package; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.advanced.AlgoUnique; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoBarChart; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoBoxPlot; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDependentList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoDependentListExpression; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoFunctionAreaSums; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoListElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoListMax; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoListMin; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoPolyLine; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoText; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.ConstructionElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.FunctionVariable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.MyDouble; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoFunctionable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoText; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoElementND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoClasses; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoDotPlot; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitExp; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitGrowth; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitLog; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitLogistic; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitPoly; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitPow; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFitSin; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoFrequencyTable; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoHistogram; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoMean; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoNormalQuantilePlot; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoResidualPlot; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoStandardDeviation; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.statistics.AlgoStemPlot; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; import org.geogebra.common.plugin.Operation; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; /** * * Creates geos for use in plot panels and provides updates to plot panel * settings based on these geos. * */ public class StatGeo { private static final double DEFAULT_BUFFER = 0.01; private Kernel kernel; private Construction cons; private double xMinData, xMaxData, yMinData, yMaxData; private boolean histogramRight; private boolean removeFromConstruction = true; private ICreateColor listener; /************************************************* * Constructs a GeoPlot instance */ public StatGeo(App app, ICreateColor listener) { kernel = app.getKernel(); cons = kernel.getConstruction(); this.listener = listener; } // ================================================= // Plots and Updates // ================================================= // Note: // All GeoElements are constructed without labels. If the // removeFromConstruction flag is set to true, all AlgoElements are removed // from the construction list. // // Whenever a GeoElement is not labeled and serves as input for some // AlgoElement, then it may be removed when that AlgoElement is removed (see // AlgoElement.remove()). For this reason all AlgoElements that use // the dataList as input call algo.setProtectedInput(true) to prevent // the problem of all GeoElements depending on the dataList from being // removed when just one such geo is removed. private void getDataBounds(GeoList dataList) { getDataBounds(dataList, false, false); } private void getDataBoundsForPointList(GeoList dataList) { getDataBounds(dataList, true, false); } private void getDataBounds(GeoList dataList, boolean isPointList, boolean isMatrix) { if (dataList == null) { return; } // construction elements created by this method should always be // removed from the construction boolean currentRemoveFromConstructionStatus = removeFromConstruction; removeFromConstruction = true; // String label = dataList.getLabel(); double[] dataBounds = new double[4]; if (isMatrix) { // create index for iterating through the lists in the matrix GeoNumeric index = new GeoNumeric(cons, 1); // create algo for extracting a list