package org.geogebra.common.euclidian; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.algos.AlgoCircleThreePoints; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoConic; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPolygon; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.geos.Test; import org.geogebra.common.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import org.geogebra.common.main.App; /** * Freehand processor */ public class EuclidianPenFreehand extends EuclidianPen { /** * type that is expected to be created */ public enum ShapeType { /** circle */ circleThreePoints, /** normal polygon */ polygon, /** polygon with two moveable points */ rigidPolygon, /** polygon that can be moved by first point */ vectorPolygon; } private ShapeType expected = null; /** * @param app * app * @param view * euclidian view */ public EuclidianPenFreehand(App app, EuclidianView view) { super(app, view); super.setFreehand(true); } /** * will be ignored - always freehand */ @Override public void setFreehand(boolean b) { // don't do anything } /** * @param expectedType * defines the expected shape */ public void setExpected(ShapeType expectedType) { this.expected = expectedType; resetParameters(); switch (expected) { case circleThreePoints: CIRCLE_MAX_SCORE = 0.15; CIRCLE_MIN_DET = 0.9; break; case polygon: case rigidPolygon: case vectorPolygon: RECTANGLE_LINEAR_TOLERANCE = 0.25; POLYGON_LINEAR_TOLERANCE = 0.25; RECTANGLE_ANGLE_TOLERANCE = 17 * Math.PI / 180; break; } } @Override public boolean handleMouseReleasedForPenMode(boolean right, int x, int y) { return checkExpectedShape(x, y); } /** * Creates predicted shape if possible * * @param x * x-coord of new point * @param y * y-coord of new point */ private boolean checkExpectedShape(int x, int y) { initShapeRecognition(x, y); switch (this.expected) { case polygon: case rigidPolygon: case vectorPolygon: return createPolygon(); case circleThreePoints: return createCircle(); } return false; } /** * creates a circle if possible */ private boolean createCircle() { GeoElement geoCircle; if (tryCircleThroughExistingPoints() != null) { return true; } else if ((geoCircle = getCircleThreePoints()) != null) { boolean recreate = false; ArrayList<GeoPointND> list = new ArrayList<GeoPointND>(); for (GeoPointND geo : ((GeoConic) geoCircle).getPointsOnConic()) { if (!geo.isLabelSet()) { recreate = true; geo.setLabel(null); } list.add(geo); } // the circle needs to be recreated to prevent errors in the XML if (recreate) { geoCircle.remove(); AlgoCircleThreePoints algo = new AlgoCircleThreePoints( app.getKernel().getConstruction(), null, list.get(0), list.get(1), list.get(2)); geoCircle = algo.getCircle(); geoCircle.updateRepaint(); } return true; } resetInitialPoint(); return false; } /** * tries to construct a circle through 3 existing points, null otherwise * * @return {@link GeoElement circle} */ private GeoElement tryCircleThroughExistingPoints() { GeoElement circle = null; ArrayList<GeoPoint> list = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); for (GPoint p : this.penPoints) { this.view.setHits(p, this.view.getEuclidianController().getDefaultEventType()); if (this.view.getHits().containsGeoPoint()) { GeoPoint point = (GeoPoint) this.view.getHits() .getFirstHit(Test.GEOPOINT); if (!list.contains(point)) { list.add(point); } } } if (list.size() >= 3) { circle =, list.get(0), list.get(1), list.get(2)); } return circle; } /** * creates a polygon if possible */ private boolean createPolygon() { GeoElement polygon = null; int n = getPolygonal(); if (n > 1) { // if it's not a line polygon = tryPolygon(n); } // Postprocessing if (polygon != null) { ArrayList<GeoPoint> list = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); for (GeoPointND point : ((GeoPolygon) polygon).getPoints()) { if (point instanceof GeoPoint) { list.add((GeoPoint) point); } } if (list.size() == ((GeoPolygon) polygon).getPoints().length && expected != ShapeType.polygon) { // true if all the points are GeoPoints, otherwise the // original Polygon will not be deleted polygon.remove(); if (expected == ShapeType.rigidPolygon) {, list.toArray(new GeoPoint[0])); } else {, list.toArray(new GeoPoint[0])); } return true; } return true; } resetInitialPoint(); return false; } private void resetParameters() { CIRCLE_MIN_DET = 0.95; CIRCLE_MAX_SCORE = 0.10; RECTANGLE_LINEAR_TOLERANCE = 0.20; POLYGON_LINEAR_TOLERANCE = 0.20; RECTANGLE_ANGLE_TOLERANCE = 15 * Math.PI / 180; } }