel.notifyRepaint(); } else { // Log.debug("Assume data is from Android/SensorUDP"); String msg; try { msg = new String(buffer, 0, length, Charsets.UTF_8); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return; } Log.debug(msg); String[] split = msg.split(", "); double timestamp = Math.abs(now - Double.parseDouble(split[2])); switch (buffer[0]) { case 'A': // Log.debug("received" + msg); log(Types.ACCELEROMETER_X, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[3].replace(",", "."))); log(Types.ACCELEROMETER_Y, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[4].replace(",", "."))); log(Types.ACCELEROMETER_Z, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[5].replace(",", "."))); break; case 'M': log(Types.MAGNETIC_FIELD_X, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[3].replace(",", "."))); log(Types.MAGNETIC_FIELD_Y, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[4].replace(",", "."))); log(Types.MAGNETIC_FIELD_Z, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[5].replace(",", "."))); break; case 'O': log(Types.ORIENTATION_X, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[3].replace(",", "."))); log(Types.ORIENTATION_Y, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[4].replace(",", "."))); log(Types.ORIENTATION_Z, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[5].replace(",", "."))); break; default: // Log.debug("unknown data type: " + buffer[0]); // Log.debug(msg); break; } // timestamp and data-count logged always log(Types.TIMESTAMP, timestamp, timestamp); log(Types.DATA_COUNT, timestamp, Double.parseDouble(split[1])); // for (int i = 1; i < split.length; i++) { // Log.debug(split[i]); // } // Convert the contents to a string, and display // them Log.debug(address + ": " + msg); } } @Override public boolean startLogging() { now = System.currentTimeMillis(); initStartLogging(); // Create a socket to listen on the port. try { if (dsocket != null) { dsocket.close(); } dsocket = new DatagramSocket(getUDPPort()); // Don't block more than 3 sec... // useful in case the datagram flow stops, // or is not yet started at all dsocket.setSoTimeout(3000); } catch (SocketException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } // Create a buffer to read datagrams into. If a // packet is larger than this buffer, the // excess will simply be discarded! // final byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; // EDAQx's internal frequency can be 1000 Hz, and this can send // 1000 * 3 * 11 bytes in one second // however, it's actually sending the data with pauses of 50ms or more, // with not more than 200 * 11 bytes at once, and this gives: // a maximum of (1000/50) * (200 * 11) bytes in one second // that is, 20 * 200 * 11, or 1000 * 4 * 11... however, the 50ms // is more than that because of computation times, so the // 1000 * 4 * 11 can be less, and in this case, maybe the software // is not able to transmit the 1000 * 3 * 11 in this rate... // Possible solution: increase the bytes it can send at once, // to its double! Now we can do it, a piece of data needs only // 11 bytes, not 33 bytes... however, we should not change the 50ms... // so trying 1000 bytes of original buffer instead of 400 in //, // and this gives 500 * 11 bytes at once! Plus the EDAQ string. // this happens e.g. if the 50ms of waiting time is interrupted // by many ms of computer processing time. // ?? // buffer size is computed in in EDAQx branch // this is the maximal possible value (maybe more), but it can be much // smaller if the sample rate is less than 1000Hz and there are less // sensors // used than 3... and it can be also larger if time data will be sent... // so in the future, it would be good to get the sample rate frequency // data and compute the buffer size dynamically here (especially for // old machines) final byte[] buffer = new byte[15551]; // of course, this will only be used when needed, and anyway, 6 KB // is not much in the age of kilobytes and megabytes... // Create a packet to receive data into the buffer final DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); // Now loop forever, waiting to receive packets and printing them. // if this changes, another thread has started -> terminate this one final DatagramSocket socketCopy = dsocket; // Maybe important!!! We should neglect all information from the sensors // coming from the past! Because it may happen that the sensors were // switched on much earlier than we switched on receiving their data, // and in this case, so much lag can be introduced which cannot be // conquered in a reasonable time. So, we should storno the socket // somehow, discard all datagram packets already sent... but how? // This doesn't work: /* * try { dsocket.receive(packet); while (packet.getLength() > 0) { if * (socketCopy != dsocket) { dsocket.close(); break; } try { * dsocket.receive(packet); } catch (Exception ex) { dsocket.close(); * break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { dsocket.close(); } * * if (dsocket.isClosed()) { // do not even start the Thread return * false; } */ thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { Log.debug("thread starting"); while (socketCopy == dsocket) { // Wait to receive a datagram try { Log.debug("waiting"); dsocket.receive(packet); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { closeSocket(e); // stoplogging also drops exception here, so no need // error message if // stoplogging called kernel.getApplication() .showError(kernel.getApplication() .getLocalization() .getMenu("LoggingError")); } catch (IOException e) { closeSocket(e); } if (socketCopy == dsocket) { synchronized (kernel.getConcurrentModificationLock()) { // final byte[] bufferCopy = buffer.clone(); final int length = packet.getLength(); // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { // public void run() { try { if ("[".getBytes( Charsets.UTF_8)[0] == buffer[0]) { handleJSON(buffer, length, packet.getAddress().getHostAddress() + " " + packet.getAddress() .getHostName(), false); } else { handle(buffer, length, packet.getAddress().getHostAddress() + " " + packet.getAddress() .getHostName(), false); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // do nothing } // } // }); // Reset the length of the packet before reusing // it. packet.setLength(buffer.length); } } } if (dsocket != null) { dsocket.close(); } Log.debug("thread ending"); } }; thread.start(); return true; } protected void closeSocket(IOException e) { if (dsocket != null) { dsocket.close(); } dsocket = null; Log.debug("logging failed"); e.printStackTrace(); } }