from the matrix that depends on // index AlgoListElement le = new AlgoListElement(cons, dataList, index); removeFromConstructionList(le); // create list from this algo GeoList list = (GeoList) le.getOutput(0); // create algos to find the max and min values of the list AlgoListMax maxAlgo = new AlgoListMax(cons, list); AlgoListMin minAlgo = new AlgoListMin(cons, list); removeFromConstructionList(minAlgo); removeFromConstructionList(maxAlgo); // create max/min geos from the max/min algos GeoNumeric maxGeo = (GeoNumeric) maxAlgo.getOutput(0); GeoNumeric minGeo = (GeoNumeric) minAlgo.getOutput(0); // initialize the data bounds with max/min from the first list dataBounds[0] = ((GeoNumeric) minAlgo.getOutput(0)).getDouble(); dataBounds[1] = ((GeoNumeric) maxAlgo.getOutput(0)).getDouble(); // iterate through the remaining lists to find the max/min for the // matrix double min, max; for (int i = 1; i < dataList.size(); i++) { index.setValue(i + 1); // use i+1 because Element[] uses 1-based // counting index.updateCascade(); min = minGeo.getDouble(); max = maxGeo.getDouble(); dataBounds[0] = Math.min(dataBounds[0], min); dataBounds[1] = Math.max(dataBounds[1], max); } } else if (isPointList) { ExpressionNode enX = new ExpressionNode(kernel, dataList, Operation.XCOORD, null); ExpressionNode enY = new ExpressionNode(kernel, dataList, Operation.YCOORD, null); AlgoDependentListExpression listX = new AlgoDependentListExpression( cons, enX); AlgoDependentListExpression listY = new AlgoDependentListExpression( cons, enY); AlgoListMax maxX = new AlgoListMax(cons, (GeoList) listX.getOutput(0)); AlgoListMax maxY = new AlgoListMax(cons, (GeoList) listY.getOutput(0)); AlgoListMin minX = new AlgoListMin(cons, (GeoList) listX.getOutput(0)); AlgoListMin minY = new AlgoListMin(cons, (GeoList) listY.getOutput(0)); listX.getOutput()[0].setSelectionAllowed(false); listY.getOutput()[0].setSelectionAllowed(false); removeFromConstructionList(listX); removeFromConstructionList(listY); removeFromConstructionList(maxX); removeFromConstructionList(maxY); removeFromConstructionList(minX); removeFromConstructionList(minY); dataBounds[0] = ((GeoNumeric) minX.getOutput(0)).getDouble(); dataBounds[1] = ((GeoNumeric) maxX.getOutput(0)).getDouble(); dataBounds[2] = ((GeoNumeric) minY.getOutput(0)).getDouble(); dataBounds[3] = ((GeoNumeric) maxY.getOutput(0)).getDouble(); } else { AlgoListMax max = new AlgoListMax(cons, dataList); AlgoListMin min = new AlgoListMin(cons, dataList); removeFromConstructionList(min); removeFromConstructionList(max); dataBounds[0] = ((GeoNumeric) min.getOutput(0)).getDouble(); dataBounds[1] = ((GeoNumeric) max.getOutput(0)).getDouble(); } xMinData = dataBounds[0]; xMaxData = dataBounds[1]; yMinData = dataBounds[2]; yMaxData = dataBounds[3]; // restore the removeFromConstruction flag removeFromConstruction = currentRemoveFromConstructionStatus; } public GeoElementND createHistogram(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings, boolean isFrequencyPolygon) throws Exception { AlgoElement al = null, algoHistogram = null; histogramRight = !settings.isLeftRule(); GeoElementND geo; // determine min/max X values if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.RAWDATA) { getDataBounds(dataList); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.FREQUENCY) { getDataBounds((GeoList) dataList.get(0)); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.CLASS) { // settings.numClasses = ((GeoList) dataList.get(0)).size(); } // determine class borders if (settings.isUseManualClasses() || settings.groupType() == GroupType.CLASS) { // generate class borders using given start and width al = new AlgoClasses(cons, dataList, new GeoNumeric(cons, settings.getClassStart()), new GeoNumeric(cons, settings.getClassWidth()), null); } else { // generate class borders from data using given number of classes settings.setClassWidth( (xMaxData - xMinData) / (settings.getNumClasses())); if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.RAWDATA) { al = new AlgoClasses(cons, dataList, null, null, new GeoNumeric(cons, settings.getNumClasses())); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.FREQUENCY) { al = new AlgoClasses(cons, (GeoList) dataList.get(0), null, null, new GeoNumeric(cons, settings.getNumClasses())); } } removeFromConstructionList(al); // set the density double density = -1; if (settings.getFrequencyType() == StatPanelSettings.TYPE_RELATIVE) { density = 1.0 * settings.getClassWidth() / dataList.size(); } else if (settings .getFrequencyType() == StatPanelSettings.TYPE_NORMALIZED) { density = 1.0 / dataList.size(); } // ================== // create a histogram and (possibly) a frequency polygon if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.RAWDATA) { // histogram constructed from data values algoHistogram = new AlgoHistogram(cons, new GeoBoolean(cons, settings.isCumulative()), (GeoList) al.getOutput(0), dataList, null, new GeoBoolean(cons, true), new GeoNumeric(cons, density), histogramRight); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.FREQUENCY) { // histogram constructed from frequencies algoHistogram = new AlgoHistogram(cons, new GeoBoolean(cons, settings.isCumulative()), (GeoList) al.getOutput(0), (GeoList) dataList.get(0), (GeoList) dataList.get(1), new GeoBoolean(cons, true), new GeoNumeric(cons, density), histogramRight); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.CLASS) { // histogram constructed from classes and frequencies algoHistogram = new AlgoHistogram(cons, (GeoList) dataList.get(0), (GeoList) dataList.get(1), histogramRight); } else { throw new Exception( "unexpected groupType: " + settings.groupType()); } if (isFrequencyPolygon) { AlgoPolyLine al3 = createFrequencyPolygon( (AlgoHistogram) algoHistogram, settings.isCumulative()); geo = al3.getOutput(0); geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.OVERLAY_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setLineThickness(DataAnalysisModel.thicknessCurve); removeFromConstructionList(algoHistogram); removeFromConstructionList(al3); } else { geo = algoHistogram.getOutput(0); geo.setObjColor(listener .createColor(DataAnalysisModel.HISTOGRAM_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); geo.setLineThickness(DataAnalysisModel.thicknessBarChart); removeFromConstructionList(algoHistogram); } algoHistogram.getOutput(0).setEuclidianVisible(false); algoHistogram.setProtectedInput(true); return geo; } /** * Creates a FrequencyPolygon algo using AlgoPolyLine instead of * AlgoFrequencyPolygon This is needed until FrequencyPolygonRight is * implemented * * @param histogram * @param doCumulative * @return */ private AlgoPolyLine createFrequencyPolygon(AlgoHistogram histogram, boolean doCumulative) { double[] leftBorder = histogram.getLeftBorder(); double yValue[] = histogram.getValues(); int size = doCumulative ? yValue.length : yValue.length + 1; GeoPointND[] points = new GeoPoint[size]; boolean suppressLabelCreation = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); if (doCumulative) { points[0] = new GeoPoint(cons, null, leftBorder[0], 0.0, 1.0); for (int i = 0; i < yValue.length - 1; i++) { points[i + 1] = new GeoPoint(cons, null, leftBorder[i + 1], yValue[i], 1.0); } } else { double midpoint = leftBorder[0] - 0.5 * (leftBorder[1] - leftBorder[0]); points[0] = new GeoPoint(cons, null, midpoint, 0.0, 1.0); for (int i = 0; i < yValue.length - 1; i++) { midpoint = 0.5 * (leftBorder[i + 1] + leftBorder[i]); points[i + 1] = new GeoPoint(cons, null, midpoint, yValue[i], 1.0); } midpoint = 1.5 * leftBorder[yValue.length - 1] - .5 * (leftBorder[yValue.length - 2]); points[yValue.length] = new GeoPoint(cons, null, midpoint, 0.0, 1.0); } cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(suppressLabelCreation); AlgoPolyLine polyLine = new AlgoPolyLine(cons, points); return polyLine; } public GeoElement createNormalCurveOverlay(GeoList dataList) { GeoElement geo; AlgoMean mean = new AlgoMean(cons, dataList); AlgoStandardDeviation sd = new AlgoStandardDeviation(cons, dataList); removeFromConstructionList(mean); removeFromConstructionList(sd); GeoElementND meanGeo = mean.getOutput(0); GeoElementND sdGeo = sd.getOutput(0); FunctionVariable x = new FunctionVariable(kernel); ExpressionNode normal = new ExpressionNode(kernel, x, Operation.MINUS, meanGeo); normal = new ExpressionNode(kernel, normal, Operation.DIVIDE, sdGeo); normal = new ExpressionNode(kernel, normal, Operation.POWER, new MyDouble(kernel, 2.0)); normal = new ExpressionNode(kernel, normal, Operation.DIVIDE, new MyDouble(kernel, -2.0)); normal = new ExpressionNode(kernel, normal, Operation.EXP, null); normal = new ExpressionNode(kernel, normal, Operation.DIVIDE, new MyDouble(kernel, Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI))); normal = new ExpressionNode(kernel, normal, Operation.DIVIDE, sdGeo); geo = normal.buildFunction(x); geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.OVERLAY_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setLineThickness(DataAnalysisModel.thicknessCurve); return geo; } public void getHistogramSettings(GeoList dataList, GeoElementND histogram, StatPanelSettings settings) { // get the data bounds if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.RAWDATA) { getDataBounds(dataList); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.FREQUENCY) { getDataBounds((GeoList) dataList.get(0)); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.CLASS) { getDataBounds((GeoList) dataList.get(0)); } double freqMax = ((AlgoFunctionAreaSums) histogram.getParentAlgorithm()) .getFreqMax(); if (settings.isUseManualClasses()) { double[] leftBorder = ((AlgoFunctionAreaSums) histogram .getParentAlgorithm()).getLeftBorder(); xMinData = leftBorder[0]; xMaxData = leftBorder[leftBorder.length - 1]; } yMinData = 0.0; yMaxData = freqMax; setXYBounds(settings, .2, .1); settings.showYAxis = true; settings.isEdgeAxis[0] = false; settings.isEdgeAxis[1] = true; settings.isPositiveOnly[1] = true; settings.forceXAxisBuffer = true; } /** * Creates a bar chart from a list of GeoText values * * @param dataList * @param settings * @return * @throws Exception */ public GeoElementND createBarChartText(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings) throws Exception { GeoElementND geo = null; AlgoBarChart algoBarChart = null; if (settings.isAutomaticBarWidth()) { settings.setBarWidth(0.5); } if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.RAWDATA) { algoBarChart = new AlgoBarChart(cons, dataList, new GeoNumeric(cons, settings.getBarWidth())); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.FREQUENCY) { algoBarChart = new AlgoBarChart(cons, (GeoList) dataList.get(0), (GeoList) dataList.get(1), new GeoNumeric(cons, settings.getBarWidth())); } else { throw new Exception( "unexpected groupType: " + settings.groupType()); } removeFromConstructionList(algoBarChart); geo = algoBarChart.getOutput(0); geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.BARCHART_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); algoBarChart.setProtectedInput(true); return geo; } /** * Creates a bar chart from a list of GeoNumeric values * * @param dataList * @param settings * @return * @throws Exception */ public GeoElement createBarChartNumeric(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings) throws Exception { GeoElement geo = null; AlgoBarChart algoBarChart = null; if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.RAWDATA) { if (settings.isAutomaticBarWidth()) { AlgoUnique algo = new AlgoUnique(cons, dataList); cons.removeFromConstructionList(algo); settings.setBarWidth(getPreferredBarWidth(algo.getResult())); } algoBarChart = new AlgoBarChart(cons, dataList, new GeoNumeric(cons, settings.getBarWidth())); removeFromConstructionList(algoBarChart); geo = algoBarChart.getOutput(0); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.FREQUENCY) { if (settings.isAutomaticBarWidth()) { settings.setBarWidth( getPreferredBarWidth((GeoList) dataList.get(0))); } algoBarChart = new AlgoBarChart(cons, (GeoList) dataList.get(0), (GeoList) dataList.get(1), new GeoNumeric(cons, settings.getBarWidth())); removeFromConstructionList(algoBarChart); geo = algoBarChart.getOutput(0); } else { throw new Exception( "unexpected groupType: " + settings.groupType()); } geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.BARCHART_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); algoBarChart.setProtectedInput(true); return geo; } /** * @param list * @return Preferred bar width = half of the minimum width between * consecutive values in the given list. */ private static double getPreferredBarWidth(GeoList list) { double w = 1; for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) { if (list.get(i).isDefined() && list.get(i + 1).isDefined()) { w = Math.min(Math.abs(((GeoNumeric) list.get(i + 1)).getDouble() - ((GeoNumeric) list.get(i)).getDouble()), w); } } return w / 2; } public GeoElement createFrequencyTableGeo(GeoNumeric chart, PlotType plotType) throws Exception { AlgoFrequencyTable al = null; switch (plotType) { case HISTOGRAM: al = new AlgoFrequencyTable(cons, chart); break; case