package org.geogebra.common.util.debug; /** * @author gabor * * Uses console.profile where possible. Abstract implementation, because * of Common usages. * */ public abstract class GeoGebraProfiler { private static volatile GeoGebraProfiler instance = null; private static volatile int repaints, repaintTime, drags, dragTime; private static volatile int moveEventsIgnored; private static volatile int algebra, event, hits, cascades; private static volatile long algebraTime, eventTime, hitTime, cascadeTime; private static Object lock = new Object(); /** */ public abstract void profile(); /** * see: * * #consoleprofileend */ public abstract void profileEnd(); /** * @param label * * see: * * console-api#consoletimelabel */ public abstract void time(String label); /** * @param label * * see: * * console-api#consoletimeend */ public abstract void timeEnd(String label); /** * see * * consoletrace */ public abstract void trace(); /** * @return GeoGebraProfiler(Web/Desktop) instance */ public static GeoGebraProfiler getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new SilentProfiler(); Log.warn("trying to profile without profiler"); } return instance; } /** * @param inst * GeoGebraProfiler inst from Web or Desktop */ public static void init(GeoGebraProfiler inst) { synchronized (lock) { instance = inst; } } public static void addRepaint(long time) { synchronized (lock) { repaints++; repaintTime += time; if (repaints % 100 == 0) { Log.debug("Profile Repaint: " + repaints + " x " + (repaintTime / repaints) + " = " + repaintTime); int realDrags = drags - moveEventsIgnored; if (realDrags > 0) { Log.debug("Profile Drag: " + realDrags + " x " + (dragTime / realDrags) + " = " + dragTime + "," + moveEventsIgnored + " ignored"); } if (hits > 0) { Log.debug("Profile Hits: " + hits + " x " + (hitTime / hits) + " = " + hitTime); } if (cascades > 0) { Log.debug("Profile Cascades: " + cascades + " x " + (cascadeTime / cascades) + " = " + cascadeTime); } if (algebra > 0) { Log.debug("Profile Algebra: " + algebra + " x " + (algebraTime / algebra) + " = " + algebraTime); } if (event > 0) { Log.debug("Profile EventDispatcher: " + event + " x " + (eventTime / event) + " = " + eventTime); } } } } public static void addHit(long l) { synchronized (lock) { hitTime += l; hits++; } } public static void addUpdateCascade(long l) { synchronized (lock) { cascades++; cascadeTime += l; } } public static void addAlgebra(long l) { synchronized (lock) { algebra++; algebraTime += l; } } public static void addEvent(long l) { synchronized (lock) { event++; eventTime += l; } } public static void incrementMoveEventsIgnored() { synchronized (lock) { moveEventsIgnored++; } } public static void decrementMoveEventsIgnored() { synchronized (lock) { moveEventsIgnored--; } } public static void incrementDragTime(int t) { synchronized (lock) { dragTime += t; } } public static void incrementDrags() { synchronized (lock) { drags++; } } }