BARCHART: al = new AlgoFrequencyTable(cons, chart); break; default: throw new Exception("unexpected plotType: " + plotType); } removeFromConstructionList(al); return al.getOutput(0); } public void getBarChartSettings(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings, GeoElementND barChart) { double[] leftBorder = ((AlgoBarChart) barChart.getParentAlgorithm()) .getLeftBorder(); xMinData = leftBorder[0] - settings.getBarWidth() / 2; xMaxData = leftBorder[leftBorder.length - 1] + settings.getBarWidth(); double freqMax = ((AlgoBarChart) barChart.getParentAlgorithm()) .getFreqMax(); yMinData = 0.0; yMaxData = freqMax; setXYBounds(settings, .2, .1); if (settings.isAutomaticWindow() && !settings.isNumericData()) { settings.xAxesIntervalAuto = false; settings.xAxesInterval = 1; } settings.isEdgeAxis[0] = false; settings.isEdgeAxis[1] = true; // settings.isPositiveOnly[1] = true; settings.showYAxis = true; settings.forceXAxisBuffer = true; // settings.debug(); } public GeoElement createBoxPlot(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings) throws Exception { GeoElement geo = null; AlgoBoxPlot algoBoxPlot = null; if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.RAWDATA) { algoBoxPlot = new AlgoBoxPlot(cons, new GeoNumeric(cons, 1d), new GeoNumeric(cons, 0.5), dataList, new GeoBoolean(cons, settings.isShowOutliers())); removeFromConstructionList(algoBoxPlot); geo = algoBoxPlot.getOutput(0); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.FREQUENCY) { algoBoxPlot = new AlgoBoxPlot(cons, new GeoNumeric(cons, 1d), new GeoNumeric(cons, 0.5), (GeoList) dataList.get(0), (GeoList) dataList.get(1), new GeoBoolean(cons, settings.isShowOutliers())); removeFromConstructionList(algoBoxPlot); geo = algoBoxPlot.getOutput(0); } else { throw new Exception( "unexpected groupType: " + settings.groupType()); } geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.BOXPLOT_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); algoBoxPlot.setProtectedInput(true); return geo; } public void getBoxPlotSettings(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings) throws Exception { if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.RAWDATA) { getDataBounds(dataList); } else if (settings.groupType() == GroupType.FREQUENCY) { getDataBounds((GeoList) dataList.get(0)); } else { throw new Exception( "unexpected groupType: " + settings.groupType()); } if (settings.isAutomaticWindow()) { double buffer = .25 * (xMaxData - xMinData); settings.xMin = xMinData - buffer; settings.xMax = xMaxData + buffer; settings.yMin = -1.0; settings.yMax = 2; } settings.showYAxis = false; settings.forceXAxisBuffer = true; } public GeoElement[] createMultipleBoxPlot(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings) { int length = dataList.size(); GeoElement[] ret = new GeoElement[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { AlgoBoxPlot bp = new AlgoBoxPlot(cons, new GeoNumeric(cons, i + 1), new GeoNumeric(cons, 1d / 3d), (GeoList) dataList.get((length - 1) - i), new GeoBoolean(cons, settings.isShowOutliers())); cons.removeFromAlgorithmList(bp); ret[i] = bp.getOutput(0); ret[i].setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.BOXPLOT_COLOR_IDX)); ret[i].setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); } return ret; } public void getMultipleBoxPlotSettings(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings) { if (settings.isAutomaticWindow()) { getDataBounds(dataList, false, true); double buffer = .25 * (xMaxData - xMinData); settings.xMin = xMinData - buffer; settings.xMax = xMaxData + buffer; settings.yMin = -1.0; settings.yMax = dataList.size() + 1; } settings.showYAxis = false; settings.forceXAxisBuffer = true; } public GeoElement[] createBoxPlotTitles(DataAnalysisModel statDialog, StatPanelSettings settings) { String[] dataTitles = statDialog.getDataTitles(); int length = dataTitles.length; GeoElement[] ret = new GeoElement[length]; for (int i = 0; i < dataTitles.length; i++) { GeoPoint p = new GeoPoint(cons, settings.xMin, i + 1d, 1d); GeoText t = new GeoText(cons, " " + dataTitles[dataTitles.length - i - 1]); AlgoText text = new AlgoText(cons, t, p, null, null); cons.removeFromAlgorithmList(text); ret[i] = text.getOutput(0); ret[i].setBackgroundColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.WHITE_COLOR_IDX)); ret[i].setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.BLACK_COLOR_IDX)); } return ret; } public GeoElement createDotPlot(GeoList dataList) { // String label = dataList.getLabel(); // GeoElement geo; // String text = "DotPlot[" + label + "]"; // geo = createGeoFromString(text); AlgoDotPlot algoDotPlot = new AlgoDotPlot(cons, dataList); removeFromConstructionList(algoDotPlot); GeoElement geo = algoDotPlot.getOutput(0); geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.DOTPLOT_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); algoDotPlot.setProtectedInput(true); return geo; } public void updateDotPlot(GeoList dataList, GeoElement dotPlot, StatPanelSettings settings) { getDataBounds(dataList); if (settings.isAutomaticWindow()) { double buffer = .25 * (xMaxData - xMinData); settings.xMin = xMinData - buffer; settings.xMax = xMaxData + buffer; settings.yMin = -1.0; ExpressionNode en = new ExpressionNode(kernel, dotPlot, Operation.YCOORD, null); AlgoDependentListExpression list = new AlgoDependentListExpression( cons, en); AlgoListMax max = new AlgoListMax(cons, (GeoList) list.getOutput(0)); removeFromConstructionList(list); removeFromConstructionList(max); settings.yMax = ((GeoNumeric) max.getOutput(0)).getDouble() + 1; } settings.showYAxis = false; settings.forceXAxisBuffer = true; } public GeoElement createNormalQuantilePlot(GeoList dataList) { // String label = dataList.getLabel(); // GeoElement geo; // String text = "NormalQuantilePlot[" + label + "]"; // geo = createGeoFromString(text); AlgoNormalQuantilePlot algoNormalQPlot = new AlgoNormalQuantilePlot( cons, dataList); removeFromConstructionList(algoNormalQPlot); GeoElement geo = algoNormalQPlot.getOutput(0); geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.NQPLOT_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); geo.setLineThickness(DataAnalysisModel.thicknessCurve); algoNormalQPlot.setProtectedInput(true); return geo; } public void updateNormalQuantilePlot(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings) { getDataBounds(dataList); if (settings.isAutomaticWindow()) { double buffer = .25 * (xMaxData - xMinData); settings.xMin = xMinData - buffer; settings.xMax = xMaxData + buffer; settings.yMin = -4.0; settings.yMax = 4.0; settings.showYAxis = true; } settings.isEdgeAxis[1] = true; settings.forceXAxisBuffer = false; settings.isPositiveOnly[0] = false; settings.isPositiveOnly[1] = false; } public GeoElementND createScatterPlotLine(GeoList points) { AlgoPolyLine polyLine = new AlgoPolyLine(cons, points); removeFromConstructionList(polyLine); GeoElementND geo = polyLine.getOutput(0); // set visibility geo.setEuclidianVisible(true); geo.setAuxiliaryObject(true); geo.setLabelVisible(false); geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.DOTPLOT_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); return geo; } public GeoElement createScatterPlot(GeoList dataList) { // copy the dataList geo ArrayList<GeoElement> list = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); ++i) { list.add(dataList.get(i)); } AlgoDependentList dl = new AlgoDependentList(cons, list, false); removeFromConstructionList(dl); GeoList geo = dl.getGeoList(); // set visibility geo.setEuclidianVisible(true); geo.setAuxiliaryObject(true); geo.setLabelVisible(false); geo.setSelectionAllowed(false); geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.DOTPLOT_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); return geo; } public void getScatterPlotSettings(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings) { getDataBoundsForPointList(dataList); setXYBounds(settings); settings.showYAxis = true; settings.forceXAxisBuffer = false; settings.isEdgeAxis[0] = true; settings.isEdgeAxis[1] = true; settings.isPositiveOnly[0] = true; settings.isPositiveOnly[1] = true; } @SuppressFBWarnings({ "SF_SWITCH_FALLTHROUGH", "missing break is deliberate" }) public GeoElement createRegressionPlot(GeoList dataList, Regression reg, int order, boolean residual) { boolean regNone = false; AlgoElement algo; switch (reg) { case LOG: algo = new AlgoFitLog(cons, dataList); break; case POLY: algo = new AlgoFitPoly(cons, dataList, new GeoNumeric(cons, order)); break; case POW: algo = new AlgoFitPow(cons, dataList); break; case EXP: algo = new AlgoFitExp(cons, dataList); break; case GROWTH: algo = new AlgoFitGrowth(cons, dataList); break; case SIN: algo = new AlgoFitSin(cons, dataList); break; case LOGISTIC: algo = new AlgoFitLogistic(cons, dataList); break; case NONE: regNone = true; // fall through to linear case LINEAR: default: algo = new AlgoFitPoly(cons, dataList, new GeoNumeric(cons, 1)); break; } removeFromConstructionList(algo); GeoElement geo = algo.getOutput(0); if (residual) { AlgoResidualPlot algoRP = new AlgoResidualPlot(cons, dataList, (GeoFunctionable) geo); geo = algoRP.getOutput(0); geo.setObjColor( listener.createColor(DataAnalysisModel.DOTPLOT_COLOR_IDX)); geo.setAlphaValue(DataAnalysisModel.opacityBarChart); geo.setLineThickness(DataAnalysisModel.thicknessCurve); } else { // set geo options geo.setObjColor(listener .createColor(DataAnalysisModel.REGRESSION_COLOR_IDX)); // hide the dummy geo if (regNone) { geo.setEuclidianVisible(false); } } return geo; } public void updateRegressionPlot(GeoList dataList, StatPanelSettings settings) { if (settings.isAutomaticWindow()) { getDataBoundsForPointList(dataList); setXYBounds(settings, .25, .25); } settings.showYAxis = true; settings.forceXAxisBuffer = false; } /* * public GeoElement createResidualPlot(GeoList dataList, int regType, int * order){ * * GeoElement geo = null; * * if (regType == StatDialog.REG_NONE){ return new GeoList(cons); } * * String label = dataList.getLabel(); * * String regFcn = regCmd[regType] + "[" + label + "]"; if(regType == * StatDialog.REG_POLY) regFcn = regCmd[regType] + "[" + label + "," + order * + "]"; * * String text = "ResidualPlot[" + label + "," + regFcn + "]"; geo = * createGeoFromString(text); geo.setObjColor(StatDialog.DOTPLOT_COLOR_IDX); * geo.setAlphaValue(0.25f); * * return geo; * * } */ public void getResidualPlotSettings(GeoList dataList, GeoElement residualPlot, StatPanelSettings settings) { getDataBoundsForPointList(dataList); double[] residualBounds = ((AlgoResidualPlot) residualPlot .getParentAlgorithm()).getResidualBounds(); yMaxData = Math.max(Math.abs(residualBounds[0]), Math.abs(residualBounds[1])); yMinData = -yMaxData; setXYBounds(settings); settings.showYAxis = true; settings.forceXAxisBuffer = false; settings.isEdgeAxis[0] = false; settings.isEdgeAxis[1] = true; settings.isPositiveOnly[0] = true; settings.isPositiveOnly[1] = false; } private void setXYBounds(StatPanelSettings settings) { setXYBounds(settings, .2, .2); } /** * Sets the automatic window dimensions for the plot panel. * * @param settings * @param xBufferScale * proportion of the x range to use for a left/right buffer * @param yBufferScale * proportion of the y range to use for a top/bottom buffer */ private void setXYBounds(StatPanelSettings settings, double xBufferScale, double yBufferScale) { if (settings.isAutomaticWindow()) { double xMin = xMinData, yMin = yMinData, xMax = xMaxData, yMax = yMaxData; // TODO #4952 following settings make the scaling right for points, // but a wrong part of a curve is used // if (settings.logXAxis) { // xMin = xMin < 0 ? 0 : Math.log10(xMin); // xMax = xMax < 0 ? xMin : Math.log10(xMax); // } // if (settings.logYAxis) { // yMin = yMin < 0 ? 0 : Math.log10(yMin); // yMax = yMax < 0 ? yMin : Math.log10(yMax); // } double xBuffer = Kernel.isEqual(xMax, xMin) ? DEFAULT_BUFFER : xBufferScale * (xMax - xMin); settings.xMin = xMin - xBuffer; settings.xMax = xMax + xBuffer; double yBuffer = Kernel.isEqual(yMax, yMin) ? DEFAULT_BUFFER : yBufferScale * (yMax - yMin); settings.yMin = yMin - yBuffer; settings.yMax = yMax + yBuffer; } } public String getStemPlotLatex(GeoList dataList, int adjustment) { // String label = dataList.getLabel(); // String text = "StemPlot[" + label + "," + adjustment + "]"; // tempGeo = createGeoFromString(text); AlgoStemPlot algoStemPlot = new AlgoStemPlot(cons, dataList, new GeoNumeric(cons, adjustment)); GeoElement tempGeo = algoStemPlot.getOutput(0); removeFromConstructionList(algoStemPlot); algoStemPlot.setProtectedInput(true); String latex = tempGeo.getLaTeXdescription(); tempGeo.remove(); return latex; } public boolean removeFromConstruction() { return removeFromConstruction; } public void setRemoveFromConstruction(boolean removeFromConstruction) { this.removeFromConstruction = removeFromConstruction; } private void removeFromConstructionList(ConstructionElement ce) { // System.out.println("remove from cons:" + removeFromConstruction); if (removeFromConstruction) { cons.removeFromConstructionList(ce); } } }